The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 13, 1890, Image 3

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(The gailtj grforiatts
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nm juxcia.igo
Publishers and Proprietors.
Astoriax Building,
Cass Stki:kt.
Terms of Snbscrijition.
Served h earner, jnr w cck 15 eta
Sent by Mail, per month . fiocts
?nt by Mail, oni 3 ear 7.00
Prrc of postage 'f Mibcril.LT5.
Tub A5TOi:iy cuarnntetN to its ather
:iseritif lareM oireul.itioii of an newsjn
er published 0:1 the Columbia icr.
Stnmlxjrries :iro now 12K cents a
Mis A. J. Smith's jiaiiiliajj clTvS
will 1m? postponed for (me -week.
Co. H's quarterly allowance or7o
nrrivoil from Portland jestorday.
lJecn hall is rccon in a neat coat
r paint 0:1 the exterior of the building,
which improves the appearance very
.Too Bergman now carries one hand
in a slinjr. and is suflerincr from blood
poiouin?. the result of the wound to
ms nana ly broken zl-" a tow weeks
Miss Flora Batson, who nnneara
this ex'euinfi at the opera house, is a
iijjtT u rare inenr. ami jjives a per
fonnnnee enjoved bv all lovers of
The principal subject or dLscnsion
in every house now is in regard to the
new number. A large quantity of
metal figues have leen ordered by
various dealers, and will be here in a
few dajs.
Uegxinlhig the advertisement in Tnn
Astoi:iax to purchase city bonds, it
need but be briclh s-aid tliat answers
were received from all pari, or the
United States, :us the letters them
selves on file in auditor .Tewcit'soflice
will prove.
There will be a children's lawn social
at the residence of ZIrs. J. E. JJiggins
this Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, un
der the auspices of the ladies of the
Baptist church. Refreshments served
for children at 30 cents eacli and for
adults at 2-" cents.
One census enumerator reports find
ing two families yesterday, 111 one of
which the inmates numbered 17, all
of one name, and in another, 1. all of
one name. None of them got awav.
Snch families as these, or those, help
swell the figures amazingly.
Even from far-away Turkey they
come to this broad laud of freedom,
for yesterday the Ottoman of that dis
tant laud lost one subject, who rejoices
in the name of Antonc Thasdoseoo, as
he took out his first papers, declaring
his intention to henceforth claim this
as his country.
The bay railway is fast approaching
completion. The rails are laid from
the eastern terminus all the way down
to the coiupam's wharf, thence around
the point to where the baseball ground
is to be located. The work of extend
ing up into the city from the present
eastern terminus will soon be com
menced. G. V. Gleucross, the little midget
previously mentioned in these col
umns, died yesterday. He was
weighed last Wednesday and found to
weigh just two ounds; he was also
measured, and was 13 inches in height,
being the smallest specimen of hu
manity ever seen in these parts.
The child lived eighteen days.
What do think the population of
Astoria is? The census is now being
taken. It will cost j-ou nothing to
make a guess, except the trouble or
sending it or leaving it at Tun Astor
iax office, signing your name. The
one who makes the closest guess will
get Tnx Weekly Astoriax post paid
to any address in the United Stales for
Considerable activity is reported in
South Bend propertv. Walter F.
Oakes has bought for SGO.OOO the
property adjoining that owned by our
newly elected county commissioner
Robert Carnithers, and parlies are
now negotiating with him for the pur
chase of his tract, also. If thev offer
100,000 he may think about letting it
go at that.
This is a great ear for Oregon
berries. Last week Mr. La Dn, of
Mt. Coffin, sent Tnn Astoriax a box
of the biggest berries seen here this
season, some of them weighing over
two ounces, and measuring ."SK inches
around. Yesterday John Matter eut
over a lox of bigger berries, some of
them being six inches around, showing
that in strawberries, as in other things,
Clatsop leads.
The Washingtonian, of IIoquiamv
lias ascertained that the old ways
liave had their day and 4new was
must come to pass.' It notifies its
readers that it has been lenient and
accommodating in regard to publish
ing certain articles of legitimate news
and gives warning that it will publish
occurrences that have been suppressed
formerly, together with names, places
and attendant facts.
