(3 z t ft ibfotiim. ASTORIA, OREGON: FRIDAY. -march 23. isss ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted.) J. F. HALLORAN & COMPANY, rnbllshcrs and Proprietors, woman-Buimixo, - . CassSteret. Terms ofSnbserlptloa. Served bv Carrier, per week.... Sent bv Mall, per montli... " one year.... .. Free of postage to subscribers. .. 15 cts - to cts -?7.M The Astoria:.- guarantees to Its Adver tisers the largest circulation ol any newspa per published on the Columbia river. The Lucipara, Olive S. Southard and Larnaca crossed out yesterday. There will be a business meeting of the Western Amateur band at eight o'clock this evening. The 865 music box from the New York Novelty store was won for M. 0. Crosby last evening on a throw of 44. The Columbia woke the forest ech oes at 7 yesterday morning. Sne brought 94 tons freight and a few fishermen and left up in good season. The list of salmon canneries on this const, now numbers 103, a consider able inorease over the number last year when 997,000 cas'es salmon were packed. A 850,003 fire swept through the uusiness pari ot anington last Wea nesday, and nothing but the hardest kind of work kopt tho wholo town from going. A Second warder says that he has a Mascotte at his house. It has been officially decided by the highest au thority in the state that a Masootte born out of salmon soason is a hoo doo. P. O. Arnold, of the hotel committe of the Portland board of trade, reports that the subscriptions to the hotel subsidy now foot up 8137,000. He is confident that the entire amount will b9 raised by the 1st or April. The night boat is doing tremendous business. When she landed yester day morning a string of people pour ed out that made it look as though a whole village wero migrating this wny. She brought a very largo quan tity of freight also. The new steamer built by Jacob Kamm, the Undine, made her trial trip to Vancouver and return to Port land last Tuesday afternoon. She was timed on the return trip from Vancouver to that city, and made the run ia an hour and twenty minutes. Captain White, of tho Canadian Pacifio steamer Premier, who recent ly absconded, left his wifo and family in circumstances so destitute that a purse of 8100 was raised Monday among the officers of the ship at Vic toria to relievo her pressing necessities. Herman Wise has enlarged his premise s by taking m tho room for merly used as a drummer's sample room at the Ocoident, adding greatly to his space and giving an opportu nity for the better display of his stock of olothing and genta' furnishing goods. A piece ot timber Ci8 inches from the waters ot Paget Sound, was re ceived at this office yesterday after noon. It is riddled and honeycombed by the teredo and in the 48 square in ches of surface, there are by actual count, 143 holes made by those des tructive insects. The Walla Walla fire department threatens to disband unless the city council treats the members more gen erously. Something wrong. Stand in: do your prettiest: show you de serve recognition and municipal sup port, and our word for it, you'll find your city council won't repudiate you. The Oregonian says that the only fit office left in Multnomah county is that of the sheriff. There isn't much in the sheriff's office in this county, nor, indeed, in an city or county of fice, except it is tho county clerk's, which office has always been consid ered to be a very good paying posi tion. A handsomely printed pamphlet is received from the L. Jeff Milbourne advertising agehoy, of Baltimore, Md., being a select list ot leading daily newspapers, with their weekly and Sunday publications. It gives cor rect lists regarding circulation, terms, etc., and give3 many pungent para graphs of value to advertisers . The price of lumber in San'Fran cisoo has more than doubled for some qualities and nearly doubled for other qualities since 1886. For example the price of rough pine, under 70 feet long, in 1886 was 810, now His 822 .50. Fenoing ot the first quality has rison from S15 to S23.50. and second quality fencing from 810 to S18.50. Several of the Western Amateur band have accepted business situa tions elsewhere. There is plenty of good material that, with organization and instruction, would make a good band. Prof. TJtzinger deserves credit for the time and effort he devoted to tho present band, and with proper in ducement would', doubtless, be