fo i* f ASHLAND DAILY TIDINGS FACE TWO Tuesday, October S i, 1019 chard tra c t .......................... 700 H E L PFU L WORDS "EA G LE” LAUNCHED AT joining d iffe re n t squadrons of th e < S > COURT NEWS. ♦ H. L. W hite to Anne Gish FORD SHIPAARD i ~[j. S. F le e t:— Six of th e F o rd boats F rom an A shland Citizen. B arham ; lot 26, 27, block LOCAL AND PERSONAL Is your back lam e and painful? ---------- a re going to th e P hilippines to re- R. R. addition to Ash­ Does it ache especially a fte r exer­ ---------- I place six old d estroyers and gun- ,■■•.•i,............ . land ........................................ 10 tion? Marriage Licenses. 52tf 500 Bodies Daily I o Be Made in b o a tg . a n o th e r squ ad ro n will join the A bram I. D etw iler et ux to Is th e re a soreness in th e kidney C harles McCanna and Leota Mc­ Have a fit a t O rres T ailors. C larence W. W hite; N. half • . . P la n t. i In te rn a tio n a l P a tro l off th e coast of 10 region? Dowell. of SE. 32, 36, 1 W .............. F ord “ E agle" Boat N um ber Sixt> ’ fib sn a . «p.,tripo" i 9 .,nd ? qre now These sym ptom s suggest w eak kid­ F ra n k S. Stanley and L u ra H utch­ Ida S tew art to C. W. W’hil- Tom Pappas, a well know n young . th e * Cb ’ E g *’ 2 “ nd 3 a re no neys. ison. . „„v had haan in th e emulov tb e “ st one tO be doing p atrol duty ad jacen t to Arch- lock; land in Galloway ad ­ If so th e re is d an g er in delay. G reek, who had been in th e p y p o rd M otor com pany under th e stip- R ussia >nd it is Quite proba- _ _ - Nelson E. B rikall and Eva J. Os- dition to M edford .............. 7,000 KLAMATH FALLS, Ore., Oct. 21. borne W eak kidneys get w eaker fast. •M th e S outhern Pacific in A shland . i ange1’ Kussla> and it is quite proDa A. C. G ienger et ux to P. A. uulations of its w ar-tim e c o n tra ct ble th a t a sm all fleet will be sent to Give your tro u b le prom pt a tte n ­ — Every im p o rta n t m a tte r bearing i ---------- previous to th e break in g out ot the N&vy D epartm ent_ w as 10 Cox; land in 9, 39, I E . . . . tion. .. , .. .. , C ircuit Court Italy. Mary J. M inkler to E. W. Mil­ w a r, is back from overseas service launched at th e R iver Rogue (De- t upon th e conservation of the tim ber Doan’s K idney P ills are for weak S arah R. J e te r (executrix) vs. The “ E ag les” w ere designed par- I ler; land in Davis F irs t ad­ Tom served for over a year In the c kidneys. Ask your neighbor? E lizabeth Yockey et a l; answ er. supply of K lam ath and L ake coun­ _ tro it) yard August 16, a t 3 .3 0 p. m ., ^icularly to carry th e su b m arin e de- dition to M edford Y our neighbors use and recom ­ A m erican arm y and has lately re and th e long T hornburgh vs. D. D. Boyle W ayU nd *G.“*Smith“ e t ’ ux to assem bling building tec tin g devices o r " lis te n e rs ,” depth ties will be discussed a t a m eeting Cl Anna m end them . tu rn e d to th is city w earing th e uni- et ai> a l; OUU11UUUO, sum m ons. j a y T errill e t ux; land in - <5am which is a th ird of a mile long and bom b protec to rs and th ree-inch guns here today and tom orrow of federal W. H. Edm onds vs. H. H. M cCarty Read th is A shland testim ony. T alent .................................... io rm 01 uncie bam. housed tw enty-one of th e subm arine Mrs. S. O. McDonald, 685 B St., w ith which to com bat th e U-boat and s ta te fo resters, entom ological ex- et a L o rd er of dism issal. Rebecca Colem an to H. B. Nye A shland, says: " I can recom m end a u v a v j .. , . . , . .1 v .u . 