aVaUou-a Ccutttg (Chief tait f0,,nK Pioneer Paper . ! Published everj cSi'erprwe Press Lie Court House objure Entered In the postoffice at Enter prise. Ore., as second-class matter 3 SCRIPTIOX RATES. ,1."0 Three monins out i . .1 tablv In Advance. t ECEMBER 29. 1910- S m :- i i T i N 5 TRIBUTE. ?jne of th irosi difficult case . v.... h.ind:ed a: thi term of :. county circuit court, and .oi...tuu i: is but just .. ciu.t Judge Ki'.ow'.t-s v. gxl a; the pre-i'.uir.g off.- ... i.-. ad.Lt.on to expediting busi . Known Is prompt: and ...a rccltEgs &r.d has njad . o.-ia bar and public ..o.. Republican. Joint Irstallation By Masonic Bodies Bta'S, Royal Arch and Blue Lodge Officers Given Splendid Start. The join: in-sullatioc of Wallows Vi.ley Chapter. O. E. S.. Enter prie Chapter. R. A. 11, and Wallowa I.odiS. A. F. i: A. M.. was held ir. ' aaonit hall Ttieaday night, and ujj a very bea.::;;-a: aiid ojoyabi afJ-ilr. T3. Mary St-', was Installing of t s: ii ::ie Stars. irs. Gladys Fitj t .:.-& wjs n-arsial and l.rs. J. A. Barle-h arjsxiac. In addittion. to ih-? e.-:'-ive efficers whetie names ie he.e ofore been published. ie fo! owirg appointive officers re duly inducted into office with the beautiful rites- of the O. E. S.: Ada. Mrs. Ray V&s:; Edthr, Mrs. ': -?.-k Reavjs; Eiscia. Mrs. E. J- 5-:ae; warcer, lira. W. T. b21; . ...i::e;. E. J. ForsyUie. For te Royal Arch, J. B. Olmsted wio ins'allitg officer and W. R. Ho.ajo marsiiai. Th names of the n-;- officers hav beea pubiiuhed ic -reviotis isaue. I a,-:er 1). W. Sheahan ir.s:al- .e of ::ters of Waliowa lodse A. F . e.eited Saturday night, j - --i was marshal, as j ' a. .e i-oyd, W.. .V.; W. ' -V. C. T. Hockett, J. j es. treas.; J. A. Bur-'- H. Zurcher. S. l.; j V ' ! x. -. J. D.: E. J. Forsythe, ! a: j A - -;L s.e.vanis; h.. W. 1 I ceremonies a fine s;are. - " '. e e .eri iarian. ! o-r..-Dr.. who was ' -i in Joseph ! o' weks ago. to j n ' 'ike the Piste tr j rr-ieemen'.s may be ! o io so. ! w bi C gc tr m m si in to at r-. . er.; ;n no ne-y Qeve::r- i ''trad coyote-" flurry e. Owriers of dogs ! .. o.r-. ei th- orier I UZ7 ait as far at U kaoirn ! tiaie. . v.". Harris and family will leae- Thursday for Idaho. He has boat an Irrigated raach about 8 miiea from CaldweJl, m. l. Harrj of Emmett, Idaho, U here helping hia brother pack up. 'rs. William Dx's'cr sp.;t Wed acsday at Los tina Graduate Chicago Veterinary College Ex-President Society Veterinary Graduates of Wisconsin DR.E.R. FLACK Formerly of Milwaukee, Wisconsin Headquarters at . , . c c i 1 Enterprise Livery zL bales Stable, Enterprise, Ore. ! Effect Temporary Fair Organization; ; I Stockholders Meeting Held Saturday- ( Permanent Organization en January Fourteenth. j ' u i k f ' Saturday lat, be.-.; the uay tvfo.e ; 'hrls.n-.as. w:".e no. conducive to ,-v lcrce oc-.tpourrr.e of ttu peop-e , .i ai.v proposi'.i'.in, yet ver 1- .nrf.-wntacion of the pubKc n'.rit- ! : d men of the county wss - o'f'H" the organization on hand : of the i allowa County Agricultural soc:a:ion. After fu'.l discussion, however, it .vas resolved that the K-si permanent n:r.i- nf t'.i fair de-ma:i-led thai i vcrv prec'not of the co.n.tv should : ,e 'p,;i no. oalv anion? the j r.vv-h.v.i.. h,., on ' tlie various I onraiivet-s as we'.!. It was decided, tho reform to e."ct r.!v a temporary 0rgan.2r.tion, w hieh .as d-ne by the election of Jay H obbin Sam Wade. Carl WU-taiore, , M. Fru'.tts and W. F. Craig as a ectporary board of dir:.:ore. u.id rom thai numt er W. F. Craig was ,.ecd to act as temporary eeere- The meecitig was tdjoumed until Saturday, January 14. at - p. tu., 1; which time an effort will be made o have every subscriber to stock present. At that meeting a re-ntaneat or aniza.ion will le effctrril. .A I LOR MAKES FREE WITH HIS EMPLOYER'S GOODS. Sheriff E'par 1'arvin r. to La ,:A.id Wednesday after Edward ;ujith. a taiior tmder arrest there a a charge of misappropriation of :ood owned by Mas Gunnerniaa of .his city. Smh as from The Dr.lles and .vas left in charge of Mr. Glimmer nan's shop here last w-eefe while he owner and his bride were ic .'ortiand on their wedditig trip. It s alie-ired Smith got very busy, sold several suits of clothe-s, traded a gar neiiv on a diamond ring tiien on Sunday hired a rig and went to Jo eph. whence he tok tiie train for -a Grande. A Joeph man brought the rig -:1c. suspicion wa.