TflE SECOND ANNUAL Portland Fair SS Oregon's Biggest Show! Admission 5Qcts 6 Horse Races Daily National Live StocK Exhibits Balloon Racing Chariot Racing ; Fascinating Midway Attractions FIREWORKS will be the most gorgeous and magnificent pyrotechnic display ever seen on this Coast. This will interest the whole family. Reduced Rates On All Roads A Hurry Up Call. Quick! Mr. Druggist Quick," A box of Bucklen'g Arnica Salve Here's a quarter For the love of Mosesi hurry! Baby's burned him self terribly Johnnie cut his fojt witn the ax Mamie's scalded Pa ean't walk from plies BUUe has bolls and my corns ache. She got It and soon cured all the family. Its the greatest healer on earth. Sold by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Oregon apple J. pears, prunes, grapes, cherries, plums, berries and other small fruit have an International reputation for their excellence. Apples and pears bring top-notch prices In the markets of America, Europe and Uie Orient. Best Treatment for a Burn. If for no other reason, Chamber lain's Salve should be kept In every household on account of Its great value In the treatment of burns, it allays the pain almost instantly, and unless the Injury Is a severe one, heals the part without leaving a scar. This salve is also unequaled fdr chapped hands, sore nipples and dleasses of the skin, Price, 25 cents. For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Portland ships' more lumber an nually than any other port on earth. For the pan two years production lias averaged 2,000,000 feet for every working day of the year. Good for Biliousness. "I took two of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets last night, and I feel fifty per cent better than I have for weeks.' saye J. J. Fire stone of Allegan, Mich. "They are certainly a fine article for bilious ness." For sale by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Samples free. Oregon poultry has made many a producer independent, and $5,000,000 were paid fdr pojltry products last yeir local markets would have taken three times as much at top prices. The Road To Suofteas haa many obstructions, but none so desperate as poor health. Success to-day demands health, but Electric Jitters is the greatest health builder the world has ever known. It com pels perfect action of stomach, liver, kidneys, bowels, purifies and en riches the blood, and tones and in vigorates the whole ayetem. Vigor ous body and keen brain follow IIIItainaBSIIlllSIIIBKSEDaillllBIIIHnillHlHIM' Hack Calls to any part of the city answered day or night. ENTERPRISE AND J. C. SHACKELFORD, Proprietor. First Class Rigs and careful drivers. nam IKHBB 1UBI MAMMOTH JACK make the season at the ranch of Thomas Morea n. TERMS: $5.00 cash; $10.00 for season and l i5.uu insurance Either of the above pnces he comes due upon the trading, selling or re moving the mare from the county. MORGAN & DOBBIN, Owners. C. M. WILLIAMS, Manager. their use. You can't afford to slight Electric Bitters If weak, run-down or ckly. On'.y 50c. Guarantee! by Burnaugh & Mayfleld. The wool clip of Oregon left $2,G00, 000 In the pockets of sheepmen last year, and Oregon mills use about 30 per ce it. Night On Bald Mountain. On a lonely night Alex. Benton of Fort Edward. N. Y., climbed Bald Mountain to the home of a neighbor, tortured with asthma, bent on curing him with Dr. King's New Discovery, that had cured himself of asthma. This wonderful medicine soon re lieved and quickly cured his neigh bor. Later tt cured his son's wife of 1 severe lung trouble. Millions be lieve its the greatest Throat and Lung cure on Earth. Coughs, Colds, Croup, Hemorrhages and Sore Lungs ire surely cured by it. Best for Hay Fever, Crip and Whooping Cougl 50c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaranteed by Burnaugh & May field. Manufacture are being success fully conducted in a'.l parts of Oregon and no port'on of the United States is batter supplied with water power. HEALTH AND BEAUTY AID Cosmetics and lotions will not clear your complexion of pimples and blotches like Foley's Orlno Laxative, for Indigestion, stomach and liver trouble and habitual constipation. Cleanses the system and Is pleasant to take. Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Three hundred WlUon feet of standing timber, one-sixth of all in the United States, is Oregon's chief asset. A Good Position can be had ,by ambitious young men and ladles in the field of "Wireless" or Railway telegraphy. Since the 8-hour law became effective, and since the Wireless companies are establishing, stations throughout the country there Is a great shortage of telegraphers. Positions pay begin ners from $70 to $90 per month, with good chance for advancement. The National Telegraph Institute of Port land, Ore., operates six official in stitutes In America, under supervision of R. R. and Wireless Officials and places all graduates Into positions. It will pay you to write them for full details.