imnAlLY ASTURiAN, FIJI DAY .MO KM Ml, JANVAlJY 517, 1HJU. Marveloos Sale... ' FRANK ft. LA LANNB A CO. Oottoa and Woolen Mills Philadelphia, DM. 15, 189. Messrs. McAllsn McDonnell. Pirt'aed, Oregon. OenUamen: Ws ara In receipt of our favor of Ttn tost., end accept your offer for our goods -one-third off. Wo ttink you will be able to make, money out of the lot l this figure, for It U a blx Iota to u. out tas roods hv bees handled since they left our place. Ad we prefer to sell them cheap, rather than have them returned. Tours ry tnlr' FRANK R LA LANNE A CO. Will Ih? added to goods nlrriuly catalogued in our Clortrniuv Sale. A now lot of Jackets, the latest croat ion of tlie tailors' art, and will be sold at Less Than Cost, Mr. Harry Mlllxtter,, reprveasntmg Bon FraMwavrt ami Now York firm, la in h oily. Ttv polio are looking t fellow of t)it twiiw but Milliner swtd. when an otTWr axpiuvai'twd him yesterday. "I lank you bah the wrong Mlar," II will do. pan tvaniglu. Tho moderation In (he weather yester. da)1 W1 a groat retlrf to Astorluns. who htve mil up with Pague' min for the pant month without complaint. The moon n hk In all it glory last niirht McAllen. & McDonnell afW-fil Commercial Street. ASTORIA. Id IB Third Street. PORTLAND. OR. Embroideries at Cost AT:: Albert Dunbarst CLEARANCE SRIiE. Dudley Ewha who whipped Jock Hill (Wore th lHymptw Huh In Pnnitwnal, Wednesday iVght, has aivepb'd a ,thnl. from iFi-vd Mitchell, nf IttMion. Pick Case, who I now at HeatH. wanted t meet Kismis, but Hie kitr w(itivl going against lite Huston num. II II mode matters extremely interesting fur Kvnnt for thrav of tlw four round the light lasted and local iort are wonder, big what hns porvaossiil the victor to meet Mm-MI. who In wild to ly a wry clawr ...MM V. ul... ....I .. .fc.,11. ...... .v..... TL?WV ,,,,m"mH, ""little. reported .-me'ilntr .. to 1 l' I lx down with consumption in 8a F-.sin- Cawomar INlil left for Svw,.u, v.i.u. ! '" "lit would so.-m mat una re- to summon a Jure to ,.,tiirv Into the ! ,,ort " lmvrtv,at, lUstnrud out gloii. im of Uw aavl.ieiit In which Charles ol"ly 1,1 l,1l"",, ,lr'v,' lmbha wtw killed. The inuuosi will be ' x fl,M lv 1,,'v',"" ,,f "", hld thl aftonwH.n. Nothma- ha bn ' ot ,4w' f ,h''1 l''",M ,ml,, hrwtxl hm rtw r.-l.itlwa of iv4h al. v, ry "l',rt 'nml tnotu."h thv mv twx.rtwl of hi dnuh. j ' j ' Tli iviuwy (suin twm Iwcn In vomIoii O. X. Oinwlmn, a a teii)t of a wr. I 'he Pt tw dty rxnuilnlnit the dl. ival invvnUf'tulon of tho miM.vt. niule ! mmnOimn of irtw Youm Iwy lrl)Ki. thnt th mtjnuto of vnlh of Hie cliuu i Y.'stonlay n wua found llio hrldito had prodiiot of t' ouiuiy rtiiiiln. In 1 not lv nmdo iu-.nivllnit to ilu iv in(M Kt!4i Comnuwloth'4- Miuit'a rHort U Hone. Ix'lmr livvf hy two ami a lutlf wrvtuj:. Mr. Mlirlrv inita tho iuuiiiiiJ . In-h than imii,I lit llw lmi for- j tIu, of v'lntiHv ivunly W.uim at wnnUsl o tli0 UrWiro i-ouiimy li an. Mr. t'artmiuin xv thtu it r ty oloiw '. Mirs th.n rt of tho Hani:,' to ih tnu'k ilolllUVW. upon whlrh tniwl th SO nliw U llutt j j (Mrry n dfavf hn ln v miniii-t , A !YTort rm.-hod tho city from Fort ! as to rxtond Jl tiitm ouiidi tho con. . Otuiby eetird.iy rvonin; thiit on of the crot, r. and tho driw i llvo Inch,- eol,liT atatlomd u tho fort hod born j Uru.