The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, August 05, 1894, Image 3

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    ' '' the! 1 tixiLv Astorian, 'AsfbitiAr &lviuy iuduMNG, "august 'ft; . 1894
Aixttum 01 me Big Ajame or. r oor.
ball on PridflV. .
'.. '.The garhe of football on Friday even
ing on the Astoria Football Club
grounds between that club and "Fort
Canby was one of the most exciting and
best contested ever played In this city.
' Throughout' the' game the Interest of
all was keen, and quick plays numer
ously strews throguhout the match
caused a continuous rattle af applause
all around the ground. The result of
the contest three goals to one In favorl
,: of Fort. Canby, gives' soirie! Idea of the
Intensity ,of ,tlie struggle more: particu
larly when it 1b remembered that Can
' by' scored twice' before -half time', and
. '.that in the secoricl and hardest part of
the" game the honors, were even, each
team securing one goaL: . '
There were no accidents otany k(nd
beyondthe ordinary trifling sprains and
bruises which will by Monday be only1
.'- reiriembrances, The game- played by
"'the soldiers 'was throughout a splendid
exhibition of football, and from begin
' ntng to, end tliere was not a single in
stance cf rough or ungentlemanly play,
on' either e'lde-a ' result' that Bays a
f wvu., .w. lllV'PJulltllIII.G VjltCl-
incident cf the day was the disgraceful
conduct of three or four hoodlums who,
seated on the bleachers at the side of.
; , the Held, made a continuous attempt to
rattle and disconcert several of the As
toria players. This shameful exhibition
of blackguardism disgusted every lady
. in attendance, and steps will undoubt-
,1 1 . . 1. 1 . , . . 1 1 A . 1 n . i. . .
Club to prevent the recurrence of such
acMoriB. These men are well known
residents of this city, and they will soon
be brought to see that professional bark-.
ing and amateur sport are two. things
fhuf wnn'f Yrilv
.To revert to the game Itself, A strong
wind was blowing down from the grand
n.nn.l nn 1 .. .. .1 ,4r. 1 1IMI . . it
struggle for several minutes, and twleej
me -anuy men narrowly escapea scor-
Ing. Twenty minutes after the begin-
ning 01 ptay, wuson put tne spnere into
in iiiiuuiB iin ..kouu nciew kick, ana
Mills, catching It with his knee, knocked
it through. Canby, 1 goal. Immediately,
after kick-off, Canby seemed determined
to rush matters, and aided by the .wind.'
wmcn. Eee;r.ea 10 increase in speed, '
orougnt m-3 oaii aown again mio tn0
xerruory 01 Asiorias dbcks ana nair-
oac-Ks, Ajter a quicK ngnt the canby
xorwaras icet n, ana in a lew seconds
the soldier's goal was the object or a
Mcious attack by Astoria s right wing
men, wno got me leainer witmn a rewi
incnes or scoring no less man three
iimeo. v roni here to tne center tne ball
was jumpea in a lively manner, until
the men from the fort got hold of it
and scored a second time. From this
on, the swiftness of the play began to.
tell on everybody, and most of the
combatants heard the half time whistle
vith a gasp, of relief, the ball being at
the time In anybody's territory,
When play was resumed, the wind had
died down a little, but the change of
sides at once made a perceptible differ
ence In the play of the Astoria boys,
who buckled down to work ln fine style
and put the soldiers on their mettle In
a way that brought out a good deal
of hearty applause. Canby's represen
tatives, however, went in all the haraer.
and five minuter after kick-off both
teams were going it like draft horses
nnd giving as pretty an exhibition of
the grand qi game as has ever been
. seen In Oregon". The mud with which
the ground was plentifully Bprlnkled
soon flew In showers, and any number
of the players were covered with rich
: tide land soil from head to foot. Grad
ually Astoria's defense took the ball
to the center and then rushed It -onH
the right wing. Hansen and McjCiniey
took It along, and, when within .shoots
Ing distance,' the- latter raced through
two backs and kicked an excellent goal.
Astoria, one goal.
Canby buckled to f gain, but the fight
was well sustained by the home players,
and for ceveral minutes the spectators
were treated. to. an unending series of
battles on every corner of the ground.
