Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 11, 1919, Image 1

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A shland D aily T idings
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(By th e U nited P ress)
BOSTON, Sept. 11. — Governor
C oolidge today dispatched the fo l­
lo w in g telegram to the secretary of
th e war and the secretary o f the
early settlem en t of th e police strik e.
M ayor P eters declared today th a t
resto ra tio n of o rd er is th e firs t ob­
ject to be obtained and th a t the
s trik e m a tte r will be tak e n up when
th e city is again under control.
L eaders of th e s trik in g police have
declared th a t th e m en a re as d e te r­
m ined as ever to hold for recogni­
tion of th e ir union.
"E ntire State Guard o f M assachu­
s e tts been called out. At present City
o f B oston is orderly. T here are ru­
m ors o f a very general strik e. Wish
you w ould hold you rself in readiness
(By th e U nited P ress)
to render assistan ce w ith th e forces
BOSTON, Sept. 11.— W ith m ore
und er your com m and im m ediately on
th an 6700 sta te gu ard s p atro lin g the
apiM*al w hich 1 may lie forced to
stre e ts, Boston is virtu ally an arm ed
m ak e to th e presid en t.”
BOSTON, Sept. 11.— R ioting was
renew ed h ere
w hen sta te
tro o p s attem p ted to break up throngs
of gam blers on Boston Common.
R aym ond Barnes, a sailor, was
Shot w hen he led an a tta c k on the
gu ard sm en . The
m arc h in g m ore th an a score of the
gam blers along th e stre e t w hen a
crow d attem p ted to release th e p ris­
Shots fired into th e a ir failed to
Btop th e a tta ck s, and th e crowd was
fin a lly dispersed by bayonet charges
Follow ing th is renew al of rioting
a s a resu lt of th e ex-police strik i
G overnor Coolidge asked th e navy
a n d w ar d ep artm en ts to be prepared
to re n d e r assistance i? necessary.
T he governor in his telegram said
th e r e w ere “ rum ors of a 'v e ry general
B trike.”
It is know n th a t union officials
a r e p rep a rin g to ta k e votes among
th e various organizations of w ork­
e r s on th e question of a sym pathetic
w a lk out.
An unknow n young w om an died
th is a fte rn o o n from w ounds received
w hen th e troops fired in to a mob of
lo o te rs last night.
T h ere a re no indications of an
camp on th e second day of th e po­
lice strike.
The city is quiet, how ever, fol­
lowing a night of rio tin g in which
two looters w ere shot to d eath by
the guardsm en and m ore th an a
score, including
tw o
girls, were
Rains, which fell in te rm itte n tly
th ro u g h o u t the night, failed to keep
the crow ds indoors and
rio ts in
which th o u san d s of men and boys
clashed w ith th e m ilitary, h u rling
stones and using clubs, were fre­
By Fred 8. Ferguson,
' (U nited P ress S taff C orrespondent.)
(By th e U nited P ress)
PA RIS, Sept, 11.— P rem ier B rat-
iano. of R um ania, has resigned, ac­
cording to advices which th e peace
conference received today.
The suprem e council has also been
inform ed th a t th e Serbian cabinet
has fallen.
As a resu lt th e tim e lim it allow ed
th e Serbians to sign th e A ustrian
tre a ty m ay be extended
Jacksonville, Sept. 10.— Business
not very brisk today.
Board of E qualization is in ses­
sion th is week and not a kick en­
tered the last two days.
County Judge G ardner w as out
■»n the Pacific highw ay today inspect-
in grade crossings w ith a rep resen ­
tative of th e sta te highw ay com ­
T re a s u re r’s sem i-annual
rep o rts
for th e last tw elve m onths w ere filed
the 8th and will be published soon.
County C ourt holds a session F r i­
“ A shland is th e busiest little city
of its size I have seen on my trip ,”
rem arked Miss B lanche Hicks, pub­
lic lib ra ria n on re tu rn in g th is week
from a m o n th ’s vacation which ex­
tended as fa r n o rth as V ancouver,
B. C. “ I can already see a m arked
change for th e b e tte r in th e m onth
I was away. It tak e s absence from
A shland to recognize its grow th and
business advantages, and in ju st one
m onth th e re have been m any im ­
provem ents.”