DonC said he, "put change or
carry tickets in your inouth. They
may carry disease. Don't cut off the
"end of your cigar in a cigar cutter.
Some men have a ha'bit of running
their tongues around the -ends of their
cigars before cutting off the end. A
friend of mine got his mouth badly
poisoned that way some years ago.
Don't drink through a straw without
first blowing out the straws and look
ing through them. Small bugs have a
way of getting into straws, and you
are apt to swallow several bugs with
your lemonade."
Satarday Surprise Sale.
Some more Calico and Percale
Shirts, with collars and cutis, 75 cents,
for this Saturday only.
Hermax Wise,
The Reliable Clothier and Hatter,
In Occident Hotel Building.
Strawberry season is pretty nearly
evcr. A few crates still received dailj'
4by Tnosirsox & Ross.
" Fr Sale.
A second-hand range, McGec Stand
ard, in good condition. Also, one Dtt-
c spring .Mattress, lor uouuie ueu.
lalre at Astorian office, up sta'rs.
' Strawberries matl Cherries.
The only place in the city where you
caajrel Fresh Strawberries and Cher
ries tolr, at Rock Bottom prices, is at
F. Ferreirs.
.flyer the Line of tlie Astoria and
soflth Coast B. B.
Tit 12 MtST TltZlX TO ki:.lbIE.
Yesterday morning at SSOaparty
of director and stockholders, invited
guests and members of the press, left
here on the atcamcr Electric and a
barge lowed by .-steamer, for an
j excursion over the new railroad to
Seaside, ju less than half an hour,
l!u steamer and barge had arrived at
the pier at the end of the trestle work
in Young's bay, and the passengers
had vi alked eighty feet up the incline
to the top of the wharf.
Here was in waiting engine No. 2G,
known as the Frank J. Taylor, of
which J. Franzeu is engineer and J.
Stewart fireman, and one passenger
car known as the Dundee, made by
the company, and of peculiar construc
tion, divided into three compartments.
Thomas Hennessey was conductor,
and when all were 'seated, or rather,
all were on board, for ihero was not
sealm," canacitv for all. the train
1 .started at !:10 a. m.
The length of Ihe trestle is one and
a quarter miles, and soon after this was
traversed a short stop was made to
view the preparatory work being done
for the construction of a turn table for
the locomotives.
Then on we go across the low lands
within the dke, which prevents them
from being overflowed, pass over sev
eral bridges which span the numerous
wiudingbloughs, then over the draw
bridge, across bkipanon creek, and we
are at Warrentou. Several new build
ings are in course of erection, one of
them, a fine store, with pnblie hall
above, owned by D. K. Warren. Large
numbers of ties for the use of the road
are piled up here, and on side tracks
are a dozen or more Hat cars. A new
street has been laid out, and is neatly
boidered with a row of shade trees on
either side.
Leaving Wairenlon, the quiet,
sedate little town of Skipanon is left
at our left, and we go skipping on (not
copyrighted). For nearly three miles
the road runs perfectly straight,
mostly through a dense 'forest with
thick underbrush and evidences of
swampy land in the numerous pools of
water near the track. The cut throngh
the timber looks fine from the dis
tance, as if it was a narrow path cut
through a solid wall or rock.
Emerging from the timber, the open
country is reached, with cozy farm
houses scattered along at intervals,
and the county road winding clo?e to
the track. A little farther on is a
peculiar natural formation, which if it
had been constructed expressly for the
use of the railway, could not have
been better planned.
For about five miles there is a ridge
avcrairinir twentv feet in heirlith.
rounded at the sides and about thirty
feet in width on the ton. nvidentlv
formed long years ago by the action of
tne waves or sun ottue ocean, winch is
a mile or less distant. This is of sand,
but in later - ears has been pmdnnllv
covered with soil, so that grass, wild
uowers, vines and shrubbery are grow
ing thereon. The general"lineotthe
ndire is straiirht. and on this f 1ir mil-
road is built for about five miles.
