ASHLAND WEEKLY TIDINGS VOL. XLTII A8HLANI), OREGON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1-919, MEADY ma m (From the San Francisco Chronicla.) Ken Lilly arrived Saturday morn ing at the Stanford university to Join Coach Evans' squad of hopes (or tbe preliminary football training season. Lilly Is a candidate for the Cardinal back field and figures as an almost certain choice for one of the' half back positions. His arrival gives Evans some fast, heavy material to work on. Lilly lonrned the American game when he bucked tbe line with the Ashland (Ore.) HlKh School team. Dnring his first years at Stanford be confined his energies to baseball, where his hitting won him a steady position In the outfield. In 1917, however, he branched out Into rugby and to the track squad. His per formance In the big meet of winning the hundred-yard dash in :10 flat, after a stiff game of baseball In the morning, stamped him an all-round athlete of speed and stamina. Lilly later startled the fans with his play ing at first five In the rugby contest against Santa Clara In the same year. The same speed and ability to han dle himself should help him when tia imiMri nn thA rrtrilrnn this fall. ' Coach Evans is handing hfa charges a bunch of hard work these days. He Is evidently going to make hay while the sun shines and he has the entire squad to himself from morning until night from now until college opens on October 1. THE WEEKLY TIDINGS The Weekly Tidings will be com posed, for the present, of four pages seven columns. It will be noted that the Weekly Tidings pages are much larger than the average city or country .newspaper. For the pres ent . the .entire paper will be made up of reading matter mostly coun ty and city news in a form that will give tbe subscriber more read ing matter than it was possible to put in an eight page six column paper, much of the space In the eight page paper being given, over to advertise ments. All f t V, a ..f IVa a-Mklr Im rlv. ' Alt IUV HJ T. a en under appropriate daIVy heads, indicating which day of tbe week the particular, news broke. We think this will prove pleasing to the subscriber as it, enables him at a glance to de termine just, when the facts of the story occurred. As the' advertising patronage ad vances more pages will be added In tbe hope of presenting always an acceptable resume of the current lo cal news.- -,- CHILDREN' AND CONSISTENCY Ashland people have built the best schooW. They boast of tbe cleanli ness of the city and the particular advantages , for raising a family. Women are supposed to be tbe best friends of. the kiddies, but are they? People come here in response to our home-building talk and our child-railng preaching, and find lit tle welcome for their babies. From house to house one will get the same cold blooded heart-breaking un motherly, unwomanly, unnatural, unmarried-like watchward, "but no children', allowe'd." A mother and father might rea sonably exclaim "Great Father, how did we all grow up? Certainly It can not have ulways been like this!" One would thing that a large num ber of people would decree if possi ble that no more children should be allowed to. come into the world alive, as it appears that about the only abiding place without restrictions as to children is the cemeteries. Those who have started a family in a clean, well kept home of their own do not forget that they were once youngsters and are led to the belief that a bouse too good for children to live in is entirely too good for the owner. Let's mix a little consistency with the handling ' of the children. We are not advertising for a childless Increase of population. Two boys, one of whom is a Decker boy, were hurt yesterday by falling from an automobile from which they attempted to alight while it was run ning at good' speed. The occurrence took place on the Boulevard at about noon. The boys had jumped on the running' board of A. L. Lamb's car while he Was' coming from his home on. Mountain avenue, and had ridden to the Boulevard; Mr. Lamb turned np a side street, ' when the' boys Jumped and both fell on the pave ment. The. Decker boy was picked up unconscious and was apparently bady hurt, but 'li much better today, BOYS 1 JUMPING FROM CAR Portland Host for American Legion MONDAY'S NEWS William M. Brlgg returned Satur day morniug from the first state convention of the American Legion, held in Portland, September 17th aud 18th, where be attended as a dele gate from the Ashland post. No. 14. Mr. Brlggs and Comrades Coddiug and Tengwald, of Med ford post, bad the honor of traveling with Lieuten ant Colonel Theodore Roosevelt and party from Ashland to Portland. ' TIia A n Y. I ii n H iluluilu Kinnrti lliul ' the convention was a great success, and resulted in placing the American Legion on a firm aud permanent ba sis in Oregon. Wednesday morning the delegates were entertained by the temporary state committee to a venison and bear meat breakfast at the Multnomah hotel, which was followed by an au tomobile trip over