able to keep the organization up to its pres . ent standard of efficiency. "Cultus" i3 informed that in case of the death of president Cleveland, there being no vice president, secre tary of state Bayard would bo presi dent, till Maroh 4th 1889. Ho failing, the secretary ot war would succeed, and bo on. It used to be that the president pro tempore of the senate and the speaker of tho house would succeed, respectively, to the presiden cy in case of death or disability of the ?hf JWliJ incumbent, but now the order as giv en above, rules. The Oregon Bailed at five o'clock yesterday afternoon. She took 4,588 bdls. shooks, 272 tons, and it looked as though there were shooks enough to Bhook the whole fleet. These shooks go to San Francisco, and from there to Alaska, where they will bo knocked together and come back as salmon cases, each case holding 48 cans of Alaska salmon. There were no oysters on yesterday's steamer. The oyster shipments have been very light of late. Said a visitor yesterday: "After reading that article on 'hard times' this morning, I started out to look for a girl to do housework, and after searenmg alt day, I at last founa a Chinaman, whom I coaxed to come by offering him 85 a week." Looks like hard times, doesn't it! Ask a man to do a job of work for you and he'll hum and haw, and tell you he'll think about it, and maybe he'll do it to-morrow or next week. If some of the croakers whose intestines are tied in a hard knot, just had to endure "hard times" for a month or so, it might do them good. The safe at the O. R. & N. dock has an eventful history. Originally it oame from San Franoisco and in transit fron the store the truck broke and damned it on the street. A man who helped load it on again got jammed by it and almost crippled for me; it nnaiiy reached here and was used by Trenchard & Upshur. When their store burned, it was in the flro. Afterward it was bought by Count Hansen and by him sold to the O. It fc N. Co. When the O. R. & N. dook burned, in July. '83. it was in that blaze and fell to the bottom of the river. It was got out and now occu pies a prominent corner in tho freight office. The good peoplo of Clatskniiine are exercised over n soandal which affects Frank Merrill, purser of the steamer Manzanillo. As the story goes, and as tho people there writo Merrill's servant girl a few mornings since dis covered that during the absence of her husband Mrs. Merrill had been shar ing her bed room with n low lived fellow named Frank Jones. On the return of Mr.. Merrill tho servant communicated her findings to the hus band, and then in her remorse Mrs, Merrill took a big doso of laudanum with suicidal intent. The prompt administration of antidotes prevented any serious effocts from tho laudanum. The other side of the story, if there is one, remains yet to bo told. A funny communication has been received, telling what conld, should, might and ought to bo done with "that 8150,000," pledged sometime ago for railroad purposes. The funni est tling about it is that tho writer of it didn't mean to be funny. He writes in sober earnest and wants to havo "that S150.000" "laid out" in a manner that would benefit tho entire county. To prevent possible misun- aerstanding it may uo stated that "that S150.000" is not lyine in a lame can vass sack, in shining 820 pieces, easy of access and ready to be tapped at annours notice. It exists only on paper: it is perfectly good, is all there and would be forthcoming should opportunity justify. Bnt sug gestions or instructions as to the spending of itare a littlo premature. ana yet it is a fascinating form ot amusement, for who is there who can not conjure up some pleasing way ot spending S150.000 provided ono "had it to spend. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. Pursuant to call there was a Dem ocratic primary at Liberty Hall last evening to elect 37 deleeates from Astoria precinct to the county con vention to be held iu this city on the autn inst. O.H. Page was elected chairman and E. Z. Ferguson, secretary. The first business was to elect a precinct committee for tho next two years. C. H. Page, Geo. Poland, and H. A. Smidt, were so elected. On motion it was decided to elect the delegates singly, and vita voce, which was done, and the following chosen as delegates: Geo. Noland, J. P.Dickinson. J.E. HiKdins. O.B.Estes. Thos. Dealey, Wm. Pohl, P. W. Weeks, O. H. Page, Thos. G..Boelling, H. McCormack, O. R Thomson, W. W. Wherry, Alfred Kinney, A. A. Cleve land. J. F. Page, Thos. Logan, H. A. Smidt, J. W. Bottom. Geo. M. Kowe. Herman Wise, John H. Smith, O. J. Curtis, P. A. Trullinger, Jaoob Gus tsfson, Frank Cook, Bobcrt Grant, John Caswell, LB. Elbon, Marcus Wise, Wm. Bock, W. H. Whitcomb, A. V. Pendleton, J. F.McGovern, Jas. Scott, Jas. Stokes, John Miller, W. J. Dnnlap. On motion it was expressed as the sense ot the convention that the dele gates chosen of the county conven tion to attend the state convention are expected to attend in person, and not by proxy. After some remaks bv Messrs. Berc- man and Onrtis,the meeting adjourned sine die. The chairman announced that there would be a meeting of the oluo at ViJU to-morrow ovenmg at Liberty Ball. Sprliiff Opening at (ho ZUillin- cry and Dressmaking Parlors. Jliss Wagenblast and Miss Craft will have their Spring opening of Millinery next Tuesday and Wednesday, March 27th and 28th. Their stock comprises all the latest Novelties In Millinery, French style Hats and Bonnets, aud a full stock of new goods to select from. Tho ladies ot Astoria and vicinity are cordially invited to attend the opening. Odd-Fellows Building, Cass street. Opening Day. On Wednesday, the 28th inst., Mrs. W. J. Barry will have an opening of fashionable millinery, hats and bon nets, etc., comprising all the latest styles. Spring Opening or Millinery. Mrs. Derby's 'and Miss Hellborn's spring opening of Millinery, will bo on Wednesday, the 23th Inst. Ladles aie invited to call. EAILE0AD ACCIDENT NEAE OSWEGO. Latest From Various Eastern Points. New York, March 22. Geo. W. Cas3 died yesterday after an illness lasting a year, aged 78 years. He was one of the engineers of the great na tional road, built the first iron bridge in the United States, and established the first fast transportation company across the Alleghany mountains. He was at one time president of the Adam's Express company. Ho was also president of the Pennsylvania railroad, and for twenty-six years held the Bamo position on the Pitts burg, Fort Wayne & Chicago railroad. He was president of the Northern Pa cifio at one time and subsequently re ceiver of the same. THE FLOOD CONTTXTJES. Poplab, Mont, March 22. The great flood on the upper Missouri continues and the river is still rising. There is six feet ot water on the rail road at Wolf Point and the bridges are all washed out. Milk river is commencing to break up und the country is flooded for forty miles around. Cattlemen and Indians will lose large quantities ot hay and wood. There will also be somo loss of stock, and if the river gorges at this point the loss will be immense. EASTERN FBE3HETS. New York, March 22. Sevoral bridges on tho West Shore railroad have been carried away by the floods, and the traffic ot the road is being sent by the Now York Central rail road. New York and New England have suffered severely from washouts. WINTER IN SPBINO'S LAP. CniOAOO, March 22. Dispatohe3 from various points in the northwest report a drop in the temperature yes torday from 30" to 40', accompanied nearly everywhere by high winds and light snow. Fears are expressed that winter wheat will be seriously injured. AN INNOVATION. Washington, March 22. The house committoe on revision of laws decided almost unanimously to report a joint resolution proposing the amendment to the constitution, for the olootion of Unitod States sena tors by the direct votes of the people. OBITUABY. New York, Maroh 22. James M. Halstead, president of tho American flro insurance company, died this morning. TORTLAND ITK5I. Portland, March 22. Tho jury in tho case ot Pearl Page camo in this afternoon with a verdict of guilty, but recommend the prisoner to the mercy of the court. The woman, hearing the verdict broke completely down. This afternoon a narrow guage train bound for Portland met with an accident on the otherside of Oswego. The engine and tender jumped the track because of somo obstruction the origin of which, was unknown, and fen a distance of about lifteen feet. The train was a mixed one, carrying freiglit, live stock and passengers. Just what the result of tho accident is, cannot be learned, but it is known that some stock was killed and at least four or five passengers hurt. .Later information states that the engineer and fireman escaped by jumping from the cab. A. K. Cole burn, the conduotor, is reported seri ously injured. Nono killed. Real Estate Transfer. Alex Gilbert and wifo to A .M. Fon- j nor, ot nl., quit claim deed lot 4. b!k. 13G. Mo Olure's Astoria; 820. Line on the Drth of Eon. I Tho poor olo kow h ded, Tha noket er in the he J, A barl nv bind alio bled. Poor olo thing. 