Site VOLUME IV URGE PROMPT ACTION Interesting G athering of M en Im bued W ith Civic Pride. STREETS A N D W A T ER T H E THEMES C om m ittee A p p oin ted to V is­ it the A ld erm an ic B ody M onday N ex t N ight. A d ecid ed ly enthusiast!») m eetin g of the Commercial Club was held on Monday evening, the especial object of which v . h - the d iscu ssio n o f two contem plated m unicipal im p io v e meats, which have been, a c c o id iu g to the sense of the gathering, unrea soriai ly delayed by the u ldeim unic body. The attendance upon the m eetin g was unusually large, I lie i m ­ portance of the q u estio n for consid- e ia t io n being vital to the co m m u n ity , i t was a iep resen ta tive assemblage of the boosting elem ent of Cottage d r o v e , and the m a n ifestation of aroused in terest in the p r o m cticn of the c i t y ’s materia' betterment can not fail to augur for good. President Thompson, upon calling the mem bers to order, stated the o b ­ ject » f the meeting, I. e. : to d iscu ss the proposed water system and street paving and the best methods of haud ling the questions. Mr. Spray said he had been assured that if a majority of property owners ab u ttin g the street favored p a rin g the mayor and cou n cil would act in ac- ~ rdnuce witli their wishes. Over 80 or cent of the owners, lie said, sign- • i the p etitio n , yet the o rdinance roviding for the im provem ent lias »een vetoed. He said tlie mayor uaiine to favor paving, hut ihat the irdiuance was defective. Mr. Kem, in speaking on the sub jm.i, expressed sn ip ise over e x is tin g con d itio n s. li e said the people as a whole favor paving, as does also the co u n cil, and why tile delay was be­ yond liis understanding. A c o m ­ m ittee bad been appointed to buy a rock crusher and street roller, be said, but, no action bad been taken to that end. i t seemed to the speaker as though tiie c o u n cil did not wunt il. Mr. K"Ui urged the club to push the qu estion d ilig e n t ly , as the m u n i­ cip ality is sorely in need of better- streets and water. SUCCESSOR (tenue Sentinel TO T H E W E S T E R N O R E G O N COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON, FRIDAY. SEPT. 24. 1909 on the L'ttunoi! and ascertain that o r ­ gan ization 's position. T his p rep osi­ tion uiet with the approral of Mr. Hazeltuli. Messrs. Wnodal d, K p a y , Medley, Westbrook, T hompson ana others further con sid ered the q u es­ tion on t h e Hoor, resulting mi the Hp poliitiiiont of tHr« following com m ittee for the purpose indicated. President Thompson being an ex -o fficio m em ­ ber: Messrs. J. S. Spray, F. if. P h illip s ind Chris Hazeltou. Tiie op in ion prevailed that, the work eonld not lie accom plished this year, tiie season being fai advanced, but all were e n th u s ia stica lly in favor of com p letin g the necessary p r elim in ­ aries Mint the undertaking might have an early beginning iu the spri rig. THK WATCH QU E STIO N . The proposeu water system was d i s ­ cussed more briefly than the pacing p roposition, yet none tiie less e n t h u s ­ iastically. The subji'ct was in tro ­ duced l»y President Thompson, who wanted n report on tiie work as c o n ­ templated, Hie probable cost of file system, together with plans, etc., without, winch lie cruld not, and would not, favor its constru ction . The thought tile whole proposed im proyemeut should he made plain to the electors before they were ssked to vote for tiie bond issue of 8150 000. Mr. Medley said it would be noces sary to secure Mie tig h t-o f way th in u gh th e property along tiie pro posed rou te—some ol it might have to lie c o n d e m n e d - and Miis should tie done before the qu estion of bonds was taken up. S om e people might have water rights that can n ot be im paired, and all these p o in ts must he carefully considered. After some further d iscu ssio n , the c o m m itte e heretofore named was i n ­ structed to in clu d e the furtherance of tiie wafer system as one if its d u ties This com m ittee will wait upon the mayor and cou n cil at its tegular s e s ­ sion ne. i Monday night, and inas much as many members of the Com­ mercial Clnfc will act hs ’’backers” Uiete is likely to he a large a tt e n d ­ a n ce of spectators. NUMBER 89 con siderable atten tion , and has prov­ en the wonderful p ro d u ctiven ess of the hilt lauds on Ihe How river val ley. Tiie e x h ib it has as yet uot beeu surpassed, aud there is little li k e li­ hood of its beiug outclassed hy any rauchei from th is section of the Willamette valley. Mr. C u rriu takes great d elight in his farm, but he says he has too much laud to look after aud cannot, cu ltivate it as it should he. Mr. Felix C u riin this week brought to Mr. Conley