t ?Iw $aity gMau. ASTORIA, OREGON: TUESDAY. ..JUNE J. 1K9. ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.); J. P. HALLORAN ti COMPANY. Publishers and Proprietors, AMamjnmcn.pn.-a. . CassStuket. Ttrmi crSnbscrlptloa. Served by Carrier, per week... is cn Srnt by Mall, per month m. qu " ' " one year. $TW Free or postage to subscribers. Tub Astoria- guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation ot any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The Fourth of July programme pub lished elsewhere is official and correct. The Astoria base ball club will go to Cathlamet neit Sunday and play a gamo with the club there. The Chicago comedy company will commence a week's engagement at the opera house nest Monday. The German bark Solide finishes loading lumber to-day for Iquiqui. She takes G80 M. feet lumber. At sheriff's sale yesterday A. J. Swahn bought E. Papmahl's timber claim on Lewis and Clarke divide, for Slay Sullivan a cypnan was fined S3 and costs before judge May yos terday for assault and battery on an other unfortunate. Henry Tillard will be in Portland June loth. His advent in that city is not unanimously viewed as the second coming of the Savior. Matt Mikkoli was arrested yester day on a charge of tearing down a fence. He will be tried in the justice court at 3 o'clock to-day. N. Clinton yesterday finished driv ing piles for a dock at Skipanon for D. K. "Warren. A good road has been built from the dock to the railroad. Increasing acreage undercultivation by Chinese gardeners in this vicinity, year by year, mnkes it less necessary to depend on California for vegetables bv steamer. The weather report for Astoria for May is as follews: Mean tempera ture, 57.6'; highest, 82 on the 19th; lowest, 45, on the 7th; rainfall, for month, 3.0G inches. The cut in the American Net and Twine Co.'s ad. was drawn and elec trotyped especially for The Astoria. It Bhows on a scale the true taper and is mathematically exact. A boy named Potter working at the Clatsop mill met with a severe acci dent yesterday, his hand coming in contact with one of the saws, occasion ing tho loss of two of his fingers. In the police court yesterday, before Judge C. H. Page, Fred Emerson for feited 82 for being drunk. Chris Dee and Jack Williams forfeited 85 each for fighting in the public streets W. W. Oilman was arrested yester day morning on a charge of selling Little Havana lottery tickets of Scat tie. He will be tried before justice May next Friday morning, meantime he Innjniishes in jail in default of 850 bail. N Clinton, Jr. while working on the pile driver severely bruised his right hand with a clutch" bar at Skip anon Saturday last. He was brought to town and his hand was found to be in a very bad condition, inflammation having set in. Alonzo Swartz defends himself for putting catfish in the Pudding river. All right Swartzy, old boy. What's your opinion of n neighbor of yours on Pudding river, who would raise a fine crop of thistles? Would vou be in terested? Sabe? "I wantBilley Jellings to have all I possess," said Chas. Freeman of San Francisco recently. Next day he died, intestate. The public administrator took.possession, Billy Jellings sued, got judgment, and now has 824,000 that Freeman had. Secretary E. C. Holden was collect ing yesterday the assessments on rail road stock, collecting upwards of $3, 500. The rapid advancement of tho work and tho favorable outlook aids him materially in his duties, as almost all the subscribers to the stock natur ally feel encouraged and respond when culled on. .TheS.L.of A.O. U. W. have un dergone a reorganization. The '"su preme" insurance feature has been abandoned and the order divorced from the subordinate lodge. Persons do not have to belong to the A. O. U. W. in order to join it. The name ot the order has been changed to Select Knights of America. Councilman Fox, who recently re turned from a pleasant visit to old friends in Victoria, B. C, says that there is very little talk there about probable "war" over the Alaska fisher ies, and that the British squadron simply went upjta Alaskan waters on a summer cruise, the same as it would go to Honolulu or Yladavistock, which is probably the case. The street committee met yesterday and opened the bids for the improve ment of Second street. They were as follews: R. R. Marion, dirt, 33 cents a yard; crossings, S168.50; L Berg man, Bergman & Co., 81, (their own property), awarded; Geo. Hill, 81, (his own property), awarded; Ross & Wirt, dirt 33 cents; crossings, 8170; side walks and street, S7G per lot. Geo. HilL