Wallowa County chieftain. (Enterprise, Or.) 1909-1911, January 28, 1909, Image 2

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    Proceedings Of
County Court
In the CountT Court of the $''?
of Oregon, for Wallow Coue:j.
Weicesiar. Jn. 6. 1-
Be It remect-e-ed. that at a repi
lar term of the coantr court of the
state of Orerot. for the coucrr of
Wallowa, be ran and toeli : :he
court house ia the citr of Enterprise,
in said cobett and state, oo WeJces
daT The f-fc dT of Januarr. A. I
ISO, the tatae beteg Jir'- 'ed-,
tesday of siid month and the urae
fixed 'by law for boidiLg a recu".ar
xem of said court, when were pre.
ent: The Kosorab; J. B. OlrDs-.ed.
coutty judge; Sam Litch. cornels
siocer; V. G. Locke, commissioner:
v.". C. Boatajaii, clerk; Edgar liar
Tin. sheriff.
When on Wednesday, the Stb day
of January. A. D. 1909. on the first
judicial day o. said term. atDor.c
others the following proceedings ware
tad. to- it:
In the matter of road petition of
Eugene Kafer. et al.:
Now at this time Eugene
and others petition the cour. prij-
ing for the location of a coury thorizing and empowering the unae.
ro&d, comes on to be heard, and signed guardian o! the estate of Beu
it appearing to the court that said lah Bunnell and Irene Bunnell, roin
proposed road is in Wallowa coun- ors. to sell all of the interest of the
f. state of Oregon, and that said said minors in and to the E V: of
petition is signed by 12 or more : the XW , and the W . of the NE
freeholders of said county and ; 14 of Section 33 ia Township 1 North
state, residing in the vicinity of ot Range 44 E. W. M. in Wallowa
said proposed road and that the; County. Ore?on. the same being an
petition correctly describes the be- undiviied one-ttird interest, I will
ginning, intermediate points and from and a.'ter tie 12th day of Fe'
terminus thereof, and it further ap-
pearing to the court by affidavits :
filed therein, that due and legal ;
notice of presentation of said peti-1
tion to this court, notifying all per-
sons that applications would be
made by advertisement posted at j
the place of holding this court and
three other public places in the vi-1
cinity of said proposed road and it;
further appearing that a bond con-
ditioned according to law has
been filed herein which bond is:
hereby approved. It Is therefore j
"r?by ordered that the prayers of;
2 iM nori-lrmoro ho prnntpd The
. ,
road viewers are hereby ordered to
view and lay out said road accord-
the dav of ,
their proceedings .
a tine and leal return to the
ae aue ana ieai reiu.u to iuC
court at taeir next regular meeting.
Ia the matter of checking and ap-;
proving road supervisors reports : ;
Now at this time the court pro-.
ceeds to check, examine and ap-!
prove all road supervisors' reports
now on file with the clerk.
In the matter of approving the of
ficial bond of B. F. Miller, county
assessor elect:
Comes now B. F. Miller, who was
duly elected county assessor at the
preceding general election, and
who has taken the oath of said
office as provided by law. and
presents to the court his official
bond for approval, and the court
having examined the same and be
ing fully advised la the matter.
It is hereby ordered that said bond
be, and the same is hereby ap
In the matter of the official bond of
W. T. Bell, county treasurer:
Now at this time W. T. Bell, coun
ty treasurer, presents the court
with a new official bond in lieu of
the one heretofore given and ap-
- r
proved; the former bond was found '
defecUve. The court having ex-
v.inoH th -n anA Ko(r, fnv'wl;1 make a" collections of moneys
aavisea in tne matter, i
It is hereby ordered that said bond
be, and the same is hereby ap
proved. Whereupon court adjourned until
tomorrow morning.
(Continued on page five.
Killed Following Hounds.
