tills DAiLV ASTOBIAN, A8TOH1A, rHIDAY MOILNINti, APBJX 28. Jbt3 LOOK AT THIS! Take the Daily Asto riah and Get a LARGE LIBRARY FREE The Astorian's Latest and Best Premium Offer. Every regular subscriber to The Dally Aatorlan for the next twelve months wilt be entitled every ten weeks, to a set of ten first claes novels, by sending; us 30 cents (for each set of ten books) In postage stamps of sliver, on receipt of which we will send the books post paid. These books are complete novels by standard authors, each a handsome octavo volumn of 64 large double col umn pages, In a neat attractive cover, and printed from clear, readable type, as follows: THE SCARLET LETTER. By Na thanlal Hawthorn. KINO SOLOMON'S MINES. By H. Rider Haggard. THE MYSTERY OF COLDE FELL, OR NOT PROVEN. By Charlotte M. Braeme, author of "Dora Thome" UNDER THE RED FLAG. By Miss M. E. Braddon. AROUND THE WORLD IN EIGH TY DAYS. By Jules Verne. THE CORSICAN BROTHERS. By Alexander Dumas. LADY GRACE. By Mrs. Henry Wood. AVERIL. By Rosa Nouchette Carey. THE BLACK DWARF. By Sir Walter Scott. A NOBLE LIFE. By Miss Muloch. The lowest iprlce of these novels in any other way, would be 10 cents each, or $1 for the ten books, which The As torlan subscribers can have for 30 cents. Every ten weeks a new set of ten books will be offered on the same terms. Thus, In the course of the year, you will have a valuable library of CO books that will cost you only 31.50. This offer Is open only to regular sub scribers. Subscribers to The Dally Astorlan, who pay $7 for one year In advance will be entitled to these books free of charge. Now is the time to get your home newspaper, and a valuable library be sides, for only the regular price of the paper. Subscribers to The Weekly Astorlan who pay 32 in advance for one year't subscription, will be entitled to any of these books they may select at the rate of 3 cents per book. On receipt of tht list of books discrlbed, accompanied by a remltance In postage stamps or sti ver to the amount of 8 cents for each book ordered, we will have the books sent postpaid to the address of any regular subscriber to The Weekly Asto rlan as above. NOTICE TO BUILDEU3. Scaled proposal will be recolveil up to noon on April 17, 1803, for the build ing of a school house, at thw olttce o( the school clerk of district No. ti, Kin dred Pirk, New Astoria, Clatsop coun ty, Oregon, wherti plana and speclllca- tions can be seen. The rlgnt to rejest i any or all bids is reserved. C. A. HENRIKSON, Clerk of Dint. No. . April 13, 1893. td NOTICE. The annual meeting of the stockhold era of the Astoria Iron Works will be held at their oillce on Monday evening May 1, 1893, at 7 p. m., for the purpose of electing directors for the fcnsulng year and the transaction of such bus iness as may properly come before the meeting. By order of the board of directors. JOHN FOX. Attest, President. A. L. FOX, Secretary. Astoria, Or.. April IS, 1893. A milinn Friends. A friend in need Is a friend Indeed, and not less than one million people have found sub a friend in Dr. KiuK's New Discovery for consumption, colds, and coughs. If you have never used this great coug medicine, on trial will convince you th It has wonderful cur ative powers In JI diseases or throat, cht and lung. Kach bottle is guar anteed to do sll that l claiml or money will be refunded. 'lru.i buttle free at Charles Rott n' uni- e.uie. Large bot tie 60c and A Pre ti fr J'llet, Itching Pit' ( like prplra!i r-, when wum. " -UleedlnR or Vi---Dr. KuMiiiko ' 1 directly on the tumors, sJlaya permanent cu-f. Circulars free. I tiwet, fhUau-.-:; Conn. known by rrolsturs (tUMug iiitrnse Itohlhg ! " t, won as Hiliid, i 'ld t.t once to !:' iv, edicts arts absorbs Meg Hiui tenets S I "-. itoaanko. St Art-h i -j. i a. fcutd Ly J. W, i'i Art,!!