Bohemia nugget. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1899-1907, February 17, 1899, Image 1

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Dcvdted to the Mining, Timbering and Panning Interests of" this Community, to Good Government, and Hustling for a Living.
IvoXj. i
Cottage Gh?ove, Oregon, Friday; Feb. CW, 1899
NO . 8
A Telephone Communication!
Everybody Attention:
Our Annual Clearance Sale
I'rom Soldier IJoys Over the Pacific.
Will Only Continue Two Weeks
Bring Tour "Kash" and Get
argains while you can.
Griffin & Yeatcli,
For All Kinds Of
Stoves, Tinware; Ropes, Pumps, Pipes, and
Plumbing Goods; Plain and Barbed Wire;
Coal, Iron and Steel; Garden Tools; Plows,
Axes and Anmuition.
These Illustratrated
Railway Co., to any AimnKss upon
ining Supplies,
ITull Stock of "Waoroii Material.
We Meet Hugeiie Prices.
Griffiif & Vcatel Hardware GQiOPUy,
C. JL VdNDENJ) XJRG, Manager.
Collage Grove. Oregon,
low lo I'rnr.nt I'linuinnnln.
pu aro perhaps awnre that pucumo
ilwnya results (rom ui'olcl or from nu
ek of In grippe. During thccpldcm
;IIgripio a few years ngo when no
By cases resulted In pneumonia, it
observed that the attack woh never
awed by that ! incline when Chnmlor
Cough Remedy wnH- used It
Egjgitcracts any tendency of n cold or
Lgnppo to result in that dangerous Hh
It is the best remedy In tho
EmM for bad colda and I n trr-inno.
fsry bnttla warranted. For snlo bv
fHgBenaon Drug Co.. CottatroGrovo nnd
Bg&Lyons of Drain.
Itnko particular pains to keop tho
: and freshest rolled oats. Grnndinn's
ph, Gormen, morning meal, fresh
meal nnd buckwheat flour. F. B.
rnnborrios, Oranges, Lemons, Sweet
:atoes and Hulk Pickles t Gummings
uaton. ,
cheap, Call at MiIh offlpe. '
'Acllvc Solicitors Wanted Everywhere
For "Tho Story of the Philippines" by
Murnt Hu Intend, cnmniiasionod by tho
Governinout aa Ortcial Historian to tho
Wnr Dupartinent. The book wus writ
ten in army cam pa at Sun Francisco, on
tho Paeillc with Gon. Merritt, in tho
hospital at Honolulu, in Hong Kouk, in
tho American trenches nt Manila, in tho
insurgent camp with Agiiini.Klo, on tho
deck of tho Olvrnniii with Dewey, nnd
in tho roar of tho battle at tho fall of
Manila, ilonnuzn for ngmit. Brimful
of original pictures taken by govern-
ment photographers on tho snot. Largo
book ; low prices. Dig profits. Freight
paid. Credit given. Drop all trashv
unoflluinl war books. Outfit fneo. Ad
dress, F. T. Harbor, Sco'y,, Star Insur
anco HUli:., Chicago.
Totlm l'ulillo.
Wo aro authorized to guarantee every
Iwttlo of Chnmborlain's Cough Remedy
nnd if not satisfactory to refund tho
money to tho purchaser. There 1b no
bettor medicine made for la grlppo, colds
nnd whooping cough. Price ?5 nnd 50c
per bottle. Try H. For by the
Benson Dmg Co., Cottogo Grovo nnd Joo
Lyous of Drain. -
Old papers for sale aTtbis office.
An annual publication of about 100
"(:, gotten up in most attractive stvle
and beautifully illustrated jn half-tone.
The contents of pnch number are varied
and ditreient from its predacessor. The
NoitTimt.v TACiriP ban become noted fiir
this publication. Thk Finest Thing in
Railway Literature. Send six cents.
A relief map of Yellowstone Park.
Printed on lirm paper, and suitable for
tiiouti tinir or framing ami for use in
schools, class rooms, etc. -Tho best map
Of tho Paik that is publicly distributed.
Mailed in pantbonrd tubes. Send lOcts,
A nicely illustrated pamphlet, descrip'
live oi .Mount ifanior, Washington, tun
grandest ice-covered peak in tho United
L . . . . O ...
An illustrated folder and relief map of
ine Konienni itegton in liritishColumma
nortn otHpoKnne. honu two cents.
Tells alwut both the U. S. and Spanish
armies ana navies nt beginning 0 Spanish-American
war. Man of Cuba and
ndjaccnt islands. A vest pocket history
well worth preserving for reference.
Send ten cents.
In sondini! for these wrltu the address
carefully, apd stato.whcre advertisement
was seen.
Cha. S. FKE,.
Gen. I'uaneiieer Aront.
Florence West: Probably the
youngest compositor in Lnno county if
not in Oregon is Hazel Wcathoraon
daughter of tho publisher of tho West.
Though only seven years of ago hav
ing been born Sept. 27th, 11801, shit lins
already learned to assist her father in
tho printing oflico and is tho ono who
set up this article.
Girls are warned not to marry
editors, sa3's an exchange. An
editor in a neighboring town came
near killing his wife recently. A
servant was awakened by the
screams of the mistress, and found
her being choked by her husband.
The editor had dreamed that a de
Jiuqucnt subscriber had pa4, up his
subscription, and he wasvigrtspu.ig
his wife by the throat .thinking he
had the money in has hitl.
The following are extraet from letter re
celTc! In thl city, one from Henry fandcii,
the other from a Dakota. lolcller:
Manila, Dec. 26, 1898.