Pilot Rock Josh Clark, a pioneer
hotel man of Albee, Or., aged ' 65
years, was instantly killed Sunday
afternoon on Bear Creek, 25 miles
south of this place. He and a party
of friends were on horseback follow
ing a pack of hounds in hot pursuit
of three cougars, when his horse fell
on him.
Cured of a Severe Attack of Bron
chitis by Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy.
"On October 18th, last, my little
three year oid daughter contracted
a severe cold which resulted in a
bad case of bronchitis,'" says .Mrs.
W. G. Gibson, Lexington, Ky. "She
lost the power of spetoh com
pletely and was a very sick chiid.
Fortunateiy -e had a bottle of
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy in the
house and gave it to her according
to the printed directions. On the
second day she was a great deal j
better, and on the fifth day, Octo- .
ber 23rd she was eutireiy well of
her cold and bronchitis, which I at-;
trir-ute to this splendid medicine. ,
I recommend Chamberlain's Cough 1
R-edy unreservedly as I have
found It the surest, safest and
quickest cure for colds, both for
children and adults, of any I have
ever used." For sale by Burnaugh
Mayfield. " ;
rveta-tmect of the Interior. ltd Tract.) .
XT Land Office at La Grande. Or- PUBLIC LAND SALE,
Jaiaarr il m. ! D-Praiiem. of the Interior. j
Noure brret. Fiven that Alb si r.S. Land Office at La Grande, Ore-,
L. ctiiders of En:erprise. Orejro i. on. January IS. 1909.
j on O.tober 16 Ml, made J Notice U hereby tfTen that, as di-,
Konest'd Entrr. No. 140. for Wjrerted by the Commissioner of the:
- NE 4 N1 SEV Sec.ion 1'., General Land OfVe; under provis- (
TowihP 1 NottlC Ricee 44 East. of Act of Confress approved;
WWaa-etie YeridUt. has filed no-i June :T. 190fi, (34 Stau, 517). we
o: ictecuon to roase una: r ;t
Year Proof
l- es:ab'.wh claim to;
the land above des.ribed. before D.
V. Sb.eai.an. I". S. Commissioner, a!
his off-. e e: Ecterpr.se. Oregon.
on th ; ,.t dav of February. 19v.
Clanraa: ct:e as witnesses:
Frank V. Hke t. of Wallowa. Ore
gon: David H. Hearing, of Wallowa.
Orer-jr: Niroias W. Ownbey. of En
terprUe. Oreroc: James W. Childers.
of En "er; rise. Otegon.
F. C. Bran: well. Register.
In the County Court of the State of
Oregon, for Wa'.lowa County.
Notice U hereby given that by vir
tue of ai order of th above-entitle-
Court, maie and ent.rr.-tJ on the St.
iy of January, lyuS. ii. eusi-at.-
ruary. 1903. proceed to sell at private
sale a'.l of tie latere;-, of said min- ,
ors in and to the said described real ;
property. The terms of said sa'.e I
are as follows: the entire purchase
price is to be pail in cash. j
Eated this 13th day of January,
MINNIE AKINS. Guardian. :
First insertion Jan. 14, 1909; last:
Feb. 11. 1903.
BURLEIGH & BOYD, Attorneys for
Gua.dian. 21t5
restoration to extry of lands in
'"National Forest. Notice is hereby given
that the lar.cu described below, embracing- 1130
cr. within the Wallow National Foreat. Ore-,
w.,b! YLlr'?VZ?''J,Z
United States ar.d the act of June ii. is",
crT lUrih Jm AnT who'WS '
''7nj in good faith ciaimir.g any of ad
oTVCTirultan purTXespnor . Janua y
iano ac-.uaiiv octrupier". saxi ianaswere iist,
ffv".! r1
entry and tn preference r.ght exercised prior 1
to aiajvr. 4. l:.v. on wmcr. oate tne Unas will oe
-jbt tn .e-.tiemeri-.acd entrr by anr quaiified
ScJ"'01.- - i'
See. a. N-: of N . &ec. Sc. T. 3 N R.