- Salve.. li th world for cuts, ( r. f i rheum, fever (m.'vIs, rhtlblnlns, . . '', ! I'wuitive , , , i ,v tv,,.rwt It t ' t-; ' ' " ' " -tlwfsc i . rents The best md bruises, son-, sores, tetter, i corns, sua st .; t, ly cures t.. is guaranteed won or irwney per box. For u cessor to J. C. I ' i i'.a. Itufccis, SUO- Along the Wharves. The steamer Haytlan Republic ar rived In yesterday from Vancouver, B, C. She had a large cargo for this city, There we no passengers on board and no sickness. After discharging her As torla freight, she proceeded up the rivter. '. ' Thq steamer Ocklahama- took the bark Jennie Harkness in tow yester day to Portland.' Whilo the Manzanlta was placing a new whistling buoy in position at the bar, it was found that a hole had been made in the cylinder pipe of the buoy, It was hauled on board again. The ctw of the bark Kitty are. in a dissatisfied frame of mind, and assert that the captain wants to get rid of them. It Is argued in support of this claim that had any care been Exercised the men who swam ashore a few days ago could have been prevented from es caplng. The steamer Polar Bear has gflhe to Portland to preparte for her trip north Tho engineer of the smuggling schooner Louis Olsen has pleaded guilty In the United States district court In San Francisco. He was sentenced to to thirty days in Jail and to pay a line of $100. The steamer Harrison left lost even ing for Neholem. She took a fair cargo of freight, and will tvjturn with shooks from the Nehalem mill. Upon her te turn she will be overhauled and her machinery improved. She will also be fitted for the accommodation of pas sengers. A CARD TO THE PUBLIC. My attention was this evening called to the following Item in thte Budget: It will be a eood thing for the town when the old bankrupt stock of Dlns- more Is gotten rid of, and the whole out fit leaves town.. It has been no govd from the start. It is about time the people shut down on these outsldo penny-catch concerns. In reply to the above, I wish to state that I object, most emphatically, to any blackmailing scheme. Regarding ad vertising as a business proposition, I shall advertise only where I know It will bring good results. Mr. Dunbar kept quiet from February 22d until March 22d, during which period I ad vertised In his paper. On the latter date I discontinued my advertlsment, having found that the Budget was de ficient In circulation, and consequently useless as an advertising medium. Since then I have repeatedly refused the solicitations of his agents for patronage, and thinking to coerce me he now tries the blackmailing method. The following shows for itself: Astoria, March, 1893. M. Dlnsmore Bankrupt Sale: To the Astoria Budget, Dr. to adver tising from February 22d, to March 22d, $24.- Received payment, Astoria Budget, per L. E. S. The bargains given at the Dlnsmore bankrupt sale speak for themselves, and no blackmailing newspaper Idiots need apply for advertising patronage. LEE KOHN. reraonnl Mention. Mr, O. F. Hellborn is suffering from la grippe. Attorney Silas B. Smith, of flats .p, visited this city yesterday. Miss D. Thompson and Miss M. Thompson are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. W. Brown In this city. Miss Mabel Zlgler, who hns been vis iting at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. P. J, Goodman for a few days past, tv :urned to Portland yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. W. It. Cuthbertson and lauLThter have returned 'from Portlatn .o this city, and will remain durlnc ho summer. Mr.. Cuthbertson stiit .hat' Portland poop? generally believe '.hat the Union Paclllo Is about to build to this city. Mrs. C. J. Curtis, Miss Myra Stevens. MIbs Llndell, and Miss Myrtle Welch, the delegates to the Young People's Christian Endeavor Society Convention at Portland, left last evening on the Telephone. Rev. Mr. Stavtir will also attend thet Convention. England pays twenty millions of dol lars yearly