ASHLAND DAILY TïbïNÔ§ fon rsd ay, September 4, 1919 - TIDINCS CLASSIFIED ADS One cent th e word each tim e. THE FIXIT SHOP’ PHYSICIANS DB. H. B. MOORE— C hiropractic 'B rin g it to me, I can fix it right. Lawn Mowers and Bicycles my sp e ­ Physician. First National Bank Bldg. Phones: Office, 112; Res.j cialty. L. H. ROOT, 337 E. Main stre e t, A shland. 207-J. FOR SALE— REA L ESTATE DR. ERNEST A. WOOD— Practice lim ited to eye, ear, nose and throat. Office hours, 10 to 12 and FO R SALE— Five-room house, 7- foot basem ent, lot 90x320, hom e 2 to 5. Swedenburg Bldg., Ash­ orchard, and sm all fru it A b a r­ land, Ore. 73-tf gain. Also 10 acres N orthern C alifornia. W ill tra d e for car, DR. J . J. EMMEN8— Physician and stock or property here. Could surgeon. Practice limited to eye, assum e sm all m ortgage. Call at ear, nose and throat. Glasses sup­ 1089 Boulevard. 4 - lt plied. Oculist and aurist for S. P. R. R. Offices, M. F. and H. Bldg., FOR SALE— Cheap for cash, two lots on E lizabeth stre e t n e a r hos­ opposite postoffice, Medford, ,Ore, 21-tf pital. W rite S. O. Peck, C harles­ Phone 567. to n , W ash. 60-5* D. M. BROWER, M. D.— 216 F actory s t. Phone No. 498-R. Uses rad io ­ FOR EXCHANGE— Im proved 20 a. apples and alfalfa, u n d e r Govern­ h e a t largely In his tre a tm e n t of m ent ditch, for A shland bunga­ chronic diseases. T uberculosis, low or sm all im proved tra c t. R. c an cer and o th er infectious a il­ M. Hood, H erm iston, Oregon. m ents, respond m arvelously to said 57-lmo* tre a tm e n t. ATTORNEYS BRIGGS & BRIGGS, A ttorneys-at- PA l . 4 g r cu ura college to study electri- tinctiou overseas and was cited for bid for m any m en going back to Waived in his behalf, h u t wfthoiil ca enginePring- | ‘ conspicuous efficiency, sp irit and success. , MICK1E SAYS w ork who had become disg ru n tled rs. M inkler is a sister of Mrs. J. aggressive en ergy.” D arrell is th e D arrell M inkler, who cam e to Bre- over living conditions and w ere ready O U » REPO RTER SANS, H. T u rn e r of th is city and of Colonel 1 grandson of Mr. ----- and ------— Mrs. D. — L. sh o rt tim e ago to visit to quit. At all tim es and in all con- i tnerton a “ V 4 H E M F O L K S - T S A 'J E U E D ditions, Mrs. M inkler w as “ on th e w ith -h is m other, received his dis- I W ' H am ™ond. now on duty M inkler of A shland, who tak e m uch B N Í R M N , \ C O U L .O K E E P jo b ” w ith a sm ile an d a p leasan t charge as electrician, first class, iro m w ith th e general sta ff at W ashington. I in te rest and g reat pride in his pub- T R A C K O F ‘E h A , B U T S I N C E greeting for all who h a d occasion to j th e navy A ugust 2, 1919. AfteT a Colonel H am m ond served w ith d is - , lie career. T v \E S E D Ö O - Ö A S T E O A U T O S visit th e office of th e safety engineer sh o rt stay in B rem erton he cam e t v A C E L E M IN ' T O \N N Q N She also prepared all in ju ry rep o rts M edford, w here he will be jo in e d E N ' c N ROAD EVJRN H O U R .l of th e navy yard and assisted in th e ; la te r by his m other. The tw o w ill 1 O -O T T A F A T C H A N C E ' . \N » tN F O L K S C rû M t& tT tM .J p rep a ra tio n of th e sa fe ty lec tu re s to visit w ith relatives th e re and in Ash- E U V A A M t M lS lT O R S , 1 th e y ard em ployes. D uring h e r en- land for a tim e a fte r which Mrs. \ N \ S W T T vaen ' o t e l l tire service of tw en ty -eig h t m onths M inkler will re tu rn to B rem erton W tE a b o u t » T . r in th e naval reserve, Mrs. M inkler and D arrell w ill e n te r th e Oregon had but tw enty-five d ay s’ fu