Tuesday, Novem ber 18, 1010 ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS PAtiK FOUR — ii «• Join th e D. O. K. K .’s. 57-22 A fifteen a c ie tia c t of land in the Belleview d istrict belonging to W . S. E astm an has been purchased bv J. E. Ross recently. The sale was m ade th ro u g h Mrs. S. L. A llen's real e sta te agency. H em stitching, Picoting, in cents a yard. W e pay th e postage. T h e ' Vanity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl * * • Miss E vangeline Poley, one of the teach ers in the Ju n io r high school, was a Medford visitor d u rin g the week end. * * » You w ant Studio A shland photo= for Xm. s. I t’s none too early. 5 4-tf « • Mrs. F red Dennv. who has been, visiting in P o rtlan d , stopped off in A shland yesterday to visit with rel- ; fives for a short tim e before re­ tu rn in g to her hom e in Roseville. Calif. Mrs. Denny is a siste r of Mrs E. E. Phipps and F ra n k Crouch of tfiis city. » * » Fine work tak es tim e. Sit for your X m as photos now. Studio Ashland. • « a Eam onn d'V alera, president of the “ Republic of Ire la n d ,” who has been to u rin g the coast for the past week J passed th rough th is section y ester­ day forenoon. He left tra in 13 at .Medford w here he was m et by a del­ egation who brought him hv au to to A shland over the Pacific highw ay to again resum e his tra in journey from P ortland to San Francisco. Only an inform al reception was held in M edford, as th e Irish lead er is badly worn with speaking and can cnly do so at his re g u la r appoint­ m ents. “ A rrival of K itty ” a t High School Gym F riday evening, Nov. 21. 68-3 COMMANDERY MEETING S tated conclave' of M alta Com­ mander}’ No. 4. Masonic Tem ple, , .. . W ednesday evening, Nov. 19. Im- po rtan t business in addition to rou- tin e m atters, consequently "a full at- ten d an ce is im plied. - O. F. CARSON. E. C. W. H. DAY, Recorder. Cem ent com pany; m otion. F a rm e rs' and F ru it G row ers’ Bank ap p ellan t vs F. Roy Davis, respond ent; mandate. W arner, W ortm an & Gore vs. Med- ford R ealty and Im provem ent com- pany; satisfaction of judgm ent. Shirley B aker et al vs T. W. Os- good et a l; satisfaction of judgm ent. , .< -< , •, ,, Mr. and Airs. M. F. Cvester, well known residents of A shland. will jeave (^¡3 evening on tra in No. 53 for F ra n k fo rt, Ind., w here they will m ajje tb e jr fu tu re home. They will- join th e ir son-in-law and d a u g h te r P ro b a te C ourt. Mr. a n d Mrs D. D. N orris, who pre­ M . M. McKinyon, incom petent, es- » a . ta te ; ad m itted to probate. ceded them th e re several m onths Piano in stru ctio n in homes. ago. dress C. S. M itchell, 128 L aurel St. • H enderson H ash, e sta te; inventory and appraisem ent. » • * 68-3; a . p T aient e sta te ; order. Rose Bros, c a rry a full line of A ntoinette De P e a tt, e s ta te ; or- H aw aiian G uitars, steel picks, etc. Her. . • * * M ary K. Gusez e sta te; w ithdraw - COURT NEWS. Miss Jean A nderson is in the pub­ -J. -Î. + «» .i- Î;. .•§ <4; <§> -î> al of claim s. Clyde A. M ineau e sta te and guard- lic lib rary assisting in th e \W> C i r c u i i c ianship; order, petition. there. She expects to succeed Miss Sam uel Cozzens vs. S?riey B aker et . ^ n S n e ^ i o ^ r ^ a t " 01'’ gU ardianship: E stelle Jones, who has resigned her a l; assignm ent of judgm ent. ‘ p D. S toddard . . Chauncey e sta te: in- position in th a t in stitu tio n . ♦ * * ...mn M . Sweeney vs County o r : vepto rv and a p p ra jseirient, proof of Jack so n et al; tra n sc rip t of ju d g - pu b licatio n . Leave your m agazine subscriptions m ent. E. E. G rainger e sta te bond of with us. Poley’s D rug Store. Geo. L. T reiehler vs. H. C. Chis- ad m in istra trix . • » « to ffe rso n ; c e rtificate of atta ch ... m e n t. ™ . Lind Nelson e sta te ; petition, or C hauncey Florey et al vs W ent- dpr See K itty when she arrives. 