the Columbia highway. The delegates were en tertained by the flremen conven tion at Bonneville, where a big bar becue of seven deer was In readi ness. The first session of the convention began at 2:30 p. m Wednesday, and the convention had tho honor of be ing addressed by Governor Olcott and Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Tem porary committees were appointed, and the first session adjourned at 6 p. m. Immediately 'after the ses sion all delegates attended a legion banquet in the Multnomah hotel, with over 500 service men and del egates present, at which banquet Comrade Roosevelt was tbe princi pal speaker. The banquet was followed by a public meeting In the Portland auditorium, where Mr. Roosevelt out lined the purposes and objects of the legion. . Thursday was entirely spent In business session, with the result of the adopting of a permanent consti tution and by-laws, the election of officers and delegates to tbe national convention at Minneapolis in Novem ber, and in the adopting of resolu tions affecting certain national poli cies of the government and policies in Immediate localities. DOES APPLE . Hi PAY The Tidings office was presented with a banket full of Nonesuch ap ples raised by one of our most pro gressive citizens, J. F. Rocho, corner Ashland and Roca streets, the place known an the Nonesuch orchard. The basket contained twenty apples weighing 14 pounds,' most- all of a uniform size. Mr. Rocho informs the Tidings that his trees average eight boxes of marketable apples (be sides culls not counted). He is dis posing of them at (2 per box, an av erage of 18 per tree. They are fine cooking as well as eating ap ples. He recently found a market In San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. He also has some winter Banana and Newtowns that are do ing fine. TO REPRESENT I FARMERS WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. The department of labor today announced names of three .delegates selected by the farm organizations to attend the "round table" conference at the White House, October 6, as T. S. Harriet of Union City, Pa., president of the Farmers Co-operative Union; J. M. Tlttemore of Omoro, Wis., head of the American Society of Equity, and T. O. Atkeson of Washington, head of tbe National Grange. NEW BllLDINO TO HAVE AIRPLANE LANDING SACRAMENTO, Cal., Sept. 23. An airplane landing stntlon on the roof Is provided for In plans just completed for a new 12-story de partment store to be erected at Sixth and K streets in Sacramento. In the opinion of L. F. Breuner, who is to have the big building con structed on the site of his present store, the time Is not far distant when Milady will go a-Bhopping via airplane and he predicts that before long there will be such marked Im- provements In the construction anil enth was Ashland's undoing. C re control of aircraft that It will bejmer doubted to the fence. Toulf an easy matter for machines to land ' struck out. Rowe pluscterej one on the top of a down-town store. Breuner has sufficient confidence In his belief to provide for an expen- dlture of about (50,000 for the cs-j tablishment of a landing and the in- j stullation of elevatois to carry aerial , passengers from the root down Into the store. ' The structure will cost, In all, (750.000. Construction work will be started within a fuw duys Pernoll Gutpitches lames But Ashland Loses Game (By L. D. M.) On the way down'town this morn ing a fellow stopped me to say, "Well that old hard luck story is just ubout worn out as an alibi; what are you going to blame It on today?" That started me thinking. When a general loses a battle or a grocery store loses a package In delivery or a ball team loses a ball game as Ash land did to Weed by a score of 2 to 1 at Yreka Sunday, there has to be an alibi. I can only find one break In that game Sunday that will serve the purpose. And whether or not the hard luck line is worn out, whether or not runs are scored or hits or er rors, it Is. sure HARD LUCK when a fellow sprinting In home from sec ond, stubs his toe and fulls down at third base. The first assistant adviser who Is leaning over -my typewriter, says, "Hard luck, your foot; that was awkwardness." Well you may blame It onto either you please, but if the proposed game for next Sunday which the boys are fig uring on today, comes off, I am go ing to take my trusty twenty-two hie myself across Bear creek, shoot me a size 2 jackrabbit, and carry his left hind foot in my right hind pock et to that game. And believe me folks, when you have as good a ball team as we have, and a jack-rabbit's foot, no bunch of Callfornians can put it over on you. It was a go-getter of a game Sun day. Some nine-hundred tans, over 160 of whom were from Ashland, will talk About it for weeks to come. It was a pitcher's battle from start to finish. Hub Pernoll showed up in the form which took him up to the big leagues while Bill James was there In the pinches with world series form. Pernoll got a little the better of it. Weed