STO RM S W E E P S CO U N TR Y A shland D aily T idings MALARIA CANNOT SUR­ VIVE THREE MONTHS IN THE P t f f t l OZONE AT ASHLAND. TH E P U R E DOMESTIC WATER HELPS. ASHLAND C L I M A T E 1, WITHOUT THE AID OF MEDICINE, CURES NINE CASES OUT OF T E N 'O F ASTHMA. VOLUME 1 NUMBER 86 ASHLAND OREGON, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1919 Successor to The Semi-Weekly Tidings. Voi. 43. SNOW FALLS IN PORTLAND LW.W.’S BARRED Railways Tied Up and Ö.P.TÖ SELECT Business Short Handed FOOT 1 M JOBE SOLD (By the U nited P re ss) PORTLAND. Dec. 10. — All ra il­ road tra ffice in th e Pacific noi til- w est is practically paralyzed with th e exception of the P o rtlan d -S eattle ro u te, due to the general storm to-. Hay. T ra in s front th e east are n e a r­ ly all a day late and th e w herea­ bo u ts of some is unknow n. Passen- gers from C alifornia a re being held in various Oregon cities, th e S outh­ e rn Pacific officials fearing th e sta ll­ ing of tra in s in snow d rifts. S treet c a r tra ffic here is practically at a sta n d still. The snow d u rin g the n ig h t has blocked lines. All snow plow s a re off the track , leaving the ra ils in atte m p ts to buck th e snow. The snow fall abated a t noon hav- ing reached a depth of a foot in the la st 36 hours, the heaviest Decem ber fall in local history. • T he m inim um te m p e ra tu re last n ig h t was sixteen above, an o th e r De- cem ber record. T he tieup of stre e t c ar service de- m oralized business, causing some in- d u strie s and estab lish m en ts to sus- P©nd. T elephone service- is crippled due to th e sm all num ber ot operato rs able to reach th e ir sw itch boards. N ew spapers a re operatin g sh o rt- lianded. and p rin tin g only one edi n o n , w ith not m uch chance of circu lu tin g th a t inside or outside of the city. Salem and Albany both rep o rt tw er.ty inches of snow, paralyzing tra ffic and business. A Chinook is sw eeping across east- e rn Oregon and W ashington. I t is w arm er a t Baker, now being th irty above. (By th e U nited P ress) SPOKANE, Dec. 10.— The city mu- nicipal m ark et will place tw enty tons of chickens, seized by federal an th orifies here some weeks ago, on sale a t 20 cents a pound tom orrow m orning. The birds were held for th e local m ark et by the A rm our com pany amt (By the U nited P^ess) PULLMAN, W ash.. Dec. 10.— W ith it was alleged they were being hoard alm ost one hundred fam ilies w ithout ©d. The sale was ordered by Fedei’al fuel and W ashington State college to *is tast ton, th e city is considering Ju d g e R udkin. d rastic relief m easures. A com m it- F resh dressed chickens a ie being tee of business m en is surveying th e sold a t retail m ark ets here a t 30 and fuel supply in the city with a view 35 cents a pound to apportioning th e supply am ong th e he chicken sale toiiows the sale of 30,000 pounds of navy beans by ueeuy. * __ , Seventy-five m em bers of the Amer- ^he c ,ty a ^ f*ve cents a pound. ican Legion post have offered th e ir ---------------------------- services to th e city to cut and haul I» wood from th e m ountains. This offei has been m atched by the cham ber of com m erce which will volunteei one business m an f i r every Legioner. All stu d e n ts’ m eetings in th e col­ lege have been cancelled and the 'varsity ball scheduled for December WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— The su ­ 7 3 has been indefinitely postponed, prem e court took under advisem ent n ---------------------------- today application for a w;rit of e rro r (By th e JJnited P ress) SPOKANE, Dec. 10.