68-3 w orth & Irw in, In v .; answ’er. M ary K. Gusez e s ta te ; final ac­ * ’ ’ ’ N D. T urpin vs F. D. E ism an n ; count, order. Tall Thom pson of P o rtlan d , a rep- cost bill, F lizabeth D inw idde e sta te ; order, reseu tativ e of th e London & Laqca- Rogue R iver F ru it and Produce proof of publication. shire F ire In su ran ce com pany, was association vs H. E. Ire lan d ; for E ugene B. Hoke e sta te; proof of money. nnblication. a business visitor in A shland this C. E. Gates et aj vs Olaf Seversen; T M. N ourse e s ta te ; bond of ad- week. lien. „ „ TT. , r . _ ., • m in istratrix . * * * R ?• HJ nes and J - A- Snidev as- Wqvpo N G rnbb eRtatp proof of Call a t Rose B ros.’ and see th e lat- ®u7\e business nam e of Hines & rm blication. 4 L Hale 5ncomnetflnt. «r„or di-'n- est Edison Diamond Disc Phono- Snider A uto com pany. graph. Tone unsurpassed, Hom e .H e n r y K erby vs Gail K erby; no- ,jbin a rd pqtf, tp; gppond SPTn, dem o n stratio n s gladly given 67-3 1C®- account, th ird sem i-annual account. * * - „ EJ m ay L - Hosley et al vs Je sse . C ar, D„vid s tn „ t PRtatp. ordPr Rev C G Mo>’ris th e p asto r of 1 a n s' \ e i ’ rhotion. A uu. i is, m t paaiui u. C alifornia-O regon T o w e r Co., vs , uguste F. Bagiev e sta te ; petition, th e M ethodist church of T alent, had business in A shland yesterday » »> ♦ H ave a fit a t O rres Tailors. 52tf ’ ’ ’ • Miss E stelle Jones of th e public lib rarv was a M edford v isitor yester- h ^ O. N ordw ick; u n d e rta k in g , a ffi-i Toorists Stopping At Local Hotels $ B illiard players p refer th is place because they know th a t they can get GOOD cues; and m odern equipm ent m akes a lot of difference in the pjeasure of tbe gam e. You KNOW It. Profanity, gambling and other un- desirable elem ents are absolutely TABOO here. W e invite GENTLE- MEN only’ T his is a clean, congenial am ase- m ent £or decent c ean-cut fel- low’s. Alnutt’s Billiard Par loi’ DOUGLAS HUNTERS KILLED 14 BEAR THIS SEASON ROSEBURG— T hat b ear have been u n usually p lentiful in th e m oun­ tain s of Douglas county th is year, is judged from th e experience of Chas, Beckley and H. B. G rubbe, two well known ran ch ers of the N orth Ump- qua, ab o u t 10 m iles from th is city. The men reported, recently th a t with th e killing of a n o th e r fine b e a r last F irs t N ational Bank of A shland vs ! t o C ^ K ^ n a R e s t a t e ; adm it- M att D ora; o rd er affidavit. ted to probate. Ella B. Mills vs M att Dove: affi-L d a“ it. order. A f * » F e U <•<»»*CO«. W dliam K ennison vs Carl W . Ab- John M T avlor and Gladvp M’Her erer b e et al; m otion. Chas. L. H uestes and Mrs. M ary E lizabeth A. Sm ith vs H ow ard P. K epnev. l:!J‘ Wilcox et al; o rd er confirm ing. Joseph E. Silva and Thelm a Ab-! * * - j l . H a rn e r vs. Nan L. S trickfaden bott. K itty a rriv es a t th e High School et >1; order. W illiam R. A skren and Azelea L. i Gym F riday evening, Nov; 21. 6S-3 R- W. H alhurd vs. F red erick C. P age et a l£ order. A rlee D. H atch and M yrtle E. R. W. Halhurd. vs F red erick C. •ft. . , , B urns. Mr. and Mrs. H arry Briggs o f,Y ak­ ft ti ' C harles M. H a lt «nd » n n i L ew is. im a. W ash., a re visiting at th e hom e ' ! John H. T yrell et * al vs Af M anganese r c bv sn d Mf)rv R , of Mrs. B riggs’ p aren ts, Mr. and Metal com pany; a ft’davit. W a lter C. L arned, a d m in istra to r, j T;ipV Mn,lpplv and P d !th j n h ^ n p Mrs. O. R. T u rn e r on Sixth street. » » * vs Rogue R iver \ alley C anning com- -------------------------------------------------------- They expect to leave shortly for panv; receiver’s report. Special sale of m illinery. All h ats If You Aye L ooking F o r S o uthern C alifornia to spend the H. R. Moore vs Lena M oore; p ro o f, one-half price at the V anity Shop. of publication: affidavit. Medford. 