22 Kwartfl ov railck bIio gi v, As.trew as Eyo dow liv, But now er 12 Kwart bag Ain't wuth a lalygag, Poor olo thing. She'd kick U in 2 fits Ef yew dared to pincher tits, And fiho'd hook U inter bits 'Boat as big as pepper grains. But tho poor ole krilter's gone! Etarnitee has dawnd Inter her hed. Sho's gone tn th.pt bright land, With the spirits of Kows she stands, She's dod! she's ded! IAqc Sawbxix. Worth Knowing. Mr. V. II. Morgan, merchant, Lane City, Fla., was taken with a sovere Cold, attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages. He tried many so called popu lar cough remedies and steadily grow worse. Was reduced in flesh, had diffi culty In breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption and found immediato lelief, and after using about a half dozen bottle- found himself well and has had no return of the disease. No other remedy can show so grand a rec ord of cures, as Dr. King's 2ew Discov ery for Consumption Guaranteed to do just what isclaimed for iL Trial bottle frej at J. C. Demeut's Drug store. Twines, Twines. Twines. J.O.IIanthorn is agent for Dunbar, .MacMasters & Co.'s salmon twines on the Pacific Coast, and guarantees to satisfy the trade in prices and quality equal to any on tho market. When you do your spring house clean- Carpet Felt, the best thing outfornut- mifc iiuuci l;uuci.m anna prooi. jew stock Just received. J. O. Bozoiitii. For the best photographs and tintypes go to Crow's Gallery. The best Oysters in any style, at Whitcomb & McGillas's. J ' Telephone LodKiiis IIousc. Best Beds in town. Booms per night 60 and 25 cts., per week Sl-W. New and clean. Trivate entrance. The finest and juiciest steak at V hit comb & McGillas's. Private Roams. At Whitcomb & McGillas's restaurant, for suppers, parties, otc. Tlie best cooked to order. PERSONAL MENTION. C. Leinenweber is at the Nestucca. John P. St. John will be in Astoria April 19th. Ben Young went to San Franciseo yesterday. C. B- Thomson goes to Oystcrville this morning. Brenham Van DuRen has returned from Portland. H. B. Parker returned from Port land yesterday. Al Gates takes a vacation trip to Eastern Oregon. E. S. Larson, of Portland, was in the city yesterday. W. E. Tallant went to San Francis co -yesterday, on the Oregon. Mrs. Jno. Ellegan, who has been quite ill, is rapidly recovering. Jos. Pinschowergoes to-day on a business trip to Pacifio county. Mrs. P. W. Weeks was a passen ger on yesterday's outgoing steamer. W. D. Baker and D. 0. Ireland went to Portland on last night's boat. Mrs. A. E. Osgood went to San Francisco on yesterday afternoon's steamer. C. B. Watson has returned from an extended jaunt through the southern part of the state. Misses Emma Sherman and Katie Thrall sailed on the Oregon for San Francisco yesterday. W. W. Parker is building a two story structure on the southeast oor ner Water and West 8th streets. Messrs. McDermott and Ferguson, hull and boiler inspectors, arrived yesterday afternoon. N. J. Blagen, who has the oontraot to build the three-story brick, corner Cass and Chenamus, came down yes terday. O. Delaney, will run a hash found ry belonging to the Albina Packing company at a point about 1,100 miles beyond Sitka this season. J. W. Bedington, formerly editor of tho Heppner Oazette, has gone into the roal estate business at Walla Walla. Having been a newspaper man so long himself he appreciates the value of advertising, and the papers ot that oity are filled with his advertisements. Does It Pay? Three-fourths of 'our people are troubled with Dyspepsia and liver Complaint in somo form or other, whioh by naturo of the disease has a depressing influence on the mind or body, preventing them from thinking or acting clearly in any matter of im portance. Indigestion, coming np of food after eating, dyspepsia, sick head-ache, acidity of the stomach or any derangement of the atomaoh or liver (upon which tho whole action of our system depends) are speedily and effectually overcome by tho use of ureai. s August Flower. The most stubborn cases have