TlIE DAILY ASTOEJULN, ASTOKlA, WEDNESDAY MOltttifcti, JULY H ABOUT THE CITY. The lighthouse on Stuart Island, Al aska, will in future be In charge of Burt Allen, recently of the lighthouse at Destruction Island. Oregon strawberries at Smith's today. Raser's Extract Root Beer, the pur est Strawberries and cream at Col niann'a. The Astoria Library will be opened Tuesdays and Saturdays at 1 p. m. for the use of county subscribers. Time on books is extended to 21 days. Meany Is the leading tailor and pays the highest cash price for fur skins. What Is Antlfermentlne? Ask Foard & Stokes. Westpcrt cream fresh every morning at Smith's Ice Cream parlors. Third at. The delegates to the grand council of the I. O. R. M and their friends, will ' make a trip to the Jetty this morning, at the invitation of Engineer Hegardt. If you want some extra nne nhotos. aiuuers is me place to get mem. For line wines and liquors call at August Danlelson s Sample Kooma. i For genuine sweet cream that will whip, go to Colmann's. The roof of Elmore's canne.-y was Ignited yesterday by a apark from the smokestack, but before the arrival of the fire engines the blaze vms u-tln-guished by the employes, who worked like trained firemen. The damage was $10. Remember McGuIre's Hotel at Sea tide is open the year around. The Belmont cigar can be had at Clias. Olsen's. ' Ladles, ask Foard & Stokes how to preserve fruits. Owing to being overstocked, C- H. Cooper will tomorrow morning begin a great clearance sale, and will sacrifice goods of all discriptiona' regardless of cost. The" twell known reputation of this house needs no comment. Thla will be a rare opportunity to secure rare bargains. Don't stew your fruits over a hot stove. Preserve them without cooking. Foard & Stokes will tell you how. Wins Lee has just received a full line .t Japanese curiosities and fancy goods. Will sell at cost. 529 Third street. Crow has made some very fine photos of the United States ship Monterey, which are acknowledged to be the best. ' The prices prevailing at Shanohan Bros, great summer sale are convinc ing the public that the bargains can not be excelled. Every one who has visited the store has secured something at much less than Its regular cost, and this fact of itself is largely instru mental in bringing the public to the conclusion that when bargains are wanted Shanahan Bros.' should be called upon. The best and only sure way to pre serve fruits is with Antlfermentine; For sale by Foard z Stokes. Parties visiting In Portland Can get The tally Astorian ut Handley & Haas' news stand, 150 First street. Your fruits will not ferment If you use Antlfermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. At the great council of the I. O. P. M-, hall yesterday, 'the following of ficers were elected: C S- tHannum, great sachem; A. A. Cleveland, great Benior sagamore; E. Ellis, great junior sagamore; G. H. Sayloiv great chief of records; W- S. Norton, great keeper wampum; E .J. Ladd, great prophet; W. R. King, great sannap; D. Xlnsley, great mlshlnewa; W. J- Irwin, great Inner guard; A. Bush, great outer guard. I . .. Fresh fish received at- the Albatross Fish market dally, Salmon 10 cents per pound. For all kinds of job printing, go to Del. Ferguson, upstairs, Astorian build ing. . The officers of Warrenton Lodge No, 52, A. O. U. V., Installed on Monday last by Past. Master Workman George McLaW of Astoria Lodge, No 50, are as follows: P. M. W-, Wm. Ayers; M. W., A. R. Cyrus; Foreman, Sidney Camp bell; Overseer, Wm. Tagg; Recorder, Albert E- Allen; Financial Recorder, J. A. Mclntlre; Receiver, Frank B Ketchum; G-, William H. Bruce; I. W-, Joel B- Kindred; O. W., W. N- May. A- R. Cyrus