The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, July 14, 1889, Page 3, Image 3

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..JULY 14. 18S9.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
Astorian Building, - - Cass Street.
Terms of Subscription.
Served by Carrier, per week 15 cts
bent by Mail, per month......... w cts
" " " one year. $7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The Astorian guarantees to Its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
County court meets to-morrow.
This is a great year for small fruit.
Salem is talking of starting a corset
There will be Divine services in
the city 'churches to-day.
Stages connect with street cars
Alderbrook this afternoon.
Senator John H. Mitchell
pected down here this week.
The steam ship Idaho arrived from
Sitka and way ports yesterday.
The O. R. & N. Co. expects to have
three tugs on the bar by the close of
next month.
The Jacksonville jail was destroyed
by fire last Friday, and three prison
ers suffocated.
This is good picnic weather,
large number of visitors were in
city yesterday.
This time it is Fresno, California,
that fills the daily record of disastr
ous fires on the Pacific coast.
The Oen. Canby will leave here at
830 this morning, on an excursion to
the forts, Hwaco and Nacottah.
Astoria is getting considerable ad
vertising at present, but not one
tenth as much as she should get.
At Wallula, last Friday; girl; coal
oil can; started fire; as usual; burned
house; burned girl; funeral to-day.
Astoria real estate is in demaud.
Let those now sell who never sold be
fore, and those who always sold now
sell the more.
Streams in the interior are unusu
ally low. The Lewis river is so low
that the steamer Lucea Mason canuot
get to La Center.
This is a big day in French histery:
one hundred years ago, to-day, the
Bastile was taken, and the French
Revolution began.
On her hist trip up the Stale
brought the largest consignment of
freight she ever carried into the Colum
bia over 1,600 tous.
The T. J. Potter made her first trip
from Portland yesterday, arriving
here at 7:45 p. m., witli two hundred
passengers for the coast.
Streets and roofs are dry ngaiu.
Look out for fire. Remember Seattle,
Vancouver and Ellensburg. Eternal
vigilance is the price of safety from
Major T. J. Blakeney and Capt J.
W, White have located a site for an
other life saving station on the
weather beach, near L. A. Loomis'
Eastern Oregon papers say that that
section of the state has not experi
enced such a shortage in grain har
vests as the present for over thirty
Louie Cheminine, the OregoniaiVs
pressman, is in the city. He is the
wealthiest printer in the state. He
can go to any bank in Portland and
get $100 any day.
New potatoes are retailing at 75
cents a bushel. Southern Oregon
peaches, not quite so hard, sour and
green as California peaches, are in the
market at 8 Cents a pound.
The regular rush of over heated
mortals to the seaside has begun.
Our cool beach with its invigorating
air is a boon to thousands, and to the
sick and debilitated guarantees a new
lease of life.
ThPrft is a cood deal of counterfeit
monev in circulation on the coast, and
some Qf it has found its way into As
toria. Care is necessary in handling
silver four-bit pieces and gold five
dollar pieces.
A. V. R. Snyder, of The Dalles
Times-Mountaineer, talks of starting
a newspaper at Sheridan, Yamhill
Co. The Polk count' Itemizer says
he has bought an interest in the Polk
county Observe?'.
Two gentlemen on car No. 3, on the
Astoria street railway, yesterday gave
up their seats to two ladies and retired
to the platform, as the newspapers
say. having been crowded out to make
room for more lniereauuy luuua.
The Democratic collector of the port
at Gloucester, Mass., has resigned his
S4500 place, and asks to have his suc
cessor appointed forthwith He says
he did his level best to kill the Repub
lican party, and doesn't want to hold
office under a Republican adminis
tration. For the first six months of '88 there
were 80 business failures in Oregon,
with liabilities aggregating g,WJj.
For the firstrsix months of ? there
were 27 business failures in this state,
with liabilities aggregating yd,W,
amarked and agreeable improvement
over last year.