— Judge Web- ste r signed a tem porary in junction ag ain st th e I. W. W ’s today legally b a rrin g all m em bers from continu ing as a d h e re n ts of the organization :‘n<1 forbidding the existence of the organization in th is country. I he tem p o iary restra in in g oidei was signed on th e theory th a t th e I. W. W. is a 11 an arch istic o igani- zation designed to oveithrow the gov- ernm ent and bl ing about a condition . law lessness and violence w herein n eith er life nor property would be sa fe ” t M M ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ prim e necessities; and any coast city is a t a g reat disadvantage. St. L ouisans headed by Paul V. Bunn, secretary of the St. Louis C ham ber of Commerce, however, in­ sist th a t th e Mound City be selected as a perm anent camp because of th e city ’s closer proxim ity to north, east, and west, and because of its claim of superior facilities for hand- ling large num bers of delegates. Room s are available in St. Louis for 8000 delegates, it was said. (By th e U nited P ress.) WASHINGTON, D. C„ Dec. 10.— M embers of th e executive com m it- tee of the R epublican N ational Coin- By L. <’. M artin m ittee began a rriv in g here yesterday (V nited P ress Staff C orrespondent.) in p rep aratio n for the m eeting today WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— D issat­ to pick a city in which to hold the isfaction with things as they exist 1920 republican national convention, everyw here am ong the Am erican peo- w here a candidate for president of the pJe and the ¡8sues of u ie 1920 polit- U nited S tates will be chosen. ical cam paign a re the echoes of a C hairm an W ill H. Hays was am ong w idespread dem and for a change in th e first to arrive. Mai.y conferences present ord er of things, accord- St. Paul and San Francisco are also were arra n g e d for last night and to m ake tig h ts for th e honor ot en­ jng t() rep o rts brought to W ashing- Any m an found to be a m em ber early today. In addition to the com ­ te rta in in g th e convention delegates. Pv republican politicians here at- h e re a fte r will he arrested . m itteem en, th ere w ere already on the tending th e m eeting of the Repub- M inneapolis civic leadeis have joined ground a dozen or m ore delegations hands w ith St. P aul in efforts to a t­ N ational Com m itee here to urge th e selection of th e ir tra c t the g ath erin g to th e Twin Cit­ The chief issue, these m en say, is city as the convention m eeting place. ie s of tlie N orth. C alifornia boost­ a dem and fo r d iffe re n t policies of P rom inent am ong them were civic ers asked consideration for San governm ent. and political leaders from Chicago Francisco, arguing th a t th e ir s ta te This assures a R epublican victory and St. Louis, w here C harles E. will be a pivotal one 1 1 1 the presiden­ they arguei on th e ground th a t the H ughes and President W ilson were tial fight and th a t the holding of th e D em ocratic p a rty will not change ex- respectively nam ed in 1916. convention 011 the coast will m ate ria l­ jgting government, policies while th e T here was considerable talk am ong ly aid republicans in carry in g th a t p resent leaders a re in control. politicians of selecting Chicago as the section. They a tte s t th e g rea test com plaint perm anent convention city for the The disadvantage San Francisco against present taxes, republican party. M id-western head­ (S pecial to T h e T ilin g s ) adm its is its distance from the east, Business men dem and elim ination q u a rte rs have recently been opened but puts forth its ability to care for BERLIN, Dec. DI.— The allied of m any kj„d s of w ar taxation, re- notes dem anding G erm any’s im m edi­ in th a t city, it was pointed out, and any crowd th at will a tten d , proving tu rn of taxation to a sim ple peace ate acceptance of the protocol were m any have for years urged th a t the this by the way it took care of the basis and considerable reduction i received today. The tone of th e notes 1 chosen as reg u la r battle huge exposition crowd ri,tes. it was declared, ground for candidates for nom ina­ from the refusal of tlie New York according to G erm an official circles Lack of room s and halls for en­ Next to tax rexluction, th e people tion, and for th e additional reason of te rta in in g th e delates and holding federal court to delay the deporta- ¡s considered conciliatory, a re gajd to w anj an er.d of govern- tion of A lexander