was elected aa delegate to the Grand Lodge. Del. Ferguson, general Job printer, Astorian building, upstairs. First class work at reasonable rates. Pressrve your fruits without cooking, by using antlfermentine. For sale by Foard & Stokes. Tho Americans again showed the British last evening! that indomitable pluck and perseverance Is sure towW on the football field, as elsewhere, ana while Captain Bartholomew of the RHtish team waa disappointed by sev eral men who were to play, but failed to aonear on the field. It must be said that the victory of the Jhome team was a decisive one- The pcore was 2 tol. Bell of the British team played mag nificently, as did also (Bartholomew, Addis and Rldehalgh-1 For the Amer! can, Tallant, Smith, Hlggins, Mo Lean, and Rathom, did excellent work, ami many times saved their team from apparent defeat Altogether the game was an exciting one and much enjoyed by the large audiences The members of the Brtasfrteam still think they can defeat Captain Tallant'a aggregation of Americans, and tmay send a challenge. The club will meet this evening or the transaction of (business of the utmost Importance, and all the member are expected ta be present at 7:30 sharp. - Lovers of a good cigar can always find mild, fresh iseimonis ax ua Olsen's. ' L. P. Fisher, newspaper advertising x m i..... Prhnnni Kan Fr&n- CMva, is our authorized a?ent. This paper la kept on lue at dim cuice. JEFF'S, The Oily - Restaurant. ALONG THE WHARVES. The Bteamer' Elmore for Tillamook and the Truckee for San Francisco, via Tillamook, left out yesterday morning. Both vessels had good cargoes. A good deal of salmon for Eastern and South ern markets is now being shipped via the .Truckee line, thence over the Southern Pacific.. The Solitaire, which left out in tow of the Columbia on. Sunday last, is still lvlnfc anchor near Sand Island She will probably be taken over the bar today. The only vessel coming in from for eign porta yesterday was the three masted schooner Beulah, of San Fran cisco. She is from Hakodadl, Japan, and has a cargo of 6,550 bales of sul phur for J. W. Grace & Co., of Port land. The Ocean Wave came in yesterday afternoon with a large passenger list for North Beach. Her lower decks were piled up with camping outfits, buggies, traps and other things usually found at the Seaside. In spite of "hard times" and the World's Fair, North Beach is getting its share of the sum mer travel. ' The Telephone brought down quite a crowd for Seaside and Gearhart Park. The Bailey Gatzert will soom be taken to San Francisco. She has been pur chased by parties at that place, and will be used ion the ferry between Oak land and San Francisco. The Gatzert will make the trip d6wn the coast in a few days, and if safely accomplished will be the longest trip ever made by a stern wheel vessel on this coast Men who are familiar with the Gat zert', state that she is a good, strong boat, and with ordinary weather, can make the trip in perfect safety. A gasoline launch is being built by Louis Martin. Her dimensions will be: length 3G feet; breadth of beam, 8 feet 4 inches; depth of hold, 3 feet 10 Inches. PERSONAL MENTION. Miss Mamie Clinton Is suffering from scarlet fever. Mr. S. R. Davidson came down from Portland yesterday. Mr. E. A. Relman of Pittsburg was a guest at the Occident yesterday. Mr- H. Hurley of Portland was among those who visited town yester day. Mr- E. H. Palmer, of the firm of Palmer & Rey of Portland, is In the city. Mr. G. E. Good of the Hotel Perkins, Portland, was in town yesterday attend ing the council of the Red Men; Mrs. Clara A. Fisher and son, Captain Fisher, Miss josle Lelnenweber and Miss Maggie Burns left for