The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, March 26, 1889, Image 3

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?hf Jatly gtotfatt.
-MARCH 2C. 1889.
(Monday excepted.)
Publishers and Proprietors,
a si-muix Building, - - Cass Street.
Term) of Subscription.
Sen ed b v Carrier, per week - 15 cts
.snt by Mall, per month........ 60 cts
" " ' one j ear... S7.00
Free of postage to subscribers.
The AsroitiAX guarantees to its adver
tisers the largest circulation of any newspa
per published on the Columbia river.
At Rosa' opera house.
Fred'k Wardein "The Mountebank."
The city council meets to-night.
Over 1,000 men go to the Alaska
salmon canneries this season.
A large delegation of Astorians
start for Alaska on tue laaito tc
Sheriff Smith and deputy Boelling
were busy yesterday handing out tax
Reserved seats at the New York
Novelty Store for to-nights per
formance. After next Monday anybody and
everybody can have a piece of Chi
nook salmon.
The British bark Fiern Cross has
on board just one breakfast for the
people of London.
The Terp3ichoreau society will
have a social dance at Liberty hall
next Thursday evening.
The spring fakirs and the summer
games are starting in early this sea
son. Two of them cleaned up about
S350 last vreek.
On Friday the 12th prox,the children
iu the public sohools in this state
must turn out and plant trees: that's
what the law says.
The American ship Indiana gets
818,000 for one cargo of lumber from
Port Discovery for Buenos Avres
1,200.000 feet at 15 per M.
The Augusta finally got away yes
terday merning: the Alliance arrived
in: the Oregon sails for San Francis
co at six o'clock this morning.
A little girl stransor arrived at the
residence of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Qros-
bauer yesterday and was tenderly
cared fer: she weighs nine pounds.
The A. Ji. Field arrived in yester
day afternoon. The M. E. Watson
goes to sea this morning; the JRolus
leaves Portland on Her way down
this A. M.
Geo. W. Hume yesterday sold to C.
W. Fulton and J. E. Dement 100 feet
square fronting on Third street, and
on Olney etreet, with the buildings
thereon, for 815,000.
The Oregon and Washington land
officials are about as hardworked at
present as any men outside ot the
newspaper offices or steamboati of
the state and territory.
Charles Pearson, second mate of
the steamer City of Pueblo, fell
down the hatchway of that vessel last
uunday at Seattle and sustained in
juries from which he died several
hours afterwards.
What a constant change goes ou in
tue newspaper world I it is said of
the editorial management of the
papers in Seattle and Tacoma, that
not one is now employed on them
that was there one year ago.
The Rev. G. L. Cole, corresponding
secretary ot tlie 1. P. M. A. for the
Pacific coast, will give an address at
tue M. is. cnurcb tins evening at a p,
it. on the workings of the orcaniza
tiou. A cordial invitation is extended
to all.
G. B. Marre, of San Francisco, ate
some alleged mushrooms last Tue3
nay, to show that they were sure
enough mushrooms. The fact that
he died on Thursday, however, leads
his friend? to believe that the facts
did not justify his faith.
Portland and Omaha capitalists
are making arrangements to build a
standard-gauge railroad from Uma
tilla, at the junction of tho Oregon
Short Line and tho Oregon Railway
and Navigation systems, northward
through Yakima valley to Prosser.
When it comes to killing rats,
Messrs. McCormick & Warren of the
As tor House have claims to the
championship. Last Saturday they
made a raid on an outhou?e near
that hostelry and killed twenty ro
dents out of a possible 24. Their
rule is to kill rats wherever thov find
A large number of Chehalis county
people are taking up timber claims in
Tillamook county. There appear to
be a good many mill hands among
the number. Of course they are get
ting this laud for themselves, and
have no intention of transferring their
certificates or receipts to any one
Tho people living at Sidney and
Dye's Inlet, near Port Orchard. W.
