STallrura (Tcuntjj Cthuftain County Pioneer Paper Established In JSS4. Published every Thursday dt The Enterprise Press. Office East side Court House Square. Entered In the postorfice at Enter prise, Ore, as second-class matter. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. One year $1.50 Three months 50c. Invariably in Advance. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1909. City and County Brief Nes Items County court will convene next Monday.- O. K. Bue of Rognas, was in town Saturday. I Dr. Gregory Circuit court will convene Monday, , lown Tuesday November 8. L. Couch of Wallowa was a visi tor in this city Tuesday. White Loaf Flour, $450 per bar rel at E. M. & M. store. Job Halsey is very ill at the home of his father, J. D. Halsey. O. M. Corklna left Tuesday morn ing on a trip to Walla Walla. Miss Margaret Mavor spent Tues day with friends in Lostine. Marshal Charles Hug visited In El gin from Sunday to Tuesday. William Wood of Lostine was in this city on business Tuesday. T. N. Baker of Alice',, came down will remain some time with Vrs. J. C. Reavis in this city. Rev. C. E. Trueblood is evidently sowing good seed In more than one way. Judging by the fine garden pro ducts he has besn showing. Satur day he was exhibiting a four pound potato dug from his garden In the A. H. Rudd lot. The largest line of Baswood for Pyrographic work. Pyro outfits, ev er brought to Wallowa county, at the drug store of. Jackson & Weaver.1 Ladies please call ftnd inspect .qual ity, quantity, and prices, whether you desire to purchase or not. Attorneys T. M. Dill, D. W. Shea han, J. A. Burleigh and O. M. Cor kins of this city and J. P. Rusk of Joseph went to La Grande Tuesday to attend the reception to Senator La Follette. given by the lawyers of La Grande. The program included an automobile ride, a o o'clock dinner and an address. of Wallowa was in He reports the Rob inson fami'.y, who have been very ill with typhoid fever, slowly impfov ing. The family recently came to Wallowa from Grossman. The fath er died with the dlseise and the mother and three children are 111. The county is assisting the city of Wallawa In caring for them. Rev. W. H. Gibson of La Grande who recently closed a four years pastorate of the First Baptist church of that city, is visiting Enterprise and working In the revival meetings. He is greatly pleased with our beau tiful little city and entortains the hope and cherishes the expectation that wichin a few months a Bap- Llnen and China fehower. Miss Zelma Ogbourn. was given linen and china showwr surprise at her home last Tnursd ay afternoon by a party of her lady friends. The un bidden guests took the materials for a delicious luncheon which they pre pared and placed on the table while Miss Ogbourn wa entertained in the orchard. The centerjiiece was a huge while cake, wrapped diagonally with pink ribbons. Inside, the bride-to-be found the beautiful remem brances lirJtr lends.-.- Mi bourn was given a thorough rehears al In the art of presiding and it is thought that she will now be perfect ly able to assume the duties of hos tess in her own home. THE RIDDLE OF SLEEP i i2sizzi8xiiiuiuiHnaXxxarnnuaYnxxxn A Mystery That the Mind of Man Is Unable to Penetrate. s Dr. Cook's own story of tlj THE CAVERN OF MORPHEUS. It Is Pitch Blsek at Far at Human Understanding Goes, For Wi Know 1 o About H m to Mor About it Than W i Its Twin Mystery, Death. from Joseph, Tuesday, on a business tist edifice will adorn one of the trip. Miss Nellie Brjsha of Pendleton came Tuesday for a visit with her aunt, Mrs. J. A. French. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jackson and Robert Jlckllng of the Contact Mine, Lostine, were In town Saturday. Mrs. Delia Moxlev has bought the millinery store of Mrs. Agnes Leslie of Joseph and has moved to that city. Mrs. J. A. Fitzpatrick of Lostine spent a few days this week with her sister, Mrs. G. C. Russell, on Swamp Creek. Judge D. B. Reavis left Wednes day morning for Hood River where he will spend the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Reavis of Walla Walla R. S. & Z. Co ' ENTERPRISE A Larsre Stock of Dry Goods AND . Clothing For Fall and Winter wear R. JUST ARRIVED AT THE S. & Z. CO'S STORE WATCH THIS SPACE For Further Announcement R. S. & L CO. ENTERPRISE. attractive lots in the city, work toward that end. He will A class of a half dozen young peo ple was confirmed at the Bue school house on Mud Flat last Sunday, the confirmation services being con ducted by a Lutherna minister from Moscow, Ida., who had been there about a week instructing them. A large congregation attended the con firmation services. The class was composed of Christian and Peter Bue. Martha and Alvln Hagan, Al fred and Amelia Miller. Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Poley, from Lostine, Oregon, arrived in Asotin Monday evening to pay a visit to Asotin relatives for tan days or two weeks. It has been fully two years or more since these people ware last here. Mr, and Mrs. McGill, ac companied them with the view of finding a location, on account of Mrs. McGill being bothered with some throat trouble. They were not sure whether they would locate here or at Clarkston. -Asotin Sentinel. Young Folks Party. Master Proctor Hug was seven years old Monday and a Hallowe'en surprise party was given at the home of bis parents, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Hug, in his honor. Proctor dined with his young friends, Robert and Gilbert - Steel, and upon arriving at home was met at the gate by two ghosts, who escorted him into the house. The guests were each given a like reception and two witches and a fairy awaited them within the da kened room, lit only by the weird jack-o -lanterns, and decorated pea sonably and attractively. Bobbing for apples, pinning on the pig's tall and other games made a Jolly even Ing. the guests departing at 9 o'clock Tfiose present were: Arlena Combes and Zoa Wright, ghosts; Portia Steel and Orris Combes, witches snared Day, fairy; and Masters Robert Boyd, Robert and Gilbert Steel, Albert DaHley, Donald Funk Donald and Wilson Gaily, Clarence Woodell, Guy M03S, Dwight French Ralph Tlbbett and Ted Tandell LAND SALES. The Enterprise Real Estate com pany sold for Roy McCoy five acres lust south of the corporation line, Sautrday, to J. M. Blakely, for $1 25. The land is under irrigation and contains a fine large barn. FOR TRADE. ForWa'.lowa county land: 120 acres ine blue grass and timothy land Adair county, Missouri; well watered Fenced, half cleared; 25 acres in titn othy, balance in blue grass; about CO acres In poJt oak. partly underlaid with coal; 1 mi e from mining tow $25 per acre. C. C. Brown, Joseph, Oregon. 49b4 WANTED. Lumber. Anyone having lumber of any grade Jn any amount for sale, or who has timber he Intends to saw oon, and wishes to contract the lum ber, call on or address W. F. Rankin at Haney planer in Enterprise, Agent (or W. R. Kivette. 28bl THE RAT KING. but OSTE-OP-A-THY. (From the New York Press.) Osteopathy, the drugless science in medicine, la only about flfte en years old. The word U not even In the Century Dictionary, edition 1895. Its practice is going hand in band wltn bloodless surgery, so that in time we may expect to be cured without pills and without a knife. Some principles are: "Health means physical adjustment;" health is na turai; disease and death between the time of birth and old age are on natural. All bodily disorders are the result of mechanical obstruction to that freej circulation of vital fluids and forces. The characteristic generally ization of osteopathy in a nutshell Is 'most diseases are of spinal origin." New Suits Filejd. Oct. 23 Hiram C. Cramer vs. R. Cramer. John Marriage License. Oct. 23 Floyd W. Hammack. Los tine, Miss Zelma R. Ogbourn, Alder Slope His Method Was Successful Remains a Secret. In the early sixties of the last cen iury uie Muitusomuu lustitutiou was Infested with rats. Nothing lu the building seemed to be rut proof. They ate skins cured with urseuicul sonp or table linen or the contents of Professor Henry's puntry without discrimination Every one in the city, from I'rofessor Heury to the bootblack, bud one sub Ject lu common, and that wus "rats." As Professor Henry, who lived the east end of the building, was lis tening to an account of the ruin wrought In his home during that dii rrofessor Speucer Baird walked and said, just as If he bad beeu fol lowing every word of the family con fersation, "I have Just been told that there is a man In Philadelphia who can rid this placa of rats." Professor Henry's eyes expressed interest and incredulity at fUe same Bwmut. "I bar hbi Address here," went on the assistant secretary, "He calls himself the Yatten fcoabr and won' take a cent If a rat remains and bos" "We'll send for him If it takes our last thousand