Then Wilson, on the left wing, got out
- .. . . . 1 n.nTl . . r. ItiA
or tno rucK. ana ? " '11
ground. Mills secured snd kicked tart
conl. The ball ran along the gfoun;
nnd through the posti before it rcoulQ
' be saved. Canby. three goals., j . From
here to the call of time the game was
nn even thing, and the score remained
Fort- Cahby-0 goals.
Astoria 1 goal. 'tir,
"trot not by any means disgraced. They
put up one of the best games they have
ever played, aid that with two good
men nway. " "
It Is Impossible to single out. any1 6f
the Canby men for especial prate. They
' have by their last game strengthened
themselves -and the Astoria Football
Club., . .... ,. - ... .,:!
For Astoria, Tallant and Bartholomew
pat wp a pJendid defense. McKnley
- and Hansen played the be.rt combina
Hon forward game that has yet bee
shown by the home" team, and Bchnett
r,u " . , TT' . .fifty miles long and twenty-five miles
Fort, winning the toss, decided to take ,..,, . .
. ' J , , , , .wide. All around the shores are valley
advantage of the breeze and kick to' . . - ,,,, ,
... - and rolling land3, on which are great
the southern end. A few minutes after; fofeg oi , cedsLr;Aai 3lmllar trees.
kick-off the ball was taken to the cen-j Father Duncan.8 warQ3 are ;al, we.
ter of the fle.d. where It remained until tra,ne(Ji )ndustHouSi and energetic.
Dimmick shot it down dangerously nea They have sawmill, cannery, etc., all
Astorlt's sticks. Here there was a big n, whlph w. ..,, hv lhfl In(fln!1.
In goal proved that the udgin?ni 01, off his route and pays him doing ?ler
.Jiiose who selected him f.-. that Import- f jj jvock In the postoffice which should
aht place was mt at faiilt.! Every otius- be done by the -postmaster himself,
.roan In .the eleven did his beat, and aj ..sjy doing this h breaks the laws of
.very excellent It was. Frank Guoa prt office department, delays the de-
ief Arid umpire, gavi unlversa satis-( ;vcnr cf mail, and throws more work
' ration. He mide only one mistake on jn9 remaining carriers than they
jt y i in , r , . m vu. " v. -j
' The governor has Issued the fbtl-wing
proclamation: j
"In accordance with the provisions of
an act of the legislative assembly. of
the state of Oregon, passed at its sev-
ent.sehts regular session, entitled, 'An;
Ml vu yiuicvi,
erty from fire,' I do hereby make proc-
lamatloa calling . Uie attention of (he:
people of the state to Its provisions,
J ln nil , . r0 1 1, -1 vlrJat-
um v.a.i.ts , -
ing the, same,'.' , .... ',
By the provisions of J,ho act alluded
to by the governor, if any person .shall
maticiuusiy wuu iiiicuv w nnnuc n. me
by which the property of others shall
be destroyed, he la subject to a line of
from J20 to 1,000, or Imprisonment In
the county Jail- from' three to twelve
months; or if any person without malice
kinSre any fire In a field not ,his own
without the consent of the owners, by
which property Is destroyed, he is sub
ject, tq a fine, and Imprisonment;' Or .If ;
any person Bhall wilfully set flre'to any
forest belonging to the state or United
States, he shall be deemed gullty-of aj
misdemeanor . and : shall be subject' to and imprisonment.
Interesting Account.. of ;Rev. William
v r .Duncan's Island. " '" j '
' The following Interesting' account of
the missionary home of Rev. William
Duncan is from the last issue of the
Alaska Herald, published at Sitka. It
will be of special interest to many As
toriana who have visited the noted mis
sionary on Annette Island, Alaska,
where he has resided with his Metlak
atla charges for many years:
. Rev. William D.uncan.who has for
thirty-seven y.eura been a missionary
among the Metlakatla Indians, has built
a principality which is a model and
i prac'.'.cal demonstration of good and ef
fective" missionary work. His 'flock
,' number SCa.'and are steadily increasing.
Rev. William Duncan is absolute ruler
over his small dominion, which is known
Rev Wlrn Dlmcan Ia act.0mpllshlng
. noble work nnd 8 maUln a record
for herolo t-Bzcrince. The following
t.he doelaratlon ot residents
w the wolile of Metlakatla.- Alaska
ln order t0 Becure t0 ourselves and our
posterity the blessings of a Christian
home; do. severally subscribe to the
flowing rules for the regulation of
oul. conduct and town affairs:
j. To revercnce the Sabbath and re.
fraln from all unnecessary seculat ; work
fcn that day; to attend divine worship;
to take the Blble for our of faith
to regard all true christians as our
brethren; and to be truthful, honest, and
2. To be faithful and loyal to the gov-
ernment of the United States.
j. To render our votes when called
upon for the election of the town coun-
cir, and to promptly obey the by-laws
and orders imposed by the said council.
