( City and County Brief News Items First dass atdne" at "Calvin lar hor shop. 68bn. J. H. Maniey and family lea Fri day morning for Couer dAlene. Ida, to spend tbe n inter. W. E. Tarcart went to Gaxfteld, Wash.. Friiay to spend Coristmas with his family. Charlie and Mia Maud Uch lft Friday morning for a Christmas Wait at the home of E. Inibler in Orcein City. Miss Apnea Brichoux, v.ho ta Uooa staying for some Unxj niih her. uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Wh'tfe. ret jrued to hr honi? son was born Monday to the wlf in La Grande, Friday of Wni. Miller of La Crania, brother or A. C. MiUer of this cl:y. The -"Women's Union Missionary Society has bo?n poscponed IndcXl Its'.y. Time id place or Bloating aa.nouaeed la'-r. The E. M. & M. company present ed theiir patrons with 'hennonaeters this year, a departure gladly wel comed by thorn. S. V. Cray left Friday -for Philo mai.h, Oregon, where his wife is stay ing for the benefit of her health. He expects to be gone about a month Fred S. Ashley U disuributirg the newest thing in matchboxes, one that takes the cardboard box the match es come in, matches and all with out unloading. V.". D. Hiltsiey of Sndke rher came to Enterprise Ttiesdr.y to meet Mrs. HilisT.ey who returned Wedn.es 3a y fr:m a long visit in Chicago and other Eastern points Enterprise Chapter. Royal Arch Masons, elected the following officers: Ii:gh Priest, Daniel Boyd; king, C E. Funk; scribe, w. C Boatman; captain of host, C. H. Zurcher; prin cipai sojourner, J. A. Bur.cie:h; roy al arch captain, W. T. Bell; secre tary. C. G. EEyea; treasurer, W. R. Holmes. Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. McReynolds and baby left Wednesday for La Grande and after a brief visit tihere wBM go on to Woodstock, near Portland, where Mrs. McReynolds and child will spend the winter. Mr. McRey nolds wta go on (to Lakeport, the new seacoast town in Curry county where several local people have in vestmnrts. Worse than an alarm of fire ait night is the metallic cough of croup, Orvie D. Shirley end Calvin Ma affey of this city filed homes-wad .-.ppCicaticMs in the land office at La urando, Monday, according to the Star. WEDDING BELLS, Miss Ne'.li Mabel Hanson and Mr. Max Gunierman. w-er? married Wedn?s- lay evenisig, Dec-envbeO 21, at 4:40, by Rev. W. P. Samnis at his resi lenoe. They left Thursday morning or Portland on a wedding trip. Bo:h paitk3 are well known and have many fri-tndes who wish ithera i long and happy wedded life. Mr. (.rtiniernian is a young business man, f this city, a'ld Viss Hanson Is a daughter of Mrs. Hanson of Just -suth of town. c me BIG PANTHER KILLED. The Joseph Herald says Ed Mil iary killed a paaithr 11 foot Jong. Our Imnaha reportre confirms the tale. But in the issue of the Chfofta!n U March 14, 1901, fa the Imnaha rorrespoiidene there is the follow ir.g item: "ii33 Winnie Rice killed a pan ther the otJicr day that measured 11" feet, 3 inches in length, she lo.ard it in her chicken hou.se about ;1ny llgiit and took the gun and run him out and ha took to a trse v.-here she Bhot him In the head and !:f.lcd him. Hon- is that for game woman? LADIES Mrs. A. D. Vandecar of North Pow der, Ore., has a larje stock of switch es and all pertaining to the trade. Also makes switches and puffs of bringing dread to the household. Care- j '011r combings, w ill make trips to your ful mothers keep Foley's Honey and j t0wtt- she wI11 a10 do vour work tf Tar in tie house and give it at the i -vou address her at North Pow- first sign of danger. Accept no sub- der. 30 years experience. Work guar etrtues. Burnaugh & Mayfield. anteed. - lgc2 4i44i'H44ii't'H'4J4'4lHi'i,ij'4'4'li4"l414"H,"Hl4lH'4"H,l41'H'4 Wallowa County litle efcf I Abstract Company A. C. MILLER, President Office in Company's new brick building opposite front of t new Court. House. Oldest and most comolete abstract Tjlant I in county. Abstracts of title furnished promptly and cheap-1 ly. Insurance written in largest and strongest companies. X Money Loaned at very Lowest Current Rates LOUIS TRACY Author of the "Pillar of Light," "The Wings ol the Morn ing" and "The Captain of the Kansas." J Copyright. 