Vl:i jvi Orf-U"'-'1-" THE ASTORIAN.hu the lirfcit circulation of any piper on the Columbia Rlvir THE DAILY ASTOfcAfl U th bluest ani test paper on the Columfcia River ' ' 1 . 1 i . J FULL ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORT. VOL. XUX. ASTORIA, 0KEO0X, TUESDAY MORNING, JULY J2, 18!I8. NO. 3 i ne guicK i Safe 0ilorles5--f!conomlcal. .Iihl lli" tiling for wrtriii winthrr. A jmvi l nt thn Si-asMe, Out? pillon of Oil will Inst W Iiourf. Cull mi'J w tlnin ul tho Eclipse Hardware Store, BOM) ST. :-: SoleAcnt. I'Vmetly K. Ii. HAWJ: (UiiifwiiumuHuitiiiiuiiiiiiiiuutuuiiiuiuuiuuiniiummmtnnnniiniimustB I? u ..VIVES.. i u:ai kvkkywjikuk. ilf yon arc p-inu ii an iiutiiijj ..CAMERA.; ! VIvcm 4x41 4x5 'I ln ln-xt ( 'iilninm mi (lie ImirLi-l fmliiu (, tl... t.i.m.i jj Cull or w rite fur rircularw. 5 n P Griffin & Reed. Agents, jj -T..-.7 'VX. VI n ...4rr. ;f) JXSftf''. IIUIIUIIUIt(iMUitMulMIIUttmiUIUHUIilllU Post Yourself on City Prices and compare- with what you havo boon paying It f-tainl In na-"ii I'nttrr :iti-l";ii timi OihmU tliaii ili ali Stuck, wlirn our GROGHERY and GLASSWARE IS OUR FORTE . . . . NOTE THESE PRICES FRUIT l'int jar., xr ilo.cnk .... -10 cents Quart " " ... (if) Unlfjrftl. " .... Ait " BERRY DISHES Large - - 10 12 lo 20 2" cents each Small 2"c ior dozen ICE CREAM FREEZERS Ono Quart ... - $1.25 Two " 1. 15 Three " .... 1.7o Four " 2.00 Six " .... 2.75 Tin (op jelly glasses, 1 -.'J pint - 25c dozen Tin top jelly glasses, J pint ;Wc dozen Jolly tunihlors - - - 25c dozen White Mason jar rubbers ... - .1e dozen Mack Mason jar rubbers 2c dozen Ico Croftin Dishes, 25 35 TIN AND GRANITE WARE 0. SUMMERS 3d and Washington Portland, Oregon ocxyxoxoooxxxxooccx leal un Move. thin MiimiiH-r you will nn.-tl a s ffi B.OO 3 10.00 I i The Art of Preserving Fruit U brought to perfection when you have such perfect Jr and J.lly (Hasan at we keep. We have everything nary for ir.rvlnf fruit and Ktbt-- : 3rnlt. Kitl-, I.i:ppr. wlih ll tl fruit n1 tucar and PrrarrraHn n.r..ry. IViai watt tt;l th ru.h wmn Il iri.rrj In (Imt. rOAPD & STOKES CO. 5- tliat v ran ivivnu jiinl ln-ttcr i'iivs"iii iN wlm carry varifatnl N'a -pccialty. JARS nnd 50 cents per dozen. VMTLY A Absence of News from Santiago Would Indicate That Forces Are Weakening. FIVE THOUSAND ADDITIONAL General Miles Is Now on the Battleground Has Conferred With Shafter and Sampson The Bombardment Sunday Was Hot While It Lasted Shells From the Fleet Dropped Short The Number of Our Fighting Men Now in Cuba The Dynamite Gun Trained for a Pot Shot Frightful Accident at Cleveland, Ohio What Uncle Sam Asks as the Price of Peace. I A' !.'. . i'r-. r ;!(!) w AHIIIN'iTdS, July 11.-O.T1. nil flh.ift'-r'i rrpfrt from Hllniy, nt jut l"f"T' ml'l- tiiuhl Unl nifc-ht. iau'it the dfl-ialu of . iik mar il irlm-M to :t !1 d iy wltn tlm MrclBtli.n of hi-nrir.K th ! 'imrilniint .f 8:ini!ntf h'l ltun. No ' W'iM lo thut rff'-rt ram, however, up t" i lti I! mo lh id xir-mit rlrwd. ami !h""K-li thrrr l ;!it r"n to rtfmM llial the i-n-rl onrr.'.l ut lh- pi- from .if h!h hi hii.l nui'.ri. .1 .!!" .l.-ff.nnn ni. II ! rr;iri1itl n frfi.l-l (!i.n !) hu l r,.ni nii-.t lo finh r ni'tinn un li-r rliit i.f uii.-k In v.i-w "f i-it's!i! sr. ! .-ok-n:r. on IS purr ..f t?: Span d f.iinm.inl' r !'! nmilo rvi'ni!y ..f :hv naval vM iiiiiit s . -ry ino:;;a.v.i!y r-'il; wiii-i u n.n ttfir.p,il j'!"; ! h i.mt h'Kh ln!: fr 'in h- oji. n Iiim S.i 'i' :." K.i n'y 1', r r-: mny ! t .1 ! a : ri -.! !' rn.ii v 'w !f h Hi'.t-k r 'tnu .l '.In n. I'.il :h'i' . mr" I k' 1:1 1 h.t i hi- m.:n r-1 :.i !! tif on .11(11 of '.Sin IIkIiIit ilra iitht v.--j''i of AJmlrnl S-'imii'iin'. !!''. ,m m.iy "U -iwl ill k-rit:i:( ciit )i 'i" a :nl in r .'