the Seaside, this morning. Mr. N. Johanson and family of Ar catta, California, who have been so journing In Astoria for the past week, will go to the Sound country today. The liquor, opium, morphine and to bacco habits are dreadful powers In a man's life. Many would sacrifice all they possess If they could rid them selves of these evils. It has been made possible to be cured, for It is a disease, and at a moderate cost. The Ameri can Institute guarantees a cure. Call at their office over the Astoria Na tional bank. COUNTY TREASURER'S NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that there is money in the County Fund to pay all warrants out standing, endorsed prior to April 17th, 1890, bearing interest to date. M. FOARD, County Treasurer. Dated Astoria, Or., July 15th, 1893. FOLLOWING SUIT. 25 per cent discount on nil grades of wall paper for the next 30 days at B. F. Allen's. AUCTION SALE. At the forks of Deep River, Wash., at Anderson's store, on Tuesday, Au gust 15th, 1S93, at 10 o'clock a. m., will be sold by auction the following prop erty: 160 acres on Salmon creek, con taining 70 acres of -bottom land wltk one million feet of fir timber. For further particulars apply to Martin Olson, auctioneer, Astoria. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOT, PHYSI CIAN AND SURGEON. Is In this city. She makes chronic dis eases a specialty. Deafness, catarrh, asthma, dyspepsia, diseases of the throat and lungs, Maney, urinary or gans and, all private diseases. Special attention given to diseases of women, Consultation free. Cure or no cnarg- es. Olnc hours, to iz a. m. ana x iu 5 p. m.. Office rooms 18 and 19, Hotel Tlghe. NOTICE. m.s flm r.r wiionn TTendren. ex pressmen, is this day dissolved by mu- tual consent, au ubuw uuc must be paid to Wm. Hendren. All debts owed by the firm will be paid by the old firm. Wm. Wilson will con tinue the express Dusiness ai me um stand. WM. WILSON, WM. HENDREN. A Sure Cure tor Files. n.Mn. T) 1 1 n - a. a bnnvn hv moisture like perspiration, causing intense itching when warm. This form, as well as Blind. Bleeding or Protruding, yield at once to in, iwsiiiinu o a iic ." . . ' directly on the parts affected, absorbs tumors, allays liening aim men. permanent cure. 50c. Druggist or mail. Circulars free. Br. Bosanko, 329 Arch street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sold by J. W. Conn. Theonlv-PureCreiiuofTi.rtnr Jsed in "Millions of Hotae Condition of The Water Supply. The following communication will ex plain Itself: . Astoria, July 17th, 1893 Editor Astorian: The wormy and abusive articles against the Astoria water commission in the last "Sunday Herald" and in this evening's "Budget" seem to require some notice by the commission, because some person from reading those effusions might think them truthful If not refuted. Just now I will notice the condition and bad contents of the reservoir, and hereafter I will notice the whole of the articles. First, then, as to the reservoir: It is the same reservoir that has been used the past eight or ten years; It is built of stone and water lime or hy draulic cement, the walls from 2 to 4 feet thick and the bottom from half a foot to one foot thick, of said stone and water lime, completely water tight, and is equal to any waterworks reservoir of its size in the United States. No water, or other liquid can get Into it from the outside unless it rises to the top of the 12 feet walls and runs over them. There Is a drain under it to carry any leakage from the reservoir or elsewhere away from it. No water can get Into the reservoir except it comes from Bear Creek through the pipe that has brought all the water of the works