PAGE TWO Wednesday, December 10, 1910 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS Ashland «ss*- T idings E stablished 1876 P u b lish e d E v e ry E vening Except Sunday by I'HE ASHLAND PRINTING CO. lle r t R. G reer ........................ GREAT ACTIVITY Postmaster Directs IN REAL ESTATE Christmas Mailing w ith Miss N orm and in th e Goldwyn Studio cafe, she w ore a to rn and m ussed knee length gingham dress, stockings full of holes, and worn shoes, m uch ru n down about the heels. T hat w as because h er role in “ Jin x ” is th a t of a little circus waif. In th e evening. Miss N orm and took d in n er on one of the vessels of th e battlesh ip fleet. She wore a frock of orchid m aline and shadow y filet lace w ith tiny o rn am en ts in pearls and fl.owers on th e corsage and billowy sk irt hem. A larg e lace h at, banded by a narrow strip of w hite ostrich, shadow ed her d ark hair. Lovely shoulders and arm s, sim ply off in hiding in a gingham apron frock, did not d e tra ct from m aking th e p opular litle s ta r a v e rit­ able vision as a d inner p arty guest. Sales of real e state, an activity i CITY AND COUNTY PA PE R . which has been m oving at a quick- C hristm as falls on T hursday th is classification, and w hether th e par- TEL EPH O N E 39 tim e pace for several m onths, broke year and it will pay th e C hristm as cel should be m arked “ fra g ile ” or s u b s c rip tio n R ates D elivered In City into double-tim e in the past th re e shopper to lose no tim e to get his “ p erish ab le.” V aluable a rticle s should be in- One M onth, D eliv ered ............ . . $ .50 weeks in A shland, N ineteen resi- parcels in th e m ail at the earliest v)ne W eek ................................. . . .15 denee properties. four suburban possible date w ith his “ do not open sured. S u bscription R ates By Mail O utside hom e places and four ran ch ers near u ntil C h ristm as” in stru ctio n s on th e A good co n tain er and securely of City th e city have been reported sold in face of th e parcel. The m iddle west w rapped parcel plainly and com- One y ear by m a i l ................... . . $5.00 th a t tim e. Tn addition to the move- and e astern sta te s shipm ents should pletely addressed is half way deliv- dix m onths by m a i l ................. T hree m onths by m a i l .......... . . 1.50 m ent in residence and farm proper- be on th e way this week in ord er to ered to th e receiver, No out of tow n subscriptions taken ties, num erous changes have taken in su re early and certain delivery. In using old co n tain ers bear in Xor less th a n th re e m onths. P o stm a ste r E J. K aiser this m orn- m ind th a t all old cancelled stam ps By Mail O utside o f U nited S tates place in the business section and O ne Y ear ......................................$8.12 seven new firm s a re offering th eir ing subm itted th e follow ing sched- and fo rm er addresses m ust be re ­ 8ix M onths .................................... 4.31 goods and services to A shland peo- ule as one that would insure, parcels m over en tirely and new addresses as No subscription lo r less th an six pie. Besides the new establish- a rriv in g on tim e: well as new stam ps m ust be supplied, m onths. m ents, several of the old established A ddress to points in sta te s east of Exam ine your used container. These ADVERTISING RATES businesses have changed hands and Chicago and in S outhern S tates; containers a re sent out by m ail order Salem .— II. S. Gile P acking Co. to Display A dvertising— are expanding. An inrush of hom e- m ail not la te r th an Monday, Decern- stores for th e purpose of m aking one add w holesale grocery business. Single in se rtio n . . . .each inch, 30c seekers has m ade ‘To R en t" signs as her 15. trip only. F req u en tly they have YEARLY CONTRACTS scarce as flies in an ice plant and A ddress to points in N orth and th e ir hack broken o r a re otherw ise D isplay A dvertising— R oseburg planning bond election One tim e a week, each inch, each rentals and p roperty prices are boom- South D akota, N ebraska, K ansas, w eakened and th ere fo re not fit to for m illion d ollar light plant. tim e ...........................................27 %c ing skyw ard. Most of th e bargains O klahom a, M innesota, L ouisiana, m ake a retu rn , trip. Two tim es a week, each inch, each in real estate have been snapped up Texas; mail not la te r th an T u e s d a y , ---------------------------- tim e ................................. ’ . . . . . 