Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, February 04, 1909, Image 1

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    Ifflyllll I WIS
Classified notices In this column, 1
cent a word each insertion In either
News Record or Chieftain; 1 cents
a word for same notice in both
papers; special rates by the month
or year,
FURE BRED White Langshan Hens.
Mrs. Frank Reavls, Enterprise. 44t2
Two thousand acres of choice level
,and In the Turlock irrigation Dls
trict. This land is level, sandy loam
and will grow anything from oranges
to Alfalfa. Sold on easy terms at $75
to $100 per acre. For further infor
mation and printed matter write to
Cadwallader & Baker, Turlock, Cal.
GRAY FILLEY, coming 2-years-old,
Came to my farm, 11 miles north of
Enterprise, about October 1. Owner
can have Bame by proving property
and paying charges. H. D. Crum
packer. LOST.
WATCH CHARM. Gold Keystone,
with name on back, Chas. E. Funk,
Enterprise Chapter, No. 30, R. A. M.
$5 reward for return to Funk's store.
Joseph, Feb. 2. Revival services
began Sunday night at the M. E.
church, conducted by Rev. W. L. ic
Dlarmld. Mr. and Mrs. George Bales of En
terprise were guests over Sunday at
jl,. P. Womack's.
j "rs. J. P. Rusk was an outgoing
f passenger Tuesday. She Joins her
husband at Salem.
I Mrs. Dr. Molttor of La Grande
fcame in Monday to visit her brother,
t Lawrence Caviness.
Carl Whltmore purchased a piano
last week of Leffel. The Alder
tachool house also bought an organ
of the same firm.
I Mrs, J. S. Houck went to Enter
prise Tuesday to visit her daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Kerns.
I The station office will be moved
''into the depot, Wednesday.
Mrs. C. J. Cox, who has been visit
ing her mother, Mrs. J. Ross, re,-
Jturned Monday to her home at Med-
'lcal Springs.
County Superintendent Conley sold
'his home here last week to C. R. Eb
Serhart. F. W. Rowley of the Puget Sound
country, but formerly of Joseph, is
negotiating for the Hugh Wilson
place, and will remove here with his
family in the early spring.
1 : '
I R. I. Long resigned the office of
Bounty surveyor, Monday, and H. E.
jMerryman is acting as deputy survey
or until the next regular meeting of
"the county court. Judge Olmsted
ayg he was told the resignation
Wag made because Long intends to
go to Central Oregon to work for
the O.' R, & N.
Smoke the Advertiser and be
Speculative Values
1. 320 acres, one mile from railroad and four miles to town.
Partially improved. About one half tillable land. Balance
good grass land, f 12.50 per acre.
2. 160 acres, two miles from station. 130 acres of rich
tillable laud in a body. About 6 acres in cultivation. Two
story house. Orchard, good well, etc. $15 per acre.
3. 496 acre improved wheat ranch, 3 1-2 mites from station,
$16 1-2 per acre. It has an established reputation as one of
the best wheat ranches in the county. 1-3 of the 250 acre crop
goes with the place.
4. 1600 acre improved stock ranch. Fair house, large barn,
sheds, etc. Good fences. Family orchard. Abundance of
water. 250 acres now in cultivation. It has and will produce
big crops of barley, oats, hay, etc. You can raise your own
hay and grain on this place. It lays well and will please you
if you are looking for a place to make money in the horse,
cattle, or sheep business. Price $12.50 per acre.
If you are thinking of locating or investing in Wallowa
County, Oregon, write us. We have good propositions in pine,
fir, and tamarack timber, which we can offer at speculative
values. For further particulars address
Enterprise Real Estate Co.
Enterprise, Oregon
Oregon-Washington Conferees
Have Reached Tentative
Spring Closed Season, March 1 to
. May 1; Fall Closed Season,
At just 25 t3 September 10.