cents to do It!" said Professor Henry and laughingly pre dicted the repetition of fUe famous old tale of the rled Piper of Bauplin. Several days later the "rat kiut appeared iu Washington. He was a! most as short as be was broad and wore clothes too loose for description they bad no shape. U carried a large ouciotn sacs aud a covered basket His penetrating blue eyes were almost cwered by shaggy eyebrows, and his blond hair bad nut been cut. but bag gieu. iiis manujer pos short and brisk, and be went straight fo the puuit, laiung to rroiessor Henry xrjnan. He declared that not a rat would be In the building three days hence if bis airections were obeyed. Purine that time be would stay in the baseifcent Miuue; Fery aoor was to be locked and on no account was he to be dis turbed until he gave them the signal So they left him in absolute darkness ana cameo out Ms directions. On Sunday morning the queer out man emerged from the darkness so foundent of bis success that he ra- fused to accept the money which was bis due ttoeo and there, but Insisted thnt Professor Houry mail the check to him in Philadelphia following wee. "Nosy you can leave your food in the basement, and Jt won't be touched And J won't lake a cent if you are troubled with rats," were tda parting worus. Cheese and cake were directlv nlaced auout the building to tempt the rats, wuruiug uuer morning ttiev were round as they bad been left, and from that day to this the Smithsonian instt ration has never been seriously trou bled with rats. And no one has ever round out the secret of tbe "rat king's" memoa. loutn s Companion. he Saw Double. CHURCH SERVICES. There will be preach inx services in the Catholic church Sunday at 10 o'clock. Mr. LusbielKU came up the stairway with bis shoes iu bis bawl and bis bat bauging precariously upou one mt, singing "We Won't Go Home Till Morning" with wondrous disregard for pronunciation and luuludy. Mrs. l.unh leigb utet him with a void stars aud excluitned: 1, to see yop Iu such a condition! William Henry I.usblelgh. 1 am beside myself with iudignnfiour -Thusli rl" ugrml Mr. Lushlelgh. moodily watching the bureau as it waltzed about biw. "Thanh rl'-y,, re besbide y'sbelf. J v'n sec you right shere besbide y'auulf. uiad you tol" me. Was bejcinulu' to lb ink J'sb a blgauhibt."-Baltimore Auierkau, ia? ! J 5 I i 1 M .51 M a 8 a 4 4 a n IS J When all Is written, bow little we : K know of sleep: It is a closing of the , t eyes, a disapearnnce. a wondering re-1 3 turn. In uneasy slumber, in dreamless ! si dead rest, in horrid uibtumre or iuj ecstasies of somnolent fancies the eyes ; st are blinded, the body is abandoned.;! while the Inner essence is we know not i A where. We have no other knowledge of sleep than we hnre of death. In de lirium or coma or tmuce, no less than in normal sleep and lu dissolution, t lie soul is gone. Iu these it returns, in thnt it does not come again, or so we Ignorantly thluk. Yet when I reflect on my death 1 for get that I hnve encountered It ninny times already nud find myself uone the worse. 1 forget thnt 1 sleep. The fly tills no shorter existence than man's. We bustle about for n few years with ludicrous lniportnnce. as bottleflies buzz at the window panes. They, too, umy imagine themselves of infinite moment in this universe we share with them. Hut this Is to tnke no account of the propnosties of sleep. There Is something hidden, soniethlns secret, some uufnihouied mystery whose presence we feel, hut cannot verify; some nernieatlve thought in sistently moving In our hearts, some phosphorescence that glows we know j not whence through our shadowy at- i onis. ) Neither sleep Itself nor hnlf Its prom- ! Ises nor mysteries have beeu plumbed, j It Is the mother of superstitions and ! of miracles. In dreams we may search the surface powers of the freed soul. I Visions iu the ulght are not all lmlln- j cinatlons; voices in the ulght nre not i all mocking. There Is a prophet dwells j wlthlu the mlud-not of the mind, but ; deeper throned In obscurity. j The brain ennuot know of this holy presence nor of Its life In sleep. The j brain is mortal and untrust worthy, a j phonograph nnd a camera for audible ! nnd palpable exigence. Strike It a i blow lu childhood so thnt It ceases Its labors and nwnke It by surcery after forty years nnd it will repeat the In- fantlle action or word It last recorded ; and will tnke up Its task on the In- j stant. making