p) t gafttj gtftomn. ASTORIA. OREGON: SATURDAY.. MAllCII 10. 18SS THE DEAD EUPEUOn. The death of. emperor William I of Germany, removes a singularly majes tic figure from the world, in some re spects the foremost A great soldier, a great ruler, and a firm believer in the ancient idea ot the "Divino right of kings,' he was the last of his kind. He stood alone, and now that ho is gone, there is none like him. His great age made him all the more remarkable. To think that but yesterday the man lived who at the age of fourteen, when after the disas trous battle of Ulm, Germany lay bleeding at the feet of France, was taken by his mother to the tomb of Frederick William and sworn to avenge his defeat; and that that oath was taken seventy-3even years ago, and fulfilled sixty years after. It is a great stretch of time from the battle of Waterloo, where William won a major's commission by bravery, to the French palace of Versailles, fifty-six years afterward, where in the halls of his ancient enemies he was crowned emperor of Germany, and the seven teen years of prosperous reign which closed yesterday, Death dropping the curtain on a career that has not its equal in ancient or modern history. The long reign of Louis XIY was a magnificent one, but it was his gen erals that marched to battle: the long reign of queen Victoria has been a progressive one; but it was on the whole, composed of victories of peace, and not of war; but no where else in history can be fonnd a parallel to the great Hohenzollern, with infinito bkill consolidating his power, and fin ally after fifty years of toil, backed by an entire nation, riding to victory and assuming the crown of an emperor on a conquered field in the heart of a hostile citv. Senator Vest has beeu doing some recent loud talking in the senate in what is by a stretch of sensational courtesy entitled -a speech." In the course of this speech, the senator was as inaccurate in his statement of facts as ho was unfortunate in his choice of argument The senator has a perfect right to hold what opinion he pleases, but even a senator from Missouri is sup posed to have an idea of what ho wants to say, before he proceeds to say it. Among other surprising state ments the senator from Missouri who appears to not lack the ability to pull himself down, says that Gen. Leo had bnt 8,000 men left at Appomattox. It really makes very little difference, but tho official records furnished by Gen. Lee show that from March 29th, to April 9th, 1803, there were captured 40,405 of his army, and on tho latter date there we. e surrendered and pai- oled 23,410 men. Last Thursday senator Ingalls pre sented in the senate a remarkable pe tition, signed by 105,000 citizens of the thirteen original states of the Union, protesting against the admis sion of Utah to the Union. The peti tion is about the size of a nail keg, and trimmed with red, white and blue limiting. Ladies were mainly instru mental in securing the signature?. The Verdict Unanimous. W. 1). Stilt, Druggist. Bippu. 1ml., leistifics: '! can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Every Iiottle sold lias given relief in every case. One man toel: six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 year.-.' standing." Abraham llaro, druggist. Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medi cine I have ever handled in my '.:0 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thou sands of others have added their testi mony, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a isalf dollar a bottle at W. E. J)ement & '.!." Drugstore. Fur the best plmto.5r.1phs and tintypes gn to Crow's Gallery. Tlie. latest st le of Gents Boots and Shoes at r. J. Goon.UAN's. Tho best Oysters in anv style, at Whiteomb & McGillat'.. Tolenhnae liOdsia.: House. Best Beds in town. Booms per night CO and 23 cts., per week Sl-50. Now and clean. Piivato entrance. Ho Yon Eat or tiny Candy T Pure Candy manufactured and for sale at lowest prices at the Oregon Ba kery. Coffee and cake, ten cents, at Whlt- eomo jiouuias's. A fine cup of coffee, at Wiiitcomb & MeGlllas's. Ludlow's Ladies' S.1.00 Fine Shoes; also Floxible Hand hired