som e very beautiful piue, royal Hr aud hemlock cones, from the Bohem ia d istrict. H e also ob tain ed a magnificent cluster of N o b le Hr con es which grew at the very top of the tree It is a most beautitul sigh t to gaze upon tiie glossy products of nature, from a d istan ce as the sun begins to set. Many beautiful sig h ts are to be seen by those who v is it the d istrict at this season of the year. OPPOSE EXTRA TAX M erchants’ L eagu e R eb els A gain st P roposed Law. PETITIONS COUNCIL TO KILL BILL C om m ittee to A p p ea r B efore C ity Fathers at the N ext R eg u la r S ession . The M erchants’ P rotective A s s o c ia ­ tio n convened at the Commercial A ssem b ly D ay T om orrow . Club parlors Tuesday’ evening, the The W om an’s Club will observe primal object, beiug to d iscu ss and Assembly Day at ttie parlors of the protest as a Dody against the adop C ommercial C lu b tomorrow after tion by th e m u n icip a l council* of an noon, and iu all p i o t a b i l i t y tlier ordinance p rovid in g for the le v y in g will he a good ly atten d an ce It will of what is kuowu as an o ccupation hi the first m eetin g of the season, tax. The attendance was large, and and, according to custom , will lie every in d iv id u a l present attached Ids spent iu social intercourse. R efresh­ cogn om en to a p etitio n u rgin g the OR. FREDERICK A. COOK. ments w ill be a feature of th s occa co u n c il to kill the b ill, which has Dr. Frederick A. Cook, l ’enry’s rival in polar explorations, Is forty-four sion, and Mesdamee H. O. T h om p ­ had its second reading. years of age and a native of Sulilvan county, N. Y. He got his first arctic Mr. Burkholder, who Hist took the experience with Henry's expedition! of 181)1-2, at which time he formed a son. D. J. D u H rille, H. H. Veatch definite plan a s to the best means of reaching the pole. Ills idea w as to and Gillian Goodm an w ill serve. The Uoor after P resid en t Reese had stated cross the polar sea in midwinter and with as small a party as possible. He clu b has an active m em bership of tiie question , made a lengthy and went with the Belgian expedition to tiie nntnrctles nnd climbed to the summit tw en ty five. The regular work for logical argum ent again st the propoe of Mount McKinley, in Alaska. He has written hooks about both of these the year will begin a fortnight hence. ed tax, ex p la in in g bis und erstan d in g triiis. Mrs. S. E. Blair, formerly a iesi- of au agreement entered into witli deut of Cottage Grove, met with the c o u n c il last spring, and ch arac­ q u ite a seriou s accid en t in Portland terizin g the present move as a broach last Friday fro or th s effects of which of trust on the part of the city. Tiie she is under the care of a p h ysician . merchants, he said, are p ayin g thou She was returning from the fair and just proportion of th e tax, while their in step p in g from a street car was d on ation s and su b scrip tion s to p u b ­ M ayor Job and the M unicipal L egislature Favor C onsu m ­ throw to the ground hy a sudden jerk lic aud private u n d ertak in gs exceed of the vehicle, in ju rin g her left side by far those of any othei class. m ation of B etterm ents Planned for C ottage G rove. Mr. H. H. Veatch said Ids k n o w ­ and shoulder. Mr. Blair is now in In terview ed on Q u estion s of Im portance. Cottage Grove g iv in g a tten tion to his ledge of the ord in an ce was lim ite d , orchard, but will go to P ortlan d soon but that he understood the tax was not ju stly prop ortion ed am ong mor for the winter. Mayor Job had just returned from itiou on the proposed water works chants. As au illu stration , a dealer tiis gold m i n e near Glendale and system, the mayor, with a d isplay of T o C hange System . in general merchandise was forced to seated lii mae' ^ "omfortably at ids enthusiasm , said the qu estion was Mr. G. A. Newton, sp ecial agent pay a tax on each lin e ol good s e a r ­ desk there, t i ; ■ - ‘•'"•«lion. “ So far as 1 for the Pacific T elephone A Telegraph n e d , w hile a dealer in hut one lin e L adies to C onvene. m u n icip al me t’ i e tavor the con- company has been in Cottage Grove paid for that p articular lin e only. The annual state c o n ven tion of the broke in upoi iii' ,er system, and any- this week on business. From him He had no doubt that if the o rdinance ' - 1 W oman’8 Christian Temperance coner rung tl Hung He want, m yself and The S e n tin e l learns that the company passed it would cause no end of U n ion will be entertained at Hood tern and str oil .- ready to give them, has co n clu d ed arrangements to trouble. He opposed the measure Hiver October 5 to 8. Mrs. Eva C. expressed h.u.