Eleven miles from the start in r nmnf
is traversed and the Y Is reached,
where a line branches to Min lrfh nul
is graded some ten miles in the direc
tion oi ilillsboro, ready for the ties
and rails, with the exception of two or
three small creeks which will require
One and a half miles more and 3un
ney's grove is reached. This is where
the road, still keeninir on the natnral
ridge passes through a dense forest.
Several acre3 have been cleared of
fallen timbers and thick underbrush
so that it is a splendid location for a
picnic ground, and through it a road
has been made, leading to the beach,
only a little more than a quarter of a
mile distant. A side trade is to be
put in and a station erected at once,
so that it will be ready for a picnic or
excursion party who may desire to
visit the place.
On we cro down an easv nrnde nnd
soon the grand old Pacific ocean in
all its vast beauty and grandeur is
close at hand, when we turn to the
right, and are at the bank of the
Ohanna creek, 14 miles from the start
ing point, the present terminus of the
road, arriving at 10:lo, one hour and
five minutes on the wav. for we came
slow and made several stops.
Mostoflho road is laid with 50-lb.
steel rails, that from the Y to the end
being 10-lb. iron rails. The road bed
is well constructed, and when it. is
consideied that most of it has been
bnilt within two months, and 7inf. vnt.
ballasted, it may well be said to be a
good piece or work, reflecting credit
ably on the contractors and their able
assistant, w. T. iievendge.
More rails are dailv exneeted. and
as soon as received will be laid over
a mile farther, which will reach
Grimes'. Leaving the train some on
foot and some in wairons continued to
the little town of Seaside. Several
cottages have recently been erected,
anu a number 01 nouses more or less
inviting in appearanco are prepared to
receive boarders,
A ride to the beach is offered and
quickly accepted. Crossing Necani
cmn creek on a brido-n of nnnionf wm.
struction and dilapidated appearance,
unmes' uotei is seen in the edge of a
grove, and beyond this a short and
pleasant drive . through the trees.
and here is the beach.
Awav UP the coast for miles it is nparlv
straight, but below it curves inland,
then the rocky, nigged Tillamook head
projects far out into the sea, forming
a little bay. Beyond the head is seen
plainly the lonely Tillamook rock, on
the summit of which is the fine light
house. It can be seen nlainlv bv the
naked eye, and still plainer through a
glass looms up against the skytlie
shapely tower and the huce derriflr
which lifts to the rocky sides the few
visitors wuo approach only from the
ocean to the lonely seagirt isle, around
and acainst which the waves are pxpt
chanting their sad requium.
At Austin's liotel is a young sea lion
not a week old, winch had just been
caught by the boys, and which utters
frequently a plaintive cry as if calling
for his absent mother. He takes to
a milk diet, as naturally as a calf, and
seems to court recognition from vis
itors. A hasty stroll through the grounds,
time enough to look at the dozen
houses which form the little village,
and the start for the return is made.
At 11:33 a. 11. conductor Hennessy
gives the signal, engineer Fnmzen
pulls the throttle and away goes No.
26, homeward bound. Two or three
6tops are taken and at 1230 r. m. we
are at Young's bay, 55 minutes on the
The steamer is not at hand and a
few minutes waiting was passed
agreeably in viewing the mingled
scenerv of land and water, mountain
and river, seen at an advantage from
me ena 01 me pier, ana in being pno-tographed.
The names of the excursionists are
as follews: Dr. Alfred Kinney, LW.
Case and J. W. Conn, directors of the
Astoria and South Coast railroad, Col.
James Taylor, Hon. F. J. Tavlor,
Major M. C. Crosby and wife," M.
Nowlen and wife, George Noland and
wife, Dr. Mullinnix and wife, Mrs.
Badollet. Miss Pearl Holden, Kev.
W. A. Short, H. B. Thicken, C. S.
Wright, B. S. Worsleyi J. H. ManselL
S. B. Crow. J. W. Crow, J. C. Trullin
Ker T. O. Trullinger, Wm. Edgar, C.
II Thomson, W. Fitzgerald, Martin
yj&en. j. jv. warren, js. u. Kaymond,
H. M. Thatcher, J. F. Bennett, F.
Gunn. G. Hanson, Dr. F. Crang, W.
