V; .jo le , diftsrenee batwan our ! - n i nd ether that va know of. On ' reme la the shaping, another 1 i h(( workmanship, and another Is in tin style of goods. Nearly all of our are Imported cloths; you can eee In tii.it why every third man along1 the ;!. (hasn't a ault like wa S'-ld you hi 1 why ours look different. It taksr m r tlian wood and Iron to make th '!i!iVrinee between a ferry-boat and a ii-itty otxan steamer. chas. Mcdonald, The Tailor. 523 Commercial Street OOOD Wl-ITSKT. That Is the test of a saloon's stock. Competition for Ions time ran to biff mlrroin. Folly Jf that were. , all, the saloon buslnesi mis-lit quickly 'capitulate to the senst or BlKht, and not to taste, our move The otRce move, has been toward qua! lty. That la the reason we obtained th agency for HOPE WHISKY, and the more cultivated and critical your taste la the Iietter chance our whisky will have. The OFFICE. Your Mouths, OUR STEAKS ... One groat basis principle of the Pal ace Restaurant is mutual dependence. To thrive and grow, each dish must be better than any one else a. Our aim it to reach the only roomy trade place, the top. No lower Idea can be per mitted. And When the top, our top, ic reached by any other restaurant, we will lift the top. The Palace Restaurant knowledge is Power And power la salvation. To do a thin right one must know how to do It. This is as true of carpenter work aa anything else. C. G. PflLrVIBEtyj, Whose shop Is at 473 Fourth street, will build you anything from a wood box to a 150,000 building and do It well, What About ...Your Shoes? - Aren't they worn out around the Bole somewhere? Don't they need a patch on the aide ? We will make them good aa new. S. R. GIMRB. Kitty Cornerfiom Usher Bros, store. A Poor Cigar. W. F. SCHIEBE never made. Don't expect to make, either. But marke this s-a-t-l-s-f-a-c- t-l-.-n of the 22-karet aort has accompanied every purchase of ona cf the cigars made by him alnce he began business. We've got the notion that a satisfied customer "cuts a ulg figure" In building ud a business. That'i the reason La Belle Astoria takea ao well. Little Giant. Seema Is If half the mothers In Aa. toria have bought a pair or two of thoao LITTLE GIANT achool shoes for their children. The other half will as on as thev hear of the wearing qual Hies of those that are being worn about the city. Vou can have your choice cf leather, kid, grain or calf. JOHN HAHN & CO Sterling Silver ! Never has there been audi a stock of sterling silver Jewelry as that now on display sit our store. Half the town does not realize the immensity of this assortment. EXSTROM, the Jeweler. 13 ONES. We buy fertilisers ami fertilizing 11111 terial of every drfHiuipliou, Bones liorut-. etc, ami pay limui-st oust prices, hen us trial sliipineut, Western Uoiie-Meiil Co. t 771 MisMiou Sirtvl. Kttu Fininoisco, (Jul. ASTORIA - WAITRESS - FACTORY, 378 Commercial Street. Manufacturers of every d.ttcrlptlon of Lounges, Mattresses, etc. REPAIRING! IN ALL ITS BRANCHES When the tide set one way there la always a cause for It Women don't come here to buy roasti steaks, end all other kinds of meat simply because lt'a Chrlstensen & Co.'a. Of course there are a few, a very Tew, who buy out or compliment, or from Ignorance, but the great mass of housekeepers buy where they can get the best and for that reason wa supply the majority or the families in Asto ria for they know by experience that we have only the best. WASHINGTON MEAT flARKET, CHRISTEN3EN CO., Prop'ra. We'll Warrant that the most com. fortablo appetite in the city may be spoiled by drinking poor whisky. We've studied and studied all the whisky fuda and Ideaa and we have learned that "CUTTER'S Whiskey." Is the best made. Hut you must be sure you gt't Cutter's. Some people advertiae It but don't keep it; we do. QROSBAUER BRACK'S "REPORT." TESTKJIDAY'8 WEATHER. Local wair for thV twenty-four knur eftdinK at 5 p. m. yaatardaor, fur- I United Btua Depart- r, st of Agrloulture. weathar bureau. iinxlmum temperature. M degrees. "Minimum temp reature, 57 degrees. IT illation, X Inch. "jm.nJ pixiiJtaU.n from September 1st. 1 vM. to luR- 67.C1 ftK'hes. of jr-(rlt.tln from Sept" I... - 1 ilHlO. 