4. To attend to the education of bur
children and keep them at school as
.regulirly as possible.
' 6. To totally abstain from all Intoxt
cants ani gambling, and never attend
heathen festivities or countenance
heathen customs in surrounding vll
lages. . ,
e. To strictly carry out all' sahltary
regulations necessary for the health of
the town. ... .
7. To identify ourselves with the prog
ress of the settlement, and to utilize the
land we hold.
8. Never to alienate give away or
sell our land, or building lots, or any
portion thereof, to any person of per
sons who have not subscribed to these
Ured In the Gold Mines of Johannes-
. burg, South .Afrlcx
A i'trft-dler recently, returned '. from
South Africa tells -he American Cou
tractor that, for use in the gold mines
of Johannesburg, the Puget, Sound fil
ls. Jjeading alljithers. 1
1 It ,w0l b (remembered that during the
jfcnst' ylar jbote'oj J-afo cargoes have gone
that? wa-Jv asv-well-as to Calcutta and
other far-off port.x
The gentleman says that it ha-s been
discovered .-to be t$9est material ob-
tains We -for" flhtteritr the mines, and
m . . 5 . . ,
wj?.'rnayj;aook farti extensive export
ir.ide-fpirn. 0!g'Ch.;'J Washington, and
Vancouver during -the,. next few years.
Norway pine was tlrsi tased, then the
southtwm neshfrWl from Mobile.
;t'ut:b8t! were-.onnd to be too
fiUShy to flrit-clas Results, Finally
some; of the jn'lnlng engineers, from our
western nil tfe. jrho hkvo secured fine
bertha .Jji ' the - Johanieeberg. distri'-t,
induced some of the. tig owners to try
Oregon pine orspnjee.,, The. first, trial
order, was promptly followed by a sec
ond order for l,000.0a for this one mine,
and when I left I understood that a
number of other Wg mines would soon
order" their timber supply from the Pa
cific coast Seattle Telegraph.
'.11(1 ilt.'i-: :
To tfie' Editor' of the 'Astorian:.
-1 would like to know by what author
ity' Herman Wise, the present post-
master, takes one of the letter carriers
are able to do, . If Jlr.. Wise can i.ot
do the wnrk In the offlce himself, why;
don't he hire some one else to work In
the ofllce and not miike the public suffer
because he Is not willing to pay a few
dollars out of bis pocket for extra help
;.,, , .- . . CITIZEN.
A eleoton j, be held on Monuay
..Aueust-iaut-. -ik4. ar the house of Hes-
cue Engine Company, urthe pUTose
f ot . fleeting; one cnicr engineer and two
.. XU,. TM, yy,, IV O III.
j Judge-! K. fielig, H. Cearns, Geo.
.'1 Morton-Clerks-C. H. Stockton, R. M.
bwwart. By ordrn ,.
5ASorla mT&
tiiia. tsruuK.TUl, Secretary. '
f 'August: 3T, UM.A VV" j .
! Go li the Astol-U "Wood Yard for the
best kinds bf wood; also best grades of
cyauaeuverca m, quantities to nult '
Japnnese. novelties and fancy dry
Bopdj, can be . had at half price, at the
fctore of Wing Lee, next to Olsen'B cigar
store. 1 . -i ' 1 ; s ' m . .... ... .
,. 'Z'.A 6U.ita CURB FOR 1'ILEsl
Uuhlng Plies a.e known by moisture
like porspiratlon, causing intense ltchlnk
wben warm. This form, as well as Blind,.
meeaing or .rroiruainif, yield at onue to
Dr. Bosanko's I'll hemedy, which acts
directly on the parts attected, absorbs
tumors, allays liuhing and efTecla a
permanent cure. 60c Druggist or mall.
Circulars free. Dr. Bosanko, Ja8 Arch
xireet, Philadelphia, Fa. Hold by J. W.
Conn. " ' '
Gentlemen; I have always recom
mended K rause's Headache Capsules
wherever I have had a chance. They
have proven a veritable boon In my
family against any and all kinds of
headache. Yours truly, -
. - ' J. B. WALTER, .