A. Sherman. A. Montgomery, P. A.
Stokes, Philip Cook. F. W. Keen,
Capt Chewault, H. W. Hamlin. W.
Bock, F. A. Fisher, V. Boelling, B. L.
Ward. Charles Heilborn, A. G. Spex
arth, H. G. Van Dusen, and three rep
resentatives of the press.
3Ieeting or the Committee Last Evening.
At a meeting of the Fourth of July
committee last evening, the com
mittee charged with securing sub
scriptions reported that they had
raised $715. On motion, C. J. Tren
chard and J. W. Hume were added to
the soliciting committee. On motion
a committee w;i3 appointed consisting
of Major Crosbv, Judge Page, Judge
McGnire, Jndue Taylor, F. C.Beed
and J. C. Trullinger to secure requis
ite vocal and instrumental music. It
is desired that 200 voices shall partici-
pai in me renuuion 01 patriotic
music on the coming Fourth of July.
The secretary was instructed to ex
tend a cordial invitation to all neigh
boring cities, to the officers and sol
diers at the fort, to all civic societies,
the fire department and company H.
O XT n. .. ir: --' y
Trenchard, Danielsonand Cooper were
authorized to employ both bands and
the drum corps. The secretery was
instructed to request the common!
council to see that the streets were,
placed in proper condition for the
grand parade.
It was desired that notice bo given
that considerable more funds were
necessary to insure adequate celebra
tion, ami the public are requested to
contribute. The committee then ad
journed to meet again next Monday
Sheriff Smith goes up to Portland
to-night on the steamer.
Miss Belle Douglass has nearly re
covered from her recent illness.
Dr. Mullinuix goes to North Beach
this moniing to be absent several
Capt Peterson of the steamer Alli
ance is sick, and his place is occupied
by Capt. Fred Layton.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Hawes, J. Q A.
Bowlby, Judge McGuire and M. P.
Callender, returned yesterday from
Mrs. L. W. Holt leaves hero this
morning to rejoin her husband at Ta
coma, which will henceforth be their
home, their household goods having
been sent by freight
MissAlmira Hawthorn leaves this
morning on the steam-schooner
Attymta for Tillamook, and will
spend the summer with her sister Mrs.
Mape3, at Kelchis, Tillamook county.
The brigantine T. IP. Lucas is at
Tnillinger's mill.
The three-masted schooner Norma
is loading with lumber at Tnillinger's
The steam schooner Augusta ar
rived yesterday from Tillamook, and
goes back tliere this morning.
Geo. W. Hume's tug, the C. M.
JlchJtaw, was yesterday sold to F. M.
Warren, of Cathlamet, for $2,200.
The new steamer Chilkat is fast ap
proaching completion. The masts are
set, and the upper works are nearly
The steamer City oAitoj ia crossed
out yesterday and will in the future
ply between Sealand and Willapa,
m command of Capt Sproule.
The steamer Portland has been re
paired, and is painted so it can be
easily recognized, the hull being a
very dark green, and the upper works
and pilot house yellow.
The steamer Alliance, Capt Fred
Layton, came down from Portland
last evening, and sails for Gray's har
bor this morning. Sho has a few pas
sengers nnd a large cargo of miscellane
ous freight, including the furniture
for the new hotel Hoquiam.
1b Astonishing OiTor-
-Some of tfca
The Saa Francisco papers of recent date
contained the folio wing effer:
"As an evidence ol tho ability of Joy's
Vegetable Sarsapaxilla to prevent sick head
aches, wo will give to tho first twelve re
sponsible persons who will apply at our office
a bottle Irec if they will apreo that after
they have been cured that they will admit
the fact over their signatures."
This offer so startlingly asserted the efll
ciency of tho remedy that many accepted,
and" the letters of the parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably the most
convincing attestations that any remedy
ever received. The following Is a sample of
those received:
I have been subject to blllous'hcadachM
and constipation for several years past; ia
fact, have been compelled totakea physic
every other night or else I would have -headache
and dull, mean feeling.- I have
talen that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarse
p&nlla, and have derived great benefit from
it, and intend continuing ft. After my owa
experience I can heartily advise those tto
bleu with biliousness and constipation to try
125 Locust Avenue, San FranciMt
PasseBgers to Portland.
