The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 08, 1887, Image 3

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Wxt jPatttj taran.
The Oregon is duo from San Fran
cisco this morning; the State sails.
The Fourth of July committee will
meet at the court house this evening.
The city assessment roll ia at Aud
itor Jewett's office and will be open
for inspection till nest Wednesday.
The Gen. Miles goes to Seattle with
150 tons tin plate canned material,
and Geo. T.Myers' steamer Dispatch
The river ia.a cafe au lait color, and
its surface is .strewn with drift
brought down by the high water from
the interior.
The commandant at Fort Canby
wants bids for lodgings for enlisted
men, -detained in Astoria over night
on public business.
The steamer Montesano leaves this
evening, for Taquina, where she will
in future ply, and where a profitable
business awaits her.
Of the departing Chinese who took
certificates with them when they left
Astoria, not more than ten per cent,
have "returned to this port direct.
There will be a special meeting of
the stockholders of the Astoria build
ing and loan association at the court
house at eight o'clock this evening.
Oscar Thayer, of the News, who
reoently won $15,000 in a certain lot
tery soheme, is in reoeipt of the coin,
less 8300, which he had to pay for its
The San Francisco Journal of
Commerce issues a mammoth lumber
edition, giving valuable and detailed
information regarding that important
coast industry.
Members of the Presbyterian
church are requested to meet in the
churoh this evening after prayer
meeting, for a few minutes, to attend
to important business.
The government corps of workers
at Fort Stevens are busy finishing
the new wharf at that point, and
landing there this summer will be
considerably easier than it has been
for the last two years.
The lawn party at Mrs. Dr. Tren
chard's to-morrow evening, will
doubtless be largely attended. Prep
arations are made for a pleasant
evening and all are invited.
The Warwick Castle has 5,500 cs.
salmon aboard; the Sir Henry Law
rence is loading lumber at Trullinger's
mill; the Scottish Knight is finish
ing" a lumber cargo at the Clatsop
Mill; the Helen W. Almy will load
The body of an unknown man was
found floating in the stream above
the city yesterday morning and
brought to the foot of Cass street. It
had been in the water so long as to
be unrecognizable. Coroner Ross
will give it interment at Clatsop to
day. .
Boat number 14, of Hapgood & Co.,
came ashore at Necanicum creek last
Sunday night, with four holes cut in
her bottom. She had been taken
from Gray's dock last Friday night,
and was returned yesterday by W. J.
Barry. A-net of Geo. W. Hume's,
which came ashore on Clatsop beaoh,
was also returned.
Authenticated papers have arrived
at the garrison, says the Walla Walla
Journal, establishing beyond a doubt
that corporal Eberhard Weiderhold,
of troop F, Second cavalry, who, on
the night of April 10 last, attempted
suicide by poison, is a German baron
in his own right, and the possessor of
a large income, said to be $900
It is stated that the Canadian Pa
cific Oo.'a steamer Sardonyx, is to
begin, next Wednesday, running be
tween Port Moody and the Columbia
river, .taking Oregon flour to be trans
ferred to the company's steamers
for Hong Kong. It is thought that
this will give Oregon millers an ad
vantage over California and Manitoba
in the matter of China's flour trade.
. Tscoma will have a. firemen's tour
nament July 4th. The prizes will be:
Hose raoe, wet test, Ifirst prize S300,
second prize $100. Hook and ladder
oontest, first prize $200; second prize
$100. Make and break, five couplings,
prize $25. Hose race, straightaway,
9 A. M. on morning of the 5th, first
prize $125; second prize $50. Hose
race, dry test, first prize $125; second
prize "50.
p - - -
Frederick Warde, the eminent
tragedian, supported by a talented
company, will appear at Boss' opera
house next Monday evening, the 13th
inst, in his great play "Galba, the
Gladiator." The appearance of suoh
an actor as he, is an event in theatri
cal annals, and the mere announce
ment is)f itself sufficient to fill the
house. Beserved seats may be had at
the New York Novelty Store.
On "Friday evening the upper As
toria publio school will have an en
tertainment at the church. The pro-
gramine'is an interesting one, and tbe
friends and patrons of the school
look for a large attendance. Besides
much of merit that the programme
contains, the object of the entertain
ment the relief of the orphan chil
dren of the Nanaimo sufferers is one
thaC appeals forcibly to public charity
and popular approval. The tickets
of admission, are only 25 cents; chil
dren under twelve, 10 cents.