for police. The church of the Pilgrims In Brook lyn has a piece of Plymouth Hock in Us walls. The Japanese language does not con tain a profane oath; fool and scoun drel are the severest terms. A Arm in Tyneside, England, ,tav manufactured a rope over ten thousand yards long, weighing thirty-six tons. It Is for cable-train work in Australia, and Is the longest ever made. A fainting man, near Kensington England, some years ago was thought to be drunk, except by a woman who Imitated on helping htm to recover. Tie died recently, bequeathing her seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, al though never seeing her but once. C P. UPSHUR, SHIPPING and C0MMISSJO AstJHa, Oregon. DSTTON'S I A Positive Cur I rOR PILES. In una over SO rear. &mtlt. Aeriu Hun At r 11, lilghnit teU monuila. Al dnixvlsta, or nuiurd oa ireeiut at irg theeSQr. Iirrbox. .m I ia em I lnpa., Ualtluiuie, Md I CURE FITS! When I aay core I do not Biean ukti ly to stop them tor a t imeaiut ittes haw than return airais. I mraas radlralrnre. J have wade the disraM of KITS, gl'll.b;isv or FALUMit SK'KNhbS s llfeJons aiady. lvarraatsiy remedy to core the woratcaara. Bat-aun others aara tailed ia soreaaoa irBu( how receivint a ears. Bend tonrefors trmtlae and s Free Dottle of my Infallible rwdy. tlTKxnnasndiiet-tfflre. ti C fcegtiM. c, lui perl t, N. y. TO PROTECT THE PUBLIC from fraud and imposition, tbe genuine medicines ol vr. JB. v. fierce are now sola nnlv through druirirists. authorized as agents. Tber are the clieapest medicines to use, ss well as the best, because in every case you pay only for tue gooa you got. i at money is rerunded u they ever rail to oeneutor cure. Being sold on this peculiar plan of " value received or no pay," the prices of the genuine guaranteed medicines always nave ueen, are, ana always wiu De, at touows : Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Diseoverr (the remedy for all diseases arising from a torpid liver or impure blood), . 11.00 per bottle. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription (ths remedy for female weaknesses and derange ments) 11.00 per bottle. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets (the original and beet Liver ruls, . . ia cents per viol. ur. sage's latarrn nemeay 60 cents per bottle. Suspicion naturally and rightfully attaches to any medicines purporting to oe ur. Pierce s when offered at any other prices than those above given. Dealers not authorised to sell Dr. Pierce's 7mutne medicines may offer dilutions, imi tations, or substitutes, at less than ths prices given aDova .ueware oi tnem. COMPLETE MANHOOD AND HOW TO ATTAIN IT. At tut s medical worlr that tells the esniee, deaoritx tht effect, polnw tue remedy. Tnle U olentlfliMlly the niol valuable, artutlcally the moat beautiful, medical book thai hai p pearea for years; U iuix, every page bearlug a halftone Illustration lu tlota. Some of the uhleots treated are Nervoua Debility, lmpo toncy, SterlUtr, Development, Varicocele, Ihe Busband, Thoae Iuteudlug llarrlaiw. etc. Entry if an inho mniUI iom tht Qrand Trvlht, tht Plain Fart: the (M Seerett onrt u f)l coveritt of Medlmil Rrtmce at applied to War rtfd Life. iPho tonvld atone far pant folltrt and anttit future ttltfallt. thwild Krita fir thit WONDKRFUI, LfTtLK JIOOK It will be Kent free, under eal, while tneedl tlnn lanta. If convenient eneloee ten cenu to pay postage alone. Addreai the publlabers, ERIE MEDICAL CO., BUFFALO, N. T. -)G30 0 0 00 00 9 GOOD NEWS 3 For the millions ol consumers ol A sTuit'sPillseO f It (riven i)ivl utt ile(inrotoBiv f' iioni.ee Unit ho is now putting uu 3 T.sT LIVES. FILL O ) vi t retaining all the Vlrtiieeof the Iai'rr 4iiieM. liunrnntecd p'.irely vet'tnhle. Itothaizcsot'tlieKe lHIQ aru still issued. The exact slxe of TJTT'S TINY LIVER PILLS A b shown in the border of this "ad." v OGOOOOOOOO JAPANESE CURB A sew and