rlo u g h , which is an unusual record for a yeom an ( F ) . P rom pted by th e sam e im pulse and A fine up-to-date 5-room cot­ th e exam ple of his m o th er, D arrell tage, furn ace heated, sleeping porch, L. M inkler, cam e to S e a ttle a n d en ­ full basem ent; one-half acre of land, ONE should ta k e th e sam e precau­ te rin g th e navy re c ru itin g office, de­ all kinds of bearin g fru it and ber­ tions for th e safety of his valuable clared his inten tio n to becom e a sa il­ ries. Sightly location. A snap for papers, as he does for th a t of his o r and w as prom ptly enlisted as m oney. You BANK your money someone. % landsm an for electrician in th e reg ­ here— so why not re n t one of o u r Safe Deposit Boxes fo r those Deeds, u la r navy for th e d u ratio n of th e w ar, Notes, Bonds, M ortgages, etc.? on O ctober 18, 1917. He was sept 1 Complete and convenient in every im m ediately to th e electrical school b ath , hot and cold w ater. L ot 84x; department. a t M are Island navy yard, and a fte r 190. Away below price fo r quick < . eight m onths in stru ctio n he was sent sale. This property is located on the 1 k to sea. He m ade a sh o rt cruise on Pacific highw ay, th re e blocks from th e fam ous b a ttle sh ip Oregon, which Ju n io r H igh School a t No. 523. convoyed a tra n sp o rt, bound fo r Si­ beria, h alf way across th e Pacific A S H LAN D. O R EGON E v c a r t E R.. P e t s ocean, w here they w ere th en m et by -\\W'V C H V A U P E L VICE-PREJ all rented, w ith a fro n tag e of 72 j w M c C O Y . C a s h icR th e Japanese destroyers. feet on Main stre e t. Also a fine lit­ C L A R K BUSn.ASST CASH Some tim e la te r young M inkler was tra n sfe rre d to th e U. S. S. N orth tle business goes in w ith th e .deal. See Bend, a ship in th e cargo service, and on th is vessel he m ade a trip to New York. Since th a t tim e he has served on num erous cargo vessels plying be­ tw een New York and th e w ar zone The esason’s ru n a t th e A shland South American, ports. He w ears a cannery is in full force now, so fa r ribbon fo r service in th e subm arine as th e p lan t is able to w ork w ith a zone and a chevron for foreign ser­ sm all force. B eginning th is week vice, a lth o u g h he did not get to land a larg e num ber of wom en and girls in F rance. He was recom m ended in have been busy w orking in th e fac­ M arch, 1919, by S en ato r W. C. H aw ­ tory, and m any m ore can be given ley of Oregon fo r en tra n ce to th e em ploym ent if they can he obtained. Naval academ y, but ju st p rio r to the M onday th e larg est pack of th e sea­ exam inations, it was found th a t he son was» canned, and consisted of wag five days too old. An effo rt 32 06 No. 2% cans of tom atoes, 408 was m ade to have th e age lim it For Sale Cheap SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES Also 5-Room Bungalow ^UHrsiNaftotialBatik r H Homes at Bargains STENOGRAPHERS My ads in first issue of th is daily have b ro u g h t result^. JESSIE B. TH A TCH ER — Public Now offer a superb m odern home, S tenographer. C om m ercial Club Hours: 9 a. m. to 12 a. m .; 2 oak floors and all ap pointm ents and p. m. to 5 p. m., after Septem­ finish elegant. O ne-half acre gar den and fru it. Can sell a t 50 per ber 1. cent of value’. Call fo r p a rticu la rs. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING . L. LAMB— Contractor and Build­ er. Cem ent, Brick and W ood­ work. Tel. 463-J. 343 M ountain ~ --------------- -— A Busines Building Law, Pioneer Block, Ashland. L. A. ROBERTS— A ttorney-at-L aw . Rooms 5 and 6, C itizens’ Bank Bldg. m - E. T. STAPLES , Bonded R ealty B roker. Ave. Mrs. S. L ALLEN V A I l O F I V ir e O RUGS B. L. DELSMAN— Contractor and builder, Ashland, Ore. Estimates cheerfully given. Free plans when we do your work. When securing gallons peaches, 385 gallons pears us, you save thie cost of a super­ and 165 2% cans peaches. The O W N YO UR O W N HOM E intendent as we work right on FOR SALE— Im proved acre; five cannery is w orking on beans, to m a ­ room cottage; b arn ; chicken the job with the men. Phone 120. [f you can afford to pay re n t you house; city w a te r; on L incoln St. FRANK JORDAN — G eneral Con­ tra c tin g and re p a ir work. Cem ent w ork specialty. Tel. 430-J, 227 Granite St. 21tf WATCH REPAIRING W. A. FR EEB U R G — F in e W atch Re­ pairin g . On th e Plaza. 25 E. Main. TAXI SERVICE 4fl 1 EVANS TAXI SERVICE— Five pas­ senger Chalm ers, Seven P assenger H odson. T rip s anyw here. R eliable d riv ers and quick service. Stand at Rose Bros. Day Phone 213; Night, 101. Ashland Lumber Co. O RRES T A IL O R S WANTED WANTED— F ull blooded Brown Leg- h orn cockerel. Phone 359-L. 3-3t WANTED — 3-room P hone 165. toes, pears and plum s a t th e present can affo rd to build your own home. term s. tim e. W hy thro w y o u r m oney away In 40tf ren t? W e will gladly o ffe r su g g es­ BARGAINS IN REALTY— 3 acre tions and quote prices w ithout obli­ place in tow n th a t is th e cheapest <$. buy considering th e incom e and gation to buy. • sig h tlin ess in S o u th ern Oregon. a> MOVIE ACTRESSES LO W ER Also have som e acre p ro p erties im ­ • HINDUS OPINION OF MORALS ••• proved a t a ttra c tiv e prices and — ------- term s. Staples, next door to F ord LONDON.— (By M a il.) — <$• 1-tf G arage. Phone 20 • Movies are low ering th e Ilin - >s- All kinds of Building Material FINANCIAL d u ’s opinion of E uropean worn- •• WANTED — $10,000 to $25,000 on • e n ’f, m orals .according to Miss <$» am ple security on a live stock C ontance Brom ley, an Eng- $ proposition. W ill consuinate any . lish girl, ju f t re tu rn e d from tim e for th e next 90 days. E n ­ q u ire a t th e T idings office. 1-4* <♦> C alcutta w here she m anaged a larg e m otion picture house m an ’s safeg u ard as well as credit ‘‘They see th e w hite wives endorser. W hy not protect your p roperty as well as your c red it? on th e screen in com prom ising <*> M ake a het of $4 ag a in st $1000 . situ atio n s, also women clothed <♦- ! ï an haVeZ £ ire ,loss in m anv gârbs, on one occasion «> B est W o o len s; L a te s t F a s h ­ in a year. You win it you lose . . io n s A lw ay s. Old R eliable Insu ran ce C om panies.^ *' a l° n " film the heroine s E. T. Staples, Hotel A ustin B uild­ 3> m ain costum e being a b ath in g ing, next door to F o rd G arage. 1-tf <♦> suit, w ith th e resu lt th a t th e S a tisfa c tio n G u a ra n te e d natives get a low opinion of <$> E u ro p ean m o ra ls,” said Miss Bromley. Q Miss Brom ley declared th e NOBLES, ATTENTION! C o in er by th e P a rk . natives a re g rea t movie fans -$> R egular m eeting of H illah Tem ­ I w ant to close o u t on Cream Sep­ ple, A. A. O. N. M. S„ will be held > and th a t in Bombay alone th e re a ra to rs. in the Masonic Tem ple F rid ay even­ a re fourteen pictu re houses. . . Have two left over from before the ing, Septem ber 5, a t 8 o 'c lo c k ./ A . .