One of the most noticeable things
in the salmon business is the way the
coast is being dotted with canneries.
From the California line, northward,
the whole coast line is Btudded with
salmon canning establishments, and
the number is increasing greatly this
year. Some are small and unpreten
tious, packing but 2,500 or 3.000 cases
in a season. Others are as large and
complete as some Columbia river
canneries, and employ a largo force.
Wherever is a bay, creek, or indenta
tion, the tendency is to build a salmon
cannery there.
C. C. Shepherd, of Skamokwa, is in
the city.
Jno. West was among yesterday af
ternoon's arrivals.
P. G. Eastwick came up from Ft.
Stevens yesterday.
Col. John Adair, Jr., and Mrs. Dr.
Owens Adair are in the city.
Dr. Harry Lane, of Portland, has
been appointed superintendent of the
state insane asylnm.viceDr. Josephi,
Thomas Houston, one of the pio
eers of Lafayette, Yamhill county,
i? on a visit with his daughter, Mrs.
Charles Powell.
"Galba tbe Gladiator."
As Galba, Mr. Wardo has a master
piecea role in which ho eclipses
many of his former efforts and arises
equal to his great part as Virginias.
He is a slave with the instincts and
aspirations of a man. These are
aroused to fever heat because of the
terrible fate of his wife and the loss,
as he supposes, of his daughter.
His conception of the part shows in
telligence of a very high order and
results in the presentation of a ereat
The scono in the amphitheater,
wuere ua reuugoizes nis losiuau-jiiier, j
just as ne is about to strike her head
from her Rhoulders. is ono of tin
most thrilling we cau recall. It set ! ,s
the audience wild, and was so adinir-1
ably done that fivo reoalls were de-j
manded before the audience had
exhausted their appreciation.
The prison scene was one of great
power and pathos and moved the au
dience greatly.
Mr. Warde received a most tumult
uous pronounced that sev
eral minutes passed before he could
proceed. Each fall of the curtain
was followed by applause and recalls
were demanded. Mr. Warde's pop
ularity in our city is such as the
great actor might feel proud of, as no
doubt he is. The support is of the
first class.
Miss Blair is not only a very beau
tiful woman, but an actress of excep
tional power and ability. Her voice
is admirably adapted to the stage.
It is rich, clear and musical. Her
possibilities are certainly very great.
In the role of Neodamia she was well
cast and gave a superb rendition of
the part. News, 7.
Singular Phase of au Accident.
Yesterday's Astorian contained an
account of a terrible accident that be
fell a boy in upper Astoria, who
dropped from' the roadway on his
head, on a log below, a distance of
twenty feet. When the surgeon vis
ited him last night, nearly a cupful
of brain had oozed out and the sup
position was that the piece of skull
bone had been driven into the
brain. Examination, however, yes
terday morning, of the scene of the
accident, showed where the piece of
bone had broken right off and was
lying near where the boy fell. It is
about one and a half inohes wide and
two inches long. He must have
struck a glancing blow and the piece
of broken skull flew out instead of
being imbedded in his brain as at
first supposed. The little fellow was
able to sit up and talk yesterday, and
the doctor now thinks that there is
some hope of his recovery.
The De il Crying
rue residents or uuinatown are
dreading the happening of some ca
lamitous event. Speak to them about
it and they laugh in a faint, uneasy
manner, altogether lacking in mirth,
and in a few seconds will inquire,
"What you tink?" A reporter BBked
what the uneasiness was about, and
received respense: "The debbil, him
cly again!" Being further pressed
for information, the Chinaman inter
viewed went on to say: "When the
debbil oly two, tlee, four nights, look
out, something bad coming may be
fire, may be fight, may be evlybody
sick. Can't tell. You sabe last big
fight in Chinatown? Debbil cly
just before that" With this evidence
of the "old boy's" reliability in
troduced, the reporter inquired,
"What does the devil do? When does
he cry, and where?" " 'Bout two,
tlee clock at night, he cly corner the
stleet dying. Night before last he
walk up the stleet dying. I no hear;
my partner hear, and lots of people.
He no say anythin' you cau under
stand he just cly so sad like o-o-ol"
"What does he look like?" "Nobody
see him. Chinaman hear him cly he
cover him head up in bed and feel
cold down him baok too much flaid,
you bet!''