-r than w wM by 11 . drowwod then?. It wna, lt 'court. Tho iMiHt,4.r now wiU have lo n.rfM. to loam Uk unforunu, nutn , redu,, tho clri'l round the t of tho , muno t tl oinnimAtJUUHw surroutklinir ' plT Xa the rxl,-nt of two f.ot i r" - ; u acoMoiu. s me tt'UnMpJt ttK-r at ;tlw fort was cl,wl whn Inquiry wi nwuK' by the Aaturtan. P. J. Meany-w fflirchaot Tailor and Exporter of Fws. BlcWt Cash Pric PsJd for Fur Skiaa. Tenth and Commercial 6t. Astoria, Or. POY LEE (Formerly with Chas. Kan A Co.) JBaanfaetarep of Ladies' aod Cents' UNDESWEflS, FORHISHING GOODS ard HOSIER Y Ladles' Cndenrer to Order a Specialty. W Bond Street. Cor. Sereoth. TODAT8 WKATUER. Probably fair. AROUND TOWN. Money to toaaFerrtuon Bros. Candles 10 cent a pound at the Parlor. C C. Uaaten, the Bear Creek logger, was In the city yesterday. Best li-ct meal, Rlslnc Bun restaur ant, til Commercial street. A. B. Hammond is expected to arrive in tho city from New York today. The Bernbard WaRher concert company will appear at the M. E. church tonight. Mr. Jesse Hobeon, northwest manager for Charles Scrlbner'a Sons, is in the Fresh Eboalwater Bay oysters and clams at tbe olal street Pat" Market, S74 Commer. Best California wine 30 cents Pir gal lon. Alex. Gilbert, sole agent for Astoria. Telephone A Wallsend coal and coke Is tbe brst for domestic purpose. For sals by the As. torla Oas Light Co. Dr. Finch has removed bis office to the new Spcxarth building. Commercial street, sear Eleventh. The atenm wbooner Signal crowed out yetrday for South Bend, where she will load lumber for San Francisco. Grant Trullinger has been appointed by Sheriff TJnvlUe to All the position ot Go to the M. E. church tonight and hear Mr. Walthor. the eeiebratod UvlfrUw vk:inbt. Captain D. J. McXIcar, who has born in Portland fur the paet few dnys, has tvturneil to the olty. The Brltsh ship Allorton was towed down to tho lowvr harbr jvetorvlay pivpAratory to going to Carl O. Anderson, a nauve of Swedon. dwiarwi has intonCon of becoming M cliiien yoetonUy In County Clerk YtTuT. Ity's oftkv. IVTnlvinl tValthT. the groat Belgian violin::, was In Astoria about thive yars ago. Ask any on who heard him about his abilities. ; During Dr. Tmtle's absence In Briil-h Ciiumbla. Dr. J. A. Fulton will bo act ing assistant surgeon of the Vnlfd outes marine service. If you use our Saponaceous Tooth Wash it will whiten your teeth, preserve your gums and give a delightful fragrance to tbe breath. Rogers, druggist. . Rev. E. S. Bollinjrer. who occupied the pulpit of the Congregational church at Oregon City last Sunday, returned to the rKy yemcrday on the noon, truin. ; Notice Of the paraace of the bill by congress extending the privilege of lm. ' mediate transportation to Astoria was received at the local customs house yes terday. Gold medals to Harper Whisky at New Orleans and World's Fs a. Chicago. Try : It, you will endorse the judge's verdict j Sold by the Foard A Stokes Company, i Astoria, Ore. The steamer Fuhnn arrived down from Portland yesterday for 6an Francisco. She has nrly a full cargo of wheat and cirri' S) i) fot of HrniU-r phipi-?il by the Clatsop Mill Company. Services at Grace church this evening as upuaj at 7 o'clock. Choir practice In lira Sunday school room Immediately aftt-r the service. Ser-V-ca Sunday at 11 and 7:30; Sunday school at 12:30. You will regret It. should you mis the . opportunity of hearing Miss Laura E chelmana. the German pianist, and Mai a me Walther. the noted pnuw etnger. Admission 50 cents; chil. dren under 12 years 25 rents. The popularit of the merchant's lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tionai la growing dally, and many busu ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley are the finest in tbe city. Herman Wise, C. II. Coop.T. C. R, lllg- Ins and F. II. Ooodoll will kxiw 'ht evening for IVrUuiul to coittxtt for the hVKIwihim,r trohy. Uiws and 8wy, tliff Mhvr miMitU'rs of tho toanv will go up in th monutyr. lliirrmghi. who has Nvti 111 with kttrrtptw. lum ,V-M,xl not to civmiKtny the toam. Ho ; on,, of tho Nt bow lira in tho club and tho Unm will bo wwskenwl by hi absence. The Nielo.boit destroys GMtUro. whlcn .i being colistruoted by the Wolff & 7.wicker elilp yard. at lNrtlnd. will be compMed by the tlnu next full. Near, lv Ivklf the mnoh-iMvy has bwti put In plnc but hor rotuuruction will now go on tnor mil.lly lncv the trji,lo-bxu Fox t oomplotvd. The k,I njmrtl of tho Golilnooro will b much greater than thiU of the being about 5S knots an hour. The bill Introduced In tho lowvr nou' of the state leg-jilaluro by K r miita. Mve providing f.r a tvta: liquor llcxniM of a yeor w-.i k llel ynstcrday. 'ihe defiMt of the b'JI mused no surprliHt loiMlly, as Mlnon mn were of the opinion that the measure would not gvt half a iW'-ti vot'-s. It Is nit-d an effort wus m.ulo In I'or'.ljnd and elsewhere to secure a fund to kill tho bill, but that the attempted gnift fell tUt. liquor dealers rvfusirg to put up a cent. I Considerate drift roo, washed off the : ! Wunks of the uptwr rlv,T U floating ' wn the Columbia. Tho heavy nuns nnd , the anow melting on tho mountains ! ! drained by the crwks flowing Into the ' ' Columbia and Willamette, have swelled ' ; those rivers atul oiirnod off the brush and i trees blown down by tho winter storms. I The freehet caused a swift current in ' the tower riv,r and huge piecxs of dead t ! wood, and many giants of the forest, with ; their protmd.iar brunohes. glide swftly 1 past Astoria on their way to the ocean, j A letter was received In Astoria yes. ' terday announcing the death at Van ; couver, Wash., of Mrs. Hail, a sister of Cupraln PackArd. who was formerly on. . nected wirh J. B. Wyatt. or this city. ' Only a week ago Mr. Packard's mother died at Vancouver, and throughout her illness her daughter. Mrs. Hall, constant, ly attended her. The young woman was . attacked by neuralgia of the heart kist Monday, whj.-h reeult.-l In her divith the follcwing day. The tnf rm-nt tik place at Kiiigefleld. Wash., where Mrs. Packard was buried. j dicillur by two feet and it lililf towurd tho , enter. A ttcw pum of it'ncreln to ! ciwr,KHml with tho new ilmietuU.wi has j twn ordervd a reUtto of t.i will bo CUM for from the builder of the draw. ' Otto of the il',r ,f the Hrttltli whip ! Allerton was ivl,ws,l from the vesel j yoaterdiiy on hitNti iwihis preo'oUiig ! lustitutetl by Timed States I'ommisdoiia r j C. It. Thomson, t). A. INittieio). fth-r I of the young man. i a rn'd,it f Se itlll,, and ,-legrnpliil Mr. Thomson to have his min released. Tl-' Ny I" bet won j IS and fi years old iwd h.ul bu n living nt one of the su'lor hoii-" at IVrtland. Ho wa shlpp on l.'trd the Allerton as onlln.iry sisiinan to cn. plots the crew, giving his age at He was ,la In the house "! ''! tain Toye paid t-'J advunce money to the Portland shlpi'lng nia.'.i-r 1i-n l'"iner"y wa put on boiird. A few 1.i eg he iiunpl.ilmxl of fii'biw unwrll ami told the ooptaln ho wanted lo go ah"r" A physl,ian was taken on lmnl but noth ing was found to be tho matter with IVtnoroy. Cnptan To)e ,leinan,.. the motley Kitd the liip;.i: master, but t'ommlsjtoner 'rhomsoii o'uld g'.te him no rlr-s and the captain will be out that sum nnd a nun h more as may U' t' ne,vsary to ott.iJn ,uiu,thr s auian. It appear tile l'y l ;ioi ri.ul :n.l linv hotiu, wtim the tiotton tak.