PJ 7lt gaitn istoMit. V5T0RIA, OREGON: vk:xiii.v -MAY 3D. 1S83. SSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. V. HALLORAN 4; COMPANY, I'ubllshets and Proprietors, .V3TORIAX BPtLDUfG. - - CASSSTKKKT. Terms ofSnbscrlptloii. Served bv Carrier, per week .Sent by Mall, per month .. IScts bCCtS -$7.00 one vear. Tree of postage to subscribers." The Astobiax guarantees to its adver tisers the largest circulation of any newspa per published on the Columbia river. Decoration Day. Politics is a bilin'. This is a legal holidav. Peaches are in market Figures are very instructive. For n pleasant outing take the cars for Alderbrook. The State arrived in from Califor nia yesterday morning. The steamer Montesano made her last trip on the Westport route yes terday. The banks and public offices will be closed to-day and business gener ally suspended. Ihe Dolphin bought up 700 oases salmon from the Aberdeen Packing company yesterday, for shipment east. Base Ball 2 p. ir. at Alderbrook to-day. Seats have been erected under shade trees and awnings for ladies. The postoffice will be open this morning till 10 o'clock, and one hour this afternoon after the distribntion of the mail. It's sort o' rough on a candidate after he's been doing the agreable to find out that his man lives over on Gray's Biver. The Democratic national conven tion meets in St Louis to nominate candidates for president and vice president next Tuesday. Evensou & Cook, proprietors of the Central Bestaurant to accommo date the publio, will hereafter keep their restaurant open all night. The ladies of Grace Episcopal church will give a grand basket pic nic and excursion by steamer on or about the 20th or 22nd of June. The regular quarterly examination for school teachers' certificates be gins at the principal's room in dis trict No. one schoolhouse, at noon to-day. Several Astorians are going back east on a visit to the white settle ments this summer, and will take in the Chicago convention nlong with scenes and unseens. Tho national prohibition conven tion meets at Indianapolis Indiana, to-day. O. B. Fish, and G. Smith will be the probable presidential and vice presidential nominees. The steamer Tonquin will leave for Young's river and Gray's landing, Walluski, to-day at 230 o'clock p. m. lor freight or passage, apply on board or to Clatsop Mill Co. Astoria No. One's tender team will give a grand moonlight excursion to Cathlamet and back on the Bonita next Saturday night Tickets, only Q1, can be had from members of the team. Beaver lodge No. 35, L O. O. F., had its flag at half mast yesterday in memory of Henry Mattson, a mem ber of the order, who was drowned from a fishing boat off the bar on the 22nd inst Yesterday's Oregonian was a fine issue and a splendid advertisement of Seattle. Such nn issue of a news paper runs into thousands of dollars in cost, but it comes back a hundred times over. Flowers are needed for the Mem orial Dav services. Ladies are re- anestedto send or bring flowers to Cnnhinp Post headquarters this m'omintr. where the Woman's Relief Corps will receive them. "Corporal Tanner," the man that everybody wants to hear, will be at Ross opera house next Saturday night. His fame has gone abroad, and every one that can get an hour's spare timo will go and hear corporal Tanner next Saturday night, the last grand rally of the campaign. Mrs. Busey's school class will sing especially prepared selection upon the arrival of the procession at the cemetery this afternoon. The school children who are to carry flowers, etc, in the procession are requested to as semble at headquarters over Carna han & Co's store at half past twelve o'clock. Col. Jno. P. Irish will be here Fri day evening and address the citizens at the opera house. He comes from California 'and is the best speaker the Democratic party has in this can vass. Evervbodvis invited to bear him. Tho DnmnflrAtio crocession will form at the clnb room at 730 p.m. on Friday evening. Chaa. Lundberg got a letter from Oapt Johnson, of the Polar Bear yesterday, in which the captain, after desiring to be remembered to his Astoria friends and acquaintances, says that the Polar Bear passed Broughton straits. Cormorant island on the 10th of May, going out to sea at Dixson's entrance for "Unimak pass. N. D. Raymond returned from Westport yesterday evening, where he has been surveying a road for a distance of about five miles south of Westport