$> w ar prices, a n d will sell them ac­ full a tte n d an c e is earn estly desired cordingly. B oth a re 450 lb. capacity. as business of im portance will he I New and used Sewing Machines tra n sa cte d . Am ong o th er things, i of m ost any make for sale or rent, iin al a rra n g e m e n ts will be m ade for W e have h u n d red s of used Sew­ our F all C erem onial, also for th e e n ­ ing M achines th a t we have tak e n in te rta in m e n t of th e Im perial P oten­ tra d e fo r new W hite m achines, and ta te in Novem ber. som e of them is as good as new. W ill H. C. SPA RR, 111. P o ten tate. be sold for a sm all price. W. H. McNAIR, 111. Recorder. 4-2t P rice reasonable. E asy See B eaver R ealty Co. a p a rtm e n t. 1-tf MEN W ANTED for w ork on Pacific highw ay south of Ashland. W age $4 50 per day, 8 hours, steady w ork. Board $1.05 per day. In ­ q u ire O skar-H uber. Office up­ s ta irs in City H all, Ashland. 58-tf HOMES WANTED— I am having m any calls for city hom es a t re a ­ sonable prices and term s and w ould be glad to have ow ners who w ish to sell, call a t my office o ’ w rite. I can sell fo r you if your price is rig h t. E. T. Staples, Bonded R ealty B roker, office A us­ tin H otel. Next door to FORD GARAGE. 1-tf HOUSES WANTED— I am officing next door to A ustin H otel en tran ce a n d have fre q u e n t in q u iries for room s, fu rn ish ed houses and u n ­ fu rn ish ed houses. P lease call or w rite me your offerings in th is line. E. T. Staples, A uthorized, Bonded R ealty B roker. 1-tf FO R August Sale « White Boots, Oxfords and Pumps MEN AND WOMEN SUBSTANTIAL REDUCTIONS Our Window Show s the Variety N ot a L u x u ry Dickerson Ashland Laundry Co. C. B. LA M K IN REAL ESTATE Complete House Furnishers >>«»»««<»»»»«»>>«»»»>»»««»»>««>»»»«» ......... *«• - ' ,z »>4 J ig ■*» 'J - . O- W h it t le T r a n sfe r L in e For Service The S eattle Tim es of a recen t d a te [ has th e follow ing to say of Mrs. i Helen M inkler an d h e r son, D arrell, : W ANTED TO RENT— Five o r six two people well know n in A shland: ! room furnished or unfu rn ish ed cot­ T here a re th o u san d s of A m erican • tag e for m an, wife and child con­ nected w ith A shland schools. Tel. m others who can boast, w ith pride, I 173. 3t of having given an only son to serve for F re ed o m ’s cause in th e g reat FO R RENT— 2 furnished room s, 486 Boulevard. Phone 405-J. A m erican navy; b u t few, i f any, can .3-3 claim th e honor of not only giving her only son, b u t h er own services FOR SALE as well, by a c tu a lly being enlisted FOR SALE— L aw n m ow er and oil and serving tw en ty -eig h t m onths in I h e a te r. P hone 459-J. 2-2* the N aval Reserves. Such a distinc-1 Five d ollar cash prize for best 300 i tion belongs to Mrs. H elen M inkler. ' CONCORD GRAPES for jelly and g rap e juice. Call L. S. Brown, w ord essay on p a in t and its i Chief Yeom an, U. S. N. R. F., who i B00 Holly St. Phone 441-R. 3-2t uses; $3.00 for second b e st; $1.00 on th e first day of A ugust, 1919, re ­ FO R SALE— A team of m ules, each for next two. ceived h e r release from th e service ; w eighing 1200 lbs. each and dou­ a t th e P u g et Sound navy yard a t j ble h arn ess in good condition. B rem erton. M ust be in my hands by October 1. P ric e $160.00. A b argain. See P rio r to th e en try of th e U nited B. R. G reer a t Tidings office. C ontest open to every school girl States in th e great w ar. a naval re- ' 2-lm o and boy. c ru itin g party, w ith L ie u te n a n t R j FO R SALE— New Zealand Red R ab­ F. Davis, m edical corps, U ^S. N., in b its (S a n ta B arb ara s to c k ); 4 charge, was sent out th ro u g h th e j does six m onths old, 5 does IS m o n th s old. 1 buck, 20 young ra b ­ T w elfth naval d istrict, including th e ! b its from seven w eeks to th re e sta te s of M