LODGE DIRECTORY U. r ENTERPRISE LODGE, No pjERlOJ) KEBEKAH LODGE, No. 11 - ENTERPRISE LODGE, No f CfP. jUSITA TEMPLE, No. I. PythlM jaw lAfHIIfl ENTERPRISE CHAPTER I ISUllluN'o- 30. Royal Arch Masons. ' tint and third Tuesday of each ",1 . Maaonlo Hall. All TislUnc rii Arch Maaona welcomed. j. a OLMSTED, HU'h Priest. IX W. SHEAHAN. Secretary. IALLOWA LODGE. No. 82. A. F. A T 1L, meets second and fourth Satur of each month In Masonic Hall ruMaf Mon welcomed ' J. A. BURLBI3H. W. M. w BOATMAN. Secretary. a-UXOWA VALLEY CHAPTER, No Tj g. meeU first and third Sat J" of each month, in Masonic Hall JJjun, surs are always welcomed. MRS. ELVA L. FRENCH. W It. gta MARY E. STEEL. Sec , ... EAGLE CAMP, No. 10487. If U flf.A. w- A Meets first and third nuriy in each month, in new Fra ball. Visiting: Neighbors alway wtlconia. J. W. R0DGER3 Consul. T M. TflhL. Clerk. 4XEROID CAMP. No. 854J, R N. of A. ill EXTERrRISK CAMP, No II v- - ' - 41JI0TA CIRCLE. No. 278. W. of W. .11. 53S, w. or w. The BedRosk Of Success fa, ia a keen, clear brain, backed br Indomitable 1U and resistless mete. Such power cornea from the iplendld health that Dr. King's New Ufe Pills Impart. They vitalize every organ and build up brain and iodj. J. A. Harmon, Llzemore, W. V, writes: "They are the beat pills I ever used." 25c at Burnaugh & MiTfleMs. Earliest Bible Pictures. Tl purliest Bible pictures were painted on I lie church walls Instead of telog bound lift ween the book covers. Printed Books, The first printed books were printed oooueside only, the leaves being past ed back to back. The Margery. The first steam vessel appeared on tlx Thames In 1815 and was called the lUrgerj. C. R. Kluger. tie Jeweler, 1060 Virginia Ave, Indianapolis, . Ind, sriiea: "1 was so weak from kldnej troupe that I could hardly walk a hiffidred feet. Four bottles at Foley's Kidney remedy cleared my complex loo, owed my backache and the Irregularities disappeared, and I can low attend to business every day lad recommend Foley's Kidney Reme ij to all sufferers, as It cured me after (he doctors and other remedies ksd failed." For sale by Burnaugh Mayfleld, Too Tired. "took here, my man." said an artist to a recumbent tramp, "If you stand up ind let me sketch you I'll give you shilling." "So, thank'ee, guv'nor, but gimme Iwpeoce and you can sketch me lay ing downr-Londoo Mail. Dandruff and & bat outward signs of the evil wotui secret by nryriadaoJ das Jrnfi verms unnin hj lit hlnnd of the hair. Micro kills the par. site, soothes the ttchiaj scalp, p lustre to the heir and stops ft falling out A simrle annlicatioi gives relief aad proves its worth. Save your hair before too late. cro prevents baldness, it is a delightful dressing for the hair, free from crease and stickr oils. A your drnntetfor free booklet HOYT CHEMICAL CO, rOWTUUtS1, ORSOOSj FOR SALE BT BURNAUGH & MAYFIELD. Hack Calls to any part of the dty answered day or night. I S ENTERPRISE AND . C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. i J f First Class Rigs t and careful drivers. Tha 7 Y Th'Uen. MacMahon, who , . T. 1,,rghaI peploe with smr . xi j j, u,u w awney tiZl ' 1 0ald itnO0t Of A WW K i a- ney Remedy. ThU remedy wPe the pain and the irregularities. uu ouuos Up these organs and thr i Bnghte disease or oAr serious dis- .. lo not disregard th early symptoms For sa'.e by Bum.ugh & Mayfleld. Unfair. Etta-Edith Is an mo,! -v. . with Mr. Colter. He hn. placed ber n rh Lb'y con,I"""Wnf situation. ' "mi s sake, you don't mean It! Etta-1 am sorry to My 1 do They hat)i)eued to mm. t . . ' gether the other evening, and he didn't speak a word to her the whole way Of course everybody must have sup posed them married. It places Edltb In a uust awkward situation, and she is getting along, you know, to an age when she cannot afford to lose any chances thai haieu to be golug.-Bos-ton Transcript We i Knovn Hotel Keeper Uses and Recommends Chamberlain's Coll:, Chj!e-a and Diar rhoei Remedy. "I ta' e pleasure in saying that 1 have kept Ohambsrtein's Colic, Cho -era anl Dianhea Renaely in my family medicine chest for atout tit em years and always has satis faot ry te ults f;oai lu u?e. I have administered It to a great many tra- eling men who . ware soi'ferlng from troubles for which it U re.