The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, May 27, 1887, Image 3

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    KjQB i-"lT
KK1!A MAY J7. 15&7
Reserved seats forBaird'sMinstiels
nt the New York Novelty Store.
CapL David Williams, of Ihvaco,
goes in command of the Venture.
The Gen. 31 lies came in from Se
attle yesterday with 100 tons coal.
The Oregon is dne from San Fran
cisco thiB morning; the State sailp.
To night Prof. Aujgaire .rill de
liver another free lecture at upper
Astoria hall. All are invited.
Eoad tax in district No. 7 i3 being
collected. It ia a good sized district
and hold3 a good many large fax
The funeral of the late Wm. Wil
son took place yesterday afternoon,
conducted by Seaside Lodge No. 12,
A. O. U. W.
The first excursion of the season
will be on Sunday, The Qen. Cariby
going to Fort Canby and Ilwaco,
leaving Gray's dock at nine a. m.
Rev. Mr. Hall will deliver a Memo
rial Day address at the Congrega
tional church next Sunday evening,
the text being "What menu'ye by this
Two shad, a male and a female, the
latter with roe, each weighing about
four pounds, were caught the other
day near Olif ton, farther up the river
than is usual for these toothsome fish
to go.
Stockholders in the Astoria build
ing and loan association "can get their
stock certificates, by-laws, receipt
books, etc., on application to A. S.
Keed, the secretary, at Griffin &
Eev. Mr. Hall, pastor of the Con
gregational church, will deliver a
short oration at the Memorial services
held by Cushing Post No. 14, G. A.
R., next Monday, Memorial Day, the
30th inst.
A force of men under direction of
the Oregon Paving and Contract
company is busy opening a quarry at
Tongue Point, above the buoy depot,
with a view of using the rock at the
mouth of the river.
No marriage licenso has been is
sued from the county clerk's office
this month an unprecedented ocour
rence. However, if all tales be true
there will be several of those docu
ments asked for before long.
While playing in the rear of the
premises, last Wednesday, L. W.
Holt's four-year-old son fell off into
the water below, but was promptly
rescued by his father without sus
taining any material injury.
Dr. Jay Tuttle, grand chancellor of
the K. of P. of this state, starts this
morning on an official visit to the
Beveral lodges throughout the state.
There are 25 K. of P. lodges in Ore
gon and it will take him about a
month to complete the circuit.
The matter of celebrating the com
ing Fourth of July is in the hands of
a general committee, consisting of J.
H. D. Gray, O. J. Trenchard, I. Berg
man, 0. B. Watson, J. W. Welch, C.
W. Fulton, 0. H. Cooper, Thos, Dealy,
B. S. Worsley. When they meet
again it will be to hear the report of
the finance committee, composed of
O. H. Cooper, A. V. Allen, M. Foard.
Tee volume of law3 passed at the
last session of the legislature has
about as few mistakes as appear im
possible to avoid in a work of that
nature. In the title to the act creat
ing the office of recorder in certain
counties the names of Linn, Marion,
Washington and Yamhill are the only
ones specicfied, while in the body of
the aot are mentioned Umatilla, Un
ion,Clatsop and Clackamas. Of course
the law will be construed to apply
only to the counties specified by
name in the title.
Regarding the bark Helen Almy,
due from ban rancisco with com
bustibles aboard, the city council
will this morning convey instruc
tions to harbor master Curran to
order the vessel upon arrival in the
river to lie a mile away from the
city; it will be optional with the
master of the vessel whether he lias
below Smith's point or above Tongue
point; the point is to have the ves
sel far enough away from the city
so that, should she blow up, there
would be somebody left to see and
hear it and report the calamitv.
A brand new species of ghost has
been unearthed in northern Califor
nia. It is the spook of an alleged
girl, and when the family has gone to
bed it comes and fixes the fire all
ready to start in the kitchen stove in
the morning, and splits kindling in
the woodshed, and puts some bread
to raise, and cleans up shelves, etc.
