LODGE DIRECTORY , r ENTERPRISE LODGE, No ,00. r. 163. EMERi.D REBEKAH LODGE. No. 11 u n ENTERPRISE LODGE, No K. Off. M. JUAN1TA TEMPLE, No. 1, Pythtai filters. llCnilin ENTERPRISE CHAPTER JVlAuUNIUNo. 30. Royal Arch Mason, meets first and third Tuesdays of each month In Masonic Halt All visiting Royal Arch Masons welcomed. J. B. OLMSTED, High Priest. P. W. "SHEAHAN, Secretary. WALLOWA LODGE, No. 82. A. F. 4 A M., meets second and fourth Satur days of each month in Masonic Hall Visiting Masons welcomed 3. A. BURLHIGH, W. M. W C BOATMAN, Secretary. WALLOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No 10, O. E. S. meets first and third Sat urdays of each month. In Masonic Hall Visiting Stars are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH, W M. MRS. MARY E. STEEL, Sec. Miit 1 EAGLE CAMP, No. 10497, M .W.A.W. A Meets first and third Thursdays In each month. In new Fra ternal halL Visiting Neighbors alwayt welcome. 3. W. RODOERS Consul. T M. DILL, Clerk. ANEROID CAMP, No. 3G42, R N. of A. Wn til ENTERPRISE CAMP, No .U. W . 535. W. Of W. ALMOTA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. A Scalded Boy's Shrieks horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes that, when all thought he would difl, Bucklen's Arnica -Salve wholly cured him. Infallible for. Burns, Scalds, Cuts Corns, Wounds, Bruises. Cures Fever-Sores, noils, Skin Eruptions, Chil blains, Chapped hands. Soon routes Piles. 2Bc at Buruaugb & .Mayfleld's. Told the, Truth. Excited FIshertnnn (to country hotel keeperi There Isn't a bit of flaulug about here! Every brook has a sign warning people off. Wbut do you mean by luring twistera here with the promise of tine Mulling? Hotel Keeper I didn't say anything about fine Culling. If you rend my ad vertisement carefully you will see that what 1 said was "Fishing unupproacU-able."-Lotidnn Telegraph. C. B. Kluger, the. Jeweler, 10G0 Virginia Ave., Indianapolis, Jnd,. write: "I was o waak from kidney trouble that I could hardly walk a hundred feet. Four bottles of Foley's Kidney remedy cleared my complex ion, cured my backache and the irregularities disappeared, and I can now attend to business every day and recommend Foley's Kidney Reroe dy to all sufferers, as It cured me after the doctors and other remedies bad failed." For sale by Bumaugh ft Mayfield. Realistic. "You call him a powerful orator? Why, when he spoke of the abyss that confronts our nation the people actu ally yawned!" "Certainly. He made the people ac tually see tbe abyss yawn, and you know how lufectlous yawning Is." Young Girls Are Victims of headache, as well as older women, but all get relief and prompt dire from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the world's best remedy for sick and ner vous headaches, They make pure blood, and strong nerves and build 1 you? . health, Try them. 85c l Biirnaugh & Mayfleld's. OF BENEFIT TO ALL Kaaparilla s the parne pf a new rented? fnost successfully prescribed for a "world of troubles.'' for derangements of th digestive organs it is a natural corrective, operating directly upon the liver and ali mentary canal, gently but persistently stimulating a healthy activity. Its bene ficial influence extends, however, to every portion pf the system., aiding in the wuvKWHiB oi qigesuon anq assiiuuuuuu v food, promoting a wholesome, natural appetite, correcting sour stomach, bad breath, irregularities of the bowels, cm,s tipation and the long litf pi troubloa fljfently traceable to, those' unwholesome fonditions Kaaparilla ' dispels drowsi ness, headache, backache and despond ency due to inactivity pf he live, Miiey and dlgestjve' tract. It is a strengthening tonic of the highest value. If it fails to satisfy we authorize all dealers to refund the purchase price. tlovt Chbmical Co, Portland, Oregon FOR SALE BY 8URNAUGH & MAYFIELD. Hack Calls to any part . of the city answered day or night. ENTERPRISE AND BAKER BROTHERS, Proprietors. First Class Rigs and careful drivers. A Jowett Story. In spite of the repotatlon for IMitn dinarianUn, he gnlu from nl, early tr al for heresy. ,be late Pmfrwor Jow ett of Oxford was Intolerant of preten tiousness .! 