- aroused, the io"h:iis trawl, and word sent to lie Union County sherfcf to place li youtig mac under arrest, which vm doi.. WEDDING BELLS. Married, Tuesday evening. Dec ;nier -T, at s o'clock, at the Lewis .:j .el. Mr. John W. Fine and Mrs. -v.ice Tinsiey. Hev. W. P. Sanims ....a....g in tie presence of a nuni of friends. An e.uc;ant wedding supper was served at the hotel. MUs Katharine P. Kay and Mr. irb;rt L. Browning, both well know -' popular young people of ..i city were qniet'.y married at the . Home .Sunday nioruiug at 8:ii" cot-k by Rev L. V. MeredUh of Methodist church. The witnesses ...e -.r. Roger and Mis Helena mother and si.-i.er of the bride ;. J. L, Browning, father of the Aj;ii, j,r. and Mrs. A. B. C'onoway. ter a call at the Browning home, ,ue uaypy oong cuup-e 5ui w -epot and departed on the moming race for a two wecs wedding trip - ii-iho, where they will visit, friends. '-Poa their return tuey wm rosme a this city. The many, many friends of both o.-ide. and groom will Join in heartiest wishes for a long, bright and joyous xarr.ed life. CHURCH SERVICES. Methodits church: Services next Sunday as usual. Subject of morn ing sermon, "A Motto for the New Year." Evening theme. "The Ir reparable Past and the Available Future." All eordcallv invited. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. U. S. Laad Office at La Uranae, Or egon, Eotcmber 22, 1910. Notice i3 hereby given, thai the State of Oregon, baa this day filed In this office its avpUca-ton to se ct, utidec the provisions of the Act ,. Congress of August 14, 1848, and he acts supplementary and amentl- atory there x, the SW4 SEVi Sec. .1. 1. 2 N.. R. 46 E. W. II.. Serial ! No. 0S7S". Any and all persons claiming ad : v nso'y the lands described, or de ; 3--c.'.g to object because of the mrn- tral character of the land, or for ' any other reason to the disposal to ! apphcant may file ttteir affidavit i f protest to. this office at any time ; .i.ior to the approval or certification ' of - said selection by the Honorable Cvrjiissioner of the General Lacd alct, F c bramweu.. i' Register. ERIE NEWS OF THE WEEK Ten dollars a ui.nute Is the Talue a New York Jury has attached to the tiaie of Lawyer Samuel C. Harrlman. who sued the owners of a downtown buIldiIlg for fal.e jmpr80nment because he was locked In a room 10 g minutes by a Janitor. The Jury cave him a verdict of $100. Customs Inspectors discovered 75 g ' ' vu liner Asia. m . - . .... . . fcl e Dan.uet tne Illinois Boclety of m !. If , o.n i -- n. . . . . W - n -D,c"P. at wnicn l'lacs for tile buliding of a great me- ! in-Bay were discussed. Led by the Vnited States Govrrn nient. It Is the belief In Wall Btreet that the country is about to enter on an era of entreuchment and economy. According to the wise men of the s:m,t- lh? railroads and great Indue- I trial corporations are to take the lead In the campaign of economy. For the first time in Missouri there was no Christmas tree at the execu- 'a tiv e mansion for the pleasure of the little children of Jefferson City. An epidemic of scarlet fever prevails In the city and the physicians requested Governor and Mrs. Hadley to abandon the ennual Christmas tree. NEWS OF NOTED PERSONS After spending IS years in Folsom, California, prison on a life sentence for train robbery, it is probable that Chris. Evans, one of the leaders of : Kl the famous b!ehwav band known as : M Son tag and Evans, which terrorized the San Joaquin valley in the nine ties, will be paroled. The petition of Abraham Ruet, the tormer San Francisco political boss, i n under sentence of 14 years for brib ery, for a hearing of his case before the district court of appeals, was de nied by that tribunal. Ruef now faces his last resort the supreme court. Some of those who think they are ! gifted with political prophetic vision think they see an effort to make Fran- cis J. Ileney, backed by William Kent's money, the United States sen ator from California to succeed Frank P. Flint, with Kent coming la to suc ceed Eenator Perkins two years thereafter. Joseph Wendling. convicted of the murder of Alma. Kellner, eight years eld, at Louisville, Ky., a year ago, was denied a retrial. very laborer in the employ of the New Tork City Park Department re ceived a bright, new J3 gold piece as a Christmas