Ashland daily tidings. (Ashland, Or.) 1919-1970, September 03, 1919, Image 1

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    A shland D aily T idings
Was Framed,
Says. Witness
r "
Mexicans Justify Shooting of American Aviator
(By th e United P ress)
Sept. 3.— G eneral
Disque* testifying before th e congres­
sio n al p ro b ers of th e spruce pro­
duction scandal, declared th a t th e
subcom m ittee
gro ssest m isrep resen tatio n th a t ever
app eared in a public record.
"F alsehoods th a t I can disprove,’
Is a n o th e r way he referred to th e
testim ony of some of th e w itnesses
a t previous hearings.
His Btaments indicated th a t he
h a d consulted law yers reg ard in g the
possibility of ta k in g action ag ain st
th e m en he accused of filling the
e a rs of th e congressm en w ith libel
ous sta te m e n ts because they "h ad
a grudge of some k in d .”
“ T hom as Sweeney testified th a t
h e had w arned Disque th a t a combi-
n a tio n w as being form ed to “ trim
th e governm ent.” He said " I told
him I was giving him a tip and th at
h e was e ith e r in on th e ‘fra m e ’ or
jvas being played for a su c k er.”
Declare He Was
Over Soil of Mexico
Car Strike to
Greet Wilson |
(By th e U nited P ress)
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Sept. 3.—
P resid en t W ilson will find a street
railw ay strik e in progress here when
he arriv es tom orrow for th e ope’n
ing address of his to u r.
One th o u san d stre e t car employes
stru c k early th is m orning for a new
wage scale and b e tte r w orking con­
No s tre e t cars a re ru n ­
(By th e U nited P ress)
LAREDO, Texas, Sept. 3.— T hat
C aptain McNab was one k ilo m eter j
across the Mexican b o rd er and fly- j
ing over M exican te rrito ry w h e n 1
shot yesterday by Mexican soldiers
was declared
G eneral Garza
com m ander of th e C arran zista g a r­
rison a t Nuevo L aredo today.
G eneral G arza, in a sta te m e n t i
m ade public th ro u g h th e M ex ican !
consul in L aredo, a d m itted th a t t h e !
shooting was done by soldiers of a j
C arran zista outpost.
(By th e U nited P ress)
G arza's sta te m e n t declared th a t im - '
N. Y., Sept. 3.— The
m edately on lea rn in g of th e in c id e n t!
am ong th e 15,000
th e general proceeded to th e spot,
here a re reported
n e a r th e m outh of San Isabel creek,
(By th e U nited P ress)
control. De­
on the Rio G rande, w here th e shoot­
spite th e effo rts of union leaders a
SACRAMENTO, Sept. 3.— C. L.
ing occurred. Soldiers of th e out-
general strik e is anticipated here be­
post ad m itted th e shooting, th e o u t - 1 M acDonald, an Om aha
fore th e week is ended.
post’s com m ander being absent at >
I m an, w as killed, Mrs. L aw rence
The Depew shops of th e New York
1918 w as about 33 per cent g rea ter
th e tim e.
! Barkovich, of San Francisco, se ri­
a re closed, th e
C aptain McNab is restin g easily j
th an in 1917 and 14 per cent high­
y ester­
I and it is declared th a t th e bullet
e r th an the average death ra te for a
wound in his neck is not serious.
score of years according to a sta te ­
Follow ing a m eeting last night
G eneral Garza said th e soldiers cisco were h u rt early th is m orning m ent m ade in a sum m ary in th e fi­
men issued a sta te m e n t saying:
stated th a t they had received m any when M oran’s care rashed into an nancial press, m ade public today,
m ight as well starv e w ithout
com plaints of A m erican av iato rs au to tru ck .
review ing life insurance d istrib u ­
(By th e U nited P ress)
th e shops.”
M acDonald, whose skull was frac­ tions last y ear by in su ran ce o rg an i­
flying over Mexican soil and frig h t­
WASHINGTON. Sept. 3.— T hat
ening livestock. He said
he had tu red , died a few m om ents a fte r th e zations operatin g in th e United
th e “ round ta b le ” conference be­ protested ag ain st A m ericans flying accident.
M oran declares th a t his S tates and C anada, including the
tw een cap ital and lab o r will be held over Mexico, but th a t his protests car was ru n n in g not over 20 m iles tra n sa c tio n s of th e Am erican Bu­
CAMP LEW IS, Sept. 3.— F irst
a t th e W hite H ouse betw een October had repeatedly been ignored.
He an h our and th a t th e tru c k had no reau of W ar Risk Insurance.