for Nicolai brothers, who are going to put a mill in thero this summer with a capacity of twenty-five M feet a day and get out larch, of which there is a fine tract there, and shin it to Portland. "DECORATION DAY." The years that have elapsed since the close of the civil war have served to obliterate all sectional feeling, and a united and prosperous nation joins in keeping green the graves of all its beloved dead. It is in this spirit that the publisher of the New York Fam. ily Story Paper has had written a thrilling and pathetic romance, pecu liarly appropriate to this national holiday, entitled "Faithful Leonere: or, His Grave Kept Green." In the same paper will also be found a week ly instalment of the "Life and Adven tures of a Showman of P. T. Bar num," written by himself and equally interesting to the young folks as well as heads of families. These are rare literary treats, and those of our read era who are not already enjoying them will do well to obtain No. 766 of the New York Family Story Paper of their news dealer or send direct to the publishers. Munro's Publishing House, Nos. 24 and 20 Tandewater street, New York, and receive the pa per four months for one dollar, post age free. G. A. R. CELEBRATION'. The Cushlng Post G. A. R and tho Woman's Relief Corps will have charge of tho celebration of Decora tion day to-day. Following is the rKoartAMirE. L Western Amateur Band, right resting on Jefferson. 2. Head of column, police force, chief Barry in command, right on Jefferson. 3. Co. H. O. N. G. Capf. Shaw in command, loft of police force on Main. 4. Cashing Pot G. A. R., left of Co. H. on Main. 5. Woman's Relief Corps, left of Cushing Post on Main. 6. City offioials, left of Woman's Relief Corps on Main. 7. School children, left of city officials on Main. 8. Citizens, left of sohool children on Main. LINE OP MABOH. West on Jefferson to Benten: north on Benton to Chcnamus: east on Che namus to Genevieve; south on Gen evieve to Squemequa: east on Squo moqua to West 9th: south on west 9th to cemetery. Ceremony at the cemetery Returning, the line of march will be directed to G. A. R. headquarters where the procession will be dis missed. A Ghastly Find. Parties strowing a grave in the hillside cemetery with flowers last Monday, noticed close by where the earth had evidently recently been disturbed. Slightly scratching the loose soil they saw a gunny sack. Examination showed that in the gunny sack was a smaller sack, such as rye flour comes in; further exami nation showed that there was a starch box, and upon inspection they were horrified to find that in the box was the five months foetus of a male child. The ghastly nnd lias occa sioned considerable surprise and speculation, and it is thought the matter will be further inquired into. Attention Co. "H. Every member of the company is hereby ordered to appear at the armory to-day at la:dU sharp in tun uniform, to take part in tho decora tion exercises. Capt. A. E. Shaw, Commanding. Notice. The regnlar monthly meeting of the C. R. F. P. union will be held at Liberty hall on Saturday Juno 2nd at 7 p. m. snarp. All members are requested to at tend as important business will be transacted. A. Seafield President. A. ScTTOif, Sec. Fine Photos at the Tent. ITavlnir secured the services of Mr. J, S. Davidson, tho well known photo grapher of Portland, we feel confident in giving entire satisfaction at the tent, in every urancu oi me art. Take your babies to Crow. Go to the Tent for fine Photo work. Situations Wonted. Bv man and wife as cook in loscin 2 camp or worK m cannery. Apply Astor House. Coffee and cake, Central Restaurant ten cents, at the Twines, Twines, Twines. J. O. Hanthorn is agent for Dunbar, MacMasters fc Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to satisfy the trade in prices and quality equal to any on tne market. The finest photographic work in this city is done at Crow's gallery. For Tbo ladies. Hair goods, latest and. most artistic styles, bangs, fronts, eta, from SI 50 to $7 50, at Mrs. W.J. Barry's. Seals Coosed to Order. Private rooms for ladies and families: at Central Restaurant, next to Foard & Stokes'. Two Specialists in Photos. Davidson makes a specialty of taking the Lames, ana oer, tne iiaoies. The best Oysters in any style, at the Telephone Restaurant. LITE AM) PEOPEETT Destroyed by Destructive 'Presliets. Henry George Fired Ont of The Labor Party. Washington, May 