25c Every o th er day, each inch, each but property continues to move at a D ecem ber 16. A ddress to points in M ontana, W y­ tim e ................... ............................20c rate which prophecies big th in g s for Every issue, each inch, each the com ing spring. The to ta l Pick of om ing, Colorado. New Mexico, Idaho, tim e .................- ........................17 ’4 c a p a rtm e n ts or cottages has c.t «°d a A rizona; mail not la te r than W ednes- h L ocal R eaders— « Each line each tim e (6 w ords to furbishiug up of long-vacant proper- day, D ecem ber 17. A ddress to S outhern C alitornra. The g rea t Pacific fleet visited Los line) .......................... .................... 10c ties and with tiie city crow ded and! © To ru n every o th er day for one m ore coming, an extensive building : W ashington, U tah, N evada; mail not Angeles while Miss Mabel N orm and If m onth, each line each tim e . . . . 7c cam paign is snfe to come when w in - ,la te r th an T hursday, Decem ber 18. was busy film ing th e scenes in her “© Te run every issue for one m onth, “S A num ber of house! A ddress to points in C alifornia new est Goldwyn p icture, RJinx, ’ or m ore, each line each tim e 5c te r has passed cw ners are rem odeling th e ir hom es North of San Francisco, N o rth ern which will be presented a t the Vin- C lassified C olum n— One cent th e word each tim e. anil one or two new residences are and E a ste rn Oregrfn; mail not la te r *nS th e a te r today and tom orrow , To run every issue for one m onth being built even at th is season. Sales: th an F riday, Decenibei 19. W hen the fleet e n te rta in m e n t com m it- or m ore, ’Ac th e w ord each tim e. of Ashland residence lots a re record- A ddress to Ashland and adjacent tees asked th e a d m irals and lieuten- C ards of T hanks, $1.00. ed every day. tow ns; m ail not la te r th a n M onday, a n ts and ensigns w h ether they would O bituaries, 2 ’4 cents th e line. F ra te rn a l O rders and Societies The new business establishm ents D ecem ber 22. ra th e r m otor or tea, dance or see A dvertising for fra te rn a l orders recently opened include: bakery. In o rd er to m ake sure of delivery m oving pictu re studios, they all chose o r societies charging a re g u la r in itia ­ tio n fee and dues, no discount. Re­ m eat m ark et, cleaning and dyeing at destination notice th a t your par- th e la tte r .without hesitation, plum bing establishm ent cel is w rapped securely. The strin g They learned som ething about con- ligious and benevolent orders will works. be charged for all adv ertisin g when electrical supply store, variety store, should not only be draw n tight but t r asts, too, for when they lunched a n adm ission or o th e r charge is and re sta u ra n t. The upper story of it should he of sufficient stre n g th to m ade, a t th e re g u la r rate . a business block is to be rem odeled stan d the trip , and a t th e end of the The R ogue R iver Tlie T idings has a g re a te r c ircu la­ into up-to-date ap artm en ts. A cab trip he in shape to be strapped to a tion in A shland and its tra d e te r r i­ inet w orks plant is being built. city c a rrie rs ’ bag. A ddress plainly V aliey tory th an all o th e r new spapers com ­ as well as com pletely. See th a t the bined. address is w ritten on paper th a t will THIS XMAS E n tered a t the A shland, Oregon, show plainly. In case fancy w rapper P ostoffice as Second Class Mail is used add a tag address in addi­ M atter. By sending your