^^.. . . . . . . . __ . lin n nts for the people. change its system here so m etim e also on the ground that it would Wheeler, S tate Y. Secretary, and both p rop osition s, and said p relim ia- The mayor has much correspondence after the first of th s new vear, prob­ mean double taxation. A lo ok at the Mrs. Hoy Woods will attend from this ary arrangements for both „he c o n ­ and a vast array ot figures on the ably iu February. The com m on m erch a n t’s exp en se accou n t, he said, eity , the latter as representative of tem plated im provements were making. subject, from which The S en tin el battery system, wh’ch gives one c e n ­ to see what he annually c o n t i lb u t e s file local union. They- will leave for ‘‘This is the '«av 1 feel about these gleaned some in te -e stin g aud valua tral by sim p ly rem oving the receiver to roads, churches, libraries, e tc., Hood Kiver on Monday. The loeal im p ro v em en ts ,” said Mayor Job, hie information. from the hook, will be installed. would be surprising, l i e advocated organization has a m em bership of ‘ ‘yet 1 am o n ly one individual. Get Mr. \V. J. Roberts, c on su ltin g e n ­ T h is will necessitate the p lacin g of a the ap p o in tm en t of a c o m m ittee to about, 80, aud meets on the second the water in first aud then pave. The gin eer employed hy Medford for the comm on b afteiv m u ltip le s w it c h ­ wait upon the co u n c il and urge it. to vote down the bill. and fourth Fridays of each mouth. sew ers are in the alleys and the water con stru ction of irs water system, was board in the central station. The public schools re-opened mains will have to go through the iu Cottage Grove recently, and in Mr. Reed, late iu business at Dram The Cottage Grove exchange at pres­ Thursday morning, having been clou streets. N eith er myself, or any mem company with Aldermen A tk iso n ent lias 003 telenhones, more than where tiie occupation tax is in force, ed sin ce Monday in order to give the her of the c o u n c il so far as 1 know, and Gawsou went over the grounds to Medford, A shland or Grants Pass, all ex p lain ed how it affected the busi Attorney Medley aid n o t co n sid er corps of teachers an op p ortu n ity to want to obstruct paviug. But pav- Gayng Creek, the proposed sou rce of tow ns of larger p opulation. Five ness interests there, and hoped it h im self iu a position to in tellig en tly atteud the Teachers lu s tit u te , held ing contracts caut ot be eutered into the supply The creek was measured operators are employed at the swltcli- would riot become etfective hero. d iscu ss the qu estion , inasmuch as he at tiie co u n ty seat. It was, u n q u es­ w ithout a good deal of carefull c o n ­ and it. was estim ated rbat there is a hoards. Mr. Westbrook, of the Oregon Ho had given the matters little stu d v , tion ab ly, the most interesting, i n ­ sideration, for contractors are sharp flow of 8,000,000 gallons of wat*»r tel, related the exp erience of Hose- A farm ers’ telephone line from th is lint before the close o f the session structive aud profitable m eeting of people. The ordinance that was s u b ­ every twenty four h i n t s at its low c ity to Gondou, a d is ta n ce of twelve burg business men in co n n ectio n Ills know ledge of the s itu a tio n was with th is tax. He said it was unfair its kind ever held in Dane county. m itted anti passed left ou t some of the est ebb. Mr. Yenske, exp erienced miles, has just been com p leted . It q uite satisafcto iy to his listeners. I'he addresses nnd talk s were of a largest paving contractors on the in work of this character, had s i h- has twelve subscribers, iu many respects. For in stance, He heartily favored p u b lic im p r o v e ­ high cbaractei, while the attendance coast, which tarred them from b id ­ mitted an estim ate of cost to the while there he paid the same tax on a ments, and censured the people for T erse T ow n T opics. was much latger than usual. S u p er­ ding. 30-room hotel as did a co m p etito r Then, too, the «piares or oiayor as a so ft of guide to the work, p erm ittin g the councilumii, the ser­ A m eeting of the M e ic h a n t s ’ P r o ­ who had a 75 room hotel. in ten d en t Barnes and the Cottage street in tersection s, were left to tiie and these figures were carefully gone vants of the people, to act a gainst Mr. Woodard, speaking on the s u b ­ Grove teachers derived no li ttle bene­ property owners to pave, whereas f he over by Mr. Roberts and ptonounced tectiv e A sso ciation will he held next their wishes. It the paving ord in an ce fit from the meeting. c ity must bear this burden. a fair estimate. However, the esti Tuesday evening. There is business ject, considered the tax unfair, as was defective whose fault is it, lie eti ‘‘The first thing