dirt 33 cents; planking, 876 per let: crossings, 8169.50. Tho contracts were awarded jointly to B. B. Marion and Geo. HilL The figuring was pretty close. A good story is told about a man who has twelve acres of land in Se attle to sell. He askod 8850 per acre and finally found n purchaser at that figure. His wife, however, refused to sign the deed, and the sale was off. Then he offered the land for 81,000 an acre and agaiu a purchaser was found, and again the good wife exeroised hor royal prerogative and refused to sign the deed. The property is now for sale at $20,000 for the twelve acres. Fortunate is tho man who possesses a wife who knows how to sign deeds judiciously. Lincoln Parker came in last even ing and reported to coroner Surprenant the discovery of tho remains of a man on the Nehalem divide, between the seven and eight mile posts last Satur day. The body was so- badly decom posed that it was impossible to ident ify it in any way. In the pocket3 were a piece of candle, a bunch of matches, a piece of tobacco and a knife. The body was lying by the ashes of a camp fire, and from appearances it seemed as though the unfortunate man was lost and died of starvation nnd ex posure. Coroner Surprenant directed that the remains be buried where found. STEEI. BAILS OBDiEED. Far the AitorU aid Sth Coit Bold. Yesterday the rails for thirteen miles of tne Astoria and South Coast rail road were ordered. Secretary Holden made a payment of ten thousand dollars, cash. The steel rails are bought in Chica ge: they cost 84C.40 a ton laid down in Astoria. It takes 64 tons to the mile: 13 miles would, therefore, take 832 tons, which at 846.40 a ton would amount to 838. G04.80. Shipments of tho rails will be im mediately begun: they will be deliv ered at the O. R iN. dock, and taken down as fast as required. PERSONAL MENTION. C. A Qetchell is in town. City attorney Noland is in Portland. E. C. Crow, of Knappa, is in the city. C. W. Fulton went to Portland last night. J. A. Montgomery goes to the Wil lapa for the summer. Alf. D. Bowen, editor of the Pacific Journal is in the city. A. It. Kanaga and wifo have turned from Oysterville. re- County clerk Trenchant goes to Portland this morning. Mrs. Isaac Miller and Miss Lena Miller have returned to Salem. Mrs. Jus. Fox, of Port Towusend, has entirely recovered her health. K. A. and E. G. Loomis, of Ocean View came up on the Uanby yes terday. Miss Lou Bunn ot Tillamook came over on the Augusta, Sunday nnd went to the Seaside to spend the sum mer. - Alex."Qilbert and family went to California last night: his oldest daugh ter graduates at Oakland. Cal. next Friday. Fourth ofJaljr Programme. Sunrise, 4:17 a. m., Salute, 13 guns. 10 a. u., Grand Parade. 11 a. M., Exercises. 12, National salute, 33 guns. 12 to 1 p. ir.: Lunch. 1 p. m. : Bicycle Race, along Sec ond and First streets, we3t. 1 siU p. ir. : 1 at Men's Kiev, up Main street. 2 p.m.: 100 Yard Foot Hace, on Third street, east from Cass. Jill) p. m.- Tender liace, on Water street. 3 p. m. 200 Yard Foot Race, on Water street, running east. 330 p. ir,: Fishing Boat Race from Flavel's dock. 4 p. m.: Boys (under 12) Foot Race, 150 yards, west on Second street. 4iJ0 P. m. : Whitehall Boat Race from Flavel's dock. 5 p. si.: Krews of Komos Parade. 6:30 p. m.: Walking Tight Rope. 7 p.m.: Exhibition Drill Co. "H," 9 p. m.: Fireworks on the River. O. N, O. 7:50 P. ir.: Sunset Salute, 13 guns. Notice. No hose shall be used for sprinkling side walks or for watenng gardens or lawns. No person will be allowed to carry water from any pipe connected to our mains. For the use of water in the above manner requires a special contract. Anyone using the water as men tioned will have their services closed without further notice from the Co. Jab. W. Wixch", Supt. C. W. Co. Notice. The members of Astor Lodge No. 6, K. of P. aro requested to be present at their Castle hall on Wednesday evening, June 5th as there will be business of great importance to come up liefore the lodge. Ava. Daxielsok, C C W. L. Robb, K. ot B, and S. Aud the Old Horse Up and Died. Reed's addition to Tacoma is now worth S250.000. Not manv years since the owner swapped it for an old horse. Salem atalesinan, 1. Leave orders early to-day, for Straw- Dernes ny inn case at Astoria lirocery and Canned Fruit company; old 1. X. ij. corner. Ludlow's LadicV Srt.00 Fine Shoes; also Flexible Hand turned French Kids, ai r. ,1. UOGDMANS. Stores nnd Ranges. Cheaper than ever, at John A. gomery'S. Mont aieald Cooned to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families : at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. TWO COLUMNS OF NEWS Squeezed Into One Column of Space. Tho fruit on the delayed Oregon was not in very good shape when it arrived. City auditor Jewett is sick: L. E. Seltg is in his place, tem porarily. H. Wise yesterday moved to his new residence, formerly the property of pilot Staples. The sum mer cars do a good business these days. Astoria is the best town in thestato for lokulitems. There was a good lecture at Rescue hall last night, enjoyed and appreciated by all present. C. B. Watson has a large law practice at Ashland. The Idaho came in Sunday evening and whooped and tooted all the way from Ft Stev ens to the dock. Capt. W. H. Whit comb is rushing rock down the river at a great rate. Capt W.P.Whit comb is in command of the Edith. The new government vessel Geo. H. Mendell is a goer from a way back. She develops a high rate of speed. She cost 823,000 and is a fine boat The Oen. Miles is off lor Shoalwater bay. The Alliance will shortly have her repairs completed. The Fourth of July committee have announced their programme. We will have a big time on the Fourth. Anyone who can think of "something new" should sug gest it to the committee. Mr. Frank Bewley will read the defiance to Bang Geo. IIL The Dalles wants Hon. C. W. Fulton to orate, but he will speak in Astoria this time. There are large numbers of squatters on some of the unsurveyed lands south of the Ne halem. City Assesor Dickinson has completed the city assessment roll for the current year. Large numbers of Portland people are preparing to go to the Seaside. What's the matter with Casey? Ben Woraley caught 278 trout last Sunday. Willamette valley base ball, 90 to 62: as a base ball match a failure, but as a sprint ing match a brilliant Buccess. Edgar Smith is in town canvassing for B. L. Polk & Co.'s gazetteer. Only one month to the Feurth: get your bunting ready. Last Sunday "was the hottest day felt in Astoria for sev eral years. And still traps are being driven: in some places one can walk without getting their feet wet The banks did a lively business yesterday: two holidays, Saturday and Sunday, piling work up. Capt Hustler is pol ishing up his big cannon for tho Fourth. The mails are doing better of late in punctuality. Money now is worth eight per cent A passenger train on the Astoria and South Coast road would have full cars this morn ing. The Winona is on the beach at Amdt & Ferchen's being overhauled. The trees in custom house square give promise of vigorous growth. Large quantities of . hay are being brought to town. There is a lull in the business of filing on timber claims. The streets are getting dusty. Mail carrier Rich will launch his new boat on Lewis aud Clake's next week. Pile driving at the government work at the moutu of the river goes on with a rapidity that surprises all who see the celerity of the operation. No body knows yet who is to be appointed collector of the port The wells and springs on the hills are giving eut: dry weather and considerable grading and cutting away, tho principal rea sons, particularly the latter. Work goes right ahead on the Astoria and South Coast read: a locomotive has been ordered. H. G. Smith thinks that forty squaro feet ot packing is a heap of packing for u retort Yesterday was a lively col lection day. People like to water their lawns and gardens; water .wt money. The new telegraph lino 'tween here and Portland will be a' big im provementThe Fourth of July com mittee are very busy.--The business outlook is brighter to ther man who has had his windows washed. Large quantities of earth are being hauled on Second, Third .and Benton streets. Rev. Mr. Grannis will send the cracked bell back to the -foundry. Two Astoria men have a good thing on timber land near tho mouth of the Sautiam, and will open that river to loggers'. The "Vigor of TifeM Concert Co., is tho latest fake.. They sing well and 1)16038 the crowd. Several city sidewalks badly need repairing. M. Nowlen subscribed 81,000 to the railroad fund yesterday Spokane is pronounced as it is spoken. As yet no date has- been" assigned for the next meeting or tournament ot the Northwestern firemen's association. There was a brisk breeze on the bay yesterday, and the white caps rolled and tumbled in emulation of the outside ocean. A combination is re ported among the contractors to charge not les&than 83 cents a yard for filling street work with earth, a raise of 8 cents from the old price. The Memorial day celebration cost Cushing Post No. 14, G. A. R. 8100.40. Book agents abound, and