Last evening a man who is known
as Light House Nelson, was makinga
drunken disturbance on Second street,
when sheriff Smith attempted to ar
rest him, he resisted and struck him
some severe blows in the face, but
after a hard struggle he was taken to
'Hurrah for Astoria!" "The road
will be built," is what the majority of
the state newspapers say. And it
will sure. Even the doubting
Thomases will drop on this little fact
after a while. And it is not only for
Astoria's interest, but in the interest
of the whole state that it should be.
In the current number of the North
American Review, a writer on Alaska
says the timber resources of that ter
ritory are boundless, and that Alaska
would yield 57,000,000 feet of fine lum
ber. That is what a section of Clatsop
countv land would yield. The writer
ou Alaska in the Review is evidently
not very well posted.
For assured prosperity more is
needed than high real estate prices
and transfers of realty. Houses bnilt,
manufactures encouraged, property
placed in the market, and encourage
ment to would be investors, are among
the nrime requirements. A "boom
is not wanted so much as steady as
sured prosperous growth.
Griffin & Reed have an immense
stock of books on hand and have more
on the way. They have concluded to
dispose of' those now on hand at very
low figures. Take a look in their
window aud note prices. A bible,
usuallv sold for S18, you can buy for
S10. Full sets of Dicken's and Scott's
for S8 and S8.50. One dollar, gilt
edge poets for GO cents. Fifty cent
books for 33 cents, and others in pro
portion. Yesterday afternoon A. S. Reed, of
the firm of 'Griffin & Reed, and Tony
Meany, started on a fishing excursion
in a small skiff. They were quietly
sailing along when without a mo
ment's warning their frail craft cap
sized. Both men could be seen strug
gling to get on to the bottom of the
skill'. The steamer Electric backed
out from her dock and was fast steam
ing toward the men, who by this
time were astride the bottom of the
boat, from which they were taken off
by the Electrir aud brought ashore
nbne the worssi for their involuutary
Hostilities have begun be
tween the rival editors in Washington
county. Forbearance sometimes
ceases to be a virtue, and it U, often,
hard for a newspaper man to restrain
himself, but, after all, it is better all
around, better for the city, better for
the individual, better for the dignity
of the profession, to refrain from per
sonal or insulting rejoinder. Our
friend Jones and Flagg would do
better to make their papers vehicles
of pleasant news, mediums of aid for
the community than to wast time
and space and effort iu sayiug mean
tilings ulxmt each other. We
speak from experience, aud while in
variably emerging victorious, have
never yet got through with a personal
quarrel with another newspaper with
out a loss of self lespect that didn't
make up fur tlte questionable triumph.
Try out to get the best paper, pi
brethren, and let the other fellow do
the growling and the snarling, and
our word for it, you'll be better satis
fied and so will your patrons and the
Kelley U In Paris or Ireland.
Editor Asteriax:
In one of your locals in to-da''s is
sue, you state that Mr. Kelley, of Kel-
ley, Dunne ic (Jo., bet a suit of clothes,
It was not Mr. Kelley, but Mr.
Dunne, of the same firm.
Mr. Kelley is now in Paris, or Ire
land, or somewhere thereabonts.
Astoria, Or., July 13, 1889.
Hail The Day."
Work already commenced will con
tinue under some management until
denizens and freight from this valley
can reach Astoria by rail. Hail the
day. McMinnville Telephone-Register.
A Special Easiness Meeting
Of the Baptist church will be held at
130 p. jr., Snnday July 14th, 1889.
By order,
J. E. Higgins,
The drawing for lot No. 2, block 43,
Shively's Astoria, will take place on
to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock sharp, at
the rooms of Alert Hook and Ladder Co.,
(Van Dusen Building.) All holders of
tickets are invited to bo present.
Herman "Wise.
There will be a fine chicken dinner
and a dainty dessert at the Vienna
restaurant to-day.