Leavenworth, Kansas.
For sale by Chas. Rogers, Astoria,
Oregon, sole agent.
Mrs. WInslow's Soothing Syrup has
been used for children teething. It
B(in f Vi rU tha n . 1 1 .-1 (.iflonl Vi n ir i . m a
allays all pain, cures wind chollo. and"or Prlvate families, J100 to $200 per year
Is the best remedy for diarrhoea. TVen -
ty-nve cents a bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists throughout the world.
"Do unto others as you would have
others do unto you," Is sympathetically
shown in the following lines, the pre
sumption being that sympathy Is bom,
or aklir to pain or sorrow:
"Uentlemen: Please bend Krause's
Headache Capsules as follows: , Two
boxes to Flora Seay, Havanna, N. Dak.
Two boxes to Llllie Wilcox, Brookland,
N. Dak. I have always been a great
sufferer from headache and your Cap
sules are the only thing that relieves
me." Yours very truly, ., ., .
fcfavana, N. Dak.
For sale by Chas. Rogers. Astoria.'
Or., Sole. Agont. ,
..1 1 .in..
Everybody knows this Is a good place
fn' hp. hut evervbodv does not take
1.., tn ha ho.n : . in nmricnt nre.
ventatlve places us on the safe side of
Incipient disease, and there is no one
more reliable than Hostetter s stomacn
Bitters in cases where the kidneys are
innntiva nrhinh in him the nrpHmlnnxv
to various destructive maladies, which
disregarded have a fatal termination.'
TJll,,'n Innnnn ntnKntQ Onnl, n,l n '
ma, are but the outgrowths of neglected ""IPer Kidney Cure. Heef, Iron and
Inaction of the kidneys and bladder. 1 Wine, Kmulslon of Cod Liver Oil, Dlar
They should be checked at the outset rhoea Mixture, Dead 1 Shot- for Corns,
with bitters, which will prevent their Saponaceous Tooth. Wash,, Tooth- Pow-
progress by arousing the renal organs
in Rc.tivltv. and thus nlace Uiose who
resort to this saving medicine on the
safe side. This preservative of safety 1
also conquers constipation, liver com-1
plaint, malarial fever, nervousness and
Between Astoria and Portland. -STEAMER
; ' '''
Leaves Main Street Wharf Tuesday,
Thursday, and Sunday evenings.
Returning, leaves Portland, foot of
Yamhill street, Monday, Wednesday,
and Friday evenings. .,
For further Information, Inquire of
i, 1 - , Agents.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue
of a decree of sale, made in the circuit
court of the state of Oregon, for the
coumy in w wuj .v.
FVhruarv. . 1S94. of.W. H. KlrkDatrlckl
and against M. M. Ketchum and Ida H.'
Ketchum, and execution thereon Issued
August 1st, 1894, I will on the 3rd day
of September, 1894, at the hour of ten
o'clock a. m.. and at the court house
door in said Clatsop county sell to the
highest bidder for cash the lands de-
aiifflntPTit amnnnt
"umclent ."" -
sum of J9,208.C3.
scribed herein, or a
thereof to make the
and interest thereon since February!
1fiQl at iha rata nf ft nor ttr.t ' r
' ...'..' ,
annum, and accruing costs, lowlt.: lots
6, 7 and 8, and NW Vt of NW Vt, section
28. In T. 5 N, R. 7 W., ln aatsop coun-
ty, Oregon. i
Pated, this 2nd day of August, 1S94.
- J. W. HARE, Sheriff,
By R. O. PRAEL, Deputy.
Notice Is hereby given thai by "virtue
of a decree of sale made In the circuit
court of the state of Oregon,, for theLN,;tlce,ISuhcr B'vcnJ .'..Vi
. t,. .ii ,'derslgned has been appointed admlnls
county of Clatsop, on the 18th day of, tratrfx of tha e(,taU! of George McLean,
June, 1894, In favor of the Astoria deceased, late of Clatsop county,- Ore
Building and Loan Association, and &on, by the county court of the state of
against Eleanor Symon. .y2MJ
Symons, and execution thereon issuedi mUBt present the same properly verified
Aubus: lbt, 1894, I will on th 3d dayjto the und-.-rslgned within six months
r.t Cnnt.mW 1IU at tha f t'lTOta trtlS OH, JUtY J'V.'t.
o'clock a. m, and at the court houre
door ln said Clatsop county, sell to the
highest bidder for cash, the land de-,
scribed herein, or a sufficient amount
thereof to make the sum of $2,923.35,1
and Interest thereon since February th,
. . m.
