The Great Spring Medicine In thousands of homes, for more than thirty years, Hood's Sarsaparilla has been taken, as a Spring Medicine, by every member of the family. Peculiar to Itself in what it is and what it does, it combines the best blood purifiers, appetizers and tonics, and effects complete cures of Sprint Ailments all blood diseases, pimples, eruptions, eczema, scrofula, all stomach, liver and kidney complaints, loss of appetite, that tired feeling, all low or run-down conditions of the system. Hood's Baxsapaxilla effects its wonderful cures, not simply because it contains sarsaparilla, but because it combines the utmost remedial values of more than 20 different ingredients, each greatly strengthened and en riched by this peculiar combination. These ingredients are the very rem edies that successful physicians prescribe for the same diseases and ail ments. There is no real substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla. If urged to buy any preparation said to be "just as good," you may be snre it is in ferior, costs less to make, and yields the dealer a larger profit. Begin taking Hood's Sarsaparilla today, in the usual liquid form or in the chocolated tablets known as Sarsatabs. 100 Doses One Dollar. Explaaatery. The freat ocean liner was limping Into port. "You aee," lamely explained the cap tain, "the injury la in the ship's fore foot It rt on the wrong tack." Scowling at the reporter who had tome on board from the tug, he nervouily paced the bridge, after the manner of all great captains. Chicago Tribune. Only One "BROMO QUININE" Thmt to LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look far the sUmaturs of E. W. GROVE. Used the world orer to Cure a Cold In One Dy. 26c. Horrid Hani Husband Holy Moses. What has happened? Wife What "do you think I The cat has eaten every bit of the meal that I have Just cooked! Husband The poor thing? But nev er mind; I will get you another cat riiegende Blatter. The Exceptional Equipment of the California Fig Syrup Co. and the scientific attainments of its chemists have rendered possible the production of Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna, in all of its excellence, by obtaining the pure medic inal' principles of plants known to act most beneficially and combining them most skillfully, in the right proportions, with its wholesome and refreshing Syrup of California Figs. As there is onty one genuine Syrup of Figs and Elixir of Senna and as the gen uine is manufactured by an original method known to the California Fig Syrup Co. only, it is always necessary to buy the genuine to get its beneficial effects. A knowledge of the above facta enables one to decline imitations or to return them if, upon viewing the package, the full name of the California Fig Syrup Co. is not found printed on the front thereof POTATOES W seaaessa Per Ratter's Catalan sale TO. I I Largest growers of eeed potatoes and early I Ivegeiaoias in iub wuim. is sead l8o in stamps and receive catalog and 1 looo Kernels eacii oi umuii, w"iu..i ' Eradisnas, 1500 lettuce, ruuDaia, iuiuivo, i parsley, 100 tomatoes, 100 melons. x Icnaruims uuwm u n, . . awlvw - - .1 AA.I... ...'mmiM Or. I B easily wotiu i,w ui " - - - . I lend ZOO ana wo aau uua yes. w. IsALZER SEED CO.. BonPC La Crosse, Wis. I cnrrrri TEA SPICES BAKING POWDEiR. EXTRACTS JUST RIGHT CLOSSET&DFJfHS PORTLAND. ORE. J BASE BALL GOODS Goldsmith League Balls ...$1.00 Reach League Balls 1-00 Reach Official American League Ball 1-25 Reach Baseball Gloves 25c to 3.00 Reach Baseball Mitta 25c to 6.00 Reach Shoe Plates, palr.....:.....10C and 25c Reach Bats........ 26c, 60c, 7Sc and $1.00 Suits complete, including shirts, pants, stock ings, cap and belt, made of good quality outing flannel, in grey or royal blue. .. .