Chicken Riuncr.
Twenty-five cents, at the Astor House
Riittcrick'S .Patterns.
Parker & Hanson are the Astoria
agents of the Butlerick Publishing Co.'s
patterns, and are now prepared to fur
nish them. Catalogues can be had on
Coffee and cake, ten ppnts.
Central Kestaurant.
at the
A good nurse girl. One with expe
rience. Apply at tho Occident hotel,
Room 9.
The Main Street H'-use affords good
accommodations at SI per day. Regu
lar boarders, Singlo Rooms, 5.50 per
week. Two persons occupying one
room, $5 per week. Day board, per
week, $4.
Tender, Juicy Steak at Jeff's.
Specials to The Astorian.
Latest News Prom Various Sources-
Portland, July 13. The building
of the new O. B. & N. tug is progress
ing very rapidly at present. The
frame work is all up, and planking of
the hull has been commenced. At
the present rate of working the con
tractor will have the vessel completed
two weeks before the contract calls for
it, in which case he will make $240,
as according to the terms he is to re
ceive 820 per diem for every day inter
vening between completion and the
expiration of the contract.
The steam schooner Alliance is
now about ready to start again for bus
iness and in a few days, sometime be
tween Monday and the 20th, she will
make her first trip. Since her collis
ion with the Danube she has been
thoroughly overhauled, and is clean
and neat; new masts have been put
in and she is provided with air tight
compartments, so that should another
collision occur she will not be likely
to sink.
Elmer Swan and Peter Boyd, the
two young men who were thrown
from the narrow gauge trestle on
Thursday and came so near being in
stantly killed are at the Portland hos
pital. Swan is pretty badly hurt
about the head: the upper jaw is all
smashed up and both eyes are pretty
dangerously cut. His whole face is
swollen and discolored beyond recog
nition. Boyd is in "a far more critical
condition than his companion. His
legs are both broken and it is feared
that he is ruptured internally. The
attending physioians do not enter
tain much hope oL his recovery, he
does not complain to any great extent
and says he is used to pain.
Jno. Wyland who was hurt at the
big hotel yesterday afternoon is get
ting along all right, his skull was
severly injured, but concussion of the
brain will not result.
recruiting detail.
Washington, July 13. The 'follow
ing detail for the recruiting service of
army for the year commencing Octo
ber next is announced to-day at the
war department: Lieutenant-.Colonel
William H. Jordan, Nineteenth In
fantry, to command the depot at Co
lumbus Barracks, Ohio, relieving Ma
jor William Kellogg of the Nineteenth
Infantry; Lieutenaut Daingerfield
Parker, Twentieth Infantry, to com
mand the depot at David's Island,
New York harbor, relieving Lieutenant-Colonel
Frederick Mears of the
Fourth Infantary; Major Reuben B.
Bernard, Eighth Cavalry, to command
the depot at Jefferson Barracks, Mo.,
relieving Major David Perry of the
Sixth Cavalry. The officers relieved
will join their respective regiments.
Washington, July 13. Secretary
Tracy has written a letter to Jin Fuey
Moy, at Philadelphia, informing him
that no certmcates are issnea by the
government to Chinese persons re
siding in the United States who may
intend visiting China and thereafter
returning to the United States, and
that if he is not a Chinese laborer he
will bo entitled to reenter the United
States on satisfying the collector of
customs at the port where he enters
upon that point.
"Washington, July 13. Tho secre
tary of the interior has received a
long letter from the Sioux Indian
commission giving an account of the
progress of negotiations aud predict
ing that a large majority of the In
dians will sign the treaty and accept
the terms.