JnJ, "ie rau; Ul . prr pr an-
1, In block 45, In the town of Astoria, description of lands or other property.- -
as laid out and recorded by John Mo- "V!. .3u. 'L pe?Di? to "
pear at that time If they wish correct-lure,
in Clstnop County. Oregon. ... ,.. , ,,, mad(. eorrectU7n, or altera-
Dated, this 2nd day of August. 18?t Hons can be madcr by any officer after
J. W. HARE, Sheriff, , lhe adjournment of the board.
t? -n r. ppirr n,mi. ' The board will meet on Monday, Aug
By R. O. PRAEL, Deputy. u,t mh at w &clock m., and do
...J 5 on Saturday, September 1st, at 6 p. m.
Dr. Prlc' Cream Biklnj Powder Astoria, July 2itin .
Worid Plr Wisest AwartJ. , . county Assessor.
npon yon before you know it. It ii sure
to be in tbe air wo breathe, the water we
drink. The gorr.i of consumption is every
where prtsunt. Tiie germ begins to grow as
soon ax it roaches a weak tpot in the body.
Catarrh, Pronrbiti, and a scrofulous condi
tion, f urniah these weak spots. . The way to
fight luwe gorms brain early render the
liver active and purify the blood with Dr.
Piorce'a Golden Medical Discovery. Besides,
it builds up healthy flesh. 1
I It's piioranfco'i in nD bronchial, throat and
lung affections; overy form of scrofula, even
Consumption in its oarlior utaces. If the
'Discovery fails to beneut or cure, you
uave y.'ur immvv utu;. , ....
Fortify yourself ap;nlnst disease by making
the body ttrrni-proof, then Vou will save
yourself from grip, malaria, And many of
the pausing diseases. i .-..., '
Too well known to need lenirthv ad vortlsa.
menta Dr. Bago's Catarrh Roiuedy. " " '
.1.,.. .... , . 1. ...i,,;! ' -
"' NOTICE. - " "
Notice Li hereby given to all person
holding Clatsop county warrants No."
174, 124,' 123, 110,' 4745,' 145, 143. 140, 134
141, 136, 142, Indorsed on April 18, IS'lO
to present the same to the .county treus
urer for payment, as interest will ceoa
thereon after the date of this notice b
publication. ' ' . ... .
Dated tMs l7tn uay or July, a. v. is'J4
,. . ., B..L. WARD,
... pounty Treasurer of Clatsop Co.
1.' Location beautiful, healthful, .and
free from all pUees of temptation. ..,
2. 'Bet 'Instruction1 given ln College,
Preparatory, ' Normal, and' Business
courses; also in Theology, Music and
Art. Normal 1 graduates receive State
Diplomas. 1 '
ft Board In West Hall, Club Houses,
'Tor Board and Tuition. '
4. Fall term opens September 18. Cat-
(alogues free. AddresB, - " -
j ' C. C. BTRATTON, D. D.;
' ' ' -' President.
OrThos. VanScoy, D. D.,- Dean, -
1. i-.... !..! University Park, Oregon.
Something for Families to Knew.
1 Charles Rogers,- the leading druggist
of Astoria, announces . the following
facts: We have an assortment ot
Druggists' Sundries ns larso as any re-
tall druggist On the' coast; wo have 1700
tooth brushes to select from at prices
ranging from S to 76 cents; hair brushes
in different styles from 15 cents to 7
an endless variety Of lather brushes
from 10 cents to tl;In. toilet soaps, we
keep ln stock the best grades manufac
tured from 40 cents a dozen to Jl
cake;' also the finest grades ot Spanish
and Italian soaps ln bars.- In perfumes,,
we handle the finest extracts of Amer-
lean . make, together with the'' best
known odors of Pinauds & Lublns,- of
Paris, Gosnell's, Atkinson's nnd Plesse
uum, ui uiuuun, uu aeu w m
"ny quantity to Buit. We carry, a. full
line of drugs and patent medicines and
manufacture- a full line of remedies of
our own, . oarsapainia. iiioou i-uriner,
COU Ch SVTUI). White Oolt . . I.lnaniCllt.
oer, ana juignining ..ioin uienscr, are
among our own preparations which we
particularly rucommena, Knuwing mem
to be of the best material and freshly
made when used, not . .having, stood In
lne manufacturers' warehouse and been
with the jobber for years before reach
ing the customer. We are always glnd
to show goods whether you buy or not,
as we know that after examining our
siock you win can again when ln need
of anything ln our line.' If you cannot
call in person, your mail orders will re
ceive prompt attention. Prescriptions
and family recipes carefully- prepares
by competent men brought up in , the
,. DruTgist-OJJ FelloVs Building,'1
Some tinners are mean.