B erkm an and Em- “ G erm any will sig n '’ a well post­ its cen tral location. th e convention have kept o th e r cities ment control— o r as they put it, ac- Chicago has had the convention out of the race illa Goldm an. If the co urt refuses ed diplom at here declared when he cording to one politician— govern- __________________ 'to g ra n t th e w rit the two an arch ists heard of the provisions of the notes, every four years w ith one exception, ,Oent interferen ce with th e prices will have lost th e ir final effo rt to it is understood th a t the en tente since 1 896; and It would seem the of tO()d th e law of supply and de- delay deportation. If th e court agrees to perm it postponem ent of de­ balance of favor is in th a t direction. raaBd a pd public utilities. g ran ts the w rit the pair will be al- Hvery of G erm an docks and m arine Chicago claim s to be about the most T hat a stro n g and ap p aren tly in ­ lowed liberty on bail. m aterials, dem anded as reparation centrally located city, whose au d i­ creased dem and for tre a ty ra tific a ­ ---------- ' 'or sinking of the Interned G erm an torium is known to be large enough (By tlie U nited P ress) tion exists appears certain from w hat (By the United Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— Suprem e fleet at Scapa Flow, until it can he for th e party, and claim s th a t it is, CHICAGO, Dec. 10.— W ith the u ttle can be gleaned from alm ost WASHINGTON, Dec. 10.— D etail- Court Justice B randéis refused to determ ined w h eth er th e ir su rre n d e r th e railroad cen ter of th e nation. m ercury below zero and a blizzard m onosyllabic answ ers to Inquiries ed plans for a “ cam paign of effi- overrule the action of th e low er fed- would hopelessly cripple G erm any’s The point of accessibility by railroad prom ised hv thr w eath er m an. Chica­ along this line. ciency” w ere m ade by the R epubli- e ral co u rts in th e case of A lexander industries as th e G erm ans have con- is one of the P,im e fa c to rs- com m it- go went on sh o rte r fuel ratio n s to ­ teem en say. can N ational Com m ittee a t a m eet- B erkm an and Em m a Goldm an, an- tended. day. T he Illinois Public U tilities 4 s b u ry P ark , a new factor in the ing here today. a rc h ist leaders, who are fig h tin g to The entente, however, refused to Com m ission continued to force all com petition, lands th e desirability of The com m ittee, C hairm an H ays prevent th e ir d eportation to R ussia, change its stand tow ard Germ an w ar conservation m easures included in its “ cooling breezes to sooth the fe­ announced, authorized appointm ent --------------------- ------- prisoners, and holds to its right to in- th e o rd er last week which were m ore (By th e U nited P ress) vered brow s of heated a rg u e fie rs.’’ , of a p latform conference w ith m any va^e G erm any if she tran sg resses d ra stic than Fuel A dm inistrator G ar­ Asbury has a fa ir sized auditorium , INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 10.— A fter of th e ch a ra c te ristic s of th e Indus- any of the rules laid down by the fie ld 's national o rd er yesterday. (By th e U nited P ress) and claim s th a t her hotel accom m oda- two ho u rs’ debate the chiefs of coal peace conference and arm istice. LONDON. Dec. 10. — C aptain tria l Comm ission to sit continuously CHRISTMAS NUMBER m iners a d jo u rn ed for lunch today Tlie notes on th e Scapa Flow m at­ tions are of th e best. LEW ISTON. Ida., Dec. 10.