1.K9 IlKlipS. c:4 00 v. j 1 Will lmv you mi all wool Henrietta (Iicsh, in lilack ilored. or c Albert Dunbar. Sole Agent for ti e P. N. Corset. NOTICE. The tux roll for 18U4 in now In my hnnilH for collection. Taxes will be cc'Tie delinquent on March 30, 1835. i-'rhruary 19, 1895. JAMES W. HARE, Sheriff of Clatsop County. "JEFF'S" The Only Restaurant See Swope. 6f 8wope about decorating. tie Swope about decorating and sign work. Meany is the leading tailor and pays the hlgbuat aah price for fur skins. Something new In the line of Sachet Powders Just received at the Prlntz Crain Drug Store. Why do you suffer with that cold when E. O. Cough Syrup will cure It; for sale at the Prlntz-Craln Drug store. Heaver Hill Coal. . No Smoke, no Soot, For sale at Finlayson'a shipping and commission agency, 9th street wharves, at J5.G0 per ton. S. E. Utzlnger Is th- agent In Astoria for the celebrated Gumbrlnua "otriel Lieer. of Portland. Dr p linn a postal card and he will call (or your oider. Watch yout watch When It runs n little too alow or a little too fast, bring it to J. H. SEYMOUR, He will at tend to It. He knows how. He learn ed his trade In a watch factoiy. For years the ABtorla Wood Yard has given our citizens only the very best of wood and coal. Tuey are am. doing it. In fact, they are taking the lead. Why? Because they know what the public wants, and the public knows them. Fonrd & Stokes Co. have secured the affencv of the ramous btkwaktb TWINES, the only GENUINE FLAX TWINE manufactured In IRELAND Their new stock goods are much su perior to any other kind. When a man buys a lottery tlckei and draws nothing hut his breath h feeis sold. When ne buys his wood and coal of the Scow Bay Wood lard whose office la opposite Fisher Bros.' hi la pleased, aa they sell only tne best. Mr. Humphrey has some choice Chi nook salmon at his market near Res oue Hall. He also hus oyBters that sell at a less Dri e than at any other mar Uot In the city. He carries clams and other shell fish, and as a Bide Issue. has a stock of Marshall's famous knit ting twine. It may be that you are dissatisfied with your grocer. If so, why not glvi Foard & Stokes a trial? They Bailafj others, and feel pretty sure that ihej will suit you. Many a dollar is lit erally thrown away by those who buj groceries of an Inferior quality. It't penny wise and pound foollsn to glvi good money for goods that are almost worthless. ThQ U. S. Gov't Rcporti ' show Royal flaking Powdc. superior-to ult others. Wanted The present address of MaJ von Swunktnzel, late of the Austrian army, who lert Vienna on rne wtn 01 January last, en route for Astoria t purchase a pair of GoodmunDs shoes 2. E. Ward, who runs a barber shop at 219 Astor street has placed In con. neetlon with his place two Russian baths for the accommodation of the ptrblle. He guarantees them as first. class In every particular. Ladles' and gentlemen's department separate. The Finnish Brotherhood will meet at r.vthlan Hall Tuesday. April 2d, at 1 P. m. A full attendance is desired. ALEX HOLMAN, ' Financial Secretary. CLAIRVOYANT. Madnm Nelson, reads head and palm, also cards, and tells past, present and future. Consultation on all affair. Price, DO centa and upwards. Recom mendations from several hundred per sons. 455 Exchange street, corner of 10th street. Awarded Highest Honors World' Fair. Da- CREAKI MOST PERFECT MADE A putt Cttpa Ctiiii of TjiI.ii Powder. Fie. tail Ammonia, Alum or any ctliar adulterant 1 40 YEARS THE STANDARD. . . .,. , ,-i,it ...I.. 11. "ii A 5Sfoot Uunoh frota To?m fc&i arrived. In port. P. W. Weeks was In the city yeater day from Portland. For the latest and best odors In per fumery go to Rogers. Miss Frankle (Holden will Boon take charge df a school on the Nehalem. Councilman. Patrick O'Hara arrived In the city yesterday from Warranton. Nels Anderson was taken to the hos pital yesterday suffering1 with chronic plerurlBy. Attorney A. 