Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, December 22, 1910, Image 3

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- I
S-ate of Oregon, Department of rub- j
lie instruction, SaJem. I
For WaJoa Coimtv.
1. DATES: ' i
Throe examinations aanua'.!y. Each
county superiiiiendentt, to select '
months for hia county.
(a) January 19-20, 1911.
(b) .May, 11-12, 1911,
(c) June 8-9, 1911.
(d September 7-8, 191L
(a) Thursdays Physiology, Writ
ing, History and Civil Gov mi
ni eat.
(b) Friday Grammar, Arithme
tic, Geography, and Spewing.
(a Ari'-hinctU' Practical Arith
metic Smith.
(b Civ 3 Government Uni-ed
Scates Constitution. !
(c) Geography Sure Course of
Study; Roday and Hitman's Na
tural School Geography.
(d History Lit of Topics from '
History Out'.ine l:i Statx? Course j
of Study and Current Events. I
(e) Gramma- Buohlor's Modern '
Etic't h Grammar, no aiairrum- I
ItlUlg. i
(f l'hvsi.ilogy Gr?Al Ise30iis in
Phyaio!ojry and Hypin'oe Krohn.
tg) Reading The teacher will
s?Tid to the County Superinten
dent the applicant".', c'.c-cs standing
4u reading, whvo wU b taken
by such superintendent as the, vp
p'-icaMife a-aukling oa he subject,
(h) -SixsiUng RecJa Ward
(1) Wriing Speclmoaa of ponin"ji
rfiip as in3i,'a-vl in copied mat
ter and from manuacri.pt ta Lan
guase. Respectfully submitted,
Supt. Public Instruction.
The fi:i examination for the year
will be held January 19-20.
17c4 J. C. OOXLBY, Supt.
Don't forpet to attend the apecial
ale at the R. S. & Z. Cos. cert Sat
urday. 69b5
has just been awarded the
over all competitors at the
International Exposition
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co., Inc., 1111 Third Ave., Seattle, Wash.
For sale and on display by JACKSOX & WEAVER, Agents, Enterprise
,UIII1M!UMIUIUIU C!(SSS'S'5r'ff-t.'iI;?H3;PKJ'S-1l1aeiBB
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Or is some one else assuming' the responsibility for your worK? The
trained man is the responsible and well-paid man. The untrained man the
chap that does only the detailed part of the work at another's bidding as
sumes no responsibilities and is paid just so much for his labor, and no more.
If 3'ou are only a detail man, the International Correspondence Schools can
fit you for positions higher up can help you to be boss of your own job. If
you are earning only a small wage, the I. C. S. can raise your salary. No
matter where 30U live, how many hours a day you work, how little spare
time or money you have, or how limited your education (provided 'ou can
read and write), the International Correspondence Schools will go to you and
train you for your chosen occupation. Training means rapid advancement to
be boss of your own job. The 214 Courses of the I. C. S. offer to you a way
out of the rut of forever having to take orders from the boss.
The I. C. S. can help you just as it has helped thousands of other ambiti
ous men that at the rate of 300 every -month are voluntarily reporting salar
ies raised and positions bettered as the direct result of I-C-S Training. The
I-C-S way will not require you to leave home, stop work, nor suffer any in
convenience. To find out all abou t the I-C-S way to get full information
about how you can learn to be boss of your own job marK and mail the at
tached coupon. This will cost you only postage and will place you under ab
solutely no obligation.
In the Circuit Court of the State
of Oregon for Wallow County.
Edith, Hooper, plaintiff
Samuel W. Hooper, Defendant
To Samuel W. Hooper, above nam
ed defendant; to the name of (he
Stat of Oregon, you are hotvby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you by the
plaintiff In the above entitled court
and cause, withla six votu from
and after the &th. day of December
A. D. 1910, the same being the first
publication of this summons, and if
you fail so to appear and answer,
you will be in default for want
thereof, and plaintiff wilt thereupon
PIly to said court for the relief
prayed for In her complaint, to-wit:
for a decree of said court dissolving
the marriage contract now and here
tofore existing between plaintiff and
defendant that said marriage con
tract be from henceforth held for
naught, that the plaintiff be awarded
the custody of the child of the mar
riage, Edith Nolly Hooper, and that
plaintiffs maiden name Edi tl Har
mon, be restored to her.
The defendant will toko notic
that 'this summons to published by or
der of Hon. J. B. Olmated, county
judge of Wallowa County, Oregon,
in the Wallowa Chieftain, a news
Paper published .weekly at Enter
prise, in said comity and state and,
diiroctiiig that the same be published
in said newspaper for a period of
six weeks and seven issues thereof,
the drte of the first publication
thereof being the 8th. dsiv of Dwcem-
ler A. D. 1910 and the iasrt publi
cation being the 19-th. day of Jiuiu-
ary A. D. 1911.