This Treaty or None
Declares President
By H ugh Baillie
¡(United P ress Staff C orrespondent.)
BILLINGS, Mont., Sept. 11.—
^Thousands of M ontana ran ch ers and
th e ir women folks, som e of whom
h a d driven m ud sp a tte re d autom o­
b ile s for m iles and slept on th e roads
e n ro u te, crow ded today to h e a r
P re sid e n t W ilson explain th e tre a ty
In Billings.
W hen th e president stepped from
h is priv ate c ar th is m orning he heard
a ch e er th a t b rought a broad sm ile to
h is face.
T he tow n was filled w ith people in
a holiday sp irit and was flag be­
T he crowd a t W oren, tw enty m iles
o u tsid e of Billings, w here the tra in
stopped for some tim e, m ade such a
no ise outside his car th a t W ilson
a ro s e and w ent out to shake hands
w ith scores.
" I t is th is tre a ty or none,” P resi­
d e n t W ilson declared. Speaking to
h is f irs t M ontana audience he
w a rn e d th a t it was “ unw ise for p a r­
lia m e n ts o r congress “ to tam p er with
th e tre a ty and said th a t th e tre a ty 's
o p p o n en ts who say it is too h ard on
G erm any w ere outspoken ag ain st
G erm any d u rin g th e w ar. He c h a r­
acterized them as “ pitiless th en and
pitiful now .”
“ If A m erica stays o ut and plays
a lone h a n d ,” said W ilson, " th a t
hand m ust be on th e h an d le of a
sw ord and the n a tio ’s youth m ust be
tra in ed to a rm s.”
He declared th a t we m ust be an
in d u stria l dem ocracy, as well as a
political dem ocracy, calling a tte n tio n
to th e labor fe a tu re of th e tre a ty .
He said th a t m onopoly m ust be
wiped out to in su re in d u stria l de­
m ocracy, and repeated his w arning
of bolshevism sp reading th ro u g h
A m erica unless w orld conditions are
“ T here a re apostles of Lenlne in
our m id st,” he cried
and m um ur
sw ept over th e crowd.
(By th e U nited P ress)
PORTLAND, Ore., Sept. 11.—
County com m issioners of th e states
of W ashington and Oregon sta rte d a
jo in t three-day session here today,
it prom ising to be the biggest g a th ­
ering of county com m issioners ever
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 11.— F o l­ held in th e U nited States.
low ing are m ark et qu o tatio n s:
V ancouver, W ash., will be th e
BU TTER— E x tras. 64c.
scene of som e of th e sessions of th e
EGGS— E x tras, 68c; firsts, 57*£c, county officials. N early 600 a re ex­
p u lle ts, 57 % c.
pected to be in a tte n d an c e before the
POULTRY— B roilers, 33c; hens, day is over.
> 7c,
CA TTLE— Top sheers, 1 0 ’¿ c ; sec­
onds, 8 H e ; cows, heifers, 8 Vic;
calves, 13 H e.
(By th e U nited P ress)
HOGS— Top, 16 Vic.
Sept. 11.— Be­
S H E E P — Ewes, 7c; w ethers, 9c; tw een th irty and fo rty Indianapolis
|am bs, 10c.
food d ealers w ere indicted by th e
BARLEY— Feed, >3.12 Vi; ship- grand ju ry here today charged w ith
l i n g , - >3.12 Vic.
dealing out sh o rt w eights.
Every tea c h e r in Jackson county
last year joined th e Oregon T each­
e rs ’ association. A fter a b rief expla­
nation of w hat th e association Is a t­
tem p tin g to do fo r them , ab o u t 80
percent of all teach ers in th e en tire
county filled out application blanks
w ith th e fee of >1.00 atta ch e d . An
effo rt will be m ade a t th e m eeting
today to check over th e lists from
each school and to enroll th e re ­
m aining few who w ere undecided or
who did not have th e fees w ith them
S u p erintendent G. W. Milam of
Phoenix, S u p erin ten d en t J. P. Jew ett
of B utte F alls, and
Miss Gladys
H olm es of Jacksonville w ere ap p o in t­
ed upon a n om inating com m ittee to
nom inate a delegation of th re e teach ­
ers to act as official delegates to
th e sta te m eeting w hich will be held
in P o rtlan d probably d u rin g th e
C hristm as holidays. The com m ittee
will m ake th e ir rep o rt a t th e b u si­
ness session on t h ^ last day of th e
in stitu te. T he county is en titled to
th re e delegates. One delegate for
each hundred o r m ajo r fraction
th ereo f of teach ers in th e county.