Washington, July 13. Colonel
Thomas A. McParlan, surgeon, was
placed on the retired list of the army
to-day by direction of the acting sec
retary of war. Dr. McParlin was
brevetted brigadier-general in 1866 for
his services in New Orleans during
the prevalence of the yellow fever
Washington, July 13. The findings
iu the court-martial of Lieutenant
Henry G. Ellsworth of the marine
corps have been received at the navy
department arid approved, Hfihas
been sentenced to suspension 'Irom
rank for a yearj retaining his present
number during that period, and to a
public reprimand, He was charged
with falsehood and scandalous con
duct The sentence dates from April
22nd last.
New York, July 13 Calvin S.
Brice, chairman of the national Dem
ocratic committee, denies that there
is any truth in the charges that Cleve
land's administration aided Hippolyte
in his Haytian struggle, because ho
(Brice) and other Democrats high in
position were intere3ted in contra
band trade. Brice also denies that he
was interested in such trade.
A Safe Investment.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
you satisfactory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can buy from our ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It is
guaranteed to bring relief in every case
when used for any affection of Throat,
Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, In
flammation of Lungs, Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc.
It is pleasant and agreeable to taste,
perfectly safe, and can always be de
pended upon.
Trial bottles free at .1. W. Conn's Drug
The Paris Tailor
Has just received the most elegant
Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings.
Don't miss going to see him. He turns
out Elegant Fits, and sells very cheap.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodman's.
C. B. Allen, was up from Fort Can
by yesterday.
Gracie and Chester Fox are visiting
relatives in the city.
Hon. T. A. McBride is climbing to
the top of Mt. St. Helens.
S! Arndt returned from a business
trip to Portland yesterday.
Mrs. J. W. Gearhart returned from
a trip to Portland yesterday.
E. A. Seeley came down on the
Telephone last evening and went to
the coast.
Geo. W. McLean and C. H. Stock
ton returned yesterday from Portland
where they had been in attendance at
the Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W.
A Heroine of the Seattle Fire.
Miss Lou Root, of Seattle, at
present visiting friends in this city,
displayed considerable pluck and
bravery coupled with presence of
mind on the occasion of the recent
great fire at Seattle.
Her father, Dr. Orrin Root, had an
office in the Yesler building. He
was absent from the city, and when
the fire was within a block of her fa
ther's office Miss Lou having secured
the sen-ices of a faithful expressman,
forced her way throught a seething
mass of terrified humanity, gained
access to her father's office, secured
her father's most valuable papers,
books, etc., and amid the roar of the
fast approaching flames, and the din
of houses being blown up with dyna
mite, surrounded by Hying cinders
and falling firebrands "and almost
borne from her feet by the rushing
crowd, she succeeded iu saving the
most of her father s property.
Such courage on the part of avouncr
giu, w mo imusL oi real uanger, is an
exploit worthy of mention, showing a
brave determination that inanv an
older person might well be proud of.
Astoria Should he Advertised.
The immigration rooms are now
daily visited by from seventy-five to
two hundred people per day, or on an
average of 4,500 per month. Four
clerks besides secretary W. R. Struble,
are kept busy attending to the busi
ness of receiving aud answeriug corre
spondence and mailing literature.
One young lady is employed all the
time writing addresses from direc
tories of the large eastern oities. One
pamphlet received by the board con
tains the names and addresses of 20,
000 of the wealthiest citizens of Bos
ton. Of this list a large number of
addresses have been taken. It is ex
pected that this fall tho immigration
will be very heavy, as those who are
now coming say that in the east all
that is talked about, with the excep
tion of the Sullivan-Kilrain fight, is
Oregon. Evening Telegram, V2.
Two Fishing Hems.
The wheels at tho Cascades have
given up fishing, except- a scow wheel
or two, whlclj are not catching enough
fish to make axle grease.
Fish commissioner Thompson has
figured it out that the salmon pack on
the lower Columbia for the season to
date amounts to 200,000 cases, a short
age of 6Q,Q0O oases compared with the
same time last year. Oregonian.
Merit Wins.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
we have been selling Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's
New Life Pills, Bucklen's Arnica Salve
and Electric Bitters, and have never
handled remedies that sell as well, or
that have given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee
them every time, and we stand ready to
refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use.