- 36b2 Both Phones Home Independent 40 Pacific States 45. LIVERY HACK BARN Our bus meets all trains. Fare 10c. within city limits inEnnm Why Druggi.U Recommend Cham berlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. Mr. Frank C. Hacrahan nent aruggtst of Portsmouth, Va, says. Tor the past six rears I have sold and racomtnended Chamberlain a colic, Choera and Diarrhoea Remedr It is a great remedy and one of the oeut patent medicines on the market. I handle some others for the same purposes that pay me a larger profit. :t this remedy is so sure to effect a cure, and my customer so certain to appreclite my reC3mmending it to him, that I give it the nreference." For sale by Burnaugh ft Mayfleld. Portland Is the second wha nort in the United States and fourth among American ritl in distribution of agricultural imple ments. TESTIFIES AFTER FOUR YEARS. Carlisle Center. N. Y- O. B. Bur- bans, writes: "About Jour years ago wrote you that I had been entirely cured of kidney trouble by taking two bottles of Foley's Kidney Rem edy, and after four years I am again pleased to state that I have never had any of thoe symptoms, and I am evidently cured to stay cured." Foley's Kidney Remedy will do the same for you. Burnaugh & May- field. The mines in Oregon during 1908 yielded $2,853,000; hops, $1,250,000; fisherlei, $,000,000; wheat, $11,000,000 A NARROW ESCAPE. Edgar N. BaylUs. a merchant of Roblnsonvllle, Del, wrote: "About two years ago I was thin and sick, and coughed all the time and it I did not have consumption, it was near to It. I commenced using Foley's Honey and Tar, and It stopped my cough, and I am now entirely well, and have gained twenty-eight pounds, all due to the good results from taking Foley's Honey and Tar." Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Camping at the State Fair. One of the plaasures for many persons attending the annual Oregon State Fair at Silem is the privilege of being numbered among the real. dents of the tented city Just out side of the main entrance to the fair grounds. Ea:h family Is allow ed on the camping ground a Bpace of twenty feet front on the street and thirty feet back for camping Pur poses. By this means the camping ground has the appearance of a white canvas city during the entire week of the fair, as thousands 0f people come from a distance to enjoy an outing and at the same time partici pate In the pleasures of the expo sition week. All intending campers are requested o apply to the super intendent of the camipfng ground fPr campers' certtMca'as, which will en. title them to the right to Purchase 'campers' tickets." The forty-elgflvth annual Oregon State Fair takes place on September 13-18. . Why? From a small beginning the sale and use of Chamberlain's Cqugh Remedy has extended to all parts of the United States and to many for tlgn countries. WbyT Because it has proved especially valuable for coughs and colds. For sale by Bur naugh ft Mayfleld. How Is This for a Spelling Test? New York Press. The other night in an upper West Side home there wa a spelling bee at which some forty-odd gueste fell down. The ho?te;s offered the fol lowing sentences as a test; "It is an a?reeible sight to per ceive the unparalleled embarrass ment of an harassed peddler attempt ing to gauge the symmetry of a peeled onion w'blcb a sibyl had stab bed with a polgnard, regardless of the innuendoes o! the lilies of a car nelian hue." The president of a college made five errors In -writing it, a learned clergyman made seven, and an emi nent teacher and lecturer made six.. A DOLLAR AND A MORAL. The Clemens Oskamp, a Cincinnati jewelry concern, takes up most of a handsome advertisement In the Times-Star of July 2 with this story: CONS FOREVER. Six years ago in Weber county, Utah, a farmer put his initials on a dollar bill. Next day he came to S. K. Clark Full line of plumbing material. Satisfaction Guaranteed Shop at Keltner'i Hardware Store Leave Orders. Professional Duectory of Wallowa County I THOa. M. DILL i ATTCLNEY-AT-UW i OffiC first Annr smith a. V Fraternal Bldg Enterprise. Ore. I BURLEIGH & BOYD ATT8RNEfSAT-LAW Practice lu all Sute Courts and Interior Department. Careful at tention to all business. t t ! D. W. SHEAHAN LAIYEl - ENTERPRISE Practlc in State and Federal Courts and Interior Department. Ogden and spent It with a merchant. Before six months had passed he got the same dollar back. Four times In three years the bill came back to him for produce, and three times he heard of it in the pockets of his neighbors. The Inst time he saw the bill was three years ago. He sent k to a mH order house. He will never see that bill again. Th ! dollar bill will never pay any more school or county tixes for him, will ! never build or brighten any more homes in the community. He sent it entirely out or ttoe usefulness to himself and his neighbors when he ! sent it to the mall order house. Moral. Trade at your home Jewel ry store, where yoar dollar buye most anything and where you may get it back again and toaat Cincinnati. 