4S-.. J. , ?5S4ifrl SN ASTORIA, OREGON WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER ?j VOL. XXXV. NO. 183. 1'RICE FIVE CENTS' I I Jill P 31 1 11 I 1 1 l"I xKjMtW m i.P m.Ks & m u airriicii N N W NV x LB Jf ta??-5jygwg6HHgSg T'l- - - w 7" w" J- - , An Interesting Letter. Astoria, Oregon. December 12th, 1RQ0. KTo the Ptiopltinr Asotin and Surroundinc Ceuntry: I heroin state that I am already hero An! I brought jou over that English Engineer; Also tho Russian Grip, and the German Croup, Vnd I threw Scotch Dundee William in the soup. Yours truly, Sa.ta. Claus. lS While here ray Headquarters will bo at the Corner of Third and West .Ninth streets, where I will be glad to welcome you a 1, and where you will find suitable and useful presents for tho holidays -without encouraging faking or gambling of any kind whatsoever, which Is pernicious in its tend encies at anv time or place, let alone in our daily bus.neas transaction!. You will easily find the place by the sign as below. S. C. IEilKtliTfiftjRfc it ..v. I. L. The Exclusive Clothier and Hatter. 1 BUSINESS CARDS. J. r. Hamilton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Astoria, - Oregon. Office, tkree doors east Court House, Third street J. A. BOU'LBV, vttrer &a4 Counsellor at Law fnce oa Chonamus Street, Astoria, Oregon. rMJRTIS Jfc CARPEXTEK, Xtterej-t-Lw: SoUrj Pablle. Conralsslsuer ot Deeds lor Washington Ctnilorr- Office In Flarel'a new brick t&lldtBR, Rooms 1 and 2, Cor. Second and Cast streets. jeuv a. sxltu. ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office on Cass street, 2 doors back of Odd Fellow Building, Astoria, Oregon. A R. KANACA, ATTORNEY AT LaW. OOcc orer Thlto House Oor., Astoria, Or. r H. MAXMELL, 8K1L ESTATE BROKER AJfD NOTART PBLIO. Established 16S8. Talri Street, next to W, U. Telegraph Of lec, Astoria, Or. TCT W. PARKER, tt&l Estate s.nd Insurance Agent, Cosrejaaeer aid Notary Public lis Bestoa Street, apposite the Tostofflce, Serweei Chenaraus & Squemoque Sts., Astoria, Oregon. Al. A. CLKVF.L4.SD, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Oae FlavelN new brick building, corner eecend and Cass streets ; up stain. D K. A. U A A O JT. A. FULTON. Cass strfcl. between Srd and 4th. SrvcljC atlenriuu to Diseases ol Women ad Cbildrcn. oj Dr. A, L. Fulton. stKcial Attention to Surgery . b Dr. J. A. Fulton. Once hours from 10 to 12 a. a., and 1 to 4 r.x. TvK. XI. T. STRICSLER, mrstCIAN, SURGEON AND DRUGGIST lndmple cases, cliiRes only for medl ae rar Potolflce, Clien.imus Street, Astoria, Orecoa. JAY TUTTLE. M. D. rkyadsx, Burgson and Accoucheur. OScc, Room 6, PythUin Building. OSce,neurs : lo to 12 and 2 to 6. ResMeace, 639 Cedar btrecL -yt.0.B.ESTKa. PUTblClAN AND SURGEON. Special attention to Diseases ot Women um Sorcery. trucK: Opposite Telegraph Office, up BUlrs, Astoria, Oregon. T R. XILLrR, M. I. 6radnat ot Cleveland Homoeopathic Hos pKal CeUege, aad Fost-Uraduate of New Vrk City Folycllulc School of Medicine a48Brgery. First aai Mala streets, Portland. EIeae ef Wemea a Specialty. "TK. P. A. REtH, DENTHST Ro S aad 4, Flarel's new Brick Bulld ta. Tiiel&ei, Lester & Anflersen, CIVIL ENGINEERS, Surveyors and Architects. irrriCK, Room 9, Flavkl'i Bld's 8BCOZTD STREET P. O. Box 815. ASTORIA, OR. W. T. XUBXKT. rT. uixrs J. W. SRATKX. Barney, Barin fc Braper, Atteneya ;Oreg eitr. Orcea. TwaIt j9x ezperieact as Register of tfeeU.E.L&a OAce Mere, recNameadsas a earafeeUltr 1 Mlalncaa all ether bas SaMi ! tke L&ad Ofic ar taa Ceorti. UtJU MTMTiac u praence 1a tae awem oc, nJ IN ADDITION TO THE ABOVE THAT elmu-lnir Cno itnra n f.l,irn nnrl Rlllf Handkerchief, in Mint "White. Htm- sti nea, rancy aua ' uoiuew. iiw Silk mufflers, Wlafisor and Drew Scarfs and all kinds 01 Aecwoar, Ulores, Hosiery. t-upendeis, and FINK (.OLD PIATK Sleeve and Collar Buttons -AND- An Elegant Assortment OF SOAHF XI3ST OSGOOD, 600. C02 Third St, Cor. West Ninth Your Money's Worn IS WHAT YOU GET AT Foard & Stokes IN Groceries and Provisions Brerythlng In & First-da Store and at Extremely Low Figures. Goods Delivered all over Town. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. FOARD lit STOKES W. F. Scheibe, CIGAlt MAKBFACTUREB. Smokers' Articles in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Special Brands Manufactured to Order. MAINBTBKET. - - Astoria, Or B. F. ALLEN A fO. DEALERS W Wall Paper and Oil Paintings : PRACTICAL : PAINTERS AND DECORATORS. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Thompson & Boss Garry a Full Llae of Choice Staple and Fancy Groceries. Give Us a Call and Be Convinced. The California Girl. Champion Rifle Shot OF THE WORLD. Bhootlnc Ranee, No. T5 Vain St, between fclrst and Second. Open every afternoon and evening except Sunday. Wednesday afternoon for Ladies and Chil dren : Exhibition to commence at 2 o'clock sharp. Prizes awarded for competitors. Instruction siren in anootlnf . E. P. NOONAN & CO. (Sueoesors to) J. JP. DSALEBS IN Groceries Produce. Water Street, Astoria, Oregon. TELKPIOKI 10. 7. P. t. SOX SM J- C BTalTiTa Has Opened a Produce and Commission 8TOEK AT 4M Tklrd Street, Aatarla, Or. a Wholesale and Betall business la Flonr. Jim reea, uats, routoes. Apples, Ete. Sollelts a General CoamtesloH BaslHet!. IssLIuE'F.Sltli I. W, Case, BANKER Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available In i v tt f ihe 0. S. and Europe, and on Hon,: Knt:. J!iin! erne nouns : 10 x. m. to - j v Odd Fkixows Bdildiko. AM.n. iifs . r. w. oasiv Insurance Agent. BEPKESENTINO California Marine Ins. Co., S. F. Columbia Fire and Marine Ins. Co., PortLuid. Home Mutual Insuiance Co ,S. F. Phoenix of London. Imperial of London. Oregon Fire and Marine of Piri land, Or. THE PORTLAND SAYINGS BAHK OP POBTXAUD, OKEGOX. Paid up capltal.... Surplus aud prollts... 52CO.0O0 C0.0O0 Interest allowed on savings deposits .is follows- On ordinary sarins books, i per ctnt rer annum. On term sayings books. C rer c nt ptr annum. On certificates of deposit : For three months, 4. per cent per annum. For six months, a per cent per annum. For twelve months, 6 per cent per annum. FitANK DEKUM, President. D. P. THOMPSON, Vlce-Preaiikht. H. 0. S1BATXON. Cashier. Astoria National Bank IS NOW OPEN FOR GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Accounts of Firms and Individuals So.Ic lted on Favorable Terms. Interest paid on Timo Deposits. Monej Loaned on Personal security. Forelea and Domestic Exchange bought and sold. C. T. Edec, President. JTshm flebavii, Ylce Pre. A. B. deef Cashier. . K. Warren. I tji--.,. O. 8. Wrlg-bt. I Directors. Maverick National BIKE, BOSTON, MASS. CAPITAL SUKPLUS ,$400,000 .. 800,000 Accounts of Banks, Bankers and Corpora tions solicited. OurfacUlUesfor COLLECTIONS are excel lent, and vre re-dlscount for Banks when balances warrant it. Boston is a Reserve City, and balances with us from Banks (not located In other Keserve Cities) count as a reserv e. W draw our own exchange on London and tha Continent, and make cable transfers and place money by telegraph throughout the united States and Canada. We have a market for prime, flrst-class Investment Securities, and invite proposes from States, Counties and Cities when is suing bonds. W do a general Banking Business, and In vite correspondence. A8A. P. POTTER, President. JOU. W. WORK, Cashier. -TUB- DIAMOND PALACE GUSTAV HANSEN, Prop'r. A Larxe and WeU Selected Stock of Fine Diamonfls Jewelry At Extremely Low Prices. Ill Geeii Boifht at This Ettabllianeat Warranted Genuine. Wateh aaa Clock Repairing A 8PECIALTY. Corner Cass and Sqnemooua Street GOTO LARSON ft HILLBACK roit GROOBRIE S AlfD FBESII FRUITS. Orders Delivered Free ef Chirge. f'ounlrj Orders Solicited. Third Mrett. next to Pioneer offlco. PATROHIZE HOME INDUSTRY! There is no occasion for the mot fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or 8aa Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As thev can get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving tlelr Orders with MEANT. New Goods by Every Steamer. Call and see him and satisfy 3 ourseir. P. J. Meftny. Merchant Tall or. INCANDESCENT Prices. All Night Lights, per Month, each .. 13 o'clock" 19 ' " .. ,$l eo .. 150 .. 