— All Sm ith, the B ritish av iato r, has com- from now u u til th e convelltion’ when However, com m itteem en declare w ithout reaching an agreem ent 011 schools, m otion pictu re houses and pieted th e first flight from London wil1 m a^ e report, This year the C hristm as num - 4> ter, it is understood, req u ire Ger- m aterials Reogra Phical location is one of th e p resid e n t W ilson's proposition to end m any to list th e m arine ber of th e Daily T idings will be non-essential in d u stries may be closed A ustralia, according to a m essage the strike. “ We shall probably reach <♦> published on •$> dem anded, nom inally delivering them — .................................................... ♦ » h e re to save fuel. Tlie city council received here today. Sm ith landed an agreem ent to d ay ,” Acting P re si­ WEDNESDAY, DEC. 17TH. to th e allies, h u t w ith the»privilege is considering such action. Business a t Port D arw in, in th e n o rth e rn ler- dent Lewis said as he left th e m eet­ Q It will c arry a fine th re e col- of dem anding *heir re tu rn if the Ger- houses m ay be required to shorten rito rv of South A ustralia, according ing. < $> ex ed C hristm as cover and will ru n m an governm ent is able to prove 4> th e ir day to six hours. The con- to the m essage. ‘All is w ell,” Smith om eight to ten pages. <8> th a t th e ir delivery is overburden- denination of various wooden shacks said. INDIANAPOLIS, Dec. 1 0 — The All A shland ad v ertisers wish- some when the m a tte r is subm itted nnd half burned houses in m any s e c - ---------------------------- second day’s conference of th e lead­ ing to enlarge th e ir space for 4> to a rb itra tio n . tlo n s of the city is seriously consid­ ers of the United Mine W orkers, con- This is regarded ered by th e council. It is proposed A to ta l of $115,405.7 4 will be giv- 4> th e C hristm as num ber should <8> . . by G erm „ ans as GRANTS PASS. Dec. 10.__W ith sidering P resident W ilson’s proposal to wreck the buildings and tu rn the en the counties of Oregon, rep resen t- <*> notlry us eau> anci gei 111 m e n . ......................... « > will be allowed to retain th e docks, the assurance of a post-season foot- f ° r ending the coal strik e, opened lu m b e r over to tlie poor fam ilies for ing th e ir sh a re of m oney from the copy by th e 14th, th e latest. F oreign M inister M ueller is ex- hall gam e w ith Corvallis, th e local m orning. A quick decision in federal governm ent for rentals, sales As th e num ber of pages will fuel. rtis ts have resum ed stric t favor of a d °I'tin K th e proposal was of U m ber and o th e r sources from th e ❖ be few th e available space w i|l 4» pected to p resen t th e b o tes to th e pi{;Skin a rti ----------- LONDON, Dec. 10.— “ The extent and are perfecting th e plays forecast by several ot th e leaders as forest reserves w ithin th e state. Of 4> be sold early. Telephone th e * reichstag for discussion im m ediately tra in in g and CHICAGO. Dec. 10.— A cold wave to which a tax is felt by th e tax- they entered th e hall. sw eeping east from the- Rockies is payer is dependent very m uch on its these ap p o rtionm ents Jackson coun- 4* office and ou r adv ertisin g m an 4> so his governm ent m ay send its 111- and tactics which took them through cau sin g w idespread discom fort newness and ju st as a m an becomes t wjjj get $8658.59 and K lam ath will call. ♦ stru ctio n s to P.aron von L ersnei, the tlie season ju st closed w ithout once m eeting defeat. R eports w hat doctors call ‘to le ra n t’ to a d ru g COu nty $8594 99. 4> 4> 4> *$• <§>4>4>4>4’ 4>4>4> 4>‘ G e rm a n ^ rep re sen ta tiv e ^ i^ J^ an s. th ro u g h the m iddle west Every m an on the first strin g has from th e west show actu al ’ suffer- and requires increasing doses to af- f u lly . recovered from the m inor ing in m any places w here th e cold feet him, so a taxpayer becomes ‘tol- bruises and sprains incurred th ro u g h ­ h lasts found fuel supplies exhausted, e ra n t’ in tim e to la rg e r doses of tax ,” out the season, and will he in tin- T he cold wave sw eeping east and said D octor J. C. Stam p, th e econo­ best of fighting form next Saturday. so u th . is sending the tem p e ra tu re to m ist, in a lectu re a t U niversity col- Lebanon dem anded the best ex­ THE PASS, M anitoba, Dec. 10.