80Hllow self satisfied undergraduate met tbe master one day. "M.8ter- be Mid i have searched everywhere in all philos ophies, ancient and modern, and no w here do I Bnd the evidence of a God." air . repied the master after a shorter pause than usual, -if y0 don't Bnd a Cod by 5 o'clock this afternoon you must leave this college." If peploe with symptoms of kidney or bladder trouble could realize their danger Uiey would without loss of time commence taking Foley Kid ney Remedy. This great remedy stops the pain and tbe irregularities, strengthens and builds up these organs and there is no danger of Bright disease or otber serious dis order. Do not disregard the early symptoms. For Bale by Bumaugh & Mayfield. The Lone Star Emblem. "The Lone Stiir emblem," said Guy M. Bryan iu telling the story of the Texas Hag to the Texas Veterans' as sociation iu 1873. "wus a fortunate ac cideut In the old days overcoats were ornamented with large brass buttons. It happened that the buttons on the overcoat of Governor Smith bad the Impress of a live oluted star. For want of a seal one of these buttons was cut off and used." The owuer of this overcoat and of the button, Heury Smith, was chief executive of the pro visional government of Texas, which In 1S35 preceded the declaration of Independence by Texas against Mexico and the winning of that independence in the batiif) of Ban Jacinto ou April 21. isaii, Croup Curqd and a Child's Life Saved. "It affords, one great pleasure to add my testimony to that of the thousands who have been benefited by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. My child, Andrew, when only three years old, was taken with a severe attack of croup, and thanks tq the prqippt use of Chamherlnln's tiugh Remedy his life was saved and today he is a robust and healthy boy," says Mrs. A. Coy, Jr., of San Antonio, Texas. this Remedy has been in hs for many years. TUousauds of moiuens keep it at hand, and it has never ueen known to fa'l, For sale by Bumaugh & Mayfield. Yonkeri. Tatroon Van der Uouck, In tbe years after 1042, lived such a serene and robust life on his Hudson river estate that the Dutch villagers called his niauor farm "De JonkUeer's landt" tbe geutlemnu's land, later compressed by the frugal English into "Vonkers." BOTH BOYS SAVED. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of Norway. Mich., writes: "Three bottles of Foleve Honey and Tar absolutely cured my boy of a severe cough, and a neighbor's boy, who was bo 111 with i cold that the doctors gave him up, was cured by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing else is as safe and certain in results. For sale by Uuraaugh & Mayfield. Telling the Age of Fish. The age of a fish can be determined with accuracy by Inspection of the oto liths, or bony coucretlous which are found in the auditory apparatus. These otoliths Increase in size during the entire life of the fish, each year adding two layers, a light colored layer formed Iu summer and a dark layer formed Iu uutuiuu and winter. The alternate layers ure ahar-ply contrasted and very distinct, so that there is no ditDcultv in count ing them. Tbe num ber of pnlrs of layers is equal to the number of years the fish has Hyed. Fcientllie American.. M.thHi Minister Recommends Chamberlain's! Colic, Cholira and Djarrhoa Remedy. t k.va used Chamberlain's Colic rhnWo and Diarrhoea Remedy for 0vroi vfiftrs for dlarUea.. .,0i,u.r n the best remedy I have tt,i nr that trouble. I bought ever tnc . i torn days ago from jflirelst Mr R. Bruuks. shall ever 'be glad to speak a word in when I have tne oii. t n Knapp. Pastor tunny. ". .j ...i. aiii Grove. Pa. Slu by BurnftUh ft Majrueiu. Both Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. LIVERY HACK BARN Our bus meets all trains. Fare 25c. ithin city limits wi Will. I. A Wills were introduced Into Athens - ' AlUVUS Sokn. tbootrh in mnn. or breere they were discountenanced. DIogeoes Laertlus give, copies of the wills of several celebrated nien. such as Plato. Aristotle and others. Before Solon's lair no man was allowed to make a wiD. tbe wealth ,. ceased belouglug in certain proportion to tbe members of bis family, and even after Solon only an Athenian clti sen had the privilege of bluest, tbe estates of both xlsves and foreigner "'"K coonscatea for tbe use of the public. Whirlwind Tablets cure rheumatism in this climate. They have relieved hundreds and cured scores of cases in Union and Wallowa counties. positive proof, names, etc, furnished on application. For sale by' Jackson & Weaver. Entemrlse 2nitf Locust Plagues. History mentions many pestilences caused by the decaying bodies of dead locusts. On one occasion so many lo custs perished off the coast of Africa that a bank four or five feet high and fifty miles long was formed on the shore by their dead bodies, and the stench of them reached Inland for' 150 miles. In another part of Africa