Sergeant B urt E. Woody of M arion,
5 and 10, it w as announced today. said it had been reported th a t av i­ tail light.
Ten persons died of influenza for Ky., who
A ugust 19,
P re sid e n t W ilson will invite <tbout a to rs took photographs of Mexican
each A m erican soldier killed in bat- 1919, F irst Sergeant A nthony F.
40 delegates to a tte n d and th e pres te rrito ry .
F ra n k George and fam ily of G rass i tie, the report declares, placing th e ; Schmitz, cavalry, and Ret. H arold L
Id en t is now sending le tte rs to the
His sta te m e n t m ade no effo rt to Valley, Calif., spent several days in n um ber of Influenza d eaths a t h a l f ! Gage a re assigned as a ssista n ts to
U nited S tates C ham ber
of Com­ deny the shooting but a tte m p te d to
i the professor of m ilitary science a t
th e auto-cam p last week w hile on a m illion.
m erce, th e A m erican F ed eratio n of ju stify th e a tta ck on th e grounds
Life insurance d istrib u tio n s in ’ O. A. C., a t Corvallis, Ore. A num ­
th e ir way home from an autom obile
L ab o r, rep re sen ta tiv e s of various th a t the a v ia to r’s alleged flights
trip to P o rtlan d .
They m ade th e th is country and C anada in 1918 ber of o th er sim ilar details a re pend­
a g ric u ltu ra l associations and in v est­ over th e
b order c o n stitu ted
a stop here to try the m ineral w aters. I totaled $1, 115,810,000
m en t b an k ers asking them to subm it b re a c h ’ of in te ra n tio n a l law.
n am es fo r his consideration.
In addition to th e delegation th u s
Sept. 3.— High
chosen, P resid en t W ilson will elect officials doubt w h e th e r th e -United
o th e rs from th e country a t large S tates will be in a position to ta k e
T h ese in v itatio n s, it is stated , will any action ag ain st Mexico. If it i:
be sen t out by th e president while found th a t C aptain McNab who was
b e is on his speaking to u r of th e shot yesterday,
flying over
co u n try , w hich began today.
Mexican soil. T here is no in te rn a ­
Ten Died of
Infnenza io
One in Battle
President Starts His Campaign
for Ratification of Peace Treaty
No More W. S. S.
(Special to The T idings)
PORTLAND, Seut. 3.— Monday
m ark e d th e passing of th e tre a su ry
d e p a rtm e n t's w ar savings stam p o r­
g a n iz a tio n in Oregon. T he govern­
m e n t has w ithdraw n its prom otion of
th e sale of th ese “ baby bonds" as a
fe d e ra l function, and s ta te h e a d q u ar­
ters, m aintained for nearly tw o years
In P o rtla n d , has been closed. County
o rg an iz atio n s th ro u g h o u t th e sta te
h a v e also been notified th a t th ere
w ill be no fu rth e r need of th e ir e f­
fo rt, inasm uch as th e buying of
sta m p s is to be left in fu tu re to per­
so n a l in iativ e and v o lu n teer effort.
tional law governing such flying but
th e custom in E uropean countries
p rio r to th e o u tb re a k of th e w ar was
to fire upon foreign a v ia to rs who
crossed in te rn a tio n a l
w ithout perm ission.
This was due to th e co n stan t fear
of spies.
A lthough
precedent before them th e officials
pointed o ut th a t in th e case be­
tw een Mexico and th e U nited S tates
it m ight be regarded differen tly be
cause th e forces of both govern­
m ents a re searching for bandits.
(By the U nited P ress)
W ASHINGTON, Sept. 3.— P resi­
dent W ilson leaves th is evening on
his 10,000 m iles speaking to u r of
the U nited S tates in an effo rt to
convince th e people th a t th e peace
tre a ty
ratified as it
stands. He will a tte m p t to solidify
public opinion in favor of th e tre a ty
so th a t pressure will be b ro u g h t to
b ear on th e opposition senators
th ro u g h th e ir hom e te rrito rie s to
change th e ir a ttitu d e .
All pupils of Bellview School dis­
In th e endeavor to c reate an ir ­
tric t will m eet a t th e school house resistible dem and for quick ra tific a ­
prom ptly a t S:30 a. m., Septem ber
8. The jitn ey will leave at th a t tion of th e tre a ty , th e persident, it
tim e. By o rd e r of th e School Board. was learned, will m ake only bald
3-2 sta te m e n ts of w hat he considers the
facts, ra th e r th a n o rato rical efforts.