-s Mm, When admitted n the linl r.g tvu in Portland ho was without nion, anil hal up. IVmeroy was taken to Portland M'tt night In churgoof nil otll.t r and another officer will take Mm from there to Seattle to Moln the family i-irde so was wtld , he stranded. Tlia rert also etntod (hat llto wew had taken i the iMHtis. For sewral hour efforts were nmdn by local Mirtiig men K got furiher imtHh'tllrtr of (ho Me's OondUlott, but no other news was reinilved, It wa geit. orally auppossM tl,t the ship was Bsiioie and Hint her lotai deatrucllun was only a matter nf time, Imlo In the ft,nimm Mr, Johnson re. c.w.l another reHl. statltig itha.t the stilp had u,',e,M Making off shnro and tlwit ado was out of ihtnucr, 'llil roH't wxt vei'itle.1 later In ih evening by the abovo dlapiitch from the Asiiui. nn'ii S'Mld,, coir,Mi,loiii, who hnstoit-t lo iilie sivtin of the aupwnt w-rvk n s,on il the new- rvaWlnl ,-itsldo, SlHK'tila iOn a to Hh, luuno of I lie ve. . wiut nfo ),stor,lay II l ptvti) oii. ernlly believed Imt she I tho tluof rl, which I due from San iMrgo An! lr foiir-mttstut vessel which may luiw been Ut the Kllltig is the Iveroa. and It I sa:l that tho Inner ship wn seen off CatuwMt InmcIi. At nil events h,. . nfe. but she hiul ft narrow eaoapo, a the heavy swells which prevwllnl yr.lor. day mlgl hav,i carrted hv to detru,v tloiv HKAL KSTATi: Til ANSKIiltH. I'mted 8tate to j.din T. Hmith. wvst half of norihonsi quarter-, eotn M. township north, range R ,rt patent William I- IWil to T W. NT'irliy, un. dlvkle.1 tuilf iauthw,t quarter. etku SI. aisl w,at half of mirth. wrt qtmrter, sivtloti , tow-tmblp i ttorth. ruitgn ti wnt fj- Henry J. Mtiey to T w. ,Norly, east half of nonhwost qimrter. section 3. township J notth. tango west S John Hvcnsoii in Johanna A ISilnier, M 15. block II. A'hi r M John K. llruvcs to W J. Itoas. stand ing tltnlsr on soiith,f quarter, ecrtlon 1. towtish , T north, rango wwt C A. liiitloin. adm. to T U Norby and W, t.. irsH. southeast quarter, otlon ,S, ownshlt d north, rang" f west js.i PHITISH SHIP NAKHOWI.T E.'AI'M M-SiTUl'tTlnN Four-Masted Veul Ha a Close Call From Piling on Cannon Ib-och Her Name I'nknown. SEASIDE. Jan. Si.-iSpecil to the As. torbtn.) A four-masted Hiitish ship, name UndiMlngulhubl wus notlceil y-t-rtlay afternoon off Conm-n Uach Hying slgnul of distress. TtoTe wns no wind und she apparently could not work off shore, a light westerly hrx aiwl a heavy ground swell setting her towards thn rocks on Brighton beach. Afler dark, at uN'iit i p. m . th-- tiring of guns from the .ss.l w.ut heard, and wus continued at intervals during the n'ght. At daylight this morning the sh p could 1 sti Just outside the breakers, anil at am hor, but t'M iway to admit of leading her rwm.e. At 1'i.Jii a wind sprung up and the v,e nppsr. off HviTKI. AltlllVAI.-t tH'lll;NT H, S Mdlsiirr Rui KraneUiii, Max .Mayer. Sou I Vaiu lx. o. I. J 'i:i:h in. r. San iYami,o. J S I win Portland J W lion man. sr. New York I-:. T)ir. I. . l.l. I'rnvv, Pa. i. Masii n. Sit uscn. pa it Ki;n inn si:. S It.iker. H.M Ht.-xens M Kllev, Fort Siev.-nx M' II W.khIs and iler. I' lr A It Thotnas. poriland. I" II I'n.ldoii II imnioiu! il. llagl.liiin ll.iiotiii.Mil lo t'atMdiuu.icr. l''m : t'onby. ,'i M ft M t, i t i wv aw , k ' au "V. at vi m j', f k -m ir. i nil '. " h. ii l i -!' li'.K II 1 ' in in ' ii "t' .V, i ! " III P I U .11 iVJ I w j. J -J'lig ir iiiti , wfc.-.. 1'KIVATK (iKOUDK CAMKUOX KIX,0NK OK HOOSKVKITS lldl (III HIDKUS, WHO TOOK PART IN T1IK KIUHTINO hKKOltKS.WTIAOO. Hoaltln P. I , lrciittoe S. i Tlnew was a very large nlteiHlaiios of : Weotetti fnmil.iniiion. with wtusm fmr. s.'h.'l clnldiTii teacher, sailor rtoin h ' Iom bravely he bad Isx-otth, well an. Hour and ilrunt and rieiui g-noiailv . ihmiiiI.I dnr.tig lis Huiit Ml tho ImuI at the biiii of Itoiigh Itlder ligo i limits of .Vol ill I'okuis wn welt drawn. 