29. The latest news from Gen. Sherman is to the effect that he has rallied considerably. Tne cencral symptoms are much im proved. At 3 o'clock Sheridan's con dition is still favorable and ho was sleeping quietly. DESTBUCTION AND LOSS OP LIFE. FrrTSBuna, May 29. The storm which swept over eastern Ohio, west Virginia and western Pennsylvania yesterday afternoon was of a very de structive character, and the aggre gate loss to buildings, crops and rail road and telegraph lines will foot up many thousand dollars. Several lives were also sacrificed end a number of persons injured. About Point Pleas ant and Huntington, West Virginia, at Canton, Ohio, Beaver county.Penn sylvania, and through the oil regions, the storm was particularly severe, hail falling in masses while the wind was very violent. Near Ravenswood, West Virginia, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Powell were killed by lightning while sitting in their home at Chandlerston West Virginia. Mrs. Robert Shan non was killed by a falling tree at Bridgeport Ohio; a six-year-old son of Joseph Powell was caught by a rush of water in a narrow ravine and drowned, and his two companions made a narrow escape. At Bellaire, Ohio, a railrord brakemrn named Castello was killed while trying to manahe a train during a storm. At Canton, Ohio, houses were lifted from their foundations and the steeples of several churches were wreoked. The south wing of the New Hampton watch works, 1,200 feet in length and three stories high, was blown down and is a total wreck. The Dueber watch case works are badly damaged. At Oil City the roof of the Arling ton hotel was blown off and the guests rushed from the building panio stricken. Titusvillo also suf fered severely. Frank Burchfield of Pleasantville, while crossing Pine creek bridge in a buggy, was blown over into tho water. The vehicle was reduced to splinters and the horse lifted bodily and carried 100 yards away. About this city the storm was not so heavy but specials from many other points represent hail falling as large as hens' eggs. The telegraph lino is down badly and in many places tho railroad tracks are covered with debris from tho rains. The damage to orchards has been particularly heavy: many of the trees in the regions visited by hail being stripped of every leaf and other crops in the same area are correspondingly damaged, Tho total loss will proba bly reach several hundreds of thous ands of dollars MORE OF IT. Chicago, May 29. Dispatches re ceived this morning show a destruc tive rainstorm prevailed all through Kansas, Illinois, Ohio, Minnesota, Dakota, Iowa and Nebraska Sunday and yesterday In Illinois considerable damage was done to crops and a number of cattle and horses were killed by hail. In Iowa the rain de scended in torrents and the hail was terrific. The hail stones were as large as eggs and dsifted up the ground from two to four f cot deep in places. The damage to fruits Is very heavy. In Nebraska two children were drowned while crossing a little stream which hud grown into a torrent by heavy rains near Sioux city Iowa, the Missouri river is again on the rampage doing great damage. In Kansas the small grain is hurt and the hail fell with great force tearing shingles off houses and cutting live stock till they were covered with blood. IN NEW XOISK TOO. Wellsville, N Y., May 29. Twenty business blocks were un roofed and the Baptist church was badly damaged by a storm hero yes terday afternoon only two or three persons were injured. A heavy rain ad ded to the damage and windows were broken by the hundreds. The storm swept violently eastward through southern New York felling trees and doing great damage. The church and several buildings were wrecked at Allentown and many derricks in tho Allegheny coal fields blown down. FIBED HIM OUT. NEwYoBK,May 29. Henry George was expelled last night from No.23. as sembly district of the central labor party. Charges were preferred against him to the effect, that ho visited Washington, and immediately afterwards advocated the affiliation of the labor party with tho Demo cratic party, and that he had endeav ored to cast discredit on tho organi zation, by calling it an annex of tho Republican party. The following resolution was passed: Reselved: That we consider the course pursued by Henry George as a member of tho united labor party, as unmanly and void of every princi ple of the gentleman. His action is that of a traitor; and not desiring his fellowship any longer, we declare him expelled from our organization. Their Business Booming. Probablv no one thine has caused such a general revival of trade at Jno. C. De- menvs urug store as tneir giving away 10 meir customers oi so many iree trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simnlv enormous in this very valuable article xrom tne iact tnat it always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, and ail throat and lung diseases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free, large size SI. Every bottle warranted. Fine DivelllDU House to Rent. Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire at this office. The latest style of Gents' Boots and Shoes at P. J. Goodman's. The finest and juiciest steak at the reiepnone Kesraurani. A FRIGHTFUL SKIN DISEASE. SntTerlnjrs Intense. Head nearly, ran- Itnilv covered with Korea. Cnred bv ihe Cutlcnra Remedies Messrs. StevesS & Bkujeb, Monroe, N, C. Dear Sirs. About two months ago, on your rocommendation.l bought a bottle of Cuti cuba Resolvent, one box of Cuticuha Salve anil ono cako of CuncuitA Soap, for my son, aged thirteen years, vno Has been afflicted with eczema for a long time, and I am pleased to say that I believe the remedies hare cured him. II is sufferings were intense. his head being nearly raw.his eara being gore except tne gristle, ana nis Doay was cov ered with sores. Ills condition was frightful to behold. The fores hare now all disap peared, bis skin is nealtny, eyes bright, cneer ful in disposition, and is working every day. My neighbors are witnesses to this remark able euro, and the doubting ones are requested to call or writo me. or any of my neighbors. WM. S.STKPIIENSOX. Winchester P. 0.. Union Co., N. O. Mojboe. N. C, Oct. 29.187. Tut. Potter Deco ahd Chemical Ce: gentlemen Mr. William S. Stephenson ol this county brought his boy to town to-day to let us seehim.'and to'showuswhaCCtrncuitA Kkmedies haddoneforhim. This is the case referred to in our letter to you some time ago. To look at tho boy now, one would suppose that there had never been anything the mat ter with him seems to be in perfect health. Wo have written and herewith inclose what his father has to say about the matter, wrote it just as ho dictated. iv o are soiling quito a quantity of Citicura Remedies and hear nothing but praises for them. Wo regard the Cun cura Remedies the best in tho market and shall do all we can to promote their sale, Yours Truly, STEVENS &BKUNEK. Druggists and Pharmacists. PIM PliES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped Soap. anaouysEin prorentcu oy urricuRA Snoozing Catarrh. The distressing sneczo, sneeze, sneeze, tho acrid, watery discharges from the eyes and nose, tho painful inflammation extonding to the throat, the swelling of tho mucous lining, causing choking sensations, cough, ringing noises in the head and splitting headaohes, how familar these symptoms are to thousands who suffer periodically from head colds or in fluenza, and who live in ignorance, of the fact that a single application of Sauford's Rad ical Cuke Fob Catarrh will afford In stantaneous relief. But this treatment in cases of simple Catarrh gives but faint idea of what this remedy will do in tho chronic forms, where the breathing is obstructed by choking, putrid mucous ac cumulations, the hearing affected, smell and tasto gone, throat' ulcerated and hacking cough gradually fastening itself upon the de bilitated system. Thon it is that tho marvel ous curative power of Sanfoiid's Radical Cube manifests itsolf in instantaneous and grateful relief. Cure begins frem the first application. It is rapid, radical, permanent, economical, safe. Saicfobd's Kadical Cuke consists of one bottle of tho Radical CUBK.one box Ca tarrhal, solvent and an Impbovkd In haler ; price, SI. PottekDruo& Chemical Co., Boston. Pains and Weaknesses OF FEMAI.ES Afe Instantly relieved by the Cntl- iB&rnra Antl-1'niu Plaster, a uHP now, most agreeable.instantaneom Wlifv and lruallible pain-kUUng plaster HftfnP eSD&ciallv adapted to rellova Fe- Bo malo Pains and Weaknesses. War ranted vastly superior to all other plasters, and the most perfect Antidoto to Pain. InSam mation and Weakness yet compounded. At all druggists. 