1 25 Wit Sfcare 19111a Csmpany. LEDDICOAT & CRIBB. CarpoHCers and Builders. Holt McCurtrie's old stand. ha e over 200 plates and drawings of all Winds and styles ot dwelling-houses, ranging from $900 to 12,t60. Call and see them. Cannery, Net Rate FOR RENT. Commodious Buildings conveniently situ ated, with ample Ket ICack will be rented for the coming season on the Columbia Btver. Apply to W. W. PARKER. A Pocket Hatch Safe Free to Smokers of ELEGTBIC LIGHTS S3a!E2S! TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. A $2,000,000 firo occurred in Londou. Senator Hearst s condition is reported as more favorable. Tho railroad strikers in Glasgow are becoming discouraged. Three men were killed by tho fast mail out of Buffalo last night. Samuel Kearns was killed by an elec tric light wire nt Philadelphia. Tax Collector Snyder of Tucson, A. T. was shot and robbed by masked men. J. W. Babcock, n contractor, was killed on a motor road near Portland. A building in New York collapsed, kill ing four persons and injuring six others. Three masked men robbed tho passen gers on n traiu from Chicago to Colum bus. Tommy Wan en defeated Tommy Miller in a ghno contest :it Indianap olis. The schooner LucinJu G. Futlcr was wrecked off Bamegit; onl cce man survh ed. James A. Garfield, h son of tho Inlo president of the United State, was in.ir ried in Chicago. The steamship Thcsahj from Now Orleans for Hamburg, with cotlcn, wr.s abandoned on fire. D.m Sullivan aged twenty-three, recently from California, committed suicide at Portland. A benzme and oil refinery and napllmj distillery nt Uo ckney, a London uibnrb, . . ,. - was destroyed by fire The prcssin Cnnadi urges the dominion to purchase .laskaas a msani or seining i tho Behring Sea question. Tho Argentine government has rande a proposition to buy the Bnenos Ayres water works for G,7j0,0ti0 Two patients in tho St. relcrsbnrg ho pital died after receiving n third injec tion of Dr. Koch's lymph. Tho latest report from tho Pine Ridge ageucy says there were 300 Indians killed in the battle of Monday. lira. Stevenson, nped eighty -seven years, was burned to death in her home on Telegraph Hill, San Trnnrisco. A complicated suit by n stockholder against several railroad companies, was commenced in Philadelphia yesterday. News from the sent of tho Indian war stato that a general skinnioh is in progress between the hostiles and tho troop.-?. John B. Jackson, as secretary to tho legation at Berl;u, aud Col. Charles Suth erland as surgeon general, U. S. N.. bae been confirmed by the tenate. One of a gang of thieves that La Leen operating on the letter boies in N6W York was arrested. Over $300,000 worth of checks, bonds, notes, etc , were found on him. Congress will bo asked by Ihe Steam ship Sailor's Union to proido in the shipping subsidy bill, that iiolc but American sailors be employed on ves.-e!s receiving subsidies. Bills have been introduced in congress granting the Albany & Astoria Kailroad Company rights of way through the Grande Bonde reservation Also author izing the company to bs.U bridges across the Willamette riv.v. -- AddltUmal Ichgiaph on F.iuilh Payt. PERSONAL MENTION. Captain Alec Malcolm, formerly a pilot on tho Columbia river bar, but now a capitalist of Spokano Falls, is in tho city. Miss Lizzie Piatt, of Sacramento, who has been visiting with her annt, Mr. Thomas Paller at Sea Haven, passed through the city yesterday en routo for home. The lady is much pleased with her visit to tho north west. "Willium Daulap, one of the pro prietors of the V&tet n World, pub lished at Sea Haven, on Shoalwater bay, was in the city yesterday visiting friends, and gave The Astoiuan a pleasant call. He returns home this morning. MARINE NEWS AND NOTES. The British bark Lizzie Bell left up the river yesterday. The steamer Cascades arrived down last evening with threo btrge-loads of rock for the jetly. The pilot schooner San Jose took in a largo lot of stores yesterday and will go to sea to-day. On account ot tho heavy fog pre vailing jesterday the steamer Suomi did not clear for Ilwaco until 1 r. jl The steamship George W. Elder arrived from San Francisco yesterday with a light cargo and proceeded to Portland. The steam schoonertrYfonce, Capt John Peterson, arrived yesterday from Shoalwater bay and went up