The following is the list of passen
gers having rooms who went up the
river last night on the steamer Tele
plione: George Hibbert, S. D. Ran-
jiels, J. Ordway, J. M. Bower, Mrs. B.
Van Dusen, Jr. Smith, J. McDemit, E.
J. Spragne, W. H. Brmke.
A fair trial of Hood's Sarsaparllla for
scrofula, salt rheum, or any affection
caused by impure blood or low state of
the system, will be sufficient to convince
any of the superior and peculiar cura
tive powers of this medicine. Buy it of
j-our druggist 100 Doses One Dollar.
Jeff's New Rcstaaraat.
It L. Jetfery,the ever popular and en
terprising caterer, is fitting up and will
soon open his new Restaurant, which,
when completed, will be one of the
finest and best equipped on the Pacific
coast Great care has been exercised in
selecting the furniture and fixtures,
which are of the very best material.
The Golden winding stairs, which leads
to the ladies department are tbe most
expensive stairs ever seen in this part
of the country, and although' only
twelve steps high, they cost $180. There
are eight boxes for Ladies and Families
built in the shape of a balcony, which
present a very handsome appearance,
being beautifully frescoed and deco
rated. The cost of Jttingup the place
will be f ully-S4,30e.- Jtr.'JeServ is to be
congratulated on having Ihe lutest and
most expensive Restaurant ever seen in
this pari of the oaBtryaB4wiil no
doubt receive ibe patronage lie so richly
Nothing Definite as to the Bailroal
However satisfactory it would be to
be able to say that "it is all right," yet
the facts of the case in the matter of
the railroad are that the thing is still
unsettled and indefinite. No such
letter was received by C. W. Fulton as
that alleged to have been received
from C. P. Huntington.
"At present Huntington andBied are
having considerable correspondence
on the subject of the Astoria & South
Coast Railway Co., and until this cor
respondence assumes tangible shape,
the matter will remain in abeyance.
Here are the real facts.
In Ried's last letter to Huntington
he claims that the by-laws of the com
pany preclude the making of any such
agreement as that recently made be
tween Huntington and the directors
of the Astoria & South Coast Railway
Co. In Huntington's reply to Ried
he says that he knows of no such re
strictions, and that in a rather intim
ate knowledge of railway affairs and
the by-laws of railway companies he
"had never known of any Buck clause
as the one Ried citei
This correspondence between Messrs.
Huntington and Ried is mora interest
ing than satisfactory, nnd the sooner
if is terminated the better all
When the Astoria delegates visited
Hnnlington in Portland it was defi
nitely understood that he would take
cafe of Ried. Ho now writes that
matters have not definitely shaped
themselves, and that Ried is not
The latter gentleman is not in an
"-enviable position. By his own act
and entirely throngh his own fault he
has alienated the trust and belief of
the Astoria people. It is an un
pleasant statement to make, but The
Astoriax speaks of a man as it finds
him, and its experience with Mr. Reid
is that he evinces, to say the least, a
chronic disposition to dally with the
truth, and bj' his uniform conduct ap
pears to think it a necessary part of
every business proposition and agree
ment that somebody must be lied to.
Perhaps the best way to deal with
him is to let him have and hug his
famous contract, eighth section
and all, and as he seems disposed to
insist on his pound of flesh, let him
cut his exact pound of flesh as nomin
ated in the bond, but exact from him
that in so cutting it -he shed not one
drop of blood, like unto" the priucipal
character in the Merchant of Venice.
Mr. Ried has had a chance to get eut:
that chance is still open; should he
ueuuuu iu iiviiii uuusuii. ul iue unuuciui
opportunity how easy to let him take
the empty husk and make additional
arrangements with Huntincton to
build entire, discarding and icrnorimr
Lany railroad work heretofore done or
contracted for by Ried. In that case
he would be in the consomme.