peddlers are numerous. The A. O. ot It, have sold their handsome silk flag to the G. A. It, for 825: it cost 8110. Big Ore son cherries and biu Oregon straw- Jjperries are in the market The grad ers nave crosseu aapanon orees, aiiu still go marching on. Big change in tho temperature since Sunday, wnen the official record of the thermometer was 87. Chinese with certificates from Astoria are trying tcrcome in as "merchants" returning to San Fran cisco. The Telephone an&Thompson bring down considerable salmon. They also bring back salmon to some of the up river canneries. Good many real estate transactions made with requests "not to publish," prin ciDallv Michigan men who are gather ing in timber claims irom tuose wno have filed and just proved up. Asto ria has the grandest climate in the United States. J. G. Megler sub scribed S500 to the railroad fund yes terday. Some small salmon are being caught There's a big lot of money gone out of Astoria for timber land this summer. Railroad building is rushing right ahead. Seaside prop erty is at a premium. Sells' circus wont sell Astorians this season. Sen ator Mitchell and J. B. Montgomery dined with president Harrison last Saturday. Coffee and" cake, Central Restaurant ten cents, at the Go'to Jeff's for Oysters. THE MISSING BOAT. Nothing Definite Learned as Tet. Harrison Bristow returned from s ports that a life boat of the wrecked steamer Alaskan was found on the beach, south of Florence, with three Holes stove m her. It is probably tho missing boat, as the current would have carried the boat, that was aban doned at Uapo .f erpetua north instead of south. If it proves to be the miss ing boat, tho seamen who left the AlasJcan. in her have found a watery grave. Wreckage was coming ashore near .Florence. One party picked up a bureau intact, and several doors had been secured. A.ugene uity uuara, June 1. Upon clipping out the above, an Astobiax rerjorter interviewed CaDt. Howes who said: "It may be the missing boat, or it may be the one that had its bow stove in when it was launched. There were four boats launched, and one of them with two men in it, had its bow smashed. The two men jumped into another boat, and the injured one was sent adrift to Keep it from jamming against the others, which had not yet been cast off." Since the above was in type, the uregoman is received with tne roi lewing: Captain J. J. Winaat of the steamer Mischief, writing from Empire City un der date of May 30, says, regarding the smiting ot tne steamer Alaskan: There is a boat lying on the beach about two or three miles north of Em pire Citv whioh is thought to be one of those belonging to the lost steamer Alas- Kan, it is a wooden boat lap-streaked, copper fastened, with the bow broken eff: and it is probably the one that was stove in in launching From this it would appear that the boat reported by Bristow to the Eugene City Guard is the missing boat, and that her luckless occupants must have perished. SETEBAL bids received. And Referred For More Examination. Yesterday evening the bids wero opened for material and labor for the work of pile trestle between the chan nel nnd west shore ot Young's bay, ior me Dnage oi ine Astoria anu South coast railway company. The material comprises 1,430 piles from 30 to 50 feet leng: 575 M feet trestle timber, and necessary labor. There were thirteen bids in all, as fnllnwa. T. HKnltAnla Clln11i Vt7 fP . T E. Smith, Portland; N. Clinton"& Son,' Astoria; J. M. Levens, Portland; Ho- gan s xoung. Jfortiand : Ji A. Web ster, Portland; E. A. Whitney, Albina; Clatsop Mill Co., Astoria; San Fran cisco Bridge Co., San Francisco; Thos. G. Davidson, East Portland; Colum bia River Lumber and Manufacturing Co., Skamokawa; Paquet & Smith, East Portland. Some of the bids were for the whole work; some for timbers, some for the piles, some for driving the piles. They were all referred to chief en gineer Thielson, to bo examined and graded, with authority to let the con tract or contracts ta the lowest re sponsible bidder or bidders. it is roughly estimated that the work comprised in tho contracts will cost between 818,000 nnd 819,000. i A Fortnnnte Drnsgint. Mr. Edwin W. Joy a prosperous druggist on the corner of Stockton and Market ttreota, In San Francisco, probably never dreamed of rivaling In wealth the medi cine Lings ot the country. But various rumors baring been floating around to the effect that he has struck It big, an Examiner reporter was detailed to uuearth the cause. It seems that about seven years ago an English physician, a great student of Bot any, located