His itin e ra ry calls fo r invasion of
th e sta te s of some of h ^ principal
«j political opponents in th e senate,
and m ost of his speeches will be de­
livered west of Chicago, w here the
believes an tip a th y
th e forest supervisor, forest ran g e r ad m in istratio n
tow ard th e tre a ty is strongest.
o r forest guard in whose te rrito ry
Special a tte n tio n will be devoted
they a re going to cam p, s ta tin g a p ­
to th e Pacific Coast, w here th e peo­
proxim ately w here they will camp
ple, according to th e ir senators, are
and build th e ir cam p fires. There
suspicious of th e Japanese and re ­
Is an office of a forest supervisor in
sentful of th e S hantung settlem en t,
each o fthe follow ing places:
w hereby Ja p a n
gets im portant
P o rtla n d . A lbany. Eugene, Rose-
g ra n ts in China. In addition to his
burg. G ran ts Pass, M edford. Bend
speeches on th e Coast, the, president
Baker, Pendleton. Prineville, John
will review th e Pacific fleet a t 'S e ­
Day and Lakieview .
a ttle on Septem ber 13.
One of W ilson’s principal a rg u ­
m ents for th e ratifica tio n of the
tre a ty will be th a t in d u stria l un­
rest and high prices cannot end u n ­
til a real peace is established
th ro u g h ratifica tio n of th e treaty .
He plans to explain his reasons
P o rtla n d .— A re g u la r m eeting of
fo r com m itting the U nited S tates
the W est Coast L um berm en’s asso­
to th e League of N ations plan, and
ciation will be held a t th e M ultno­
in fact m ake a personal rep o rt to
m ah hotel a t 10 o’clock W ednesday
th e A m erican people on his P a ris
m orning. More th an 200 m em bers
work, tellin g them th e “ w hys” and
of th e association in Oregon and
w herefores.”
W ashington a re expected to atten d ,
R obert S. Shaw of A storia, presi-j
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. W allace and
dent, will preside. N ational legisla­
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Phelps of Mesa.
tion affectin g th e lu m b er ind u stry
Ariz., w ere cam ped a t th e a u to ­
will be discussed a t th is m eeting. p ark recently. The p a rty left Mesa
Special a tte n tio n will be given to
Ju n e 1, and have m ade th e big swing
proposed am endm ents to’ theincom e
around the n orthw est. They spent a
tax law as it applies to tra n sfe rs few days in Y ellow stone p ark and
of tim b er lands. The lum ber indus­ cam e down th e coast th ro u g h W ash­
try in th e n o rth w est is being se ri­ ington and Oregon, and will re tu rn
ously handicapped a t present, say hom e by C alifornia.
Mr. W allace
p rom inent o p erato rs, by th e exac­ drives a lig h t six Buick and Mr.
tions of th e incom e tax law.
Phelps a H udson Sapersiv.
Campers on Forest Reserve
Must Have Permits for Fires
(Special to T he T idings)
P o rtla n d ,
Sept. 3 — u u rln g th e
m o n th o f Septem ber cam pers in any
o f th e n atio n al forests of th e P a ­
cific Coast sta te s will have to se­
c u re perm its for building cam p fires.
T h is reg u latio n has ju s t been pro­
m u lg a te d by th e S ecretary of A gri­
c u ltu re and th e local office of the
fo re s t service was so inform ed re ­
cently. T his is a
m e a su re ta k e n to aid forest ran g ers
a n d fire gu ard s in keeping tra c k of
the location of cam ping p arties in
th e ir d istric ts and to secure th e lis t­
in g of th o se who have occasion to
m a k e cam p fires.
Som etim es the
lo o k o u ts on th e m o u n tain s detect
a n d rep o rt fires which la te r tu rn oui
to be only cam p fires. T his plan of
issu in g p erm its fo r cam p fires will
h elp th e ran g e rs to tell cam p fire
pm okes from real forest fire sm okes
T he woods a re now as inflam m a­
b le a s gunpow der a fte r these weeks
of d ry , ho t, w indy w eather, and the
go v ern m en t officials a re not going
t o ta k e any chance of having pub­
lic tim b e r go up in sm oke and are
ho ta k in g th is restric tiv e m easure
U ntil th e d an g er -Is past, ever
though it will be som e little incon­
venience to th e public.
Those who are contemplating
■hmping trips during September
hbonld w rite or apply in person to
W ill Meet
Austrians Are Notifed That
They Must Pay the Fiddler
(By th e U nited P ress)
SEATTLE, Sept. 3.— Because his
neighbor would not keep her dog
from chasing his chickens, F re d e r­
ick Britz, aged 67, is in jail here,
having confessed
to slaying Mrs.
