C3J i ?hc gaihj Sstorinn. ASTORIA, OKEQON: W E D MS S I V Y, .JULY 4, 1RSS. issued every'morning. (Monday excepted.) J. P. HALLORAN & COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, Astohiax Buildixg, - . Cass Strf.kt. Terms orSubserlptlon. Sen eil b v Carrier, per week 1 -, r t .Vnt by MaU, per mont...l 60 cS " " " one year... wm Free of postage to subscribers.' The Astoeiait guarantees to Its adver tisers the largest circulation of any new-ua-per published on the Columbia rit er This is getting to be monotonous. This is a general holiday; the banks, public offices, etc., being closed. The British ship King Cenric cleared yesterday for Qneenstown with G,G15 bus. wheat, worth 856,300. The several engine houses were very tastefully decorated last night. No. Ones being most profusely orna mented. All the girls taking part in tho Lib erty car in the parade to-day are re quested to meet at Mrs. Derby's at 9 o'clock sharp. The Ophelia is" loaded for Iquiqui. She carries 1.017,000 feet of lumber. One third of it is flooring; the rest is rough lumber. Hick's & Sawyer's minstrels at the opera house next Friday and Satur day evenings. Reserved seats at New York Novelty store. Members of the Scandinavian be nevolent society are requested to meet at their rooms at 930 this morn ing, to take part in the parade. You don't need to do nny cooking at home to-day; the ladies of Grace church will set a fine lunch, furnish ice cream, etc., all day, in B. S. Wors ley's auction rooms, opposite D. L. Beck & Sons. The Skipanon nine have have challenged the Columbia base ball nine to play a match game for S50 a side, and the gate money. Tho home nine have taken the proposition un der advisement. Remember the ball this evening under the auspices of tho Alpha So cial club at Liberty Hall, tickets can be had at the New York Novelty store or from the members. The Western Amateur band will furnish new music. On her last trip of towing barges the Herminia, when two miles above Vancouver met with an accident to her maohinery, the connection rod, cross head, cylinder requiring repair. The Gov. Newell is in her place for the present. At the New York Novelty Store is a fine assortment of baby carriages; every purse and taste can be snited. Some of the finest are made and trim med in a most stylish manner and each buggy is warranted to be exactly as represented. A man who knows a hawk from a handsaw when the wind is in the south, says that if, this morning, the wind is from the northwest, to-day will bo fine; if from tho southwest 'twill be wet 330 a. m., tho wind is from the northwest. The president has signed tho act making non-mailable any matter having anything in the naturo of an offensive or threatening dun nppar rent on the envelope or outside wrapper, or conveying the suggestion that such dun is inclosed. This office acknowledges with thanks, the receipt from Washington of a government report on the best means of irrigation of crops. It is a timely and valuable work. The rainfall of this locality during tho month of June was seven inches. A now engine has been put in the West Shore mills, which is incrers ing the capacity to tnrn out shooks for tho California market. There are now six engines in tho establishment; two in the electric light works and four in the mill. The newly elected officers of Astor Lodge No. G, K. of P., were duly in stalled last Monday evening by D. D., H, E. Nelson, and Past G. C, Jay Tattle. They are Dudley Blount, P. C; O. Y. Peterson, C. C; P. F. John son, V. C; Aug. Danielson, P.; Chris. Everson, M. at A.; and M. Olsen, I. G. Abont two o'clock this afternoon. or after the arrival of the Telephone, the Gen. Canby will make a special excursion trip to the forts and Ilwaco, giving all a chance to visit the light house, Fort Canby, etc. The Gen. Canby will return in time for those wishing to tako the night boat to Portland. The Northwestern Firemen's asso ciation met last Monday at Seattle. It was resolved that a committee of five, two from Oregon and three from Washington, endeavor to secure the passage of a bill by the legislature requiring insurance companies to pay n percentage on policies for the sup port of fire companies. The schooner Mollie Adams ar rived at Seattle last Monday night from Cape Flattery with 45,000 pounds of halibut. The fish were caught off Cape Flattery in about fifty fathoms of water and were taken in two days. This is considered a most remarkable catch. The fish will be shipped east in refrigerator cars. Mr. Chairman: Fellow citizens, Jjadiea and gentlemen: This is the 112th anniversary of the Declaration of Independence and a damper anni versary we never saw. The pinions of Freedom's proud bird are damp, the folds of Freedom's standard droop limply and tho gloiious escutcheon of our country's coat of arms has been temporarily taken in out of the Wet. If Frftpdnm hIii-iaVaI -wtion Kna. ciusko fell, she has emitted some uoieiui squawks at beholding the con stant downnonr of r.lin fnr flm lnot five weeks. The assemblage will now uuisi ineir nmureiias and Keep the rain from falling on the. unjust, who have borrower! tlin nmlirollna nf Mm just, and the choir will softly sing, --morning out leaves. ' The State of California is due this morning from San Francisco with the following passengers: E. C. Tilly, L. S. Mayer. E. L. Harvey. W. S. Menney. B. H. Colman, W. H. Mc Clain, F. S. Davis, J. Hansen, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. F. Stevens. Judee Sham- stien, Mrs. E. W. Gray, O. M. Om stead, A. W. Craig, W. Dunbar, C. Fitzgerald, H. Arthur, Miss Gray, Miss Nelson, J. Smith, G. Thacher, C. Bauer and wife, Mrs. M. C. Mal loy, Mrs. G. F. Gregory, Mrs. J. A. Rogers and nurse, L. Rogers, D. C. McCarroll, Mrs. Suits, Mattie Snits, Maud Suits, Stella Suits. P. J. Henly, a. u. jucrett, ja. a. barker, Mrs. Cummings, Annie Cole. May Morri son, W. M. Arnett. C. B. Hare, B. F. Tliomas, Mrs. J. Wetlienck, Miss B. Leslie, J. J. Boyle. The Senate passed the river and harbor bill last Monday. As origin ally reported from the senate com mittee on commerce, it appropriates 821,562,783.. As it finally passed the senate it appropriates 522,4 4,783, having been increased by tho senate S912.000. All the senate committee amendments, increasing Oregon ap propriations, heretofore returned, were adopted. The amount appro priated by the bill for Yaquina bay was 8150,000, mouth of the Columbia 8500,000, lower Willamette and lower Columbia 8100,000, canal and locks at the Cascades S300,000. The total amount of the Oregon appropriation is nearly 81,200,000. The bill also contains a provision for a survey of Dalles rapids. Senator Dolph was appointed on the committee on con ference. He anticipates a big fight over tho increase for tho Oregon ap propriations, but hopes by being a member of the committee to hold them in conference. PERSONAL MENTION. J. W. Cook is in tho city. Rev. G. C. Hall returned from Ta coma yesterday. Capt. J. II. D. Gray returned from Portland yesterday. Notice. The regular monthly meeting of the C. R. F. P. uuiou will bo held at Liberty nail Saturday July 7th at 7 p. m. sharp. A. Seafielu, Pres. A. Sutton. Sec'y. ' Co. "H.," Attention. All members of Co. "H" O. N. G. are ordered to appear at their armory to-day at 9 a. m. sharp in full uniform. By order of A. E. SnAW, Commanding. Notice. All members of Rescue Engine Co. No. 2 are ordered to assemble at the engino houso at 9 o'clock in uniform, to take part in tho parade. By order Geo. NoiiAND, Foreman. J. W. Harh, Ass't. Secetary. Notice. To all members of Seaside Lodge No. 12 A. O. U. W. You are hereby requested to assemblo at your lodge room to-day at 9:30 o'clock a. m. for the purposo of taking part in tho parude on this day, as a lodge. A full attendance is earnestly soli cited. Let every workman of Sea side lodge turn out and do honor to his lodge nud to his country. By or der of the lodge. Da. Jay Tuttle, Recorder. What They Say of The Minstrels. They laughed my congregation sick. Henry Ward Jlecther. The elected senators of fun. Gro ver Cleceland. Never laughed bo mnch in my life. Hob Ingenoll. Reserved seats ' at tho Now York Novelty store. Notice. . The ladies of ("race Episcopal Chuicli iii MTvuiiuiciiio-uavai jj.s. worsieys auction rooms opposite I). L. 15eek & Ice Cream and Lemonade will alo be served by tli e ladies throughout Uie day. sports of the day. Come one, come ail. All the patent medicines advertised in tills paper, together with the choir est perfumery, ami toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at. J. V. Conn's druc store, opposite Occident hctei. Astoria. Fish Shirt Oil. And machine oil for sale. J. H.DkForck. Astoria, Oregon. The finest and juiciest steak at the ieiepnoiie itesnurant. A fine cup of coffee, at tiie Telephone jiesiauranu fine levelling House to Kent. Good terms to suitable tenant Inquire at this office. Private Koums. 