early in the Christian era a plamie of lo custs is said to have caused the death of 800.000 persons, and In GDI nearly as bad a plnirue occurred in Italv New York American. Good Cough MeXlicine for Children and Grown Folks, Too. ' We could hardly do without Cham berlain's Cough Remedy," says Mrs. Flora Despain of Bloyd. Ky. "I 'ound It to bo so good for croup and have used It for years. I can heartily recommend It for coughs, olds and croup in children and ?rown folks, too," The above shows the implicit confidence many mothers place in Chamberlain's Cough Reme ly, a confidence based on many years' experience in the use of it. No one need hesitate to use this remedy for it c quia in 8 no chloroform, Dpium or other narcotics and may be Siven to child as confidently as to an adult. For sale by Burnauca ft l ay field. Very Obliging. "Although he overcharged me ter ribly." says the returned traveler, "the cab driver who took me over Paris was most polite." , "All Frenchmen are," we observe. "Tee, but this one got off his box and helped me Bnd tbe necessary pro fanity in my French-English diction ary, so that 1 might say what I thought of ulm."-Llfe. Sick Headache; This distressing disease results from a disordered condition of the linmach and can be cured by taking Chnrcberlain'8 Stqmach and Liver 'Tablets. Get a free aauple at Bur- -langh & Mayfleld's drug store end t-jr it. Mosquitoes Common to All Lands. Every climate is tbe mosquito's choice. In tbe remote tropics the ex plorer who disturbs for the first time with tbe prow of bis adventuring canoe tbe surface of a winding river finds a cloud of microscopic spearsmen wait ing bis arrival. In the great North woods, says a writer in tbe Technical World Magazine, tbe mosquitoes drive the deer into deep water, and tbe growl of their baffled buzzing about tbe bar of tbe sleeping woodsman Is almost terrifying. Tbe prospector, toil ing under his pack in Icebound Alaska, knows no respite from their stings. Foley's Honey and Tar dears the air passages, atqps the irritation in the throat, sootbea the inflamed mem branes, end tie most obstinate cough dissapears. Sore and inflamed lungs are healed and strengthened, and tbe cold is expelled from the eysiem Refuse anv hut the genuine in the vellow package. Fftr hle by Bur- naugh & Mayfield, There Only by lr,fnce. An EngUsuiuu coming by train to Qltasgow fur the first time and pass Ing Motherwell Juuctlon said to a gentleman opioslte, wUu. whom be bad been chatting; "Queer name, 'Motherwell.' Is there a 'Katberwell' next?" "Xo." was tbe reply, 'but we come Immediately to Both well." London Tit Bits, "The Beast tindthQ Jungle" applies to every city and town in the United States yours included just as surely as it does to Denver. Besides, it is a wonderful true story of real life. Get the NOVEMBER EVERYBODY'S FOR SALE BY JACKSON a WEAVER Professional Duectory of Wallowa County MMMMMMMIMIMHM THOS. M. DILL. ATTOLMY-AT-UW Office first door south of New Fraternal Bldg Enterprise. Ore. BURLEIGH & BOYD ATIORNEYS-AUAW Practice In all State Courts and T 4 ui i e nor Department, t. artful at- A i tention to ell business. 4eeee D. W. SHEAHAN LAWYEB ENTERPRISE PracUce in SUte and Federal T Courts and Interior Department, i Rathsr Crowdsd. He msde the acquaintance of the young woman nt tbe house of a friend and was severely smitten. "May J call on you?" he found the courage to ask ber. The drl looked troubled. 'I -I'm arm Id not." she replied. Then xhe noticed his look of deep dis appointment snd hastily added: "We live In a fist, yon see. and mamma and sister always sit In the parlor, and papa and the boys play checkers in tbe dining room, ami tbe kitchen Is so awfully small and hot. Would-wouid you mind sitting on the fire escape?" Of course he hurriedly told ber he would ill mind II at all. and the course of true love rno siuoutb, again. Cleve land Tlnln Dealer. i Forced Into Exile. Wiro. Upchurch of Glen Oak, Okla., was an exile from home. Mountain air, he thought, would cure a fright ful lung-racking cough that had de- fled all remedies for two years. Af ter six months he returned, death dogging, his steps. "Then I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery," he writes, "and after taking six bot tles I am as well as ever." It saves thoasands yearly from desperate lung diseases. Infallible for Coughs and Colds, it dispels Hoarseness and Sore Throat, Cures Grip, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, 00c and $1.00, trial bottle free, guaranteed by Biir naugh & Mayfield. Air Germs. Ordinary air is by no means air proper. It is proved to contain a num ber of impurities, and the air of cities always contains a quantity of almost measurable particles of dirt. Wltb this dead dirt It is now known that small particles of living matter are as sociated. These small bodies, coming into a fluid rich In nutriment (such as the human body, for instance, affords), grow up In it at its expense. Such are tbe so called "germs," and such is tbe origin of many of tbe most fatal of the diseases that ravage humanity. Fall oolda are quickly ' cured by Foley's Honey and Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The genu ine contains, no harmful drugs. Far sale by Bumaugh & Mayfield, Kama Hsparts. We beard this oue at a garage yes terday: "You're a bum driver," says one chauffeur. . 'Say," says the other, "what I know about automobiles would fill libra ry " "Yes, and what yon don't know about 'em would OU a morgue." Cleveland Leader. What Wud Yu Dot In case of a burn or scald what would you do to relieve the pain? Such injuries, are liable to occur Iu any family and everyone should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve applied on a soft cloth will re Ueve the pain almost instantly, end unless the injury Is a very severe one, will cause the parte to heal without leaving a scar. For eale by Burnaugh ft Mayfield. Rabbits Swimming. Rabbits are not fond of water and do not swim, as a rule, yet they can swim under compulsion... They look very odd when swimming. They keep their heads and tails above the water, while the fore part of their bodies Is deeply submerged. Mr F. Q. Frttx. Oneonta, N. Y, writes: "Mr lltUe girl was greatly benefitted by taking Foley's Orino Laxative, and I think It is the best remedy for constipation and liver trouble." Foley's Orino Laxative is Lid pleasant and effective, and cures habitual constipation. For sale by Bumaugh & Mayfield. What Old 8h MsanT Ilarold-What did she say when yon turned out the gas and kissed ber? Kupert-Sald she felt as If she never wanted to see my race agaln.-Pblla- f. , DR. F. E. MOORQ $ OSTEOPATHIC PBICIAM T Office over Bank. At Eiiter- prise exeit Mon, Wed. and X Fri. at. Jose;jh. Ind. Phones. As to Chsrity. "I'm sorry to hvnr your Inte lament ed sunt didn't leave you anything I IbouKht she btflU-ved that charity be gins el boute." "Well. b-r charity begun snd ended with the Home Kor Aged Women or some such Inst Hut Ion. C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. f PHYSICIAN AND Sl'RGEON Office upstairs in Rank Build ing. Ind. Home phone In office aiid residence. Nsm Irri-a I n Book FTe. "Well Irrlga Ion for 8tna:i Farms." la a publication Just Issued by the General Fasten jer Department of the O.R.4N. company and Southern Pacific lines In Oregon. This booklet sets forth in a practical, concise way t e possibilities fcr profit of Inexpensive irrlga ion and should be in the bands of every farmer In j Oregon. Copies may be cbtalned free . on application to V. M. Mc.Murray. j General Tawenger Aseut, O. R. & N. and S. P. lines In Orogon, Portland Oregon. J. S. BITTNER, Agt. O. R. & t La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL xv i L. BERLAND f ; Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs Z and Leather Goods of all descriptions. 2 j I will fit you out with the best goods for the least 2 Z money. When in need of anything in my line, call and 3 inspect my stock before purchasing. 2 I ENTERPRISE, .... 0 EGON 2 fft(S()t4(( ENTERPRISE MEAT MARKET BKSl OF MEATS ALWAYS ON HAND. West Mark,, fo & Hotd.kiss INDEPENDENT Pelts and Hides proprietor PHONE 20 1 What Can You Expect? What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERMS. Wm. Miller & rother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building. ENTERPRISE, OREGON Red Front Livery and Feed Stable First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain ONE BLOCK SOUTH OF HOTEL ENTERPRISE W. C. KETCHUM DENTIST- - ENTERPRISE Unite Herlnnd rtullding. Home Independent Phone. E. T. ANDERSON. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON T Calls attended to day or night. nuiue puoiie. tnierpnse, ore. i. HM(4HI4 UK. C A. AL LT I PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON $ Office In Dank Building. Z Home phone both office andt residence. S. K. Clark Plumber & Steam Filler Full line of plumbing material. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. V. A. MOSS, Proprietor Successor to Boswell 8 Son n i delphla Record. c iuiiiniuiunii