Ashland weekly tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1924, February 25, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 85
France Pays Homage
To American Dead
' United States of America, who died
An appealing. echo from the great: for liberty during the great war, the
world wiir wag sounded yesterday ! homage ot France,
afternoon when the honorait cur- "The president of the Republic,
The principal figure of the group
tiflcates of the French High Coin
mlKBlon nt the direction of the
' l"1"1-'!"'1 iifiuiw u. nic Kiuuii
French governnient were presented , 8ymuolizes the soul and spirit of the
to the nearest of kin of those who American army which helped France
died in sorvlco' in the world war. ,0 mamtaln ulho ti10 fiame ot jile
The Vlnlng theater was filled to ,01.clr of lil)mty alul j,18tlcei
Its utAQSt capacity with those who I Tll0 BWord u not fn the ,caubord,
by their presence came to pay trib-: t,lIt re.l(ly llt any m(,meI,t to protect
and defend the weak and oppressed,
symbolized in the left by a mother
t i i' i
el ' I i
Complete returns of individuals,
partnerships, flduciurios and cor
porations must be in the hands of
Milton A. Miller, collector of internal
revenue, Portland, Ore., on or be
fore March 16, 1920.
This also applies to the informa
tion returns. In uddition to the in
come tax statements required by law,
all individuals, partnerships, fidu
ciaries and corporations having made
payments during the year'of $1000
or over to any one person (which
includes salaries, wages, fees, com
missions, rent, interest, premiums
holding her baby to her breast, smfl and 'annuities) must file information
to Insure freedom and justice to the i returns on Form 1099, accompany
coming generations, represented by ling said form with letter of trans-
the figure of the knueling boy, pray- mission on Form .1096. These til
ing and thanking God for deliver
ance. At the right the figure of a man,
Kev. J. Randolf Sasnett of the
Methodist Episcopal church an
nounced SiTnday the construction of a
formation returns must be forward
ed directly to Commissioner of In
fernal Revenue, Sorting Division.
chained and shackled,-symbolizes the'Wushington.D. C.
spirit of evil and the victory over' Last year if having good and suf-
nnr enemies Also nt Ihe rieht ' ficlelit reason ft wan found Imnnsul.
crowning the sjirlt of America, ible to complete a return by March farmed In all the past years, in the
1 corporations, individuals and j "!lerest ot 1,16 Doys nt Ai'"'. nnI
partnerships permitted to fiie only, but in every good work the city
II. O. Frobach, ot Threo Forks, Miu J. M. Heath recently received j Two interesting meetings were
Mont., has the following to say of a letter, from Jesse Carpenter, sou j held in the Congregational churrli
Aulili.lwl'u f.-iw. ii i.f ...mi hi t. 111 nil lr.'..f All. .m.l ! .... W I n ........ I
new $50,000 church near the busi- " " """ " ,. i" 7. , V . . V ' '""K' "9 9ti"'""K ul)0Ut 4::!"
; ... . tide on camp ground In niunicipali- of tins city, who writes to her from mi ii,p ,.n,,- 7. ,,i.
ties for touiists, which appears in far off Coblenz, Germany, where he her ot Christian Endeavor workers
the Farm Exchange Bulletin, a pub-is located with the army of occupa-' listened to the plans outlined by Paul
licatiou issued by the Three Forks lion. This young niun states ha is; Drown, field worker for California
Chamber of Commerce, of which Mr. ' stationed where tin eld F.lghlh In-'in the Christian Endeavor field. Mr.
j Frohbach is secretary: fantry headquarter used to be in j Brown arrived on the evening train
j "The ideal free automobile camp , ths FuulkensUne Kaiserens barracks. ; from the north late yesterda'y at-
1 umi ii nun nnunu n i im wmi-ii , uh i - mi litani, and at once uegan 11 1 a talk
j constructed by the park commission racks. to a small number of Interested
SATl ItI)A S XKWS Ut Ashland, Die. This camp is lo- The Rhine and Moselle rivers are workers in Christian endeavor from
Last night was the occasion for one caled in a beautiful park, lifting :r out of their hanks, Jess says at the .the various societies of the city,
ot the prettiest little stag banquets! mountain stream, within easy walk-j time of his writing, and it they like, A good echo of the state conven
ever staged in Ashland. The spread inR llis,"IR'i; f'om business dis-j much higher will be in the heart of lion was held last night at the Con-
inci. ineir B.vsiem 01 paining is in t ozioitz. nit siaiue at tne rorKS 01 ; gregational church. Three Ashland
ness section of Medford. ' It Is to b
I tlio largest church in the stlite out
side of Portland and known ns the
"People's Temple." On the spire of
tho church an electric revolving
cross, visible from every point In the
valley, will be erected.
