News Record Made Gity Official Paper By Unanimous Vote of Enterprise Gity Goancil For AM the News Read The News Record Isn't It So? Enterprise Busyaud Pros perous Without Railroad When It Conies! VOL.' I. No. 35 Enterprise, Wallowa County, Oregon, Thursday, Dumber 26, 1907. Whole Number 455 TIE NEWS RECORD WOMAN BEATER SLAIN BY NINETEEN YEAR OLD LAD . : : ' ,Snake Elver Cattleman Assaults His Wife's Mother and Is Shot Dead By His Brother-in-Law. Frank Raymond Runs Amuck In Drunken " Rage And Is Stopped Forever By Shot From Winchester In Hands Of Howard Whittier. Frank Raymond, a well known Snake river cattleman, was shot and instantly killed by his 19year old brother-in-law, Howard Whittier, at the Whittier hom, 60 miles east of Enterprise, Saturday i afternoon between 3 and 4 o'clock. Raymond came to the Whittier home in a drunken rage and began abusing his three weeks bride, his mother-in-law, and young Whit ier. He struck the latter with hi fist, and with a broom. He turned on Mrs. Whittier and beat her over the head with the broomstick until she fell spnseless, the blood streaming from a gash on the head. Raymond then turned to his wife and reached for his hip pocket as if he was going to pull his gun. Young Whittier had grabbed a Winchester 30.30 and before Raymond could pull, Whittier shot him, the bullet entering the left cheek and coming out at the back of-the neck. Whittier started that same evening for the nearest neighbor, Ralph Russell, at Pittsburg on Snake river, seven miles from the Whittier Tiome, He told his story and said he had come to give himself -up. Sunday morning Russell took the boy to Constable George Robertnon. A coroner's inquest was held Monday by Justice of the Peace. J. H. Chattin, the verdict being that Raymond had come to his dea l) from a gunshot wound inflicted by Howard Whittier. Constable Robertnoh, acoompanied by Ralph Russell, started Tuesday afternoon with his prisoner for this city, arriving late Thurs day evening. "Over half the distance they had to come by trail over a 1eep canyon cut country. Whittier was turned over to Sheriff J. M. Ulakely and put in the county jail to await preliminary hearing. . Raymond was married December 2 to Lela E. Whittier, a beautiful young girl and the belle of all the Snake river country.. It wan .thought at the time to be an ill-assorted''match, as 'he was 44 years of age, given to sprees. and always carried a gun. He left his bride within a week after they ' returned home and went to Whitebird. While he wan gone she went to her widowed mother's place, a home stead adjoining the Raymond ranch. He returned home Saturday, went over to Mrs. Whit-tier's and started the quarrel that ended in his death. Raymond had resided in that locality for three years. He was buried in a graveyard near then . lliil relatives are unknown. Mrs. Amelia Whittier with her two daughters and one son came there about a year ago and took up a homestead; The boy Is a bright, hardworking lad of excellent' reputation. His story tal lies v it h (hut of his sister, and is. cor robraud by the mother as far as the knew of the events Mrs. Whittier did not see the killing of Kay mond as 'she lay unconscious on the floor from, Raymond's blows. The Whittiers story is believed by the neighbors and they feel sorry for the hid and lelieve he was justified. Young Whittier regrets the killing but beliexes he could not have acted otherwise under the circum stances. The Whittier place is on Sonier's creek, seven miles from Pittsburg on imke rivejr, and GO miles east and a lit tle north of Enterprise. It is about 15 miles south of the locality where James Mahaffey met his death by fall ing over a precipice. Girl Found In ? Drugged State MUs Josie Zumwalt, 18 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Zum walt of Zumwalt was found just intide the dooi way of G. H, Vest's residence in the south part of Enterprise at 4 o'clock Tlyirulay morning in an unconscious conditiuci. Medical aid was summoned and Dr. C. T. llockett found thegirl in a drugged condition. She remained unco sciojis all .day but about four o'clock partly came to but still unable to tell how she came into such a pitiable plight. Dr. Au 1 1 was also summoned on the case unci Loth phychins say the girl had u -t been drinking, as was the street rumor during the day. Miss Zumwalt attended the ball at the rink Veduesdiiy night, and was presumably on her way to Ed Lord's, just west cf Vest's, and where she was staying while in town. She was re moved to Mr. Lord's home from Vest's during the day. Disordered clothes point to a far graver ctime but further luvesMjiui.iuu una acuon are ueierrer. until the arrival of Mr. Zumwalt, who has been sent for and is expected to reach Enterprise Thursday night. Miss Zumwalt is a girl of excellent repute and a member of a highly re spected family. No arrests have been made but it is said two men are under surveillance. . .