25 cents' live for $1 00; or post age free, of Potter Druo. and Cukmicai Co., Boston, Mass. PERSONAL MENTION. O. C. Cady arrived in the city yes torday. Dr. A. E. Shaw returned from Knappa yesterday. A. E. Brednll, representing Oregon Sitfings, is in the city. Ben Young urrived overland from San Francisco yestesday morning. C. W. Fnlton goes to Salem to night to take part in political de bate. Jas. Mcintosh has sold his interest the logging camp at Westport to A. J. Frazer, for twelve hundred dollars. For First Place. A great amount of political engineer ing will be done by friends of candidates to secure for their man the first place on the ticket, and the best man will prob ably secure the coveted place. Then if indorsed by the majority of the people, the election is assured. Electric Bitters lias been put to the front, its merits passed upon, has been indorsed, and unanimously given the first place among emedies peculiarly adapted to thcielief and cure of all Diseases of Kidneys, Liver and Stomach. Electric Hitters, being guaranteed, is a safe in vestment. Price 5oc and SI per bottle at Jno. C. Demcnt's Drug Store. The Lumberman, Farmer and Wool tlroner. Articles. Present Tariff. Mills Bill. Timber, hewn and sawn Timber, squared.. 20 per ct ad val. Free. Ic. f cubic teet 82 B M sawed boards Pickets & palings, j 20 per ct ad val. Wheat . 20o per bushel Barley.... Oats Wool.... Beans.... Potatoes lOo per bushel 10c per bushel 40 per ct ad val, looperbusnei 15o per bushel Rooms To Rent. With or without board. From $150 a week upwards. Apply at Mrs. K. C, lloUlen's, corner Jefferson and Main. AIWICKTO MOTHERS. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used for children teething. It soothes the child, softens the cuins, allays all pain, cures wind cholic. and is tho best remedy for diar-rhcea.Twenty-five cents a bottle. SniLou's Cure will immediately relieve Croup, Whooping Couch, and Bronchitis, bold by J. C. Dement. Gnmbrlnus Beer And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, 5 cents. Are you made miserable by Indiges tion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetite, Yellow Skin ? Shioh's Vital lzer is a positive cure. For sale by J. j. uement; Do Yon Eat or Buy Coudy f Pure Candy manufactured and for sale at lowest prices at the Oregon Ba- Kery. XJmbrclIas Repaired At my old stand. J. Jor-LIN. A fine cup of coffee, at the Telephone Restaurant. Photos or Residences. Residence and outside groups a spec ialty by Foor the Photographer. lew Lace Curtains WindowDr HANDSOME and NEW 0ESI6N Nottingham, Ecru and White, Embroidered Swiss, Irish Point, Renaissance, in Single and Two Toned. Persian Drapery, Etamines, Porteriers, in Chenille and Tapestry, Silk and Wool Tapestry. Figured Madras, etc., etc. Upwards of 3,000 yards of Nottingham Cur tain Nett from 12c to 75c per yard. TSie -THE- DIAMOND PALACE! QUSTAY HANSEN, Frop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock of Fine At Extremely Low Prices. All Goodi Bought at Thli Eitabllihment Warranted Genuine. Watch ana Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Co. SUCCESSORS TO T. "W. CASE, IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE, Comer Chenamus and Cass streets. ASTCUIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE SIGH OF THEJOLDEN SHOE. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attention Given to Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part of the city. Office and "Warehouse In Home's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA, OREGON. The Akron Lacquers. mHE UNDERSIGNED BE8PECTFULLY X calls the attention ot Cannerymen and others to the fact that he Is the Pacific coast agent fortlie Celebrated Akron Lacquers, And is prepared to quote low prices on these eoooj. Bompies renmneo. on ucpuca Diamonfls t Jewelry Cannery Supplies ! j. o. boze: AND JUST ARRIVED. IN Do all close HERMAN Xaea&mg House of Why I Hotel Building ? Much you could save by buying your Hats at HERMAN WISE'S the Reliable Clothier and Hatter ! How Do You know that HERMAN WISE can and does sell Goods at a Smaller Profit than any other house in Astoria ? You Should examine my stock and prices. I them to you very low, especially now ! Do Consider your own of buying a STJ1T, HAT or STZSHI2TC GOODS. Gents ! i guarantee you money for all suiting me ! HER The Reliable Clothier and Hatter. (DOUBLE Occident Hotel aperie buyers buy their Clothes at WISE'S in the Occident offer interests when you think FTJTEl- can save ice cream your girls by con- MAN WISE STORE.) iuiioing, .-.,- j