Enterprise news-record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1910-1911, January 04, 1911, Wednesday Edition, Image 4

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City and County
Brief News Items
Osteopathy cures lumbago.
Q. C. Bolding left Sunday for his
home at Troy.
L, 3. Jordan was at Lostine on
h.Hilnosu, Monday.
S. D. Haworth returned (to bis horn
at La Granule, Wednesdays
W. E. Keltner has fried on
homestead north of Enterprise.
Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Browning, visit
ed relative at LtMlne over Sunday
Closing out all my wall paper at
H cents the double roll. Fred S.
Ashley. 71b3
J. C. Galloway JeBt Wednesday for
Southern Oregon, where 01 expects
to locate,
Mies Amy Olmsted returned Mon
day to Albany where she lit attend
ktg college.
Drury Davis, a well known, atock
man of the Park, i la town on, a
business trip. ,
Mrs. Frank Zumwalt, and little
son Claybern left Tuesday for a vis
It e,tf Staivberry, Mo.
L. Couch, new county commission
er, was transacting business in the
county seat, Saturday.
Deputy County Clerk C. Q. Bllyeu
returned Monday from a visit at
his old home In. Albany.
II. H. Haskell, homesteader of 10
miles oast of town, .went to Wah
U gtoa, Tuesday, on business.
It you wani good toed for your
team and good treatment eoma to
White Front Barn, . I7btf
Th cold snap Sunday night but
down the electric light plant, the
Hs u going out about 2:40 a. m. 1
Tae highest market price paid (or
a'.. It.m'.s o( grata In exchange for
lui . ur. Fred S. Ashley. Tib
The Red Front
Blacksmith Shop
by the reliable
W. P. HambUton t Son
Machine Repairing
Horaeshoing "
Same old stand
- Enterprise Oregon
Men's Clothing has been going fast, but not fast
enough to suit us. These clothes MUST be sold,
so we announce another reduction
Suits in black, gray and brown,
values up to $18, tQ AA
your choice, tpSJ.UU
One Special lot of Men's and
and Boys' Suits, dC AA
your choice, pU.UU
Rtoa2tr 50 cents
Osteopathy a sure cure for head
W. E. Taggant 'returned Thurs
day, from a visit with his. family at
Garfield, Wn.
Monday was observed as a holiday
by the public schools, county offic
es, banks and some of the stores.
Osteopathy the only cure for sci
atic rheumatism.
A. F. Linn returned to h.i home
at Summervllle, Tuesday, after a
week here with friends.
Sheppard Morgan will leave Thurs
day morning for Portland where he
will undergo a minor surgical opera
tion. C. L. Hartshorn, the big wool-
grower of the Butte, went to port-
land, Sunday to attend the conven
tions. R. F. Stubble:ie'.d, the veteran
woolgrower, was among the crowd
who left Sunday for the conventions
at Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Grave are In
Portland, where he will attend the
it ate and national convention of
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Doss, who had
been visiting her slater, Mrs. Sam
Gotter, left Tuesday for their home
at Roseburg.
Mr. and Mrs." J. II. Dobbin left
Sunday for Portland to attend the
state and national conventions of
Sam Lltch Is in Portland and he
will let escape none of the good
things coming the way of the wool,
jrowors this week.
Henry, Bascome and Pleas Doan,
who have boon working here the
paat seasonwent to their old hotuo
at Pilot Rock, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wlluon, who
hav been residing with their son
near Joseph for the paat, summer,
have moved back to town.
Will Trainor and family of Boise,
who had Ixien visiting Mrs. Train
er's parents, Mr, and Mrs, J. R. Car
tar, left Sunday for their home.
Mk Beatrice Boehmer, who teach
es im the Payetje schools, visited
here during the holidays with her
pa routs, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Boehm
r. , ;
O. H. Brady and children went to
Wallowa, Wednesday, to ee bis
mother and brother, Ed. F. Brady.
The . latter will leave for the Bust
soon. . .
Miss Etha Koooh, toucher in the
Wallowa schooU( returned to Wal.
500 pairs Children's Shoes
piled on the Bargain Counter
Ready for Our Customers to Grab
Iowa, Tuesday, after spending the
holiday vacation with her parents
on Alder Slope.
The Enterprise State Bank, has
moved into the maw Funk building
next to Keltnier'a hardware shop.
New bank fixture. are; expected) about
the last of thla month.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. McKennott and
baby returned Tuesday to their home
at AUcel, after a few days visi.
with Mrs McKennon's slater, Mrs.
Mrs. S. D. Keltner, and family.
Miss. Iva Lottos, who is attend
ing Sacred Heart academy, returned
to La Grande, Tuesday, after spend
ing the holidays with her parents, at
lilk Mountain.
Mrs. R. L. Thompson and baby
left Wednesday for their home in
West Grossman after a pleasant holi
day visit) at the home; of hen parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Miller.
Miss Laura, Weaver, who had been
spending the holidays with her pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Weaver
of Alder Slope, returned to her
school on Smith Mountain Sunday.
Prentiss Homam has routed the
room next to his. confectionery) shop,
formerly occupied by the meat mark
et. The partition! ls being torn out
and the two rooms will be thrown
into one.