wus at Hotel Austin and Landlord
Conner did himself proud both In
viands and service. It was as good
as can be produced by any hosllery.
Forty 'friends of Prof. Vining had
gathered there in,testinionial of their
appreciation of the devoted and self mini)P1. 0
sacrificing work their host had per
numbered plots, large enough for curj the Rhino and Mouello is surrounded delegates gave impressions of tho
anil tent. The building of fires is by water.
prohibited so that it was necessary'
to construct a kitchenette, wherein: T,t the residents und
I convention, which was held In Ten-
' dleton for eastern Oregon and Al
property hany for western Oregon. Over fiOO
a large number of tivo-buriier gas ; owners of Ashland are vitally inter-j delegates attended these contentions,
plates were installed with an equal, (,Htl,(i the question of an increased! More than $.!0,0no was pledged to
stands Glory, who rejoices with the
old war veteran, standing to the loft
of the iii'inciiial fiuure. svmbolizin: on or before March 15. a tentative
tlio ..rniioa n-1,1,1, in alinvi ronHv I rotllrn utlH woro irllnn n ovloncl,, i years. It WUS B fitting tribute tl) U
In fiL'ht fur IIia ennd nf hnmanll v. I of 45 dava In. which to flln n 'mm. i noble guest,
lockers Along the' water sunnlv was full demonstarted state work the laret budeot in Us
stream in the shade or the tall pines. Uy Ihe number of citizens who re ; history.
and fir trees, . tables and benches ' sponded to the call or the petition j Fifty-seven lire work recruits
were built. , which bad been in circulation during! pledgeil their lives to some form of
"The tourist driving into the camp the past week to place the mutter 1 Christian service, ministry, miasion
groiimls selects the spot which he do- hetore the city council and discuss ary, etc. These with the hundred or
sires to occupy. The plot is lllim-1 inpulls for 111 n idiliL' in Ini ruMs,, i 1 so ali eallv nleilueil In Mt'n snvicn llin
native of this city .(,,.(,, , tll(11.0 js a corresponding ' water al once, or urenare for tlie fu- l.'omrades of the Ouiet Hour, the
has undertaken in the past twciit;.
Universal fame is symbolized bv nlete return. Conditions which ius-!an(1 a cltlz,n ln whoso accomplish- Ulllll,c.r t the gas Plate, food locker inii. The lack nf the iisio,! r.,inr:,ll Tenth r.etioners in,-l,i,l,,l ii,.:nlv n
tho winged figure flying over the i tifled such extensions do not existjmenla the olmumt' may feel Jllst . amj table, so that he is the tempor-! this winter has been the cause of the delegates.
II. I'OIM Aiur,,
I'omier I'lesiilent of Franco
group and trumpeting to the world' this year.
the great triumph In which the! Where additional time is actually
I United Statin participated. The required because of illness or ab
i American eagle, poised on the staff Isencc, an extension of time not to
It was tendered through the Com
mercial Club.