F ra n k Sm ith a fte r w arning the
wom an th a t she would e ith e r have
to move or get rid of h er dog.
Britz atta ck e d his victim last
n ight in her kitchen, using a butcher
knife. The w om an’s husband h e a r­
ing his w ife’s scream s, rushed into
the kitchen and knocked th e knife
(By th e U nited P res«)
from B ritz’s hand a fte r th e wom­
WASHINGTON, Sept. 3.— Declar­
an had been severely slashed.
Britz recovered the knife, it is a l­ ing th a t th e sen ato rs who dem and
leged, and inflicted fatal w ounds on am endm ent of the peace tre a ty p r o
Mrs. Sm ith, who died late r.
pose an insance in te rn atio n a l pol­
icy, “ in which poltroonery and fal­
O '® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® lacy are so mixed it is d ifficult to
see w hich p red o m in ates.”
S enator H itchcock today opeead
FORCES SEEK PEACE 4 the fight for unqualified ratifica tio n
<t of th e peace pact in th e senate.
PA RIS, Sept. 3.— A Berne •
A m endm ents will not only kill
dispatch today rep o rts th a t an
th e tre a ty b u t will involve th e U nit­
'♦> official announcem ent has been
ed S tates in enorm ous losses a n d
•• received th ere saying the Bol- • dangers, Hitchcock declared. Those
<£• shevik forces on th e D neister • dem anding am endm ents,
he said,
fro n t have asked to negotiate <• ap p ear unaw are of the ad vantages
4> w ith th e R um anians.
to be derived by trfe United 8 tatea
<t th ro u g h th e peace settlem ent.
“ Suppose th e sen ate should vote
in favor of th e S hantung am end­
m ent o r any other, w hat w ould hap­
p e n ? ” he asked. “ Inevitably one of
two things, e ith e r the
would refuse to go fu rth e r w ith th e
tre a ty , o r he would
subm it th e
(B y th e United Press)
am en d m en t’to th e nation sassociated
ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 3.— Added
w ith the United States in th e war
protection against th e bomb thro w ­ for consideration.
er and c a rrie r of concealed weapons
“ Does anyone believe they would
is expected to resu lt from an am end­ accept it?
m ent to th e penal law which becam e
“ I cannot conceive th a t any in ­
effective today.
telligent and candid m an would as­
The provisions of th e new law are sum e such th ing possible,” said
very strict. No boy u n d er 16 is a l­ Hitchcock.
"A m erica
would then
lowed to carry a sling shot, while find herself out in th e cold and iso­
a person who c arries or possesses lated from th e rest of th e world.
a bomb or bom bshell, or possesses
“ The w ork of ratify in g th e tre a ty
an explosive substance w ith Intern would proceed w ithout us and w ith­
to use it ag ain st th e person or prop­ in a period of a few weeks, a fte r
erty of a n o th e r is guilty of a felony. F rance and Jap an had ratified the
U nder th e new s ta tu te , aliens are tre a ty it w ould be in w orking o r­
not to be given perm its to carry con­ d e r.”
cealed weapons. The new law de­
fines a weapon th a t can be con­
A c a r y from C orvallis cam ped in
cealed as a blackjack, billy, club, the au to -p ark last week containing
sandbag, m etal knuckles, bludgeon, E. D. Tway and fam ily of th a t city,
dagger, d irk, dangerous knife, razor, and G. S. Irw in of Mesa, Ariz. Mr.
stiletto , pistol or firearm of such size Irw in had been ou a visit w ith his
th a t it can be concealed about the d au g h ter, Mrs. Tway, and they are
tak in g him back to Arizona.
New Curb Placed
on Rabid Radicals
(By the U nited P ress)
PA RIS, Sept. 3.— T h at th e A us­
tria n s .although no longer under th e
m onarchy regim e th a t caused the
w ar, cannot escape responsibility for
the conflict and m ust pay for its
RENNES, F ran ce.— (By M ail.) — consequences, is the m essage th a t is
W hen a ru m o r spread th a t a certain being conveyed to V ienna by Aus­
late cow which had been slaughtered tria n C hancellor R enner, to whom
and sold for food, had been su ffe r­ th e peace tre a ty was handed y e s te r­
ing from rabies a t the tim e of her day.
death, th e population of this F rench
At th e sam e he w as handed the
village descended on th e doctor and | tre a ty R enner received th e allied
th e m ayoi foi advice.
reply to the co u n ter proposals of the
Everybody who had recently eaten j A u stria n s. l t rejected th e A ustrian
beef concluded th a t he o r she h a d ! plea fQr clemGncy th e a „ ies pointing
contracted hydrophobia, and had con-j QUt th a t th e w ar wag precipitated b>
sequently gone m ad.