got but three hits and Ashland four. Seven hits for a game in the bushes is about as rare as a dodo bird in a refrigerator. Per noll whiffed twelve Weed batsmen while James took the measure of ten Ashland hopefuls. Ashland's line-up Included Hill be hind the bat, Pernoll pitching, King of Cottage Grove on first, Mclntire second. Frye third. Cedarstrom of Roseburg shortstop, Baker of Cot tage Grove, Williams and Bentley, fields. - Cedarstrom played a snappy game and got two hits, winning high hon ors for the day.. Williams covered a lot of ground in center and got n double. Daddy Hill had an off day with the bat but caught his usual re liable game. Baker is a pitcher and was too slow on the bases and in the field. , Ashland got .six men on buses. Weed got the same number on. May be that isn't air-tight ball. Such pitching would get by In any league. Cremer got on for Weed In the first but was caught' stealing. Weed got no more on until the fifth when Cedarstrom booted one giving Buel na life but first was as far as the little Indian got. The unlucky sev- which Williams almost reached and which a fast left fielder would have nabbed, scoring Cremer. Harper grounded out and die rally should have ended when Buelna filed to Bentley but that young man dropped it letting In another score. Weed earned but one of the two runs. Per noll struck out James ending the scoring and although French scratched a single In the eighth and Its a Problem Powell got on when King ran cir cles around a high fly, the boys tightened up and no more scores re sulted. Baker started things for Ashland in the third after King fouled out and the game should have been won in that Inning. Baker doubled and should have gone to third when Bentley hit to James, but was , too slow to try. Cedarstrom bit a long single to right and linker should have scored easily but stubbed his toe at third and sprawled all over that section, of the diamond and could go no further. Hill struck out. Ashland bad another chance In the fourth. Frye grounded out. Wil liams walked, Pernoll grounded out alter Williams had stolen second Williams took third. Mclntlr wulked. Kind fouled out ending that chunce. In the elKhth Cedar strom singled but got no help. Jn tbe ninth after Frye, who had lost his butting eye, struck out, Wil Hams doubled and stole third am scored when French dTopped a third strike on Pernoll. Another piece of hard luck occurred here. Billy Hu len was umpiring bases and over looked the fuct that the first base man In his hurry to try to catch Wil Hams at home, did not even attempt to touch first. Hulen called Per noil out and Mclntyre struck out ending the game. In the final nalysig, the game should have gone Into extra Innings with a one to one score. Weed earned one run . on two doubles. Ashland did not earn the run scored but was beat out of an earned run on Baker's double and Cedarstrom's single when the former fell down. Local funs who do not fuel able to make the long trip over the mountain and feel that names should be arranged here ,are-due for an ex planation. Yreka was selected be cause Weed would not come 'to Ash land and Ashlund couldnt afford to go clear to Weed. The live Yreku crowd agreed to put up the adver tising, put the grounds in shape and added one hundred dollars to the receipts at the gate. They are contemplating offering a two-hun dred dollar purse for next Sunday and regard it is a good investment as It brings five or six hundred out siders into' town. Ashlund has no stands capable of handling a crowd of over three hundred. By next year It Is hoped to have accommo dations here for big crowds. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., 8opt. 23. War mothers all over the 'United States are completing plans to be offered for. .the strengthening and perfecting of the National American War Mothers' organization when it meets In Washington, D, C, on Sep tember 29, 30, October 1 and 2. National headquarters for tho Na tional American Wur Mothers the only organization of Its kind that Is made up "solely of mothers who of fored their sons for army, navy and marine service are In Indianapolis aud Mrs. Alice French Is president. Multnomah county forms first drainage district under new bonding act war in TO ORGANIZE Ill TO CALL PASTOR Sunday, October 6, a congrega tional meeting will be held in the Presbyterian church immediately af ter the morning service for the pur pose of culling a pustnr for that church. A year ago the first of Oc tober Rev. C. F. Koehler was elect ed to preside over this congregution (or one year. That period hus nov been completed, and the permanent election of a pastor will undoubted ly be made ut this meeting. E There will be a meeting in the city hull on Wednesday evening of this week ut 8 o'clock in behalf of the sixty thousand dollar campaign for the homeless, nameless and aban doned children of Oregon. A fire. proof wooden nursery home is to he built in Portland, but all parts of the state will contribute. This meet ing on