ary solvowner ot all of these during concern with some of the Ashland1 Pr. McAfee of Berkeley and Paul
his sojourn there. The only charge; residents, who fear that unless a sup-1 Brown, national J. C. K. superin
made Is for the gas used. The same ' ply of rain falls between now and lendent, were t lie chief speakers and
is metered and twenty-five cents u the dry season of midsummer, the leaders. Miss Sleinmt tz, president,
day will furnish more gas than can; usual water supply of the cilv will received tho seven dearees of tint
uto to Ashland's heroic dead. Sec-: stand(j reaily t(, 8Woop , case' our i upon written application therefor cialion shuldhnve been tendered be usc(1 fol. cookins ot meals ' fall short. ' C. E. College ot Efficiency,
tions In the building were reserved pne,llie3 aKain eilfiCavor to disturb made before the return is due. This, Iong ag0 aB a clim!lx ,0 llls Rl,,PI1(li(l , At 3 o'clock each allernoou tho mi- The reasons for Ihe gathering ofj After reiiorts, Mr. Brown gave a
for the families of those who had ; tlle ,,eace ot the world, so dearly ae- however, only applies to specific cases! accomplishments, but it was a won-: I10!iiit(ii( in charge, trips all ol ; the citizens was explained in full bv ' heart-to-heart talk on C. K. work,
paid tho supreme sacrifice during ' quired. lot illness or absence. j derful a,,d potn'on expression the le(cr8i s that as much ns $50 ' John II. Dill, who ga?e a very lucid From his wide experience bo spoke
the war. for tho members of thej T1)e entire Krop ig nmeA by , where a fiscal year has been es-jof 800(1 wl" ttnd alI,reclatlnn- to $75 per month has been made by idea of tho situation, especially t Iiat 1 of the difficulties of engaging tlio
American Legion und their families, border of oak and laurel leaves, which tabllshcd in the collector's office the The fllowlnK friends occupied tlie 1iak COmnmsm for unused gas concerning the owners of the smal ! young people of today in Chrislian
the members of the Grand Annyaro aiwayg awarded to victors. I due date of filing income tax returns j Beats at tne Vn,',,(,t ,i,l)le: L-vnn " and which money has been spent In lor Iracls or laud lying within the j service.
Post, tho Women's Roller Corps an.U ' At , f()() ()f t)ie renotaph t,9 the 15th day of the third month; Mownt: Ceo' ' ,';"'vis' ,efs0 '"'! Pax-t for the maintenance of the park, murines or the city. With water tor; : .
the National Guard Uniformed llligs of FraM.B umi America are from the close of the counting period, burn' Prof' vll,lnK's ""est flom New ! "Thousands of tourists have j irrigation purposes. Mr. Dill explain-1 Work on tho Talent irrigation
ushers from the army and navy seat- ,raped and joined together by a : but this does not apply to the Infor- York; E' Vl Cartf,r' l- E- Vining.the ; oalllI)P,i at lho Ashland, Ore., camp, ed. the resources of Ashland could he ditch has progressed all winter with
referred to which guesl 01 nonor' xt.mii . i en, . n. Broun,s aml thousands of dollars developed in a marked degree, ami in- nracticallv no interruption save that-
Ilerce, A. C. Mlilnger, fc. 1. htaples. llive 1)(,Pn sl,n( wj(ll (h(, ,m,ri.hanls crease the wealth of the city man.v,,i December when the deep snow
F. W. Herrin, F. C. Homes, Leo F. i which otherwise they might not have fold. He explained that, with water' feu the middle of the mouth. This
Ferguson, H. 0. Euders Jr., Geo. W. , ,-eceived had it not been for tho uc- 'on lho land in abundance the pro- lasto.l only about a week, however,
Dunn, Bert U. Greer, J. J. Murphy, ; cummodations oflereil. Hundreds of diicllon o( this country would be mi-1 jmtl the long continued dry spell has
Geo. N. Kramer, H. It. Elhart, D. Ap-1 elet,,.i(, ,,, a, hung among the limi.ed. ; b,(,n Just , thlllK tl) 1Hlsll lll,. nill.
plegate, Happy CIMette, Frank Jor-. trfleS( so lhat , ninlit it has the ap-i A. C. Joy. one ot Ihe enterprising' struclion of tlie ditch along. Tho
dan. A. E. Kinney, Geo. A. Briscoe, pearance of fairyland." and progressive ranchers of the ; contractors have been most fortunate
J. 11., J. J. .Midair, it. i. nur-; llelleview district, nresi nted the mm-
eu mo inrongs mat gainereu 10 uo wrnath, w,ich Is the mark of grat-mution returns
homage by their presence at this. itll(le ., homage that France pays' must be filed as above,
to our sons who gave their lives for
liberty anil Justice.