55-12 winter. Ona A. Morse vs Jackson County 0 « « » ♦ » B ank; d em u rrer. High School Gym F rid ay evening. George L. T reieh ler vs H. C. i Cliff T a y n e m akes h an dkerchief Nov. 21. See K itty arrive. 6S-3 C h risto ferse n ; dem and for hill of boxes. 67-3 » * * p a rticu lars. • « « Try the W illiam B. M orris, a well known E lizabeth N A nderson e t al vs: All book stu d en ts of Ashland will „ , , . George A. N onas et a l; am ended an- citizen of H ilts. Calif., was a business sw er learn w ith real regpet of the resig­ c a ller in A shland th is m orning. r? Schuler vs Gust F ask e et ux; nation of Miss E stelle Jones as as­ ♦ * * 'c o st bill, m otion, a ffid av it. Judgm ent. sistant city libr rian. Miss Jones was Special th is week O leom argarine Talent Irrig a tio n d istrict vs A. C. alw ays helpful in gettin g th e m a­ Caldw ell: service of sum m ons. 40 cents the pound; two pounds for Tbp E a r , F ru jt ComDany of th e terial one needed and th e m em bers 75 cents; beat it if von can. Plaza N orthw est vs P a tte rso n O rchard of the study clubs of the city feel M arket, 64 N orth Main. 6S-4t com pany: to recover m oney. th at her leaving is a serious loss to » * ♦ Elfa May Cross vs George W il- them . o- liam Cross; suit for divorce, , , , Special; fine cottage nam s 3.» p ra n L- m . Moxom vs A rth u r Conk- Plaza M arket, 64 ]ey p^ a j. sn^ ¡ o foreclose. Q uality first a t Studio A shland. cen^s Hie pound 68-4t W illiam P erry vs Nancy J. Bishop * • • N orth Main. » » et «1: for m oney, a tta ch m e n t. K. E. Corson wms in G ran ts P ass * Phone 81 John H. T yrell vs Manganetee ever Sunday paying a visit to his Mra- Val Snyder and two sons are A’etal com pany; foreclosure. b ro th er. C. f-I. Corson and fam ily. hom e from H inevale, 111., w here the} Chhken Dinner Every Sunday. Ida Snyder vs B eaver P o rtla n d » * • • w ere called th re e weeks ago by th^ Open from 6 A. M. till 9 :3 (\ P. M. OH! MY BACK! We will he b u sier in December. illness of M rs- Snyder’s fath er. The ASHLAND. OREGON. his d a u g h te r died before Don’t w ait. Studio A shland. 54-tf 1{|Her The E xpression of M any a K idney re a d ie d his home. S u ife ie r in A shland. A stu b b o rn backache is cause to i Miss Em ily K aiser is in O akland suspect kidney tro u b le. W hen th e visiting witli h er sister. Miss Arme- kidneys a re inflam ed and sw ollen,! da K aiser, a teach er in th e public stooping b rin g s a sh a rp tw inge in i schools, and niece. Miss Lillian K ai­ th e sm all of th e back, th a t alm ost tak e s th e b re a th away. D oan’s K id -| ser. a stu d en t in th e U niversity of îîT n an n tîtK K n n J» ney P ills revive sluggish kidneys— ’ ïîîîi Califo rnia. The L adies’ Aid of th e M ethodist, « « f v e aching back Ask y o u r neigh-i • • • bo»-! H ere s A shland proot: Hot tam ale, chill an a n o t d rin k s church will hold its social m eeting Mrf. j Ga ib»aith, 136 S herm an tom orrow , gt., says: “ Some years ago my kid- a t Rose Bros. 67-3t in th e church p arlo rs • * * A special neys w ere in a bad way. At tim es W ednesday, afternoon. acted too freely, and th en again Miss Nellie Beaver, tea c h e r in the invitation is extended to stra n g e rs they r ot often enough. My back felt weak Gold Hill schools, was an over Sun- to come and get acquainted. lam e w and I was , and «*w **«v -—— — ---- tire d and lan- day visitor a t h er hom e here. She ---------- guld all the tim e. F inally I began was accom panied by Miss H arter. The L adies’ A uxiliary club held ta k in g D oan’s K idney Pills, and the} one of the teach ers in th e grades of th e ir reg u la r fo rtn ig h tly m eeting in ^ ^ h e N ^ t i o i ? eo ? m v k i(In e y s,’^ 1 th e Gold Hill schools. C hautauqua M emorial hall last even- gince tbpn j have a iw ays used D oan’s » » • ¡ng. The principal business tra n s- v.