$1.50 Heavy Outing Flannel, per suit 2-00 Men s sizes 50C extra NO CHARGE FOR CASING OR CARTAGE Send for comp.ete catalogue. HUDSON ARMS CO. JtSStt I WANT . Have you a farm for sale or trade? If bo, give me its location, desenp . tion and amount at which you hold it. ... ,. . I want a farm, suitable for general fanning, stock raising, poultry, etc. Am not particular as to location, if the land and price are right, in answering this advertisement you are dealing with (me direct And Not Through Any Agent I can pay cash, or nearly all cash and can trade in some cit property that is increasing every day in value. Give me as much information about your place as you can, bo aa to avoid further correspondence if the place doesn't suit me. The Sooner You Write the Better J. M. REEVE3 BOX 131 PORTLAND, ORE. Promoting; the Glad. Eiprniloi. "Have you done anything to make life more cheerful?" asked the optimist "Ilave you helped anybody to smile?" "I should say so. I have helped more people to smile than anybody else In the neighborhood. I'm a dentist" Washington Star. ETTC St. Titos' Dance ana 'Ornms mam 1 a J easily wri by Dr. dne'e Great Nerve Ha. atom. Hand for rRKI ( trial bottle and treatlas. Or. B. H. Kline. 14.. KU Ana St.. Philadelphia, fa. Another Knock. Percy Pickle Aw I called on Miss Wose last night and for two hours she played on the piano. Miss Tabasco Yes, and Bhe said the music reminded her of you. Tercy Pickle Of me? In what way? Miss Tabasco It was so soft and slow. Snake Into Tour Shoes Allen' Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It rare painf uL swollen, smarting, swentinar feet. Makaa new ahoea aay. Sold by all Drus-gista and Shoe Rtore. Don't accept any substitute. Sample rtuiib. Aoareas a. b. uunstea, 1OKoy, . x. foal or FnJr Weather. ' Small Wallace accepted an tnvlta tlon to a party, as follows: "Dear Louis I will come to your psrty If It don't rain" (then, thinking tnat he might have to atav at home in that caae), "and If It does." Delinea tor. Mix for Lame Back. To one-half pint good whiskey add one ounce syrup sarsaparilla and one ounce Toris compound, which can be procured from any druggist. Take in teaspoonful doses before each meal and before retiring. This recipe is never failing. Leading specialists prescribe it. Real Machine Made. Stubb This paper complains that there are no courtships like those of the olden days. It says there are too many machine-made proposals. What are machine-made proposals?" Penn Proposals made In automo biles, I guess. HOWARD E. BURTON Asaayer era Caemtat, ljeadvllte, Colorado, Bpeclmen prices: tiold. Silver, Ln-ad, l ; Gold, Sllvsr.loc; Gold, too; Zlno or Copper, 1. Cyanide tests. Mailing envelopes and lull price list sent on application. Control and V rn plm work aollcllsd, lielsreacei Carbonate liar Uonaltyuik. It Will Cost You to write ns for samples of the best all wool $15 butts ever produced. Made to con form to your exact measure. ' We send you samples, measurement blanks, and absolutely guarantee style, fit and work manship or your money back. WRITE US TODAT Salem Woolen Mills 7th & Stark Sis. PORTLAND, ORE. 5 The cleanest. HLU01 luuuui iuyi- SLICKER at the same time cheapest In the ' end because it wears longest A00 Fwervuhpre a b'wV iWi V Every garment quar- Catalog free 1 t TOw CO epiTOe OS A FARM! V eU 1 LM Bo a "New Farmer." The farm problem of America Is not In bursting barns nor high bred stock. nor sol fertility, nor even In the rural school, but In the farmer himself.. Its solution Is In the individual known as the new farmer. The dreary drudgery of the old farm existence Is fast pass- tag away, and In Its place la coming a broad, rich, free livelihood, never known before "the new country life." The "strictly fresh" eggs are almost unob new farmer lives the new country life; talnable In midwinter and that the de the new farmer builds for his wife and velopment of cold storage facilities has children a modern, sanitary, attractive home ; the new farmer makes hard roads. He installs a telephone, receives his mall by free delivery and encour- ages Interurban service, supports a thriving rural church and demands an efficient consolidated school with a high school course for his sons and daugh ters at home. The new farmer reads and thinks: be studies his own environ ment, sees his opportunity 'and limita tions ; improves the one and removes the other. The new farmer Is not only a scientist, but a sociologist He works In harmony with his neighbors for the general good and uplift of his imme diate community, and above all else he realizes the dignity and Importance of his own profession and