the river after a short stop here. The repairs to the crank pin of the Gen. Canby being finished she will resume her trips to Tanzy Point, Fort Stevens, and Ilwaco this morning. The little steamer W. H. Harrison which weathered the cyclone so bravely last week, came in yes terday from points on Shoalwater fcay, and went up to Portland. Late last evening the British ship Scottisli Glens, Capt "W. M. "Whit ford, master, arrived, from Bio de Janeiro, 110 days out. The vessel is in ballast and Capt "Whitfield reports an uneventful trip. He escaped the heavy weather off theJETorn reported by other vessels. Oh, YPliat an Awful Urctk There is nothing more healthful than onions. The trouble Is that persons" are airaiu 10 eat mem because tuey make the breith unfragrant. But there Is a less fragrant breath than that freighted with onion. We mean the breath of a person with a foul stomach. Take him away! we inwardly cry when he whispers in our ear. Do see that your breath is pure Take a Jew Bbandketh's Pills and regalate yoor liver, stomach and bowels and your breath will be sweet "THMOPfl Daring Wort of-BoDliers on a Trais Oat of CMcap. A f SEEEES OF BIG PISES Tha Deadly jAnother Electric "Wire Olaima Victim Pall of a 1 Bnildinsj Minor Mention. 5 ectal by Tbo Uxirtn Pki.ss1 t'oi.TJMBU3. Dec. 30. When train No-. 18, from Chicago io Louisville, soulh-bonnJ, reached the Eleventh street station to day Ihreo strange nien boaaeretrit and went through, the day crofehes. ; V'Throw up jour hands I" they cried to tho passengers. But little attention was paid to them, and Frank Burton, an Indian apolis traveling man, attempted to aliow resistance, hut iras overpowered Mill robbed ot 200 cash. But few passengers observed what was going uu until the work was done and tho robbers had escaped. Officers are in 'purFuit, with but little hope of over taking tho robbers. CUD BY OIL. . " .A Tierce Conflasrrsti Ion in a. JLon don Suburb. - fSlcadl lo -j 11K .UTOKIAll Ijontjok, Dec 30 While a largo portion of the firo brigade was occu pied battling with the firo in Queen Victoria street another conflagration was raging in the suburb of Hackney, sixteen engines being engaged in the ntlempt to subdue it The property destroyed in this locality was the works of Carless, Capel & Leonard, benzine and oil refiners andnaptha distillers. There were 10,000 gallons of spirits stored in the tanks underneath the buildings, and while the firo was in progiess several of these exploded with great force, injuring a nnmber of persons and terrorizing the population of the vicinity. The shock of the ex plosion was plainly felt at points in London, five miles distant. BOASTED ON THIT WIRE. Another Victim of the Deadly Electric "Wire. Spec! tl :o Thk Astobian.1 PmiiADELHiA, Dec. 30. Samuel -Kearns, living on Federal street below Eleventh, suffered death this morning in a most terrible formt the circuit of an electric light wire passing, through bis body. The man's face was burned and discolored from tbo current and the sleeve of his coat was ripped and torn from tLe arm which camo in con tact with the wire. His body twitched convulsively as the fluid passed through it, and in a moment his agony was over. A BIG BID. The Government Wants tho JSucnos Ayrca Waterworks. Sped il to Thk Astoki.ix.I Loxdox, Dec 30. The Argentine government has agreed to buy out- 0 true ' 3yrCs TriUPl ir&fKs for 6,750,000, in five per cent, bonds, the company to finish the works ac cording to its original contract The company will meet on Thursday to consider the details of ngreement made according to tbo offer. ROBBED LETTER BOXES. Important Arrest Itlade ly The Kcw York; Felice. Special to Thk Astoriax J New York, Dec. 30. A man giving the name ot George Hutllemaler has been arrested on a charge of being a member ot the gang, which for some time havo been robbing the letter boxes. Checks, notes, bonds and drafts, representing over $300,000 wore found on his person. A BClfiDIKG COLIiAPSES. Foar Persons Killed and Six Others Injured. Special to Thk Astoria J New York, Dec 30. A building at Twenty-ninth street and First avenue, being rebuilt, this afternoon collapsed, killing