The lines engraved on the wall
Ashland has fifteen names on her
honor roll, who gave (heir lives dur
ing tho past war. These arc: Earl : ,)Phill(1 , Broup are take from
D. Ileeson, Walter Ray Davis, A-tnur omjof Vi(.lor ,,. fam0U9 oemlI
M. Decker, Willis Hines, Algio V. ...ld ,..,,..,alBd rea(i
Loomis, Arthur Ray Morgan, Wiiltei
Anderson Phillips, Orlie H. Powers,
Archibald Smith, Horatio S. Sanford
Jr., Herbert Guy Spencer, Clement
M. Rummers jr., Philip H. Trofern,
Forrest Cj. Wolcott, James Morlc
Fountu'n. Or this number soma are
sleeping in "Flanders' field where
popples grow," while others fell by
disease in the home ramp and are
now occupying a last resting place
in "God's acre," near their homes.
William M. Briggs, commander" ol
Ashland Post, No. 14, American Le
gion, In making the opening remarks.
"For those who devoutly died for
their country it is right that the peo
ple come and pray at their tombs."
All people who are not registered
are requesled by County Clerk
Chauncey Florey to register early!
The books will close on April 21.
The list of voting jirecincts and
registrars of Ashland and Talent,
ttir 1920, follow:
No. 1. Ashland Boulevard. Reg-
dic, C. B. Lamkln, E. D. Briggs, F.
in this, and report now that the ditch.
Captain D. I. Piper, Arlillerv ler from the ranchers' standpoint. u readv to tinii I he water in
no i i.uiiiiMi, iiic- Across Bear creek a flume mis
stated that the occasion was not to . tilk.atP3 WPre ,)res(,ted informally
open old wounds or to cause fresh , the faIlliiies of UlOH0 on the honor
sorrow to those whose hearts had roj
beeu wrung by the bitterness of
loss, but rather to spread ,tho gos- A number of Ashland's enthusias
pel ot gladness that so many had ic membors ,- tlle Commercial Club
answered the call and proven that
they were gf those whonr the late
Theodore Roosevelt styled, "one
hundred per cent American." He
outlined briefly the objects and ainii
of the American Legion, whoso pro
gram is to suppress Bolshevism,
keep the followers of tho red flag
.Musical selections during the ex-! Istrar, C. L. Loomis; address, Ash
ercises consisted of several fine or-! land, Ore.
chestral numbers, a chorus, "Swing- . N-0i 2. Ashland, E. Central. Reg
Song," by the Ashland high school ' r. H Hiiiillirs. a,i,,. Ah.
land, Ore. ,
No. 3. Ashland, West
Registrar, Susie L. Allen;
Ashland, Ore.
No. 4. Ashland, Oak.
G. II. Billings; . address,
No. 5. North Ashland.
G. If. Billings; address,
No. 6. East Ashland
C. L. Loomis; address, Ashland, Ore.
No. 7. S. E. Ashland. Registrar
and citizens who hav'e the welfare L. Loomis; address, Ashland, Ore.
of Southern Oregon ut heart guth- No. 8. N. W. Ashland. IUigis-
girls' glee club, a solo, "Marseillaise"
sung In French by Mrs. J. H. Pro
vost, and the entire assemblage sing
ing the "Star Spangled Banner,"
Iter. P. K. Hammond made the open
ing prver, while the benediction was
pronounced by Rev. C. F. Kochler.
After the exercises closed the cer
c. rn-ni ii, j, naisvi, ii. mi-. corps, und Lieutenant A. K. ltohm-, I he acreage men
lings, r. I. Wilson, r. u. wagnei, i.jg0Ui Infantry, U. S. Army, wero in seconding the citizens of Ashland in ,een built lor the lower line which
D. Le Muster uiul V.- Pcrozzl. the city today as advance publicity ; their desire tor a more extended wn-j H j,.trt 0( thP sysieni. This will
E. V. Carter presided and seated officers for tho big recruiting drive' ler supply, and cited the nilTantace ' (lraw jt water from Bear creek and
at his right was Prof. Vlnlng and at; which Is about to be started in this this will mean for the future. This C0VPr9 th. ,,..., 0f a, ij.jnl!