'1'., have bonded 3,500 acres of land
to the TJ- S., tho contract between
them and the naval commissioners
on behalf of the government having
been signed; the presumption being
that that site will bo recommended
for the proposed navy yard of the
Last Friday at Hoquiam, on Gray's
harbor, the Taooma, Olympia &
Gray's Harbor Railroad company
bought 21,000 acres ot land, the in
tention of the company being to
establish the terminus there. The
land was bought of Geo. H. Emerson,
and work upon the necessary im
provements and terminal facilities
will begin at once.
Seid Back, the Portland Chinese
contractor, is in trouble. Several of
his" countrymen contracted with him
-to go to Alaska to engage in the can
.nine of salmon, and after getting an
advance on their salaries they
skipped to the bills, preferring to
grsb stamps rather than remove the
sanguinary intestines from the finny
denizens of the Alaska coast
Worcester's dictionary is authority
for the following spellings, among
ethers: Ake, for ache; agast, for
aghast; anoy, for annoy; coud, for
could; delit, for delight; iland, for
island; rime, for rhyme; program, for
programme. Those who aro bound
to "go according to the dictionary"
will do well to take due notice and
govern themselves accordingly.
All hands agree that "there is no
accounting for tastes." People some
times aro found who appear to relish
all sorts of disagreeable or unusual
things, eatintr chalk, slate nennila.
uuui, eic, uui one ot ine most smgu
, : . . ., . r .
lar pnasea recently noted is that of
an instance where ashes is spread on
bread and eaten with as much relish
as folks usually exhibit over orthodox
bread and butter.
A new postal card is soon to be
put into circulation. It is very much
una a aouDie card. Xhe back fold is
split diagonally and opened like a
four-pointed star. The four corners
are folded and joined in the center
with a piece ot gummed paper. It
will contain no more writing space
than the present card. It weighs
less than half an ounce. The only
advantage"will be a greater privacy.
A Young's river chicken raiser says
lianas devised a way of preventing
chickens from scratching up his
garden. He crosses the long-legged
Brahamas with the short-legged
uaruams, anu me result is a new
breed of fowls with one long leg and
one short leg. When they raise
either leg to scratch they lose their
Daiance and come to grief. After a
few demoralizing attempts they
A contemporary thinks that the
phonograph will supercede the news
paper. Not much! Words live when
lips are silent, and nothing will ever
supercede the immortality accorded
by type and the press. These words
here hastily written and hurriedly
put in type and quickly uriuted will
live and breathe when all now living
shall have melted like streaks of
morning cloud into the illimitable
azure of eternity.
Last Sunday was a red-letter day
for the Astoria St Railwav conmanv.
Their new "summer cars" were on
the track for the first time, and were
well patronized by Astorians who al
ways believe in helping substantially
anything that has any get-up-and-got
to it. J.he cars are both useful and
ornamental aud present a very hand
some appearance. The road is going
right nhead, and will push ou to
Alderbrook and Tongue poiut and
westward to Smith's point as soon as
By a decision ot the supreme court
of California rendered laBt Saturday,
tho principle of law is laid down that
husbands and wives, in the privacy
ot their apartments, may say of each
other, or of anybody else, anything
they may choose. The judges of the
court aver that the relationship ot
husband and wife is ot such a charac
ter that in the seclusion of their own
home, whatever each may say to the
other, shall be regarded as having
been said each to himself or herself.
The husband and wife aro one. No
person, oven with his ear to the key
hole, and so hearing pomething said
disparaging of himself, can have any
cause of action, and don't you forget
Liverpool correspondence London
Grocer, says: The demand for sal
mon has slackened considerably,
and later arrivals are beinz stored.
The Wasdale has commenced to dis
charge, and the condition is satisfac
tory. When the cold weather has
passed we may expect a much better
inquiry, as grocers have only re
plenished exhausted stocks, and have
not generally bought tor tue spring
requirements. The red Alaska fish
appear to be preferred just now; but
no doubt the superior flavor of the
Columbia river salmon will again
soon assert itself, as it is well worth
the higher prices. Quotations aro
Columbia river flat tins 35s tall tins
30s to 31s; Alaska tall tins 26s 6d to
HM Lizzie Kline Again.