the past several years. And the bad water in the reser voir now, about which so much com- ami Is, is from the same pure niounUu ftieam water that we have used tho past eight cr ten years and are using every day now; ana it smells bad and is Impure only from being kept in the reservoir some twenty days while the flow from the pipe, a few hours each day, was filling the reservoir Im mediately after cleaning it some four of five weeks ago. The malodorous water complained of so much by fam ilies and the papers, some ten days ago, was some of that long "pent up" water In the reservoir, let into the distribut ing pipes, incautiously by the super intendent, before he noticed its unwhole some condition. No piore of Jt has been let into the pipes since that day, and no more will be let in, as there Is no occasion to do so. The water now flowing through the pipes is the part of the same mountain stream! we have used in past years, going direct to all water takers without going Into the reservoir In any manner. For the Water Commission, . by W. W. PARKER, Articles of Incorporation of the Gil- strap Canning Company were filed In the county clerk's .office yesterday. The incorporators are F. R. Stokes, J. R. Gllstrap and Charles E. Woodcock. ' $25 REWARD. Will be paid for the recovery of the body of Isack Packala, drowned at Re public Spit, Monday, July 17. LOUISA PACKALA, Union Town. . Iips'Tvlng 1'ialse. We desire to sav to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popular ity purely on their merits. Bold by Clma. Rogers, Druggist. . ASTORIA BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCAITION. The 13th series of stock of this association, will be opened August 1st, 1893. All persons wishing to subscribe, will please call on the secretary on or before the above date. W. L. ROBB, Secretary. There Is no place in Astoria where John Kopp's famous beer is kept In such good condition aa at Utzinger's popular resort. Ttrv hpmlock wood delivered at S3.25 per cord by C. W. Everest, Alderbrook. Jjeave oraers witn tsen coe, care oi mis office. Terms cash. Owners of horses can purchase Camp bell's Hoof Remedy, and all the Col umbia Veterinary Remedies at Fred. Saiz' Saddlery establishment. At The Monogram you can find fra grant Belmont, Wedding Bouquet, Flor de Madrid and all other choice and favorite brands of cigars. All the patent mecacmes advertised in this paper, together with the choicest perfumery, and toilet articles etc.. can be bought at the lowest prices at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel, Astoria. ' . UH. buff no 94 -r ti-s ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS. COLDS AND CROUP. A REMEDY FOR CHILDREN. When child at horn, mother made me tke tea snoonf'il of ciioi ynip fct night, the next morning my co:irhw3 gono. For Croup It ni no equal. JUyelntfirfi inoit upon haviug Pr. Gunnli Onioa ryu"' -Men is a)'-iv rTred. more pleaeant and wl&out taetc o; aixsU of the onion. Sold at 60u For sale by J. W.' Conn, Druggist : ; .' A:n::ic::i Alum. Years the Standard rr .PL nn t " mTEIi The problem to solve is where you can get honest goods :n I values for your money. We have decided to sell goods cheaper 'for the next fifteen days than we ever dreamed cf selling before. Kindly pay attention and read: 10c and 12ic Gingham, 8c and 9c Calicos, - 12c and 15c Chambray Gingham, - 20c and 25c Sateens, Sic Challie, - - - 12ic and 15c Dress Trimmings, 50c and 75c Moss Trimming. - $1.50 and $1.75 Corsets, - 25c Ladies' Vests, - - 50c Ladies' Vests, - $5)00 Parasols, $2.50 Parasols, - - $1.25 Black Henrietta, 75c Black Henrietta, - - 50c Ladies' Fancy Hose, - - 25c Child Hose - ' - 20c Child Hose - - 15c Child Hose, - - $2.50 French Broad Cloth, Blankets at half price. Children Hats and Caps almost given away. , Ladies' Blouses to sell ;it any price. v Ribbons, Laces and Gloves at prices never before unequalled. Men's Furnishing Goods at half price. t Ladies' Wrappers at half price. These prices are made with a guarantee of good faith and wo solicit your most critical inspection of the above price list. These are only a tew AIiWAlTS THE CHEAPEST. SIIMSMHM! run sale. 3 i()OI) LOTS A T SMITH'S 1M1NT KINK view.