his left Mr. Vlning's guest from the SP(,,ioI1 of n10 s(ate country is going to expand and de- iL,"nr ,'. n.!,r ..rook on' (ho
' east. Mr. Jesse Winburn. Orford's five Tlree recruiting parties, com-; velop, .Mr. Joy remarked, and that m'utb side. Later on a higher lino
Central. I nh.rn nrcluistra ftltnished music for .....iwlo.l l. .1., i. n.ilt.i.ia T !mi .. ' i i-i. b,i,i P....,.! n i ... . '..
r - . i,i,i,t-, y3 v MjiKMll 'iiii--i, ,.,CMii-.i- i ...... ,u ,iin, i, ,h lll-M- u. 1 l, f iOIIL i w in wnler Clllll-
The first speaker was aIlt Nelson, and Lieutenant Jackson, ! to take up Ihe idle acres lying on the i,, i.v rltl.n ri.,iin i , , itvnit-PtMirio
aiidress, the occasion.
Mayor Lamk'in who paid a splendid a,e j .Medfoiil now, and may he ex- outskirts of Ashland, ami an ill-
Registrar tribute to the sterling worth ot tlie ; pocted to visit here soon. The week creased waler supply that will af
district. This latter project will per
linnu lift Koine limn hefot'n il is coiu-
honor guest. L. F. Ferguson spoke ; beginning February 2,'l is scheduled ford irrigation to some extent will ; pi0t,,,.
a word of appreciation for the Com-f0r the advertising campaign in tliis greatly increase tho wealth of this The advenl of water in the Talent
merciul Club and Mr. Winburn told ' enmity. The recruiting will continue ' community. Mr. Joy's theme was 1 ,isri(,t win tl0 or nPstimable benefit
of his splendid accomplishments in t,n whole United Slates until building for the future us well as re- ,,. ,1lii, ...,. i,.. h.pll
his work In New York city, freely ' jilt,., jj, when these extra parlie:
acknowledging tliat he was a pupilWj ),e withdrawn, leaving only the
lieving present necessities.
Mayor C. B. Lamkin spoke of the
projected at aifenorinous cost, It will
nav. iiri-nril in ir to statements from
of the professor there not only, lxxt station at Medford Willi one or two. hopes of the present administration. ()lus(! WM0 know, even though tin)
that he had learneii to love .nr. in-1 non-commissioned officers In this . one ol (lie projects of which had been a1(
lug for his sterling qualities of heurl port ion of tho stale. the erection of two dams up Ihe can
under irrigation receives hut
one wettinir a year. This, it is stat-
and mind. Prof. Briscoe then spoke . The prize essay conlest Is Hearing! .von thai would greatly facilitate tin ! ,i ui,i,i i, ,i.,ii,n,,.,i ,,i omcHi-
wed at the luncheon given at Hotel trar, Susie L. Allen; address, Ash-:on 1116 g0" W0IK 01 Mr' '"completion. Today (Friday) thejaiei suiipiy. i ne war coming on Mie ,.,.,. ljmPi a( thia isgomo-
training me iioys oi asuiiiim nun school children all over Hie country l'"' a snip in an improvrmvnis along . ,..,M,.i,,.H will learn bv ex
perience. Farming property is al
ready begun to be In demand in tho
The object of land, Ore. '
this meeting was to get together del-1 No. 12. Barron
of anarchy from gaining a foothold (ic.,lly eV6,.y Iloillt , .,ack(l)11 county
Medford yesterday.
Registrar G. H
egates from all over the country for Billings ;address, Ashland, Ore.
a general discussion of a good roads No. 13. Bellevlew. Registrar, G.
program. Representatives from prac- H. Billings; address, Ashland, Ore.
on this fair land and to win Ameri
cans for America.
were present at the luncheon, to-
gethor with representatives of the.