.!l..n ih.in the hfiivy ?;t SfNllAYS lli Mr AM '! ION It V Si-art e. .-it 1 OTIo.-k and K'-pt fp I'ni'.l lurk. lliMililiiarter. of (M-ner.il Shafter. July 11, ti p. m.. per Aso.-a'.tl I"rt. dlpti h 1 bunt, via KltitiSton, J.liy 11 it'iipyrliiiiled 1?S by the A.noclated Trcs i From 4 oi-l-iik thl aftcrnoiin until dark the j American guna hnvo been again pouring , a deadly fire- Into the Ptvinliih lini-s. Cmr liwn tire gntitly refrenhed by their three day' reel and have b-C!i tlghilng wlih a j lion-like spirit. j The know led (,-, of the arrival of re inforcement kIvh tluni new enihuKl- ! umi. Tho rtllli-r- la in place and damg effective work. Tho fire from the Span- Remember the Maine and Herman Wise when you are ready to buy a Suit f0 Hat fti Shirt or anything in that line. HERMAN WISE is thereliablo and up-to-date Clothier and Furnisher HER M !rOa In ih trrn'ha l vry wik. Th ity of iiU.i;. l aJmixt In Jarknw lunavht ml our nun bllv that the rralMuni-o of thi- Hinlnril Ui about at an enj. Th'y exp:l a ffntraJ jault tomorrow, abmilil thu cliy not hav aur-rr4i.li-riil by l.iytrMk. The AmrWn ai much U-ltrr forun! In the trt n, hi After thlrty.fiva nhoti hud bei flrl from the S-lnch itum Commodore tfchli-y I IwaiiK convincid the Ilronklyn'a fire was I fiillliiir hirl and o!rrwJ a onwatlon, pr miiiinit th twuli-Nhii to continue with I ihi ir larfi-r Kuna havlnu lonuwr ranic-. I S:kiuiU frmn lhi nh'irc announiiil that I H' nhi'lia ft'll a thouMind ftt ahort, and ' a latle lo thr )-fl of th Siun.h xnltl-,ri. , When the .Vx-latii) lrw rporior ini ii,nl th- IlriMiklyn, t.'.nnmdor j Si lili-v Mll lu wk iKnorunt of the pur . nw of (ho botnlmrdment, " l diMililrd fnm the aiart he;b.T wo ' rinilil hit tin- city. I had to ui at l ; '-iiil,in and be wry cartful not to Injurv ur own army. In th bombarlmnt I'Mimrriw I h.i!l huve range wiarka on lor to RUlde m ami ah.tll take th f!i;i oloat-r to ahuri'. in firing today w Kve the turn-la thf grit-t pe.sihle ( ( . by ImtitiK the hlp. bnv knew we "iilil fall !urt. The Kuna will tarry m than tlv mill-, bul to vhnw sh it" , .'V.- a i-lift of irrrai eJwatum s rviulr.d.'' WIIKKK THE ARMY RESTS. IV i iirimt to l'rive the Svlnaril Ou-. If They Fall to Surrender. New Yurk, July 11. -A Trltmng d:rit. n from Sibomy, via Tort Antonio, says: The lliiht artillery that arrived on Sun day will be wnt forward and placed In pomtlon for entllmllng the trenches where the 8iainh ferccj urw strongly en trenched. ' The ppiRriw iii pushing forward the Mi-Ke guns Is fl.ieippolnllng. Thr- way be needed to reduce tho main fortltl i- I Ions of Sintlago. Engineer und art liery otllo-rs were positive, thai they have lo cated accurately the Swnlh fcatterles which were so dcetrucllve In the earlier lighting. The troops which caino ' toriliiy will be- iued ia a reserve nnd not eeiit iilnud too rapidly. Tho ndlltlon t" tho supplies Imiught by the transports will be very ser-lcoale. The refugees from Sumln;o- are becoming a sorUMis military pmtilmn. Thnrw la a larce sottlc liieni of them nt El Gnney, but that wns not HUtllcient and hundreds hnwa spad iHiyond Slbonry. The most Intolllgent of the i-fugi suy that only a few Span;sh oldli-rs havo reevmly iMiton d 8intla:i Tint more thao 1.VW. They rep.rc friction " ' TROOPS REINFORCE SHAFTER-MEN EAGER !nwn O-n'-raJ Tornl and Gfn.ral Lin urte. Caprltra, the civil governor, w-anui Torsi to aurrendcr, without bldaheil, but the military faction la glubbon. The rriH.rta of the bad health of the Am-irl.tin troi tn the field are exaggerated. Th auffiTing has been from malaria and onllnary camp ailments, which ylld to trt-atrrH-m. Some of the regiments hae uffi-n-il from physical exhaustion tx.aue too much labor waa put on them In d'-f-King tnnches and rifle pits. Mlt.ES ARRIVES AT SANTIAGO. fAssoclated Press Dispatch. Washington. July ll. The war d. part mmt l adned of the arrival ctf San lino today of the auxiliary' iraiwr Tale with lifneral Miles and staff and a portion of Oarretiion'i brlguda. Grnerai Miles had a confiirvnce with Admiral Sampnon. and thf latter conferred with O-nerul Shat ter by m.