ontana, Idaho, W ashing- ' m o n th s old, and tw o co m p art­ ton and Oregon, to enroll both m en | m en t hutches. Phone 2 84-R or and women for service in th e naval ; T he P a in t M an Inquire a t 125 Second St. 3-1* reserve force. Filled w ith a p a tr i - ; FOR SALE — Jersey cow. Phone otic im pulse to do h er “ b it” for h er 1-3 275-Y. country, Mrs. M inkler was one of I F YOU W ANT genuine Concord the very first of m any fine wom en ; grapes for grape juice, place your New M anagem ent. New M achines. in th e sta te of Oregon to offer th e ir B e tte r Service. o rd er now, they will be ready in services to th e navy, and she w asi a few days. L. S. Brown, 500 H ol­ And W e Need P atro n s. enrolled in th e naval reserve in M e d -; ly St. Phone 441-R. 3-2t ford. Ore., by L ieu ten an t Davis, on FO R SALE— A few fine B a rre d , Special A ttention Given to Fam ily M arch 30, 1917. Upon th e d eclara­ Rock cockerels from especially se­ T rade. tion of w ar w ith G erm any, Mrs. lected, heavy laying stra in . Phone M inkler received orders to rep o rt for 2F14, o r w rite Mrs. M ary H. F. E. FRENCH & SON Props. T u ck er. Box 112, R oute 1, A sh­ duty at th e P u g e t Sound navy yard lan d , Ore. 3-3t P hone 165. end unon h e r a rriv al at th is station April 17, 1917, she was im ipediately FO R SALE— V etch G ray O ats, Cheat, Rye, Baled Hay, Rolled Barley, assigned to d uty in th e office qf th e G rass Seeds. R alph W aldo Elden, safety engineer, and has spent th e M edford, Ore. 60 tf e n tire period of h e r service in th is FOR SA LE.— Slightly used dim en-! office. B a rg a in s in alon lum ber and flooring. Good j Successful In Work as new. Phone 120. 53tf H er w ork h as been of g reat im ­ FO R SALE— An Ideal Stock ranch, portance, consisting of general sec­ 1400 acres, big ran g e a d ja c e n t; re ta ria l w ork and th a t of interview ­ hay, w a te r and grain. A ttra c tiv e • c ity a n j R anch P ro p erties, Houses ing th e y ard w orkm en on housing price and term s. W rite o r call a t i to R ent, conditions. In h e r w om anly, tac tfu l office fo r p a rticu lars. E. T. Sta-1 pies, Hotel Austin Bldg. 1-tf j Citizens’ Bank Building. m anner, Mrs. M inkler was responsi- A Necessity-- " RUGS to be found in Southern Oregon. These RUGS were bought when prices were lower than now, and we w ill share this advantage in our purchase with our customers. RUGS are hard to obtain. Call and see us while the stock is full. J. P. DODGE & SONS P E I L ’S P A IN T 11/E are showing the best line of Storage, Coal and Transfer Tel. 117 Oak St. DID- r i Four Great Records i Only a small part of the story of the unusual perform­ ance of the Overland is a m atter of record. In the last few weeks, however, from Oklahoma City, Boston, and Los Angeles have came reports of remarkable tests that prove the power, endurance and dependability of Model 90 cars. Now comes Harrisburg with a new world’s record of 702.5 miles a day for 5)4 days without motor stop, sealed in high gear. A Model SK) stock car performed this remark­ able endurance feat. Let us show you a duplicate of this car. Yon e v e r think -------------------------------- ?-----------------------j that if a person really w a n ts to sell his property r he would tell The Real Estate Man ? May w e tell you Completely Equipped Auto Repair Shop; Competent Mechanics F o il Line of Accessories and T ire s the low p rices? BILLINGS AGENCY Ovcdaaä Modd Ninety Five Passenger Touring Car, £‘>85 Í. a b. Toledo E stablished 1883 I Also Good Insurance k Overland-Marcy Company Corner Third and Main