gift from Mrs. Russell Sage. Standing upen a flower-banked plat form erected near the fountain given to San Francisco by Lotta Crabtree, before 0,000 persons, Louisa Tetras zini sang to the people oi San Fran cisco, as her Christmas offering. I FOREIGN NEWS BITS In the course of a few years, Oer- many in all likelihood will consume . av 1 . . nothing tut imported meat, acord Ing to consular reports. j The English election having re sulted in a victory for the progressive or Liberal forces, it is predicted that within three year3 the house of lords will either be abolished or that its power for evil will be taken from It. The Canadian Railway Commission :s directed the express companies of the Dominion to "file lower tariff rate3 within three months. That the "padlock bill," passed by !.ie cortes, designed to separate church and state in Spain, is but the forerun ner of more sweeping anti-churh measures was intimated by prominent members of Premier Canalejas' a4 oj in is '.ration. Determined to stop illegal use of tbs name, the grand lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of Oregon, a committee of three has been ap pointed to prepare a bill for presenta tion to the legislature to weed out the promoters of imitation orders. State aid to one high school in each county, requiring such school to offer a normal course, and a plan of certi fication whereby county certificates will be abolished and the examina tions will all be conducted -by the state, are laws which the superin tendents of county schools of Oregon would like to see placed on the stat ute books of the state. Although It probably will be the first of the coming year before the final state tax levy Is made up, It Is safe to state the levy will not exceed two mills and may be a shade under that amount. Baaing thison an esti mated valuation of $330,000,000, the two-mill tax will raise $1,660,000 for state purposes. The United States Geological Sur vey reports that the totai produc tion of coal in Oregon In 1909 was 87.276 short tons, having a spot value of $235,085, differing very slightly from that of the preceding year. Only Aire V of Your Own Job? a n R m U m g ft a m a a M R M K H B f n Or is some one else assuming the responsibility for your worK? The trained man is the responsible and well-paid man. The untrained man the chap that does only the detailed part of the work at another' bidding as sumes no responsibilities and is paid just so much for his labor, and no more. If you are only a detail man, the International Correspondence Schools can fit you for positions higher uf can help you to be boss of your own job. If you are earning only a small wage, the I. C. S. can raise year salary. No matter where you live, how many hours a day you work, how little spare time or money you have, or how limited your education (provided you can read and -vrite), the International Correspondence Schools will goto you and train you for your chosen occupation. Training means rapid advancement to be boss of your own job. The 214- Courses of the I. C. S. offer to you a way out of the rut of forever having to take orders from the boss. The I. C. S. can help you just as it has helped thousands of other ambiti ous men that at the rate of 300 even- month are voluntarily reporting; salar ies raised and positions bettered as the direct result of I-C-S Training. The I-C-S way will not require you to leave home, stop work, nor suffer any in convenience. Jo find out all about the I-C-S way to get full information about how you can learn to be boss of your own job marH and mail the at tached coupon. This will cost you only postage and will place you under ab solutely no obligation. Si M B U H U a Send the Coupon a I 5 a rft tw mines, the Newport m4 toe Bea ver Hill, both la Coos County, ship coal in large quantities, tie shipments being maae almost entirely by sea to San Francisco. All the coal mined la the state is lignite la character. A lUBuaary ef appropriations re queue! for the Oregea School for the Deaf Mutes fer 1111 aa 1912 has been filed with the secretary wt state by the superintendent ef that institu tion. The sum of $41,000 granted by tce la,t legislature is again asked I frV M Ka liaarl f at.e ... y. for, to be used for the construction of a new elevator In the building, the Installation of a complete