- MUNICIPAL LEVY MADE -BY COUNCIL Only Half As Large As This Year- News Record Named As Official City Paper. At an adjourned meeting of the city council Monday night, the levy for city purposes was fixed at Zy2 mills or just li-ilf wliut it was last ymr. It is ex pected the school levy will be about th came amount, and as the county and state levy will not exceed 1U mills the total rate in Enterprise for 1908 will he 19 mills, It was 34 mills in 1907. The total rate in Wallowa last year was 82 mills, and this year it will he about the same though the caunty levy is reduced 10 mills. By unanimous vote the News Record was named as city official paper for 1908, for the publication of all ordi nances, notioes, reports and resolutions at a rate to not exceed 5 cents a line brevier type. Council will meet again thin, Thurv daj'j night to consider ordinances vacat ing certain streets and alleys, and a new franchise for the Homo lndepen. dent Telephone company. fvh, -tea ir ,m i i w ' - ivy i r i x w RESOLVE-D That during tk:: last YfAfc we have: LUiLT up AN HOrJSrTADE" V)TH HONIEST ?ZC?LE BY SELLING' HONEST GCOD5 AT HOiVEST PRICES-NEXT EAR SAME METHODS BUSTePBRQW IOINC MOMIfTTHAOC. wtrsn cl W FEEL THAT WE cXn LOOK OUR. PATRON S .SQUARE IN THE FACE AND WUH THEM A HAPPY NEW YEAR, BECAUSE WITHIN OUR JELVE J WE ARE CoNJCIOUJ OF HAVING TREATED OUR PATRONS RIGHT IN THE PA-5T. OUR PATRONAGE PROVED THIS. IN THE-YEAR TO COME WE CAN PRoMI.SE To Do No MORE THAN IN THE YEAR.S THAT HAVE PASSED: WE NEED NOT, WEKNoW, EXTEND ANYTHINC BUT THANKS To OUR OLD PATRON J. WE KNOW THEY NEED No INVITATION To COME TO OUR .STORE. TO .THO.SE WHO HAVE NOT YET COME OUR WAY, TO THE .STRANGER IN OUR TWN, WE EXTEND, HOW EVER, AN INVITATION To CoME AND .SEE U J. RESPECTFULLY, , '' W. J. FUNK & CO. School Cansus Shows Big (lain In Population. A special school meeting of Enter prise district will be held next Satuiday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the school house to fix the levy for the coming year. The rate will be low, 3 or 3 mills unless the electors vott to add another' room that is needed. The expense for that would lie from $1500 to $1800. ' Claude Lockwood, clerk of the dis trict, has nearly completed the consni? of persons of school ago, and it now to tals 332 as compared to 272, last Febru ary. The district has lost 38 by removals andpastiing the age limit, so the gross gain has been 98, and a net gain of 00 in HO mouths. This indicates a gain in population of at least 200 in 10 months. Vlsltorn Praise School VTork. Many citizens visited tho public schoole Friday afternoon in response to the invitations suit out by Principal V. M. Sutton. The pupils had written work on their desks for the inspection of the visitors, and were courteous in showing it to everyone. The work indicated excellent instruction on the part of the teachers and splendid pro' gress by the pupil.", and all who were questioned by the writer, evinced the liveliest interest in their studies and both respect and attachment for theii teachers. isitors commented espec ially favorably upoti tho unifo m courtesy ehown by the pupils, and the fine discipline in evidence in each room. The corps of teachers were praised until their cars must have burned, and every one reenied satisfied our schools are in right hands. Mr. Sutton, Mrs. Sutton, Mrs. linn villi) and Miss Church each were iziven a nice present by their scholars, who in turn were happily surprised by a generous tr, at of nuts and candy. , School closed rridny night lor a week's vacation. It will re-open next Monday n online. County High School Notes. Miss Katlrryn DuFur, the new assist ant teacher, is expected here in a few days. School will reopen next Monday in the hew high school building. Soeral Wallowa couuty students at Weston and La (irando will not return to those schools after the ho'.idavp, hut will enter the county high school if they can secure places to stay here in Enter prise at reasonable rates. There is a move by citizen" to rent a good house, place a competent person in ch rge and furnish board and room to out-of-towi pupils at cost. hew Year's Watch Meeting. A watch meeting will be held in the Christian church next Tuesday night Mayor Boyd, W. E Moore, principal of the county high school, J. A. Ihir leigh, A. C. Miller, Thomas .Morgan of I'rairie Creek, and perhaps others, will make short talks. Sanford places. Mr. Pratt is a railroad man ami while he drew big pay he has concluded there is nothing like owning a homo and 100 acres of land in a rapidly growing county like Wallowa. Mr. Pratt is a line musician and is u welcome addition to the concert band. Sc'uool Houss at Troy. Troy, Dec. 21 Lumber will he brought soon from the Grouse sawmill for the new schoolhouse that will he erected here on the point by the north bank of the Monaha just about whore it en pties into the Grande Rondo. Fixss Koad to Paradise. 