French Kids, at r. J. Goodman's. Every mother is interested in know ing that a special preparation for chil dren, called -'The Child's Cough Syrup" is now for si!e only at Demcnl's drug s.tore. When Yon Go to Portland Frank Fabre, Occidental hotel restau rant, will be glad to see his Astoiia friends, A good dinner at a moderate price and everything in season. Private Koi.mg. At Whltcomb & iTcGIllas's restaurant, for suppers, parties, otc. The best cooked to ordar. THE EMPEEOE IS DEAD. Passed Peacefully Away at 8:30 Yes terday Morning. Sorronndrd Ey All Bnt The Crown Prinre. Berlin, March 9. The emperor William died at 830 o'clock this morning. Shortly aftor 8 o'clock all the mem bers of the family staying at the pal ace, tho court dignitaries, generals and ministers ot state were sum moned to the chamber in which the emperor was dying. The emperor was in a naif-sitting position on a camp bedstead. All the members 01 the royal family took their places be side it. The room was crowded. Prince William stood nearest the em peror, half bending over bis couch. He earnestly watched the face of the dying monarch until he expired. The emperor died holding the em press' hand. He was delirious for a brief period at 5 o'clock during which he exclaim ed "lam a man of peace, but if Rns sia forces me to war I shall faithfully side with my ally Austria.'' The emperor's remains lie covered with a white cloth on the bedstead on which he died in tho imperial cham ber. The body is surrounded with candles, Divine services will be held in the mortuary chamber to-night. Tho em peror will be buried in the mauso leum at Charlottenberg. William I., emperor of Germanv. was bom March22jl797, the second son of King Frederio William III. and Qneen Louise, a princess of Mocktenberg. He grow up with the humiliating impressions of the defeat of Jena, and under the melan- caolv conseauences 01 this disaster, bnt distinguished himself, thouch as vet verv young, in the campaigns of 1813-14, which terminated with the overthrow ot .Napo leon and tno restoration of i'rnssia. All his life through he had been au enthusi astic soldier, indefatigablo in the mili tarv service, even in its minutest dotails. When his father died (in 1810), and his elder brother, Frederick William IV., be came king, be received the title of prince of Prussia as heir presumptive, bnt many years passed away before his namo ac quired any prominence in political affairs. He was considered an absolutist, and for this reason, as woll as on account of his military inclinations, no was very un popular. Oa the outbreak of the revolu tion in 1318 he was compelled to leave the country and go to England. In the spring ot itH'Jj no toou command or tne military forces sent against tho South German insurgents, and suppressed the revolution in the Palatinate and Baden. Later, when the supremacy of the Aus traian policy in German affairs was felt with much regret in Prussia, public opinion underwent a change concerning the prince, and people began to look at the strength and firmness of his charac ter a3 a support of the greatness of Prus sia. He was, nevertheless, by no means popular, and frequent collisions arose be tween him and the people when be came to the head of the government as regent Oct. 9. 1858. and as kine Jan. 2. 18G1. It was especially the reorganization of the army which perpetually irritated tho peo ple. The king considered this measure as the most effective means of elevating the Prussian state, and wes consequently most anxious to carry it; while the peo p!o looked at it as au instrument of op pression. On Oct. 18, 18C1, ho was crowned at Konicsberc. and his peculiar taste for ceremonious magnificence be came very apparent on that occasion, as did also his high pride in his royal digni- bjr mm 111 uia luuiiiy (juumie: wuicn, however, with him were connected with the greatest personal simplicity, with temperance, perfect consciousness, and great industry. The relation between the kine and the neonle remained cold. and it became even difficult after the ap pointment of Bismarck a3 president of the cabinet. Bat a sudden and complete change took