.'an; fc' f'J VOL. XXX NO 108. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDA.Y, MAY , J 888. PRICE JblVE CENTS. Ml ' : u BUSINESS OABDS. roii.v n. ssiiTK, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office. Koom 4 and 5. over City Book Store. "I KO. XOIiAND, YTTORXEY AT LAW. . in Kinney's Block, opposite City ll.il! Atoria, Oregon. . W. UI.TOX. G. C. FUI.TON TVVTOTS BKOTnKRS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Coomb 5 and 6, Odd Fellows Building. Attorney at Lai7 and Notn-y Public. special y.tteitlec given fn pra.'. -i In the U. S. Land OSr.6, rd tl.o px:.' nation ol land titles. A tall set nt Abilnn-; 1 o.iks for Clatsop County !n oSl'if. chfick Up stairs, opposite .'elegraph Office. r i. a. no tvxby, I, attorney and Counsellor ut Lair )iflce on Chenamus Street, Astoria, Oregon F. I. WIXTON ATTORNEY AT LAW. Rooms No. 11 and 12, Fythlan Castle Bulld- ng. I B. WATSON, Atty.at Law and Deputy Dist. Atty. All business bf tors the U. S. Land Office a Pfclalty. abtobia, - - Oregon-. rvn. j. k. ta rcituK. DENTIST. Rooms 11 and 12 Odd Fellows Building, ASTORIA, - - OREGON. J US. A. li. AND J. A. KU1VTON. Physicians and Surgeons. Office on Cass street, Uiree doors south of ?aa re.WT?'3 ounaing. TelephcnCNrvU. ' '"r "H"" FAT TPTTIiE, 31. J. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON OFica Rooms 6 Pythian Building. RE3IDKKCB : SK corner Wall and West 3th streets, opposite i. Vr . uae-s. k K. SHAW. DENTIST. Rooms In Allen's BiUdlnj, up stairs, cor ner Cass and Squtsnco.ua streets. Astoria Oregon. JTR3. Bit. OWXS8-AVAIU, Office and residence. D. K. Warren's for mer residence, Astoria, Oregon. Diseases of Women and Children, and of the Eye and Ear, specialties. DB O.B.ESTES. I'll YSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : Gem Bonding, up stairs, Astoria, Oregon. D a. AliFitEI) KIXNEX. Office at Kinney's Cannery. Will only attend patients at his office, and may be found there at any hour. Q.KLO F. JfABKJEit. SURVEYOR OF CLATSOP COUSTY City Surveyor of Astoria. Residence : Near Clatsop Mill. N. D Raymond, Deputy. Office at CiivUall. TB. Fit AXIS. PAUE, PHYSICIAN AND SFRGEON, OppositelelpRrah Office, Astcria, Oregon. A. Rtf'lTIS, DENTIST. Booms 1 and 2 Pythian Building over C. H. Cooper's Store. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY There is no. occasion for the most fastidi ous of our citizens to send to Portland or San Francisco for Custom Made Clothes As they can' get Better Fits. Better Work manship, and for less Money. By Leaving their Orders with MEANT. New Coocls bv Every Steamer. Call and See IHm and Satisfy Yourself. P.J Meany, Merchant Tailor. AND COMMISSION HOUSE. MAETIH OLSEN, Successor to E. C. Holden. The oldest established Commission House In r,.--M. HM.J, ut M l-fnriQvnllllnn CVJIU- mission. Auction Sales Every Saturday. General Repairing; Jobbing and Upbol- W4W uvuv Fine stock of Furniture on hand. ime siock oi .Furniture on uuuu. Who- -trm Tnnf Piwllrn 'in HOUSehOld int Bargains in n Onoria ov t ---. e -- H. MARTIW OfcSE.lT For Toilet Use. Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps tho hair soft ' and pliant, imparts to it tho lustre and freshness of youth, causes it to grow luxuriantly, eradicates Dandruff, cures all scalp diseases, and is tho most clean. ly of all hair preparations. AVCD'Q Hair Vigor ha3 given me niuil 3 perfect satisfaction. I was nearly bald for six years, during which time I used many hair preparations, hut without success. Indeed, what little hair I had was growing thinner, until I tried Ayer's Hair Vigor. I used two bottles of the Vigor, and my head is now well covered with a new growth of hair. Judson B. Chapel, Peabody, Mass. HAIR that nas tecomo weak, gray, I mill ana faded, may have new lite and color restored to ft by tho use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. My hair was thin, faded, and dry, and fell out in largo quantities. Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the falling, and restored mv hair to its original color. As a dressing for tho hair, this preparation has no equal. Mary N. Hammond, Stillwater, Minn. VIGOR yutni ani hoaury, in tho w IUUI1; appearance of the hair, may be preserved lor an indefinite period by the use of Ayer's Hair Vigor. A dis ease of the scalp caused my hair to be come harsh and dry, and to fall out freely. Nothing I tried seemed to do me any good nntil I commenced using Ayer's Hair Vigor. Three bottles of this preparation restored my hair to a healthy condition, and it is now soft and pliant. My scalp is cured, and it is also free from dandruff. Mrs. E. R, Fos3, Milwaukee, "Wis. Ayer's Hair Vigor, Bold by Druggists and Perfumers. Perpect Safety, prompt action, and wonderful curative properties, easily placo Ayer's Pills at tho head of tho list of popular remedies for Sick and Nerv. ous Headaches, Constipation, and all ail ments originating in a disordered Livor. I liave been a great sufferer from Headache, and Ayer's Cathartic PiUa are the only medicine that 'has evei given mo relief. One dose of these Pilla Will quickly move my bowels, find free my head from pain. "William L. Page, Richmond, Va. IT Ayer's Pills, Prepared by Dr. J.O.Ayer &Co., Lowell, Mass Sold br all Dealers in Medicine. Wilson& Fisher Ship Chandlers, HEAVY AND SHELF HARDWARE FARM IMPLEMENTS, Paints, Oils, and Varnish. LOGGERS' SUPPLIES. PROVISIONS AND MILL FEED AGENTS FOR SALEM PATENT ROLLER MILLS Portland Roller Mills, FA5R3&HKS' SCALES. ASTORIA. OREGON. Malaria, Fever and Ague, Dumb Chills, Wind Colic, Bilious Attacks, etc. They produce rpjrular, statural evac uations never grine 'r uterfero with daily business. As :i fAnUy medicine, they Klioulil liavo i placo in every household. Pr: t, 'sZ vi-r.lr pel- lox. Sold Sverytvi3.sre. Oflice, 44 Itluvr'iiy St., N. Y. RESTATJRANT R. L. JEFFRIES, PROPRIETOR. Refitted, Ready For Business For The Season of 1888. Everj thinj; in Season and Nicely Served 0I Experienced Cooks, Obliging Walters. 0 The best placed before our patrons. For a (Sood Ileal, ro In JEFF'S At the Old Stand, on Main Slreet. Annual Meeting. milE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE A. stockholders of UieAstoriaBulldlngand Loan Association will be held Tuesday, May 8th.ISS3, from 2 p. "St. until 8 p. m . for the Surpose of elecUng directors for the ensu j year.. Byorderofthepresldent. uB0BBi Secretary. Tnsa fninEg Tie United States NATIONS ABOUT EATING. A Number of Annoying Traditional Bubbles Pircked by Prof. White. It has been an old notion from way bacfc that certain kinds of food must be avoided because they tend to produce certain kinds of disease. This notion has been fos tered by alleged physicians who publish health journals, and are always laying down rules about living, which if any one undertook to follow litrrally and scrupulously, would make life a burden from the cradle to the grave. Some years ago Dr. Dio Lewis, who was regarded as somewhat of a health expert, announced that tomatoes were unhealthy, were the cause of cancers, loosened and des troyed the teeth, etc. For generations boys and girls had been warned not to eat so much butter or their faces would break out with "butter sores." It is an old time tradition that buckwheat cakes are productivs of skin dis eases, and the Scotch are said to be cursed with the itch because they eat so much oatmeal. Dr. James C. "White, professor of der matology in Harvard University, in a recent article on cutaneous diseases, pricks some of those an noying traditional bubbles. He says that uncooked butter is per fectly harmless food so far as the skin is concerned, and it is difficult to conceive how any one would have otherwise unless, possibly, the use of bad butter in food other wise indigestible may have dis turbed the stomach and produced impure blood. Buckwheat cakes do not produce cutaneous diseases, unless improperly cooked and eat en hot with too much syrup, they upset the digestion. Oatmeal is perfectly harmless food, and the idea that tomatoes cause cancer is ridiculous; D&: White says that the'eating of fruits, nuts and fish may lead to irritation