1 Henry Mench, supervisor of Flpra district, is doing some good work fixing the Paradiso road cutting trues, etc. Fine single driving horse, buggy, and harness for sale. Time to suit pur chaser. Kev. M. J. Thompson. SPECIAL OF SESS ON COUNTY T Delinquent Tax List Ordered Publish: 1 In News Record-Three Electioa Precincts Abolished. Killed By Fall Over Precipice Wc rd was received in Enterprise Sunday that James Mahaffey was killed by a fall over a cliff along Deep creek where he was herding sheep for Tucker and Beaudon. The news was telephoned from Iranaha by Dave Tucker, and Coroner E. T. Anderson and Deputy District Attorney J. M. Rusk left Sunday afternoon for the seer e of the accident, over 60 miles east of Enterprise. They will bring the body, probably arriving here Thurs day. The foregoing is about ail that is known at this time of the tragedy, which is believed to have happened Thursday as tho sheep were found scattered on that day. . A rumor was current Monday that there was a bullet hole in tho body but it is unverified. The deceased is a son of Wm . and C. C. Mahaffey and was born in Madiscn county, Ark., Aug. 24, 1881. He had lived in Wallowa county 10 years. It is a sad Cttristmas for his mother who resides on West Main street. Besides her, and the father, five brothers and throe sisters mourn the yo 'ng "man's death. The range where tho accident occured is on the breaks of Snake river. Only a trail leads out to Imnaha, and the body will have to be brought there lashed to the hack of a horse. At the special session of the county court held last week, the voting pre cincts of Smith Mountain,' Eureka and Pittsburg Avero abolished; the bound aries of road districts 1, U, and 18 were changed; the, dolimjuont tax list was ordered published in the News Record and over 10,000 of claims auainst the general fund wero allow cd, warrants issued and cashed. Following are the oilluial minutes of County Court Prcc3e31a?s. Ente.rprise, Oregon, Dec. 10, 1.907' Ordeied that the county court of Wal lowa convene in 'special eession this date, Dec. 10, 1907, for purpose of allow insraud auditing bills, do general fiscal business, establish and alter road and elect on districts, and such other bus iness as may coino before the court. O. M. Corkins, county judge. Special term convened. Present O. M. Corkins, county judge; W. C. Wil son and Sum Lltch, commissioners; J. A. French, county clerk; J. M. Blakoly,. sheriff. , In matter of allowing bills against thmcounty: All just claims against tho county allowed as Hied. . Dec. 17, 1907. Court couttnues to audit and allcw all just claims against the county. 1 Dec. 18, 1907 ; Court continues to. audit and allow all just claims against the county.- Dec. 11), 1907. 1 - In matter of ordering warrant for delinquent tax: Ordered warrant issued to slwriff directing; him to collect delinquent tax for 1900 as shown on tho 190G tax roll; said warrant to be issued by the clerk.. -,; . ' ,' ' I . In mntitnr -rif rmhlfuhtncr .riulinrmnnf tax list: Ordered .that, said list be published in theicws Record, a paper of general circulation throughout the county. ' In mutter of changing road dis;riot Continued on editorial page. Meeting of Sheepmen. J. II. Dobbin, president of the wool growers association of Wallow a county, announces a meeting of special import Mice at ;ithe court house, Saturday, December 28, at 10 a. m. AH sheepmer. reqnested to attend. Files On Homestead. Ira Pratt, lcccntly of Ogden, Utah, has filed on homestead three miles s orth of Enterprise, just beyoi-d tho e Write Sosoraoce In the four most reliable companies ' doing business in the United States: Insurance Company of North America Losses paid since organization $131,000,000 Springfield F. & M. In surance Company Assets, $6,936,261.05 German American In surance Company Assets, $13,798,729 Agricultural Insurance Company Chartered in 1853 and carries large re-insurance for protection of policy holders. These companion, tho Springfield in particular, took the lead in paying San Francisco losses 100 cents on the dollar. BURLEIGH & BOYD ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW . Office, with Wallowa, Law, Land and Abstract Company. ... , ...... . V