M asters
and High
School T eachers’ club will also se­
lect a delegate a t th e ir m eeting on
F riday. These four delegates to ­
geth er w ith a delegate from each of
th e te c h a e rs’ o rganizations in Med­
ford and A shland and th e county
school su p erin ten d en t will m ake a
to ta l of seven official delegates to
the s ta te association m eeting from
Jackson county.
(By th e U nited P ress)
MIAMI, F la., Sept. 11.— Twenty-
seven m em bers of the crew were
drow ned when th e W ard line steam ­
er Corydon, carry in g 23,850 bags of
BUgar, foundered and sank in B aha­
m a channel, Tuesday.
Nine survivors, clinging to a w a te r­
logged life boat d rifted ashore near
here today. They had been w ithout
food and w ater since th e vessel sank.
C aptain C hristensen w ent down
w ith hip ship and a life boat con­
ta in in g approxim ately a dozen m em ­
bers of th e crew was pulled under by
th e suction of th e sinking steam er.
All were lost.
CHICAGO, Sept. 11.— Chicago is
Interested in the senate opposition
to th e peace tre a ty . How lingly in­
terested .
Not since th e day« of 1912 when
th e big auditorium
here saw the
b irth of the Bull Moose p arty has
such a vast, excited, wildly cheering
th ro n g jam m ed th a t place and sh o u t­
ed encouragem ent to th e speakers as
(By th e U nited P ress)
it w orked itself into a dripping pers­
LONDON, Sept. 11.— A Co- <$• p iration last night in greeting the
speeches of Senators Borah, Jo h n ­
logne dispatch today reports
th a t m ore th an two hundred ■$> son and McCormick.
I t was sw eltering hot, but the
persons were in ju red and an un- $>
took off th e ir coats and th<
know n num ber killed in a mu- <$>
nitions explosion a t Neuwied, ♦ women wielded fans and they
n e a r Coblenz. Many buildings €> jum ped to th e ir feet dem anding the
im peachm ent of P resid en t W ilson,
w ere dem olished.
shaking th e whole house as the>
tagged him a " q u itte r.”
Senator Johnson left today for In
dianapolis, while Borah and McCor­
mick are following differen t routes
confident th a t if the enthusiasm met
in Chicago continues th e senate will
have com plete backing in m aking
the am endm ents an d reserv atio n s ir
the tre a ty which th e foreign rela
tions com m ittee has recom m ended.
The E astern Supply com pany’s
A crowd tw ice as g reat as that
sto re room was entered by sneak-
packing the auditorium
was gath
thieves last Tuesday r ig h t, and up­
ered outside and as they left th<
w ards of >30 w orth of bicycle parts
platform the th re e sen ato rs craw let
was carried away. E n tran ce was m ade
out on the fire escape and repeate<
th ro u g h a back window which the
th e ir speeches to the crowd outside
in tru d e rs succeeded in opening.
S enator Johnson recited th e prin
A bout m idnight a wom an living
ciples enunciated by P resident Wil
across th e stre e t saw some boys try ­
son which he declared were beatei
ing to get in th e fro n t door and | and abandoned in P aris. He sail
she gave th e alarm . By th e tim e the
they were A m erican principles,
the night policem an arrived th e boys
i As he proceeded, and shouted “ bu
had disappeared, and so had the
as Clem enceau grim aced or Japai
goods, it was discovered th e next
shook h er head, who q u it? ” the
m orning.
crowd jum ped to its feet and yelle<
a t him, “ W ilson!”
May Abolish Flat
Rate On Lights
The electricity question w as one of
the leading topics for discussion at
th e ad jo u rn ed m eeting of council last
night, when various m ethods were
advanced tow ards m eeting th e con­
sta n t dem ands from citizens who
w ant electricity for heating purposes.