16c7 Attorney for Plaintiff.
at public auction to the htgheut and
Ik tit bidder for cah hi hand, all
of (h right, title and fciterw. of
the sakt def Catania or either of
them had on the date of the said
mortgage, or have since acquired fci
and to the foliowkisj described real
property, to-wkt:
- The NK14 of NEl Seotkwi 20, NH
of NV4 and SEi of NY4 Sectkm
2 V, in township 2 N and V No. 3
Section 4 In township 1 N all of
range 41 Eat W. M. in Wallow
CVumty, Oregoiv,
To satisfy aid Judgment, decree,
interest, cents and accruing cowta.
Sheriff of Wallowa Oomrty, Oregon.
January, 1911. before W. C. Boat
man, County Clerk of W-Jk Coun-
7, t Enterprise, Oregon.
Any person la at liberty to protest
his puriha.-y be.'ore entry, or Uv
tlote contest, at any time before
aVnt Issues, bT filing a corroho-
tied affidavit in this office, alleg-
fact which would defeat the
U c 11 F. C. nrmwell, Regitr.
In .Uie Circuit Count of the State
of Orogon, for WaJlowa County.
Vernon M. Gregg, plcinitiff, vs.
William A. DaiH anI Sarah F. Dav
its, defendants.
Notice is hereby given thait under
and by virtue of an Execution, judg
ment order ojid decree issued out
of and undor the seal of the above
entitled court, dated the 6th day of
Ioceiaber, 1910, to me diiroOd and
delivered, upon a judgment and de
cree duly made and entered in said
count In favor of Veruou M. Gregg,
plaintiff, and ogalns.t William " A.
DaviB and Sarah F. Davifl,
dofciwta;nits, for the sum of $17458
and the further sum of $04.00 costs
and disbursements in said oaeo,
with ton: per cent initere&t tlioreori,
whkh said Judgmenrt. and decree is
baaed upon a foreclosure of luontgge
and commandiinig rue to incite sale
of the hereinafter dwicril! reaJ
property to satisfy said judgmeit
and decree;
Now, therefore, I will, on the ltJi.
day of January, 1911, at die hour of
ten o'clock in tlie forenoon of ftjdd
day, at the front door of the Cunty
Count House in the Oily of Enter
prise, in Braid county and 9tait( BeU
IVpartment of U10 Interior
U. S. Land Office at 1-a Oraiule,
Orason, November 7th, 1910.
Notice is hersby given that New
on E. Hammock, whosn pc.st-offict
ia Is ISvUirprUe, Wallow" tui.
ty, Oregon, did, on the 21st. day of
March, 1910, n.e In thU office
Sworn Statement and Application
No. 07764, to purchase the U'4
SecUon 8, and W4 8W. Svtloi .
Township 1 South, Rjuige 46 Bat. WU-
lameUe Meridian, and- the Umber
thereon, undor Uie provisions of the
act of June 3, 1878, and ort amend
tory, known a the "Tinihor and
Stone law,'' at such vclue as rolglit
be fixed by appraisement, and that
pursuant to such application, the
lend and Umber thereon have bt
appraise!, at $400.00 aa being chiefly
valuable for tta stone, that oald ap
plicant wlil offer final prx In sup
port of his application and swom
statement on nio 2nd. day of Eebru-
ary, 1911, before Carl Roa, United
Stajtos CommlsKlitinor, at his office,
at Enterprise, Oregon.
Any person Is at Ulorty to pro-
tent this p uiroh ao bofore' entry, or
Uiltiato a conrteut at any tluo bofore
patent iHsuea, by filing a corroborat
ed affidavit In this office, alleging
fects which would defetvt Uie entry,
12cll F. C. BramwoU, Register.
Department of the Interior.
U. S. Land Office at La Orande,
Oregon, Oct. 2Wb., 1910.
NoUc la hereby given that Lulu
M. Rowlby, whose post-office addrees
Is Enterprise, Wailowa County, Or
egon, did, on th Hth. dry of April,
1910, file In thia office Swom State
ment and Application, No. 07891, to
purchase tho SE SW'N 8W14
SV, andV 6W4 SW1-4 of Sec.
22, and the NB4 NW14, S' NW'A
NWli, and NW4 NW'14 NW'U, Sec
tion 27, Township 1 South, Range 4f
Iijt, Willamette Merldkm, and the
timber tliereon, under the provis
ions of the aot of June 3, 1878, and
acts amendatory, known as the "Tim
ber and Stone Law," at siich value
as might be fixed by appraisement,
and that, pumuant to such applica
tion, the land and timber thenoon have
teen appraised, at $350.00 as being
chiefly valuable for Its stone; that
said applicant v. Ill offer final proof
in support of hl application and
sworn atatement on, the 19th. day of
Send the
International Correspondence Schools
Box 493, Baker City, Oregon
Pletue explain, without further oblitrmtirm on my part, howl can qualify for a
larger aaiary and advancanwnt to the poaitioo before
which 1 have marked X.
Ad vert itti rifr Man
Show -Card Writer
Window Trimmer
Commercial Law
Civil Service Exams.