1. , ,71 R alph H. McCurdy, W alter Browne chasers a t a tim e, is , already being et ux; land in P a rk ad d i­ body building nCe 14 b6n a re l0Cat p rac by D oan’s K idney P ills ju st as highly Chief of Police J. W H atch er and tran g ferred into a body building ° ..listen e r hHd Thev tically pertS and m em bers of th e K lam ath j r ., Lincoln M cCormack, incorporate tio n to M e d f o r d ................... today as I did a few years ago when y •> „ . nn,,Aniiv and C ounties F ire association. as M cCurdy-Browne M otor Co. Clarence C. Pierce to C. A. G eorge R. Robison of the fire de- p lan t wRb a p roposed o u tp u t of 500 noise]egg I gave my first statem en t. I have in operation, light, speedy C ontrol of the pine beetle and th e Abbie K ribs and C. P. K ribs certify K nig h t; SJ. half of NE. of n a rtm e n t are back from a hu n tin g bodie3 daily. tak e n D oan’s on several occasions and so constructed th a t a quick get- assig n m en t of an a irp lan e fire p atrol to ow nership of C. P. K ribs & Co. 10 for lam eness across my kidneys and NW. of NE. 11, 36, 1W . . . expedition. W hile they have no P ord officia,8> w orkers, s a ilo rs , aw ay jg pog8ible_ it being necegsary K lam ath and L a h , th re a t, hex, LTm " h a n ie ^ ' H arold C. Sam pson e t ux to it required only a few doses to re ­ Jireat tales of bagging big gam e to and m any invited gue9ts w itnessed tp oftep gtop tp w hne chag. Ja y T errill et ux; land in lieve me of the m isery. D oan’s K id­ y e a r a re two im p o rta n t m a tte rs fori y S tew art vs. Mrs. M. E. T alent re p o rt they claim a fine tim e out in tb e iau n ching. N um ber Sixty was ney Pills have also proven beneficial ing down a detected sub. Had the discussion. T here a re m ore th an Holm es, W. B. Holm es, H. W. E w er, George B. M arshal et ux to th e wilds. dressed w ith flags and b u n tin g and signing of th e arm istice prevented— 40,000,000,000 feet of stan d in g tim - N. E. E w er; tra n s c rip t of jud g m en t to an o th e r m em ber of ou r fam ily who Donald L. Colvig; lots 1 has had considerable kidney tro u ­ as it found its level in the Rogue and {bey would have o p e ra ted ” in flotil- h e r in th e tw o counties. The fire /™ ™ C] ataop co u n ty ; and 2- block O rchard ad- ble.” JH em stitching, Picoting, 10 cents floated free from the railroad tra c k s Jag pf tb re e association believes th a t it Is u rgent- gon; d em u rrer. a itio n 10 M eaiora .............. Price 60c, a t all dealers. Don’t , C ertificate of title to G. J. n yard. W e pay th e postage. The which had carried it onto th e eleva- sim ply ask for a kidney rem edy— C om m ander Nicholas, statio n ed at ly necessary to have th e p atro l es­ C. W. P alm vs. A. J. M oran et al; Olson; east h a lf of lot 4, get D oan’s Kidney Pills— the sam e V anity H at Shop, M edford, Ore. 6-tl to r-lik e launching table, th e factory the Rogue Y ard, said he knew of tab lish ed by th e next dry season. stip u latio n . block 4, P ierce subdivision. th a t Mrs. McDonald had. F oster- * * * w histle took p a it in th e cerem ony by nQ 8tatem ent o r report issued by the Ida Snyder vs. B eaver P o rtla n d c e rtific a te of title to E. Ren- Of fa r g re a te r im portance, how­ M ilburn Co.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. C em ent Co.; dam ages. shaw et ux; land in 42, Miss F rances Briggs has gone back blowing sixty b lasts—-one, for each Nftyy D epartm ent relativ e to th e ever, is control of th e pine beetle. E lizabeth N. Anderson vs. George 37, 1W. ----- to h er work in San Francisco a fte r boat launched a t the Ford yard, m erits.o f th e "E a g le s,” b u t th a t they T he a n n u a l tim b er loss from the A. Morse et al; notice. spending a two w eeks’ vacation w ith Tw enty-five “ E agles” have already have perform ed rem ark ab ly well on b e e tle ’s ste a lth y boring is said by B enjam in O. H atfield vs. Jennie E. No person ever really profits from h er p aren ts, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. been com m issioned by th e navy, and