Some tin Is mean. '
Some workmen are
mean. . ' '
Hence you get. mean
tinware unless you buy
where Good Workmen , are employed on
Good Tin to make Good Tinware, We
. , . , .
you oiuy we utbu auu ici us
Prove it, NOB & SCULLY.
Mn,ln. 1. n tn nii whnrrt it
may concern that the undersigned has
been duly appointed assignee ot 1. w,
Cute, and that he has qualified such
rsslKiie. - by tiling- with the clerk of the-l
Qircuit court 0f the state of Oregon for
Clataop county, his bond as required
by law. All persons having .
claims i
nircitnur thn tuild I.- W. PuHe are nollllcd
prwnt tie same to the undersigned,
duly verified, at the office of the Asto-
rla National Bank, ln tho city of At-
ria. In said county, within three months
from this date. -' '
Pated at Astoria, Oregon,' this 2nd
day of Auguitf, WA. '"
' t. K. WARREN, ,
. ' Administratrix.
v ,
Tha board of equalization will meet
at he nice ?f lh county clerk and
publicly examine the assessment roll
of clatBOp for ,he purpose of .
For Gearhart Park.
The steamers Telephone, Dwycr, and
Elect 1 Ic, all leave Astoria at 4 p. m;
every day to connect with trains for
Gearhart Park.. Fare, only 75 cents.
; .'. ') . - .1 ,
to the ways' of her riOttserloid.,,
Yes, Solomon is right: that's what
the good housekeeper everywhere
' doeSfi f..-..'i i ,. J.J-,
. But her ways are .cot always
icW ways. ..' In fact she iasi dis-
carded many .unsatisfactory old
' ways: ''For instance to-day she
' is using ' '' .:! .'....
the New Shortening, Instead, of.
lard. ; And this is in itself a rea
son why "she looketh well" in
another sense, for she eats no -lard
to cause poor digestion and, ,
a worse complexion. ' i
Cottolenb is much better
than lard for all cooking pur-
f oses, as every one who has tried
t declares. Have you tried it?
u For sale everywhere.
jtcrusc ix substitutes! " '
.. . 040uln Bftdo only by
" ST. LOUIS and . , .
Thcso tiny Ctpaulca arocuporlor
to Ualsatn of Copaiba,
Culicla aid IojV'ctlona. mm
'flmy euro In Q xown tho
siuno d'.w.viBS without ttnyiucon-l
wu., UWkV 1 ,1k... .,. U. , f f j
Impartf the moat delicious tatto and teat to
at , Mudras, to ,
his brother at
War, iSy.
"Tell TEA &
their aauoo ia
hlKhly eeteenv
rd In India, and ,
Is In my opinion
: tho moat pnl. '
atabla, as well
as the most
sauce that It
, ,. nor jfjiu
.. Bowaro of TmUatiorisS ...
frrrmaiiiil 11 aaliiiasiiaii lai
B09 that yon get Lea & Ferrins'
' Sljnshire on tvery bottle of tho original and genuine
Is something you want, II
n jt today, you will want Is
F ? lPi1 sometil"e. We 'eeP wrpen-
1 Yfl r'Iter s Wols too,,, and ik.tws
"d '0 j? weather will on!v Dull Itself
fV"?! ' together you will want plenty
hzs) cf Hardware of which we
have a plenty only waiting your call, t
J. 13. WYATT, ', 1
1 -1 . .--I
, '" . A. V. AlVktCN,
' . , , , , DEALER IN ,, " 1
Groceries, Flour, Feed, Proylsions, fruits.
., , V,,etahles Cro kerv 5lassand "
'8 , ' f"' lass ,fnt.