Individuality In the permanent and national welfare. Carry the Cows. It Is profitable to groom cows, espe cially In the spring. This Is done in the lama mnrmpr thnt a hnnut la rnr. ried and brushed, and the work as thor- ouguly done as if grooming a good excePt tbat w ere the point of the acls horae. The cows are curried with a Bora wouM come there 18 " 8le harp currying comb until the loose a Q1BC ana on tne otbn circular open hairs are comhed nff and the dandruff In lnto lon whleb Is attached on the akin la loosened. They are then rubbed down with straw and afterward with a rnh rao- until th mat la amnoth and flossy. This opens up the pores in the akin, sets up a healthy action In th amaii MnnA nnrior th skln and helps a great deal In a direct "e place and by compressing the hnn way in putting the cowe In good condi- ?leB the frult fro" the limbs tlon lnt0 t&" ia- In this way fruit can Give the cows plenty of outdoor air as soon as the weather moderates, but do not compel them to stand out In the rain. Keep them in the yard until the grass la well started, for the first blades are too watery to furnish nutrition, and It la false economy to turn stock on pasture until it is well started. Any saving of forage made in this way will be paid for later by the shortness of the grass when It is most needed. Honc-Hsda Broader. A. Upper smoke pipe to carry off the fnmpB of the lnmn. R. f!otton-cnv- ered frame or roof of brooder. C. Heat-reflector. D. Renting chamber. CONBTBUCTION Or BBOODEB. E. Two-ply flannel to form the warm hover for the chicks. F. Fresh air chamber. G. Eower smoke pipe. H. Galvanized Iron rim on which the beat er rests. I. Warm fresh air entering he hover. Cottou-Plclclnar Machine. A cotton-picking machine has been devised, on lines similar to the vacuum process cleaning machines, by J. S. Thurman. The vacuum-producing ap- paratus. driven by a gasoline engine. uuiwicu uu a nwc-nuca liuva on a which Is drawn about the cotton field by mules. Each operator has 100 feet of hose with the picker suctlon-ttp at me eno. '7' f5""" .wruUu.u. eu cotton per day of ten hours at a total i W i-u. ,o.av jr up- ...ftin ."uii. nnff Matches of Mamnre, ' During January and February heavy mulches of stable manure' may be placed about perennial fruits and vege tables, xne manure win an as a pro tection to the plants, some of its rich ness will soak Into the soil and weath ering will cause the manure to become mild, so that It may be safely used for pny of the garden crops next spring. There IS inue uuuger ui scauenng loo much manure in our gardens and or chards. . Government Experiment. The farmers of the country sur rounding Shreveport will this year plant 250 acres in peanuts, at the in stigation of government officials, who have recently come south for tne pur pose of testing the value of the pea nut as a producer of fine oils. The cot ton-seed oil mills, which are usually Idle during the spring' and summer months, will be equipped for the ex periment. Beaumont Journal aj, !j r F cans stmae Preak and Otherwlae. Information comes from Secretary of Agriculture Wilson that henceforth W styled "fresh" or "strictly fresh must live up to their profession. Stor- W most be labeled as such. If rnls rule ts rigidly enforced and the States of Nebraska, Minnesota and teunsylranla are leading the van In punishing violators of the law there 1H be some queer experiences. It Is a well known fact that many persons nave been eating eggs two years old nn- er the caption of "strictly fresh While any person of sense realises that been a boon to the consumer. It goes without saying that free-born man has a right to know what he Is getting for his money. Then if he prefers eggs under the ban, let him have them. For Harvestlas; Fralt. Farmers and other persona with fruit orchards will find much to com mend In the Invention of an Indiana man, which makes the gathering of nv pies, pears and peaches a far easier and quicker propo rtion than It has been h e r e t o t ore. This Invention Is simple enough, but like many other simple expedients. It remained un t nought of until re- appijt HCKta. cently. The contrivance is of metal, made 00 tt principle of a pair of scissors, to