Seattle, Feb. 2. As a result of
the joint meeting of the legislative
committees from Oregon and Wash
ington, regarding salmon fishing in
the Columbia river, an effort is to be
made to have the agreement in the
form of a treaty ratified by the
United States senate and extended
to six or eight years, so that quar
rels and hostile legislation from
either state over the boundary rights
cannot in future upset the peaceful
relations which have now been es
tablished for the first time In the
history of the two states.
The Joint commission, by unani
mous vote, agreed to recommend the
passage of a law by both legislatures
providing for a spring closed season
from March 1, at 12 o'clock noon,
to May 1, at 12 o'clock noon. The
fall closed season was left undis
turbed, namely, from August 25 to
September 10.
Text of Report.
Following is the text of the report
adopted by the commissions which
is to form the basis of laws to be
enacted by the two legislatures.
First A spring closed season
from March 1 to May 1.
Second A fall closed seapon from
August 26 to September 10.
Third A Sunday closed season
from 6 p. m. Saturday of each week
to 6 p. m. the Sunday following be
tween the first day of May and the
25th day of August.
Fourth We suggest the mutual
recognition by each state of the li
censes issued to floating gear by the
other state.
Fifth That the state of Oregon
repeal chapter 89, of the session
laws of Oregon, for the year 1907,
relative to the operation of purse
selns and other like gear on the Co
lumbia river.
Slxth-r-We recommend the enact
ment of Bimllar laws in both states
carrying an appropriation of at least
$2500 In each state and providing
for the destruction of seals and sea
Hons and the granting of a bounty
on the same to be $2.50 for seals
and $5 for the sea Hons.
Annual Report of the Revenues of
Islands Shows a Decline,
Manila, Feb. 1 The Philippine
assembly opened today with simple
ceremony, President Osmena presid
ing. The first business to come be
fore the body was the annual mes
sage to the assembly Of Governor
General James F. Smith.
Governor Smith deplored the
growing gulf between the Americans
and the Filipinos in the Philippines,
and strongly urged that they draw
closer together and act In unity for
the best interests of both. His mes
sage sharply criticises the municipal
government of Manila and the mu.
nlc'.pal police force, the personnel of
which, he said, was not equal to that
of the house servants of the city.
The provincial government. Gov
ernor Smith, pronounced to be en
tirely satisfactory.
The annual report on the revenues
of the islands shows a decline of
about a million pesos (about $500.
000) for 1908 under the figures of
Panama, Feb. 1 The engineers
accompanying Presideat-eleet Taft
oent the day at Gatun with the
chief engineer of the caril, Lieutenant-Colonel
Goethfls. They had no
fault to find with the natural foun
dations for the dam and regarded
the plans for safeguarding the dam
as being complete. They will make
a report to President Roosevelt.
The new Pacific channel to the
canal was used for the departure of
a steamship for the first time today.
Grouse Got Four
Mails One Month
Ice In Grande Ronde Stops Carrier
Chances to Buy Cheap
Grouse, Jan. 25. The mall arrived
the 19th and again the 23d inst.
There have' been four arrivals since
December 24, the failures caused by
the extreme cold during last month
Mr, Bell, the mall carrier, on his
return to Flora Tuesday, the 19th
inst,, was compelled to remain on
the west Ide of the river until
Thursday, the 21st. The ice was so
dense in the river that the ferryman
thought it unsafe to attempt to
cross. It is hoped that the arrivals
will be made more regularly until
the high water in the spring which
no doubt will cause many failures
as the ferry at Troy is considered
unsafe at any time during the spring
Gus Smith was in from Asotin last
week buying beef cattle. He bought
52 head from E. Rlchman and W. A.
Hack, all In fine condition.
W. H. Ladd is feeding 325 head of
cattle. His hay Is getting scarce
and grass not in sight yet. He may
have a hard pull to get them
through the winter.
Now Is the best time that has
ever been for the homeseeker to buy
a cheap ranch on the Grouse flats,
owing to the number of vacant
places caused by moving out; some
to put their children in school, and
others to get more handy to market.
There ate about 40 homesteads now
for sale, price from $8 to $15 per
acre. As soon as this country is
opened up the price will advance
50 to 100 per cent. There is al
ready a telephone company organ
ized and it will meet at Troy Sat
urday to lay p'.ans and means for
the enterprise to start up at once.