tb e jr tria l trip s and a y testg gjVen tim b erm en to be ten tim es as g reat as H atfield; affidavit and stipulation. a gift unless he m akes an effort H enry K erby vs. Gail K erby; mo­ B riggs of th is city. is expected th a t th e rem aining tbem j ust before leaving th e F ord th e fire loss. Up to th is tim e the to deserve it. To accept and forget boats will he entirely com pleted by Y ard. And th a t had they been called K la m a th and L aae C ounties F ire as­ tion and notice. ---------- ! is but to forge a n o th e r link in the Novem ber 1. One th in g which great- into actu al service, they w ould have sociation has w aged a single-handed Roy A nderson and little son Don- , , .. P ro b a te C ourt. fe tte rs which chain you to a fu tu re aid , of K lam ath county, w ere in Ash- y p io ongec e w or ^ as ,------------ proven a ------- very form idable enem y of fig h t ag ain st th e pest, b u t has found E st. E m m a A. H ale: sem i-annual wRboiR hope and w ithout rew ard. land yestc lav spending the day w ith cbanges m ade ,,n be o u tfittin g o i thQ gubraarineg. it too m uch of a problem , and is report. E st. L innie L orella M organ and th e boats shortly a fte r th e arm istice calling in th e experts in hope th a t E dw in George M organ; petition, mo­ Mr. and Mrs. H. H. G illette. They TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FORD GARAGE, was S ig n e d . As rapidly as the som e cheap, speedy and effective tion, order. w ere on th e ir way to O akland, Ore., H a rriso n Bros., Props. “ E ag les” a re com m issioned, they are E st. S arah M onroe; final account ®ALE rJ®tm isb „ . G iaats and m eans of e ra d ica tin g th e beetle m ay to visit w ith relatives. B elgian rabbits. F ine breeding J u s t arrived, a Complete shipm ent and order. be devised. O H B F ? .’ M S S rabbits. Call betw een hours of 8 P a risian Ivory Toilet Articles. I and 9 a. m., o r 5 and 6 p. m. 585 T he Daily T idings is on sale at R eal E s ta te T ran sfers. E. Main. ,4 4 -lt* TS IT ANYBODY’S BUSINESS?” M aggie Peil et ux to Edw in M irrors, $3.50 to $9.50. P o ley ’s D rug Store, A ln u tt’s Cigar anl K. Anderson et ux; land in P u ff Boxes, 90c to $2.00. S tore, and a t C. L . Loom is’ Confec­ FOR SALE— Cheap, im proved five 10 29, 37, 1 W ............................ $ (C o n trib u ted .) Combs, 25c to $1.50. acres; all kinds of fru it and nuts, tio n a ry sto re on th e B oulevard. tf Geo. O. J a ris et ux to Viola b eau tifu lly located in city. Five Is it anybody’s business • • • Files, 35c to $1.25. Evelyn C aldw ell; lan d in room ed house. Phone Mrs. Lea­ If a gentlem an should choose H air B rushes, $3.50 to $7.00. 10 Mrs. M. B. C rocker of P o rtla n d a r ­ City of A s h l a n d ................... vitt, 415-L. 44-2t To w ait upon a lady. C. E. T errill to John F. Rocho B uffers, $1.00 to $2.00. rived in A shland yesterday to spend et ux: SE. of NE.. NE. of If th e lady don’t refuse? Jew el Boxes, 50c to $5.00. a few days w ith friends. She is on Tim e to th in k of NE., W. half of NE. of 25, Or, to speak a little p lainer h e r way hom e from San Francisco . All m em bers of O rganized L abor, F a rm e rs and 206 38, 2 W .................................... Come in and m ake your selection T hat my m eaning all m ay know, N orris J. R easoner to John w here she had been to a tte n d th e C onsum ers in general a n l all in terested in the high while th e stock is com plete, as the Is it anybody’s business Ezch: land in 2, 38, 1W. w edding of h er d a u g h te r which took cost of living a re invited to m eet a t Moose Hall m an u fa ctu rers advise us th e ir stocks S. h alf of NW., N. h alf of T hat a lady has a beau? place S aturday in th a t city. a t 7:30 p. m., W ednesday, Oct. "22, 1919. SW. 22, 32. 