Unnecessary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constipation as from
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that no one likes to
take the medicines usually pre
scribed. HAMBUBG FIGS were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and they will be found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
What is better than a elass of liouor ?
A cup of delicious coffee at Fabre's.
Vanilla Ice Cream at Fabre's to-day.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
The finest and nicest steak to be had
in town at Fabre's.
For the best photographs and tintypes
go to Crow's Gallery.
Ten cents for a cup of Fabre's nice
The "Thunderer's" Strictures Becsp
tion to Cardinal Gibbons.
New York, Juno 7. The daily
Commercial Bulletin in its monthly
fire record, places the losses for May
throughout the country, nt S10,G3G,
500. These figures are $2,500,000
larger than the average figures dur
ing May, for the past twelve years.
London. June 7. The Timet this
morning publishes another install
ment of "Pnrnellism and crime." In
an article opposite the leader, it
prints a "facsimile" of the tenth page
of the Irish World of New York, of
Feb. 16, 1884, and also a portion of
Patrick Ford's address, published in
the same issue. The publications
are accompanied by an explanatory
article describing the various funds
mentioned and the fate of the men
connected therewith. In an editorial
on the subject, the Times says: "The
whole conspiracy, whether carried on
by mealy mouthed gentlemen who
sat at London dinner tables, or by
those who organize arson and mur
der, is one and indivisible. It is paid
out of the same purse, worked by the
same men, directed to the same ends,
and inspired by oue universal hatred
of England, and a determination to
bring about, if possible, complete
separation between England and
Ireland. Where the money goes, to
support Gladstouo iu parliament, to
i nip desperadoes for the committal
1 of outrages in English towns,
a more
matter of tactics.
Wherever we find these constitutional
agitators with the mask laid aside as
iu the case of Davitt, at Baduek, we
find that their language, sentiments
and aims are identical with tho3e ruf
fians by whose support they live,
and of whom they pretend in parlia
ment to be ignorant."
Baltimore, Juno 7. When Car
dinal Gibbons arrived hero to-daj' tho
streets leading to the depot were
thronged with people. MayortHodges
and the members of tho city council,
judges of courts aud commissioners
received tho cardinal". On the part
of the Catholic societies tho cardinal
was received by Chas. A. Bonaparte,
the trustees of tho cathedral and a
committee of clergy. The cardinal
was escorted to the cathedral by a
procession formed to do honor to his
high office. When the head of the
column reached tho cardinal's palace
there was a halt and the cardinal,
with the olergy and a guard of honor,
entered the building. There the car
dinal was invested with his official
robes and retnrning to the streot the
procession moved to the main en
trance of the cathedral, when there i
was formed a reception by Mons.
McColgan, and r. special service for
the cardinal's reception was per
formed for the first time in Balti
more. (Line went down here.)
Astonishing Succcns.
It is the duty of every person who
has used lioschee's German Syrup to
let its wonderful qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consump
tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, and in fact all throat
nnd lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relievo any case, aud wo
consider it the duty of all Druggists
to recommend it to the poor, dying
consumptive, at least to try one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles were sold last
year, and no one case whereat failed
was reported. Such a medicine as
the German Syrup cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist
about it. Sample bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. Begular size, 75 cents.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
in the United States and Canada.
Sins. Brother, Sins.
Now let us to the woodland hie,
where trees their verdure wrap, for
spring no longer lingers in old burly
winter's lap. In pionic garb we'll
amble forth, and sit beneath the
trees, and have our hides all chopped
and hacked, with stings of bumble
bees. We'll gaily don our linen coats,
and thin seersucker pants, and sit bo
side the gurgling stream, while o'er
ns crawl the ants. Wo'41 swallow pic
nic lemonade, to moisten down our
grub.whioh people make by soaking
one cheap lemon in a tub. The guile
less lemon we shall eat, devour the
clammy pie, and sit on bowls of cus
tard while a tear bedims our eye.
We'll tip the mustard in the jam, the
pepper in tho tea, and try with all
our might to show that we are filled
with glee. Then let us to the pic
nic hie, our basket in our hand, and
homeward come filled up with woe,
and leaves and dust and sand. Hepp
ner Gazette.
m Mi i
A Gilt Tor All.