Home time ago a damsel was
brought before Justice May charged
with larceny of 860 from friends she
was visiting in this city. The evi
dence was straight; uo defense was
offered, and she was held to await the
action ot the grand jury. That body
indicted her, but she was allowed to
go free.
There was soma comment at the
time, but nothing published.
Last Sunday a Portland detective
came down and arrested her where
she was stopping at the Pioneer res
taurant, and took her up to Portland
Sunday night This time she is
charged with stealing some jewelry, a
watch and chain, a locket, and a ring.
All tho property was recovered exoept
the ring. The Astorian is in receipt
of a letter from her mother, whioh is,
for the present, withheld. Justice
should always be tempered with
mercy, but should not be wholly lost
sight of.
A Sinlar Occnrrence.
Ou Monday the 11th inst, two
men named Clausiu and Cuskie were
drowned from their boat in John
Day's river. Cuskie's body was re
covered next day. Yesterday J. O.
Adams was rowing by the spot, when
the body of the defdnot Clausiu at
that moment suddenly emerged from
the watery depths where it had lain.
It was a startling episode, but Adams
cooly tied a rope around the body,
towed it ashore and promptly noti
fied the coroner.
A cordial invitation is extended to
the ladies of Astoria and vicinity to at
tend the millinery opening at Sirs.
Derby's next F riday and Saturday.
The latest style of Gents' Boots and
Shoes at P. J. Goodmah's.
"Detroit" Water closets at J. A. Mont
gomery's. Stoves, cheaper
than ever at J. A.
Don't go to Portland when you want
a Water closet, or some Sewer pipe.
Try J. A. Montgomery.
Weinliard's Beer.
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, 5 cents.
Coffee and cake, ten cents, at the
Central Restaurant
Go f o Jeff's lor Oyster.
Tender, Jtiiey Steak at Jeff's,
Mrs. Clara Glenn leaves for Hills
boro to-morrow.
F. E. Stokes returned from San
Francisco yesterday,
The Bessie Butter is shipping her
crew and will cruise on the edges of
Behring sea.
W. E. Dement and family are in
San Diego, CaL, where they have
rented a house lor a year.
Miss May Phelps, of Galesburg,
His., who is visiting her cousin, Mrs.
W. W. Parker, will return to Califor
nia ou the next outgoing steamer.
Dr. G. J. Mill, of Yakima was in
the city last week, visiting his moth
er, Mrs. Dr. Owens-Adair, who is
still confined to her room by illness.
J. A. Deeds and wife, Mr. Cronin
and wife and two other men are go
ing down the Nehalem iu a canoe to
its mouth, an exciting and adven
turous trip.
O. W. Dunbar, late foreman in the
Pioneer office is now associated with
G. W. Snyder in the publication of
the Transcript. Both are practical
printers of ability and are experienced
newspaper men.
A. V.R.Snyder has resigned his
position as chief engineer of the
Astoria fare department, and goes to
The Dalles, where he will be asso
ciate editor of the Times-Mountain-
eer. Mr. Snyder has conducted the
Transcrivt in this citv over two
years with ability and success.
Fred'k Warde in "Virginias."
The mantle of McCullough seems
to have fallen on Fred'k Warde, who
at Ross' opera house last night gave
a rendition of "Virgmius" that was
thrillingly realistic.
In criticising a theatrical perform
ance, three things must be kept iu
view: the aotor, the publio, and just
All actors and actresses prefer hon
est expression of opinion, unbiased
and intelligent, and while a perform
ance may affect different persons in
as many different ways, whatever
genius or histrionic talent the actor
or actress may evince is entitled to
duo recognition.
In the case of Fred'k Warde and
his company, there is deserved just
and generous praise.
The play itself is a sombre one and
appeals to some of the deeper sensi
bilities of our nature. It is one
in which a little rant spoils all: where
a tendency to overdo is fatal to har
mony, and the nice understanding of
just how much manner was necessary
was one ot the most nleasinz elements
of last night's performance.
we would rank the interpretation
of the oharaoter of "Virginia" by Miss
Belgrade, as second only to that of
the leading and principal figure in
the drama, it being admirably con
ceived and expressed. Mr. Weaver is
13 a stranger to Astoria audiences,
but his manly figure and fine voice
gave the character of "Appius
Claudius" a vivid personality. The
rapid and indistinct utterances of Mr.