'M. Smith, who has been on the sick list, was able to be out yesterday. Yesterday the British ship Chelma. ford was towed to sea, ibound for Queenstown. Lloyd West, of Clatsop Plains, was taken to the hospital yesterday suf fering with the grippe. Yesterday fflie Sarah Dixon brought down a second consignment of tile pipe for the Twelfth street sewer. In fihe Justice court yesterday John Frankman pleaded iguflty to assault upon John Lido. He was assessed 15. Dr. A. L .Fulton, who foas ibeen in Portland for the past two days, re turned yesterday on the 'Bailey Oat zert. R. C. F. AsBbury came up from Sea. side yesterday. He has been doing some surveying near that place during the past .week. And now the young men headed by Jim Taylor Intend forming a tennis club, having their court near the Ce dar Street school. Yesterday the two-masted schooner Neptune sailed for San Francisco. The pilot schooner San Jose is still at an chor off Fort Stevens. The Manzanilta Is still In port, hav ing "been unable to get to the light ship wilch supplies. She will go ou! at the first opportunity. Still they come. New goods errivlng dally. Lots of clothing, shoes, and hats; lowest prices. Oregon Trading Co., 600 Commercial street. At the sheriff's office yesterday the boys were kept on the Jump making out tax receipts. It was the blggesl day so far, and over 910,000 was col lected. At Martin's ship yard yesterday the scow being built for J. O. Hanthorn was successfully launched. Mr. Mar tin still has four days left In which to complete the contract. Yesterday's boacs brought a large number of people into the city from up the river. Many of them are evi dently visitors In the city, anxious to g-et in on the railroad work. Alfred Levy, tirother A Mrs. Dan 4iger and Mrs. Ceiar, who has beet; lSiiung in tne city for the past two luoiutis, leaves on the steamer Satur day for his home In San Francisco. Mr. I. L. Osgood has sorie timothy iay that he cut last year from a farn. ja the very top of Green mountain along iil.le of the military road. 'int. ..aui.s are si t lecc tall and uh ht.uk are nine inches long. The Btoamer Mayflower yv;s:erdaj ot a raft of logs, which she was at lennptlng to land at the Clatsop nUh oiitanigled with, the Caaaites and t couple of barges. She finally got th iOijs free, but not without conalderabk dllllourty. The Amateur Brass Band boys lhavt taken the music stand from the cornet j Duane and Ninth, and moved It U. oho top of the hill back of Dr. Logan'i i-esldence, where they will be so hlg.. that they can play "My Sweetheart'i the Man In the Moon" with some vim in It. Some time the steamer Dwyer struck a snag with her prpellor and Injure. it considerably, "besides springing het shaft. Yesterday she went on the jea li at the Astoria Iron Works and machinist set to work making the needed repairs. She will probably be In service this afternoon. The 20-horse-power gasoline engine has been placed In the Scandinavian Cannery launch at the Astoria Iron Works, and yesterday was being con nocted. Aa aoon as the machinists get through with. her. Mr. Lethers will finish the cabin, and the boat will then be turned over to her owners. The balloon man has yone but he has left his trail. One of Astoria's Third Reader boys la begsdng, "Sorry In' " and buying all tne empty nour sacks he 1 can find and with the old of a pot of