-o mended, ani have never falei to re'-leve thim,' sa s J. C. Jenkins, o Glasgow, Ky. Thjt remedy Is for sale by Burnaigh & Mayfleld. Older Than His Father. A curious tombstone has been dis covered at the llfmcombe church yard by a correspondent. The inscrip tion reads as follows: "In memory of William Griffiths, died October 25, 1835. aged 127 years. Also Wlllin., father of the above, who died October 2, 1845, .iged 72 years." According to the dates given, the son was sixty-fire years older than the father. London Standard. BOTH BOYS SAVED. Louis Boon, a leading merchant of s'orway, Mich- writes: "Three bottles jf Foley's Honey and Tar absolutely ;ured my boy of a severe cough, and x neighbor's boy, who was so ill with x cold that tie dootors gave him P was cured by taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Nothing else is as safe ind certain in stilts. For sale by Burnaugh Meyfield. Old Time Butterscotch. Tut throe pounds of light brown sugar in an enameled kettle with three fourths of a pound of butter. Place over a moderate flre to melt; let It boll until thick, stirring all the while to prevent scorching. Take the kettle from the fire and pour the boiling hot liquid into buttered tins or upon a large flat meat platter. When stiff enough mark off into big squares, and when cold break these apart and wrap each square In wax paper. Butter scotch carefully made will keep for months. It Improves with age. Money Comes In Bunches 'o A.A.Ohisholm, of Treadwell, h.T aow. His reason Is well worth read ing: "For a long time I 6uKored .ji,mi nrnld liVOT. COn- rtlpaftton. nervousness and general debility," he writes. "I coultat mAtjfte. nor am w Jw, grew weaker every dey In sfllteof . . j. TKnn used tiec- nedicai creawu".. --- - . . T-jva bottles restored trie iJl'-iers. all my old-time health and vHor. Now I caa attend to ou ; It'e-a wonderful meoicuie. . u (, Kidnevs. Blood and Nerves. 60c. at Burnaugh & May field's. Rntti Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. LIVERY HACK BARN Our bus meets all J trains. Fare 10c. j within city limits TVnilam ence saM- UUgnea. Mestayer. the comedUn, tLfta - Uuxh heart ly bat once. were llarin -n'lus Csewr- at BdwluX 1 Frisco. longh ,1U tsrutus. McCul- waa was i Caesar, . V, t-u wares r- ,,,d Charley BUhop aud I U evemlHv mi, i. were ' plain, i the last ki-i. . v was sh uf ' ". ud we ,u felt t frisky well knnn ii . '-"war spoke the known line. -Ut m h- about me that are fat. Bishop ,Dd i both fat Caesar J 7' . ""Hiiy up to hand. - - -- - uhii uroniiy oy tne Booth laughed oittigbt.- . Frightful Fat Iv.rt "1 would have been a cripple for e, from a terribl Tilt sn Wiiaa life. cap,- wrUes Frank Diaberry. Kelliher, Ve, Which SOnn inr nu 'i i- fallihie for wounds. cuU and bruises. it SOOn euro. Tltima r. 1 i v.. 3We Bo'ls. Skia " jt o-aius, via Eruptions, 25c. at Bur- Gorki's btai f- rut "ugh ft Slayfield's. Cape Spartel Lighthouse. On the coast of xir- . used to experience mat um..i- i- - D ,11 avoidlne dlsastpr absence of warning night signals on uore- i-igni nouses were sadly needed, and as the government of Mo rocco Would not m-nrlrf .. Pat powers took the matter Id hand iue weirare or their shipping inter- e6tS. A llehthnnsA n . v. 1 1 . . " miauuitum at tape Spanel. aud the powers are as- CACOiul . ... "ucu annually Tor mainte nance. The alum, nf ih. r-i. j uuiini oiaies u this eiDeuse to mi n-, -.ii. HUU VtlUUW. Its A Top Notch Doer. Great deeds compel regard. The rjwns its doers. That's why he American people have crowned Or. King's New Discovery the King Throat and Lung remedies. Every torn Is a health force. It kills germs ind colds and H grippe vanishes. it heals cough-racked membranes and ughing stops. Sore Inflamed bron chial tubes and lungs are cured and hemorrhages cease. Dr. George lore, Black Jack, N. C writes "it ured me of lung trouble, pronounced aopelees by all doctors." 