61ate8 and tablets, pencils and pens in fact everything needed by a school pupil at Jackson & Weaver's. Go With, A Rush. The demand for the wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney cure, Dr. King's New Life Pills is astound ing. Burnaugh & Mayfleld say they never saw the like. Its because they never fall to cure Sour Stomach. Con stapatlop, Indigestion, Biliousness, Jaundice, Sick Hadache,Chills and Malaria, Only 25e, Burnaugh & Mayfleld. Trsy Man Hurt. Otto Wilson, from Troy, Oregon, Is laid up at the Ay era hotel with a Daaiy broken leg. While rldlmg through the Peq'.a country, his hqrse I stumbled and in falling, Nil upon the right leg of the rider, breaking It In two places once a few inches above Hie knee and again a trifle below the thigh. The accident happen New and Elegant Furniture Queehsware r Glassware AT tealer S Taylor's JOSEPH, OREGON Same low prices that save money tot every customer and accounts for our rapidly Increasing trade. Refreshment Hall Mineral Waters Sodas, Maltina Temperance Beer And all kinds of Soft Drinks Cigars and Confectionery POOL AND BILLIARDS Orderly House No Minors Allowed Nw Fratarnal Bids. 1st door weat 91 R. 8. 4 E. BRIGHT &SIEGMUND Ice Cream Ice Cream Soda ALL FLAVORS Sundaes, Root Beer, Re freshing DrinKs When extra CANDY goou ' ' is wanted come to PRENTISS HOMAN'S Next Door to Bank . , Enterprise, - - Oregon Probably the largen shipment of pheasant ever raised In captivity by one grower in th country will be shipped by R. F. Simpson, of Leba non, to the Idaho game warden, and the birds wl'l te turned loose to stock the state for the Idaho hunters. Mr. Simps m will setd a carload and he is said to be the only man In America who could flu such a big order. Whirlwind Tablet are . a guaran teed remedy for rheumatism and kidney troubles. For sale at Jaoa son & Weaver's. 35btf C. T. HOCKETT. M. D. PHYSICIAN AND STRGEON J Office upstairs In Bank Build- f j and residence. ed about six o'c'o-k In the afternoon, and It wai fully thfee hours before anyone happened along to find Mr. Wilson in his critical condition. He was then brought to Asotin, reaching here about mi nljtit, when he was turned over to Dr. Sawyer, who pro ceeded' to make him as comfortable as possible. Mr. Wilson will be kept from labor of any kind for at least eight weeks, and poeilbly longer. The young man is getting along very well at this time- and it Is to he hoped he will get along without further difficult. Asotin Sentinel. If you will send twenty.fivn cents in amrs, three lae Issues will be eent you sj that yoj may become acquaints i with It. Read the follow ing ep.eidld offars: Offer No. 1 McClure's Magazine, Woman's Home Companion and The Pacific Monthly, costing $4.60, will ba sent at a sreial rate of $3.00. Offer No. 2 AlcCIure'a Magazine, Review of Reviews and The pacific Monthly, coating 6.00, will be sent for I3.C0. Offer No. 3 Human Llfo, Ideal Home and Ths raclftc Monthly WU1 be se it for $2.00. OrJer by number and send your order ajcompaniei by postal money order for the amount to The Pacific Monthly. Portland, O.egon. A remarkable shipment of big Oregon logs were loaded on board the ateamtihlp, Emma 8. Dollar at Portland, The loga are very large, being 105 feu loig and 40 feet in circumference. There are 24 of the big sticks and they are being con signed to China, where they will be listed to rebuild the temple Ling Yen, the moat famous house of worship in all China, The Chinese govern ment purchasel them here for the purpose. They will be rafted up the ENTERPRISE BESl OF MEATS IKr"'""' S. E. COMBES INDEPENDENT Pelts and Hides PROPRIETOR What Can You Expect? What can you expect your business to amount to without a Telephone? Do you suppose a customer will lose time running after you when you can call your compet itor by 'phone? Home Independent Telephone Co. MILLIONS OF AT LOWEST RATES. ON EASIEST TERNS. Wm. Miller & Brother, SUITE 204, Wallowa National BanK Building; ENTERPRISE, OREGON , Red Front Livery a nd Feed Stable , First Class Accommodations Best of Hay and Grain' j one block south of W. A, MOSS, Proprietor .' HOTEL ENTERPRISE , . r Successor to Boswell Q Son TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTWW W. C. KETCHUM DENTIST - ENTERPRISE Of ill Borland Building. Home Independent Phone. E. T. ANDERSON. M. D. ... PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON . Calls attended to day or night. iiome pnone. enterprise, Ore. 4 ! ; DR. C. A. AULT PHYSICIAN AND SIRGEON Office In Bank Building, Horn phone both office and 1 residence. Grand Canal In China for 200 miles and takei over an1 nix nitles to the temple. The only mwslbla wsr to get the big s Icka this distance Is for coolies to carry them on their backs. This seams Impo-wlble but It Is actually done In China in trans porting big timbers over mountain trails, as wl'l le done in this cas3. The Bakery Fresh Bread and Fine Pastry WE ARE HERE TO PLEASE We Solicit Your Patronage II. V. MOORE, Manager River St., 2 doors south of Funk's. W. B. APPLEGATE. Notary Publit. Collections made. Real Estate bought and ' sold and all business matters attended to. Call on or write me. PARADISE, OREQONf. WESLEY DUNCAN, Stock Inppector for Wallowa County. JOSEPH, OREQON , MEAT MARKET ALWAYS ON HAND. " 1 PHONE 20