Hoyt as "Dentatus," and Mr. Hen
derson as "Icilius" detracted from
their otherwise passable rendition of
the characters assigned to them.
lo-nisht the company appears in
"Belphegor, the Mountebank," a
tragedy ot histrionic merit, and one
given for the first time in Astoria, af
fording an unusual opportunity to
lovers of good acting.
A Teamster's Experience.
Samuel Hinkley, recently from
Maine, had a tough bit of experience
in Portland last Thursday. He says :
"I am juBt out from Maine, coming
in company with John Brandsten,
whom I have known for a year, I got
to Portland Thursday morning at 3
o'clock and put up with my friend
at the International I had some
baggage and 870, the latter was in
my pants' pocket. We, my friend
and I. went out early in the morning
to see tho town, and struck a saloon
on First street near the north end,
about E or F street, I think someone
said, where there was a woman, the
proprietor ot the Baloon said Brand
sten had insulted the woman. There
was going to be a row I thought, so
to settle matters I asked all of them
to take a drink. I took a glass of
beer, and at once began to feel queer.
I thought at once that I had been
drugged, and ran out of the place
and started for the hotel. I got as
far is the stable when I felt my feet
leave me, and that is all I know, ex
cept I remember hearing some one
say get some blankets.'
"When I came to my senses I
found that all my money except 83.75
was gone, and also my baggage and
traveling partner, Brand3ten, was
missing. I brought him out and
paid all the bills. We had just got
tickets for Chehalis, where I was
going to work in a logging camp. I
am a toamster and have followed
that business in the east. I do not
like to think that Brandsten robbed
me, but I can't see how else I lost the
Imoney, as I had taken very little
New Life Savins Station.
Government affairs move very slow
ly. When in San Francisco last No.
vember, in answer to an inquiry about
muuow ana Baring station at i'ort
Stevens, Major Blakeney told the
writer he was in daily expectation of
plans and instructions regarding the
same from Washington; the whole
thing had then been officially decided
upon. Last Saturday the order was
finally given, and we may soon expect
that this important work will be un
der way. The buildings will be this
side of Ft Stevens, adjoining the
Kindred tract, will be first class, and
will cost 87,000.
It is very important in this age of vast
material progress that aremedy be pleas
ing to the taste and to tho eye, easily
taken, acceptable to the stomach and
healthy in its nature and effects. Possess
ing these qualities, Syrup of Figs is the
one perfect laxative and most gentle di
uretic known.
The "Improved" Matchless Gas Burn
er, at J. A. Montgomery's.
TelephoneliodKiHc House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
BO and 25 cts, per week 51 jo. New and
clean. Private entrance.
Meals Cooked to Order.
Private rooms for ladies and families:
at Central Restaurant, next to Foard &
Ludlow's Ladies' $3J Fine Shoes;
also Flexible Hand turned French Kids,
at P. J. GOODMAN'8.
i -
Geo. Noland and wife and Geo. A.
Dorris and wife to A. D. Ross, lots 8
and 9, blk 3, first addition to Ocean
Grove, 8100.
G. W. Sanborn and wife, J. G.
Megler and wife to Sam'l Elmore nnrl
A. J. Megler, undivided half two
hundred feet water front and tide
land between Hume & Blanchard and
W. S. Kinney nronertv. find nn.
divided half tract tide land easterly
half similarly located; $4,000.
C. Bradbury and wife to V. Berg
man, tract land Bees. 21 and 22, T. C
C. Bradbury and wife to J. H, Man
sell, tract land 27x200 feet, adjoining
miuamaon property, 33.
Alex. Campbell to Chas. A. Camp
bell, lot 10, blk 8, Clatsop Grove,
8100. .
J. E. Larsen to S. E. Harris, NE M
sec. 33, T. 7, N. R. 9 W., 81,000.