fiiendss tion. An additional ad d ress inside a copy of the tiie parcel will assist locating the . . . ............................................................. sam e in case of e ra su re or loss of . COMMERCIAL CLUB COLUMN <$> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . address. Name and address of send- A Dollar S tarts an A ccount The d istrict conference of K lam ath n,ust on each parcel post F o ile d package. Make su re and sta te th e W e had a nice plan all evolved. d istrict of the M ethodist Episcopal contents to th e receiving clerk. -_____ - ________ W ere going to rent a billboard and church which met at the local church T hree item s are im p o rtan t for the - . « spread the nice th in g s th e several yesterday afternoon was presided clerk Io know in o rd er th a t the par- A S lU a iM l IrO Il W o r k s hundred editors who w ere here w ith over by Dr. S. A. D anfonl, with C. G. "A D aughter M orris of T alent as secretarv. *Speak-, Ce’ iS h a ’H,led to the rail- (In c o rp o ra ted ) th e N ational E d ito rial Association T * ’ Servi5 1 systeni: The proper Oiflce and W olks No. 248 H elm a. oi the R ogu es” had to say about Ashland. The a r ­ ers discussed the following g topics: topics ! St., A shland, Ore. ticles would have covered th e side ' E vangelism ,” by Dr. Bowen of M anufacf tirin g E n g in e e r s, PAULSERUD &- BARRETT •¡enera of th e Elks building alm ost. But i F o rtla n d : “ P a sto r and E vangelism ," W orth reading; w o r f f c R epair W ork somebody w anted papers to s ta rt by Dr. Chaney of K lam ath F alls: giving; worth hu . ing. W e m anufacture, r a v in g Plan! tire s w ith and dropped in a t the The P asto r as the K eym an in E van­ E quipm ent, Sawm ill, M ining and G et it at club when no one was hom e and gelism ." Dr. M orris of T alent; “ Place For .Mm anil W omen. Ship M achinery, Steam and Gas En- got away with the accum ulation of j of P ra y er in E vangelism .” Dr. T r ite s 1 ’1 F:i«f M í ::::. T el. f in g’n es> Boilers and H eavy Steel papers from all over th e country of S u th e rlin ; “ The R esources of! W ork; Grey Iron, Sem i-Steel, B rast and Bronze C astings of every kind. containing our nice notices. E very­ E vangelism .” Dr. G ilbert of M edford.' H aving tho ro u g h ly equipped oui POLEY & ELH A R T, D ruggists. body likes to read w hat stra n g e rs The m a tte r of an anual cam pm eet­ plant for th e m an u fa ctu re and re ­ think of them and th a t bulletin ing was discussed and a com m ittee p airs of heavy and all classes of m a­ hoard w ould have m ade good rea d ­ appointed to consider and w ork out chine and foundry w ork, we solicil ing, but alas, it can never was. your o rd ers and inquiries. E stiraatei a plan. A shland was discussed as and q u o tatio n s furnished on applica New stiirr th e place for th e cam p m eeting. tion. We a re having a new letterh ead O ther pastors p resent from out of p rinted featu rin g a view of Lit hie I rown were Rev. R um m ell of W ilder- Good Meals a n d S h o rt O rders, Daj and N ight Service. park and w ith a d ribble down the side ville; Rev. C. C. Coop ol C anyonville; telling, in tabloid form , some of the M. B. P arounagain of Salem. 297 East Main F o r tiie very best in choice Steer nice th in g s we know about Ashland. Beef, P o rk , M utton, Veal and P oul­ Maybe some of the business men of MiCKÍE try. th e city will use tiie sam e idea. The We buy Hides, P elts, Tallow and cu t and “ dope” is th eirs to use. Wool. O ttU U ttU t ùa tg umioboiieo We are also gettin g the m aterial OOS FROXF l u ’ A .t.F &.NÌ lined up for a new A shland booklet, B argains in We pay Cash for E verything. » ovalr -S »Atte*. J3 «Tâl having tired of telling people in F lo r­ J AS. BARRETT, Prop. ida and New H am pshire th a t “ our Phone 188. supply of lite ra tu re has ju st been -M " .... . , . City and Ranch P ro p e rtie s, House- e x h au sted .” I t ’s going to he some to Rent. fX A ü G t GOÔ O' COPM booklet. Mostly pictures. Don’t