-atia of the signal service tele phuiiv wins. (EN KRAI PHAFTEn3 FORCE. Washington. July 11. Crom-ral Shaker's available force, countrns all relr.frcc nietits. and deducting dead, stck nnd w-.iiin.bil. Is S.VW tlirhtlng mm, .-cird-Iru to military estlgisies. rl.EVEI.ANU S VEATH HOLE. fAssoclated Press Dispatch. Aiiciri-r Fearful Disaster in the Water works Tunnel Vnder Lake Erie. novebrnd. July Tl. The live of eleven men wore snufTiii out In the twinkling or nn eye this evenlnjr In the nig waterworks tunn-1 tliat Is being constmctled on the Nn torn of 1-ako ie. as a n-stlt of nn ex lO.ision of g-as. The following re k lied: John lnrs. f on-man, James "Parks. John rradey. Tony Rrunettl. John . Km- iTsnn Smith. John McCnuley. William Tin'iT. colorfil, Ous Wa.sse, Frank ".i incnts, Frnrik Haney. The tunnel Ls nn Immense affair being projiited (o extend owtwsTj from the shore n dlstatuv of four ami a half miles and 'has been under construction for a year. About Ave weeks as- there was nn TATlo(lon of pns In the shore end or tho b:K hole which killed vight men ana. Injund a number of others. The explo sion occurred at 7 o'clock, but nob Vly w ill bo able to tell what "the cause was or h'iv It happened, for M-ery wit now I Ois-id and (he bcKlU of all are lying whore they tell, C.lXXl foot out under the lake. The only man in the tunnel who escaped denfh Is Con 0Ponnoll. the lock ti-nfler, who wa.s stationed S.700 finit from the shore. He hr.'ard tho explosion, or a series of cxplslons. He pays there were ten shocks ami the concussion was some thing terrible, for It threw h'm off "hl9 feet, and for hours he was In such a dazed condition that he could sacrrely remoniber What had happened. He Anally grojud his w-ay out nnd told what had Oivutved. ' HERE IS WHAT VXCLE WANTS. Mmh-ld, July II. It Is assorted that 19 I'tilted States makes the following do niands as conditions of peace: First The potwosslan ot Cuba and Porto Rico, with a port In the Canaries. Second Indemnity of 48,000,000 (aboat t240.0Oa.QflO). Third-Retention of the Pnillppincs a guarantee of the payment of the la djemnUy. Theso terms are regarded as Impossible. DISHONORABLE SPANISH PRISON- EES. Aftor Surrendering They Disable Their Guns and Open Water Valves, AVashlngton. July aNavat officials say that a serious Irregularity occurred at the time tho ships of Admiral Cervera's fleet hauled down tholr colors and surrendered. Inquiries have brought out tho fact that the breech blocks of the guns were thrown overboard, thus disabling the guns and making them practically worthless, and the valves by. which the ships were flooded opened after the surrender, which was a breach of the rules of warfare, the enemy having ceased fighting and having asked for quarter. It Is said that further destruction of the ships at such a time was both wanton and dishonorable and that It the persons responsible for It are located they are likely to be held account able. The press report of the board's findings saying that only the Maria Teresa could be saved excited much surprise, as (t was QOAC confidently believed that the Coloa could be saved In whole or In part. The officials are still hopeful that a full report of the board will ahow that thert in a chance of saving the Colon. THEY ARE