These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merit's. .1.
W. Conn, Druggist.
VeI11I1arus isccz.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone
loon, 5 cents.
lt you want to have a fine suit of
clothes go to the Paris Tailor. He can
make the best fitting suits and sells the
Don't buy any clothing, but go at
once to the Pans Tailor first. He keeps
the finest selections at the cheapest
prices, and turns out tho best work in
Uleals CooKert to order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Stokes'. p
Toleifhuiieijoiiximr House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per, night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Combines the juice of the Blue Figs of
California, so laxative and nutritious,
with the medicinal virtues of plants
known to be most beneficial to the
human system, forming the ONLY PER
FECT REMEDY to act gently yet
promptly on the
Cleanse the System Effectually,
Naturally follow.- Every one is using it
nd all are delighted with it. Ask your
druggist for SYRUP OF FIGS. Manu
factured only by the
San Francisco, Cal.
.tm.y ssssm.
New and Seasonable
Venetian Stripes,
French Lawns,
Margate Piques,
Figured Piques,
Persian Lawns,
Cable Cords,
French Batiste,
l. H
Leading Dry Goods and G
Ho for TJeJeasiie!
Free Camping Grounds ai Austin's.
There is an abundance of clams, crabs,
trout, oysters and all kinds of salt and fresh
water lish.
Good safe Sea Lathing, fresh air and the
best hunting gi omuls in America.
Campers and visitors can find at my store
everything they require In the way of an
outfit and provisions.
A first class bar and billiard table are
connected with my establishment.
Hoard from $7 to $0 per weok.
For p:utinilars call on or address
Store, Seaside. Oregon.
Austin's is open the year round.
Prices of Lumber.
On and after this date, until further no
tice, we will furnish lumber at the Mill, at
the following prices :
Hough Lumber. ? 8 per M ft.
Flooring and ltustl? ?15 " "
Astoria, April 10, '89.
Astoria Real Estate Co.
Office First Door South of the Odd Fellows Building
Offer for Sale on Reasonable Terms, Several Lots of City
and Farm Property.
And will do a General Commission and Brokerage Business. Persons living at
a distance can rely upon having any Order for the Purchase or Sale of Properties
intrusted to our care, promptly and faithfully attended to.
J. H. D. CRAY, Manager. E. C. LEWIS, Secretary.
Morgan & Sherman
And Dealers In
Special Attention CIvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered in any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
Inllume'sNew Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 37.
All the patent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc.. can
e bought at the lowpst prices, at J. W.
Conn's druc store, opposite OcMdent
hotel, Astoria
Cannery Snpta!
3 S
KoMer & Chase Music House,
BROTHERS, lvers & Pond
and J. C. & Fischer Pianos,
Mason & Hamlin and A. B.
Chase Co.'s Organs.
Wilte for Catalogue and Prices.
71 Morrison St., PORTLAND, OR.
Sheet Music and Merchandise Dep't Separate.
B. W. FISCHER, Proprietor.
Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc.
New Goods Received Dally,
Opposite City Book Store.
Astoria Gallery.
Or any Kind of Photographic "Work,
Call at the
Good "Work and Reasonable Prices
(Successors to H. 9. Shuster.)
Jeweler. XP
rtment ! !
4 t 1. -
French Danitp
Oorded Piques,
Victoria Lawns,
Ferdinand Cloth,
Indian Demity,
Bishops Lawn, -Welt
Pique, ::
Embroidered Swiss.
All Holders of Tickets are hereby noti
fied that the Drawing of
Lot No. 2, Block 43
Will take place on the
1 5th Inst.
At a Hall to he named in the local col
umns ol this Taper, in due time.
The Reliable Dealer
In Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods,
Trunks, Yalises, Boots, Shoes, Etc.
.Occident Hotel B ing.
Still on Hani