No. 60. Talent, East. Registrar
Talent district fin account ot the lr-
; rlgatlnn there.
the (lay, opened. his address by re- fu'ture.
peaung mat poem tun win go clown A Kellei.., unanimity existed at this per cent to 4 per cent, and such other
ln history as the battle hymn of the iu,lcneon on a program of securing j measures us may be necessary for the
world war, "In Flanders' Fields." , p00(1 roa(1 con9truction during the! carrying out of the legislation for
Ho then recalled the day, not yet : coming yeiiTi whpn every dollar spent I new roads.
three years ago. when Ashland sent ' by ie ,,ounty wi ,)C n)a,che(i by t) ' a majority of the jury also recom
the flower of her youth to the wars.; 8tata and fC(Ip,.al government. At mended a. bond issue for 500,000
He spoke of the elation that shone , the conclusion of the meeting it was in the county to assist In the con
In their eyes nt the opportunity of j unanimously Toted to get behind ajstruction of roads to Crater Lake
being called to this great duty, but (50o,000 county bond Issue to be from Medford, from Ashland to the
mat tlioir sober faces showed that , voted on nt tho May election, to be! county . line over the Green Springs
in.. nn,y r. allien me giavny or tne!contBellt unon se(.llrng ai(j from 1 mountain, and from Medford to Ruch
told how he had inspired tneni 10 will write their e-sas. The Ash j'his line, and since the cessation of
loftier ideals and nobler lives. The ni Bcilr!:, m;,y -e expected to war the scarcity of labor and iu
banqueters had procured a very ! mke a good showing In the Oregon creased cost of material had made
beautiful portable phonograph, en-! l jt i-Jot. competition, and some ot tho . this development practically an (in
cased in a specially contructed trunk j miiaerous splendid slate prizes ought possibility. The desire ot I lie 'pres-
E. B. A.damson; address, Talent, Ore. that cou!d bo h'""li,y movei1 J1'0"' to be won hy tho en'eriirising local hoard or ci cil, hoover, is to M n,H o( K t WOlul, has acce,t-
No. 61. Talent, West. Registrar I Placl3 to ,lace as " '"kp" of l","r('c- j students. ' increase the water supply sufficient ,, ,,osi,i,i Deputy clerk in lite
E. B. Adamson; address, Talent, Ore ! ation nml a 1,1 ' ",0 ot 11,6 0CC11"'""'j Ashland merchants have offered to afford an abundance of water for sM.ifr8 m,.e at I.akeview, says the
This was presented in a snort mm ,)rjzos s follows: uuiiicmic puiposes ami io supply all silver Lake Leader. Mr. fleet is
by Bert Jl. Greer, which was most pirst. National hank, cash Jin eiocuic power. ji caiieii upon City . wu nuaMfied to fill this position
and Sherilf Woodcock has made a
good selectiiA. This end of the
county regrets to lose Mr. and Mrs.
Fleet as people ot their calibre are
tow and far between. Mrs. Fleet will
lii East for a visit of a few months
The Citizens Bank ot Ashland Is ' 1l''' ordinary conditions the system ,oloie 8i,0 takes up her residence ut
Commander Briggs was followed , eolm(y all(1 the road3 coll(li.
by Miss Anne Ellis who read Edwin ,, ot SoHtht,rn Ol.egon were
Markham's beautiful and inspiring , threshed nut thoinnchlv. with nlans
poem, "France in Battle-Flame." ! outlined for progress in improve-' port went on record in favoring the' eloquently and feelingly responded ! Citizens bank, cash 10 Kleclrlclan F. II. Walker to give ;:
lion. xJ. v. uarter, tne tpeaaer oi :,,., ,, ,, vn,.T0(1,i fn- ,i,n I nnss.nre of a new l,.r rn,in h. to by the guest oi nonor. in re- Mr. D. Perozzi. cash r ; "'""meui o, mo ,i,eseiu waier sys
The grand jury in its recent re-
stute bonded indebtedness from 2
sponse to a hppy inference by the pre
sentor on the bachelorhood ot the
guest he paid a wonderful and touch
ing tribute to his mother, saying
H. S. Enders & Sons. mdse. order 6 ; tlJI"'
Vining theater, tickets 4' This, Mr .Walker outlined, Is slm-
O. S. Buller 10 j l''' " water syslem for domestic pur-
, poses, not an Irrigation system. Un-
that he had a sweetheart eighty-three I
years young, one thuUhad completely co-operating with the American He-;'11 "Ufftcient for the purpose for1 i,ukeview.
task before them
From this he spoke of the great
hopes and aspirations of all that W'ars
should be no more, and voiced a
the state and government.