IN RAGS. The Spanish Prisoners Were a Pitiful Sight When Landed. Portsmouth, N. H.. July li The Span bh prisoners who were, brought to port In the St. Louis from Santiago, number- ; Ing S'l nni. w ho formed ptirt of the crew i of Admiral e'ervera's squadron, are to :niKht sleeping peacefully acd la compara I tlve. comfort In the new barracks erected f-ir them on Seavey Island. Around ' th-m is a ruard of 13 marines. It was a pathetic sight from beginning to end and such as would bring tears to fmany eyes. The poor wretched creaturea struggled up the hillside clad for the ' most port In rags, some of the men being covered only with fragments of table clith or blanket, while others had on portions of what was once a uniform. When the nun landed some of them were so weak that they could not stand and lay aown on ine ground until sireicners were trought and were carried by their comrades to the main road, where thej w.ire placed on the grass. THE CTilCAGO IN COMMISSION. Nvw Turk. July 11. The cruiser Chk-:s?o cons'.ructtd and with Increased speed, early next month will leave the New York navy-yard, after having been In the blinds of workmen for several years. Few will rei-oKiiixe In the n.-w Chioago the ves wl thin. Hew Rear-Admrral Erbens flag tnd wm commanded by Captain Mahan. iow a member of tie board of strategy, for she U practically a tk-w ship, the only remaining original part of her beini; the hull. Whou the Chicago wvnt out of commis sion siie was liark-r.gveil, wlih three mast, but when she leaves the dock she will have only two masts. They will bo mill'try masis. like those on the others of OiKie Sjui's tishtlng ships, and which will xive the rejuvenated cruiser a more warlike apptiaranee. Her armament haa also andergone material changes. Her main battery. furmtTly oonslsilng of four S-liwi eight -itvch, und two 3-inch breech load lis; ritU a. will be augmented by 14 5-invt; rapid tire guns. In addition to hur secoiilary baiter)", wfcK-h will consist of nil il; latest models of small rapid flrw guaa. THE OREGON "WAS IN IT. The Only Vessel That II id a Go at tha Entire SpanWi Fleet. Portsmouth. N. II.. July U.-The few ollit-vr-s who came on te St. Louis ana who participated In the tluht with the SpanLsh cruisers off Santiago were obliged to tell the whole story vt the memorable contort. Wlulo In the main their accounts did not differ materially from those described In the papers, yet thy seem to give credit to the work of tha Oregon, From an oe- count as Riven by one of the oflieers, it apporan that on the morning of the tight four American warships lay oft the en trance f the harbor. The Oregon was slightly to the east then to the westward came the converted yacht Gloucester, lying between the Ore gon and Iowa. To the westward of te Iowa was the Texas, while further along. In fact, eight or ten miles to the west of the harbor, was the Brooklyn, with Com modore Schley on board. The position of the licet was In keeping with the plan mapped out by Admiral Sampson and his command had definite orders what to do In case the Spanish licet made a dnsh out of the harbor. While all the ships had steam up, none of them, with the exception of the Brook lyn, was under way. The latter had a few minutes previous to the sighting of the Spaniards, turned away to the west ward, and when the first shot was fired from the Iowa she was going away from the fleet at an 18-knot gait. Just why the Brooklyn was steaming off to the west at this time is not known, but although she had not gone far and was still probably quite near the station desig nated by Admiral Sampson, her com mander nevertheless had to swing around and In doing so he put his helm