There is some style about a ghost
like that Instead of kicking and
getting scared about it, that northern
California family ought to silently re
joice over their great good luck.
Some folks never know when they
have struck a good thing. A ghost
like that is a handy thing to have
around so long as it behaves -itself
and doesn't break the dishes and re
mains invisible to the juvenile mem
bers of the family.
The captain of the liicer Indus,
now lying at the foot of K street.
East Portland, is a mnoh disgusted
man. MI was sent out here to get a
cargo of wheat "and salmon,'' he said
to a reporter, "but when I got here
"and asked for my cargo, I was told
tfiat the wheat would be harvested
?his fall, unless the -crop failed, and
that the salmon were out in the
ocean, but they were expected to run
up the river soon, when they would
be caught and cooked and canned;
(?;!tc fhuh? gstoriatt
and some time during the summer
there would be enough for a cargo.
This is the charming state of expec
tancy in which I nra to lie around
here all sninsr.or." The doughty cap
tain was assured by a Tile ff ram re
porter that crops never fail m Oregon
and that time alone was necessary to
complete his cargo.
The wreckage reported to have been
picked up on the beach, says the
Aberdeen Herald, is undoubtedly
that of the brig North Star, as the
letters R. T. H. S. T. A., would indi
cate. She sailed from the Sound two
months ago, and is among the miss
ing. Captain William Traenor, wjio
was in command of the Trustee when
that Vessel was lost nn tViP Rnif riff
Peterson's Point one year ago, had
oeen in tne norm mar since that
time, but lust beforA Railing on whnt
proved to be her final trip, he was
called to San Francisco by the death
of his wife, and gave the brig over to
CapL Williams, who has been to
Gray's harbor a number of times as
master of the brig Orient, and later as
mate on the Novelty. The North
Star undoubtedly foundered in the
gale of April 1st, in which the ships
Saint Stephens and EI Dorado were
A new departure in the way of car- j
rying lumber coastwise, says the Post. I
is about to be made by the Fortj
Bragg Redwood Company. This cor- j
poration has had the tug Sea Lion
under charter for a month, and hns
employed her in towing the schooner j
Nora Ifarkins between Fort Brairg
and southern California ports A!- j
though the schooner can earn but
275,000 feet of lumber, the experiment
was successful far beyond expecta
tion. The company is nw having it
steam schooner with a nt
325,000 feet built at White's 8!iipyiml
at isortniieaoli. bue will ho huuiolipii
about June 1st. It is the intent ion '
to begin the construction of two r
three sea-croinc barces with n. ivn.ic
ity of 800,000 to 1,000,000 feet, and !
have the steam schooner tow them up
and down the coast. The barge will
not be flat bottomed, aud they will j
be ntteu out with small masts. Thev '
will cost about $40,000. (
Shortness of Ureal in I
should be taken at once when slight .
exertion or a hearty meal produces '
shortness of breath or a pain in the
region of the heart. At all drug
gists, or J. J. Maok & Co., 9 and 11
Front st., S. F.
Militia Orders.
IIeunjuabtees i
Obeoon NinoKAL Guard,
Pobtiahd, May 21. 1837 J
General Orders No. 1.
I." Incompliance with Section 40,
Article 11, of the Militia Law of the
State of Oregon, passed nt the 14th
regular session of the legislative as
sembly, 1887, all organized companies
of the Oregon Stato Militia who
avail themselves of the provisions of
the said law will hold an olection for
company commissioned officers on
June 1, 1887, or as soon thereafter as
II. The election of said officers in
conformity with the said law will be
by ballot, written or printed.
TIL The namos of all officers thus
elected will be forwarded, properly
certified by the presiding officer and
clerk of the meeting for such election,
to these headquarters.
IV. Commanding officers of regi
ments or battalions are hereby au
thorized to make transfers from com
panies having more than sixty
non-commissioned officers, musicians
and privates, to companies having
less than sixty, which is the maxi
mum number allowed by law. By or
der of the commander-in-chief.