Ashland was represented at this
luncheon by Hon. E. V. Carter, 0.
W. Dunn. Cnimtv Commissioner
wish that a League of Nations could j George 0wen, V. O. N. Smith, T. H.
be evolved that such a state might Simpson, J. W. McCoy, F. if. Wag-
come to pass.
ner and Lynn D. Mowat.
The speaker also added a word!
to the American Legion and the! The body of the late Elvidge Mc-
youngor generations. They are the' Williams, whose death occurred at Idents for the usual decade census.
In the Applegate section.
There is a possibility that some
Ashland citizens were miBsed when
the census enumerators visited the
various precincts in the city last
month getting the names of the res-
ones to take up the burdens of state
and nation, und carry on for the
future welfare of their country. He
spoke of the present unrest and dis
turbances throughtout the country in
this present reconstruction period,
which requires unfaltering patriot
Ism to make "Americans for America."
Newman, Calif., Tuesday morning. I State Census Supervisor Crawford
was brought to Ashland last even-! has requested any such who failed
ing and taken to the home of his, to meet with the enumerator, should
parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. G. McWll-j there be any such in the city, to leave
iiams, on Church street, from where their name, address and voting pre
the funeral was held this afternoon ; cinct at the Commercial Club, and
at 2:30 o'clock. Rev. P. K. Hum-they will be. interviewed. While
mond conducted the service, and j every effort was made to furnish
burial was made In Mountain View, a complete census of Ashland, there
Tho reading of the honor roll war cemetery. Mr. McWIHiums was the may be cases whera some
conducted by Rev. C. A. Edwards, oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. McWil-! missed, and it Is these persons that
filled his desire tor feminine love
aiid whose life and encouragement
had been his Inspiration to press ever
onward and upward in his character
and work.
Then the toaslmaster opened the
way for story telling, first calling on
E. D. Briggs to relate his marvelous
lief Commission for the sale ot food """" 11 ''s uesignaieii. and with Mr uni Mr8 yvel wera formPr
drafts. Tho government of various! tlln exceptions ot unusually dry se- WH known und highly esteemed res
countries In Europe are trying to im-' "" Ashland has an exceptionally j j(,.,B 0f Ashland, and their man)
press on America that It Is rood these K,,01 supply. This will not answer tramn here will he glad to hear
countries want more than innnoy.
The latter is ot little use where there
Is no food to purchase. To supply
this want the American Food Ad
for acreage purposes, however, und'frn, them.
If that Is what Is demanded, Mr
Walker stated, it will mean an im- Mis8 jane c. Allen, state advisory
niense outlay, and ' necessitate the! nurse, is in Jackson county this
but true fishing Mories that have , ministration has established ware- """ ' , r.iV iiVn iiiiniiiil 1 1 . e
gained such wide reputation Tor ver- houses In these countries where food t"ce.