— zero as fa r south as the Texas pan- lege. hibition th is season on the p a rt of Approxim ately 50W og team s in sev- h an d le. T em p eratu res ran g in g to He added th ere ought to he w rit- the G ran ts Pass team , but quit ju st e ra i p arts of th e north'.and are b e ­ 20 below and low er a re reported ten up in every revenue office: at, the boys had th e ir “ Irish up” and ¡ng train ed for th e 100-mile H udson's from th e D akotas. N ebraska. Mis “ Please don’t say you would be pleas- a few of th e real were uncorking Bay dog derby race to he held here so u ri, Colorado. W yoming. Idaho. Or- ed to pay the tax if you only got ground-gainers. March 17. Now th a t the Nome All- the incom e, because you w ouldn’t .” egon and M ontana. Alaska sw eepstakes race has been fs îs .fo i> « abandoned, th e Hudson Bay contest CHICAGO. Dec. 10.— Indication of g> <$. <$> $ is generally regarded a s-th e big dog WEATHER FORECAST » th e cold wave covering th e m iddle »> classic of the continent. w est b reak in g has been received A price of $1,000 has been hung Oregon— Not so cold; ra in 4> W h ite River. C ut., reported 11 be •> up for the race. The race course ♦ low zero. H avre. M ont., and Lew ­ - so u th ; rain, snow north. extends from here to the gorld fields 4> 4> 4> isto n . N. D , have divided honors and retu rn . No stops will be a l­ on th is side of th e C anadian line lowed from th e s ta rt to the finish. STARVED SAYING F I ND w ith 28 below. All tra in s have been tied up today The H udson Bay derby was estab ­ Many sections of the country have starv atio n , a lth o u g h lie had m ore A on alcount of the storm . A bridge lished two years ago. NEY ARK, Dec. 10.— Death by rep o rted the coldest December w eatli is reported to have gone out no rth sta rv a tio n , alth o u g h he had m ore e r in th e ir history. of R oseburg which has delayed the th an 2000, has overtaken F ra n k Za- tra in s from the n o rth , while deep P<>BTbA\D_\4OMAN_ HADIA_ oielski, who denied him self the b a r­ BURNED FROM GAS HEATER snow in the m ountains is holding back est necessities in life in o rd er th a t PORTLAND. Dec. 10.— Mrs. A. B. th e tra in s from th e south. The te l­ he m ight som eday re tu rn in opu­ egraph lines a re also reported down A rcher. 22 years old, residing a t 309 \\v lence to his wife and th re e children all over th e country. Only one line ( ' ;1V s t ’ ept- waB seriously burned in Russia. when her dress caught fire from con- is clear to P o rtla n d today. The hollow cheeked a n d ' pallid 3 p ' m — L ate reports from th e t a<* w ith a gas heater. She is in (By th e United Press') SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 10.— F o l­ R ussian died suddenly of a m alady tra in s into Ashland sta te th a t all St. V incent's hospital and h er con- which puzzled physicians u ntil C oun­ low ing a re m ark et q u o tations: tra in s from the n o rth are cancelled, dition is said to he critical, ty Physician W arren reported th a t EGGs— E x tras SOc. while those from the south will be W ith h er clothing a m ass of flam es death was due to starv atio n . BU TTER— E x tras, G8c. very late in arriving. T rain No. th e wom an began to scream and POULTRY— B roilers, 3 Sc; hens 1 4 .'d u e a t 6:40 th is m orning, got E thel Massey, residing in the sam e OUSTED FOR TREASON thro u g h , but was m uch delayed. house, ran to her rescue and suc- 36c. BUDAPEST, Dec. 10.— Count Mi­ __________________ reeded in saving Mrs. A rcher from CATTLE— Top steers, 11 %c. chael K arolyi, form er H ungarian Salem .— “ Real P ru n e r” being a te rrib le death. Miss Massey sm oth- HOGS— Top, 15c. w ethers, prem ier, has been d eb arred from the m an u factu red here m eeting w ith ered th e flam es w ith difficulty, SHEEP— Ewes. 6 ^ c ; n atio n al casino on a charge of hav- great favor and prom ises su b sta n tia l The house did not catch lire and 10c. $3.47 L4; ing com m itted “ treaso n ab le of­ the fire department was not called. BARLEY — Spot feed. __ in d u stry for city. fense».” ^hipping, $3.25. CAMPAIGN OF “ EFFICIENCY” British Aviator Finished Flight IE OF SEASON OF TIMBER SALES : ; Time Makes Larger Doses of Taxes $1,000 Offered For Dog Races Conflicting Thoughts STORM FIES ÜP LROAD II £ y i / 4 A O