J. O. Shofxer,
Excitement in Texas,
Great excitement has been caused In
the vicinity of Paris, Tex., by the re
markable recovery of Mr. J. E. Corley,
who was so helpless he could not turn
in bed, or raise his head: ever3'body
said he was dying of Consuuiption. A
trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery
was sent him. Finding relief, he
bought a large bottle and a box of Dr.
Kings's New Life Pills; by the time lie
had laken two boxes of 1'ilU ami two
bottles of the Discovery, he was well
and had gained In tlesh thirty-six
Trial bottles of this Great Discovery
for Consumption free at V. K. Dement
& Co.
A New Steamer For Oregon.
Sax Fuakgisco, May 25. The
Northern Pacific Lumbering & Man
ufacturing company will launch a
new steamer Monday next She will
be 140 feet long and be used in tow
ing on the Columbia and "Willamette
Go to Thompson & Ross' for A num
ber one Salt Lake potatoes.
For Gray's River Asparagus fiesh
and tender.
For the White Heath Peach XXX.
For Rock Candy Drips half gallon
and gallon can.
For Cream Biscuits, Boston Brown
Bread, etc.
For fresh Clatsop Clams.
For White Bnrbank potatoes for seed
and for
Silver Cream for breakfast
In fact if-you want choice giocuries
at the lowest market rates don't forget
to call on . Thompson & Koss.
Alert H. fc I.. No. One.
There will he a drill of Alert 11. & L.
Co. on Tuesday. Thursday and Satnr
dav evenings.
L. W. lloir,
hample of Bromide pictures at Grif
fin & Reed's. Call and see them.
Try Fabre's celebrated pan roast.
Private Rooms.
Latest by Wire Prom Over Land and Sea
Portland, Or., May 20. An old
soldier named Joseph Rea was found
dead in his bed at the Occidental ho
tel this morning. Ho died of general
debility. The deceased was 43 years
old. Among his papers were found
three honorable discharges from the
regular army.
BocEVZiiiiS, Mo., May 26.- The
shooting and death of John Vandor
burg in the court room yesterday,
during his preliminary examination
on a charge of outraging Jennie An
derson, i3 now believed to have been
a horrible mistake. It is. thought
Vanderburg was cooking for a camp
ing party four miles from the sc ene
of the outrage. The coroner's jury
brought in a. verdict of murder
against the Anderson boys.
San Feancisco, May 26. The sher
iff received yesterday official notifica
tion that notices of appeal had been
duly served in the cases of Leo
Chuck, sentenced to be hanged to
morrow, and Alexander Goldeuson,
the slayer of little Mnmie Kelly,
whose execution was set for the 10th
prox. This gives the assassins an
other lease of life.
Boston, May 26. The annual meet
ing of tho American Tract Society
was held yesterday, and the old board
officers re-elecled with the exception
of Secretary Rev. Jeremiah Taylor,
!). R. beiug elected in plan of Kev.
M. .M. Culler, resigned.
the N. y. TiEflisiiVrnin:.
Alijany, N. Y., May 28. Tho' Voi
der liquor tax bill passed the assem
bly this morLiug. It uow goes to the
governor, who will undoubtedly veto
it. The final adjournment of tho leg
islature will occur this afternoon.
ConstantinoptjE, May 26. It is re
ported that the sultan has dismissed
a number of officials holding high
positions in the palace, who were dis
covered to be engaged in a conspir
acy to overthrow him.
Omaha, May 26. At tho Presby
terian assembly this morniug the re
port of tho committee on education
was read showing the nnmbor of can
didates now under control is fifty-six
moro than last year, making in all
690. There is a debt of $3,000 attrib
uted to tho falling olF of legacies.
The net increase of churches last
year was 183; net increase of minis
ters, 1,029, after filling vacancies
caused by 109 deaths.
Albany, N. Y., May 26. Editor
Wm. O'Brien and party arrivpd here
this morning. The party visited the
legislature, O'Brien making a few re
marks in the assembly chamber. He
left for Montreal this afternoon.