E..luteiduporappiicaiiof itapineS. Bee her. '
rfEawrpn. ou N of sw-,. s. . ,
SE. of NE.. NE-. of SE-.. Sec Xi. T. 2 S.. R.
E. aPp::iai:or c Ad F. Sneew. of Jof-r n.
See. 21. of XW'
N W-4 " ST-., Sec T.2 S.. R. IT. E-. appika- ;
taoc of eorjrt W. Fisher, of Surrmervibe. Ot- i
rar- V. -1 of SW-.. Su T.. E-i ol SE Sec. 1 j. 1
T. 2 S.. R. 4" E.. appii3-..o; of Perry A. Foncr.
of Joseph, (rtg?n. NE. Sec. la. T, 2 S.. R. 47
E.. appca::cT. of GecrTre Keikirj?. of Jc?ph.
(rvffrx:. Nrof NE,. S '. of NE-.. NW-, of'
SE-..S-C- T. i S.. k. r E-. T-nhcat:or. of
Walter Ya--.de!L of Eisnr . Oreir c. SW, of NE'-..
W- j of SE -.. NE-. cf ?'(,. Sec j. T. 2 S. R.
4" F.. appbraticr. nf John Gray, of La Granre.
Oreprt. Freri I.-nnetT- Comnuss:otier of tne
Ger.em; Laco Oce. Apprmea December 23.
1 J E. Wiieoo, Assistant Secretar' of
the Int?rT'-T.
, Luu lino, litis. 1T. I
Not:ce of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership he-eufore existing be-;
twejn F. P. Somers and William i
Campbell of V.'alljwa County, Oregon,
Is this day mutL-a'ly dissolved, the
;j 771 r c ,
r Y "., 6 a11 6 1
lndeblelneso of the said firm, and ;
' due to the said firm at this date.
Datsd this 2nd dav of Januarv.
; 1S0:, at White rird, Idaho. 21U
f Take yo.ir porcelain and granite
i ware to the Woaie i's Exchange and
have them repaired.
"Careful Banking Insures the Safely of Deposits."
Depositors Have That Guarantee at
SURPLUS 150.000
We Do a General Banking Business.
Exchange Bought and Sold on
All Principal Cities.
Oeo W. Hyatt. Preidcr.i
Geo. s. Craig. Vice President
Gko..Ckaks Geo. V. Hyatt
J. H. IroEEIX y
Hisbesl Market
Vrkt for
Hides aid Pells
est muuer. ai isa uo . u
the S" Ji day of March. 1909. at this ,
office, the following-described land: :
SEV. NE1 Se.tion 24. Township 1 :
South. Range 44. East Willamette;
Meridian. Serial No. 0S87. i
Any persons cl timing adversely the
above-described land are advised to
file their claims, or objections, on ,
or before the time designated fori
sale. F C. Bramwell, Register. ;
Department of the Interior. j
J. S. Land O'fi e at La Grande, Or- !
egon, December Sth, 190S. j
Notice U hereby given that, as di-1
-ec-ed by the Commissioner of the.
ii.eral Land Office, under provis-'
ous of Act of Congress approved j
June 27, 1906 (34 Stats, 517). we ,
will offer at public sale, to the high-
jst bidder, at 10 o'clock a. in., on
.he 2Sth day of January, at this of-'
:ice. the following-described land: I
W, SEi Sec. 29. WVa NEVi Sec:
12, T. 1 N, R. 45 E. W. Serial .
o. Oi&l. i
Any persons claiming adversely the ;
ibove-described land are advised to :
file their claims, or objections, on
jr before the time designated for
C. BRAMWELL, Resister.
A. ROBERTS, Receiver.
Sentinel (on gtiard) Halt: Who
comes there? The Colonel Fool!
Sentinel Advance, fool, and give the
countersign. Philadelphia Inquirer.
