THK DAILY ASTORUX, SATURDAY MORMNU, NOVEMBER 12, 18i8. TODAT'I WBA.TUSE. AROUND TOWN. Try nonlyn col, Elmors, BnbofH Co. Tti ltsrrison oroed out yesterday for Tillamook. Tti Slste arrived In early yesterdny morning from Son Franclaco. Henry fleck rnsieln wm a passenger on tna train Mr roruana wt man. Joseph llooh ha sold Ms interest In his anlooo on Don! ttreet to onuttw Kenney. The Oriental liner Nlngcho anJ (ha nriM.h ahts flilberhorn ara ready for net, today. Scat California wins. W emia pat gs.1 loa, Alex Otlfcert. tola aitnrror Aitorta. TeJenfcon ML Tha members of tha Young Men't Tn atltuta will give a social tonight at Kearney halt. . Tha British Mp Wlacomba Park ana mMin both wheat Isden, put to ara yesterday. Vsvor Berrman left yeterdy morning for hia Gray's river ranch. Ha will re turn In tha morning. Wallaend coal and coka ta tha beat for domeatlo purpoaea. For eala by the Astoria Oaa Light Co. Tha Prltlfh ahlp Australian. Captain JolHff. IS days from 8n Francisco, In ballast, arrived In yesterday. Mr. It. Q. Smith lft on the Column. yesterday morning for San Francisco, whera aha will spend tha winter. Apple, apple, applea. rery cholca and rery cheap. Two hundred botes must be old at one. Rosa, Higglna Co. Tha Columbia crowed out yesterday mornlna; for San rranclseo. The prlnri pa) part of her cargo consisted of wheat. The Msse Madge and Add Sovey left for Portland last evening on a visit of a few dayi to their slater. Mr. Harr Crlbb. Call and aea a new dreaa ault. tha rary lataat confined to tha McAllen t Mo Oonnelt dry good bousa. Commercial treat, Bttla cutter ws wreatly admired aa he lay at anchor In the stream yesterday, A neat little book, containing picture and description of the navlra of the ww" haa Just been Issued by the Northern Parinc railroad company. Tha eventa leading up to the lete war ara briefly reviewed, and a dialled deK'rtp tlon of the navlra of thin country and Spain In given. A complete list of the officer of the fnlted Staies army also anpeur. Interesting facta about Cnb Porto Rico and the rh.tlpplnrs form en Instructive feature of the booalet. One thousand conic have been presented to Portland school children. Ir. U P. Jlulllnl. of Astoria, foil down a long fll(tht of stairs In a lodging houee at Kflt Washington street, yeetrrday af temoon, and aufTered Injury tnat waa at flrat supposed to be serious, says yeter- day Oreironlan. His nose waa laid open and a gash waa cut In bla forehead, and the blood spurted alarmingly from a cverst arlory while the old man lay unconscious at the foot of the etalrway Somebody eent for the patrol waon. but br ihe time It had arrived the doctor had regained consciousness and he took a carriage for hi hotel, the Belvedere, where be had a surgeon dree hla wound. According to the San Francisco Bulletin tt I likely another steamship line will be eetsbllnhed between Aatorla and the Bay city. The promoter of the enterprtae la A. J. Smith, who aaka that the merchant of San Pranclaco guarantee 500 ton of frelgbt a trip at C a ton. The merchant have expreeeed a wlltlngneea to meae thl guarantee If od eervlce will be given. Rwnt!y a fund waa rsiaeo in Son Frandaco for the eetaMlahment of n oppoltlon line to thl city, and thl money may re tumco over to tne nw conpny. Tne prpMn or tne enusn mnt of the new line Is considered cx-el-lent. The Mantanlta took on fuel at the coal bunker yesterday and leaTea for the l!ht-ehlp this tnomlnf to put coat ou board of her. For Sale. 100 ton of Roayln coal: tha finest bousa and steam coal orer brought to Astoria. Elmore. Sanborn Co.. Tele- pbona. Main l-L Edward Johnson, the man convlotetl and fined tS In the police court Thurs day f.r begging waa rearrested ycsttr.:iy on a charge of the hirceny of a mackin tosh, from Pr. A. A. Finch. Johnson sentence had peen supenu. j ry juif Nelson on conditn he leave for Fort Stewn. where he Intended to go to Join the army. He had worn the nwkln tosh at the trial and camly walked cut of the city ;ill with It a hen lttHTatiU. The police heard of the i..eft and at one rearrested Johns-n. Pr. Finch on sevlng the mark'ntoeh Idenslfled It at once. Johnson was trlevt In the Justice court In the evening and pleaded guilty to