varnish, he hopes Boon to have a aky scraper that will be the envy and awe of hla 6econd reader companions. Last night the M. E. chuivh gave a young people's concert at which a large crowd of both Juveniles and grown people were present. An excel lent program consisting of many mu sical and literary gems, was rendered and irreatly enjoyed by those present. A splendid lunch was served during the evening and was freely partaken of. The little steamer Louise Vaughn la still at the Iron Worka, and repairs are raipidly toeing made to her pro peller ami nhaft. The steamer will prolxUdy be,uaod aa a tender for some of the canneries during th fishing season. The Iau1s Vawhn has done much .service In acting as a tender for the Portland dredge In towing loaded scowa to th dumping grounds. The sttMuner waa also used for some time aa a fire-boat along the Portland city front. i .Mum ....!.. un .MAiim Easts fiuaA&j corcfll J&$t Uti), W$ 1 VfCtiXS. KEpUX. year. It la tald an early Ajirll U -wayi a prwurser of m early apring, , Contractor Wattl Eaa th Sooor of and a late Eaater la a aure precurae Starting th nrt TVork on th of a late, backward spring. Aa the ' New Road. 22d of March is the earliest date upon ; . . . t I j nr i t which it can come, and the 28th of J April the latest date, Easter this year can hardly be said an early or lato cne. The London, 'England, county coun. oil have made arrangements that In future every Are engine In the Met ropolltar Fire IBrlgUi'? na11 carry Ibandatges, lint, wool and oil for use in cases of iburns or Injuries, In which cases firemen may be alble, pending proper medical alttorttlon, to render Immediate reJllef to any one In need of It. About Che most unfortunate thing that happened yesterday In relation tc the beginning of railroad construction was the fact that "Windy" Pat Doman was not present. It la hoped that the newa of actual building of the Asto-rla-Goble road will put an end to the silly and uncalled for letters that he has been writing to a Portland weekly during the past few months. For the past few days Architect Fer guson has .been bo busy with various plans and specifications that he has ibeen unable to "finish, the plans for Fisher Brothers' new theatre. Today, however, he will again take up Dhe work and 'push it to completion, and then bids for the construction of the theatre will be adtvertlsed for. No expense will be spared to make It the most comfortable little theatre In the Northwest. The German bark J, C, Pfluger, Bays the San Francisco News, which sailed from this port March 14, 1894, with a valuable (general cargo, including a large quantity of brandy, ordered by the xGerman "government for use In military hospltalls, arrived at Bremen on the 21st Inst, fihe was detained a long time at Valparaiso, a port of dis tress whiohi it was necessary to make. The underwriters and Invalided Ger man soldiers alike, will be glad she has arrived out safely. Tramps are becoming quite plentiful about the city and as a number have railed at a prominent merchant's resi dence during the past two weeks, Just at meal time he come to the conclusion that the first tramp that visited the reuse and was fed must have placed some secret mark on the front fence; One of their number was noticed sev eral days ago to turn a corner and pass all other dwellings and drop right through the merchant's front gate as raturally as though he had adver tised. Sutton & Beobe yesterday received advices that the ship Reaper will be ready next week to load general car go at New York, for this port. A pre vlous report that the Reaper was com. Ing here was premature, as negotla. tlonB were only condluded yesterday, and It was generally supposed that the 3olltalre would come. The Reaper is one of the badt-known vessels that visits Astoria, and she has an estab