-her I have felt my kidneys needed Upw ards of 300 M edford people acted was the election of officers for atte n tio n . They have never failed were in atten d an ce at the Sousa band the coming, and those selected were to ^ dpp a t al1 de iiers D on’t concert in the arm orv at th is city as follows: P resident, Mrs. S. B. ^ m piy ask t o / a kidney rem edy— get Sunday afternoon. Two hundred M cNair; vice-president. Mrs. A. C. D oan’s K idney P ills— th e sam e th a t and fifty tick ets w ere sold at Palm - Briggs; secretary . Miss Em m a Jen- Mrs. G albraith had. Foster-M ilburn e r ’s m usic <’ore d u rin g th e week, kins; tre a s u re r, Mrs. E. H. B ush; ( °-- W rs .. B uffalo, X. A. then the b eautiful w e a th er of th at house com m ittee. Mrs. H. G. E nders, day inspired a num ber of others to Jr. The social period follow ing was come up and get th e ir adm ittan ce greatly enjoyed, w ith tin e refresh- tic k e ts at the door. m ents served by th e hostesses, Mrs. W alter L. Maxey, Misses N orton, Lee, ■ W ill th e re be a V lctrola in your Coshow and Clark. hom e this Xm as? You will have to Y oung Couple W edded h u rry . They a re going fast. Term s The m arria g e of Miss Grace M ar­ can he arran g ed . Rose Bros. 67-3t « • • garet Spencer and C larence M orris Mrs. Joseph Poley has gone to Al­ was solem nized last evening a t the hambra, Calif., to join h e r son, W. hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Dobbin Irw in H. Poley. who w ith his fam ily is on N orth Main stre e t. Rev. C. A. spending th e w inter there. Mrs. Po­ E dw ards, p asto r of the TTethodist ley expects to rem ain in C alifornia church, perform ed th e cerem ony in the presence of th e fam ily. H ubert for several m onths. * * • B entley accom panied th(^ groom. Mr. Miss E lizabeth I). P alm er has gone M orris is well know n in th is city and to S acram ento to spend a week or is employed as d riv er for the Ice ten days in th a t city. and Storage com pany, while the « « • b ride is a popular young wom an of Every one in terested in the Epis­ D unsm uir. The young people will Oak St. Tel. 117 copal church should be present live in th is city. W ednesday aftern o o n and evening at T rin ity Episcopal church. Rev. F. S. Flem ing of Chicago and D. H C. Eixott of P ortland will be pres­ 'C A t? R a n k , w t h The C him a. C .'acfä.' ent. GOOD EATS Calc Good Cues and Tips Hotel Austin H arry E. Dell. Tacom a; H en riette W eber, Mrs. George K nott, G lendale; Phili Carlow , S eattle; H. S. Riley, E G SuRjvan, San F rancisco; J. J. ' ' ... . . , ... , Cooper, wife and two children, Seat- tie ; M. D eR an d i and wife, Chicago, F O 111.; R. Schakl, P o rtla n d ; r • j ohnson .W e e d .C a lif .; J. M. T refren , sold to W illiam R andolph H earst B risbane today announced. He said Roseburg. Hotel Colum bia he has also sold th e W isconsin News, “ C le a n R alph Hopping, San F rancisco; published in M ilwaukee, to H earst. Lee L. Covert, R oseburg; F. P a rk e r,; ~ ----------------— J- P. L asky; W. C. Davis, D unsm uir,! C alif.; R obert McKee, P o rtla n d : L. B. A tterb u ry , W. G. B urt, L. F. Dur- bin, Roseburg. 1 VX 1 > S p o rt fo r R e g u la r F e llo w » ’ ,• • . .'Sr- '■ e . . . M akesY our A u to To p L ik e N e w ^o’^ te r p r o o f - ” .- ' COMR)«*»»»»♦< SHOW AT 9:15. ADMISSION ADULTS 50c; TAX 5c TOTAL 55c. CHILDREN .09c; TAX lc. TOTAL 10c. fe? MASS MEETING W ednesday E vening at 7 :3 0 Speakers: Rev. F. S. Flem ing, Chi­ cago; Dr. H. C. Fixott. P o rtlan d . LET EVERYONE COME i/Tli<íFívsiNaücíiaíBatik ASHLAND. OREGON EV C A R TE R . PRES. C H V A U P E L VICE PRES j w M c COY. C a s h ie r C L A R r Buòn ASST C ash Ashland Is the First Valley Town Io See This Production