Although the nnclents knew the
value of canals, they failed to hit on
the simple device of the lock, which
was not discovered till the fourteenth
century. To this day the dispute has
never been settled as to which coun
try. Italy or Holland. Is entitled to the
credit of the invention
- admission Oregon is
one or ine oiaest states Deyono tne !
ei"88!'- -n,ou i
u iue nrst new state to ;
have the twlitical honor of namius the
T,cjf presldential (Jose)l!l i
Lauei for one of the great parties in
the first year of Its statehood. j
A little girl of four years, bavins'
written a letter consistin" slmnlv of
, ,, , . " .
lizzag lines, asked her papa to post It. .
"What did you sayt-" asked papa, ,
, '
1 flon t know, said Rosamond. j
"Why. you wrote It!" said papa,
. . . ' , ... . .
Tes, but I did not read It, was the
Innocent reply.
"Xo. sir: I wUl not resign," said the ;
offi'-eholder. "Why should I? There
are no charge against me."
"But I understand that charges have '
been formulated." i
"Ilave. efc? Well, you doD't expect
me to resign under fire. I hope. ;
Never!" Philadelphia Ledger. !
"How fast does a motor car take ;
your j
"It depends on what you mean," an-!
swered Mr. Chuggins. "Over the '
roads it goes at the same pace as most
of them, but when it comes to ran-
ning into debt it's got them all beat." I
-Washington Star. !
"Do you not rejoice on the days j
when vour himhflnri f-nmoa hnm. n-IK :
bU 8alar'r i
"Not at all." answered Mrs. Stingy- :
nub. "It simply means that I must
; - ui,iKu iuiu b cuiiircuou agency
for the butcher, the grocer and the
landlord." Kansas City Journal. j
Tommy (who had just been chartlsc 1
; by his father) Mamma, was Adau tLa
'. first man?
Mamma Yes. Tommy. j
Tommy Didn't he baTe any papa? j
Mamma Of course not I
I Tommy Gee, but he was lucky! 1
Chicago News.
VV. R. Huimes, Cashier
frank A. Rearis, AwL Can bier
Mattie A. Holmes
. Holmes
Joseph D. Magee has been appoint-
J postmaster at Lakeside. j
Will Mack of Grants Pass, charged
with the murder of Miles Car:er. was
ronvicted of murder in the second
degree Saturday. ,
Married, divorced and remarried ,
to his former-wife at the age of II
fears is the experience of A. Vincent
Holpate, formerly of Corvallis. no '
3f Halsey.
Congress has passed a bill to pay
D. J. Holmes, of Salem. loM'i as re
imbursement for iniprcvenienrs on
land which was taken from him in
correcting the boundary of tne Warm
Spring Indian reservation
Accorfiing to the annual rejiort cf
the state game warden, he has suc
ceeded, with his deputies, ic secur
ing SO convictions mfcich accrued
something over JGlH'O to the s:a;e in
Oregon City Oddfellows bare of
fered a reward of $25 for the recov
ery of the body of Charles E Mid
lam, who was drowned in the "i'!
ameue river at Oregon City la.t
Mrs. Hawley. w!7e nf Reirx-rrM-tive
Hawley. has been honored !v
the women nf the Congri-ssiniir-l Club
at Wasbingnn. D. C. . hy ari"v-rj'-ment
as chairman of the ciirDinittee
un nomination cf fh-er.
The legislature if (Irfcnn wit' b
requested to pass upon a lii'l p'oviii
lug for the repeal of the presen- an:i
prizefighting law. and the substitu
tion of another measure that
permit limited bouts lie'ween prnfes
slnnal exponents of the manly art.
Will Steel, of Portland is in Wash
ington, D. C, endeavoring to obtain
a lease of lands in Crater Lake Park,
upon hich to erect a summer resort,
hotels and cottages. The department
of the interior will grant a 10-year
lease, but Steel desired one for 1'U
Governor Chamberlain has decided
to pardon Courtland Green, sent up
for life , from Lane county for tha
murder of John Linn, who was driv
ing a bunch of horses from Eastern
Oregon. Green's mother has been
living In Salem on the county. Moth
er and son will leave at once, it is
said, going to another state.