in this city. UIs practice was ilot extensive, and yet the few cases that came to him attracted no little atten atten teon: Ills great success seemed to be In tho treatment of liver and kidney disorders and Yitlated blood. Ho seemed almost Infallible, and his well-kept secret was as much amystery as him self, j After his de parture Mr. Joy determined to fathom tho secret, and copying all the inscriptions he had filled for tho erratic doctor, ho began a systematic analysis. lie discov ered running all through the prescript Ions for liver and kidney troubles, vitiated blood and stomach disorders a couple of vcgetabloextracts Indigenous to California so simple and so well known under home ly eTery day names to every school boy as to entirely dissipate the suspicion that they were the active principles Involved So certain, however, was Mr. Joy that he bad discovered the secret that ho embod ied the new elements in a preparation of Sarsaparllla to disguise the taste, and put It before his customers under the modest name of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparllla. Im mediately the -same stories came back of Its astonishing effects, and tho my stery was solved," and the talk It has crcatedha3 already caused It to step Into prominence, and orders pour in dally Irom all over tho toast And thus another California Indus try leaps into existence. .1 '. Etamintr. SU1D AND STB11YBEKB1KS. When the angels made shad The devil was mad, For it seemed such a feast of delight; So to run the schema He jumped in the stream And stuck in the bones out of spite. When the strawberry red First illumined its bed, The angels looked down and were glad: But the devil, 'tis said, Fairly pounded his head, lor lie a nsea an his bones on the shad. THE LADIES DELIMITED. The pleasant effect and the perfect safety with which ladies may use tho liquid fruit laxative, Syrup ot Figs, un der all conditions make it their favorite remedy. It is pleasing to the eye and to the taste, gentle, yet effectual in acting on the kidneys, liver and bowels. flood Stoves, cheap as the cheapest JoirS A. MONTGOMERY- The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodmah'!. CliililreiiCryfP!tcj6fsCg.(!ri3 White New and Seasonable India Linens, Venetian Stripes, French Lawns, Margate Piques, Figured Piques, Persian Lawns, Cable Cords, French Batiste, Checked Swiss. Leading Dry Goods and Clothing A 1-4 Section -OF- Timber Land Is much harder to get than a chanoe iu Lot No. 2, BlocRNo. 43, Shively's Astoria. To secure the former you Must first locate your claim, file on it and pav $500 Gold Coin! While you need simply to buy 10 worth of goods of HERMAN WISE in order to get a chance in the lot; and what will please you more, I can show you such an immense assortment of Frotty Tilings And sell them to you so low that you will he Avondering why you haven't put on a little more style long ago. I profit by the mistakes of my high priced clothing friends, profiting by the great amount of goods I sell rather than by holding fast to high prices; Avhile you will profit by trading with a man who believes in quick sales and small profits. HERMAN WISE, The reliable dealer in Clothing, Hats, Furnishing Goods, Boots, Shoes, etc. 13 the Occident Hotel Building. Goods Department!! IN CO CO co S R tXQn O o CO OB CO CO H. COOPER THE Seaside Boarding. Parties desiring Good Board and Clean, Comfortable Lodging at Reasonable Terms, can be accommodated at Mrs. May Ross' Private Boarding House, Three blocks below Grimes' ISriitgo, Sea side, Oregou. 4Watchmaker Astoria Gallery. FOU THE BEST PHOTOS, TINTYPES Or any Kind ot Photographic "Work, Call at the ASTORIA GALLERY, Good Work and Reasonable Trices Guaranteed. Mlssos XX.&. Z. CARRUTHERS, (Successors to H. S. Shuster.) JX Jeweler. f Take As a Memento of the Opening of " The Red Front Store." "We WiU Give to Every Girl or Boy a Knit Jersey Cap. .Call and Get One at The Front Second Building Goods French Danity, Corded Piques, EnglishNamsook Victoria Lawns, ' Ferdinand Cloth, Indian Demity, Bishops Lawn, Welt Pique, Embroidered Swiss. House of Astoria. Morgan & Sherman GROOEES And Dealers In Gaiifleryjnrties! Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered in any part ot the city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. r. O. Box 153. Telephone No. SI. ASTORIA, OREGON. Carnahaii & Co.. SUCCESSOlia TO T. W. CASE, 1MPORTKIW AND WHOI.ESAI.K AND HKTAII. DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE. Corner Che namus and Cass streets. A3TCKIA OKEQOX from A, V. Allen's. One? Store.