Wednesday evening Is for the purpose of planning Ashland's ahar-i in the campaign. WARN V. S. BACHELORS ARMY OK WAR llltllIRS WILL INVADE l H. A. NEW YORK. Sept. 23. Five thou sand well to do British women de termined to obtain American hus bands soon will urrlve In tho Unit ed Slates, according to a wnrnlng Is sued to bachelors by Mrs. S. C. Sey mour of Camden, N. J., who har Just returned from Europe. MrB. Seymour was employed by the mili tary authorities to supervise the transportation of the wur brides of American soldiers in different parts of Europe. She announced the mat rimonial army of Invasion had al ready applied ub Boon as the present restrictions are lifted, which Is ex pected to be on October 1. E T PLACERVILLE, Calif., Sept. 23. Forest fires are ruglng today ull around Plucervllle, several ranch buildings having been destroyed and ashes are fulling in the Btreets of the city. All avullablo men are lighting the fires and calls of additional help have been issued. ANTIH WIN FIRST ROUND WASHINGTON.Sopt. 23. Treaty opponents won the first test of strength toduy when by a vote of 42 to 40 the senate pusaed over for one week .the third amendment to the roaty, one of the series proposed hy Senator Fall. TRY TO BOMB KOLCHAK LONDON, Sept. 23. A dispatch toduy reported an attempt to ossusl nate Admlrul Kolchuk, head of the Omsk government. A bomb was thrown into the guard room, killed six and Injured twelve soldiers, but (the admiral escaped uulujursd. DRIVE PLANNED FOR NURSERY M PLAC HUE mm Great Natural Wonder Neglected Howard Hose is exhibiting some fine photographs of tho famous Ore gou Cuves in Josephine county, which be visited with his wife a few weeks ago. ile is the first man with an artificiul limb to make this trip, and the enthusiasm which he feel tn. wards this wonderful -vork of nature i proclaims It well worth the effort. I Effort is right wheu it comes to leaching Jhe Oregon Caves, for ac cording to Mr. Rose the way Is al moai inaccessible. There are no roads, no guide posts, no accommo dations ulong tin- uv, no horses to tuke one there niter the end of the automobile road is touched. Hoi land is the ueurest town this way u nil Ik thirteen and one-half milbi from the caves. Automobiles cun truvel oor a road that Is not worth the name to within five miles of the caves, alter which the rest of the Journey must be made on foot. On reaming I lie caves one can camp In the open, as there are no fucill ties oilier than what tourists ca puck in on their backs. But when all these difficulties huv been overcome the Bcene thut natur hus provided for those who pene trate the wilderness is one of the most wonderful spectacular attrac Hons of the world. The pictures Mr. Rose is exhibiting are flashlights ta ken in the Interior of. the caves and only feebly portray the wonderful charm of the scene. Visitors cun penetrate 3300 feet Into the interior of the caves and are 1600 feet from the surface of the earth. Here spacious caverns are seen with immense x alaetltes bus pended from the celling, glittering like gigantic. Icicles. In places they meet the huge stalagmites from the floor of the caves and form (anttis- tic pillars, the result of cduntless centuries of water drip. By these pillars chambers have been seques tered which have been given descrlp live names. Here mny he seen the petrified forest, a group of stalac tites closely resembling the trunks of gigantic trees. Then there is Nl again Falls In Rlcumlng and Imper lshuhle stone, the Bee Hive, Wash Ington's Monument, Joaquin Miller's Chapel, so-named when tho fumous poet explored the. cuves, mid nmny others. At the extreme end Is tho "Ghost Chamber,", the lurgest one there. This Is 4.1 feet long, 65 feet high and J5 Ceot wide. In tho fur reiiches ure glittering, white, illusive statue- like objects which do rot tuke a long stretch of Imagination to fancy ghosts lurking In the subterranean fast nesses of the cuves. No woman should ever attempt to do" the Oregon Cuves clad in a skirt, Mr. Rose Btate.l. There are many Kubterranean passages thut cannot be explored In attire of that kind, and only those dressed in trou sers should think of making tho trip. One of the happiest co-incidents of the trip, according to Mr. Rose, was meeting the guide to the raves, Dick Rowley, who, before he accept ed his present position, was a well known railroad man In this vicinity. Rowley is the best-natured guide man ever hud, and but for his knowl edge of the caves' treasures and his courteous consideration to the vis itors the trip would be a failure, le.t only looks after the welfare those who enter the caves, but lakes their abode in the nearby amp as pleasant as lossihle. While Rowley leads a secluded life away out in this isolated section, he has muny feathered und four footed comrades who have learned to love their gentle friend and come at his cull. While Mr. and Mrs. Rose were there a little fuwn came to their cump expectantly looking for some thing to eat. Birds would come and