Ried telegraphed yesterday that he
had succeeded in the sale of those
bonds, that the contraot was signed in
London on behalf of an English syn
dicate last Wednesday. In a letter
yesterday aftduoon he confirms his
telegram of the morning regarding the
alleged sale of the bonds.
If such were the case; if ho had or
has succeeded in doing what he de
clares he has done, it is a matter of
mutual congratulation, but the fact
that he so definitely asserts it is, of
itself, in tho writer's opinion, sufficient
ground for discrediting the statement,
or at least for deferring acceptance of
its truth till reliably conobofated.
He also telegraphs that tho Portland
boat left earlier yesterday than he
supposed, but that he would be down
on Monday next
Sale of Cans.
In Capt Flavel's warehouse since
March 1st, '88, have been stored 2,893
cases of 48 salmon cans each. Yester
day, pursuant to an advertisement, the
whole lot were sold to pay storage
charges, amounting to $722.25. Several
canncrymen were present Tho lot
was knocked down to B. A. Seaborgat
34 cents apiece, this including the case
and the cans. Mr. Seaborg got a bar
gain. The cises, as they stood, cost
$1.15 each, and were considered to be
worth 75 cents apieco.
Probably a Hoax.
From a bottle which drifted ashore
at Seaside yesterday a water stained
paper was extracted, which contained
the follewing:
Pacific Oceak, 15 May, 1893.
Steamboat Tray ready to sink: 12 men
aboard; only 2 boats 89 N. B. B. .'oided
with iron for W. E.Bithsin.
It looks fishy, and the "message
from the sea" is probably a hoax.
!.!cfrlc BifltT'..
ThU remedy is becoming so wi-I
known nnd so popular as to need no
special mention. All who liae Ubed
Electric Bit' trs sing tin s'miu song of
praise. A purer medicine does not ex
ist and it is guaranteed to do all is
claimed. Klectric Bitters will i-ure all
diseases of tin Liver and Kidneys, will
remove Pimples. Boils bait Rh-tnu and
other affection-? caused by impure blood.
Will drive Malaria from the sj.stim
and prevent as well as cure Malarial le
vers. For cure or Headache, Constipa
tion and Indigestion try Electric Bit
tersEntire satisfaction guaranteed, or
money refunded. Price 50 cts. and Sl.OO
per bottle at J. W. Conn's.
Go to the San Francisco Galleiv for
the finest Photogiaplis and Tintypes.
Olney Street
Good Goods and low rates at tho Sea
side Bakery.
Dr. F. Crang has returned to the city
and resumed practice at the corner of
Fouttli and Cass streets, up stairs, for
merly the. alvatlbn Army barracks.
Telepheiieljeairins; Ilessc
Best Beds In town. Rooms per night
60 and 2Ti cb, ir week 51.50. New and
clean. Private eutninre.
All the Choicest Delicacies, made by
only first-class men at the Seaside
Some of the finest strawberries to be
found in the state or out of it are from
LaDu's gardens at Mount Coffin, and
are sold by Thompson & Ross.
Keems amd Bemrel.
A few rooms at Mrs. E. C. Holdcn's,
with board; corner of Third and Main.
Also a few table boarders can be ac
commodated. Fr Sale.
A few choice lots In Hustler fc Aiken's,
Real Estate Broker.
BtHcFsr Beat.
Apply at Astoriax ofltce.
- .
As Filed Ih The County Hcronlrr's OHre
J. S-. Dement and wife to O-
car Buchanan, lots 1, 2, 3,
and 4, blk 9, Dement's .... $
C. J. Trenchard and wifo to
Rose G. OInev, lot 7, blk
34, McClure's."
M.J. Kinney etaltoC.W.
Christenson, lots 34,35 and
36, blk 29, New Astoria.. . .
William Lattie to Wingatc &
Stone, D. L. C. in sec 28,
T6N.R10 W. 1
Previously reported this
year $1,430,807
Total to date. $1,431,583
Too Cheap to Be Good.
A young man of pleasant address
was in Toe Astoriax office yesterday
endeavoring to effect a sale of several
hundred copies of "Webster's Tin
abridged" dictionary for $2.20 each, to
be given as premiums to subscribers.