I th e u ltim atu m
of tb e Austria-
F o rty -fo u r of th e in h a b ita n ts ,H ungary governm ent to gerbla and
bought tick ets for P aris, w here th e y j th a t th e A ugtrian people m ade no
intended seeing th e best doctors. effo rt to curb the m ilita rist spirit
But o th er passengers aboard the dom inating th e H apsburg regim e.
(By th e U nited P ress)
tra il rebelled a t th e idea of trav elin g
’ SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 3.— T hat
w ith people who m ight suddenly go
p j Kooy and fam llv of H yland
m ad and s ta r t snapping a t them , so In d ian a WGrG cam per8 in th e free th e Pacific Coast will soon see prac­
th e fo rty -fo u r w ere huddled in c a t­ auto-cam p fo r a few days during tical proof of th e contention th a t
tle cars and m ade th e journey s ta n d ­ th e past week w hile m aking a trip the navy* can bring resu lts for peace
ing up,.
th ro u g h th e northw est. They w ere as well as w ar, and th a t th e o rg an i­
A h u n d red m ore w ere
g etting bound fo r Van Noyes, a suburb of zation of the Pacific fleet will bring
ready to go when a m eat inspector Los Angeles, w here they will spend vast com m ercial developm ent such
announced th a t though it was tru e th e w in ter w ith Mrs. Kooy’s sister as Secretary D aniels prom ised ves-
th e cow had been infected th ere They had m any nice th in g s to say p o rd a y is confidently expected by
w as no d an g er of it being c o n tra ct­ ab o u t th e A shland camp w hich they business m en everyw here.
They point out th a t th e first re ­
re p o rt to be th e best they have found
quisite to p roper m aintenance of the
The panic subsided.
on th e ir travels.
fleet a s an efficient fig h tin g unit is
good h a rb o rs.. The ships m ust
have h a rb o rs fo r work and play,
h arb o rs for repairs, h arb o rs for
tra in in g statio n s and supply bases.
This m eans h a rb o r developm ent.
C hannels m ust be w idened and
deepened, new
m ust be provided and preset facili­
< ►
ties m ust be increased in capacity.
T he follow ing special price will be m ade th is week to all old \ ’
Deepening of th e channels for th e
T idings sem i-w eekly subscribers:
navy will benefit the m erchant m a r­
ine as well and shipping interests
generally will be quick to tak e a d ­
if cash accom panies th e order.
vantage of th is developm ent.
Those who have a credit on th e Sem i-W eekly will be allow ed ';
th a t m uch off th e five dollars for th e com ing year.
SYDNEY.— (By M ail.)— A new
The b arg ain week ru n s u n til next S aturday. A fter th a t the
crutch for th e use of those injured
Daily will be $6.00 th e year.
in th e w ar, designed to prevent
cru tch paralysis, has been invented
M erchants- having ledgar acco u n ts w ith th e T idings m ay te le ­
by tw o Sydney m erchanicians. The
phone in th e ir subscription a n d th e am ount will be added to th e ir
new device, it is expected, will be
October 1st bill.
adopted by th e m ilita ry au th o rities.
Ate Infected Beef;
Town Fearèd Rabies
Business Men Look­
ing For Improvement
:: The Daily Tidings Will Be $6 Per Year -
Portland Gels
Gun Captured
By Own Sons
(By th e United P ress)
PORTLAND, Sept. 3.— Portland’s
c a p tu red G erm an cannon awarded
for th e city ’s oversubscription to the
V ictory L iberty loan was wrested
from th e H uns by the m en of th e
N inety-first division in the battle of
A rgonne F o rest w here fell some of
P o rtla n d ’s own sons. T he gun ought
to a rriv e w ithin th e next thirty
R obert E. Sm ith, d irecto r of the
W ar Loan organization for the
T w elfth F ed eral R eserve
said ,‘The W ar D epartm ent has ad­
vised us th a t P o rtlan d will get one
of th e guns th a t h er own hoys of
th e N inety-first division so valiant­
ly w rested from th e H uns In the Ar­
O ur advices are that the
gun has been shipped and ought to
a rriv e w ithin th e next th irty days
b a rrin g unexpected freig h t delays.”
LONDON.— “ W ilson Peace” w ere
th e C hristian nam es a luckless
Finchley baby had
to stan d for
th ro u g h being horn peace year,