of the skin in certain individuals, but this arises from some cause peculiar to' the individual. The notion that certain kinds of food are detiimen tal to the complexion is a false one. A good digestion and a healthy appetite will take care of the skin, and it matters little what one eats if the stomach is allowed to do its work properly and furnish rr1'1 material for pure blood. The Earth Exhales Poison To the air In localities where vcgela ion. rotted by freshets, is laid bare to the sun's rays by the retiring flood. Millions of square acres, in the vicinity of the great tributaries of the Mississippi and the Missouri in the South and South-west, give forth this fever laden miasmatic vapor, disseminating ma larial pestilence broadcast. Not only throughout the great West, but wherevor on this cuutinent f e er and ague makes its pe iodic.il appearance and what locality Is w holly exempt from if.' Ilostcttcr's Stom Bliters is the recognized defense, the most highly accredited and popular means of cure. Fever and as;ue, bullous remittent, duirb ague and ague cake are eradicated by it Uor is It less potent when used to remove constipation, liver complaint, and dyspepsia, kidney troubles nervousness and rheumatic ailments. Use it upon the first appearance of lliese troubles, and w ith persistence. Senator Mitchell has given no tico that next Wednesday he will call up his bill to build a boat rail road around the Dalles and Oflilo falls. For dyspepsia or stomach d rangemenls, no other remedy can be found so pleasant, prompt, and effective as 'Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Ot the 10,000 immigrants landed at New York within the forty-eight hours ending yesterday noon, many are said to be booked for Califor nia, Nevada and Oregon. They will be welcome if thejr are of the right kind, and the presumption is that they are, as the fact of their being bound direct for this coast argues the possession of better judgement and more money than most immigrants have. a?. J"7. Bulletin. Leading medical authorities in dorse Ayer's Srrsaparilla as the best blood medicine. Manual training has become so popular iu tho New York City schools that a committee of girls from ono of tho grammar departments lately asked an hour a week for instruction in sew ing, embroidering, knitting, crochet ing nnd the like. Group, Whooping Cough and Bron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Cure- Sold by J . C. Dement. Shiloh's Coueli ana ConsumDtion Cure is sold by Us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by J. C. De ment. That Hacking ' Cough can be so qniokly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by J. C. Dpmcnt. Turned Out to ba a Man. There are a good many strange features in London journalism. For some years past a writer, whoso signature was "Miranda," furnished sundry colums of femi nine gossip every week to the La dies' jPictorial, and now it comes as rather a shock to tho readers of that paper discover that "Miranda" was a male individual and bore the name of Archibald McNeili. Young girls, middle-aged girls, elderly girls cirls of all sorts, in fact poured their confidence into "Miranda's" ear. They wrote ask ing him to expound dark points regarding stockings and frillings; they consulted him on cosmetics, and hair washes, and things that wonld remove pimples; they took his opinion on the subject of trim mings for delicate garments which are worn in the silent watches of the night, and "Miranda" answered them all and breathed soft confi dence into tho pink ear of the pub lic. They all gavo themselves away under tho impression that he was a woman, and he wasn't a woman after all. And now "Mir anda" has come to a sudden end. It would have been all right, doubtless, if he had confined him self strictly to writing women items, as that is an occupation at which comparatively few men got mur dered if they are ordinarily careful, but he went away to report the Smith;Kilrain prize fight, and a day later his dead body was found in tho Seine. The man 'who had so