C. R. Thomson and wife to Mary
Rierson, strip land eight rods wide,
between Necanicum and Ohanna
creeks; S200.
M. Rogers and wife to V. Boelling,
tract land in sees. 21 and 22. T. 6. N..
R. 10 W.; 81,000. ' '
Alex. Campbell to Mary M. Gill, lot
3, blk 8, Clatsop Grove; 8100.
J. N. Mason and wife to-O. E. Os
good, S. NW , sec. 11, T. 7, N.,
R. 9 W.; S200.
C. W. Fulton, assignee Columbia
Packing Co., to J. O. Hanthorn, B. A.
Seaborg and D. Morgan, lots 4, 5, 6,
7, 8 and 9, blk 147, Shively's Astoria;
J. F. Ferchen and wife to Mrs. E.
R. Hawes, north 50 feet lots 7, 8. and
9, blk 20, Shively's Astoria; 81,150.
A. McPharland and wife to C. R.
Thomson, lots 3 and 5, blk 139, and
undivided one-fifth lots 2, 5, and 8,
blk 30, lot 5, blk 121, lot 5, blk 130,
and undivided half lot 1, blk 153,
McClure's Astoria, quitclaim deed,
How Men Die.
If we know all the methods of ap
proach adopted by an enemy we are
the better enabled to ward off the
danger and pospone the moment when
surrender becomes inevitable. In
many instances the inherent strength
of the body suffices to enable it to op
pose the tendency toward death.
Many however have lost these forces
to such an extent that there is little
or no help. In other cases a little
aid to the weakened Lungs will make
all tho difference between sudden
death and many years of useful life.
Upon the first symptoms of a Cough,
Cold or any trouble of the Throat or
Lungs, give that old and wollknown
remedy Boschee's German Syrup, a
earful trial. It will prove what
thousands say of it to be, the "bene
uctor of any home."
Objects To Beins Chased By BnlldORs
If we hate one thing more than
another it is to be chased around
town when returning from our place
of business after dark, by half a
dozen of half starved bull-dogs. It
seems every farmer in the county
sent his dog to town during the week.
For God's sake, build a bridge over
the Little Nestncca so the people can
come in themselves. Tillamook
Headlight, 22.
Their Business Booming.
"Probably no one thing has caused such
a general revival of trade at J. W.
Conn's Drug Store as his giving away
to their customers of so many free trial
bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption. Their trade is simply
enormous in this very valuable article
from the fact that it alwajs cures and
never disappoints. Coughs, Colds,
Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and all
throat and lung diseases quickly cured.
You can test it before buying by getting
a trial bottle free, large size SI. Every
bottle warranted.
Electric Paste Stove polish at J. A.
AH the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
uertuniery, and toilet articles, etc.. can
be bought at the luvist prices, at J. V.
Conn's dnig btore. opiKislte Occident
betel, Astoria.
Wholesale an
Clothing,Furnishing Goods, Hats,
Trunks, Valises, etc.
To the Trade,
I take pleasure in informing the
trade that I have received in the
last 20 days nearly
ui staple and choice goods. vhicii
- .. ... . ...' . - .....
I offer at a very close margin
It is my desire to attract to As-
toria some of the Gray's Harbor
aim ouuaiwuiur jaay anu ioiumuni
River jobbing trade, which now please, when it comes to "low
goes to San Francisco and Port- prices"! You will find in my store,
land; and knowing that I must Garments from the cheapest to
quote extremely low prices to es- the finest, and finished in a man
tablish business relations with you, ner taxing the ingenuity of the
I herebv extend n rnrIjil invirn- leadiner American tailors. I will
tion to you to examine
stock and prices.
my big
I Am Anxious to Please.
The Iteliablo Dealer in
.r'-i" " "Occident Hotel Building.
I have just received my new stock
of Spring Clothing, bought from first
hands (the manufacturers) not from the
middle-men (jobbers) this time, thereby
saving my customers one profit, which
means from $3 to $5 on each suit of
All the new designs of goods, cut in
the very latest style.
A Good Business Suit - - - $10
Boys School Knockabout Suits only $ 3
Good Pants from $1.50 and upwards.