Chief among the feature of "Home
coming day," which will open the an
, J
nual rose festival in Portland. June
7-12, will be a rousing round-up and
reunion of Oregon's old pioneers.
The regular "Pioneer day" is June
16, but it is now planned to have
this date changed to June 7, the
opening day of the festival.
"I hereby instruct and direct my
said executor to erect a tombstone
at my grave, and 1 wish him to have
engraved thereon in bold letters the
words, 'I have no desire for Heaven
and no fear of Hell." " This is
the queer instruction given in the
last will of James W. Logan, which
has been admitted to probate in the
Multnomah county court.
A message has been received at
Hood River from Washington, D. C,
stating that a concurrent resolution
was passed in the United States sen
ate directing the secretary of war to
have a survey and estimate made in
regard to dredging out the channel
of the Columbia river opposite the
ci!y, in order to provide a permanent
harbor there.
Bryan R. Dorr, on whom the spot
light of national publicity has been
thrown as a result of the war hi
tween President Roosevelt and Sena
tor Tillman, announces his intention
of bringing suit against the Sou'h
Carolina senator for $100,000 for
malicious libel. Mr. Dorr is presi
dent of the St. Paul & Pacific Timber
Representative Hawley has secured
the passage through the house of his
bill to pay volunteers of the Cayuse
Indian War who have not heretofore
b-en compensated for their services.
The bill carries an appropriation of
SI 500. which will be distributed at
the rate of $5.30 for each day's ser
vice daring the war of 1 S47-1 S-8.
The Pacific Postal Telegraph
Cable Compny won its suit against
the Southern Pacific Company, which
was tried ont before Judge Wolver
lon, at Portland, the jury bringing
in a sealed verdict awarding the rail
road company damages amounting to
$60,000 and granting the telegraph
company a right of way along the
railroad lines between Portland and
Ban Francisco.
According to official statistics pre
pared by the department of com
merce and labor at Washington, D.
C. Portland, during the calendar
year of 1908, exported more whsat
than any other American port, save
New York. Its total shipments to
foreign markets for the year amount
ed to 13.042,063 bushels, m against
9.237.437 bushels in ISO". Exports
for the extire Pugel Sound district
the past year amounted to but 11,
9 17.6& 2 bushels.
General Manager O'Brien, of the
Harriman lines, upon his 'eturn to
Portland from an extended trip East,
said: "Authority will probably be
given us to start work on the Central
Oregon line within the next two
months." Three different lines into
interior Oregon are being considered
for the Harriman line. One is up
the Deschutes, another south from
Shanlko and a third is the extension
of the Corvallls & Eastern east from
Detroit, across the summit of the
Cascades near Mount Jefferson and
thence down into the Central Ornn
I prairies to Redmonds, the center of
the Deschutes Irrigated district.
Salrm. I
Dual conTen-!
ilflC 1
.) r.t -
' -fc Oregon State rrewiuuii
of Labor convened here Monday at
10 o'clock a. m.
Vte ions were held In the Sa
Ira initanaa church, which was
ter-derrd prmctietfly free, and -hose
women served meals at nominal c.t
durliig the convection In the base
EfBi dlttcg-nvim.
Ac ercplryers' liability measure is
cr.e cf -re most important to be pre
sented to the legislature. An araend
meu to the state eight-hour law. the
e 'nni'.ice of competition of convict
;abor cf fre 1'tor' bJ
iih.ne of free passes, anti-iniunctlon.
:h:id";or and grc'd roads are other
sut;et:s oe the bill of tare.
A Reason For His Donation.