Textile-Mill Supt
Concrete Enjrineer
Electrical Engineer
Power -Station Supt.
Heavy Elect. Traction
Telephone Engineer
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Mechanical Drafteman
Machine Designer
Civil Engineer
Automobile Operator
Stationary Ergineer
Building Contractor
Architectural Draft.
Structural Engineer
Mining Engineer
Mine Foreman .
Gas Engineer
Plumb's A H't Con.
What Can You Expect?
What can you expect your business to
amount to withe ut a Telephone? Do you
suppose a customer will lose time running
after you when you can call your compet
itor by 'phone?
Home Independent Telephone Co.
A New Industry
WOOD WASTE BY DISTILLATION. A general considerstion of the
NEW INDUSTRY, including a full description of the distilling appara
tus used and the principles involved, also methods of chemical control
and disposal of the products, first edition illustrated by seventy-four
engravings, 156 pages. The book is cloth bound, it will be sent to any
address post paid on receipt of $3 20.
Having exported European stills in large amounts for many years to
foreign countries, we are now open to establish agencies and invits cor
respondence to look after our old customers and prospective buyers of
our Modern Simple Tax-free Industrial Alcohol Distilling Apparatus, by
special successful emontrative methods for making Alcohol, Apple
Jack, Aguardiente, Mescal, Teguila, Peach Brandy, Solidified Alcohol
in Cubes, etc., also Denatured Alcohol. All sizes to &00 Gal. daily Ca
pacities. Good commission.
Write for a hand book on fermenting, distilling and denaturing alcohol
from farm products and wood waste. Trade secrets, including freb
Tax denaturing alcohol. Lawb. Rd tape removed. No mora
licenses, only a permit and that is furnished free. A plain statement
of facts for those interested; 280 pages, 60 illustrations, 12 mo. cloth.
Price 11.20 postpaid. A valuable book that gives the right spirit.
The latest just out. Address
The Wood Waste Distilleries Co., mc
State of Oregon, Department of Ed-
ucathm, Salem.
September 1, 1910.
Giving tho sources of examination
question tor State and County pa
pens. Fobruary 8-11 and August 9-
12. 1911.
1. Arithmetic One fifth from
State Course of Study, four fifths
from Smith.
2. Civil Government Stroim &
3. Geography One-fifth from
State Course of tiuidy, four fifths
frost Redway and llinmau.
4. Grammar One-fifth from
State Course of Study, four firths
from Uuehler.
6. History, U. S. Oneflfth from
State Course of Study, four-fifths
from Doub.
6. Orthography Rei' Word
7. Physiology Krohn, Hutchin
8. Reading State Course of
Study, Whites Art of Teaching.
Oral Reading.
9. School Law School Law
of Oregon; for February, edition of
1909; for August, edition of 1911.
10. Theory and Practice Whites
Art of Teaching.
11. Writing Outlook Writing
System, Tests In. Writing.
13. Physical Geography Tarrs
Nejr Physlcaf Geography,
13. EnglUth Literature:
February, 19 i I
A, One-half from texts: New
comer's English Literature,
and Newcomer's English Lit
erature. B. One half from the following
1. Emerson, Selected Essays
(Cambridge Classics) Hough
ton, 63c.
I, De Qulncy, Joan of Arc
and the English Mull Coach
Rlv. lit. scr.) llought n, 22c.
3. Addison and Steele, Sir
Roger d Coverly Papers
(Lake EnglUh Cliuwlcs) Scott
F. & Co., 20 c.
August, 1911
A. One-half from texU: New
comer's English Literature,
and Newcomer's American Lit
erature. U. One-half from the following
1. Burke, Speech on Concilia
tion with America (Standard
English Classics) Glnn, 25c.
3. Irving, Oliver Goldsmith
(Rlv. Ut. sr.) Houghton, 41c.
S. Macauley, Lays of Ancient
Rome (Riv. lit. ser.) Hough
ton, 23o,
The figure given for each I the
price to schools contracted for be
tween the Oregon Library Commis
sion and the J. K. Gill Co, Post
age should be added to this price.
14. Algebra, We Us: Algebra for
Secondary (Schools.
16. Bookkeeping. Office Method
and Practical Bookkeeping, Part I.
16. Composition. Herri ck A Da
mon. 17. Physic. MlUlkan A Gale: A
First Course In Physics.
18. Psychology. Buell.
19. Botany. Bergen: Elements
of Botany.
20. Geometry. Wentworth': Plane
and Solid Geometry, question in
Plan Geometry.
21. History, General. Myers: Geo
ral History.
An examination Is required upon
th first eleven subject for a third
grade County certificate" valid for
one year and a secoud grade County
certificate valid for two years; upon
the first thirteen subjects for a first
grade County eerUflcat valid for
three years; upon the first eighteen
subjects for a State certificate valid
for five years; and upon the twenty-
one subjsct for a State diploma
valid for life. c4t
Watch for
Street and No-