Piatedvvarei Loggers' Supplies,
Cor. Cass slid Suenwque Streets. Astoria, Ore,
, fllit . POINTS jji CflWFORNIfl
Via the Mt. SbaaU Rout of the
The Only Route Through Califor
nia to Points East and South..
Attached to exprens trains, affording
superior accommodations for stcoiMl
elm's pasnengera
For rat?s, tickets, sleeping car reser.
vallons, etq call on or address E. P.
ROGERS, Assistant General Paeiwn
ger and Freight Agent, I'orUaad, Or.
M 1
r m m f-riM,n-ii la imiii- iMnini.rJ
' M :. 1 ... .. ...LI '
Acts as trustee for corporations and
individuals. Deposits solicited.
Interest will be allowed on savings
'eposits us follows:
On ordinary savings books, 4 per cent
ptr annum.
On term savings books, 6 per '-em per
Rtiuum. -On
certificates of deposit: '
For threo months, 4 per cent per an
l.uin. .
For six months, 6 per cent per annum
. For twelve months, 6 per cent per
J. y. A. BOWLBY..Y. President
niUNJ. YOUNG Vice President
FRANK PATTOsN...' ..'..Cashier
W. E. DEMENT Secretary
J. Q. A. Bowlby, C. H. Page. G. A.
Nelson, BenJ. Young, A. S. Reed, D. P.
Thompson, W. E. .Dement i
Qrocers, : and : Butchers
. Astoria nd Upper Astoria.
Fine Tcss and Coffeos, T iM Dellc solfs. Domnllc
and Tropical f-'n Its, vej(eldLUft, Suer
Cured IIlii.s, B icon, iiic.
' ' Choke ' Fresji " and Salt Meatr.
QOVLD csslly have been satisfied
i-1 ,.n i ' oif p!". Our steakes
are tender, juicy and nut
' ' ' ' toofati
HUNTER & MEROGlis, Proprietors " .
: - - -Portland Butchering Co't Markets.
i i r, .... V. .T.. SANDERSON St CO.,
Spile Driving and Wharf . Building.
Residence 769 Exchanire Street.
VHARlp- BUILDER 1S0. Postofflce; '" ' ASTORIA, OR
Portland and Astoria.
Leaves Astoria every evenlnc ezocot
Saturday at 7 p. m. ., , ,
Arrives at Astoria every day ezcrpt
Sunday at 4 p.' m, - ' '
Leaves Portland - every day . except
Sunday at 7 a. m.
'G. W. STONE, ArI, AHtorla,
W. A. Fteelev. (roneral airent Poulnd.
,, Concomy St..(noto( Jackion, Astoria.
General Machinists and.Do'ler Makers
Und ami Marine Enijlnei.' Doller Work, Sien-
1 bdat arid Cannery Work a Sfcclulty.
Castings o( All DrKcrlptlons Mad tu Order on
Short Notice,
John Fox. President and Ktiperlnlendctjt
A. L. Vox.:: .....Vice Presltli-nt
i. li. 1'ianl.... '.'.v,.;..,.Keci-ctn.r;-
. i,,-1. ' j-j ,
I tm ,
: first Class funerals :
"" -AT-' '
POHb'S Undertaking Parlora,
: " "THIRD STREET. ' 1
Rates Reasonable, . Embalming a Specialty.
Dalgity's . Iron Works,
Genera Machinist
and Boiler Works.
....All kinds of Cannery, Ship. Steamboat
and Engine Work or any Description.
Castings of all kinds made to order.
Foot of Lafayette St., Astoila, Or.
Kopp's Beer Hall.
. Choice Winn, Liquors and Clears.
Only handed over the bar. The largest glass
of N. P. Beer. HaH-and-haH, jt.
' ii' Free Lunch. 1,
Erickjon dVWirkkafa, Proprietor,
Cor. Concomly and Lafayette Sis. ,
WagonB&VtihicheBln Btock
Farm Machinery, Paints, Oils, Varnishes. Loggers'
Supplies, Fslrbank's Scales, Doors
' " - aril Windows.
Pmrlslona, flour, and Mill VmmiS.
- - ' - - 'Astoria, Oregon.
(lortb Pacific Bremery
' JOHN KOPP, Prop.
Bohemian , Lager Beer
All orsers promptly attended t ..
, Manufacturer and Importer of
Saddles, Harness,
Collars, Whips, BL'tnlrts, Rotes,
, ..) . Leather, tic
P. O. Do rg. Olney St., Astoria. Or.