2E., SW of SW. are being rapidly depleted. « • • W e have them both wood and coal 12, 40, 3E., land in Ash­ The p ractical side of th is question will be dis­ Is it anybody’s business Mrs. H evener and Miss Ew an have land ......................................... 5,000 burners. cussed by the m an ag er ofThe S tate Exchange, of If th a t gentlem an should call, Riley C. P o rte r et ux to purchased a hem stitch m achine and P o rtlan d , Oregon. L a u ra F. M cIntyre; lot, Or when he leaves th e lady, a re in stallin g it a t V aupel’s store. block “ A,” B oulevard ad ­ Or if he leaves a t all? They will, w ithin a few days, be dition to A shland .............. 1 Or 1s it necessary ready to do th is line of w ork for J. W. Stum p to M ary San- » HARDWARE T h at th e c u rta in s should be draw n fo rd ; land in Royal Or- th e ladies of A shland and vicinity. To save from fu rth e r tro u b le • • • The outside lookers on? C liff Payne m akes desks. 43-3 LAST PINE BEETLES z a a Ivory Py ra lin M a s s M e e t in g HEATING STOVES McNAIR BROS. •Provost Brothers J. C. T abor, who is spending th e W in ter and R. P. C ornelius left w in ter in P o rtlan d , cam e in yester- tbig m o rn jng for th e Dead Indian day to look a fte r business in terests count ry w here they will spend sev- bere. fcral days hun tin g . If th e w eath er holds good they m ay go as fa r as Hugh Sw aggart, who had been so tb e Lake of W oods. very ill in O akland, Calif., w here he * * • had undergone operations for ap- Mr and Mrs c . A. C otter spent nendicitis and to n silitis, h as so far th e week-, r.d in San Francisco vis- recovered as to be able to re tu rn to Rjllg w ith friends. A shland w ith his paren ts. Mr. a n d __________________ Mrs. Sw aggart w ere sent fo r several weeks ago on account of th e young m an ’s illness and a t th e tim e it was feared th a t he would not recover. • • * Dr. Moxon, a surgeon of Los An­ L! geles, who cam e to A shland last week, has located in th is city anti Is on th e sta ff a t th e S anitarium . Tie and wife his wife a re living a t the Vendom e ap artm en ts. • • • A call has been issued to all mem- The Tidings receives subscriptions bers of organized labor, farm ers and to th e Y ouths’ Com panion, $2.50 th e consum ers in general, who a re in ter- year. C om bination of Com panion ested in th e high co3t of living, to tf m eet a t Moose hall W ednesday, Oc- w ith McCalls, $2.95. • • • tober 22, a t 7 :3 0 p. m. The practi- Mrs. W illiam Bosqui retu rn ed cal side of th is question will be dis- hom e yesterday from P o rtla n d w here cussed by th e m anager of th e S tate she had been m aking an extended Exchange of P o rtlan d , visit. q A n um ber of th e m em bers of th e N azarene church w en| down to the county poor farm Sunday and con­ ducted services for th e inm ates. The services w ere in charge of T hornton W iley, and th e old people th e re en­ joyed th is a tte n tio n im m ensely. The F ru it A ssociation h a s tak e n over th e agency for M artin B ros.’ T rin ity G uild D inner T rin ity Guild will give a n o th e r of th e ir fam ous din n ers in th e P arish House next T hursday night. This so- ciety is noted for th e rem ark ab ly fine feeds th ey provide and th e com ing Olie will be no exception, • • • T rin ity Guild d in n er T hursday evening a t P arish House. 75c plate. 