to star board and made a long sweep to port, going a mile or more off shore In the maneuver. The first Spaniard that came rushing out of the harbor's mouth waa the Cris tobal Colon, with Admiral Cerrera on m the Spanish board. The Vltcayi was second, the Al mlrante Oqulndo third and the Maria Teresa fourth, while two torpedo boats brought up the rear. While the Iowa got In the first shot at the fleet as they came dashing by, the Oregon was the first American outside the Brroklyn In motion. She gathered headway so fast that she cot In behind the Iowa and the fleet and plumped good 13-Inch shell at the Colon before she had gone by. The Oregon was there fore in most excellent position to meet-, the VUcaya when she came along, and-, with the help of the Texas tackled her--so fiercely that she was on Are In a fe - minutes and had headed for the beach. . While the Oregon whole forward star- . : board battery was banging at the Via- jcaya the after guna had swung around . and were pumping shells Into the Otiuen- (do , wnlch had also been tackled by the Iowa, which had In the meantime dbv . poeed of the Teresa. The wreck of the three Spaniards waa , .accomplished In about IS or 20 minutes. ! and by this time the Oregon had attained . her maximum speed. With her forced drxught on and every pound t steam UP. tie b.g Pacific coast battleship ploughed through the water as she never did be fore, except, perhaps. Pn her speed trial three years Hgo. Leaving the Te:i and Iowa to complete the destruction tt the remanlder of the Spaniards and the resooxj of the unfortun ate salldors. Optaln. Clark htaded the Oregon after ahe Colon. The Brooklyn by this time-had taken -her wide sweop off shore and .was head- . ed In for the. Colon, opening up on that vessel with bcr pcjrt "-.roadsides. As the . Colon ran Ivy the Brooklyn she gave the -latter the lonertt of hor big guns and no Vss than S shots uok effect- on., the-? Brooklyn's port side, a number of themi -passing cb-nr through the Tankaft-cmiftenv !j As the Coiloii -went by the B'Nwkryn M ! Hatter turned hr sttaixmrd guns on the Spaniard. In the run up tb- coast the Brooklyn n-;is hit a dozen titiK on her starboard j -side, while all fhreo o her tall srnoke. i stacks showed the -effort of the Colon's tern chafers. The superior speed of the jtrol-n and Ore gen sealed the fate Of j the Colon, and after a run of 40 mllsa j .Admiral Cervera. ordered the flagship to ne nendod Tor tne f hore. The Colon struck about U yards from the beach and a soon as she grounded Admiral Cervera ordered everyone to Junvp overheard, and plunged Into the sea himself, followed by all his officers. The little Gloucester, after destroying the torpedo toat destroyers turned after the Oregon and made such good time that she was up even with the Colon when she ran ashore. As she drew considerably loss water Chan either the Oregon or Brooklyn hea- commander, Lieutenant Commander Vi'alnwright, was able to run In oulte close to the stranded ship, and the Gloucester's boats were sent out after the swimming oreiv. Admiral Cerver was picked up Just outside the surf, about ten yards from shore, and after his long swim was thoroughly exhausted. The Colon had Just turned In shore when the New Tork came up after a long and quick run. The flagship waa abie to get In a dozen good shots before the Colon's flag came down, so that Ad mlrnl Sampson had a hand in the fight, although It was a brief one. It will be seen, therefore, that the Oregon, while (Continued on third page.) The Royal Is the highest grade baking powder keewa. Actual teats show it gee oe ttird farther teas say ether treed. FDVDZf Absolutely Puro norm. atwMi aoweta ee new man ml