lished record for quick passages and turning out -hier cargoes In perfect condition. London millera, among- other3, agree in complaining of the generally les sened demand for flour, in spite of the low prices. One London miller ex pressed the opinion that the working ;nan and his family do not eat bo lUL'h bread as formerly, for the rea son that wages are higher than they :;ver were "before, and that all other rood is cheap as well as flour, so that .he poorer classes spend more in meat xni eat less bread. This Is a'iso the xpressed opinion of many large Lon Jon bakers. Andrew Chrlstensen, mate of the lost .ug Vlos, was endeavoring to pick up .1 crew for the tug CcnBtamce yester Jay, said the Victoria ColonlM. The Constance Is owned by Bwan & Co., owners of the Velos, whose work it Is said she will take up, in eharfi-p 01 Captain Chrldtensen, until Capt. An lerson, who is now In tlu ihopltal, Is Uile to get around again, tt Is ojily ibotft 'a year since the Constanoj was employed about the hat'wr, and when the returned to the- Fraser river the elos came down. The Bailey Gatzert, ever since nh .nade her first trip three weeks aito. has had difficulty with her whistle At first it sounded like the bellowing of a ciw Just recovering from a sever attack of the grippe, and every time in attempt was made to remedy it the sound grew more hideous. But yester day there was a genuine surprise in 'tore far the people along the river, for when the Gatzert 'blew her w'hlstle a deep melodious sound came forth, and caused the people to stare !n won der. She has the most musical whistle of any steamer on' the river. Yesterday a man named Pat Han wrlght was brought In from Nehalem and placed. In the hospital Buffering from serious Injuries retelved by be ing struck by the butt end of a tree which he was felling on Tuesday last. He was brought In from the Nehalem to Olney on a aled. by Mr. H. M. Sjiencer, and tha trip consumed two daya' time. Dr. Rates is attending the Injured man, but aaya he cannot de termine at preseailt how badly he Is hurt. Both legs are ibadly crushed, and one of them broken, bealdcs aev-e-al other bad brulsea about the bo 1y. On Sunday the harkentlne Wrestler, which las been at anchor In James bay all winter, waa towed around to be refitted1 on the marine railroad at EdquhnaTt. 6he la to have spars plac ed In her and wilfl be barken tine rigged aa she had toeen formerly. Recently the Wrwrtler tias changed ownership. a number of Americana being now In terested In her. She is a very grace ful looking craft, and WW be aa good as new when ready for service again. She will, tt Is expected, be hauled on the ways thla week, and within a few weeks It ia thought win be ready to vail. I il.ini IK imm mumm'i ,-tm YeBtcjday shortly after tlw dinnej hour, Contractor Wattls left the tele graph, comer on Commercial street with a squad of men,- each carrying t bright new bruah hoolc or axe. They took a atreet car and went ,to Tongue Point, where actual work was com menced clearing, the right of way across Tongue Point for the Astorla Gdbel railroad. Later in the day May. or Kinney and J. C. Stanton went eiboard. the launch brought here from Tacoma, and visited the scene of opera tions. They found the men busily en gaged slashing brush and felling trees and though the force was small, they were rapidly making a big clearing In the underforusii and timber. At 6 o'clock the launch returned with the laborers on board. Mr. Stanton In structed iMr. Wattls to engage a suf flcent force last night, to clear the right of way ty tonight, and on Sat urday 1t is expected that a large dele gation of citizens will go to that point and ibe present at the throwing of the first shovelful of dirt, .whlohi will prob ably toe done by Mr. Hammond, who will arrive In this city this, morning. There