1'oiiiorMH King yoM..r,liiy afteiiimm at . ;t,i thn inawol of lbs Hough lUdnra. Armory hall Mr. King showed trace n ynimg nioiiiiialii Hon, stua iiieitilniiid of thn growl liai;NhlM ho endilie.1 and thn dotalls of tho 1,111.41 kiUbsn at tlirough the ('uhm campattrn. but hi 'Pautita of th army of Invasion fur Cuba, b p was cbir and strong lit thn most , wn given III limine li story nf thn Inn-ritil'iig liantitlve siyie ho told tho cause wlith e. up to Ilia war Willi whokn story of the triumph of tine Uavo Hi mill wns clear. Nervous Dyspepsia Pu tia.n Fl.-sh to Sl,-p Well, to Know What Appet.1 luid dood l'U-'i:.wi Mean. MAKK A TKST tK trn'AltTrt PKPSIA TA III. KIM. IYS. wn wa The nw-n's monthly tournament was hlit nt thn Avt.irlu !'k,tf Imi!I f'liil, ill..,-. veeniav .h..r Wn., .hno, Si ,nt..f' I '"' "f,H',l h'T "'' T and ants. The bowl ng wns fair, several of shore. thi handicap men doing very w.. C. j A rtort of the ships distress R. Higgins finished high, senntig the ' ,t.nt ,Q 8eul,hh, UjU nl)fflt ,, ilisrir tl"H I j-iif IV? ttn n v'1ri.. r.f , n.v 47. He hiut mis.h... i. i, in i promptly npondoil to by the Point g-ome, but marutgvil to pull up In the other gnmea. One of his scores was W. -nv, x.m oesi nmiui m me con- , p-jrmjr (rai ,u ,).,. 191. lnts is tne swmd ume Mr. Jllg. gins nas won the meual, whioh will be. i j Adams life-saving crew, whose S at and , apparatus wore uiken to SeasWle on thn train, and th.-tv l.ndil on wagons and started ov.t tho toll road I come hi profsrty .mould he win It again. After prooct-dlng some distance the w.rty The torpedo.brat Fox left up the river yesterday morning on her trial trip. The weathr was calm and conditions were deputy sheriff caused by the resignation favorable for a good test. The run waa of Watson J. Binder, Sheriff Williams' appointee, which takes effect February t W. A. Gaines' private stock whisky, handled exclusively In Astoria by John L Carlson, is one of the most popular beverages sold. Its purity and quality are guaranteed, and it is especially rec ommended for family use. It Is sold In any quantity at the corner of Twelfth and Bond streets. made from Pillar Rock up the Columbia. Captain Patterson had charge of the Fox. The wife of J. A. Johnson, of the port Adams life-saving service, who wns brought to 9t. Mary's hrwprtal on Janu. ary 16, Is reported to be growing much worse. 8he Is under charge of Drs. Ful ton and Jansen, but. In spite of every care that medical skill can furnish, her condition Is very critical. 1 i was nut by a m.icnK-r from the bench, A.ftbury, who returned a j who brought the Information that the ship had escaped destruction. The ves. sel had a narrow escape, the opportune Mr. "Jack few days ago from his Cannon ls-a-h ranch, report the occurrence there of a singular accident, resulting In the total ditruitixn of the summer ottnge of j Mrs. Sabine, of this city. The cottage ! was built on a shelf at the base of a j bluff. The Incesstnt rains of the three j weeks preceding the accident had loos- I ened the ground and causi the bluff to I slide, carry ng with It the cottage, which was thrown upon the tx-aoh. With the next tide the dwelling was carried to sea. wind alone ashore. preventing h-r from going Tho news of the rumored wreck on Cm. non biu4i caused consldeniblo excitement In the city yestorday. The first rnport was received by Manager Johnson, of tho Western Union, from Sensldo. This report whm to the effoct that a miwiiit't had arrived from the bench, whero the Commencing Tuesday, January 3rd, 1899. Every article In the House reduced. This will be the greatest offering in Fine Dry Goods, Faoey Goods, Clothing, Famishing Goods, Etc Ever placed before the people of the Lower Columbia River. DURING THIS SALE Positvely no goods will be charged for at sale prices. Orders from the country will receive the same benefit as if bought personally at the counter. But cash must accompany the order. .o trouinn ts nTe iximiism or more mlsunderatisKt than nervous dyH-pia people, having It think their nerves are to blame and rv surprised that thry are not cured by nerve medicines. Ths real eat of tin. mlM'hlef Is sot sight of. The stoma di Is the orirm to be hked after. .Nertoua dyi pil.