'At the Telephone Restaurant for sup pers, parties, etc. The be.st cooked to order. aieals Cooked to Order. Private rooms for ladies aud families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes. TO-DAY'S CELEBRATION. Literary Exercises, Parade, Fircworki, Salute, Etc. Tho uncertainty about the weather has taken some from tho genet al joy ousness of tho occasion, but Astorin is no worse on" as regards wet weather than any other city in tho northwest, and wo will have a pretty good cele bration to-day anyhow. There will be a salnto at sunrise, in charge of Co. "H," one at noon, and another at sunset. The parade will start at 9:30, and will bo as follews: ORDER OF TARADE. Chief of Police and officers. Band. Co. "H., O. N. G. Cushing Post, G. A. R. Liberty Car; 38 young ladies. Woman's Relief Corps. Seaside Lodge A. O. U. W. Scan. Benevolent association. Engine Co. No. 1 ond tender. Engine Co. No. 2 and tender. Hook and Ladder No. 1. President, Orator, Chaplain. Mayor and City Council. Citizens on foot; in carriages. Alex. Campbell, grand marshal. route of parade. From Chenamns and Cass cast to Olney, south to Squemoqua, east to Water, east to West Gth, south to Ce dar, east to West 8th. east on Cedar to Ferrell, north on Ferrell to Jeffer son, west on Jefferson to Olney. south to Squemoqua, west oh Squemoqua to Main, south to Jefferson, east on Jefferson to Genevieve, north on Genevieve to Armory, where literary exercises will take place. A feature of the parade will be an escort to the liberty car of 65 boys, led by their two captain's Charley Stockton and Ber tie Ross, each of whom are just four years old. The literary exercises will be at Co. "H"s armory, Rev. E. W. Garner, L. L. D.. chaplain, FrapkBewloy reader, Col. L. F. Copeland, orator. In the afternoon there will bo various races and exercises and in tho evening there will be a grand display of fireworks on the knoll at the head of Genevieve street. Tho firoworks will be unnsnally fine, six of tho set pieces being large, and all well worth i eeing. CIRCUIT COURT PROCEEDINGS. July 3rd. Taylor J. N. Wisner vs. M. Rvan, set for trial July 10th. N. Davich vs. city of Astoria; dis missed at plaintiff's cost. Elihn Avery vs. P. A. Trulliuger; continued for term. J. C. Trulliuger vs. Jno. McCann"; demurrer overruled; defondant al lowed 30 days to file answer. AstoriaPackingCo. vs. J. W. Cook; set for trial September 18th, 1888. G. Znuonovitcli vs. J. Znuonnvitch; dismissed. City of Astoria vs. W. W. Parker demurrer -overruled; continued -for term. C. Johnson vs. B. Johnson; con tinued for term. City of Astoria vs. W. II. Beckwith; verdict for defendant. R. Dixoii assignment; F. D. Wiu ton to furnish entry of final settle ment. Adjourned till July 10th, at 10 a. si. An Explanation. What isthis"nervons trouble" with which so many seem now to be af flicted? If you will remember a few years ago the word Malaria was com paratively unknown, to-day it is as common as any word in the English language, yet this word covers only tho meaning of another word used by our forefathers in times past. So it is with nervous diseases, as they and Malaria are intended to cover what our grandfathers called Billiousncss, and all aro caused by troubles that arise from a diseased condition of the Liver which in performing its func tions finding it cannot dispose of tho bde through the ordinary channel is compelled to pass it off through tho system, causing nervous troubles, Malaria, Billions Fever, etc. You who are suffering can well appreciate a cure. We recommend Green's Au gust Flower. Its enres aro mar velous. Of Local Interest. Tho bill introduced by senator Mitchell providing for the purchase of a site and the construction of a wharf in Astoria for tho use of the ligbthonse department has been re ported back by senator Dolph, from the committee on commerce of the senate, with the recommendation that the appropriation for tho same be S15.000 instead otSlO.OOO, as originally specified in the bill. Thft Rpcrptnrv nf ihn frnnanrv lina forwarded to the house of renrpsnntn- tives a recommenaation of the lighthouse, board that thero be included in one of tho appropriation bills an appropriation of SGO.OOO for tho establishment of a iigutsnip, to tie provided with fog Bignal apparatus and stationed out side of the bar at the mouth of the Columbia river. The board, in their recommendation, reiterated in strong language the arguments that have been used by tho government en gineers and others relative to this year's improvement. Wash ington Cen: Oregonian. A Sale Investment. Is one which is guaranteed to bring you satisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our ad vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case wlien used for any affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest such as Consumption, I n flammatioti of Lungs, Rroncliitis, Asth ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc, etc. It is pleasant and agreeable to tast.". perfectly safe, and can always be de- penueu upon. , Trial bottles free at John C. Deiuent's Drug Store. The best Oysters in any style, at the Telephone Restaurant. Every Night I Scratched Until tlio Skin was Saw. Body Covered ivitli Scales like Spots of 3Iortar. Cured by the Cuticun Remedies. I am going to tell you of tho extraordinary chango your Cuticeka Remedies icrforined on mo. About tho 1st of April last I noticed somo red pimples liko coming out all over my body, but thought nothing of it until fomo timo later on, when it began to look liko spots of mortar spotted on, and which camo off in layers, accompanied with itching. I would scratch every night until I was raw, then tho next night tho scalos, boing formed mean while, wero scratched off again. In vain did I consult oil tho doctors in tho country, but withoutnid. After giving up all hopcaofre covcry, I happened to see an advertisement in tho nowspapcr about your Cdticur Rfm kdies, and purchased them from my druggist, and obtained almost immediato relief. X be gan to notice that tho scaly eruptions gradu ally dropped off and disappeared one by one. and have been fully cured. I had the discaso thirteen months before I began taking the Ccticura Kehediks, and in four or five wocks was entirely cured. My disease was eczema and psoriasis. I recommended the Cuticuba Keuptitf' to all in mv vieinitv. nnd T know nf a groat many who have taken them, and thank me for the knowledge of them, especial ly mothers.who have babes with scaiy erup tions on thoir heads and bodies. I cannot ox press in words the thanks to you, for what tho Cdticcra Remedies have been to mo. Jly body was covered with scales, and 1 was an awful spectaclo to behold. Now my skin is as nice and clear as a baby's. UEU. (JUXJil, Merrill, Wis. Sept.21,lSS;. Vah. 7.1SS8. Not a traeo wh.itanovnr nf tho disease from which I suffered has shown itself sincomycure, GEO. COTEV. Wo cannot do justice to tho esteem in which Chticora, tho great skin cure, and Ccticuka Soap, an exquisite Skin licautifier, prepared from it, and Cuiicuea Kesolvfst, tho now Blood Purifier, are held by tho thousands upon thousands whoso lives havo been mado happy by tho euro of agonizing, humiliating, itching, scaly and pimply diseases or tho skin. scalp and blood, with loss of hair. Sold everywhere. Trice: Cuticuua. SO cents; Soap. 25 cents; Kesolvkjjt. Sl.Oo. Prepared by tho Fottee Dkuo and Cukm icalCo,, Boston, Mass. Send for "How to Curo'Skin Diseases," CI pages. 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. nilUll'iiEd, black-heads, chapped and oily rllll skin prevented by Ceticiiea Mfdi- cated Soap. Catarrhal Dangers. To bo freed from tho ilansrprs nf stifihivitirtn whilo lying down ; to brcatbo freely, sleep soundly and undisturbed ; to rise refreshed, head clear, brain active and frco from pain or acho : to know that no poisonous, putrid matter defiles tho breath and rots away tho delicato machinery of smell, tasto and lioar ing ; to feel that tho system does not, through its veins and arteries, suck up tho Poison that is sure to underminn nnil lntmv. 14 iniln! n Mossing beyond all other human enjoyments. To piiichao immunity from such a fato should bo tho object of all afflicted. But thnso who havo tried many remedios and physi cians despair of relief or cure. SANKOitD's iiadicai. CiusK meets overy phaso of Catarrh, from a simplo head cold to tho most loathsomo and destructive stages. It is local and constitutional. Instant in re lieving, permanent in curinfr. K.ifn. rrnnnmi- cal and nevcr-fuiUiiA. Santord's Radical Couk consists ofnno bottlo of tho ItADlCAl.CUKE. ono biiv ofclA- taukhai, Sor.VRXT. and ono Imimcoiki lMIAI.KK.all wrapped in ono package, with treatise and directions, and sold by all drug g"ltS for J1.0O. TOTTKIS DlMIC .CClTI-MICAI. Co.. Boston-. No Rheumatiz About Me. is nw. 3riMJTi; Si ThoCuflcJirii Auli.P.tiii I'luxtcr. relieves lihcumatie. Mt ociaticsuddon.Miarpnnd .ia- jV A voiisl'aini, btrains 'and Weak jf ,fcnsses. lho-first and onlypain C killing plaster. Now. oTi'Hna!. instantaneous, infallible, safe. A marvpllnuA Antidoto to l'ain. Inflammation and Weak no3. Utterly unlike and vastly superior li all other plasters. At all druggists. 