no account of the inter- ! mediate years. They nre nonexistent ! to it. Yet to that bidden memory those diseased years nre not blank. It knows, j it has recorded, though the brain hns slept. And In hypnotic or psychic i trance, when that wonderful ruler Is released from the prison of the body, it ' can speak through the atom blent mn- j cuiuery of the flesh nnd tell of things man himself could not know because of bis paralyzed brain. This naler Is not asleep in sleep, nor In delirium Is ft delirious, and in death Is It dead? Tbrougb all the ages It bns been our sphinx, wblcb we pnve interrogated in vain. It Joins not In our laughter nor our tears. We have fancied It with im mobile, brooding fentures of utmost knowledge and wisdom nnd sorrow. It bus asked us but one question, nor from the day of Oedipus uutn iodny have we answered rightly, so that w die of our Ignornnce. It Is Osiris llv. 0f In us It is the unknown God to whom je erflct our altars, the fire in the tabernacle, the presence behind the veil. Not in normal wakefulness at least will It answer our queries, but In sleep sometimes It will speak. And it may possibly be that at lust, after all these centuries, we are learning how to question It and lu bvnnotie tmn uuu iu me learrui law of suggestion I .r u.oi.uvcriuE somewnat of lis mvo tery and how to employ it for our wurwiy gpoq. let to Its essentia cret we are bo cjpger than our fore fathers were. We may define drennis and m,.. are. coma and swoon and trance wiiu what terms ae will Physical reasons and learo to guide of the Pole Will be published serially in this paper beginning with the NEXT ISSUE Fall and Winter Wear for Men Including all the latest ideas in Shoes, Hats and Caps, Underwear, Sheep Skin Lined Coats, Mackinaws, Coat Sweaters, German Socks, and All kinds of Rubber Shoes j& Brand New vStoch of CLOTHING Just Arrived Quality and Satisfaction in All Lines Guaranteed C. H, ZURHCER and guard, yet we know no more of tUenj than or electricity. We may be Rln to suspect thnt telepathv and clair voyance and occult forces of fho are not superstitious fancies, and we may even empirically JL. fludv d dire(.t ,bpm y use r is no nearer tmr inquisition, though we should bw.r ,.t . l, t, na rem- Ity. though our finite minds should fathom the Infinitude, of what benefit would It be? WonM if " . ' ! 1 lefs or our bo, w our falthg? w lives? There would be no change In bnroan nature and no r.f. . world. We are the rhn, ;.. , v"iin ji our i si ZZJ16 'cm rm tread the whether we wake or sfeep. tUrOUL'h PTton i.i "se DAIRY and HOC RANCH 160 Acres; 3) miles out, on fiver bottom; good improvements; plea ty of irrigation wafer. $40.00 per acre, Terms, Enterprise Real Estate Company Office ever Harness Sfeop, Enterprise, Ore, XOTICE FQR PURIFICATION, Itepartmenti of the Interim.' U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon. October 2Cth, 1909. Notice is hereby given that Carl Kee'.er. of Enterprise. Oregon, who, on October 13th, 1904. made Home stead Entry N0. 13863, Serial No. U1-u". XW DBU K1V1 CAAfi Island City TANNERY ffow Ready for Business K R ' 1 awaking and dying " uuny. ever tornescenf nd unamazed. ana .r ,h-...i;?Tent ln ,."' " ur pnysical be ing, building on vhp i.. . -own. recreating Z 'r niac-pitch a(.k. i.,,!,.,: cavern of Morpheus. palttl '. i i . . --KioiiH and imii.1. with varied Its enter .t and drain the Lethean air 8nd Jorget. and -H, r and Jolcings. babbling of dre.m8 Z "be ,a7tm0aDd 5Ual,T We o' luQtlc Monthly! ' m fl-At- uou.j, a boum. Ranee Kaat Willamette Meridian, has filed notice oi intention to roke Final five year "wi, to establish claim to the land. uescnoea, before C. M. Lock i-. o. commissioner, at his office, at Enterprise. Oregon, on the aay or December 1909. Claimant names as 'witnesses; asser, J. D. Braughton Wagner, Newtpn Hammack' Enterprise, Oregon. F. C. BRAMWBLL, Register, George all of Mr. At the Golden Gate. vHlJ?"-An m lb late Mr. Psmlih-I nra. St I'eter-You had three wives - " I've got "'Pong ticket They told me 1 beaded for baven.iRXp?e 1 ..., , Th Libretta. A"Mi."u,"a-1,,1l'r,ti0?- "A Mbretto. the was Robes and Furs of all Jdjufcl Work Guarantee and all order? receive prompt attention. - ? EMABTENS, Prop, Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sondtes, Jtoot Beer, freshing DrinKs When extra C A N D Y is wanted come to 1 PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - Oregon