four people and injuring six others. Firemen are at work in the ruins looking for more bodies. A 83,000,000 Blaze. f Special to The Astobian.I London, Dec 30. A fire this after noon destroyed a great deal of property on Queen Victoria and Thames streets near the Black Friars bridge. It is estimated tnat $2,000, 000 will cover the loss. Later estimates place the loss ot Bevillion Freres at 200,000. His stock of furs was valued at 250,000 and half the stock was totally de stroyed and the remainder damaged. A Fatal Fire. Speeial to The Astoria-.! San Francisco, Dee. 80. Mrs. Stevenson, a widow, 87 years old, was burned to a cinder, together with her home, in which she is said to have lived alone, on Telegraph hill, about 3 o'clock this morning. The engines were unable to reach the scene of the fire, owing to the steepness of the hilL Somethisg for the New Year. The world renowned success of Hostet tcr's Stomach Bitters, and their continued populantyforoveratWirtoiacenturyas & stomachic la scarcely more wonderful thaa the v, elcome that greets the annual appear ance of Hostetters Almanac. This valuable medical treatise Is published by The Hostet ter Company , Pittsburgh. Pa., under their own immediate supervision, employing 60 hands In that department. They ire running about 11 months in the 5 car on this work, snd the issue of same for 181 will be more than ten mIIlIon5.printed in the English, German, French, Welsh, Norwegian, awed Isb, Holland, Bohemian and Spanlsk lan euaees. KefertoacoDV of It for valuable tana Interesting reading concerning health. ana numerous testimonials as 10 toe escacy of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, amusement, varied iaforaatloa, astronomical calcula tions and chronological items, &c. which can be depended on for correctness. The Almaaae Tor l8tl can be obtained free of 6Mt, from drufgists asd general cottBtry ctotocs la all pans of the cosntry. jit in ui:tx. A. flfaa Wants Caatrl af Several Sallraaas. Special to Thk AstoriajtJ PhuiAdstjFsxa, Dee. 80. John Htnry Miller, a large bond and stook holder in the Baltimore Belt Kailway Transportkm and Tennjnal' Company ot Baltimore, tho Maryland Central Bailway Company, and the Pennsyl vania Anthractio Coal Company, "has begun equity proceedings in the court of Common Fleas of this city. Miller's bill was filed to-day to com pel Herbert Hostetter, a son of the celebratedDr. Hostetter of Pittsburg, and of the South Pennsylvania rail road, to fame keep an agreement made by him, -which involves the complete surrender by Hostetter and his. friends of. their control of the Baltimore Terminal railroad, tho Baltimore Belt Railroad Company, tho York and Peach Bottom railroad, the Maryland and Central railroad and the Derrick Susquehanna Bailway Company. A FEATHER-WEIGHT FIGHT Tommy Warren Defeats Tommy Miller at iBdiaaaaelis. Special to Thk Astobian.I TndianapoiiIS, Dee. 30. Tommy Warren, the champion feather-weight ot Californin, easily defeated Tommy Miller, of this city, in three rounds to-night Miller got in a few good blows in the first round, but in the second round "Warren's body blows rather winded him In the third round Warren knocked him down twice and punished him so badly that when time was called in the fourth round Miller threw up the sponge. Both men were in good condition. DISASTERS ON THE DEEP. A Schooner Capsizes and Only One Of tie Crew Snrrtyes. 8TJJEIi IBiJVDO.YBD OX FIB E Special by The Uxitxd Pacss.1 Pfm.vPKTiPKTA, Dec. 30. The schooner A. D. Zamson arrived here to-day, and reports the capsizing of the schooner Lucinda G. Potter, whioh occurred December 28th, off Barnegat, N. Jl Captain Higgin3 and one seaman were taken oft the capsized vessel, but tho captain died soon afterward. The Lamson brought the body to this city. SAVED FROM TIE SEA. A Captain Makes a Vlalt te a "Wreck Pay "Well. Special to Thk AstorianI. San Francesco, Dec. 30. It -now transpires that -Captain Johnson ot the steamer Scotia, who boarded the abandoned ship Struan did not leave the derelict emptyhanded as was at first supposed. The captain searched the vessel thoroughly and tailing to find any crew