'J" cents ; livo for $l.O0; or, stago free, of I'otti:i: DlllIO ANDCIIKMIUALCO.. I!o-toll, Mass, A JIarvel of; Ingenuity. Tho new machine built from plans invented by 31. Jensen is at the office of the Astoria Iron Works, and is a most ingenions piece of mechanism. Fl.it pieces of tin, as cut out, the requisite size, aro laid by the side of tho machine aud at tho rate of ono a second are turned out perfectly formed cylinders, with a lock seam. These are passed on over a soldering aud wiping machino to n niachino that seizes them, puts a bottom on each, solders them and sends them on to a machine that fills them with a pound of Balmon, then pushiug them over to another machine which puts tho top on, solders it and rolls tho completed and Oiled can of salmon out ready to be cooked. Tho whgle thing is done in about the samo time that it takes to glance tho eye over theso lines nnd is not touched by tho hand from the timo the flat" pieces of tin nro laid by tho entrance till the cans of salmon a.ro picked up from tho tray that swings them to ba cooked. Theease, facility, speed, and dexterity of the operation is truly wonderful. ZtEcrit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens, that wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ilucklen's Arnica Salve and Klectric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that .sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to lefundthe purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. ' .Inn. C. Dement Druggist. AUVICBTO 3IOTIIKKN. Mns. Winsi.ow's Soothing Syp.ui should always be used for children teething. It tootlies the, child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind cliolie, and is the best remedy fordiar- riioja. i wcnty-isve cents a pome. Sunny IJooms. With or witho ut board at the Ilohlen House. Rooms from.fda month upward. Library, etc. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at tho Central Restaurant. Gaiiibriiititt Uccr And Free Lunch at the Telephone .Sa loon, o cents. Telephone Ijodcins House. Rest Reds in town. Rooms per ulyht no and 33 els., per week $1.50. New and clean. Private entrance. JOB PR5NTSft3G. Neat, Quick And Cheap at The ASTORIAN JOB OFFICE ew Lace Curtains B Window Draperies HANDSOME and NEW Nottingham, Ecru and White, Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point, Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned. Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry, Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from 12c to 75c per yard. C. Tiie Sheading House -TIIK- DIAMOND PALACE! GUSTAV HAXSEX, Trop'r. A Largo and Well Selected Stock or Fine Diamis i Jewelry At Extremely I.ov Trices. All Goods nought at ThM KstaljlMiraent Warranted Genuine. V:i(li :uti Clock Repairing A SrKGIAIEY. Ciinicr ("as and. Squemofiua Streets. Carnahan & Co. SUCOKSSOKS TO I. "W. CASE, IMl'OirTKlM AND WHOLESALE AND ItCTAIL DEALEKS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Corner Clicnanms and Cass streets. ASTCltIA OKEOON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, AT THE SIGN OF THEJOLDEH SHOE. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers in Special Attontion Civento Filling Of orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. l'urcliases delivered in any part of tho city. Office and Warehouse In Hume's New nuildins on Water Street, r. O. IIox 153. Telephone No. .77. ASTORIA. OKEGOHL The Akron Lacquers. rilHE UNDERSIGNED" RESPECTFULLY X calls the attention of Cannerymen and others to tho fact that he is the Pacific, coast agent for the Celebrated Akron Lacquers, And is prepared to quote low prices on theso goods. Samples furnished on application. J.O.BOZORTH. Cannery Snipes! AND JUST ARRIVED. IN n. COOPER Why! How Much you could save by buying your Hats at HERMAN WISE'S the ,! Reliable Clothier and Hatter ! Do You know that HERMAN WISE can and does sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other house in Astoria ? You Should examine my stock and prices. I offer them to you very low, especially now ! Do Consider your own interests when you think of buying a SUIT, SAT or PUR. XTXaSEOTC GOODS. Gents ! HERMAN WISE, The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. (DOUBLE Occident Hotel Building, DESIGNS of Astoria. Do all close buyers buy their Clothes at HERMAN WISE'S in the Occident Hotel Building ? I guarantee you can save ice cream money for all your girls by con sulting me! STORE.) . -&&'