the chargn and sentenced to fi) d)' In tha county Jail. city will the Improvement of ths el'y's tnoroughfares. T Insure honest a.llon on th part of tha council, wa must elect honest men. "At the present time we have two mem ber of the council. Pour counctlmcn. all republican, will retire January I. If we can elect three, we will have a ma jority, With Mayor Pergimtn In the chair for another year and a half, we will he enabled to ce-rry out many plans for (he betterment of the city. Every other urancn or me city and county govern ment, with the exception of the officer of sheriff and Justice of the pence, Is In tne hand of the republicans. We hope to ba able to wrest some of thl power rrom tnem. a we think we can give the city a better administration. '"Of course some of the rltUen may feel discouraged over the result of the lata elections, but that does not lensen our chances In the least. With us It I purely a buslnes affair. The municipal Ity la buamee Institution and It must oe nanoiea by business men If U I to be successful. There ha been consider able feeling of late over ome of the actions of tha council, and. In view of this sentiment, wa hope to b successful In th election next month. If we ara not. It may be put down that good men have been defeated, tor will place only trustworthy men In the Held." Several other leaders also expressed the belief that the party would be uc- ceasful. They said further, that politic ian would not b Placed In nomination. but only honest, conscientious men, no matter whether they be democrats, re publican, or populist. PROMINENT PORTI.ANPER ENP8 1119 EXISTENCE. Charles A. Wheeler. Despondent. Cms His Thnvu With a Rn tor-Deceased Well Known In Portland. Pleasant furnished rooms. Including bath, with first class board, for gentle men only, oaa be bad at VO Seventeenth Street. Reference exchangeu. Tha British hlp Strons and William Low. the former from Yokohama and tha latter from Shanghai. In ballast, were reported off the river yesterday. For rant Th entire npper floor of the Badollet building over Albert Dun bar' store. For particulars Inquir of W. Q. Howell, a Exchange street J. C. I'txinger. who has been for several years In the employ of the Northern Fa elfle brewery, will shortly open a cigar and tobacco business in the Welch block on Commercial street. D. K. Warren, assignee of the estate of I. W. Cae. will make final payment to all creditors of said estate at the As toria National bank, beginning next Tuesday, November IS. The Wonder Drill, an Indispensable tool to all machinists, plumbers, or workers ta Iron, bras, or other metals. Call and e it. C. IL Orkwiti. agent corner of Tenth and Duane streets. Sundav at the Baptist church Subject of the morning sermon, by the pastor, "Christian Characteristics." The evening service will be conducted by Brother R. L. Knapp. All other services aa usual. Presbyterian church Service a usual tomorrow. Theme of the morning er mon. "The Lifted Veil;" evening theme. "Books and Reading." A very cordial invitation I extended to alL ? First M. E. Church Morning sermon. II a. m.: subject. "The Human Agency tn Salvation;" evening sermon. 7:30 p. m.; abject. "What Is a Christian?" Sunday school at 12: p. m.: Epworth League at : p. m. R. M. Stewart haa been appointed har bor officer for this port by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Stewart entered upon the duiles of his office yes terday and will reside with bis family In Astoria In the future. Tha popularity of tha merchant' lunch served by Mr. George Bartley at the Na tional Is growing dally, and many busi ness men can be found there every day for their midday meal. The lunches set by Mr. Bartley ara the (Inert in tha city. Joa Carey, up to three month ago, sta tion agent at Qulncy, a small station a few mJlee above Astoria on the A. ft. C. R. R.. recently moved to Lexington. O. J On October W a pigeon owned by Mr. carey was seni rrora v",v.