complete treatment, consiitlnf el auppoetiorieii, ointment in capsules, ateo lr box and fills; s positive cure (r teru&l, In I lermtl blind or bieedlin;, ltening, enrnnic recent or heredltar titles, and many Othei 'llseses and female weaknesses; it is always a (treat benellt to the eeneral hpaith. ine tlrsi discovery of a medical cure rendering an oper- tlou with tho knife unnecessary hercauei this remedy nan never ue-n Known to iau. I per box, 6 for $6; sent by mail. Wby Buffet from this lerrible diseaso when a written guar antee is riven with 6 boxes, to refund the money If not cured. Bend stamps fur free simple, (iuamiiteu lssiieu uy vvooawara Clark & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dmrirlstf. "oie Amenta rnruauu, ur. Hit sale oy J. w. Uoiio. Astoria urvgon. . GUNKS XHPBOVED ' LIVER PILLS 0NLY0HE FOR A DOSE RESULTS ARE WHAT TELL We luaramee that one of then pills at a don, will produce better retulta In the cure of Hadohet Coettveneia, Bottr Htomnch, Bud Breftth and Dieii Deee, than threelo Ave of any ether make, and do It without griping and alokenlng. Their wonderful aotlon makes yon toe like a new being. S6a abox, Prugglau or mall, Boaaokg Med, Go fbil The Ovlglnai and Genulna (VVOf?CE0TE5IKilfaE) SAUCE Imriirts Aim most dclldoua tv,t.i and rest tC TTTRKCT Ofal.LTTI'.ttfrore a MEKIOAL OKN. l'l.EMAN at Mud. nia, to his brother at WOUCtiiTEit. Mv. lSuL CltATIGfV FIKH, S HOT COLD -MA I.EA rEBBISH' MEATS, umi laoir Mauve w w ri-ity i hUrhl)- e.teeiuod in E?C?f OA.1IE, WBUSH. ; . -BABEUITS dee. iaaii, ana in my in , (.M onnlou. the most PAaPER1! rtnKe, as well aa the lu.wt vhole. soma wuoa Uul la si u VMM Bcwaro of Imitations; sxaauMscassasstSMSWhiiTr-rniiissis' : 666 that you get Lea & Perms' BlimatnraoneTery lottleof Orbrinil k Oeoulna. IOUN llt NCA.N'S HONS, NliW V'lltK, C3LUMEU TRANSFER CO., 1TILLIAM WILXON, Prop. FEED - AND - SALE - STABLE General Express end Delivery Business. DtHoe tit Olney street. HtaMe foot of West MntB si, Asiorts. Telophoue o. . INDEPENDENT BOAT FOE FOBILiSD STEAMER .ilUIISt Will leT Astoria for Portland. (Fish er's- Dock) on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Tbnrsdaya, Fridays and Saturdays at w a. ana aunaay at o.tw p. m. SOCIETY iWEETlWUa. Scandinavian Benevolent Society. KKUULAH MEETINGS OK THIS BOOIfcT at their rooms lu pythlau buildup at eibt o'clock p. M.. oo the seooud aiid lourui Tues day i of each monih, . AUO. DANIELSON Secretary, Ooean Uncampme'-r No. 13, X. u. u. if REOCTLAn MEETINGS OK OOEAN EN camument No. 18. 1. O, O. F., at the fjle. In the Odd Fellow ilulldlni;, ti toven t. si., eo the second and fount) Jtl.iuUHys of ewli mouth, riojouruiug brethren cordially invite.), ny unier U, r. Astoria Building & Loan Association 11HKKKUULAK MEETINGS OK TUIK ACKO . clatiou are held st 8 r. m. on the Arsi Weouesday of encli looulh. Oillce on Geneva street, seutii ol Uheuauius. W.L. ROBH, Secretary. Common uouncu, RE'iULAK MKETINGB, FIRST AND third Tuesday eveBlum of eanh mnmh st 8 o'clook. e-PersoiiN desiring to haye matters ae.ted upon by the Council, at any regular meetlpR must present the same to the Auditor and Clerk. on or before the Friday evening prior to the TneaHay on which the Council Mdi i'i rwular meeting. K. OSBCltN, Auditor and rollce Judaa. Board of Pilot Commissioners. THE REGULAR MEETINGS OFTIIIB BOARD, will be held on the first Uonday, of each month at 10 a. in. In the rooms of the Atorla I Chamber of Commerce. W. L. KOBB, See BOOTS MD SHOES Tbe Largest Stock, Best Quality and -Lowest Prices at the Sign of Tbe Golden Shoe. JOHN XX XX TO- lI AG ' US C. MtONllY, DKALEB IK HARDWARE, IRON, STEEL, IRt)N PIPK AND 8T0FES AND TINWARE, House Furnishing floods, Sheet Lead, Strip Lead, Shoet Iron, Tlu and Copper. Safes, Fireproof. T.... rplpVll-ntol AlnlnA Qofua Irnnt In stnnV at Lhaa'i. Till rH Sr.. Unl K IiWoa Wi. ranted m good as the