1909 by Edward J Clodt Synopsis of Previoua Chapter. CHAPTER I Ovo.rhor.ring a coaispi. racy betwean her uncle and the cap iat of his ship to sink the vessel and collect insurance, Iris oike se- retes herself aboard the Andromeda ust before it sails for southern eeas. Her uncle, who is her guardian and has commanded her to wed old Dicky ulmer, thinks she has run away to avoid the distaseful marriage. II hilip Hazier, yoong and hadusomo second officer of the Andromeda, dis- overs Miss Yorke aboard. Ill iris ells Hozier of the plot to sUik th es-sel, aad he keeps watch on Cap- ain Coke. Mysterious defect in ue eering gear discovered, causing the hip to veer from her course, coke treats the matter lightly. IV WhiJe iKiing into a harbor at an unknown island the Andronieda suddenly is helled by a mysterious foe on shore. V Sho's wreck ship. Hozier is ounded and his life saved by iris. chapter" X. (Continued.) lie glauood nt iris. Vanity beliiR bis first consideration, it is probuble thnt he would have rcfuswl to be made ridiculous in her eyes hud not a knock on the door gulvanizcd him into a fever of fright. lie sprang up and glared wildly around for some means of eluding the threatened scrutiny of a search party. Lulsa Gomez flung him a rough skirt and a shawl. He huddled Into a corner near the bed and draped the two garments over his head and limbs. Then the woman unbarred the door, man staggered In. lie was alone. and a swirl of wind and mlu caused he lanm to flicker ho niadlv thnt no A - M. .- J- A- . TTTTtTTf TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTfTf nilllHIIIUK9Hl t I Enterprise Livery and Sales Stable Baher a Smith, Proprietors Fair treatment to everybody. Bus meets all trains 10 cts Commercial Trade a Specialty. First Class Rigs. Phone Orders Carefully Followed Horses Bought and Sold Feed For Sale Open Day and Night Pure Bred Black Percheron Stallion at this barn for servloe IT'S time you were thinking of do- ing your Christmas buying; if you've a man to buy for, we know what a problem confronts you. The safest thing is to come to a man's store, where you find the things men buy for themselves. You'll find a Hart Schaffner & Marx suit or overcoat as good a gift as you can offer. But you'll find here also plenty of other things suitable; neckwear, hosi ery, gloves, sweaters, shoes, hats, etc. Suits $15.00 AND UP Overcoats $17.50 AND UP C. H. ZURCHER The Men's Outfitter one could distinguish his features un til the door was closed again, But Iris knew hlui. Though her yes were dim with tears, though the newcomer carried a broken guu In his hands arid his face was blood stained, he knew. With a shriek that dismayed the oth er women, who could not guess thnt Joy is more boisterous thau. Borrow, she leaped up uud threw her arms. around him, "Oh, I'liilip, rhilip!" Kho sobbed 'lie told me you were dead, and I be lieved him!' The manner cf her greeting was He- llghtful to one who hud faced death for her sake many times during the past hour, yet Hosier was so surprised by its warmth that he could Uud never a word at the moment. But he had the good sense to throw aside the ebat- tered rifle and return her embrace with Interest When they parted In that same squalid hut at midnight he took with Ulra the intoxication of her kiss, let he scarce brought himself to believe that the night's happenings were real or that they two would ever meet Ugalu on earth. And now here was Iris quivering against his breast lie could feel the beating of her heart, The perfume of her hair was as in eeuse in his nostrils. She was cling' mg to him na If they had loved through all eternity, San Benavides supplied a timely tonic. Throwing aside the rags which cov ered him. he tried to rise. Philip caught a glimpse of the uniform, the sheen of the naked sword. lie was about to tear himself from Iris' clasp and spring at this new enemy when the Brazilian spoke. "Mil diabos'." he cried in a rage. "This cursed Inglez still lives, and here am I posing before him like an old hag! His voice alone saved him from be Ing pinned to the floor by a man who had adopted no light measures wltn others of his countrymen during the past half hour, as the dented guu bar rel minus its stock well showed. But the captain's mortified fury helped to restore