The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 17, 1907, Image 8

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    Choice Eesidence
Property for Sale
Eight-room house and one-half block of land.
Fine location. In second block off Main street
and business section; $1800. Will sell house
hold goods with house if desired.
ruire of or address,
F. A. Clark Is building ft fine two Mis Cora K. Stubblefield and Mr
L.nnj, i,n liiu rimr.h iiiRt Bast Walter Sutherland were married by
J t t "i ur tj a . i. : : 1
of town.
J. A,
City and County
K ief Nows Hems
Joe demons of Zumwalt was trading
in town Saturday.
Misses Lida Flowers ami Alvina Hess
are home from a trip to Spokane.
John Baker of Klk Mountain was
buying supplies at local store", Satur
day. Skating rink open every Tuesday,
Friday and Saturday nights from 7 to
10 p. m. tf
J. M. Simmons, an Imnalia rincher,
and bis family were in Enterprise,
Saturday. .
. Try those home made chocolates and
. phinochee at Seibcrt's. Only thing of
this kind in town.
' Messrs. Martin, and Willinm llollo
way of Trairio Creek were in Enterprise
the latter part of last week.
-, Robert Bowman and O, F. Mays,
Lostine real estate men, wero in the
county Beat Monday on business.
Varnish stains unci brushes, and
Laoqueret makes old furniture look
like now at Burnaugh & Mayfield's.
Christian church services next fun-
day : Snnday Fchool at 10 a. m.; preach' and 7:30 p. m.; C. E
at 0:30 p.m. . .
Rum Baker or Mountain was in
Enterprise this week see Irfng' a house
to rent, as lie dosires to reside , here
this winter and sond hisr children to
This is the year you can afford to buy
that range for your wife. We have the
Universal, the best and most moderate
prieed ranee on the market. Ask the
women.' Hartshorn & Keltner.
Messrs. Frazier, A. Wilson, David
Kuhn, Wm. Twaddeli and Walter
Applegate, prositerous ranohers from
tho fertile Paradise country, wero buy
ing supplies and transacting other bus
iness in Enterprise tho latter part of
last week.
Tho Homo Independent telephone
central was moved to the room firs
door west of Ashley's furniture store
Saturday and Sunday. Tho change of
wires and all was done in hurry-up
order and tho patrons of the system
were discontinued but a day or two,
Mrs. II. C. Mahaffey of Lewiston ar
- rived Sunday evening for a fortnight's
visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
George 8. Craig. Sho was-aeoonipanied
by Miss Ethel Maxwell, of tho E. M. &
M. store, who had boon sending a
month's vacation as a guest of Mrs.
Mahaffey at Lewiston. The ladies came
by stage to Paradise whore Mr. Craig
met them. This is Mrs. Mahaffey's
first 'visit here in four years and she
finds the city wonderfully improved.
Wf Srlr Starr
Concert Company
Monday Evening October 28
Feats on sale Wednesday. Oct.
S3 at Barnaugh A Mayfield's.
Season ticket holders may reserve
their seats on and after Monday,
Oct. 21.
W. T. Davis and wife of Trout creek
wero trading in town Tuesday.
Ralph, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B
Dunbar, is ill of slow fever.
George Anderson brought in a load of
peaches aud delicious honey from Milton
i-rank Zumwult ol the Buttes was
buying supplies of the local merchants,
Dermiiie Cream, the best preparation
for chapped hands and face, is sold by
Burnaugh & Mayfield.
Tho ladies of the Christian church
will servo a chicken supper at tho
church Friday, October 25.
Shingle Stain, Sherwin-Williams'
the world's standard, and is no higher
in price ut Hartshorn & Keltuer's
John Edwards, a well known rancher
of tho north country, was transacti nc
business here the first of the week. .
Look at those lovely pieces of Batten-
burg and Mexican drawn work at Mrs.
Seibert's. Just the thing for Xmas.
Borr , Sunday, October 13, to the
wife of W. W. Parr, a son. The Parrs
are newcomers here, . arriving a few
weeks ago from Colorado.
Rev. N. E. Ilammack, pastor of the
Swamp Creek Baptist church, occupied
tho pulpit Of the Enterprise Presbyter
ian church, Sunday morning.
Tluiuksgivi lg turkeys taste 50 per
cent sweeter when rousted in a Savory
Roaster. Ask tho women. Sold only
by Hartshorn Keltner at Enterprise.
J. L. Corey, former editor of the New
Reo:d, is located at Wenatchee, Wash,,
wnure lie nas cnargo ol the vt cnu at a
handsome salary.
Mrs. A. C. Smith loft for Ontario
Monday where she will visit her
daughter, Mrs. Chester Martin.. Jus
tice Mmth tooK his w ire out to Elgin in
a private conveyance.
Preserve your roof with Sherwin-
Williania' Shiutle Stain. Pi-events de
cay and saves you money. Handled
only by Hartshorn & Keltner at Enter
Earl Corkins of St. Louis, who bad
been visiting his uncle, Judge O. M.
Corkins, left Tuesday for San Francisco.
He was greatly pleased with the Wal
lowa valley and predicts a great future
for it.
The new pastor of tho M. E. church,
Rev. Fred Potter, isn't going to let Mrs.
Potter or himself freeze this winter
even if wood is dear and hard to get at
any price. He donned a suit of work
ingiuau's broadcloth, borrowed or
hired a team and wagon' and is hauling
his stovewood to town himself. That's
the spirit of Ka'usas hustle that helps
the possessor over tight places.
The first of the course of popular,
illustrated missionary lectures will be
given at the Christian church, Sunday
evening, October 27, presented by the
pastor under the auspices of the Sunday
school and Y. P. S. C. Ej The first
lecturo will be "China's Teeming
Millions in tho Cities of the Yangtse,"
illustrated by beautiful, hand-painted
views. Tickets are being sold to dufwv
the expenses, as it is desired to have no
I admission fee charged at tho door.
Mrs. creighton and daughter, of
Salem, who had been visiting with
ituiuh'iiu inemis at Joseph, came
down to Enterprise, Monday, for a
several days stay at the home of Mr.
aud Mrs W. V. White. Mrs. Crcigh
ton Is one of the pioneer settlers of the
Wallowa valley, where she resided
until her removal to Salem 17 years ago,
soon after the death of her husband M.
J. Creighton. She is a sister of F. D.
McCully of Joseph, aud owns tho fine
Creighton ranch of 1200 acres near
C. H. Ogburn and J. p. Broughton of
Alder Slope were transacting business
in town Saturday.
Stone jars, all sizes, so handy for
fruit; Mor.e churns, crocks and jugs at
Hartshorn & Keltuer's.
There is no improvement in the con
dition of Mrs. M. E. llotchkiss, , who
has Wen ser'icii'hly ill for f onic time.
Mrs. C. W. Wheeler of Seattle unv
Tuesday night for an extended i-ir
with her father, Judge J. B. Ft avis,
and other relatives mid friends.
The first number of thj Lyecrr-.: '
course will be given at the opera l o se
Monday night, October 28. The Wil r
Star Concert company is the attrao'icn.
Miss Ella Daley moved Out to her
homestead, two and a half-miles north of
town, Thursday, October 10. Mrs. N.
A. Fallman, the photographer, resides
with Miss Daley.
G.C.Clark, of the Chirk & Austin
store at Flora,. W. C. Moore, constable
and deputy sheriff of Flora precinct,
and Mrs. Elmer Moore of Flora were
transacting business in Enterprise Wed
nesday. N ' '
Rev. and Mrs. II. S. Templeton ar
rived home Wednesday night from
Portland where they attended the
Presbyterian synod. He was appointed
a trustee of Albany college.
Fred S. Ashley will begin next week
the erection of a handsome cottage
home on his lots in West Greenwood
Highest Market Price raid for Grain
in your own selections of furniture and
stoves from the finest and largest stock
in Wallowa county at Ashley's in
Wallowa Valley chapter, No. 50,
Order Eastern Star, entertained the
grand worthy matron, Mrs. Florence
M. Bargelt of MarshtloUl, and Mrs.
I.otta L. Zweifel, worthy . matron cf
the Elgin chapter, at a special meeting,'
Tuesday evening. The degrees of the
order were conferred on Mrs. Ray .Yet t,
rind following the work a fine banque t
was enjoyed.
! 1 1.11 VA7 I' Hamma at K!a moiilaniui a
8 o'clock Monday night. ' The brother of
the bride, J. M. St'ibblefield, aud Miss
Minnie Jones were the attendants.
The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Jasper Stubblefield. The groom's par
ents reside in Union, county, but be is
an employe at the White Front livery.
Both have many friends who extend
Miss Laura E. Rucker and Mr. Gecre
B. Bales, both of Lostine, were married
in the Enterprise Hotel parlors, W ed
nesday afternoon, Rev. M. J. Thompson
performing the ceremony in the pres
ence of a few friends of the couple.
Mr. aud Mrs. I ales have rented one cf
the Littleton I otlses and will make their
home in. Enterprise. In Lo-tine Wed
nesday night they were given a recep
tion at the home of Dr. aud Mrs. Fred
G. Hewett. The former is an uncle of
the bride.
The News-Record will be enlarged
next week by the addition of 8 columns
and bettered by a. complete weekly
tuleirraphic news report. This feature
U added at cous'deri.ble i xpen-e I ut we
believe will be appreciated by all om
readers. The price remains the same,
$1.50 a year. Many who are not sut
Fcribjrs receive this week's paper. If
you like this sample and want mote
like it send your name and addree and
the News-Record will come to y u
must say "I am going to send my child
ren to the Wallowa county high school
and I want them . to receive the best
trainipg that a modern school can give."
When this kind of spirit is mani
fested, then will confidence be estab
lished, attendance increased, and the
educational standard of the county
raised. - .
County School Notes
Miss Fannie Weaver rf Alder Slope
will teach the Smith Mountain school,
district 47. opening next Monday.
Mrs. Jack Johnson, director of district
1.1, Imnaha, was in on school business
Monday. Mac Wilson has been en
gaged as teacher for that district.
Homer Bemiss of Lostine and Theo
dore LaCerte' of Enterprise, graduates
of the 10th grade at -Lostine, received
credentials from Superintendent Kerns,
Monday, and will leave at once for
Corvallis to enter the O. A. C.
George S. Craig, A. C. Miller, D. W.
Sheahan, Wm. Allen, Byron Mayfield,
J. L. Browning and . W. P. Samms
formed a party of Enterprise citizens
who visited the city schools and the
county high school Tuesday., They
were chaperoned by County Superinten
dent Kerns, aud all were pleased with
the excellent work of the classes.
Course of Study
for County High
(Continued from First Page)
Maintaiu Strict Quarantine
Wallowa is taking every precaution
against the spread of smallpox. The
cases and all persons in any way ex
posed are closely quarantined. No new
cases have developed. ' The assertion in
the Sun that the News-Record made
caustic allusions to Mavor Morelock
and Dr. Gregg, in its report of the cases
last week, is a figment of Editor Jonas'
think-pan, and he has another think
coming. Tlfe News-Record hadn't the
least idea the report of smallpox at
Lostine originated in the Sun office and
did not say or intimate so. Why deny
so vigorously, Mr. Sun, before even accused?
The editor of the News-Record has
received an epistle from C. H. Allen of
Flora, whose challenge to County
Judge O. M. Corkins was referred to in
a pleasant way in this paper recently.
A copy 01 the letter was published
the Flora Journal last week. Mr. Allen
evidently does not relish remarkr about
Ins original orthography. Notwith
standing his very low opinion of tiie
INews-lieConl editor he invites us "tti
debate with him. Wlitfo lie holds out j
the alluring promise to outdo G rover.
Cleveland in phrases that bring joy to
the heart of the paragraphia, yet his
letter as a whole so plainly show s the
need of a high school in at least one
case that the expenditure by the county
court for that institution is vindicated ;
thereforo the debate iff respectfully
declined. - .
One Horse Recovered .
'The black filly taken - from Jacob
Bauer's stable lot was found in a pas
ture not far from town with maiks of a
saddle on her. No authentic imiws of
the missing team has been received.
Sells 800 Cattle
M. E. Hotchkiss has sold 800 head of
cattle to Butter creek parties and the
band is being duven out to Eliu tiiii
Girl Badly Burned
The 15-year old daughter of . Mi
aud Mrs. J. A. Simmous was nearly
burned to death about noon Thursday
at the family home on Trout creek, 10
miles from Enterprise. She was getting
dinner when tier clothes caught tire
and turned nearly off her before the
flames were extinguished,. Fortun.itely
she did not inhale the flame and will
piobably recover though suffering great
Hills Fined $20
was arrested Wednonl
Roy Mills
by Marshal J. C. Reavis and
before City Recorder Taggart, whe fined
dim f 17 and costs, amounting in all to
20, for operating without a liceu?e a
refreshment room with a billiard tat.e
in it. A city ordinance, fixes a licen
fee of $100 a' year for suoh a pl.w e, t d
a maximum fine of $50 for its viol.itica.