The book that he had as a sample is a
bulky one; it is too cheap to be good.
It is poorly printed on a pulp paper
and wretchedly bound. The contents
are a reprint of the edition of 1847.
People buying it are getting a book
40 j ears behind the times, and The
Astoriax has no -wish to foist so an
cient a lot of truck on its readers.
Tho agent boasted that he had sold
600 copies to the Oregonian. Not un
likely. If he will secure a book that
is more up with the times Tire As
toriax will take a big batch of them;
but a dictionary is no good unless it is
in line with the progress of the day,
and the B. C. specimens that the
young man offers at $2.20 are back
numbers. One might as well have a
last year's almanac
Amnesty to Deserter.
The order of the secretary of war re
garding the amnesty to deserters has
been published for the information
and guidance of all concerned, and is
as follews:
"War Department, )
WASHixaTox, May 24, 1890. )
Iu wiew of the act of congress, ap
proved April 11, 1890, amending the
One hundred and Third article of war,
a release from the army will bo fur
nished, upon application, to each de
serter coming within the provisions of
the act
The applicant will be required to
file an affidavit stiting whether he has
absented himself from the United
States while in desertion; and if it
shall appear from the affidavit or
otherwise that he has so absented
himself, the time or his absence will
be deducted from the two yean' lim
itation. A Still Rrttcr Edition.
When the Astoria Abstract Title
and Trust Co. issued their splendid
map of the city, and all its numerous
additions, it looked as though there
was nothing moro to be desired in
that line, but they have issued a
second edition in which they have
managed to improve upon the orig
inal by coloring the several additions.
A neater piece of work was nover
seen in Astoria and experienced map
makers say that it far surpasses pre
vious efforts at issuing similar maps
in California and elsewhere.
Those who have already pnrchased
copies of the map can secure tho new
and improved map free of charge, by
exenanging tne one tiiey now havo
for the colored one.
A Salmon Ship 3ILvsin.
Considerable speculation is still
being indulged in as to tho fato of tho
the. H. fftistedo which took on
board 60,000 cases of salmon at the
wharf here. It is said that her cap
tain before leaving declared that ho
was going to beat the Ti ta n ia and tho
best time ever made for the trip home.
The conviction here is that she has
been lost with all on board, having
listed in a storm, and being unable to
right herself. Had sho not gone right
down to the bottom in this way, it is
said that pieces of her wreck or some
of her masts would have been found
before this. Victoria Colonist.
Fiesh Bread and Cakes every day at
Columbia Bakery. All orders deliv
ered to all parts of the city.
For fine variety of Numbers for votir
buildings, call on Judge Jewctt.
Try ihe Columbia Bakery and satisfy
yourself where j-ou can do the best
Salmon Cant.
The Pacific Can Co. is rrepared to
furnish packers with salmon cans in
quantities to suit For rates and prices
apply to or address F. P. Kendall, at of
fice of Columbia River Packing Co.,
The Columbia Bakery
shop in the citj.
is the neatest
If umbers ! Kumbers 1
Numbers in any style. Number your
transoms In gold. JN umbers complete
on Jnpaued tin in gold, 50 cents.
B. F. Allex & Co.
Ileuses For Bent.
Apply at the Pacific Real Estate Co,
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant.
Perfeclion Fruit Jars.
& Ros'.
at Tiompson
Ludlow's Ladies' $3.00 Fine Shoes;
also flexible hand-turned French Kids,
at P. .1. Goodman's.
The Steamer Eclipse.
Will make regular trips to Knappa and
Swensen's Landing, on Saturdays, leav
ing Knappa at 7: 30 a. m., and leaving
Wilson & Fisher's dock at 2 r. m. For
freight or passage apply to the captain,
on board.
Drink Knickerbocker bottled beer.
Talk is cheap. Wo lead, others fol
low. Try the home made bread at tho
Oregon Bakery, and judge for yourself.
Special Notice.
Prof. Hanna, the Corn Doctor, has by
special request extended his visit in As
toria for the remainder of this week.
Office over Allen's paint store, corner
Fourth and Cas3 streets.