60c, 11.00. rial bottle free. Guaranteed by 3urnaugh & Mayfleld. What Fog Is. Small particles of water have a tend ency to fall slowly In still air. while a very light upward current will be enough to keep them from descending t all In the case of very small parti cles. It has been shown that the glob ules of water forming a fog or cloud are each composed of a film of water condensed upon a particle of dust, and the cores are solid Instead of gaseous, it the old theory Indicated. Where He Was Afraid. Little Tommy and bis mother, re turning borne In the dark, passed a large tree recently blown over. As they went by be grasped ber hand with all bis strength and backed around against ber skirt, facing the tree. "Why. Tommy," she said, "are you afraid?" "Well." gasped Tommy. "my front jacket ain't, but my back Jacket is." Delineator. For ChappeJ 8 .in. ChaDiel sVn whether on the hand r face may be cured in one night by applyins Chambsrlain's Salve. It Is alviavs uneaualsd for sore nipple. burn 3 anl seal is. For sale by Bur- aau.h & Mayfleld. Eating With the Knife. Use of the fork is comparatively modern. The original fork was two pronged, aud its adoption was held to betoken au uuusual degree of elegance and refinement "The taste for clean liness has preserved the use of steel forks with two prongs." writes Lady Newdlgate. (She spoke to the closing years of the eighteenth century.l -With regard to little bits or meat. which cannot so well be taken bold of with the two pronged forks, recourse Is had to the knife, which Is broad and round at the extremity." Feas at that time were eaten with a knife. Th Fast Plaster. k r,ta fl n-iel dampened with n - Chamb rlaln's Llnimtnt aid bound the afflicted part t superior o.r ni inter When troubled with w au - - . lame back tr pains In the side or chest gl e It a trial and you are ot oi in he more than pleased with the nrAn,nt roiur which It a 'fords. This liniment also re'.le .es rueumauc pams d Is certain to piease anywie ww- i from that dlase. eon oy ur- naugh ft Vayuaid. When " HAVE WE A MAVY ?" Ambrose Biercc lays wo think we have and give our bump of patriotism an awful whack. To console us, E. Alexander Powell takes us to "The Land of Lovely Ladies," and shows us the most beautiful women in the world. It's a mighty interesting article. You'll find every page of the OCTOBER EVERYBODY'S well worth reading. Lookitover. FOR SALE BY JACKSON ft WEAVER Professional Directory of Wallowa County 4 THOS. M. DILL ? AnOLMY-AT-UY Office first door south of New I Fraternal Bldg, Enterprise, Ore. J - BURLEIGH A BOYD ATTORNEVS-AKAW t Practice lu all State Court and I Interior Departnienu Careful at-', ' f tention to all business. D. W. SHEAHAN LAWYER ENTERPRISE ' Practice In State and Federal Courts and Interior Department. . . Island of Manhattan. It u other days there were the Island Manhattan and Manhattan Island. f They were different IkhII.-s. Island of Manhattan was Himlled to the Inud oo- upled by the old city of New York. iow the borough of Manhattan. Man in It. in Island wns a little knoll of land n the II 111 It M of u-luit Ik nniv Third UoiiMfou and Iwln streets and East river. At bich tide the knoll waa an Isl land. A Magnetic Island. The Island of ttornbolm. In the Rat c sea. may be regarded as a huge tnaguet. Although the power of at traction Is not so great as lo draw nails and bolts oul of npprmiclilng ships, the magui'tlsiii works a good leal of damage In that It dcllects the needle of the compass ho that It cau- not be depended UHn. The effect Is perceptible at a distance of nine and a half miles. lev to Cure a Cold. Be as careful as joa can, you will occaslonly take cold, and when you do, eet a me Heine c( known rilla- Miiity, one that has an established reputation and that Is certain to effect a quick cure. Su:h a medicine Is Chamberliln's Cough Remedy. U has gained a world wide reputation by Its remarkable cures of fits most common ailment, and can always be depen'el u'on. It acts cn nature's plan, relieves the lungs, adds expector ation, opens t' se motions and a'ds natura in re torlnr the system to a he 1 thy condition. For sale by Burnaugh & Majfleld. Ha Had Found His Sptelalty. A London contemporary tells the fol lowing anecdote: A member of the bar not richly endowed with Intellect after years of brleflessness married a rich widow. She died. Again be sought a bride