to do towards p av ­ mate on 12 inch wooden pipe at 55 of im portance to be transacted, aud did also Mr. Griggs, who urged tin- qutred. N o t the fault of the people, i u g , ” co n tin u ed the mayor, ‘‘ will he cents would be very m aterially re­ P resident Kees urges a full a tt e n d ­ ap p oin tm en t of a co m m ittee in accord M ay Form Club. if tiie people elected the m u n icip al anee with Mr. V eateh ’s suggestion. The Elks of Cottage Grove of which to get a copy of ordinances from duced, and the c ity would get “ c o r ­ ance. body to do the people's w ill and it G. B. S tau d ish Is closin g out his Mr. 11. O. Thom pson expressed the Portland, sh ow in g the plans of bed poration rates” on freight, which there are nearly half a hundred, held failed in tiie promisee, it should he stock of m erch an d ise at au ction and o p in io n that there was uot, a dissent co n stru ction , curbing, gutte-s, etc. would lessen the cost more thau 810,- a m eetin g th is week to take in itia tory recalled. Then a survey will be necessary to j 000. The estim ate is also based on will move from his present location ing voice against tue protest, which P resident Thompson said it had steps toward the o ig a n iz a tio n of a establish a grade, after which an or­ tw enty miles, whereas the ieugtb of t j a more com m o d iou s b u ild in g near proved co riect, for later when a yeti been the aim of tiie (hub to keep out club here. The u n in itia ted may riot tion to the c o u n cil was fram ed, every dinance, or ordin an ces if necessary, | the lin e will not, in all probability, the bridge. understand that a lodge cannot he of p o litics, t u t public im provem ents The P ro m o tio n D epartment of fhe person present attached his sign tu re will he prepared from this informa­ i exceed eighteen. were not a matter of p o litics. All Instituted in any town of less than good thereto. Mr. Thom pson said there tio n for b itu iitliic, asphalt, vitrified For the entire distance 105,000 feet Commercial Club is making classes—the landowner, the merchant, 5,000 population, and for this reason progress in p u b licity. Manager C o n ­ was q u estion about c o lle c tin g the tax brick, B elgium blocks, crushed lo c k | of 12-incb pipe is called for by the ami tiie non-taxpayer— was rep resen t­ Hie hon es of tiie local E lk s are in the and oil, and Hassell pavements. Bids estim ate, which at 55 cen ts totals ley says he will soon be caught up sh o u ld it be levied. H e took the ed ill its membership, and, he different cities where thsy hold their will be advertised tor aud when the 858,080. There are seven m iles of with his letter-w ritin g so that he will alderm anic to d y to task for its posi thought, tiie ( ’lull hud a perfect right membership. It is pioposed to o r ­ relative prices and merits are c o n sid ­ gravel and boulder formations figured have more tim e to devote to looking tion in c ity matters, saying it ignor to express itself and go on record. ganize a club from th is membership ered a contract will be awarded. Ihe at 25 cents per foot, or a total of 89,- after c o n d it io n s locally. He got b e­ ed the wishes of the business men. Tire C lu b ’s duty was to revive the and furnish su itab le rooms, that recorder will lie in structed at next 210; 12 miles of dirt 8 feet deep and hind on correspondence ow in g to Hie He did n ot know of the o rdinance matter of p u b lic im provements. He those wtio wear the ant ers may Monday n ig h t’s session to secure two feet wide at 15 cents per ru n n in g fact that it was necessary to re-write until after its second reading, and favored a ction , ana suggested that assemble in fraternal brotherhood. co p ies of the P ortland ordinances foot, or 89,501; 5,280 feet of rock the C om m u n ity Booklet, which will thought the c j u n c i l should publish tiie Commercial Club frame a set. of A co m m ittee composed of James its proceed in gs in the newgpajiers for and I am confident that the paving work at 75 cents per foot, or 88,900; be received in a short time resolutions, d elin in g its position , Hem enwav, Wm. E audess and L. H. J. A. Nash, an E ugene stone mason, the inform ation of citizen s. q u estion will be in shape so that d is trib u tin g and la yin g pipe 85,280; adopt them and have them published. Gong, now has the matter in charge, Mr. Burkholder moved that a com work may he »'ommeneed in the early dam and intake 8800, a grand total of will sue Hosehurg for damages on a c ­ Mr. Prank Kosenberg moved that a and will report at another m eeting to cou n t of in juries received hy tailing m itee of five be ap p oin ted to draft a s p r i n g .” 