In order to give all a chance to teat it,
and thus be convinced of its wonderful
curative powers, Dr. King's New Dis
covery for Consumption, Coughs and
Colds, will be, for a limited time, given
away. This offer is not only liberal,
oaisnows unDounuea laun in me mer
its of this great remedy. All who suf
fer from Coughs, Colds, Consumption.
Asthma. Bronchitis, or any affection of
Throat, Chest, or Lungs, are especially
tequested to call at W.E. Dement & Co.'s
Drug Store, and get a Trial Bottle Free,
Large Bottles SI,
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Eastern oysters fresn every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant.
Scrofulous, Inherited and
Contagious Humors Cured
by Cuticura.
milHOUGII tho medium of ono of your
JL books received through Mr. Frank T.
Wrny, Druggist, Apollo, l'a., I Lecamo ac
quainted with your Cuticuiu KEMEDirs,
nnd tnko thi3 oni)ortunitv to testify to you
that their uso has permanently curcd mo of
ono oi tno worst case or uioou poi-rjmns, m
connection with erysipelas, that I havo over
seen, nnd this after having been pronounced
incurablo by somo of tho host pbysicans in
our county. J take great pleasure in forward
ing to you this testimonial, unsolicited as it
is by j ou, in ordor that others suffering from
similar maladies may be encouraged to give
vour CrricunA 1Umhifs a trial
l. S. WIUTLlXUfiK. Leechburg, Ta.
Reference: FrakT. Writ,
Druggist, Apolloi Po.
James E. Richardson, Custom Houso. Now
Orleans, on oath says: "In lbTO Scrofulous
Ulcers broke out on my body until I was a
mass of corruption, Everything known to
tho medical fuculty was tried in vain. I bo
camo a mere wreck. At times could not
lift my hands to my head, could not turn in
bed ; was in constant pain, and looked upon
lifo as a curse. Ho relief or euro in ten years
InlSSOI heard of tho Cuticura Rkmediks,
used them, and was perfectly cured."
Sworn to before U. S. Com. J. D, Crawford,
Wo havo been selling your Cuticura Rem
edies for cars, and havo tho first complaint
yet to recoivo from a purchaser. Ono ol tho
worst cases of Scrofula I ever saw was cured
by the uso of fivo bottres of Cuticura Rksol
vfnt, CuTirur.. and Cuticurv Soap. Tho
soap takes tho "cako" hero as n medicinal
soap. TAYLOK & TA LOH,
Druggists. Trankfort, Kan.
And Contagious Humors, with L033 of Hair,
and Eruptions of tho fckin. aro positively
cired by Cuticubi and Ccticcba Sou ex
ternally, and Cuticurv IIesolvfnt internally,
when all other medicines fail. Send for Pam
Wo have obtained satisfactory results from
tho use of tho Cuticura Remedies in our own
family, and reepmmend tbom beyond any
other romedies for diseases of tho skin and
bloi'd. Iho demand for thorn grows a their
merits becomo known.
MACMJLLAN & CO, Druggists, Latrobo, Pa."
aro sold everywhere. Price: Cuticura, tho
Great Skin Cure. 50 ct?., Cuticurv Soap, an
Exquisite IJoautifief, 23 cts.: Cuticura Rlsol-ve-st,
tho New Rlood Purifior, SI 00. Potter'
Drug and Chemical Co., 15oton.
nipjjl'JjKS. Blackheads, Skin Blomishos,
r I 111 and Baby Humors, uso Cuticura Soap.
Choking Catarrh.
Have you awakened from a disturbed sleep,
with all tho horriblo sensations of an assas
sin c'utching your throat and "pressing tho
life-breath from your tightened chest? Havo
you noticed tho languor and debility that
succeed the effort to clear your throat and
head of this catarrhal matter? What a
depressing influence it exerts upon tho mind,
clouding tho momory and filling -tho bead
with pains and strango noises ! How dif
ficult it is to rid tho nasal passages, throat
and lungs of this poisonous mucus all can
tefy who aro afflicted with cat irrh. How
difficult to protect tho system against it?
further progres towards tho lungs, liver nnd
kidneys, all physicians will admit. It is a
terrible disease, and cries out for relief and
The remarkable curative powers, when all
other remedies utterly fail, of S.vsroRD's
Radical Curk, aro attested bv thousands
who gratefully recommend it to follow-suffor-crs.