has been consideralble discus sion aa to Why work on the railroad was commenced at Tongue Point, when the Bonner and Hammond con tract with the Buteldy committee culls for the first work to be done at a point near the O. R. and N. wharf. The reason was explained yesterday by a member of the committee, as fol lows: In the first place the engineers have never decided definitely the ex. act location of -the line at that point, and another thing, the inability to get a sufficient number of pdtkng in time to make the start caused them to se lect Tongue Point as the starting ground. There was a sort of under standing with the committee that this part of the contract should be chang ed." While the right of way through th' city has not as yet been entirely secur ed, the committee has assurances that It can be arranged within a few hours' time! It is not knowin as yet just who." changes in tho contract Mr. Ham mond will ask of the subsidy com mittee, but at a' meeting which wll' be held today the matter will P'Ohafoly be determined. H. B. Caldwell, of Caldwell Bros., Tacoma, Pacific Coast agents for the Gas Engine' and Power Company, ol New 'Sork, manufacturers of "The Only" naphtha engines, is in the city looking about with a view of locating their boat building plant In this city Mr. Calthvell was induced to come to Astoria bv Mr. Robert Lowe, who met him at Kalama and piloted down the river one of the prettiest naphtha j wef stod ail),t the Qne launches that ever graced the water, fl h. of any r ver. Mr. Caldwell brought,3' . , f , . the iboat over for the purpose ! eddy m all the t.de of men's Mings rush showing the cainnerymen what kind of ! '"8 throuth this store. vessels his firm builds, and, if he can see a 'field here for his business, will otaher remove the Tacoma plant to this cUty or start a ibranch plant here The 'boat is 33 feet in length. 8 feet beam, and has an 8-horse power naph tha engine in her. She goes througl the water llite an arrow, and attracted many people along the wharf when she oame in. The boat has no upper works on her as yet, Mr. Caldwell thinking that if he had an opportu nity of disposing of the 'boat to one of the local cannertes they could com. plete It to BUit their requirements. At the residence of Mr. and Mrs, Ed. Tiouslowa this afternoon waa given a birthday party In honor of iMlss rau- 'Ina Rotislow, who celebrates her fifth 1 birthday. The af ternson was spent n games and music. Those who were I nrcsent were: Misses Paulina Rou- slow, Nanette 'Adhms. Molly Moore, M'.lnnle iHl"-gIns, Irvn? Uarker, Reto "t-WUKOai, IFanny wul Mate Gregory, "d Messrs. Haro'd, Thompson, Earnest j v.-viikc.ii, Ja:l: AOam., Ella FuHon, j '"I'd -r P'trker. v:sm RMe Ufa" Par-; '! H", 1 Mls Katie Louise, Tiualow aa- ! -'Vi-O )n mn.klntr dt ffnp-rv for 1hp HtMf f ;h:.S:' 'A'-", who dprmrtod -vlth -many i,v luid lir'hdays to Miss Paulina Rnuslow. Th- r"inv friends Herman Ba'-tlev i -"ldo wMl? he win vlaltlnfT Ms btirher "V-ircf-. at Se.ilde, last summer, wll grieved to learn that word was re--Mvwi here by telnrrar'h the first part this wrk 'VhH. he wa9 seriously .nd probaNy fatally lnjiirfd hy an ac "Ident which had occurred' at Cleve Hml, Ohio. A 'lir-'tter has iben re-elved from there since by Mr. Bart!y, which "tates that Herman and another broth er were testing a new enalne which 'hey haU Hmtlt for a. steamboat, when the cylinder hear! blpw out and cam very near causing the death of both, but since sending the telegram thr brothers were in a fair way. to re cover. (Mrs. MacKenz'e keeps a lodging j r-use on Commercial and 13th streot. A few nights ago ahe listened to the pleading voice of an Individual who claimed he was stck and wanted a ; night's lolglng but had ik means to pay for It. The good lady gave him a ' room but d'seovered In the morning that