sponse he fully met the highest ex
pectation and credulity of tho com
pany. Dan Applegate responded to
f'ii,,lt. PnMI,. ll.iultli iiusniihitlnli
acity throughout Oregon! In his re-j Is stored. """" '"'-ens i xpiesseu it Tj.18t September the Slate Board of
Any person wishing to makfl a gift "'"7 n o ies oi projects , Moult n created, a siaie uureuu oi
of food to any of these destitute for providing an Increase of water 'Nursing to have genoral supervision
,, , ,, , i rr Aniiiiin.i n,i in., u ....wl-.,.. over all the county nurses In tho
countries, which are Germany. Aus-; Ashland and Ihe sm n.unding ; g(ulo Thg ,ma a(1( d ft
the call for a story In Indian Jargon. tria, Poland, Hungary mid Czecho-; 1 ""niiiiiii.v. waier t ommissioiier ; ,, for ai the county pub-
full of eloquence and wit we guess ' Slovakia, may get a draft at Ihe hank '"'' Kve a hlalement or the pies- Uc ,,.,!, associations,
from the gestures, which was re-ior so much money. These drafts "t '"ter system, and expressed his, y ,, plan ea(,h commuIlity Ccn
ceived with a scream. Oilier stories represent 110, $25, $50, etc.. and ''1"'" f H'e conservation of the j ter In a county has Its own eommuni
were related in a happy vein, soiii.'jwhen the money is deposited tho lrent supply. y vj(.(,.,rm(H,,t and a member oil
of them by the previous speakers j draft will ho sent to these store-. In accordance with the expression.,.,,,.,, of Ul8 romiultte of the woci
an'd the banqueters "disbanded at house, and buy that much worth of ot the citizens who had signed the ;-, As ,,-le urse makp8 .P
10:20 o'clock feeling that Ashland J food. The bank handles this pro-: petition, the plans for putting this; rollml8 ov,.r tie counly. the commii
citizens present had well performed j joct without any recompense or 'natter up to the voters of the city ; ,lit. fice-,,reidcnts call together
an exceedingly pleasant duty wliich I charges on lis part. i 10 l'ress tneir wishes to lionil the (heir local groups of committee mem-
had been years too long deferred.
; city in order to provide funds to en-. bers
frequent conferences with
The Srhell company, who nave nan ;' m aier sysiem was iiiscusseu ,he nurw These confernces are
who after reading the names of those. Hams. Beside his parents he' is sur-j the supervisor is
who made the supreme sacrifice vived by two sisters and two brotb ; trace of.
told of the reason for the occasion. ! ers, Mrs. James Peck of CalexicoJ
The memorial certificates, given by Calif.; Miss Frances McWilllams of
a grateful nation In bonor of those, Oakland, Calif.; Charles McWilliams
The February term of court which
The federal inspection of Company; the paving contract of the I'aciti- by the council and citizens gathered ,)roViK ()f mtual benefit to both
anxious to get'B of the National Guard was held ..Highway around (rums rass in jus- uwe mm mmn, i.irKa niiijiirujr ro ,iti,.s aud nurses.
at tire Armory Monday night by Col-lephine county, is moving Its rocK was in nnor oi ino uiuer idea, anu, jl( ,,,,,! ,.,, (riR the coniin
onel F. J. Kicsler and his staff. Prac crusher to Foots creek, where it will Mayor Lamkin Instructed City At- yiar , ja. kson County association
tically the entire company turned ' be operated In crushing rock ror op- lorney urlggs to asceriain it nils wj ,)e uhe ,,, rarry on the work
out and represented a natty appear- erHtlons In'jackson county. The measure requires a special election. jn tllj8 ..V K1)0(, enthusiastic
The work of closing the gap in the pave-1 or If it can come to the people at the att,.ndanre at next Friday's meeting
splendid beginning for
who gave their life's blood to assist ; of Klamatb Falls and Kenneth Mc- was to have opened in Jacksonville 1 anc In their new uniforms.
a stricken country, ontain a sym-! Williams of Washington state. The this morning, was Dostnoned bvtcolonel exneess-d himself as much ment between the Josephine county spring primaries. If the latter can ; wout, he
bolical group placed on a renotaph ; latter and Sirs. Peck were unable, Judge F. M. Calklns on account of pleased with B company, and conipll- line and the pavement ut Gold Hill be arranged, the matter or voting ,he nPW yeas work.
on which is engraved an Inscrpition. ! to come to their brother's funeraL j the Influenza situation throughout mented them on their drill which he j will progress rapidly," and within a on bonding the city to increase the
the following being the translation . ! ' the county. Several of the Jurors said was exceptionally good. Colo-j few months there will be pavement i water supply will come before th ASTORIA. Clatsop county adopts
"To the memory of (a blank for Legality of state dog license tax and attorney for some of the most : nel Kiesler completed his Inspection 1 all the way from Grunts rass to voters at the primary election In . $427,419.60 budget, $195,000 to go
the name of the fallen hero), of the to be tested.
, important cases are reported 111. records while In Ashland.
1 the top ot tho Slsklyous.
, May.
on roads.