- n letter waa later received stating tbit en October IS the pigeon arrived safely at Lexington, but yesterday word came to this city that the pigeon had returned to Qulncy. Inquiry at the latter place con firmed the report. Tha pigeon is said to be part carrier. Thi flight of about S00 mile, while It shows the remarkable homing instinct, of a pigeon, and Its at tachment to a place. Is all the a ore' re markable, because 10O0 miles Is considered a long flight for even a full-bred carrier. County Judge Gray and Commissioners Lewis and Peteron made an official v:it to Pacific county yesterday for the pur pose of viewing the county bridge there and the Improvements iney poseed over those of Clatsop county. After visit ing the Chinook and Walllcutt bridge they returned to the city in the after noon. Judge Gray nates' the bridge at Chinook a well a the one at Walllcutt is built with what ia called a balance draw. The draw on each side of the opening is evenly balonied. the farther enJ on each side being loaded with rock. When the bolts are withdrawn each :de of the draw tips ut and the bridge in ! open. They are easily closed aicain. A rop Is attached to both ends of the draw jand they are hauled back in position. ineir construction is very simple and they work perfect. Judge Gray stttrs the Chinook bridge is about the same sire as the one at Warrenton, and cost between II and fcj:o less than the latter bridge. The draw of the Warrenton bridge 1 hoisted by machinery and is a source of mu.-h trouble as it often gets out of order. The court I considering the advisability of changing the Warren ton bridge and building a draw similar to tha one at Chlnoo, it is thought the change could be made for about fcO. The plans for the construction of the dra- for the John Day bridge, which haa been ordered built by the county court will be changed and a balance draw put In. similar to thoe in Pacific county. This will reduce the cost of the bridge about fcM) less than the original figures and will be a saving of much money for Clatsop county. Besides being less ex pensive than the cumbersome drams at present used In the county brllges. the county court have decide.) that the new style, us It answers the B.ime purpose and Is less difficult to manage, will be put in all bridges built In tne county hereafter. Charles A. Wheeler. well known Port- under, ended hi existence Thumdav nigni oy rumng Ms throat. e was very deliberate in his actions and made ex tensive preparations for the ceremony. He went to the lodge twm of the order of Woodmen and. after, wrlilnr hi fare well letters to the secretary of the lodge and his wife, and to the coroner, re nalred to an ante-room, where he placed his overcoat on the floor, that It might not be stained with his blood. He then slashed his throat with a rwsor. Evi dently the first gssh did not sever the Jugular and Wheler drew the blade or hi throat several times. He used the raior In front of a mirror, that he might ee Just what he was doing. After cut ting his throat, he lold down on the over coat and died. Wheeler was formerly prosperous, but of rate had been unable to obtain steady employment. Some weeks ago his wife secured a divorce from him. and it U be lieved this waa one of the reasons for his rash act In hit letter to the lodge secre- retary he said that drink was the cause of hi downfall, and wwrned other mem bera to refrain from the use of liquor. His letter to the coroner contained the request that, as soon as Identity had been established, the body be withheld from public view. He had made several In effectual attempts to deetroy himself by asphyxiation, but waa discovered each time and saved. Deceased was prominent in the metropolis, where ho was deputy under County Clerk Church, and also under Sheriff Sears, He had resided in Portland for over S) years. He wo onc a candidate for county clerk, but was de feated. His life wua Insured for I.VW. HOTEL ARRIVALS. Parker HoueL W. lieardaley and wife,' Sacramento; tleorga A. Barton, Portland; Joseph L, Nuiter, Charlea Ha. gen. V. . Veley, Fort Canity; W. R. Hunch. Fort Stevens; James Jenkins, Rainier; Henry Kayler, Uwig Itoach; U Friable, Stella; J, Hnnhow, Stella; F, Johnson, Chinook; A. Brewer, tlwaco. tVcideltt William Hume Charles 1C. Ilantmerguest, San Franctsoo; David M, Dunne, tleorge Pope, M M llloch. Port land; N. A. Marra, llwaco; Sherman Case. Seaside; H. It, Dyer. South Bond; M. P, Callcnder State of Waxhlngtott. Don't Miss 