Remember the Austin house at the
Seaside Is open the year 'round.
For the very best Photos, go to Shus-
Meals Ced t order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant next to Foard &
TVeialsard'ri Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents. $
Thompson & Ross are handlinsr the
product of some of the Choicest Dairies,
ana can supply you witn a 1x0. 1 article
of Butter or Cheese.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodmah's.
TMere Are 8aae Ificc Reams.
Over the Mikado candy store, suitable
for offices, for lent Apply to Alex
450 -
quia Miami;. 1, lliiPPraKi'TlMStKft.
The Leading
HAND SEWED, DOUBLE SEAM SHOE. It never rips. It never squeaks.
flexible than a hand turn.
MORGAN & CO., - - -
For The
4th of July
The Election Is Over,
And it behoves all to for
get the political
strife and
A First-Glass
In the meantime the
undersigned will not for
get to look out (or the
people's wants, and be at
all times prepared to fur
nish the finest selection
of gentlemen's garments
at his usual reasonable
The Live Clothier and Hatter,
In tbe Occident Hotel Bl'd'g.
The Indiana-Paint Shop.
c, ar. cuTBDmr, rrop'r.
Cor. Third and Main Sts., Astoria.
Paper Hanging a Specialty.
"Work cxccutc.l v.Itli Neatness and Dis
patch, Magee, Argand and Acorn
Stoves - Ranges,
Cooking and Heating,
W. F. Scheibe
Smokers' Articles in Stock.
Special Bratda Manufactured to Order.
MAIN STREET. - - Astoria. Or
'- --' -v -w usm.
Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria.
For Ladies !
nap in
fil U
11& Acres, clost to river and street car line. Only S500 per acre, for a fewtUys
only. S.1,000 can be made on this property within three months.
ff mMgmbw
Real 3sta.te Srols.erv
Odd Fellows' Building, - ... ASTORIA, OR
Lots in Case's Astoria Are Now on Sole
Astoria Real Estate Co.
TERMS One-Half Cash ; the Balance in Six and Twelve JTontha.
Weinhard's Lager Beer!
Is the Choice of the Connoisseur.
Snperior Facilities for Shipping in Car Load Lots.
Orders for any quantity to be directed to
H. WEINHARD, Portland, Oregon.
Corner Twelfth and B. Telephone 72.
FLYNN, The Tailor,
Finest Woolen Goods for Suitings. All the Latest Styttc
He buj s for Ctsh at Eastern Prices, lie Guarantees the Best WotkraansU oa aM
Garments. GUI and sos for lourself. Barth Block. ASTORIA. OK
Columbia Bakery
Cakes, and Fine Confectionery. All Orders DllTerc.
The Pacific Real Estate Co.
QBLc 3STe&jr 0JXtaJL
A. T. BRAKKE, Mgr.
The Oregon Land Co.
Where Property
Corner Third
Thompson & Boss
Carry a Full Line of
Choice Staple and Fancy
Give Us a Call and Be Convinced.
John 0. Dement.
Successor to W. E. Dement & Co.
Carries Complete Stocks of
Drugs and Druggists' Sundries.
IrrcrJpU8HS Carefully CmpmuAt.
Agent tot
Mexican Salve and
Norwegian File Cure
White Goods.
Plaid Sashes.
and Buttons.
; T2DI
-1 "fifr!
It requires no breaking ia. - Mo
. uf
Astoria, Oregon.
Real Estate.
Is Left For Sale.
and Olney Sts.,
There ia no occasion for the Mat --"-
ous of our citizens to sead to TettSmdZ
San Francisco for ,?Cj
Custom-Made Clothf
As they can get Bettor Fits. Better Was.
manship, and for less Moaej Bm
By leaving their Orders wittlOLUfT
Mew Goods by M)0NNNHnNMr.
Call and see him and satisfy youestt
P. J. Meany. jjltiwllaiu!..
(v it Hiit
.iBijjjjjBjjjBiBiBaafe A
Km Claw UndertSSi C
NewStvlea.nsira'tajr .--
Next to ASTosiAir oMea.
i- i
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