with a large dower and again became a widower. Then he thought he would return to hla long neglected profession. lie approached an old friend who bad meanwhile become a Judge of the supreme court and asked what. In his opinion, . would be the wisest course for him to pursue. "Stick to the probate and matrimonial,", said the Judge. Fall colds are aulckrr cured by Foley's Honey end Tar, the great throat and lung remedy. The genu ine contains no harmful drugs. For sale by Burnaugh ft Mayfleld. Already Promlsad. Lady Fare (to pert cabman) Tou will bear something more about this. Let me take your number and your name, please. Cabby Yer kin her me number, an' welkim, miss, an' 1 'opes as much good may .it do yer, but as for takln' me name why, yer axes a bit loo late. I've got a young lady 0' my own wot I've promised ter give my name to. London Tit-Bits. To m: In tain halth, a mature man or woman needs just enojgh fo:d to repair the wa-te and supply energy and body he.t. The habitual con sumption of more fo d than Is necess ary for these purpose j Is the prime cau f stoma troubljs, rheu- ma'istn end disorder of the kidneys. If troubled with Indigestion, revise your diet, let rsaaro and not appe tite control and t ke a few dow of Chamterlalne Stonah and Liver Tablets and you 111 a on be all right aga n. For eele by Burnaugh ft May- field. Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Root Beer, Re freshing Drinlls When extra CANDY good . is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank Enterprise, - - Oregon I , DXP.E. MO ORB loiLvrAimv, rniMUA.1 Office over Bank. At Enter prise exo, Moil, Wed. and Fri. at Joseph. Ind. 1 Hi one a. ; Pumps have bean placed at work in the Medford coal mine and the owners declare that they mean to turn out a product with a good crew of men that shall attract attention In the fuel markets of Southern Ore Ron. C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. ;; MUSICIAN AND SURGEON ;; Office upstairs In Bank Build- ' . , tng. Ind. Home phone In office " j' and residence. . . Haw Irrlja I n Bosk Free. Well Irrlsa Ion fo.- Small Farms." is a publication Just Issued by the General Fas en;er Department of the O. R.-&N. company and Southern Paclfi: !in?s In Oregon. This booklet sets forth In a prictlcal, concise I way tie pojslbllltlei fcr profit of , inexrenslve irrlja Iju and s'loald be I ia ths bands of every farmer In lOreson. Co.ilei rr.ay be obtained free (on apllca'lon to W. M. McMurray, j General l aiaenger Acent, O. R. ft ,N. and S. P. lines in Oregon, Portland Otsgoi ' 3. 3. BUTN3II, Agt. O. R. & N. La Grande Iron Works. D. FITZGERALD, Proprietor. Foundry and Machine Shop. Casting and Ma chine Work done on short notice. WE ALSO MANUFACTURE FEED MILLS Sawmill break down jobs promptly attended to GIVE US A TRIAL X9kkV I L. BERLAND Dealer in Harness, Saddles, Chapps, Spurs and Leather Goods of all descriptions. I will fit you out with the best goods for the least money. When in need of anything in my line, call and inspect my stock before purchasing. ENTERPRISE, .... OREGON 3 r4tSCC4 ENTERPRISE BFiH OF MEATS West Market Combes & Price for Pelts and Hides PitorrtiETort What Can You Expect? e What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERMS. Wm. Miller & rother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building, ENTERPRISE, OREGON Red Front Livery and Feed Stable First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain one block south op W. A. MOSS, Proprietor W. C. KETCHUM DENTIST - ENTERPRISE Jf.i.e norland Building. Home Independent l'hone. e t Avnicnsnv i r & PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON I I Calls attended to day or night. T I Home phone. Enterprise, Ore. 2 s VW. V.. A. AULsl w tfi a a tTf tem PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON Office In Bank Building. Horn phone both office and J residence. J S. K.Clark Plumber Steam Filler Full line of plumbing iraterial. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Koltner's Hardware Store Leave Orders. MEAT MARKET ALWAYH ON HAN IX IlotclllvisS INDEPENDENT PHONE 20 Successor to Boswell ft Son A 1 1 MMaUBMSMMMMMMMMMMSMMl! Ksmir:7TTrrwiiTiiM'g'!