'Em! These Garments do the talking for Us. They Will do it for gou, as well. In a recent letter the Herman anthro pologist, Kollman, declared that care- ful Investigation have shown that tha preponderance of the blonde type In ha northern and tha brunette type In the southern part of Europe antedated tha appearance of the Oe-rman and Roman In history, PL'CKLEN'8 A NIC A 8ALV1B THE BEST SALVE in tha world for Cuts. Brulsaa, Sorer. Ulcers, Salt Hhtum Fever torea.l Tatter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns and all Skin Eruptions, and positively riiras Pll, or no pay aulred. It Is guarwntsed to glva parfaot satisfaction or money refunded. Pries cant oer bos. For sale by Kates-Coaa Drug Co. a Nebraska young man jilted hi sweet heart at the altar bee a one he discovered that she smoked cigarettes. The young woman I to be congratulated. A young man who neglect his opportunities dur ing courtship like that I not worthy of any live young woman devotion. Congregational church The day will be devoted to the Intereets of missions. The morning theme will be "The iiven of the World." An Interesting and profit able evening program will be renuered by the Woman's Auxiliary. All are most cordially Invited. Try W. A. Gaines' private stock wh sky This Is an old standard liquor, especially recommended for family and medicinal use and Its purity and quality Is guaran teed. For sale In any quantity by John L Carlton, sole agent. Twelfth street, near Bond. HARPER WHISKEY Is rapidly be coming the national beverage. It't the one thing all parties agree upon, repub licans, democrats, populists. Even the "know-nothing" party knows one th:ng; the merits of Harper Whiskey. Sold by Foard &. Stokes Co.. Astoria. Oregon. It Ih probable another meeting of the street committee and city attorney to consider the ordinance grnntlng the street railway franchise will be held at tho office of the etv attorney this evening. There are vet some sections of the ordinance that are considered too Iooho, but one of the Btrtet committee yesterday said he did not anticipate any trouble In modi fying those features of the ordinance. Tho ordinance will be acted uoon at the regular mooting of the council Thursday next Tho Perry came down from the buoy depot yesterday and took her position in tho river, tier repairs having been com pleted. The inside apartments of the Perry received a thorough cleaning and overhauling, and the paint on the hull bat been changed from a dark lead color, tho lighting color, to a light lead color. The Ferry haa bad a new ti.eaira launch built, also, while undergoing repairs. Her appearance much Unproved, and tho CITIZENS WILL NAME ONLY TRUSTWORTHY MEN. Think the Coming December Election One of the Utmost Importance and Hupe to Be Successful. A meeting of the citizens' central com mittee will be held early r.txt week for the purpose of arrangi.-u; for tne holding of primaries and a convention, at which will be nominated four candidates for councllmen and a" for superin tendent of streets. The leaders of the party are very anxious to place good men in the Held, as they consider the coming December election, although only for 1he .offices above name.;, on of the moat important that has ever been held In the city. Thev exprcs.: r.uniiuence in thulr ability to pu. up men v.-ho will oe eiccieu. iinu 10 tne enj u. u they may control the council will ;iut forth every effort In the approaching campaign. Several of the party ! adera were seen by an Atttorlan representative and all were sanguine of Nuccess. vn: of the prominent members of the party said: "We consider the coming elect. on to be one of thu most Important ever held in Astoria. The next two or t'iree years will nee the city's population quad rupled. Although Mr. llimm-nd has uptly been dubl,l a V.p.'iyiix, It is known, nevertheless. tl.ut he is organizing a railroad scheme which will make Astoria thu western terminal or tne greatest railway 8y.