place in this respect. In tho war witn uenmarK (LWl) tho army proved able and effective. The people felt elated, and tho king began to be popular. Still more apparent became this change in 18C6, when, under the per sonal leadership of the king, brilliant victories were won over Austria and her German allies. At the opening of the war the liberal party condemned unani mously the policy of government, but when the result of this policy became an accomplished fact, a storm of enthusi asm arose for the king and his most in timate councillors, Bismarck, VonMoltke and Boon. Aftor tho war the king hesi tated long before he decided to nunex Hanover, Hesse, and Nassau, and there by give the principle of legitimacy its death-blow; but finally the conviction of the statesman superseded the hesitation of Jtha king. By the yublicanilum, is sued from Ems July 2G, 1867, ho placed himself at the head of the newly-formed North German union, and assumed for himself and his successors to the Prus sian crown tho rights and duties con nected with this new dignity. But tho greatest glory was gained by the king for his crown in the war with France (1870 71). By a peculiar combination of cir cumstances the final decision of the question of war or peace came to depend solely on him nnd his personal cbaractcr, and in tho crisis which preceded the war the negotiations with the Fronch nm bassador,Bencdetti, in Ems July, 1S70 his presence of mind, his firm courage, and his proud consciousness of his dig nity showed themselves in an imposing manner. From this moment he became the admired representative of tho whole German people, and the enthusiasm for him increased every day as the German army under his leadership pushed f cither and farther into France and gained one victory after another. It was simply just, however, that this should bo so, for it must bo remembered that the princi pal part of the success was actually duo to the king. He created the army; he selected tho leaders; he gavo the unde batable decision in cases in which opin ions differed: and in the bloodiest battles he exposed himFelf with tho greatest valor and bravery to the bullets of the enemy. Moved partly by tho brilliancy of the victory, partly by the personality of the victor, the German princes, so long divided, finally agreed in offering tho imperial crown of Germany to King William, and he accepted it at Versailles Jan. 18, 1871. On March 15, 1871, he re turned to .Benin under an indesonbable enthusiasm of tho people. WIDE SrltEAD KEQItET. London, March 9. Tho flags nre at halt mast generally throughout En gland on account of the death ot em peror William. The queen has sent a telegram ut condolence to Berlin and San Itemo. SENT TO WASHINGTON. Washington, March 9. The offic ial announcement of the emperor William's death was received at the German legation early this morning. The telegram was signed by prince Bismarck and stated that theemporer passed peacefully away. FRENCH CONDOLENCE. Tabis, March 9. Mr. Flourens. minister of foreign affairs, went to the German embassy and telegraphed to M. Herbette, the French embassy at Berlin, to present his condolence to Bismark. AT ST. rETEKSBURO. St. Peiersbueo, March 9.--Tho imperial theaters have been closed on acconnt ot the death of emperor Wil liam. Newspapers generally express the greatest respect for the late empnrer. Some uneasiness is felt regarding tho possible political consequences of his death. IN AVriTMA. Vienna, March 9. Tho Keischrath has adjourned because of the death of the German emperor, and all the stib isdized theaters have beeu closed The endorsement of German Synip is unparalelled. We will pub lish 1000 testimonials received during the last six months. Read them. May savo your life. Buelingham, N, 1'., May 31,'8G. G. G. Greek, Dear sir: I am fre quently troubled with severe colds, and the only remedy that will relieve me of them is yourioscceV German Syrup. I have used it for more than 12 years. It is a constant household oompanion with me. Onr merchant here procured it first at my solicita tion, nnd says ho has sold a great many bottles. It is a very popular remedy in