44-3 ' Is it anybody’s business But the lad y ’s, if her beau Rides out w ith o th er ladies And doesn’t let h e r know ? Is it anybody’s business But th e g en tlem an ’s, if she Should accept a n o th e r escort W here he doesn’t chance to be? If a person’s on th e sidew alk. W h e th e r g reat or w h e th e r sm all, Is it anybody’s business W here th a t person m eans to call? Gr be 8 ca^ ' n & anyw here, Is any oi y our business W hat bls business m ay be th ere ? The speaker a t th e P aren t-T each er circle a t Valley View last week was Mrs. Susie A rnold Good, a form er well know n n u rse in A shland, who gave a ta lk on th e history, n a tu re and sym ptom s of influenza. The substance of o u r query __________________ I Simply sta te d , would be th is: Is it anybody’s business U. S. TRAPSHOOTERS W h at a n o th e r’s business is? TO GO TO AN TW ERP. If it is or if it isn ’t, NEW YORK— Uncle Sam will send W e would really like to know; a team of trap slio o ters to com pete p or we a re cert a jn jf R isn ’t, in th e Olympic gam es a t A ntw erp T here are some who m ake it so. next year. Show ing m ade by A m erica’s best The young m an who is content to gun m en in th e m id-w inter tra p rem ain sta tio n a ry will never be a shooting to u rn a m en t a t P in e h u rst, success in life. If he fails to press N. C., from J a n u a ry 19 to 24, will forw ard he will soon find him self have m uch to do w ith th e selection slipping to th e rea r, and th e devil of th e m en who will fly th e colors tak e s care of th e b ln dm ost. of th e U nited S tates a g ain st th e ___________________ [ w or,d- ’. A shave a day is one of th e prim e The team will be chosen from requisites fo r advancem ent in mod- am ong th e high average shooters in ern com m ercial life. th e A. T. A. to u rn a m en ts of 2,000 ___________________ ta rg e ts or m ore. J t m ay be th e ten T ruly g rea t persons are often in­ leading shooters of a team selected sig nificant in th e ir o ^ n estim ation. from th e first 20 o r 50 by a compe­ But not so w ith th e pewee who apes te n t com m ittee. th e giant. “ If you h e a r anyone knocking Am ong th e co u n try ’s s ta r a m a teu rs A sbland e/ tin g bouses you tel1 tbem who m ay get to m ake th e trip to Bel- PAULSERUD & BARRETT K lam ath F alls F lo u r end Feed. 4 5-5 save you money on sam e. TH E gra C I T I Z E N S BAN K OFASHLAND Start TMC THEATER BEAJTIFUU TUESDAY ONLY Vivian Martin — IN — Don’t D e la y - An Innocent Adventuress Start To-Day W hy postpone opening an account w ith The Citi­ zens Bank of Ashland. You know how im portant It is to have m oney ahead for em ergency. S ta rt nojv. W EDNES DA Y— THURSDAY s Petite Marguerite Clark -in- Come-Out-oi-the Kitchen A part ju st suited to this clever little actress SAVINGS 14%ON DEPOSITS, ill!«» i“|:. ; --•lohi iOCb‘- U «i, I 'J Fine Tailoring cities,” rem ark ed F. E. W ash.; A rt R isser, P aris, 111.; W olfi F rench, who has ju st come hom e H enderson, Lexington, K y .;; Oscar * * « z, H. V -r eghte IS spending J! from H F Neb H For Men and Women. C. a » few w ith his wife by autom . . obile . n a ansen n aen , r i rem e m u o u n t i , 1’M e u . , • n u orace ra c e P o rtlan d . ‘‘Some of th e places we Ronser, C incinnati; L. M. W eedin, 171 East Main. Tel. 119 days in Ashland on his way from his; stru c k w ere sim ply d read fu l, and Cleveland; F. E. B rint, Toledo, ranch in th e north. they were in m uch la rg e r tow ns th a n __________________ _ E. R. Grieves of H ornbrook, C alif . A shland’ a ls° ' We alw ays s t°P ped P enny a n te is out of t h e ‘running. was in tow n over the w eek-end and 111 a tow n a t night to s ta y ’ a a d *f w® No self respecting person w ants to were too late to get into th e hotel dem ean him self by flipping such called on old-tim e friends. dining room s it was alm ost impossi- sm all change. • • • ble to get a n y th in g fit to eat. Don’t ------ . . . --------------------- ■___ ___ Mrs. J. D. M ars left Sunday m orn-i knock y our own eatin g houses. Ash­ ing for H aines. Ore., called th e re by land has b e tte r th a n the m ost outside th e serious illness of h er m other, j th e very large c itie s.” Mrs. Simons. Ashland Feed Store Dance every S atu rd ay evening at FLOUR. FE E D . SEEDS A shland N atatorium . L au n sp ach ’s Tourists Stopping The Best T aut Can Be Had On the Jazz o rch estra. 