Philip's sanity. Lifting Iris' glowing face to his own, he whispered "Tell me, sweetheart, how comes It that our Brazilian friend is here?1 "He ran away when some shots were fired." which was rather unfair of Iris. "He said the launch had been sunk by a man-of-war" "But he Is wrong. I saw no man-of-war. We captured the launch. By this time she is well out at sea. Un fortunately Marcel was killed and Po mlngo badly wouuded, There was no one to come for you, so I Jumped overboard and swam ashore, I had to fight my way here, and It will soon be known that there are some of ns left on the JsIaDd. I thought that perhaps I might take you back to the Grand pcre cavern. These people may give us food. I have some few sovereigns In my pocket." "Oh, yes,, yes!" She was excited 0iw and radiantly happy. "Of course "Then there really was a warship!" murmured Iris. "Ha!" said San BenaTldea, and his tone was almot gratiued, for he had gathered that tinnier was skeptlcnl when told of the rockets. Bat In that respect at least he was not mistaken. A iiiHtnif war had entered the rtmd stead. and her powerful lamp was now scouring Ken and coast for the uilsa- Captain San Henaviaes must accom pany us. He says the soldiers will shoot him If they capture him. I, too. have money. Let me ask him to ex plain matters to this dear woman and her daughter. They have been more than kind to me already." She turned to the sulky San Bena vides and told him what. HoRler had suggested. He brightened at that and begau a voluble speech to Lulsa Go mez. Interrupting himself, he In quired in French bow Hozier proposed to reach the rock. "On a catamaran. There are two on the beach, aud I can handle one of them all right," said rhlllp. "But what Is this yarn of a warship? When last I sighted the launch she was standing out of the harbor, and the first clouds of the storm helped to screen her from the citadel." Ills Interpreted. San Benavides re pented his story of the rockets. In her present tumult the girl forgot the touch of realism with regard to the firing thnt he had heard. Certainly there was a good deal of promiscuous rifle shooting after the departure of the launch, but warships use cannon to enforce their demands, aud the boom of a big guu had not woke the echoes of Fernando Noronba that night. Philip deemed the present no time for argument. He despised San Benavides and gave no credence to him. Just now the Brazilian was an evil that must be endured. Luisa Gomez promised to help in every possible way. Her eyes sparkled at the sight of gold, but the poor wo man would have nsslsted them out of sheer pity. Nevertheless the gift of a couple of sovereigns, backed by the promise of many more If her husband devoted himself to their service, spur red her to a frenzy of activity. There was not a moment to Ih lost. The squall had spent Itself, aud a peep through the chluks of the door showed that the uioon would quickly be In evi dence a:--u!u. It was essential that they should cross the chauuel whtlo the scattering clouds still dimmed her brightness, so Manoela aud her mother collected such store of food and milk and water as they could lay hands ou. Well laden, all five hastened to the creek, and Hozier. Iris aud San Bena vides boarded the larger of the two catamaraus. When the catamaran rounded the last outlying crag and they were all straining their eyes to find the sentinel pillars tuey became aware that a small boat was being pulled cautiously toward them from the opposite side f the rock. Iris gasped. She heard Hozier mut ter under his breath, while San Bena vides reveuled his dismay by an oath and a convulsive tightening of the hands that rested on the girl's shoulders. Hozier stroTe with a few desperate strokes of the paddle to reach the shad ows of the passage before the cata maran was seen by the boat's occu pants. He might have succeeded. But there was even a greater probability that the unwieldy catamaran might be caught by the swell and dashed side long against one of the half submerged rocks that thrust their black fauga above the water. I Happily they were spared cither al ternative. At the very Instant that their lot must be put to the test of chance Coke's hoarse accents came to