decided that to leave the aban doned ship without taking off as muoh of her fixtures as possible was simply nonsensical. He, accordingly, took off her chronometers and other fix tures, and by doing so is now the pos sessor ot merchandise valued to some where in the neighborhood of $3,000. A"Steam"baae.HerlBrk'jro7 Special to Tub Astosian. London, Dec 30. The steamship Thessaly, from New Orleans for Ham burg with cotton, has been abandoned and is on firo in the North sea. The crew has been saved. A scrap et Paper Saves Her Jiife It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of consumption, told by her physicians that she was in curable and could live only ashort time ; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she read of Dr. .King's "New Discovery, and got a sample bettle: it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its use and Is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For fuller Earticulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, iruggist. Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful Discovery Free at J. W Conn's Drug store. A Happy New Year That is what every one desires, there fore I wish all, friends and strangers, a Prosperous and Happy New Year. May yoube exempt from all dangers, and may Providence guard and blew you all is the fervent wish of Your grateful friend, Heshan Wise. "5.t . ;.. AfFAIRSOF'THEMT-M Tie Apprtiofiieiit Bill fill Come TJb in Cuiittee. PLEA I0B AMEM0AF SAIL0ES It is Suggested That Canada Purchase Alaska The Albany & Astoria .Railroad. Special by The TJxited Pses3.1 Washington, Dec. 30. It is the in tention "of Chairman Hale of the senate committee on the census to call the committee together next week and begin the consideration of the ap portionment bill, passed by tho house. The chairman says that the prob abilities are that tho conmittee will fix the number of representatives at 356, as agreed, upon by the house or at 359, which would give additional rep resentatives to JMew xors, Aruansas and Minnesota and other states having large unrepresented fractions, upon the basis of a membership of 356, as proposed in the house. AMERICAN SAILORS. Pica Made for Their Protection te Congress. LSpeclil to The Astokian.i San Fkanoisco, Dec. 30. The sec . retary of the Steamship Sailors' Union has written a letter to Congressman "W. "W. Morrow on behalf of the union to urge an amendment to the shipping subsidy bill, now pending before con gress, to compel all ships receiving subsidies to employ none but Ameri cans as sailors. In his letter the secretary points out that foreign-going vessels, which will benefit by this act, now employ none but foreign seamen, and under the provisions of this act will be obliged to substitute only one sixth of their crews with American seamen. The latter points out the absurdity of tax ing American people to -subsidize a race of foreign sailors, who in time of war would prove a menace to the country. The only excuse for subsidy, the secretary says, is that it may de velop a class of American seamen ready to defend our country in time of war. CANADA "WANTS IT. The Fucbaie el Alaska by The Dominion Advocated. Special to The Astobian.1 Ottawa, Dee. 30. A novel remedy forthe Behring sea difficulties is imposed by the government press, t is simply ihe purchaser of Alaska by -the. Dominion governrdelnt. The nanars noinfc onfc that ifc is worth more to Canada than any other power be- cause of it3 contiguity to her territory, THE DOUBLE A IZOAD. The Albany fc Astoria Company Asking f or Right ef Way. Special to The astoiuan. Washington, Dec. 30. Senator Mitchell has introduced a bill gran ing right of way to tho Albany & Astoria Bailway Company through the Grand Bonde Indian reservation; also to au thorize the same railway company to mm8TrTroreT)rierges,u,ui I'ds'-tntr-mMa'- mette river. Nominations Confirmed. Special to The Astouian.1 Washington, Dec. 30. The senate to-day, in secret session, confirmed nominations of John B. Jackson of New Jersey, as second secretary of the legation at Berlin, and Colonel Charles Sutherland, as surgeon gen eral, United States navy. Senator Hearst