-.tem In the world tlie Vanderb'it;o. ocean system. It seems to me certain that this great line will be made to end here and the effect upon tho city can readily be seen. It really means a city of 5o.juj in the next five years. With such Important changes to be brought about, the munldp't,i;y bhnuld be In the hands of honest men, and not under the control of politicians who are dominated solely by selfish considera tions. There will be many franchises to grant In the coming period of Astoria's advancement, and many other matters Involving? the city's welfare will come up Deioro tne council. We wajit to eleot men who will deal with these matters as they should be dealt with. Probably the trrtat- est Item on the expense account cf tho FIRST GAMES BOWLED IN FLOWER TOURNAMENT. Hllotropes Lost Four Straight to the Asters. While the Lilacs and Weige lt'is Broke Even. The first games In the (lower tourna ment were bowled at the A. F. C. alleys last night. A largi number of member were In attendance. The Heliotropes, C. R. Higglns' aggregation, were scheduled to pkiy Allen's Asters, while Wise's We- geltiis went against Laws' Lilacs. In the classic language of the d.iy. the Asters didn't do a thing to the Hello- tropes. All the players on Ihe latter team were off. while the Asters bowled like thev were broke. They took four straight games, winning handily each time. The scores made by the Hello- tropes follow: C. R. Higglns II Mrs. J. Adams 123 E. W. Crosby 13 IL W. t'hristensen 113 This Is the way the Asters played the game: B. F. Allen r Mrs. H. H. Ingalls i D. Ooulter 1W H. Bacry Ul The feature of these games was the re markable bowling of Mrs. Intralls. Her average. 42. was the best made by any player In the tournament, and she also made the highest single score, 59. Mrs. Ingalls bowled 05 yesterday afternoon, the score being but one pin short of the club woman's record, made by Mrt. Nor- mile. The Lilacs and the Weigellas bowled much closer, each team taking two games. Wise secured the beat total, 1(3. The scores of the Weigellas follow: Herman Wise ltt Mrs. Megler 112 W F. Kay m A. A. Cleveland Jr 120 TheLllae bowled the following scores: W. C. Laws 147 Mrs Wise w W. A. SMne 132 ueorge Ohler 140 Monday evening Woodfield's Wisterias will try conclusions with Finnlgan's Snowballs, and Burrousrh's Bachelor But tons will endeavor to make Funge For get-me-nots remember them. The game will begin promptly at S. nt which hour players should be at the alleys. A SOLDIER'S SENSATIONS. 'It was the Mg shell and shrapnel," said a soldier from Cuba, "that made us hug the ground, but It was the little Mauser bullets that killed our men." It Is the same in every day life. People shiver with panic at tne mention of small pox or yellow fever, but it Is the little disorders of the stomach that really do tho most killing. The best medicine for the stomach Is Hostetter's Stomach Hit ters. It cures Indigestion and dyspepsia. It Is Just as good for women as for men. For a run-down, debilitated condition nothing Is so stood or so sure to cure. Hostetter's Stomach Bitters Is an old time remedy. It has stood the test for years, and its popularity Increases day by day. You Save Dollars By Purchasing Your Drugs. Patent Medicines and Toilet Articles of Tlte only rnt-ratit iri g store hero every nrtu lo ia oJ ," to " (tor ivnt. lens than Ihe tiiaunl'iiotnrcr's price. Vore words tlmi'i tell it all. Hero art 'm prices' Kemcmlter evrry lWut .Mciicitio. Toilet Article or Vruti is oM at cu; rates. Our mail o.-Jcr limine has treMcil in year, Itvausi' itverybtHiv wttlnti ;tis) miles of 1'ortlnuil cuu save money by tradnif witb us. Keirtitar rrire .. to I A . 1 t ... ... I u ... I CO .. ICO V) I vn I 00 Our (Vt rate 1'ftre lo n I. Allcttc s Porons Mailers AycrV ernulil. Crter'i I'ilU ru'orl Scott s K.ntuM'Mi . liitotl'srtntttrtlla.... Patne't Olery Com pound. HrUDf Klgt . .V) 8a Ungoa Blood PuriArr - I l" W Pierce' F4vorlte Prescription 1 00 W rterce s ounra s euicai iiu- eorerr - . I W Fletee Pelleto '. 