No statement is made regarding it that
cannot bo substantiated by tho most respect
ablo and reliable references
Each pocket contains one-bottlc of tho
Radical Curf, ono box of Catarrhal Sol
vent, nnd an Improvfd Inhaler, with treat
ise and directions, and is sold by'all druggists
for SI 00.
PottkrDklt. & Chemical Co., Boston.
From tho bench and tho coun
ter, froin, tho loom and sowing
machino $oos up tho cry of pain
and weakness. Aching Sides and
Hack, Kidney and Uterino Pains,
Strnins nnd eakness. Couehs.
and Chest Pains,, and every Pain
of daily toil relieve! In one
by the ;wticnra Anti-Pain
. A'ew. elegant, and infallible. At
25c , fivo for S1.00 ; or of Potter
Chemical Co., Boston.
Syrtip of Figs.
Manufaclmedonly by the Cuhforjiia
Fig Syrup Co. San Francisco Cal." is
Natures Own Title Laxative. This
pleasant liquid liuil leiuedv may be
had of V. E. Dement & Co, aflifty cents
or one dollar per bottle. It is iw mo-t
ple.isant, prompt and effocthe lemcdy
known, to cleanse the system; to act on,
the Liver, Kidneys ami Bowels gently
yet thoroughly to dispel Ileadachs,
Colds and Fevers; to cure Constipation,
Indigestion and kindred ills."
A Xew Anti nlarc?tl " tock of
Choice Brands of Cijrars.
Imported Key West and domestic. All
tastes can be satisfied and all pockets
suited as to price. TansiH'sPunch and
Junior's in full supply as usual at
D. L. Beck & Sons.
The best oysters in any style at
What I Do ou Think
Jeff of the U. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink? Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any ofher
restaurant in town. 2T cents.
For The IIost Beautiful
And enduring photographs, charming
tones, the most scientific letouching
and fine polish go to X. S. Sinister, the
pioneer leading photographer. See new
samples at his new gallery ontlfo road
way. -
Snivctl and Shaved Shingles,
Fieah Lime. Cement and Plaster
Paiis, at J. n. D.Gray's.
All the natent medicines advertised
In this paper, together with the choicest
Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etccan
e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W
Conn's drug store, opposite OcMdent
hctel, Astoria.
Cool Beer
Drawn from the cellar, at Chas. Grat
ke's. (amhrinus Beer
And Free Lunch at the Telephone Sa
loon, o cents.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
ties, etc. The best cooked to orden
Telephone T.o-f;ius House.
Best Beds in town. Rooms per night
50 and 25 cts., per week S1.50. New and
clean. Private entrance.
A Sunuy Room
With the comforts of a home, library
etc. Apply at Holden House.
Private Rooms.
. :md Colds
' :md Acho
t juiimte
, flutter
Drug and
Ov31 v3 J v Hj np
Mo Better- SMrt m i&e World.
- i
3Ianufaclmed by the Trojan Shirt and Collar Co., Troy, New York.
'1,: - 1
riie Leading Dry
tjj-a iTWirnrwmmiM i M
Waste time in look
ing around when you
can step into my place
of business any day,
and feel perfectly sure
thatfyou get "goods at
the very lowest figures.
Clothier andHlatte?
(Occident Hotel Building.) ,
Theo- Bracker
Kccommends to the public and to tbo
trade bis stock of Cigars. Tobacco. Smoker's
Articles. Playing Cards, Cutlery, etc. at
Portland prices.. Cliemunus street,
a: A. STINSON & CO.,
i Capt. Rogers old stand, corner ol Cass
and Court Streets.
Ship and Canaery work, Horseshoeinp.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
Clocks, Jewelry and Musical
Repaired on the Shortest Notice at Bea
sonaoie 'Bates. v . . ..-j ,
Chenamus St nest to Spexarth's Gun store.
W. F.
nfri Urn"
Goods and Clothing
Contains Not a Drop of Medicine
Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
But is a simple sugar-can like plant, grown near the Equator and
farther south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and
has proved itself to be the only-harmless and effective nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness . It has recovered paralysis, sort,
ening of the brain, lecomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes
you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling like
magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork, at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Iose, One Small TTiucgla-ssiul Every Four Hours.
TheclSss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie.
Look out for Counterfeits.
Price, 50 Cents a Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozen.
. .- to
D. L, Beck Sons,
House Of Astoria.
Nerve Food.
, Ai - t