best. Term a very easy These tiny Capsules are superior! to JJalaam of Copaiba, f . Cuteba and Injections, (jnJ0f) They cure in 43 hours the yV same diseases without anyincon- Tenlencc SOLDBYALLDRUGOiSTS CAVEATS. TRADB MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS, COPVRICHTS. etoJ Tor information and free Handbook writo to MUNN A CO., ail Bhoauwat, New YoKK. Oldest bureau for semiring patenta In America. RTerr natent taken out by ua la braarht before the puhllo by a notice given free of charge In the $ timixtk Jlnmtau Largest drenlatlon of any aelentlflo paper In the world. Splendidly Illustrated. No intelligent nan should be without It, Weekly. M3.0U a year l.NJ8lx montba. Atiilrccs MUNN A CO, VUHMBHtim, SU1 Hroadirari Hew Vork City. The World's ( jt Scientific- American Agency JH i XjZP' tradb marks, zMJJr DESIGN PATENTS, Money for Sale I Have 5,000,000 Souvenir Half Dollar Coins in their treasury, the rift of the American people by Act of Congress. The patriotic and historic features of these Coins and their limited number, compared with the millions who want them our population is 66,000,000 have combined to create so great a demand for these World's Fair Souvenir Coins that they are already quoted at large premiums. Liberal offers from speculators, who wish to absorb them and reap enormous profits, have been rejected for the reason that This is the People's Fair We Are the People's Servants and a divided sense of duty confronts us We need $5,000,000 to fully carry out our announced plans, and We have decided to deal direct with the people To whom we are directly responsi ble among whom an equitable distribution of these National heirlooms should be made. i The Worlds Fair Offer to the American People: That none of our plans for the people's profit be curtailed we must reahze from the sale of 5,000,000 Souvenir World's Fair Fifty cent Silver Coins the sum of 15,000,000. This means $1.00 for each Coin, a much smaller sum than the people would have to pay for 2SS ff1, tlTu,g,h a" mdirect medium. Every patriotic man, woman and child should endeavor to own and chensh one of these y pride!7' Uture yean5a cherished obJ'ect 66.hlm must divided among - I 1 wv VU1UJ could be sold at a high premium to Syndicates, but we nave enough confidence in the people to keep the Srice at a Dollar for each Coin, as lis will make us realize $5,000,000 the sum needed to open the Fair's gates on the people's broad plan. HOW tO Get ? t0 yur rarest Bank and subscribe for as many Tfrn?f. I5.113 vou need for yor family and friends. These IteUffiS Sub-Agents of the Werld's Columbian Exposition Wevyy tS6? "E'P1 for yur money. delivery of thesecoins 0tfe0re Poanber. There Is no expend to you aS- iftif$oa f the .Coins. 15 send them toyoar 2" J for 2ny reaso? lt k '"convenient for you to subscribe send Postofficeor Express Money Order or Registered Letter for as many corns as you wish with instructions how to send them toyou to TREASURER WORLD'S "COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CHICAOO, ILLS. Ordsr will ks Filled la ths Ordsr la which tksjr ars Rsosiv4, Ripans Tabules Ripans Tabules act gently but promptly upon the liver, stomach and intestines; cure habitual constipation, dispel colds, headaches and fevers. One tabule taken at the first symptom of indigestion, billi ousness, dizziness, distress after eating, or depression of spirits, will remove the whole difficulty in a few minutes. Ripans Tabules are com pounded from a prescription widely endorsed by the high est medical authorities and are presented in a form that is be coming the fashion with phy sicians and patients every where. One Box (Six Vials) Sevanty-five Cent. Ona Package (Four Boxes) Two Dollars, Ripans Tabules may be ob tained of nearest druggist; or by mail on receipt of price. For free lample addreti RIPANS CHEMICAL CO. NEW YORK. vjS ; Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat i ent business conducted for Moocratc Fcts. Iousj office is Opposite u. S. patent Offic I and we can secure patent iu less time than thote i remote from Washington. Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip tion. We advise, if patentable or not. free of charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured. A Pamphlet, "How to Obtain Patents," with ' cost of same in the V. S. and foreign countries sent free. Address, Sa 4ajaW VV ls VS Ws Opp. Patent Office, Washington, D. C. In the County Court of the State ol Oresjon, for Clatsop County. In the matter of the' estate of John L. FnlJeii, deceased. Notiee is hereby elven that the un derslt,, administratrix of the csUitt of Jelin L. Folden, has filed In tht- above entitled court her final account as administratrix of the above entitled estate, and t!:e court has set Monday, May 1st, ISM, 1 o clock p. m., at the court hou.'ie In aaid county and state, as the time and place for hearing said rinal account. All persons Interested In said estate are notified to then and there appear and show cause, if any. n-r,y the said Recount should not be al lowed and the administratrix dls charged. (Signed) KAftRM C. FOLDEN. Administratrix of the estate of John L. Folden, deceased. Pair Directors World's Fair Souvenir Coin for a Dollar. saa a WmMi Line Running' rTHROUGH W DAILY --i TRAINS Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 AM. " " 7:30 PM. 1 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Gmaha and Kansas City. Pullman and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclining Chair Cars, Din Ing Cars. ASTORIA AND SAN FRANCISCO APRIL, 1893. Oregon Tuesday Aprl 4. Columbia Mitiiriiny AitII 8. Htato WtMtni'Sday April 12. Oregon Suti'liiv April 1H. Columbia I hursrtBV April 20. Hate Monilav April 2-1. Oreijon Friday April 28. ASTORIA & PORTLAND STEAMER3 Morning boat leaves Astoria daily, except Sunday, at 6 s. in.; returning, leaves Portland Hally, except Saturday, at 8 ii. in. Night boat eaves Atloria dally, except Hun'lay, ate p. m.; ' tiiruli L'leHVeaPortlHiiildHllv.exci-ptHiindiiy, it? a. in. 1'lie morning boat from Vu tland mnks aiidlngson the Oregon side Tuesdays, Thurs lay.H.iui.i Saiurdays; on WasMigton sideMon- the moruliig boats m;.kcs landlngi- on the Ore- phut iMiiniinys, tt cuununvs ana rriaavs, lllfl fill t.hA Wltthil Oltn ki.la YiittH....a l... . ...... n.,,, .uwuai,, lays and Saturda. r or rates and geteral lnfoimatlon call on or .ddresa, H. HURLBURT, G. W. LOUN8BEKRY. A. Geo. Kas. Act. Aeent Fortland, Or. Astoria, Or. Is tbe line to take to all points EASTandSOUTH it is the DIKING CAR ROUTE It offers the best service, com biuiug SPEED am! COMPORT It U the ropul-T route with those vtho wi-li to travel ou It ts teefore (be ioiie j(u fhru'd tiike. It runs tlnout li vtstibuled tnui.s eveiy iluy in the year to ST.PAULATDCnKUGO No Charge of Cars, Slegant Pullman Sleip rs, upfrior Tourist Slffpcru, lilcndH Free Sf c ond-claf s Sleepers. Only one change of cars Portland to New York Through Tickets To Any Tart of tue Ivil'zed world. Passengers ticketed via !1 boats runnim between AhU.na, k alaina SLd Portland. Full Information eoneeruine rates, time o: al. rnut.es and other details furnished on pi'lkatlou to R. L NOLF. Steamer Teleplione Pock. A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent, No. 121 First 8t..ccr. WaMungtoa, Portlaud. Oresoli. i HE : OKFtiON : HAKEET l.A.ri.ETm.Prop. Good Bread Cakes and Pestrr. None but tbe test Materials used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customs. . Bread delivered In any psrtof tbs city FISHER BROTHERS SHIP CHANDLERS. Heavy and 8kali HARDWARE C&rVY In r lo-'k Vagons and Vehicles, Fsm Marhinery, Paints. ':il. Varnishes, Lotlicera' Supplies, Kahbeuk s Males, Door aud Wincowv PROVIsSIOKS FLOCR tnd HILL IIV. AST0SU, - OBEWO.