the fellow had disregarded all laws of hospitality but followed the scriptural Injunction ' to take up his j bd and walk," for he was gon?, and j with him the b, comfort, blanket, and pillow. The steamer Cella cleared from San ' Francisco on Saturday for El Trlum fo. For the benefit of the uninitiated j It may be stated that El Trtumfo la In the republic of Salvador, and the ; Celia goea down there practically to establish a port. A San Francisco company has contracted to bufld a wh.irf Iherw mil 1h fVlla IaVm .ivn : . . la.iW reoi 01 lumoer. sceei. iron, watt-: ons. launcnea. etc.. in raci, an equip-; menta to orosecute the work. When I the wharf la complied steamers wilt stop there for poffe?. lip ARE THE BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest-cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY " SIRE WILL REMOVE HATS. Kansas City, March 28. Members of the Kansas City nan-partisan W. C. T. U., have adopted tho following reso lution: Resolved, that we wdW here after remove our hats at divine wor ship and all indore speaking: KILLED WHILE COASTING. San Francisco, March 28. Eugene Ta.iiere, a young artist, met Instant death on bis Ibicycle this afternoon, He was coasting down the Fulton street hill at a terrific rate of speed. He lost control of his wheel and waa hurled Into a bituminous rock crusher with suoh force that his skull was ab solutely crushed. C. R. F. P. UNION NOtlCE. Regular monthly meeting of the Col umbia River Fishermen's Protective Union will be held at Fisher's Hall, Tuesday, April 2d, 1895, at 7:30 p. tn. sharp. The price of salmon for the year 1895 will be set. A patrolman and light keeper for Sand Island to be elected and other business of importance to be transact ed. Members in good Standing are re quested to be present and have their book or receipt along. SOFUS JENSEN, Sec. W E WAIT you to make no al lowance. Our Gents' furn ishings are as good as we say they are. Do you think how rare such agreement is? We run a clothing store for men with no deid places in it! You know how easy it is to heap up a lot of things tiiat nobody t d s naie a show of plenty. PHIL. STOKES,' The Clothier. HordTimes Have Com Trying to Make it asy, We wish the pulbllc to understand that we sell exclusively nothing but J. H. OUITcR WHISKEY For 10 cent3 a drink, and Kcpp's ce-le brated N. P. Beer at 5 cents a glaiH. The whisky Is the same as we havi been selling ever since wc have tcei in business, and we are going to con tinue the same as long as we can gst square deal on both sides. WHITE HOUSE CORNER, Corner 9th and Bmd. HARRIS & WRIGHT. E. A. TOPPING. : New and Second-Hand : j FURNITURE. Full line Crockeiy Tinware, Stoves. Stove Repairs a Specialty.: Highest c ish prices paijfor seiniiJ-hand gooJs of all kinds. 434 Bond Street. (Opposite Paiker & Hansen.) MUSIC HALL. WW KKAT. Ml & "'J will opi'n thoir Music Dol t 3'0 Asior street, t Saturday fie !0ih. They will j keep minitwrU'im grol liquors ' mid 1 ifiirs besides having good music ull the j lime. Coming Saturday, March 16, At 566 Commercial Sireet, ROBINSON & HEIKES' Jflaseam & Optical Illusion Exhibition. Niue beautiful and mystifying Illusions , rieasimr s'sge t'erforoiani-e. An enter- taiuuieut expressly for Ladies and child- Will ! open daily from 1 to 10 p. '.xliiliitioiis evrrv ,'!0 minutes. w' ! Admission Uk hewrwd hairs 5u extra. GOOD thlrjjs need co adrertls-! -inir b"t liidits we jui want to ttll nu the extra urttinnry low rice of ( millenery ff.'O'ln for,'" lriiK and summer wear. rtimv una wa u uJ- lore pun-hslnfi. MISS MttT.KA. Cor. lOih andCemmensal Sts. BEER HALL, What the Gambrlnus Beer Hall tried . 