City E lectrician E a ste rlin g m ade the
sta te m e n t th a t by cu ttin g down th e
fla t rate on consum ers and e sta b lish ­
ing m eters m ore juice would be saved
for h eatin g purposes. He also sug­
gested th a t c u ttin g o ut porch lights
would be an o th e r m ethod of increas­
ing the am o u n t of electricity. The
city atto rn ey was authorized to draw
up a resolution affecting th e w iring
of residences to establish - m eters as
rapidly as possible, and in th is m an ­
n e r conserve th e electricity th a t o th ­
erw ise Is freq u en tly w asted.
W ord was Just sent down from the
O skar H uber cam p on th e Siskiyous
th a t Chauncey Stoddard w as found
dead in his ten t. No p a rticu la rs have
been learned, th e w ord com ing in
to th e E lks club a few m inutes ago.
GRANTS PASS, Ore., Sept. 1 ).—
The grand ju ry of Josephine county
before tu rn in g in its final report
retu rn ed an indictm ent a g ain st A1
Zuver, charged w ith second-degree
m u rd er. Zuver is accused of killing
a m iner nam ed P hilip F rainey, n e a r
W aldo, on F e b ru a ry 7, 1919, by
b u rn in g him in a cabin.
Zuver will have his (ria l th is week
before Judge F. M. C alkins and a
num ber of w itnesses have been sub­
poenaed. At th e tim e of F ra in e y ’s
death th e theory was advanced by
som e th a t he had m et d e a th th ro u g h
carelessness on his own p a rt or
th ro u g h th e o v e rtu rn in g of a lam p
w hile he slept.
» ♦< > m
D. C. Flem ing, wife and d a u g h te r
of S terling, Colo., a re am ong Ash­
la n d ’s new citizens. MI sb Flem ing
Is a tea c h e r in th e H aw thorne school
and h e r p a re n ts accom panied her
here to spend the w inter. Mr. Flem ­
ing is an old new spaper m an, having
been e d ito r and p ro p rieto r of th e
S terling Advocate, th e oldest news­
paper of th a t city, for a num ber of
years. He has retire d now, however,
and is restin g a t th e present, en-
* joying A shland’s sunshine, eating
h er su p erio r fru it and d rin k in g her
L ith ia w ater.
N.G. Members
Go to Sfate Fair
A com m unication was b ro u g h t to
Company B of th e N ational G uard at
th e ir la st m eeting p u rp o rtin g th a t
th e s ta te had a rra n g e d for each co m ­
pany to send ten m en to th e sta te fair
which opens a t Salem, Septem ber 22,
to act as guards, tic k e t ta k e rs, etc.
L ieu ten an t Grubb appointed five at
th e la st m eeting and will la te r nam e
th e o th er five.
♦ M l
I »»«
Alter Saturday night at nine o’clock the
Tidings w ill be $6.00 the year
S tated com m unication of A shland
Lodge No. 23, th is (T h u rsd a y ) even­
ing, Septem ber 11; also special com­
m unication F rid a y evening, Septem ­
b er 12, for work on first degree.
The visit o f ’he w orthy grand m a­
tro n to th e E a'riern .S ta r chapter,
scheduled for S atu rd ay evening, Sep­
tem b er 13, h as b e e -^ p .n c e lled . F u r-
them a n n o u n c e m e n t/jte r.
There w ill be no farth er extension of the bargain
Ground Floor Camps Building.
m m » m m » m m
» m
o m
Cries of “ im peach him ," " d o n 't
give him any m ore pow er,” arose as
S enator Borah told of seven thousand
A m ericans in Siberia, w ithout a u ­
th o rity of e ith e r congress or th e peo­
R esponding to th is la tte r cry,
Borah shouted, “ L et’s say this, be-
fore we try to tak e any pow er out
of his hands, le t’s refuse to put any
m ore power into his h an d s.”
This brought th e biggest dem on­
stra tio n of the night. Several men
ran up and down the aisles, waving
th eir h a ts and shouting, while th e
•ntire vast th ro n g from th e orches­
tra pit to the roof rose en m asse
w histled,
¡tamped, waved th e ir h ats and coats
nd with th e aid of a few s tra in s
rom the band kept th is up for sev­
eral m inutes.