-- Apply at this oillufl CIIKAP A FEW t'IlOI(!KI,fTSl! ADAllt'S Astoria Bav t Tim, n-f I'riink Huiltle at torney at law 17;) (.mhs Htr et. tTAXTEV. ACOMl'ETKNT GIRL TO 10 (1K.NKRA1, house vorL Apply in llio forenoon ut 811 Aior BUol'I. OIRI. KOlt UKNEIiAl, HOUBEWOHK, .good cook. Apply at Mil J otllce. HKI.MVANTK,-.V)KNTS PAID A OOOI) eommlKMlon, hikI M.uuu illvi.lwl uiikkik them nxt white . . poclul ut ruction to be pushed this year for which e want Hie ser vices of best agents everywhere. The Curtis hiibllHliliiK Co. Koom t'luonlclo 11 lilillii);, San Kranclseo. It (I )31S Tit IlKXT. HO Ma Willi JIOAKDA' KK.A-ONAIH.K J V rat. Also, coUiikc o( six rooms to rent. Inquire, of Mrs. E. C. Hoi ivu, corner Alain and Jelieraon streeis. FUHNHIIM) HOUSE F U HOOMH, CEN trully loc itrd. Inquire at tins ollice. MIHVKLLANEOVH. c ILL ON P. IIAKKH. m TWKO SrttKKT uii.l y ur cl .iho ued ai d clcui.e I. OEO. M. I, AV.UUttlkEK OLXEY ANI A -' tor Mi rtMtK. dilMJt m tr.-iiMF .1 hnin. n In hl-n lr suiitliiiu' and repairing. TXXHJ ASTOKlA NATIONAL BANK TRANSACTS A GENERAL BAHKIHQ BUSINESS Accounts ot Flrmi and Individual! r elicited on Favorable Terms. Foreign aod Domestic Exchange bought ao1 sold. Monet Loaned on Personal security. Interest paid on Time Deposit as follows: Fir S months, 4 per cent per annum. 6 " S ' " yt q h i A SAVINGS DEPARTMENT Having been established In connection wl h the above, depmlts will be received in aino jiiU of one dollar and upward. Interest will be allowed aa follows : On ordi nary savings books, 4 per cent per annum j on term savings books, per cent per annum. . K. Warrsa, President J. E. Hlfrtlas, Cashier. i.C. ImuI, Vice President. B. K. Warrsa, 1 J. ;. Ix-mmt, ! b. t;.TRasM The Dracksr, CMC-MRU WORLD DEFYING eT3 A III M ol the many bargains Tl nr. Stivt A si 1 1 h Jl!l ASSIC:i'S SALE PARKER 1 Continued till oldstock is clo38d;out at cost. New Goods arriving sold at liberal discount. ' VV. W. PARKER, Assignee, city Blank Books, Fine Stationery, Baseball Goods, Footballs, Hammocks, Baby Carriages. New CJ kxI arriving daily. Low Prices for Cash. GRIFFIN & REED CALIFORNIA VVIfJE HOUSE, FINE WINES AND LIQUORS I have made arrangements for gapplying nuy brand cf wines iu quuutiiR'B to suit at lowest oavh fiKures. The trade ond (iimiliea snpplied. All orders delivered fne in A",,',ri,i. .. A. W. UTZINGER, Main Street, Attorio, Oreuon. ROsS.'HICCIN . A CO. iJutcliers - and - Grocers, Astoria and t'pper Astoria. Fhie Teas and Coff'es, Table Dell.-arlfS, Ihtiimtie and Tntl-nl Knit?, Vcseia liies.iMiKBr cured hams, bacon, etc. CHOICE FRESH & SALT MEATS SALE - - - , " - cctiu cents 5 8i cents 15-pconts i,i cents ) 10 )0 15 20 1.25 cent cents cents cents cents 90 75 45 20 15 10 $1.00 cents cents cents cents cents cents cents to be had. I omo early. 10 11 ' Sf RE Seasido Saw Mill. BROTHERS; i.i. ' '.I gon. ' A complete stock of lumber on hand In the roiiKh or dressed. Floorinr. Kuatl(., Cellini, and all aiudsof HiiIkIi; Moi.IiIImks and si,i,. . ales; alM Bmeket Work done Uordr 'i er . r'J!!:lif.!:!c i.ii. r. i ;.... ..".'5 , pniiniilly attended U. Olllcc nl yrd atiiii.l. ,. H. K. L. Lot J AN, l'ror. Seaside, Oregon.