1 Wi'llsm. I'ltik IMlli w ft Ijntntu t'p"iile, or Hurr coaled Ttilol, in bollirs coot tlnlng lu) l-gtiD is (Jumlne capsules, or Hugr coaled Tablets, lu bottle containing lou .gtitn S& Quinine Capsules, or Sugar coated Tablets in bottle cunuin'ng 10O.Vtrln 4S Quinine Ciu!e, or sugr- cesled Tsbleta. In bottles ronuiuiut luu A ft tin So Vie buy ilireci from the manufacturers in ntttnlltie. which secures the VKUY LOWF.ST TKADK. KATES. This enables us to retail at wholesale prices. We. pay transportation cWgvi to As toria on all orient for druir or patent medicines amounting to or over, alien aeviiDimmed by the cnah. Onr photographic department will in terest yon. Ever)' new thing in photon rtphy is in sbx k. and it will delight i to bave joti coll, whether you buy or not. Woodard, Clarke & Company Cut-Kate DrugyMs Fourth and Waftuiogton. Portland, Ore Boys Vestee Suit Lnrgo sailor collar, col ored cloth trimmingM, niul bruit! to match. A very sightly uit, agcu from 3 lo 8 yours. Prlne $2-75 Boys 2-Pleee Salt Nicely iiiftdo, good lin ing. Ono of tho very host school suitH for' hoys, ngi'H, to 12 yt'Hrn. Colors, Mack or groy. Price . . . $!-5 Ladies Wrapper (Jootl, Jlicuvy VginiA Cloth, heavy wabt lin ing, nicely triininctl with braid, well sewed, full width .skirt. TO I: 1"Y.?' Wft Mm Price Si.oo ' V Leather Stockings fef Tho well known Mack Cut stocking for boys uiid girlii, doubli' throughout, trijtlo knee, fust black. Ctlvc them i trUil SHANAHAN BROTHERS Tito Only IMnce to (let I iitryaliiat. Shoes for Early Fall. MISSES KID GLOVES $1.00 per pair AT ALBERT DUNBA Another Ife In Shnc-Po you kno that lwo-thlrl of your life I piiiard with your feet encased In InalhrrT Worth thonKht. Why nt have thrtn comfort able? We have tho kln.1 that are pleas ant. They are grateful to the foet. Tt.s lrtce 1 not high. Petersen & Brown. ASTORIA AND COLUMBIA RIVER RAILROAD. Leave I Astoria (Dally) Arrive s.m.p.m.' Portland and Astoria p m. a.m. s:tw 6:30 hxpre trains vl 12:liU,10 .svn'ij'pn, 1 iiiion, went Irt. 'latkanle. Ooble;l connection at iolile fir the East and I'ugctl Sound points. I 12:30 5:00 Astoria, Benslde andi 4:30 7:55 :.ew Astoria fasseniter trains via Warrenton and I.lavrl. 8:30 Sunday Hunters' spec- llal Astyria to 8ealde! All trains excepting the Sunday hunt ert' special, leaving Astoria rolng to flea side and returning from Seaside, run on the Flavel Branch. J. C. MAYO, O. F. & P. A. LUBRICATINQ OILS A SPECIALTY 187a 1897 Fisher Brothers ASTORIA.... HiriP CHANDLERY HARDWARE) IKON ANI STEEL CO A I j OKfX KRIK3 ANX PROVISIONS FliOt'R AND MILL FEED PA I NTH, OII,8 AND VAHNISIII',8 LOWERS' HI.I'I'LIKfl FAMtl'ANK'H SCALES DOORS AND WINIHMVfl A;RicririTRAL implkmrnts WAGONS AND VEHICLES. In his adilrens to the Harvard students the other day the Rev. Edward Everett Hale Ia:d down three rules which he said had been the reatet help to him In life. They were: lie In the open air all you can; rub against tho rank nnd file dally and every day hold intimate conversa tion with a superior. Astoria Public Library BEADING ROOM FREE TO ALL. Open every ..ay from t o clock to E:S0 and :30 to 9:30 p. m. Subscription rates S3 per annum. Wejit Cor. Eleventh and Duans Streets. L. LEBECK Carpenter nnd liuildcr General Contractor HOUSE RAISING AND nOVINQ A SPECIALTY THE PARKER HOUSE Firet-CIaBH in Every Retupect. BAR m BILLIARD ROOM Special RateB to Theatri cal PartieB A. J. MASON, Prop ASTORIA, OHIC. THE PROOF of the pudding is In the eating and the proof of liquors IS IN SAMPLING That's an argument that's con clusivea 3ernonntratlon. Ourt will stand the test HUGHES & CO. Cor. Otli uixl Coinimrciul St recti New Stock Of Canned Fruits and Vege tables just in. Comparison of quality and price of same invited. ROSS HIGGINS & CO Special Sale This Week at The Bee Hive... COATS, Children up to four years. There is a great variety of these coats. All styles of Childrens' Caps. Bargains in Ladies Coats and Capes. Cloth Capes 1.50, $2.00. 2.60 and up. A large line of Ladies Outing Flannel Wrappers. THE BEE HIVE. AN IMPORTANT DIFERENCB. To make It apparent to thousands, who think themselves 111. that they are not afflWed with any disease, but that the syBtem simply needs clcansintr, Is to brinff comfort home to their hearts, as a costive condition it easily cured by usltut Syrup of Figs. Manufactured by the California Fig Byrup Company only and told by all druggrtsta. BSE ESTES-COfDBUGGo Leading Druggists of Astoria ., 51 uvuuinnu Try " Pretoie," a sure ana pleasant cure for tbe Headache. MHEOCCH Astoria Leadlttg Hotel Metier S Wrlglit, PropH. HOflE-flADE Taffies, Caramels, Chocolates and Bon- Bons fresh every day, at THE SPA.