yielded to its in- Huence, 83 thousands ot letters re ceived will testify. The immense sale of this medicine is another guarantee of its merits, (over a million and a naif uotties sold last year.) ao we ask, will it pav you to suffer from any ot the above diseases when you oan have immediato relief in tho August Flower. Three doses will prove its worth. It is sold by all druggists and general dealers in all parts ot the world. A fraiil of the Pirate '3ail, ho!' sang tho lookout on a pirate vessel. "Whero away?" called oat the pi rate captain. '"Three points on the leather beam and bearing this wny.'1 "Good. Can you mako her out?" After a prolonged inspection through a powerful glass the lookout replied iu an agitated veice: "She looks like the Atalanta, Cop tain Jay Gould's" '"Bout ship!-' yelled tho captain, frantically, and run! All bands on deck to pray for deliverance!" Chi cago Tribune. A Sunny Jtoom With tho comforts of a home, library, etc. Apply at ITnlden House. Any case of Croup can ba pasily treat ed and cured by using "Tho Child's Couch Syrup." Full ditections with each package, which can only bo pur oIiaMtl at Denienl's drug store. To ami rrom Wcstport. The steamer Monlesano, Capt. Jno. W. Welch, is now making rogular trips to and from Westport, leaving hero from Wilson & Fisher's wharf at 2 r. m., and leaving Westport at 0 A. ir. Meals Cooucd to (Irder. Private rooms for ladles and families: at Central Uostaurant, next to Foard & .Stokes'. Ludlow's Ladies S3.00 Fino Shoes; also Flexible Hand tured French Kids, at l J. Goodman's. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at Whit comb & McGillas's. GnmbriiiiiH Deer Ami Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa loon, r cents. Every ino'.lier is interested in know ing that a special preparation for chil dren, called "The Child's Cough Syrup" U now for sale only at Demeut's drug store. Do Von Eat or II uy Can dy t Puro Candy manufactured and for sale at lowest prices at tho Oregon Ba- Kcry. Fine Dwelling House to Item. Good terms to suitable tenant. Inquire in una imiue. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint? .Millolrt Vitallzer Is uuarautecd to cure yon. Sold by J. C. uemenr. When Von Go to Portland Frank Fabrc. Occidental hotel reatau. rant, will be glad to see his Astotia friends, A good dinner at a moderate price anu everytnmg in season. Tho latest style of Gents' Boots and OllUfS IU 1 . O. UUUD.UAn s - SHOE DEPARTMENT. mmms HANNA E. Rochester, ITera Tork. For Misses and Children I am sole agent for the celebrated shoes manufactured by OWLES Th Equal if not superior Lion stances. No tacks, nails, or wax threads in contact with readily as a hand sewed shoe. All goods are silk fitted, warranted. Sm The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House of Astoria, Oregon. DIAMOND PALACE! OUSTAY HASSEN, Frop'r. A Large and Well Selected Stock ot Fine Diamonfls t Jewelry At Sxtremely Low Prices. All Goods Bought St Thli KiUbllahmcat Warranted Genuine. Watch and Clock Repairing A SPECIALTY. Corner Cass and Squemoqua Streets. Carnahan & Co. 8UCCE3SORS TO T. "W: CASE, IJffORTEKS AND WHOLESALE AND KETAIL DEALERS IN GENERAL MERCMDISE, Comer Chenamus and Caxs streets. A8TCKIA OREGON BOOTS AND SHOES! Of Best Quality, and at LOWEST PRICES, -AT THE- SIGN OF THE COLDEH SHOE. joasr TTAECisr. MURRAY & CO., GROCERS And Dealers In Special Attontlon Clvento Filling Of Orders. A FULL LINE CARRIED And Supplies furnished at Satis factory Terms. Purchases delivered In any part o( tbe city. Office and "Warehouse In Hume's New Building on Water Street. P. O. Box 153. Telephone No. 87. ASTORIA. OREGON. G. A. STINSON & CO., BLAGKSM1THING, it Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ot Cass .and Court Streets. and Cannery Snips ! itee New arrivals of the latest styles fime shoes from NEW "STORK. A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT ? FINES All widths, from Rochester, STew "STorls. SPECIAL (PATENTED.) to hand sewed. Warranted rH 7gHPM3BCsgWMB Is the Indian word for "bustle" but that don't prevent Hernial! Wise FROM Selling Clothes In order to close my large stock before enlarging my premises I invite a close inspection of my prices. THE RELIABLE CLOTHIER AND HATTER. Occident Hotel Building. of OKI O NS OF not to rip under any circum the foot. Can be repaired as made from good material and HWIM . .14 ,' -