this section. Every per son who has used it speaks in tho highest terms of its merits. I do not know ot a single case it has not cured. I first used it in Vermont, where I lived before comingbere. I advise everyone to use it, as it is cer tainly tho best cough medicine I have ever known. I have tried nearly all of them at different times. Yours respectfully, " MOSES GRAY, Proprietor Grist Mill. PERSONAL MENTION. Frank Patton is behind tho desk at the bank of I. W. Case. J. O. Spencer, of Clifton, has been re-appointed notary public. Mr. Gnstaf Wilson, the Rnssiau vicc-couusnl, is in the city. District attorney McBrido leaves lor Uregon city this morning. T. Pyo has accepted a situation at the Laramie Glass works, where he will receive a salary of S21G a month. Officer Jas. Kearney has resigned from the police force and will go to Alaska in the employ of the Cutting racking (Jo. KaNer Wilhelm Pied In Berlin Yesterday. (.Communicated.) William I, king of Prussia and em peror of Germany, was born on tho 2Jnd day of March, 1797. He was the second son of king Frederick William III, of Prussia, and tho noblo queen Louise, and assumed the reins ot government upon the re tirement of his older brother, Freder ick William IV, on account of mental disability. In January, 1861, at the death of his brother, who died childless. Wil liam I was crowned king of Prussia, at Koenigsburg. Since, and during all this time, he paid strict attention to all details concerning the affairs of government, for the benefit of his dear people, as ho delighted to call his subjects. None can imagine the intense ad miration the venerable Kaiser was held in by nearly all his subjects; one might almost call it worship. Tho hearts of his countrymen rejoiced at 111s successes and wept with him in his sorrows. In his own country, you only had to speak of "old Wilhelm." and the very mention of his name seemed to inspire all with holy admiration. The grief will be so much greater because the heir to the crown, Freder ick William, or "Unser Fritz1 as he is generally known, is down with a dan gerous disease, which is liable to prove fatal at any day. The German heart bleeds, and the civilized world sympathizes. IL W. MR. JOHN W. FURBUSH. An Army Veteran, OF WAKEFIELD, who hag probably suffered more than anr man or woman in America to-day. Taken sick while in tho Army, ho hiis endured untold agonies since. Describing his first symptoms he Bald: "My head ached and my appetite was poor. Ifeit a faintness at the pit of tho stomach, and bad taste in my mouth, while my skin was sometimes hot and sometimes cold. I next felt pains in my back and aronnd the lower portion of my body, and noticed a peculiar odor and color In tho water I passed, which was scanty at one time and free at others. Some times It pained me to void it, and aeain It was almost impossible to do so at all. Fi nally I began to pass clear blood accom panied with the greatest strain and agony." No less than 20 eminent physicians at tended Mr. Furbuab at various times, but not one of them could help him. He was near death's door. And yetne says: "lam alive and well to-day, wholly through the wonderful powerof Hunt's Ecmedy which took mo from the verge of tho grave." This Great Remedy attolulelv cure) all Kidney, Liver and Urinary Diseases. For Sale by all Sealers. C. N. CBITXENTON, General Agent, IIS Fulton St. K. Y. SfJ for panipijrt ( (If Hmntt FtnuJj c. y,rf. fnC4 if. . Fine Dwelling Ilouse to Bent. Good tennstosnitabl tenant. Inquire at this oSse. ' K. i.jt ,,")f viiA THE AMERICAN NET AND TWINE CO. Fishermen and thoso interested in supplying fishermen with every var iety ot fi3h nettings, nets, purse seines, etc., will notice the advertise ment of that old and reliable com pany the American Net nnd Twine Uo., of .Boston and New York. This company stands at the head of . the fish netting manufacturing indus-. try of America and is to-day stronger j in the esteem and goodwill of its pat-' rons and the public than ever before. ' With a large capital at its command several mills, oue exclusively for manufacturing twines, another for manufacturing cotton nettings, purse