Also a petition is being circulated
asking the county court to construct
a bridge across the river near Troy
and Improve the public highways.
As soon as the enterprises referred
to are put In motion the price of
land will advance. This is one of the
most productive sections of Wallowa
county, but owing to the situation
some of the settlers have become dis
gusted and moved away, hopeless of
any Internal improvements. All that
our people ask is to give them a
fair deal and then they will do the
Business has already started up
and the wedding bells are ringing in
the Grouse flats. A young Mr. Walls
and a Miss Chitwood were married
today. They will get a Jolly chari
vari by 10 p. m; We hope they may
have a successful future.
Ice-Jam in St. Joe River,
Wallace, Idaho, Feb. 1. For
el-ht miles the St. Joseph river is
filled with one solid jam of ice and
logs, the jam in many places being
80 feet above the usual water level.
A bridge over the stream has been
washed away, boats damaged to the
extent of many thousands of dollars
and lumber camp landings torn
away. A huge boom thrown across
the river below the Jam may hold it
until a thaw. If not, the town of
Far r ell will be seriously damaged.
Lincoln's Head on Coin.
Washington, Feb. 3. President
RooseveH has given his consent to
the placing of the head of Lincoln
on one of the popular coins. He
conferred with Director Leach, of
the mint, about the matter and the
-details are now under advisement.
It Is probable that the half-dollar
piece will be selected as the coin to
bear the Lincoln head.
The sugar beet meeting held in 1 The Dixie Quintette, dwindled to a
the offices of the O. R. & I. com- quartette, a colored troupe, gave a
pany, Saturday, was attended by r-trformance at the opera house Mon
over a score of the large land own- day night. The general verdict is a
ers of the upper valley, besides "bum show."
v f V XV" '
Professor Abbott Lawrence Lowell, who will succeed Dr. Eliot as presi
dent of Harvard, university next spring, la a descendant of one of the oldest
and best known. families In New .England. The cities of Lowell and Lawrenee
are- named for his ancestors. He was graduated from Harvard in 1877. H
has written extensively on legal, ethical, sociological and educational topics.
many others more or le3s interest- j
ed in the matter, and 1800 acres of
lend were offered for lease to the
company on which to raise beets
this coming season. Nearly all the
landowners are willing to co oper
ate with the company In giving beat
culture a fair tilal, and several will
increase the amount of land offered
if after Inspection the company
wishes the land, and price and
water supply are mutually satisfac
tory. On the other hand, the rent
al offered by the company may not
prove satisfactory to some of the
land owners, and the acreage may j
be cut down. i
F. G. Taylor, superintendent of the
La Grande factory, and David Prln
gree, who will have the superin
tendency of the Amalgamated Sugar
company's fields in this and Union
counties, met with the land own
ers, and explained the conditions of
soil, water, etc. They expressed
themselves as being much pleased
with the Interest shown.
No contracts were slgnel Saturday
as they are a matter between each
landowner and the company. Messrs.
Taylor and Pingree are visiting this
week ' the various tracts of land
offered and concluding terms with
the land owners. The amount of
rental paid depends upon the char
acter and condition of soil, amount
of water, and distance from load
ing stations. One loading station
will be at Enterprise and another
up the valley a few miles.
Nothings has been said about a
factory here, except in a general way.
But if the valley proves good sugar
beet land it is confidently expected
a factory will be established at En
terprise. LOSTINE
Lostine, Feb. 2. Revival services
under the leadership of Rev. and Mrs
Stevens continue with increased in
terest. Sunday nisht six were bap
Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Templeton of
Wallowa visited over Sunday with
their son, Floyd Leonard.
Waller Hill and family of Elgin
were visiting with Martin Larsen, re
turning to their home Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wade completed
a visit of Beveral weeks with their
children and other relatives at Walla
Walla and other points, returning
Dr. R. S.. DeArmond of Grants
Pass la expected here this week to
open an office. He Is reputed to be
a fine physician.