Better. Special to Tjik Astouian. "Washington, Dec 30. Senator Hearst, who has been ill, is a little more comfortable to day. XDTICK TO XOTIIEBs. Mlt3. WlNSLOW'S SOOllItNd SYKUP should alwavs be used for children tnnttiMKr If. nntha th flhllrf. sOftunS tho mtma.niiAva n nam. pures wind cholic and is the best remedy for diar- rhceaTwenty-five cents a bottle. TIGHT! What's Tight? Why, Honfey!, I Must Have -M 6 N E - YOUR LIFE , cisr it? I Won't have room for tho Elegant Spring Stock now being manufactured for me; consequently! am determined to dispose of everything at such low figures thaL you will rush in haste to get the first pick at my Great Stock of Overcoats, Hats, Furnishing Goods, IE3to., HERMAN WISE The RustClothier In the fTHAT INDIAN BATTLE. Amather Acceaat e2 tke Caaflict , ef IteHday. Special toTHR ASTOKIAN.l 'WASHTNOTON,(Dec. 30. The follow ing dispatch from Agent D. F. Eoger, dated Pine Eidge agency, December 29th; was received here this morning by. the commissioner ot the Trifli" office. ---- y uIh "Wounded Knee creek this morn ing while the soldiers were disarming Big Foot and his band, after their sur render, a fight' took place, whichre sulted in the killing of about 300 In dians and several of the soldiers, in cluding Captain "Wallace, with a num ber of them wounded. Two Strikoand his party who were camped on "White Clay creek; just be low JRed Cloud, opened fire on tho agency from the hill tops opposite the boarding school. They wounded two soldiers. ' The police returned the fire killing two of the Two Strike Indians and- wounding , two others. Two Strike and, his band retreated in n northwesterly direction from the direc tion of the agency, and is supposed to be trying to make his way back to the Bad Lands. Thus far the Pine Eidge Indians have taken no active part in the war, but Big Foot, Slow Bear, Kicking Bear and the Two Strike bands have been and are active in the distur bance. Young Garfield 'Married. Special to TnE Astoria t 1 Chicago, Dec 30. James E. Gar field, the second son ot tho lato Presi dent Garfield, tp-night became the husband of Helen Newell, daughter of President John Newell, of the Lake Shore & Michigan railroad. ABE STILL OH THE WARPATH. Troois aM Hostile - Sionx Engage In a General SMnnisti. ANOTHER JtAXXLE JiEPOJRTEU Special by The United PhejS OtAHA, Dec 30. New3 is exasper atingly meagre from the seat ot war: Dispatches to army headquarters state .that a general skirmish is in pro gress between the hostiles and troop3 and the police. It is feared that a portion of the friendly Indians will prove treacherous and join the hos tiles. KrjsHVHii.E, Neb., Dec 30. At day break this morning thirty Indians, be longing to Two Strike's band, tried: to capture a provision team of the Ninth cavalry two miles from Pine Eidge. The Indiaus were all killed. People are flocking into town-by the hundred from the territory bbanding the reservation. Iiater, Colonel Forsytlie reached PiheP.idi;e agency this morning with the Seventh cavalry and the surviving prisoner.- He reports tweni-y-nve 01 his men killed and thirty-four of them wounded.. River .Fares and Freights to Be Eaised. A meeting ot owners of s'teamers and officers of river boats was Jbcld in Portland on Monday and was largely attended, most of the boats and lines on the Columbia and Willamette fter ing represented. The object was to present were so much in favor of it rthat a committee was appointed and the meeting adjonrned to the next day, when the committee were to re port a revised tariff of prices for adop tion. A Bad Cat. A Eussian named Nordstrom, met with a painful accident late last night. He fell on the sidewalk in TJpper town and one of his hands striking a piece of glass, severed an artery. He lay foe some time and lost consider able blood. The injured man was attended by a physician. xciixaent Runs high at.). W. Conn's drug store over System Builder, as everybody is using it for Catarrh f the stomach, Dspepsia. Constipation and Impnro lilood.and to build up thesystem.it cer- tamly possess wonderful merit when all speak so well of it. -OR jEStG, - f and Hatter. Occident Hotel Building -- ';a MM c s