house tele phone and fire-alarm system, and other general expenses. Plans to establish a sew state board of agriculture, modeled after the Federal Department of Agricul ture, will figure largely la a bill In troduced into the legislature by Rep resentative Abrams, of Marion County. The proposed hoard will transact the duties of the present board, with a wider scape fef its ac tivities. A permaaea secretary at the eapltel, a statistical department and lavestlgstlea ef ores conditions throughout the state are prepesed. A Dreadful Wound from a fcnife, trua, tla can, rusty nail, flreworka, or of ny other oa'.ure, demands prompt treatment with Buck, len'a Arnica ScJva to prevent blood poison or gangrena. It-atLdQUicaveat, fturt healar far at such wounds also for Burnt, EOilo, Sonee, Skin RrupiiosA, Eczema, Chapped. Hands, Coma or Pllaa 2e. at all Tjruggiats. All ahetna artera far aum to 'rues 4ant aaaai VThlt Froat awm. Itb PARAOItC QLINTt. Paradise, Dc. 22. Cold, trosen weather now. Very little anow. IRRIGATED laa ata. latsraert. "Taiu Tew meat rirst-ciaa jlanc. farf aat aliaiaU. Tract, tea ' . ... acru aat . t TMiaeaee ra- qoirtattat. 'VTaat taleaauea ia every towa ia Orf aal Waahiagioa, uu leasee -Taee ear waa wmmmm rmre 3 Acaa tunu u 8)SS BAKER CITY OFFICE International Correspondence Schools Box 493, Baker City, Oregon Please explain, without further obligation on my part, how I can Qualify iar a larger aalary and advaneenwnt to the poaiuoD beiora which 1 have marked X. Bookkeeper Stenuirrapher Advertising Han Snow-Card Wnier Win.iow Trimmer Commercial Law Illustrator Civil Service Flxama Chemist Textile-Mill Supt. . Concrete Engineer Electrical Engineer Power-station Supt. Heavy Elect. Traction Teiei hone Engineer Mechanical Engineer lieciianical Machine llesigner Civil Engineer Surveyor Salesmanship Name Street and No City ENTERPRISE PLANING MILL Under New Management BOESEN & RUGGLES, Proprietors Both Practical Mill Men '4 All kinds of Rough and Dressed Lumber now on hand. Prompt Delivery and Prices Right. Estimates cheerfully furnished. t-jnSKXlTLlR2ri Ray Renfrow, Roy Ralls and Clyde Straley took hogs to Lewiston last veek and brought back freight for .i-? merchants here Quite a coyo e scare hy:-y :tiw. It . : s aiI s-:- o al wad coy s ea have toen seen here. A number of craonr. here are com tclal ir.?. It i h gh t'r.o.v '!" -V- J -tr y . r: or. ni '-h:r of i.rs. W. C. Straley, died on the night of the l'th cf December of hemorrage of ih brain. She wa3 nearly 76 years of a;:e. She wns buried in .he Fara 'ilse cemetery December 19. Rov. Miller of Flora conducted the funeral service You Must Read This If You Want The Benefit J. W. Graar, Greenwood, La., sul fwrad with a sevr caaa Qf lumbago. "The pains we eso IcUenae I wa fore d io bypodenulc In'jacthxia tar cUf. Tbesw attack atartd witch a pain In Light Qi Cleanliness In our factory, Costly Mater ial and Skill in Makinf ara tha conditions and ingre dient that combine to make Modern Sweets o perfect a Candy etemCeelarlleaecy Ce., Hln.. FerUtW, 9nM M H M M a a a a H at N a a Automobile OparatBg Stationary Kcgineat Building Contrextox Architect Architectural Drafta, Structural Engineer Mining Engineer Miae Foreman Gaa Engineer Plumb g H't'g Con. Draftaman late. - eti-ttstK.-. --Si'fc-aa th msavll of xoy baxast vhlob. TaduavUy became) fairly paWalyxias;. ily mum-. tion was attracted to Foley's KULney Remedy and I am glad U aay af&ar using this wewdejrful meyUptn I am no lOiiger bouhenad In any way br b7 old eaemy lumbago." Burnaugb a May field. Oregon The Last Call of the West Did yon see this beautiful irtMa picturinx Or ef on in fear eaters la the NovenkerlSUNSITT 9X5.0M la Wrag vaaat ay nUEMTT Manila on a eeviea ef artWiee supewbry OhMtrotad in fear ealarfl picturlDf 4 dawtrlbiac the attrac tions and reeeurees of the WONDERLAND OF THE PACIFIC e will send yoa tae next three issuee of SUNSKT reimeneing with the special December iasoe In which begins the beat serial nova) ef tha year, "The Saall,- by C. N. A A. Williamson and a superbly I'lns trated article in four colors an "San Franciaco the Exposition City;" and in addition we will include a copy of the Novensber issue con taining the beautifully illustrated article on Oregon. - ALL FOR 25 CENTS (Stamp or Coin) Sunset Magazine Wells Fargo Blthj. Portland, Ore.