The late Fetber Walters, who was
loved by hi parishioners, was par-th-ulsr'y
chnmnty with a clergyman
c the Methidit faith. One day
Fsthcr Wafers was approached by
I. is friecd. who solicited a subscription
to help pa.T f" Dew sidewalk in
fr-ml of his church.
-What. L a Carbolic priest, give to
a Me:b.dist cburchr exclaimed Fa
ther Walters, with feigned amaxe-mert-
"No. I'll not do that"
Then, af-er a moment's hesitation,
durinc which tbe Methodist preacVr
semed to be pa'ci"? embarrassed,
he nddod. with a characteristic twin
kle in his ere:
"But Pi: give $100 to the new side
walk so tbst my neopl can get over to
mv church"- Youth's Companion.
In the Coutjty Court of the State
Oregon, for Wallowa County.
In the Matter of the Estate
.Martha J. Erown, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given, that the un-;
Uersiened. the administrator of the '
estate of Martha J. Brown, deceased, j
has fiiei his final account of his ,
administration of the 6aid estate I
with the Clerk of the County Court t
in and for said County of Wallowa,
and that the County Court of said .
Waliowa County, by order duly made
and entered, has fixed Thursday, Feb
ruary 4:h. 1909. at the hour of ten
o'clock in the forenoon of said day,
as the lime, and the County Court
room in the County Court House in
the City of Enterprise, in said coun- i
ty, as the place, to hear objections ;
to said final account and settle the
same. All parties interested in said
estate having objections thereto, if
any there be, are notified to pre
sent the same. In writing, at said
time and piace.
Dated this 4th day of January.
Administrator of the Estate of
Martha J. Brown, Deceased. 20t5
RODGERS BROS-. Proprietors
Dealers in new and tecond-hand goods. Bicycles and Bicycle
Supplies. Bicycle and Gun Repair Shop. Furniture made or
Repaired, Screen Doors and Windows made to order. Give us
a trial. Our prices are right and all work guaranteed.
Did It Ever Occur To You That A
Telephone in Your Home
Provides safetv, convenience, economy and
p easure. and makes vour home life' com
plete Its cost is little, its benefits are
Home Independent Telephone Co.
Covering Union and Wallowa Counties
millions or
Rfil W E Y
cm Wm' MiBer & Brother,
SUITE 204. Wallowa National Bank Building.
Enterprise, Oregon.
davJL60"- F,ora lo Paradise,
PT?EnS,vVFJoraMi APPletonto Wallowa,
Fever Sore.
Fever sores and old chronic at-
should not be healed entirely,
. . . -
uwuiu v j rwm
This can be a one ny applying Cha.
beriain's Salve. This salve has m
superior for this purpose. H U al
so most excellent for chappy
hands, sore nipplei. burns and 4i.
eases of the skin. For sale it
Burnaugh & Mayfield,
Nature Provides
bat one
It is the natural winter
home of many thousand
of the world 's best peopie.
Under the gentle influence
of its mild winter climate,
every amusement and
recreation abounds. Such
' bathing, boating, fishing,
driving; such picnics, par
ties and "jollifications."
Los Angeles, Paso Robles
Hot Springs, Hotel del
Monte, Santa Barbara,
Venice, Long Beach Santa
Cruz, or a score of similar
resorts and you will find
health, congenial sur
roundings, hospitable
associates, faultless ac
commodations and num
berless attractions and
The O. R. & N. Co.
Connecting with
The Southern Pacific Co.
Make inexpensive round trip
excursion rates to California
A six months stopover
ticket Wallowa to Irs
Angreles and return is
$76 80
Correspndinjr rates are
feet to other points.
We have some very d:stinctive
literature covering California's
winter resorts, and wil' take
pleasure in giving yon all of the
information and assistance at
our command.
FrttVs, sleeping car reBervatiom
etc., call on, telegraph or write
E. T. Campion, Agent, Wallowa.
WM. McMURRY, gen. pass, ageci.
Portland. Oregon.
1 1
WICK, Proprietor.