The transport St Paul came
Steaming up the bay on the 23rd
with mail and several thousand
Xmas boxes, which the boys were
anxiously awaiting. Some of the
boys received their boxes on a
former transport, but we boys re
ceived ours on Xmas eye, a most
appropriate time. In general they
were in very good condition.
Mine was in as good condition as
j when leaving home. We had
very pleasant Xmas, everyone en
joying themselves hugely, under
the circumstances. A good many
of the boys become rather hilarious
I but I don't think anyone was sent
to the guard house. I was on
guard and did not get to enjoy my
self as well as I would like to have
done, but some one bad to be dis
appointed, and t might as well be
me as anyone. We had a splendid
dinner, with several invited guests,
two ladies being among them.
After dinner toasts were in order,
which causes a great deal of merri
ment. In the afternoon the Ore
gon boys played the 13th Minne
sota boys a game of base ball de
feating the latter by a score of 9 to
4. The Oregon boys have the best
record here and have only the 10th
Pennsylvania to beat to carry off
the silver cup, but they have a
good team to conquor, and the
event is looked forward to with
great interest. I received a letter
from James Hemenway, and en
joyed it very much, he is a good
newsy correspondent. I have
answered every letter I nave re
ceived, and have written to a few
who do not seem to appreciate them,
as I have not received answers.
There has been some little excite
ment here of late, on account of
Aguinaldo and his little band of
monkeys. But we Oregon boys
would never get to enjoy the sport
if it should happen, for we and the
Minnesotas have to stay here in
these abomniable old walls and
guard Spaniqrds. We rather ex
pect to be relieved by those regu
lars coming from New York. The
5th Iowa, tho 18th Regulars and
two batteries of artillery was or is
Jo start for Ilo Ilo today. They are
welcome to their place. I'm far
enpugh south to suit me. The
coldest weather we have had was
69 degrees above, and Xmas; day
they sprinkled the streets.
We were on post last night with
it! 50 yards of the insurgent out
post and had the opportunity of
seeing the great Aguinaldo, the
would be ruler of the Philippines.
The situation here is very peculiar,
in fact it is just the same as when
we came. The insurgents surround
the city and will not allow an
American argied on their territory,
so we treat them the same by hot
allowing1 them in the city of -Manila,
ytii arms, but apparently
both sides are friendly, but I think
there will be trouble when the
peace talk is settled. Next week
we will be fully prepared lor them
with the new Krag Jorgenson rifles,
One night last week we were
aroused by tho alarm of fire, and of
course we thought it was an attack;
by the insurgents, and in six:
minutes every man was in line
with gun and roo rounds of ammu
nition. The natives do a big busi
ness with our boys on credit andi
often times we are loser to a great
extent. If an American has no
money he goes to a native's house,
helps himself to what he wants,
writes jt on a piece of paper, tells
the .native be will have, mucha
dinero polka tempo and walks away.
Polka tempo means any time with?
in a month. Rice is the natives
chief food. The oickaninies tinner
around our quarters and gather up .
everything we leave after a meal,
They live in little bamboo huts and.
are very dirty, but as a rule they
are temperate, seldom you see pne
intoxicated. They wash their
clothes by beating them with a
stick, and using very little- soap.
They are fond of music, and -they
play well. They arfr alaofond of
rooster fighting, and it is a poor
Phillipino who does not own a
rooster. They are very l??y, anff
so they let the Chinese do all the
hard work. The women share the
hard work with the men, in fact
they do the greater part of it.
Water buffaloes are used for haul
ing heavy loads instead of horses.
Tomorrow is Xmas, many of the
boys received Xmas boxes yesterf
day from home, and we will have
a feast tomorrow.
Wish you all a Merry Xmas and
a Happy New Year.
John J. Smith,
-Co, K, N. D.
Mr. Coffin attended the funerrl of Mr.
S. Lcno at pottage Grove.
Mr. Winecoffof Cedar Creek was visit.
ingwith Mr. E, F. Smith and family
last bnturday pight. ,
Snpw is all gone now. ". f '
Mr, Jacob Gewity and Mr. James
Tapp visited Mr. Bert Lee at" Silk Creek
jaht ounaay.
Mr. Tucker who has been cutting
woqd has returned to his home ori:Silk
('reek. ,,.,,.-"
Peonle snv Unit Innt. Frtrlnv nht..
, r - --""j ...s..i, nuq
tho coldest they have ever seen .here..
, . Anon.
W. B. Rohrer of the Grove was in this,
vicinity Monday.
Georeo and John WnMon nt Afn.iur
Creek attended the meetings here Sun?
Prof. Will McQueen spent Saturday
and Sunday at the Grove.
Mr. nnd Mrs. N. P. Chrismnn re
turned Sunday from visitintr friends on
Row River.
Mr. Castle and dauurhter Miss Josle
arrived hero Friday frprn Iowa,
Miss Alma Gardiner who hnn hoon
teaching in Marion county is vlsitinir
her parents Rev. and Mrs. Gardiner of
mis nince.
J. W. Smith of Row River was doimr
business in fnis yicinity last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Wiseman of Most
by Creek were visiting nt R. E,
Walker'B Sunday.
Miss Rena Chrismnn and Mr. Ebn
Scnrbrough visited on Row River;t
R. E. Wulkpr spent Saturday in Eu
Miss Bertha Tait is alowlv recoverinc
from a sovero attack of pneumonia.
Mr. and Mrs Will Walker of Ores
woll wero visiting here Sunday.
Ed potty nnd .sjster Miss Hattie of.
Creswell attended .church hero.
Tho Weekly Oreconinn nnd Bohemia
Nugget for rf2 in odynnrp. JVt)fit by