long dispensed sage advice on stockings and corsets and other articles of underclothing had been robbed and strangled by some ruffian, and the poor fellow has carried with him into eternity an extensive knowledge of how the British woman is made up. Cfiic ago. Tribune Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria When Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria. iVnen she was a Child, she cried for Castoria, iVhen she became Miss, she clung to Castoria, iVhen she had Children, she gave them Castoria Attention has been callod to tho fact that the extravagant real estate speculation which has been carried on all over the country for months has created a large amount of new and additional debts in the form of first, second and third mortgages, which multiply rapidly as prices are marked up. It is a very mod erate estimate to say that the aver age prices of real estate in the most prosperous towns and cities of the United States have been marked up at least 50 per cent in the last six months, some of it two or three times, and the lessous of history tell what must be tho final result of such reckless and danger ous inflation. Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for more than a quarter of a cent ury. H ' iwcd by the United States Gov ernment. Kndorsed by the heads of the Great Universities as the Strongest. Purest, and most Healthful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Am monia. fJme, or Alum. Sold only in Cans. PRICE BAKING PO WDEll CO., NMV YOHK, CHICAGO. ST. LOUIS. THE Casino Restaurant One block from the O. K. & N. Dock, M.M.SERRA, Proprietor. A Good Meal For 25 Cents. Oysters in any Style, 25 cents. In connection with this Popular Restau rant Is run a flist-class Saloon, well stocked with choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigars. s-&Vu WEIGHT Always Do Your Best. It is very common for young men, I think, to determina the quality of their work by the price which they are paid for it. I only get, says such a one, $5 a week, and I am sure that I am giving $5 worth of service: if my employer wants more, let him pa' more; if he wants better let him give better wages. This is specious reason ing, but it is false; and it is de structive to the bst work, and therefore to the best manhood. No man can afford to do anything less well than his best. He who al ways strives to do his best work, in the very process of striving will grow better andbetter. Not only will he grow more skillful in that particular workmanship, but he will be better equipped for other workmanship. This is an abso lutely universal road to promotion. The man who is careful to give nothing more than he gets rarely gets more than he gives. The man who works for his own sake, who puts the best part of himself into every blow he strikes, who mixes all his work with brain and conscience, who studies to render the largest possible service regard less of the compensation which it brings, sooucr or later will find his way on and up. Tho world learns his worth and calls him to higher service. Nor is this all. By stirring himself up to do always the best he can, he grows into a power to do better and even better. A Good Norse. Should not hesitate to wait upon those ill with such diseases as Small-pox, Cholera or Scarlet Fever. There is lit tle to bo feared by persons waiting on the sick if they will ise Darbys Pro phylactic Fluid freely. In sick-rooms It should bo exposed on a plate or sau cer, and the patient sponged off with the Fluid diluted. For safety, .cleanli ness and comfort in the sick room the Fluid is indispensable. The deepestHrilled will in the United States is near Pittsbti rg, Pcnn. A depth of4,618 feet was "reached when tho tools were lost and the work ceased. OWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and can not be sold in competition with the multi tude of low test, short weicht. alum or phos phate powders. Sold only in cam. Royal uakinq rowDKRuo, iuc wan-sen, X. CANDY Manufactured and For Salo at Wholesale trices, at The Oregon Bakery A. A. CLEVELAND, Prop'r. Gooi Breafl, Gate al Pastry None but the Beat Materials Used. Satisfaction Guaranteed Customers Bread delivered in any part of the city. Seaside Bakery. BcsOIilk Bread aud CAKES OF ALL KINDS, Manufacturers of Flno Candles. AND Ornamental Confectionery, And Ice Creams. Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Candle9. JOHKSOX, BROH. I. W. Gas BANKER. ESTABLISHED - - 1870. Transacts a General Banking Business. Drafts drawn available in any part of the U. S. and Europe, and on Hong Kong; China Office Hours : 10 a. m. to 3 p. ji. Odd Fkixows BtrrxniNn, Astoria, Oreaon. CASH. SPECIAL APRIL IOTH, 1888. BTTST OXJR CLOTHING, FURNISHING GOODS, HATS AND GAPS, TRUNKS, VALISES, UMBRELLAS, BLANKETS, QUILTS, OIL COATS, PANTS, APRONS, SLEEVES, Etc., Etc., Etc., AT A STRICTLY ONE PRICE CASH HOUSE That (from this date) will mnke change to a cent, And you will save money over any other house in these United States, considering your expenses in laying down your goods. 53fA child buys a3 cheaply at my counters as tho most experienced buyer. Country orders filled correctly and with dispatch. oplKS'nouse. Street Kailroad J. H. D. &KAI u-'holesale aud retail dealer in. GROCERIES FLOUR, AND FEED Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND AND CEMENT Ovueral Storage and Wharfage on reason able terms, toot of Benton street, Astoria, Oregon. How t Make Mon3r. IN CASH. FOH WHO Wm. S. Kimball & Co. s Satin, Regal, Atletic, and Four in Hand, Straight Cut; Fragrant Vanity Fair, Superlative, Little Jockey, and Velvet Brands. Save Your Empty Boxes and Wrappers. a The Greatest Irter Secures the First Prize of $1,000 Casir $22,500.00 1ST O&SIX. To bo jjiven to consumers of brands of Cigaretl 1st, and December 25th, 1838, payable at our otto 3 Cash Gifts each of Jl.oOO, amounting $3fi(a S " 600, " 1,500 9 ' " 2D0. " 2J50 30 " " 100, " 3.000 45 ' " DO, " 2,250 The following amounts iu cash will be distributed on each of the following dates : July cd, October 1st. and December 25th, 1838. 1 Cash Gift of.... 1 " " 3 " " .... 10 ' " 15 " " ..S1.000 .. coo .. 250 ..... .. 100 .... ... 50 .... . S1.000 500 . 750 1,000 750 PLAN OF DISTRIBUTION. To the person sending to our address the greatest number of empty 5, jo, 1j or 20 cent packet wrappers or boxes of Kimball's Straight Cut. Fragrant Vanity Fair. Superlative. Little Jockey and Velvet brands, with stamps mutilated, will be awarded the Qrst gift pt $1,000.00 ; to the next, the second gift of $500.00 ; to the next three, the third gift of 2ao.00 each, and so on, until all are distributed. NOTICE. Outside cover of boxes only will be necessary. Satin wrappers must be accompanied with band label and inside wrapper bearing ourlmprint. Wrappers or boxes covering 20 Cigarettes will bo counted as two. Ties will be divided. All parcels must bo sent by MAIL or EXPRESS PAID, with Name of Sender, Town. County, and State, and number of wrappers marked plainly on outside of package, aud must be in our hands by J Of.Y 2(1. OCTOBER 1st. and DECEMBER 25th, 18S3, cm which dates the respective contests will close, when the money will be remitted as promptly as possible. Scndlngs for first awards will not be Included in subsequent awards. tay-At time of awarding cash prizes, any person having sent us 103 empty boxes or wrappers will receive a beautiful Album containing Forty-Eight Embossed t'jnls, Illus trating the "Arms of Dominions'" emblazoned in gorgeous colors. Wm. S. KIMBALL & CO., Manufacturer of Fine Cigarettes, ROCHESTER, iL Y. ONE PRICE. Astoria, Oregon. running by the door. H. EKSTROM, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. Special Attention raid to REPAIRING. A Fino Lino of Jewelry, Clocks and Watches on Hand. All "Work Guaranteed. Water St., East of Aug. Danielson's. U3E abovo mentioned, on July 2d. October o be divided as follows : 75 Cash Gifts each of $25, amounting S1.8T5 150 15, " 2550 300 " " " 10. " 3.000 C75 " - ' 5, " 3,375 1290 S22.50O 25 Cash Gifts of ......$ C25 r 750 1,000 1,125 S7.E0O 50 , 15. . 10. 10O 430 SMOKERS