Sole Agent for Astoria, of the celebrated
The Str. Telephone
Fast Time Between Portland
and Astoria.
Foot ot Abler Street
Dally, except Tuesday. at .7 00 a.m.
Wilson Fisher's Dock.
Daily, except Tuesday, at .8 .00 r. at,
To My Patrons.
It is a source of pride to me to
be able to announce that I now
have beyond question, the most
complete and select stock of Men's
SHOES, and such other coods as
are usually kept in a rlltbi
CLASS Men's Outfitting Estab-
lisnment; not only do I claim pre
cedence in Astoria, but 1 may
justly claim to equal any of the
large clothing stores in Portland;
aim juu m a...i ...- v..
say no more, rlease call at your
leisure and lot me astonish you!
I n a. ill by
S3 '
Shoalwater Bay and Gray's Harbor
The P. & C. S. S. Co.'s Steamer
Will sail from PORTLAND as follews:
GRAY'S HARBOR-Thursday, October 4.
11, IS ana 25. November 1, 8. 15, 22 and 29,
December C, 13, 20 and 27.
bHOALWATEU BAY-October 4 and 18.
November 1 , 15 and 29. December 13 and 27.
TILLAMOOK Monday October 1, 15 and
29. November 12 and 20. December 10 and
Steamer leaves Portland, from loot ot C
street at 8 1. M. on above dates. Astoria S
A. M. the following morning.
The Company reserves lhe right to change
lime ana place 01 sailing,
K. R. STRONG. President.
UPSHUR, Agent Astoria.
Astoria Iron Forte.
Concomly St., Foot of Jackson, Astoria. Or
Machinists anil Boiler Maters.
Land and Marine Engines
Steamboat Work and Cannery Work
Castings of all Descriptions Made
to Order at Short Notice.
Jornr Fox.. President and Supt.
a. 1 toi,...... .. vice rresiaent
J. G. llnsTLER ........Sec. and Treas.
McLean & Freeman.
Special Attention paid to all Ship and Steam
boat Itepauing.
Loggins Camp Work a Specialty. All kinds
of Blacksmithlng done to order.
Shop, comer Jefferson and Olney streets,
Astoria, Oregon.
X Fine and Well Selected StocU
Watches, Jewelry,Clocks, etc.
Jewelry Establishment.
All goods warranted, as guaranteed.
Opposite Crow's gallery, Astoria, Oregon,
E. C. Lewis,
Timber Land Broker, Cruiser
Locator of Government and State Lands.
Timber bought and sold on Commission.
Taxes paid and Landsprotected from tres
pass. Operates in Washington, Oregon,
and California. Correspondence solicited.
Astoria, Oregon.
VirainlaClgar anfl Tolacco Store
J. W. B0TT0H, Proprietor,
Water Street, Two Doors East of Olney.
Fins Clgart, Tobaccos and Smokers Article),
Sold at Lowest Market Bates.
Morgan & Sherman.
And Dealers la
Special Attention Glvento Filling
Of Orders.
And Supplies furnished at Satis
factory Terms.
Purchases delivered In any part of the city.
Office and "Warehouse
In Hume's New Building on Water Street.
P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 87.
Theo. Bracker.
"Wholesale and Hetail Dealer in
Wood and Olay Pipes, Playing Oards,
This being a branch of tho Jtosenfeld,
Smith Company, Importers and Whole
sale Dealers In ronland, I can sell to the
Trade and other customers at Portland and
San Francisco rates.
Magee,Argand and Acorn
Stoves i Ranges
uooking ana Heating,
To Canners.
Jensen's Patented Can
Will Cap and Crimp 05 CANS per MI5UTE.
.iItAprovcdJ,Ked.5ceyie leakage more
than 50 per cent, less than hand capped.
Price, $600. Orders complied with by
The Jensen dan-Pilling Machine Co.
Wall Paper and Oil Paintings
Sign Writer, Grainer and
Ornamental Painter.
Cor. Cass and Jefferson Sts.. Astoria, Or.
Net Floats
Gannery Supplies!