their Incredulous ears. "Let her go, Olseu," he was growl ing. "We've a clear course now, an' that Infernal moon will spile every thing If we're spotted." In this Instance bearing was believ ing, and Philip was the first to guess what had actually occurred. "Boat ahoy, skipper!" he sang out in a Joyous hall. Coke stood up. He glared bard at the reef. "Ijld ye 'ear Itr be cried to Pe Sylva. "Sink me, I 'ope I ain't a-copy-In' pore ole Watts, but If that wasn't Hozier's voice I'm goln' dotty." "It's all right, skipper." said Philip, sending the catamaran ahead with a mighty sweep. "Miss Yorke Is here Captain San Benavides too. I was sure you would look for us if you cleared the harbor safely." Then Coke proclaimed his sentiments In the approved ritual of the high seas, while the big Norseman at the oars swung the boat's head round until both craft were traveling In company to the waiting launch. Before any thing in the nature of an explanation was forthcoming from the occupants of either the boat or the catamaran a broad beam of white light swept over the crest of the Island from north to south. It disappeared to return more Slowly until It rested on Rat Island, at the extreme northwest of the group. It remalued steady there, showing a wild panorama of rocky heights and 'tumbling sea. VA fit'UJXbUcUi;!igrowJed. Cpke,. . PR. C A. AULT HYSIC1AN AND SIRGEOM Office In Bank Building Horn phoae both office aadZ residence. t AAAAAAjkAAAA AAAA AAAAAAAAA C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Office to, Litcb. building. Room 116. Home kid. Phone in of floe I and reeUence. i PR. W. L. NICHOLS. Osteopathic Physician 135-137 LMch Btdg. T Tueedey, Toured.-. and Satur X day, Phoue In Hen. and office. "ip that wasn't hozibr's voica I'm OOIN' DOTTY." lr.g launch. And in that moment of fresh peril It was forgotten by all but one of the ineu who bad survived so many dangers since the sun last gilded the peak of Fernando Noronba thnt were It not for Iris having been left behind and Philip's mad plunge over board to go to her and the point blank refusal of the Andromeda's captain and crew to put to sea without an effort to save the pair of them the launch would not now be hidden be hind the black mass of the Urand-pere rock. ITO BK C01TTirt7D. 1 J. A. BURLEIGH ATIORNEY-AT-LAW Office In Lltch Building. Enterprise, Oregon. S1IEAHAN A COO LEY LAWYERS ENTERPRISE i Practice In 8tate and Federal Courta and Interior Department, i M , YIFNTKT FNTFDPDKP vutiui - ui i lei ivuiii Office in Lltch Building. Room 121. Home Independent Phone. I I iti sii A r - - - - - ItTTtTTTtTTTTt W W THOS. M. PILL ATTORNEY-AT-LAW i Office In Litch building. Room! 107. ButerprUe, Oregon. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PAMBL BOYP X Practice In ill 8tta Court and Interior Department. Careful at- X j, cannon to ail nusineas. lUAJUJUa 1 HU M Ail LAWYER - ENTERPRISE, ORE. t Practice la BUte and Federal X Courta and Int. Dept. Abstract Bldg-, opposite court house. 293 acres Aldr Slope, $22,000.00 80 acres Aider Slops, $ 8,000.00 160 acres hill land, about six miles out, $2,000.00 320 acres, 12 miles eut, $3,200.00 City Lota, $100 to $300 Rwldn Proparty, $6SO to 3,000 Fire Insurance Surety Bond Live Stock Insurance W. E. TAGGART, m eal Eut ENTERPRISE, : : : : OREGON $.Cartfui Banking Innm Iht Saftty of Dtpositi," Depositors Have That Guarantee at WALLOWA NATIONAL BANK OK ENTERPRISE, OREGON CAPITAL $60,000 SURPLUS $66.1)00 Wc Do a General Banking Business. Exchange Bought and Sold on All Principal Cities. Geo. W. Hyatt, President Geo. H. Craig, Vloe President W. R. Holm., CWilfi A. J. Boehmer, Amt. Cashier Geo .8. Cmaio 1. H. Dob bh DiBtxrroita Qko. W. Hyatt Matthi a. Houiaa W. R. HoLMca WHITB FRONT Livery, Feed and Sale Stable L. DAY, Proprietor U Good Rigs Fair Treatment Horses Bought and Sold Special Attention to Commercial Trade Rates for Regular Boarders Bus to and From Trains Beet of Help Employed Home Phone Open Day and Night One Block North of Hotel Enterprise Get Your Plumbing Done Before Cold Weather Starts I carry a complete line of Bath Tubs, Basins Bowls, cte. PRICES RIGHT. "Superior" Stoves and Ranges Beat on thl Market S. K. CLARK, 2 blks. south Hotel Enterprlaa v ; i