-s often do pot hav any pain wlvalever In th sbtnaeh. not perhBiis any of the usual yttitoui of tltomutl. WIMknesj NerVKII ll)' esU show Itself nut in the tnmai h jo much a is niNir:v i-vi-ry otgan in soma cast the ttMirt aJltatns and Is Irtvg j u!ar; In otlor.1 the kdro). oru affected In other he bowels are consilitcd. with loud i rh- s; still others am tp.uliliM with loss of II, sh und api'tlle wlih acciimu. laiiotia of gas. i-oiir rKing. ajid li-art-burn It Is sifn to say that Stuart' ly p a Taulnt will rurr any stomach Weakness or U.IHJ1111 ex.iit rim er of the itimiii. Ttey care sour stomach, loi of flesh and apv,lto. sle.iessni-sn. )alplta tU n, heartburn, eonstipailoti an I lieiul. na-he. S-tid for valuuldu little book on stom ach itl.waws by iudri-silig F. A. Hluart Co., MonJiull. M loll. All druggists sell full sliisl tukiMfes us. W mtits. Prof. Henry W. lin ker. A. M . the well known rel glous worker and writer f St. Ix.ul. Secretary of tho Mission llixird of the German M'tln-llst Church Chief Clerk and Kxsrt Accountant for tho Harbor anl Wluirf CoimtUssion. Public Hecre. tnry of thn St. U.itls Hohnol l-utron' A. sociaUon, and tint Ulsttii t Conference of tin wanl of Ihe M. K. Ctiiirch, -ilso tek'-s an active isirl In the work of the Cpworth lsigue, and lo wiitu on fiuiitlonal top. Ich for (K-viTal iisig-ixlius. Iluw ho fouiul relief Is bust tohl In hs nwii words: "Sctme week iigo my brother heard mo nay sim.-thlng about lndlg otbai, lund taking a box from his pocket snld 'Try Stuart's Tablnts." I did, ami was promptly relieved. Then I InveHtlgnint the twituio of thn toldiftx and U.nnio satisfied that they wro mado vt Just the tight thing und In Just the right proportion to wd In the assimilation of food. I hear'.lly endorse them in all re. p-ts, aial 1 keep them constantly on hand." Jo Ititer Is ito hiul the new com trussed air combine. Cornirinir nlr li pretty good pnuilcn for a speculation arm uji air comuinu 1 truly a tin do sleole ono. Alnon.Nin soldiers l fore Haiillngo. aiwl although h.. wu al.i In tli,, fiotit fir. Inst line In every battle fought and at llllu Sl -lailv entriisled with most sorviii. wt he st'kn vv motetly of himself and was loud In h" pnilsu of tho bravery nf other. II" told how uftor bsiUng the tow drirt nient ! the I'trveiniiv of (lirruia Ic li .1 g.-e mil i iivlo ihe ti..iit , r l. i ci un a prostHU'Tlng ti.i. but win-ii be hivinl the new of the Uowmg UP of tie' Maine he hurried north and wits one of ttsise sbs-t,-tl front a liitgo nuinlii- as a lit tvprosei.iatlv,, of ArUmin. In tl " ll"". rlelt Hough lttihr. Tho lecllller ibsi'rHsul thr. ,11 gam -i tl, .ft and poraiim uf that famous resilient. eoinpiMwd tif nil clo-,j aitWls'Y. ml. llonoirs, oillogo gradoati'M and aihh ls Tim newt Inteiiwttnsf part of the Ire. ! tutv l a maorit) of thn audliin'e was tlm minute ditall of alt thn action of the ni-ny from live iifoneiit of it landing under isivor of a heavy Is'tiibardment nf the must of i"iil by the navy to (he lutil. whu h were fought and t On final tirtvntli"r of Muntliiffn. All these sx'ties le' il, d In V. IV - al.atlo ptetlllV 'lu.'oti h, ,i iii r n.i.