385,854, The e n g in e e iin g would cost co m m ittee of three he a ppointed to he held iu the near future. tb tou gh a broken sidewalk there r tcm onstrauoe against the o rdinance C on tin u in g Mayor Job sa id : “ P er-i one per cent, and two relief station s v— draft resolu tion s; that the commute»' few days ago. and tbHt it be signed at th - m eeting. haps it may be considered that the j about 8200 each would lie in ad d ition Buy Fine L ands. retire, frame the d o cu m en t and re P resid en t Kees, after the moHon had R um or Is U n fou n d ed . Messrs. Davidson and Bailey, of matter of b u yin g a crusher and roller to the above. port at th is meetlug. Messrs. Kem been carried u n an im ou sly, appointed has been unnecessarily delayed, hut The cost, according to tiie estim ate, A rumor has been afloat in this and Van Winkle thought that more St. Joh n s, Oregon, have returned 11. O. Thompson, D. G riggs., W. C. if so it ha« been to the c i t y ’s interest, j is about 81,300.per mile. The mayor, c ity to the effect that the train b e ­ tim e should bo given the co m m ittee; from Indian creek, where they p u r ­ Joh n son , C. H. Burkholder and II. 1 believe. \Ve now have floating ob- however, has hBd correspondence re tw een here and Portland known as that file resolutions should be p re­ chased 820 acres of fine land. They lig atio n s aggregating approxim ately garding material since tiie estim ate the Cottage Grove local would soon H. Veatch as such com m ittee. The pared and preeented at a future s e s ­ left for their home on Wednesday follow in g was presented, adopted and 30,009. By A p ril 1 the taxes will was made, aud says ‘ ‘the work rom- be d isco n tin u ed . Manager Conley signed ; sion, when, perhaps, there would lie morning to prepare to move to their have been collected, and th is indebt- . plete in every d etail can he done foi th is week took the matter up with These gentlemen favor ‘ ‘To the H onorable Mayor and an increased attendance ot c it iz e n s new home. Indian creek fot dairy pm poses. edness reduced fully two thirds, which less than 870,000, provided there is tiie proper officials of the Boutheru Common C ou n cil: We. the business interested. Mr. Wheeler said the in will put us, practically speaking, on s no com b in e Hmong the bidders, as is Pacific, receivin g a reply on T uesday men and c itizen s of Cottage Grove v lia tlo n to convene had been contiuod The grass is now knee high aud stock cash basis, and co n seq u en tly in good j frequently the case tbat the company had no such i n t e n ­ hereby protest against the levy ol an is in first class condition. to members o f the Club, and there siiajie. We have accom plished con tion. ____ occu p ation tax in th is city , and re­ being a goodly representation he f a ­ T * **e h e C lub’s Exhibit. sid erab le in the way of im provements quest your honorable t e d y to g iv e vored im m ed iate action. M any L icenses Issued. M ove to N ew Q uarters. th is y»>ar. We have graoed eight l '*Hx C u riin , one of the pioneer .Mr. Medley admonished the gather More thau a thousand h u n ters’ streets at an exp en se of 85,200, and farmers on Row rivei, came to town Sim eral A Yandenburg have this this p etitio u due c o n s i d e r a t io n . ” The p etitio n has been in circula iug against too hasty a ction; he licenses have been issued this year contracted for the con stru ction of ,,D Monday bringing with him for week moved th eir f u r n itu ie stock c o u ld n 't see what weight teso h itio n s by Countv Clerk Gee Of those i s s u ­ sewers, now under way, co stiu g 34,- 'lioplay in the Commercial Club rrern the McFarland bu ild in g to the tion du rin g the week and has many would have: if there is a d esign not ed. ab ou t 21' have been to Warm 000. T h is sewer svstem will covei rooms several ears of White Dent handsome new btewart b u ild in g OD signatures. to pave on the |>art i f the a u th o rities S p rin g Indian* who came across the oue and a naif m ile « .” Charles H edrick, who resides nine corn w*»Ich grew on bis ranch, four Main street. The atoie room was d e ­ reeoluting would tall upon drat ears. m ou n tain s in to the valley to pick THE WATER SYSTEM. miles east of town. Mr. Carrin re- signed e«i>e<*ially for them, the d i s ­ m iles south of tow n, Is hern for Mr. F. B. P hillips Irfvon-ii the up- bops and who sp-nd a good deal of windows being p articulaily medical treatm ent for itieumatism. When interrogated regarding the ‘"ently in stalled au ex h ib it in the play p o intaient of a com m ittee to wait up- tim e hunting His wife accom panies him. mu Di c i j i al i t y ' s governing b o d y ’s pos- M odem Pharmacy that has attracted adapted to the purpose. FOR PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS