The news=record. (Enterprise, Wallowa County, Or.) 1907-1910, October 05, 1907, Image 5

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Joseph h Elgin Stage Co.,
o ; SIncorporated3 o
Tariff and Rate Sheet -of Fares From
Enterprise to Joseph.
Effective on and after September 1. 1907.
One Way Round Trip
Enterprise to Joseph $ .75 $1 25
" " Lostine ' 100 1.75
" " Wallowa 7-- 1.75 3.00
" " Canyon House 2.50 O 4.75
" " Elgin 4.00 7.50
Baggage allowance 40 pouuds for each full paid fare. Excess baggage
rates same as old tariff.
Makes connections with stages at Wallowa for Promise on Tuesdays,
Thursdays and Saturdays For Flora, Paradise and Anatone, Wash., on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Carries U.S. Mail and Express.
Connects with Stages at Enterprise for Imnaha on regular days. Stopove
privileges given on round trip rates.
Second-land Store
RODGERS BROS. Proprietors
, Dealers in New and Second-hand goods, Bicycles and Bicycle Repairs.
Furniture Repaired, Upholstering done. Counters, Show Cases, Store
fixtures, and Old Mission Furniture made to order. All goods called
for and delivered any place in town. We are located in the Enterprise
Restaurant Building, west side of the city square. Call in and see ns.
No Lineup For
Wallowa Reserve
Law Requires Settlers to Be on Land
on Opening Day
Following is the report of the Enter
prise schools for the month ending Sep
tember 27, submitted by W. M. Sutton,
Advanced, W. M. Sutton, teacher:
Enrollment, boys 13, girls 9, total 22;
attendance, boys 202 days, girls 161,
total 3G3J; average daily attendance,
boy 8 11, girls 9, total 20; tardy, boys 3,
girls 1, total 4.
Intermediate, Mrs. Sutton, teacher:
Enrollment, boys 20, girls 25, total 45 ;
attendance, boys 372, girls 430, total
802; average daily attendance, boys
20, girls 23, total 43 ; tardy, boys 5, girls
4, total 0.
Primary, Mrs. Hanville, teacher:
Enrollment, boys 22, girls 18, total 40;
attendance, boys 376, girls 321, total 697 ;
average daily attendance, boys 20, girls
17, total 37; tardy, boys 2, girls 3,
total 5.
Primary, Miss Church, teacher : En
rollment, boys 36, girls 30, total 66; at
tendance, boys 631, girls 5045, total
1135 ;4 ; average daily attendance, boys
34, girls 27, total 61 ; tardy, boys 3, girls
4, total 7. f
Totals Enrollment, boys 91, girls 82,
total 173 ; attendance, boys 1581, girls
14)7, total 2(K)8; average, daily attend
ance, boys 85, girls 76, total 161 ; tardy,
boys 13, girls 12, total 25.
Visitors Mesdames Holmes, DePue,
The line-up of land seekers for the
Wallowa reserve at the land office in
La Grande dispersed Monday morning.
Forty-one prospective filers took places
in the line Sunday night, and had
made preparations for a 30 days siege,
as the land is not open for entry until
October 30. A tent covering a large
portion of the sidewalk was erected and
occupied over night.
The primary cause of the melting
away of the line-up was air outsider
who sprang the ruling governing the
selection of claims, Avhich reads in
substance as follows: "No person will be
permitted to gain, or exercise any right
whatever, under any occupancy of land
prior to September 30, as all such pro
ceedings are forbidden by law."
As the landseeker could not be on
his land on the day of opening and
holding down the sidewalk in front of
the land office at the same time, and
further as the city authorities held a
line-up for 30 days in front of business
houses was a nuisance, a compromise
was made, numbers being issued to the
landseekers in order of their places in
the line. These numbers were turned
into the land office and the settlers
"hiked" for the land.
Little local interest is taken in '.the
opening for although about 35,000 acres
are inclnded few desirable locations are
in it and nearly all of them have already
been squatted on.
Si Bncwuful
Oat of the line of 35 who waited for
the opening of the Heppner land, 34
were successful in filing on the claim of
their choice at La Grande last week
Among the successful ones was Miss
M. E. Glidden of this county, who re
turned to "Enterprise and went on to her
homestead near Chico 'the first of the
Everybody Going
to Lostine Fair
Secretary O. F. Mays of the county
fair reports pronpects bright for a suc
cessful exhibition at Lostine Wednes
day, Thursday and Friday of next
week. If the weathe is favorable there
will be a large attendance.
Music will be furnished each day by
the Lostine Concert band. A play,
"Down in Dixie," will be given in the
school assembly hall two nights under
the auspices of the band.
Workmen are cleaning up the grounds
this week and fixing the race track.
Following is the program of
Races at Couxtj Fain
1 Races called at 2 p. in.
Second day 1st. 2nd.
mile race free for all horses
raised in the county $25 00 15 00
Entrance fee $5 00
mile saddle horsed raised
in the county 20 00 12 00
Entrance fee 4 00
300 yd. pony race, 14 hands
and under 15 00
Entrance fee
Third day
mile race free for all 30 00
Entrance fee
J-4 mile race, saddle horses,
lady rider 25 00
Entrance fee
350 yd. free for all 20 00
Entrance fee-
100 yd foot race 20 00
Entrance fee
Entries must be made not later
Mr. and Mrs. John Williamson and
the latter's sister of near Lostine were
trading in the city the first of the
Wedded in Church
Miss Edith M. Foster of Joseph and
Mr. G. L. Williams of Josephine county
were married in the Christian church
of Enterprise, Sunday night at the close
of services, by Rev. M. J. Thompson.
Mr. and airs. Williams will reside in
Josephine county.
' Surveys Cut-off
Surveyor A. II. Radd was over north
Monday surveying a cut-offi from the
Trout creek road to the Aunt flat road
through the Bookout place.
Still Doing Business
We have had our one-day Fur Sale and it was a great success.
Many people were made happy on that day. But we still nave
a very large and well assorted line of
that we are offenn
from $1.25 to $20.
atalmost unheard of prices. Neck pieces
O. Then we have sets, Muffs and Scarfs
to match. We also have a complete line of
Crushed Plu?h, Bear Skin and Astrakan, All of these gar
ments are well made and going very reasonably. We have
not space to quote prices, but invite you to come to our store
and examine for yourself, and we know we can convince the
most skeptical. Our Fall line is in, so, come early before the
goods are picked over.
7 50
2 50
15 00
6 00
15 00
5 00
12 00
4 00
12 00
4 00
in which
noon of the day of the races
the horse is expected to run.
In all races, not less than three to
enter and two to start.
Real Estate Transfers
Week Ending, Sept. 28, 1907 Prepared
By Wallowa Law, Land &
Abstract Co.
Win. I. Samraer to George Talmer
Lumber Co., se qr of sw qr, see 10, 1 4
n,r42e. 1.
P. D. McCully and J. D. McCully to
W. B. Daugherty, lots 4 and 7, blk 8,
Riverside add to Joseph. $200.
Daniel Boyd to J. H. Parrott, lot 3,
blk 3, Alder View add Enterprise. $1.
United States prti patent to Robert
Morrill, a half se qr and ne qr of se qr
of sec 25, t 2 n, r 43 e, and lot 4, seo 30,
t 2 n r 44 e, containing 158.21 acres.
Robert Morrill to Nlbley-Mimnaugh
Lumber Co., b half se qr and ne qr of
se qr of seo 25, 1 2, n r 43 e, and lot 4,
see 30 in 1 2 n r 44 e; also the se qr of
the se qr of see 23, and the w half of
the sw qr and se qr sw qr of seo 24, t 2
n, r 43 e; also nw qr of seo 25, t2 n,
r43e. $1.
United States pre patent to William
G. Barlow, nw qr seo 25, t 2 n. r 43 e.
United states pre patent to Wm. E.
Coyne, se qr of se qr see 23, and w half
of sw aud the se of sw of sec 24, t 2 n,
r 43 e,
Geo. L. Post to William Post, qo,
lots 7, 8, 0 and 10, blk 4, Bowman's
add to Lostine. $1.
Wm. H. Post to David II. Harris,
lots 7, 8, 9 and 10. blk 4, Bowman's
add to Lostine. $300.
Julius Fisher to Crossett Timber Co.,
w half of ne qr and so of nw and ne of
sw qr of seo 4, 1 2 n, r 41 e. fl.
Daniel Boyd to Ella Daley, lot 5, blk
8, Alder View add to Enterprise. $150,
John Perkins tr. to Henry C. Hays
8 half of sw qr of seo 20, and e half of
nw qr of seo 35, t 6 n, r 44 e. $1.
Otia T. Lyuiau to Oossett Timber
Co., sw qr of nw qr and the nw qr of
the sw qr of sec 11, 1 8 n, r 41 e. $1.
George W. Funk to W. J. Funk, half
interest in aud to a tract of land con
taining 25 acres ln"tha se qr of mo 2,
1 2 s, 1 44 e, less right of way of O. R. &
N. across northeast corner. $300.
John McDonald to R. E. Rochester!
lot 1 and 2, blk 1, McDonald add to
Wallowa. $100.
Notice of Settlement.
All persoiiH knowing themselves Indebted
to the tlrm of T. H. Green & Sons or to T. II
Green Hre hereby notified that such indebted
ness must be paid to W. II. MeVny, Trustee,
at the otllee of Burleigh A Boyd, Enterprise,
Oregon, and to no other person, said accounta
having been duly assigned to said trustee for
the benefit -of creditors. All notes nnd ac
counts due us n foresaid must be paid forth
with. 2212 W. II. McVAY, Trustee,
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
W.F. Rankin, Plaintiff, )
v V
Frank II. Pierce, Defendant.
To Frank H. Pierce, .the above-named
defendent :
In the name of the state of Oregon ; you are
hereby notified to appear and answer the
complaint tiled against you in the above
entitled court and cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from the ditto of the
first publication of this summons, which
date of first publication is Saturday, Sep
tember 28, 1907, and If you fall to appear and
answer within said time, for want thereof,
the plantlff will apply to the court for the
relief prayed for In his said eomplalnt, to- x
For a Judgment against you for the sum of
$617.00 with Interest thereon from the lttlt
day of May, 1U0S, until paid, at the rate of
ten percent per annum; the further aunt of
$100.00 as an attorney's fee in this suit, and
for the costs aud dlsburstnonta of this suit.
For a decree foreclosing that certain in.
denture of mortgage executed and delivered
by Prank II. Pierce to W. F. Rankin and
Oleo Reel upon the following described real
property, vis. 8Wi SK4, SUV BWJ4 anil
WH 8W of Section 7 In Twp. 8 N of 11. 60
E. W. M. in Wallowa County, to secure the
sums above mentioned, which mortgage la
of record in the office of the County Clerk ot
said county In volume "H" at page 867
thereof, and the sale of said described real
property to satisfy said Judg incut, attorney's
fee and costs and disbursements, and forever
barring and foreclosing you of nil right, tltlo
and interest In and to said premises or any
part thereof.
This summons is served upon you by publi
cation thereof for the period of six consecu
tive weeks in the News-l!ccord, commencing
with the issue of Hep t ember LiS, 1907, pursu
ant to the order ot Hon. O. M. Corking, Coun
ty Judge ot Wallowa county, Oregon, made
and dated .-September 28, 1007.
Attorney for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court ot the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
W. K . Stubblefield, Plaintiff,
v I
Angle Btubblefleld, Defendant, )
To Angle Htubbleneld, the above named
In the iiumu ol the 8tate of Oregon: Yon
are hereby required to appeur und answer to
the complaint llled against you In the above
entitled cnuso on or before the expiration of
six weeks from the data of the first publica
tion of thla Summons, which first date of
publication is Saturday, September 21st.
11107, aud If you fall to appear and answer
within said time, for want thereof tho plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for in his complaint, vlx :
ForadeureedlssolvliiK ihu bonds of matri
mony now and heretofore existing between
the plaintiff and defendant, upon the
grounds of willful desertion.
This Summons la published pursuant to an
order of the Hon. O. M. Corkins, County
Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon, made amt
entered on the lHth day of September, 1U07,
directing the publication thereof for the
period of six consecutive weeks .commencing
with tlie date of September 21st, 10O7.
Attorneys for Plaintiff.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for Wallowa County.
II. P. Throe, Plaintiff, i
Mary A. Danforth and)
Lucius Dunforth,
I, her )
its. )
Haas Sells Ranch.
Jonathan Haas of Alder Slope has
sold his Prairie creek ranch of 1W) acres
to E. T. Roup for $0,400. It la one of
the best farms in the fertile Prairie
creek section, only a few miles south
east of Joseph, and the price, $40 an
aere, is less than the charge per acre
for irrigation in less favored sections of
the West.
Hiinley, befenda
To Mary A. Dunforth, Lucius Danforth
and Larkln Ihiuley, the defendants ubove
named :
in the name of the State Oregon: You and
eneh of you ure hereby required to appear
and answer to complaint tiled against you
In the above entltlod cause on or before the
expiration of six weeks from and after the
date of the first publication of this Hurniiious
which date of first publication Is Hitturdar
September 21st, 1U07, and If you fail so to ap
pear nna answer, for want thereof, the plain
tiff will apply to the Court for the relief
prayed for tn his complaint, to wit:
For a decree requiring you and each of yoii
to set forth the nature of your elalm or In
terest in and to Lot numbered Klght and the
South one-half of Lot numbered Nine In
Block numbered Eleven iu the town of Jos
eph, Wallowa county, Oregon, and that nil
adverse claims of yon and each of you be
determined by said decree; that you and
each of you beaOJudged and decreed to have
no Interest orclsim In ami to laid real prau-
erty or any part thereof; that plaintiff's title
thereto he adjudged and dncreed to be good
and valid against you anil each of yoa, and
bin title theretoquletcMl; and that you and
each of you be forever barred ami enjoined
from asserting any elnitn or Intercut in and
to said real property or any part thereof, ad
verse to me tltls of plaintiff; and for such
other and further rellej oa to equity shall
seem meet and agreeable.
This summons Is served upon yon by publi
cation thereof In the Newa-Keooril, for the full
period of six consecutive Weeks, commencing
with the date of September 2lt, 1907, puna
ant to an order of the Hon. O. M. Corkins,
County Judge of Wallowa county, Oregon,
which order is made and dated on the iHth
day of September. Idol. ,
Attorneys for I'lulntiff.