Mrs. S. F. Wl'ey of Shattuck, Okl.,
who had beew vl-slting here with) her
mother, sister, Mrs, S. F. Pace, and
other relatives, left Tuesday for
Shuttuck, and from there will move
with her family to Kentucky.
J. A. Funk's team ni&de a lively
run through town. Monday morning
from the high school to the White
Front barn, tearing around corners
smashing a couple of doors at the
barn, and partly breaking the bob
sled to which they were hitched. No
oiw hurt.
Joseph E. Lent ot Parma, Ida., resi
dent of thla valley for 25 years, is
v 'sating here with his brother-lnJaw.
J. C. Surber, and other friends. He
will teave the first of the week for
the Willamette valley mid Southern
California, to spend the remainder of
(ho winter,
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Whltmore of
south of town eateralned a number
of neighbors and' frletids to a fine
rvew lears dinner, Sunday.- TheJ
guests were Mr. ami Mrs. O. J. Roe
and daughter Ramona, Mr. and Mrs.
Elmer Kooch and family, Misses
Hooper, Mabel Murray, H. Mae Jef
ferson, Etha , Kooch, and Mr, Mc-
Men's Separate Coats at
Half Price
Wool Scarfs at 25 per
cent discount
Ladies' Furs
25 per cent Discount
J. K. Carper, the big game and
big fruit man of Promise, wasi trans
acting business, lav the county seat
the first of the week. He wag the
guest of County Assessor B. F. Mil
ler. Mr. Carper says the niew post
"er, Mr. Sannar, has his office
all ready and only waiting for ord
ers from the department for the
transfer. The new office Is about
a mile north of the present one on
the T. C. Miller place. The snowfall
has been comparatively illght In
Promise so far, there being enough
only for good sleighing, but there
are about two feet on the) summit be
tween Promise and' Wallowa.
County court met In regular ses
sio . Wednesday, the new commis
sioner, L. Couch, takinig his. seat, and
at nee was given a taste of high
Ufa in helping to go over and audit
roai supervisor's reports. The court
will be busy with this, work today
aM part of Thursday. There are a
number of petitions In for changes
In the personnel of the supervisors.
The oe,w treasurer, G. W. Frank
lin, and county surveyor, A. H. Rudd,
took oath ot office, presented their
bonds and assumed their duties. The
approval of the bond Is deferred un
til the return of Deputy. District Atr
toruey Dill from WaEowa.
Deputy Prosecutor Dill went to
Waliow Wednesday to try a man
accufed of carving a cook in a res
taurant with a butcher knife. The
if fair occurred Monday night. Both
n.en are newcomers. The injured
man is said to have a gash in' his
head 3 or 4 Inches long,
Edward Smith, accused of helping
h'meelf to the goods and money of
his employer, Max Gumerman, was
given a preliminary hearing, Tue
iay, and bound over to the grand
Jc y in the sum of 1300.
Dec. SI Mr. and Mrs. John. Fine
.Missed Elk Mountain Thursday on
-heir way home at Chlco.
Mr. end Mrs. Me&ler were visit
ing at, Mr. and Mrs. M. McFetridge's
Edwin A. Anderson has been sick
during the past week.
Mr. Meikler trapped a coyote re
cently. Miss Iva Loftus. gave a card party
at her parents' home lost Wednes
day night. Those present were,
Mrs. and Miss Loftus, Mr. and Mrs.
Eari Coffman, Mrs. and Miss Thom
as, .recently of Texas, Mra. L. D
toberts, Messrs. Frank Reed, J. J.
Burleson, James Weaver and Willie
Loftus. All enjoyed themselves
hugely, and returned home happy
at au early hour.
Carl Whltmore and N. D. Vamer
went to Portland, Tuesday, with 3
.cads of fat porkers, one each of
'heii- o.wn raising and one of North
C'o.ia'ry hogs.
The following from out north
contrlbuied to the car load, each
brln-ang a wagon load In: Dave
K.ihn, Dale Beach, George Hendrlck
son and Oscar Bertandi of Paradise,
and cirant Johnson of Flora
Clearing' $ale
What your money will buy. With such goods as
we sell, clearing sale means something worth
while. It's isn't simply that you have a chance at
this season of the year to buy merchandise for less
money than is usually paid for it, but you have a
chance to buy unusually good merchandise at less
than usual.
All Dress Overcoats
All sheep-lined Overcoats
All Wool Blankets
All Suits
Now is the Time This is the Place
The Men's Outfitter
For either acute or chronic kidney
disorders, for annoying and .painful
urinary Irregularities take Foley) Kid
ney Plllls. An honest and effective
medicine for kidney and bladder dis
orders, Burmaugh & Mayflelid.
Circuit! Court 8ult.
Dec. 30.-!, H. Finn. vs. Silver
Creek Ltene and Marble company,
R. B. Bowman.
The number of people kHUed year
ly iby wild1 beasts don't approach the
vast number killed by disease germs.
No iifo la safe from their attacks.
They're In. water, dust air, even) food.
But grand protection, ia afforded1 by
Electric Bitters, which destroys and
expel these deadly disease germs from
tho system. That's' why chills, fe
ver and ague, all malarial . and
many blood diseases yield prompUy .
to this- wonderful blood' purifier. Try
them, and enjoy the glorious health
and new strength they'll give you.
Money iback if not satisfied, only
50c at, all druggists.
per cent