seines, etc., auother devoted entirely to the manufacture of linen and flax , gill nettings, it has all the facilities . that money, skilled labor and long experience can bring to bear in pro- j ducing the highest quality ot goods i and at the lowest prices. I Fully alive to tho interest of fisher men, the American Net and Twine! Co. pays the most careful and prompt , attention to the filling of nil orders. They are the sole manufacturers and proprietors of the "Shepard ! uold Medal" twines aud this make of j twine is used exclusively in their co t ton nettings. They have been the recipients of several medals and in all instances have received tbo highest awatd. Tho home office ot this company is at 43 Commercial St., Boston, Mass. This company is makiug a special study of the salmon fisheries of the Pacific Coast, is supplying largely at the present time purse seines and purse nets and pound nets aud in J fact, all nettings mado of cotton! and wanted in this section of our' coast. They iuvito correspondence nnd would be pleased to send one of their illustrated catalogues to any respan sible fisherman or fishing firm, upon application free. A Wouiau'.s IMscorcry. "Another wonderful discovery ha- been made and that too by a lady in this county. Disease fastened its clutch-; esupon her and for seven years she; withstood Its severest tests, lwt her vi-, tal orjjans were undermined and death I seemed imminent. For three months she coughed incessantly and could not Kind's New Discoverv for Consump tion and was so much relieved on tak-' ins; first dose that slio slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu- lously cured. Iler namo is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Tims write W. C. Herrick & Co., ' ofShelbyville.X. C., Get a freo trial' bottle at V. E. Dement & Co.'. Drug I Store. NEW TO-DAY. Leong Kees. Has woiked for Mr. G. C. Tattou, Chinese Employment Office. AU Kind of Chlnpsa Help For dolus General Housework, or any other Kind of Labor. Apply opposite Armory. Astoiia, Ongou. Call For Democratic Couuty Con vention. AT A MEETING OF THE DEMOCRATIC County Central committee, held Febru ary 23th. It was decided to call a Democrat ic Convention for Clatsop County to be held In Astoria March Soth, liT-S, at l o'clock. 1". M., for the purpose of selecting five dele gates to the Democra'Ic State Convention, to be held at Pendleton April 3d. 1333, and to transact such other business as may prop erly come before such convention. The several precincts will be entitled ti one delegate each,and onedelepataaddltion al for every fifteen votcsand fraction lhere of cast for N. L. Sutler for Congressman at the general election In 18SC, viz: Astoria ..37 Mishawaka 2 Bear Creek... . 3 Sea hide.. a Clatsop.... :. upper Astoria . Clifton 4 Voper 2 F slinank 2 Walluskl John Days 2 Wesport 2 Knappa. 3 Youujm river c Lewis and Clark 3 Total number of delegates so Committee recommend tint the l'recinct Primary meetings for tne selection of dele gates to the County Convention be held at the usual places of voting on Saturday. March 2ltli, at 2 $o r. ji except in Astoria and Upper Astoria. All Democrats and all conservative elti zcus who favor tho perpetuation of Demo cratic principles, are cordially United to participate in the pi imaries. ALFRED KINXEV, Chairman. FIRE BRICK DEALER IN Hay, Oais, and Straw, Lime, Brict, Cement, Sana and Plaster Wood Delivered to Order. Iir)lp, Tramlor; uml Lprt Itu.Iama. Vr"l-.&$ twi ' trmi.ull mm Ebenp'parher-Uaster- 5SSilfepgrg--gS KorTOWINO, Pr.EIGIlT orCHAK rKK apply to the Captain, or to II. Jt. PAJIKER. The New Model Range C AN IlE HAD IN AM BlBBdtma BV 5 flbrfBBfaeV'B Aseut. Call and Eamlue It ; You Will be Pleased. E. IE. Hanesls also Agent for the Buck Patent Cooking Stove, AND OTHER FIRST CLASS STOVES. Furnace Work, Steam Fittings, Etc., a Specialty. A Full Stock on Hand. FISH GROCERIES AD PROflSIOIS Promptly Delivered AT LOWEST PRICES IN ANY PART OF THE C!TY. Fruits and Vegetables In Saion. Everything "Warranted as Represented. Corner flhinamns and Benton Streets. T Ross Opera hi Tho Event of Tho Season. Two Nights Only. Monday and Tuesday, March 12th, 13 th MONDAY EYKXIKO : Webster Brady's Dramatic Cmni'imy. Including MISS CHARLOTTE TITTEL, MISS LAURA BICCAR Ami a powerful cast in Win. A. Brady's i!r.imat!7.it'on of if. Killer Haggard's ratr.ous S.'uni.incc, SHE With all Hie original scenery i.vd lu tl;e piece in rorthiud.SiU l'raueliro. and San Diego. ti'fsda r.VF.xim: : ititiifii-atiH'A I'aiiiouh O-rlnrama of City Lift'. "AFTER DARK." 