Mills has been running his bueiiut
the room formerly occupied Ly t
Enterprise bar.
how to do something better than any
body else, or should be made to become
mastei of some trade or proficient
in a profession. This can only be ac
complished by means of higher institu
tions of learning. Is there any reason
why the boys and girls of Wallowa
county should not enjoy the advantages
of a fully equipped and well maintained
high school? There is just as much
need of higher education in this county
as in any other. The children are just
as deserving and just as much is due
them as is due the children of any other
part of the state. The children of this
county will grow up to manhood and
womanhood, and will scatter out and
settle down in different localities
counties or states ai d it is then that
their educational qualifications will re
fleet for good or for'naVght upon the
locality in w hich they were schooled.
We must admit that the standard of
our community, the strength of our
government and the future greatness of
our people will depend upon the train
ing we give the boys and girls of today
and those yet to come. The respon
sibility or the . future rests upon tho-e
for whom our sohools are conducted.
We may go where we will and wherever
we find a community thnt. maintains a
well equipped and thorough school,
there we will find law-abiding indus
trious and progressive people. . There
is no better means bv which we can
determine the standing of a community
than by its educational facilities.
The establishing of the Wallowa
countv high school marks the begin
ning of a new period in the educational
affairs of the county, .. The . boys and
eirla are now civen -an oonortunitv
to receive their secondary schooling at
honip, nd, when they shall have
finished the work, here, thev will be
ready for college or professional training.
The work of the county high school
is broad In its scope, rour courses are
offered the classical, the scientific,
the English and the commercial. The
school will be equipped with a labora
tory for the studv of the sciences, and
agood library for use in connection with
the teaching of history and literature
will be installed as rapidly as the re
quirements demand. Manual training
will be made a part of the commercial
course, and music will be offered to all
those who wish to take it.
In cities where go od high schools are
ninintained, the per cent of eighth grade
graduates who pursuehigher education
is much greater than in towns where
Inadequate nigh school facilities are
offered. The same is true of a county.
Offer vour bovs and girls a good high
school where there isan opportunity
for some selective work and i'ew will
fail to pursue it.
The people of Wallowal county must
have confidence in tho county hiwh
sehool. They must take pride in the
school and manifest an interest in It.
They must impress upon the minds of
tho " children that the ' county high
school offers the same courses and just
as good instruction as does any aca
demic school in the state. Unless this
Is done the home school will be run
down and the distant school built up.
If our boys and girls are sent away to
high Fchool, or its equivalent, it means
a reduction in the home enrollment,
and more it means a lack of confidence
in the people to support in their midst
that which they must send elsewhere
to get at a greater cost. .. -
It costs money to maintain good
schools. It is quite ex pen site to put
up a laboratory for the study of physios
and other sciences. It takes money to
establish a library for the proper study
of history and literature, ana there is
no small expense attached to equipping
a school for carrying a commercial
course, for it mnst- be thorough. Yet
these are expenses necessarily attached
to equipping and maintaining a high
school of reputable rank and character.
The expense of building up such a
schoil is too great for any ordinary
town or district. The subject of higher
education should be of interest to every
parent and patron of the schools of
Wallowa county. It should be frely
aud thoroughly discussed and a wide
awake interest made manifest. Public
sentiment has much to do with the
hnilding of good schools. Every citizen
ninst feel an interest in the higfi school
and insist that the course of study and
the teaching be thorough and up-to-
date in every respect. Every parent
All photographs "are shadows,
but some shadows oe better than
others. It takes experience and
careful study to get shadows
that look .right. Good shadows
please you. If they are not good
'your friends don't want them,
neither do you; poor stuff is dear
no matter bow cheap. We don't
sell the poor kind of photograph'
it Is not how cheap, but how
good we cau do the work for you.
For the
Next .
Thirty Days
If you want a tailor-made
huU we are prepared to
take your order from the
"old reliable" ROYAL
If you want a coat for
your wife, we have a large
assortment of the latest
etyle8 from which to select.
If you want 'anything in -the
line' of , Hat, Caps,
, Boots and Shoes, you can
find your fit at our store.
, We also keep .constantly
on hand a full stock of
Bulldinjt Paper, Nails, Door and
Windows, etc.
Preparatory to moving in
to our new quarters we are
offering SPECIAL BAR
GAINS for the next 30
days in almost every line.
Call, get our prices and be