perch on the tuble, looking for crumbs, and squirrels were sociable guests everywhere. Those little wild folk knew no harm would befall them when they were at the camp of thelt beloved friend, the guide to the Ore gon CuveB. The pitiful thing about this won derful wutk of nuture to Mr. Rose U the fuct that Oregon has let such a marvelous attraction go so long with out making It more prominent and building a passable, ro 'd to the caves. Tourists of the coast states cannot realize its Importune? among tho scoiilo attractions, us a auitub!? means of reaching It has not been provided. Mr. und Mrs. Rose met some eastern tourists there who stal ed thut it wus a toss-up with them whether or not they would visit th cuves, and when they rlnally decided to do so, were perfectly enraptured with this wonderful work of nature thut had been shut away for count less ages lit the depths ut uo Oregon forest. Guide Rowley stay ut the cuves all summer, fie la paid a salary by the government and i:n charges are mudu for his services Not even a tip Is accepted by this worthy Bervnnt of the country. Northwestern bank adopt profit sharing plan for employe. , Corvalll Agricultural college gat $30,000 (or another doruiltury. ADOPTS POUCY I The state convention of the Amerir ran Legion held In Portland W week made resolutions, and adopted u strong policy against aliens, aa archists. and bolshavist. and und as a basis of its o-rinVti-m the furthering cf patriotism b4 lit t cent Americanism. The legion Is not to deal with "politics" In any manner bur VlU act vigorously In helping the legis lators to determine 'policies." The legion Is going to result in the young men of the nation taking mora of nn Interest in governmental mat ters and national policies. HOME BREW HAD FAR TOO .MUCH KICK COLUSA, Calif., Sept. t J. Mix ing preserves and fruits in a barrel of water, a group of men her In tended to prepare a strong bom brew. They did and drank freely thereof with the result that Frank Carney and Andrew Trlplett are) dead and several others are seriously 111. ABANDON PLAN FOR KI.IGHT JO ARGENTINA LONDON. (By Mall.) Plana to fly by airship from London to Buenos Aires have been temporarily aba doned as a result of the government' commandeering the R80, Vlckers Vimy super-airship, which several months ago hooked ten passenger at $5000 each for the trip. Included among the passenger were Sir Woodman Burbrldge, hl wffe, Lady Woodman, and R. H. Griffith. Burbidge aud Griffith are the directing heads of Harrod't, which has department stores la Buenos Aires and London. "We have given up hope of being ible to fly to Buenos Aires this year." Griffith told the United Press. "The government's commandearlag of the R80 means it will be a yaaf before another airship can be built to make the trip. Anyhow, we couldn't have mude the trip on the R10 this vear as the landing mast, which anchors the airship by drawing If nose down until a certain height ba been reached so that passenger tag illght and descend via staircase and elevators, have not been computed . In Buenos Aires. Sir Woodman. Lady Woodman und myself hav booked steamer passage and will sail for the Argentine In October." Has Information On War Insurance W. M. Brlggs. while in Portland lst week, called at the recruiting fflce and at the Legion headquar- ers. and obtained all literature ia regard to the conversion of war risk insurance policies, and In faot In formation in regard to all govern ment insurance matters and any sol- Hera desiring Information or help along this line ran secur tn (am from Mr. Brlggs. One new feature of the Insurance egnlations is that allowing a soldier to tuke up his Insurance after It ha lupsed for a period of IS month. with only the payment of th last and current premiums. Another la ut least It Is so reported officially) that the insurance is now payable la a lump sum it desired, which t cer tainly a desirable feature. - divi dends that may be derived from tli n aura nee will also be paid back ta he policyholders. Victory Meet of State uC. T. U. ASHLAND Not Ash-land, but Beauty-land, Where the roaes scent th air, And all nuture with glad hand ' Welcomes you to th city fstr. i Where sparkling llthla bubble ' v Crystal-clear, health-giving, fr. Drink and drink, forget your trou ble, Come, oh, come, ind drink with me. Mnttie M. 8leath. Stale, President - The Victory convention of th state Women's Christian Temperaoe Union will be held In th Presby terian church t Ashland October (. ft and 1 0, to which a cordial wlcom Is extended to all. Ashland' deli gates will be Mesdame Sllngerlaad. Koehler nd Ferrl. , ' The local chairmen of th varlo committees are: Executive, Dr. Fer ris: entertainment, Mr. Julia Hock ett; publicity, Mr. Stella Uavllt;' reception, Mr. Elv Itobart: Infor mation, Boy Scout; pared, Dr. Fer ris: badges and usher, Mr. AIIm Jlllson. , The keynote of the convention will ' be Intercessory Prayer "Ask of hi) nd I Wilt Give You th NaUoa, A program la full will h BttbUh4 : AGAIN ALIENS