18-eodtf At Local Hotels M arket. • • • Mrs. J. H. Sw aggart, son H ugh and d a u g h te r M uriel, have retu rn ed from H otel A ustin O akland and will m ake th e ir home C. E. Minjc, R. C. Boss, San F ran - Tel. 214 on Oak street. ! cisco; W. C. Schuppie, P o rtla n d ; Mr. 353 East Main. • • • and Mrs. R. N. H arris, S. Sydney Misses Nellie P e rry and Helen Gray, Mr. and Mrs. H. Skevenson, W alker were over Sunday guests at New York C ity; A. A. Soule, P ort- th e hom es of th e ir p a re n ts on L iber- land; I. J. Luce, S eattle; Joseph ty stre e t. S Jacobs, San F rancisco; Mr. and * • • Mrs. J. P. D aniels, Mr. and Mrs. J. Mrs. H elen Sober and d a u g h te r. L. W aters, Salem ; J. F. Low rie, Mary G race, of Ashland spent th e P o rtla n d ; L. C. T aylor, M edford; J. we^Jf-end w ith friends n e a r Med­ G. H u n te r and wife, R oseburg; B. L. ford. H unt, Eugene. • • • H otel Colum bia Dr. George O. Ja rv is wishes to O. V. R oberts, J. R. Nash, Lewis announce th a t Dr. F ra n k M. Moxon M. W hite, P o rtla n d ; Mr. and Mrs. is now associated w ith him in m ed­ H O. H. Ziddell, R aym ond, W ash.; I. ical and surgical work. N. Moyer and wife, Denison, Texas; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. G regory and M. D. R in eh art and wife. W alla W al­ children from n e a r M edford w ere la, W ash.; J. Stew art, W. E. Mess- A shland visitors on S aturday. n e r* G K. Cam pbell, D unsm uir. H otel A shland • • • Mrs. N. S. B allenger is hom e from C. M. R u th e rfo rd , Pe Ell, W ash.; San F rancisco w here she had been Percy H uston and \yife, T oronto, spending several days d u rin g th e past Can.; A. L. Schreiber, F. T. M iller, ^reek. O akland, Calif. Tel. 117 Oak St. My Name Is Dennis Whittle Transier Line For Service Storage, Coal and Transfer ........... ■■■.... Re-insulating a bat­ tery is about the most expensive repair there is. And there’s only one kind of battery in gen­ eral use that isn’t prac­ I 'il üllüiíl' H i¡, • >! )' ¡ ;¡ il ¡ Iw O i ? Stallili f ¡¡íli'l "|l¡ !!■:,! ¡ m Camels are offered you as a cigarette entirely out of the ord in ary —a flavor and smoothness never before attained. To best realize their qual­ ity com pare Cam els w ith a n y cigarette in the w orld at a n y p rice! Camels flavor is so refreshing, so enticing, it will win you at once—it is so new and unusual. T hat’s what Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobacco gives you! You’ll prefer this blend to either kind of tobacco smoked straight! As you smoke Camels, you’ll note absence of any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or any un­ pleasant cigaretty odor. And, you’ll be delighted to discover that you can smoke Camels liberally w ith o u t tiring y o u r ta ste! Take Camels at any angle—they surely supply cigarette contentment beyond anything you ever You do not miss coupons, premiums or gifts. Y o u ’ll p r e fe r C am els quality! Jordan Electric Co. 18 A shland, O regon II W illard 3 RKCISTCRCO A ,.-: ' HSfeitffisÄÄiWiÄO T hat one exception is the Willard Battery with Thread­ ed Rubber Insulation. Come in gnd we'll tel' you why. m ask I M i!» tically certain to be re-ins ula ted—or ju n k ­ e d — w ith in th e next yea r o r two. TRADÌ •i 'b; i;W JB Cigarettes made to m eet your taste! Do You W ant to Save Some Money? C . . . __ c e n ts a p a c k a g e a g e * o f 2 0 c ig a re tte s o r te n p a c k a g e s 1 2 0 0 c ig a re tte s ) m a g la a s /n e -p a p e r -c o v e r e d c a rto n . W e s tro n g ly re c o m m e n d th is c a rto n f o r th e h o m e o r office s u p p ly o r w h e n y o u tr a v e l. h fell ll|1:!i|P 'IP II! ' M ! I I I III i'il j