'i lie stajri' trunfoniitd Into a lluxc Itivoi- .r Kent tValrr. ltesfrvrd Seat'., Si. family Circle. 73 cents, t'allcry.w cent's. 1!ctvpi1 Scats o:i sal' at the N'en Yoik Novelty Store l'nJ.-iv inorulns, March 9th. at lu o'clock. .hari. " The Gen. Canby Will make an I'xcuislnu lo i'l. Mcreii-,, l-'t. L'auby, and llw.-.co, uii , Sunday, March Nth, f.eavlu;lrj's Wharf 'it i. Tlckuti for tho Itnuml Trip, ONE DOLLAR. Special Auction. . . ,, ., . SatUrdfiV, filarCh 10, 10 A. fU. Ittlllsell at my Auction itooiaj for ac count of whom It may concern : 33 doz. Ladles' Hr-se, assorted qualities and t-lzes. t piece. S2 jdi. (lingham. 1 &s " TicKhiC 1 " 55 " Bleached Musllu. 7 doz. Barbour's Linen Thread. 40 Dairs White Blankets. Uso. to pay freight and charge, by order ui j. Jt. s . uo : One new Cook Stove. No. S, wllh extension top and copper holler. E. C. IIOLDEN, Auctioneer. Ooneonily St.. Foot of Jackson. Astoiia. Or General 1 1 MacbiBlsts aiifl Boiler Mate. Land and Marine Engines ROir.KK WORK. Steamboat Work and Cannery Wurk SrECIALTV. Castings ot all Descriptions Made to Order at Short Notice. : President. J. G. lIusTmit, .....Secretary f. W. Cse . Treasurer. John Fox suneilntendem. FIRE CLAY STKA.7IEU CLARA PARKER ASTOKIA, ONLY OF j..j...1ji .jT-.....v v. I XWatchmaker Jeweler. X I Astoria Ironworks. WHOLESALE AND RKTA1L DEALEK IX Groceries, Provisions and Mill Feed, Crockery, (Mas Plated Ware. o The Largest and finest assortment of Frosifa, Fruits aad ITegGtatales. Keceived fresh oYerx Steiuner. ia II 'HJOnwManinwrwWM'a n iiwwiapl1i - THE LEADING TATIONERS AND 1001 SELLERS. grsffsst J. G. CLINTON DEALER IN' CICARS AND TOBACCO. FKTJITS.NUTS, Candies. Smokers' Articles, Etc. New Goods Received Dally. Opposite CItj- Ilook Htoro. Children's Sles .50c to 3.50 Ladies' " 1.35 " 8.00 Men's " 1.25 " 7.00 " Boots 2.25 " 7.00 Boys' " 1.25 " 4.00- W. T. PAREEH, Manager. OELO r. l-il'.KKi'.. CARL A. HANSON", Parker & Hanson SUCCESSOItS TO C L. PARKER, dealers IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE KATS, BOOTS, SHOES, Dry-Goods, Groceries, Haidware. Crockery, Faints, Oils. Glass, Etc Tho Old Stand - Astoria, Oregon. ESTABLISHED 1812. Mtf, 111 ,' -i. '.rygggfro jgss5TiTirniiHiiiirK p LINEN GILL NETTING A SPECIALTY. The Oldest and Largest Manufacturers of EI NETTINGS IN THE UNITED STATES. Salmon Purse Seines. SaliODjonni Mi Salmon Gill Nets. J-Fish Xettings of all kinds supplied at the shortest possiblo notice, and at tlie lowest rates. All mado from our Shephard Goldjfledal Twines. Guaranteed to bo tho strongest nnd most desirablo twino now made especially for the PACIFIC COAST FISHERIES. . This TWINE is manufactured onl v by ourselves, directly from the raw material, and costs no more in NETTINGS than the cheaper grades. Send for samples; also for our illustrated catalogue. Highest awards at Boston, Philadelphia and London. American STot and Twine Company, BOSTON MASSACHUSETTS. Have a Finely Asiorted Stock of Jeweliy, Watches, Clocks,Optical Goods Fine Stationery, Cutlery and Fancy Goods. Of All Descriptions. Bought In the Best Markets and CANNOT BE VNDER SOLD by any one tbis side of San Francisco. Opposite Parker House, Main St., Astoria. hEmEMm, & asED. KzsczcRamsxx: TirpiaCpaeiToteGCO Store J. W. B0TT0H, Proprietor, Water Street, Tito Doors East of OIney. fine Ci;an, Tobaccos nd Smokers Articles, Hold at Lowest Market Bates. TRUIT5. CANDIES NOTIONS.&0 ItRich! r youk nOVYOUK- Groceries Provisions OF Foard & Stokes Their largely Increasing trade enables them to sell at the very lowest margin of profit while giving you goods that are of first class quality. Goods Delivered All Over the City. The Highest Price Paid for Junk. CAPITAL, S8C0.000 veliy Store ' (cf 'SHr IBSIflfljKroiBHfo