1 i . ; 1 K..I f HH1 nr m-ojt to w 't, -- .1, n u x ni- thlr linuord was 10 pick cut what intelligent people would 'wan, lf tn. krieW u experienced nni. hmiM know It. Make a note of this If you want pure liquors. George I Bartley. I'ropneior. si PROrKSSlOXAi CAJtDl. H. A. HVflTH DENTIST. Rooms 1 and 2, Pythian over C. H Cooper'a store. Bull'lli'f W. C. LOGAN, D. D. 8.. DENTAL PARLORS. Manseil Block, 673 Third street W. M LAFORCE, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooma 6, 6 and 7, Flavelo Brick Building. SILAS B. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW Office In Flavel'a bilck building FRANK J. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Astoria, Oregon. DOCTOR ALFRED KINNEY, OFFICE AT HIS RESIDENCE. May be found In hla office until li o'clock mornings, from 12 noon until i p. m.. and from 5 until 7:30 evenings. J. Q. A. BOWLBT, ATTORNEY AND OOt!N!Ui AT .Jtxr. Office on Second SU-set, Astoria, tn DR. EILIV JANSON. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office over Olsen'a drug store. Hours, 10 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 6 and 7 to 8 p. m. Sun days, 10 to 11. J. S. BISHOP, M. D., HOMEOPATHIST. Office and rooms in Kinney Block. Office Hours, 10 to 12:30 and 4 to 0:30. Surgery and Diseases of Women a Spe cialty. LIBERTY P. MULLINIX. M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office, 584V4 Third St., Astoria, Ore. Special attention given to all chronlo diseases. DR. O. B. ESTES. . PHTSrritN AND PUR:p"oN Speela' atlxnllr.n to dlmww ' wom en and surgery. Office over Danatsrer'x store Atorls Telephone !o. 52. JAY TUTTLE, M. D. PHYSICIAN. SURGEON A.ICOUCHEUR. Office, Rooms i and 6, Pythian Building. Hours, 10 to 12 and i to 5. Residence, 639, Cedar str" German Physician. Eclectic. DR. J. ELM1N BARTEL. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OHke west of Ross, Hig?ins & Co.'a store, E18 Bond street. Prices, calls, $1; confinements, $10.00. Operations at ollice free. Medicines furnished. JAMES W. WELCH, lNsiluRANOia AND. REAL K3TATE AGENT. Houses to rent. Ail kinds of prop-t-j-iy lor Gdhe. ConespojiJeaoe and outness so,icUed. Oliice Vteluh iilock, Ul Commercial! streec, Astoria, oren. J. N. Dulph. Richard Nixon, onester V. Doipn. DOLPH, NIXON & DOLPH, ATTORNEY 3 AT LAW. l'oi'tland, Oregon, 21, 2o, 10, and 27, i.a.,ii;iou xiuiidiiig. All legal and col ucujii busiiiusa pion.ptiy aiUndjd 10. against tne government a spe- littllj. v sUOH:T x MEETINGS. TtO.MPLE LODGE NO. V, A. F. and A. Uvular communications held on lio lirsi a;id tlaird Tuesday evening 01' t-a.;U rno.Hii. V. C HOWELL, W, M. I!. C. HOLDEN. Secretary. FOR MALE JAPANESE GOODS. Just out- Jusl received just what you wt.ii'. .it Wing t.ee's. 29 Third strert. WANTED. WANTED To rent, or will buy at a fair price, a second hand type-writer. Smith machine preferred. Inquire at this ollice. i WANTED A girl to do genera j housework. Apply to E. Gustin. 520 ; Commercial strest, Uppertown. ! WANTED Agents to represent the ;old National Life Insurance Co., of 1 Montpelier, Vt. For further informa- j tion, address G. M. Stolp, General Coast ! Manager, S2-ai Crocker Building, San Francisco, Cal. WANTED Situation tq do general housework iby an-experienced person. In-quire Sal Eighteenth Scow Bay Foundry. street, near $75.00 A WEEK paid to ladies and gents to sell the rapid dish washer. Washes and dries them In two min utes without wetting the hands. No experience necessary; sells at sight; permanent position; Address W P.Har rison & Co., Clerk No. 14. Columbus, Ohio. MISCELLANEOUS WHEN IN PORTLAND Call on Hundley A. Haas. 130 First street, and ?et the Dally Astortan. Visitors need not miss tnelr morning paper irhne there. HKVKKRK WINES ANT- HMNtMfN Zip. fandel wine instead of coffee or tea. Fifty rents per Kallnn. IVin't f-ricel , peach and ap'leot hrnndy. Alo Kn-h 'N'iiir and rtn i Ali Ollhrf" J'0'iors -r. ,,M .1 ti'-i:'. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder umu yiiwnw n v trw-j-