-.n ill'!! a largi iioiiViUis. Tbe nmlmsti of t lie lloitgtt Hld..n at t'S iliias nmn. Ilia glorinu liarv-i up San Juan bill, the a-npiurn of the blm kltonss. thn sllllxhler nt the Kllg. r the b. itiles of J ' 1 1 v I I and 3 and I thn trilf i Lunlmnlniefit dunng July 10 .ml It llil it Mgiit thn ll.viVetlS wor iiiuiiiliiii.. by liuisriig shells and the heat nf fl altar ffom thn fSllo pit. all an . i idnminl.d lit the (il. til res slid but oil gitl In -ras-iitaan. Tim sketch of a, clon'l) il'.".ll and riiU;m. by t'nl. Idsisevelt. hi resignation as i- i ttan siker that thn sinllonca f raqueiiity Istaiit so, nry of thn navy to rui. - lir'k. otit Into lha Wildest applause tuid a regiment for til country frnn thone often Into chners. Save Half Your Money Ths actual cost of shoe Is not detarmlned by ths price you pay for them, but by ths length of time th.y wear, and by lbs salts, faction th.y five. Ws have ths right shoes for ths right prices. John Halm, Tito Itollrihlo Hliou Dcnlor. VAViViWiVfVi'HViVi I ASTORIA MOAT COMPANY Telephone INo. at J I Handles Only the Choicest Meats I ; 410 CmrcUI !., A tit lalr IffilMrgi,!. BUCKWHEAT Lnrrowe'n Pure H. O. Sclf-IiHiriK Bent N. O. MolnHseH. f loncy and Mnple Syrni, Ktc A. V. ALLEN'S Groccru Store. HOHE-nADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon- Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA. THE HONEY IIEE8 FROM PHILIPPINE The department of agriculture will la. troduco Into th United States the groat noney De, found In tho Philippines. These has are twice as largo as those of mis country, and produce five or six times as much honey. They have extra long tongues, and can ruach ths nectar In many flowers that our own variety cannot. While this move will bo of ma terial benefit, It will not bo any mors so than Hostettcr's Stomach Hitters, which reaches and cutes many ailments that other remedlns fall short of. Among them may bo mentioned dyspepsia, Indigestion, biliousness, constipation, malaria, wast ing diseases, and affections of the kid neys and blood. Wa especially recom. mend tho bitters to men and women whose nervous systems are shattered. Thorn art) 27 royal families In Kurope, which hnvti iiltout 4H0 in'-mlT. Of these 24 rclg-nlng families IK are German. . 'nS to manufacturers' restrictions we are not allowed to place the following goods at reduced nriccs- Standnrtl VnftWno Q..v,.i Silk and Cotton, W. C. C. Corsets E. & W. Collars and Cuffs, Oil Clothing and Rubber Goods. P ' U C. COOPER; The Leading Dry Goode and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. IN OLDEN TIMES. People o . ei looked ths Importanc of per. manentlv beneficial effect and were satis fied with transient action; but now that It Is generally known that Syrup of Figs will permanently overcome habitual con stipation, well informed people will not buy other laxttlves, which act for a time. but finally injurs ths system. Buy ths genuine, made by ths California Fig Syrnp Co. Some of the petrified wood found In Arizona, it Is said. Is so hard that steel tools will not work H, the petrifactions being only three degrees less (n hardness than the diamond. LOUVRE 5eventh and Astor Streets SHASTA MIXEKAL WATCK, l'KI'1'RK, .NOME, KICKOKY AM) SHAW'S MALT WHISKIES. ALL OTHER LIOIOKS, WIXES, HEEK AND CIGAKS Hcrved Dny find INIgHt. AUGUST ICRATZ. - - Manager Kopp's "Best A DELICIOUS DRINK.... AND ABSOLUELY PURE. The North Pnoiflo Brewery, of wlifrth f Bottled beer for family uiie, or kea Mr John Kopp is proprietor, mflkos beer j beer supplied at any time, delivery in for domesMo tod export trade. I the eity free. fsbrth Pacific BreiXerg