(By th e U nited P ress)
CALEXICO, Cal., Sept. 11.— The
m utiny of C antu soldiers a t Algo-
lones, Low er C alifornia. Septem ­
ber 8, in which fo u r officers were
killed, ’ has no significance a t a ll,”
Governor C antu of Low er C alifornia,
leclared in a statem en t to th e U nited
Press today.
The governor had been asked r e ­
garding rep o rts th a t th e m utiny was
»art of a Villa o r C arranza conspi­
racy to overthrow him.
He said the m utiny was caused by a
¡mall group of ten m en, th a t one
if th e th re e leaders had been cap*
ured and th a t he expects th e early
a p tu re of th e others.
Report of Minority
Urges Ratification
By L. C. Martin,
(U nited P ress S taff Correspondent.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 11.— Th.
six dem ocratic m em bers of the foi
eign relations com m ittee today pre
sented to the senate a m inority re
port on th e peace tre a ty , urging un
qualified adoption of th e pact.
The rep o rt replies to th e state
mentB m ade in th e m ajo rity repot-
filed yesterday and charges th a t th
sen ato rs opposing th e League of N:
tions, know ing it is invincible in :
fa ir fight, a re try in g to defeat it “ b
Indirection” th ro u g h th e propose-
These proposed reservations, th<
report says, have all th e vices o
am endm ents” and in addition th<
vice of “ p retending to be w hat the>
a re n o t” in te rp re ta tio n s of the cov
en an t language.
The docum ent sta te s th a t th e dela?
in rep o rtin g the tre a ty has resultei
in “ governm ent by o b stru ctio n ,” am
Am erica tra d e shows th e effects o
th is delay. Adoption of th e m ajor
ity ’s am endm ents and reservation!
m eans th a t th e U nited S tates wil’
los all th e concessions secured from
G erm any by the dictated peace.
The League of N ations is tie
w orld’s only hope of preventing in
te rn a tio n a l chaos,
t h ^ re p o rt de­
clares, and th e reservations a re the
work of senators determ ined to de
stroy th e league and defeat the
tre a ty .
“ W e deplore,” says th e report
“ th e long and unnecessary delay tr
which th e tre a ty has been subject
ed w hile locked up in a com m itter
w hose m ajo rity decisions and rec
om m endations were from the s ta rt r
foregone conclusion.’*
“ The in d u stria l w orld is in a fer
m ent and com m erce h a lts w hile this
g reat delay in th e peace settlem ent
has been caused by a m ajo rity o '
th e com m ittee know n to be out o '
harmony with the majority of the
en ate and th e m ajority of th e peo-
le. This is governm ent by obstruc-
ion, as well as by m inority.’’
“ As fa r as th e tex tu a l am end-
aents a re concerned, they have no
le rit,” says th e report.
“ None of them could by any pos-
ibility be accepted
even by th e
reat nations associated
w ith th e
’nited S tates in th e w ar and none
<f them could by any possibility be
iictated to Germ any. To adopt any
>f them , th erefo re, is efuivalent to
ejecting th e tre a ty .”
“ The suggestion th a t th e am end-
nents would not necessitate a roas-
em bling of the peacs conference,
ecause it is still in session, has no
orce, th e . m inority
declares, be-
ause th e conference has acted final*
y on th e tre a ty .
N or could the G -nm an delegatee
>e recalled to P a ris and forced to
am endm ents. The United
’tate s m ust sacrifice all th e benefit*
o be derived from th e tre a ty if it
s am ended or rejected, ‘he rep o rt
11.— J. W.
Powell, of Los Angeles, who camo
for th e stolen C adillac which was
left here follow ing th e a rre s t of
Willis E. C arter, took hiB d e p a rtu re
with th e c ar last evening on his
•eturn trip to C alifornia. Mr. Pow.
•11 decided to drive th e c ar in o rd er
’o save th e .expense of ent ar.d
is he had aw aited until th e rains
-eased, he believed he would be able
to drive s tra ig h t th ro u g h to Loa
Q> F o r Oregon— R a in ,.c o o le r.