To Continue Billy
Meadows Pasture
Forestry Service To Experiment
Farther On Coyote-Proof
Wallowa, Feb. 1. The council
passed a'flre limits ordinance a few
weeks ago. At the last meeting a
petition was presented asking that
the ordinance be rasclnded.
A preliminary report upon the ex
perimental coyota proof pasture
thot the forest service built at
Billy Meadows, has been received
and contains much Interesting data.
A copy may be had upon application
to the Forestry Service, Washington,
D. C. The government experiment
at Billy Meadows will be carried on
again next year, and there will be
some changes in number and grade
of sheep which are grazed. J, F.
Jardine, the engineer, will arrive
March 15 and take active charge.
The Forest service is building a
telephone line from the end of the
Home Independent lines at Munsey's
place on Prairie Creek to Ranger
McClaln'8 headquarters.
Dr. Gregory is fitting up a ward
for surgical cases in connection with
ills office. 11U operating room is
well equipped and the doctor will
have a nurse In attendance.
Wolfe brothers have moved their
stock across the street into their
recent purchase, the Ott building.
E. A. Searle is at La Grande on
business for the Forest service.
H. B. Starr, the hardware mer
chant of Lostine, has bought a half
interest In the Valley Hardware Co.,
and will move a part of his stock to
A'allowa. Mrs. Starr will look after
he business In Lostine for ther pres
ent. R. D. Heskett and wife of Leap
were trading In town today.
L. Couch, of the real estate firm, is
coking after business interests in
the Leap country.
Gregg & Marvin have recently ship
ped six car loads of lumber to
Twin Falls, Idaho.
The deal pending for several
months between the Crosseit Timber
company and the Palmer Lumber
company for On timber holdings of
the former, Is belloved to be closed.
County Clerk Loatman has bee.i ex
pecting the dce.li for recording for
some time, owing to information re
ceived by a loca! firm in regard to
business that would only be ordered
If the deal was closed.
The deal la one of the largest in
Eastern Oregon for come time, and
is said li involvj $700,000 for the
50,000 acres owiidd by thj Crosutt
company in Wallowa and Union coun
ties, the amount In Union coun
ty, however, being small. This la
at the rate of $14 an acre, but even
that figure dos not repreiont any
way necr the real value of Wallowa
county timber land, as a di3atch
in Saturday's Oregonian from "Mc
alllBter,'' says the Palirer pajple
will sell their new purchase and their
old holdings to a Chicago syndicate
for $20 an acre.
The Crossett company haj b33n
buying timber land in Wallowa coun
ty for the past three or fo-.ir year,
and last March was assessed on 36.
000 acrea. It has extensive holdings
ilong the Wal'.owa river below Ml
tain, on Smith Mountain anil has
bought many claims in-townships 1,
.' and 3 north, 44. It has, on a rough
;uess, paid less than $10 an acre oi
m average for the claims, sj l a
)roflt U close to 50 per ce.it. Not
oad for a sure thing.
The Oregonian dispatch eiyi the
Palmer mill at La Grande will bs In
cluded In the deil, If ma.!e, to, the
Chicago syndlcata.
The Croisett and Palmer ' com
panies are two of the throa that
raised such a' howl because Ant at
or Pace aasessel their timber land
it $6.25 an acre. They have carried
-heir protest up to the circuit court,
the cases being set for the ay
No Rush for Vacant Land.
Roseburg The opeu-ng to eetry
of nearly 11,000 acres of land nt the
United States land office here was
not attended by a heavy rush of ap
plicants. Thirteen entries were died
ind these In the aggregate Involve
less than 1600 acres; or a title over
one-seventh of the total acreage
available. Little of the land thiown
open is valuable for either agricul
tural or timber purposes.
13 Pounds Sugar
For $1.00
$7.50 per Sack for
Best Grade Sugar
Cheaper Sugar
In Proportion
Highest Market Price
Paid in Cash For Eggs.
Car Load ot' Shingles
Just Received
Star A Star Cedar
$3.50 per M
Phone Wl-iltw 27
Dray and Express
) 4
i I
, i'