lt handiea of the harvester are holIow. that they will fit over the Pointed ends of poles, which may be of ""J lentn required. By means of this U"1OT " wrB"u "no'R on tne grounu n fruit otherwise in lnaccessl- Packed before It falls to the ground and becomes bruised. Aaotker ArtlfleUI Fertiliser. The success attained in Norway by the electro-thermic process for the flxa- "on atspberic nitrogen In the form nltf1tc acl whlch ls ""T " "T . , V saltpeter, has been followed by the de velopment of another method of fixing atmospheric nitrogen by passing It over heated calcium carbide. The product la called cyananild In the market "ni- tiolllm" and experiment shows that when placed In the soil it decomposes and furnishes nitrogen to plants. At present cyannmid is produced on an Industrial scale at Odda, In Norway; at Piano d'Orta, In Italy; at Westere geln and Bruhl, In Germnny, and large plants are being established at Alnils sa, in Austria-IIungcry, and at Niag ara Falls, In Canada. Incubator Chicks. Chicks must be kept clean either with hens or In a brooder. To clean them every day is not too .often. The heat from the brooder makes droppings produce foul nlr, as do hens when brooding chicks. ' Give no feed until the clutch is at least thirty-six hours old. They do not need it for the yolk absorbed Just before batching provides them until that age. Leave them in the Incubator or nnder bens until ready to give the first feed, which should be fine gravel or sand on- the bottom of the coop or brooder. They will eat quite a lot of It, and It provides the gizzard with grit to grind food. ' Care of the Yoau( Boras, Work with young horses intended foi next seasqn's work while you have time this winter. Halter and stall them, groom them dally and harness them frequently, so that they become accus tomed to your working with them. It Uqulrea time for the young horse to j t,l. ....... .. i. ... UL1U VU1 1U.1I lllllil iciuucu VL Ifc IU regular work. If it is first taught the feel of the baiter and harness there leM fm ,t t0 rJUnk aD0Ut wnen it is hitched up for work. A well brok- pn borge , worth much morp thnn one broken , KinDg tbe horM that j8 the flr8t taqulry of the buep I - I SelectlB Horae. A government horse buyer gives some new pointers on picking out a good roadster. He says a horse that moves steadily and. takes good, long strides Is a good horse. Never buy a horse that takes short, nervous steps or which baa a mincing gait. Such a horse cannot stand bard work on the road and is always hard , on his rider or driver. Cavalry horses in the crack regiments are, as a rule, particularly gaited as to walking. For More Wholesome afllk. The New York station says that the greater the attention paid to scrupul ous cleanliness in handling milk at all stages, the. shorter the time that elapses between - the drawing, straining, and cooling of milk, and the lower the tern perature to .which it ls cooled, the greater its freedom from micro-organ lams, the longer it will retain Its nor mal condition, the more profitable Its production will be, and the more whole some will it be for old and young. im mm ' iiinimi hi tu.t'Mtnw V"'vytm'"" . The Kind Vou liavn Always ltourbt lias borne the signa ture of Chna. II. Fletcher, and li.ts boon mntle under his personal supervision for over IJO Tears. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfcitd, Inillntiona and Just-as-pnotl" are but Experinieuts, nnd emliuiper the health of Childreu llxpcrionce airainst lpcrlim uU What is C ASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gorlc, Drops and Soothlncr 8yrnps. It is l'lcnmint. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jinrcotlo substance. Its aire is its guarantee. It destroys AVnrnis and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Fond, rciriilate the Stomach and liowels, frlvfnfr healthy nnd natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. The Kind You Ha?e Always Bought SI Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years. vmc ecfrrsue imnm, ,t wunimv amcrr, are veaa eirv. tmn know TtT- thinir. To berom XTwt clAlldtiiln nrodurlnr th bct flower and viretul wvd. In M y(n w have beoom exort. Sow Kerry fmSi nnd rrnp th nsultt of our car. For mJe vorym-hfrA. Kod our 1909 ctMnlnru nd profl t by mr rx ptuiaoc. be ut fros on roquMfc. AddreM 0. M. FERRY a CO., DETROIT. MICH. C Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondeful man has made a life study of the properties of Roots. Herbs and Barks, and Is Kivinr the world the benefit ol bis services. A No Mercury, Poison 4 or Druts Used. No .tditiuts Operations or Cutting Guarantees to cure Catarrh, Asthma. Lanir, Etomach and Kidney troubles, and all Private Diseases of Men and Women. A SURE CANCER CURE Just received from Pekin, China safe, aura and reliable. Unfailing- in Its works. If you cannot call, write for aymptom blank and circular. Inclose 4 cents In stamps. CONSULTATION TRtC The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. etaC-ll. PIe Ci Uu-la... SV. , .j PN.U No. 12-09 WHKIf writing to advertisers please men l Inn this paper. 1 1 VWefcW2l fRESGENT WUDOAII THAT ANT . HKUrtlCCD rOWDB WU C DO AND Do'.nsrrra A FULL The Right Way V In All casei of DISTEMPER, PINK EYE, INFLUENZA, Of All Horses, Brood Mares, Colta, bunions, ia to "SPOHN THEM" On their tontruesorln thefeedputBpohn'sIiquld Compound. Givethereinedy toallof them. Itacta on the blood and a lands. It route the disease by expellinc tliediseasas;erms.ItwardBorTthstrou ble, no matter how they are' exposed." Absolute, ly free from any thins; injurious. A child can safe ly take it. 60 eenta and 11.00; $5.00 and f 10.00 the dozen. Sold by druirgiata, hsrnessdemkira, or lent express paid by the manufacturers. Special Agents Wanted SPOHN MEDICAL CO. Chemist mad BexteriologiaU GOSHEN. IND., U.S.A. Touch 7, m : m ass and high-grade workmanship are what make Mayer Work Shoes last longer than any other kind. Farmers, miners, lumbermen, mechanic and all classes of workmen can get double tne wear out ot MAYER WORK SHOES They are honestly made and through. They are "built on strength and weaxinar Qualities To be sure you are getting the genuine, look for the Mayer Trade Mark on the sole. Your dealer will supply you; FRBBU you win send us the name isor natuue mayer w on onoes, we wui send you tree, post paid, a beautiful picture ol George Washington, sire ISxJA, We also make Honorbilt Shoes, Leading JUedy Shoes, manna wssninaron uoairan amies, lersna luealOa Sfaoee and Special Merit School Shoes. F. MAYER BOOT & SHOE CO, MILWAUKEE. WISCONSIN . Signature of A CURE FOR FITS The Treatment Is to Accomplish What Science Has Been Strug gling to Attain for Centuries The Intense Interest that has been manifests)! throuKhout the country by the womlvrful eurae that are being areompliahnt daily hy splkptcUia, still continues. It Is rea'ly surpruiinai the vat number of pe pie who have almaily been cured ot flts and nervousness. In order that everybody may have a chance to test the medicine, large trial hottlm, valuable literature. History of Epilepsy and bTtlmoniala, will be sent by mall absolutely free to all who write to the Dr. May Laboratory, &4H I'earl Street, New York Ciur. The Reason I llnke end BU More Men's $3.00 tit $i.60 Shoes Thaa Any Other Manufacturer H terras I stva tfca irr tkt basest sf tka west eemvlvU eritBltittua ot UalatS axssrU aas aaiuei llintmikiu-i Is th idSBtry. Tb. eheun ot Uu iMtlunl fat aus ssrt sf tba ikes, snS evtrv detail of tha sinallif ts ovory Stpsrtsiont, Is lokd sflor av tht soot aiioenAm la Ui ahoo Isasatry. It 1 QMld obow yos bow rkrafally W. 1 Denalai tboos sro ismIo, yos woaH Urns ardtraUod wbr tby bold tsatf ahspo, si better, sad wear lua( tasa say oleor swba. Afy Method of laming I lit Soln makti thtm afore ftetibimand longer Wearing (Aas aiif t(Jtri, Hhnes tktr Kvery Member of the Pnmllv. Mejs, Itoys, U'omeH, Mioses sad i'hlldren. Vr osle by ahoe dealers everywhere. rfillTlflN I None eeiitiliw. llliout w. I. Dni.slss vn'J I (Uil I iisnis sud trie aisiniil on botumi. fast Color lyolots Vaod Isclaalvely. OoUtog aksaod frss, W. L. DOUUUS. HI Ssark 81.. Brsikisa. Mass. Egg-PhospKata BAKING POWDER POUND 25c Get it from your Grocer WORK SHOES atock. heavy aoles. olid coun. -TT V ': ,;pspl ter. double leather toes, double aeama solid through honor." Their cannot be eaualled. If not, write to ot dealer who atoevf I US. 4 i V