Odessa, May 26. The Nobles' and
Rothchild's petroleum conduits near
Batonm, has been destroyed by dy
namite. Tho outrage is said to b3
the result of trade jealousy.
Washington, May 26. --The presi
dent, accompanied by Mis. Cleveland
and Mrs. Lamout. will leave Wash
ington nt four o'clock to day, for a
ten days' visit to Saranac lake.
Washington, May 20. The presi
dent to-day appointed E. Henry La
combe, of New York city, to be the
additional circuit judge in the sec
ond judicial circuit.
Washington. May 56. The presi
dent has appointed L. W. Reid of
Virginia, assistant rogist.Qr of the
London, May 26. Count lleibert
Bismarck has left London for Berlin,
so LONG.
Pesth, May 26. The Hungarian
Diet closed to-day
New York, May 26. Wm. A. Dc
laney, who represents in New York
certain foreign bond holders of the
Kansas Pacific railroad before it was
gobbled up by Jay Gould, Russell
Sage and others, said to-day that he
would commence action against
those parties as soon as tho neces
sary papers arrived from Amsterdam,
Holland. The amonnt of the suit
will be close on 83,000,000. George
Gould and Russell Sago to-day re
fused to speak on the matter.
Ottawa, Ont, May 26. The Do
minion government will at once in
crease the defences of British Co
lumbia. A battery of artillery will
be established at Esquimau, near
Victoria, with the view of making
the corps permanent. The imperial
authorities have been asked to send
out a. hundred men from the British
array reserve to form a nucleus.
The finestand nicest stenk to bo had
In town at Fabre's.
Eastern oysters fresh every steamer at
Jeffs restaurant.
The Ihvaco Shooting the Result of a
Farther statement from Ilwaco yes
terday afternoon confirms tho fact
that "the killing of Ross and tho
wounding of King at Ilwaco last
Tuesday night were the result of an
unfortunate encounter between men
that had nothing but tho same pur
pose in view, viz: to guard some wob
that was drying near the town. It ap
pears that an Indian named "Tilla
mook Tom." had been placed on
guard and it was he that excited the
suspicions of the party of three and
they, demanding to know who ho was
and what he was doing there, re
ceived death dealing shots in re
sponse. It is further said that it was
only after being fired at and chased
till'almost run down that the Indian
turned and fired on his pursuers.
Bad as the result is, it is with relief
it is learned that there was no hostile
meeting as at first feared, and the in
stance serves as a sad illustration of
caution whenever fire arms are in the
hands of excited and excitable men.
It is learned from a reliable source
that Major W.A. Jones, of the U. S.
engineer corps is expected down here
shortly to make personal examination
of the position and location of the
traps in Baker's bay, their effect upon
the channels, their relation to naviga
tion, etc, and will make a report to
the government thereon.
None but the general government
can assume requisite control or direc
tion of this much vexed matter, and
if some definite conclusion or order
concerning it can be arrived at, it will
tend to settle a matter over which
there has been years of dispute aud
Since tho above was in type the
following wa3 received from The As
wan's Ilwaco correspendent:
Ilwaco, May 20, 18S7.
At tiie coroner's inquest held yes
terday, the jury decided that "Tilla
mook Tom,'7 the man who was guard
ing Colbert's net, and who shot Ros3
and King, was justified in doing so,
and exonerated him from all blame.
Sheriff Turner searched the house
from which those bloody rags were
reported to be thrown aud found
nothing that would lead to substan
tiate such a report. It started from
a gossipy neighbor.
Archio Ross' funeral took place at
2 p.m. Services conducted by Judge
Daltou, who read the Episcopal
burial service in an impressive man
ner. The Heath family formed tho
choir, and tho school house was not
large enough to accommodato the
many friends and sympathizers. The
remains wero buried in a beautiful
spot across the Whealdon lake.
King is doing well and will be out
The name of the Indian that killed
Ross is Thomas Dalzan. He is the
man who killed Duncan at Clatsop
plains about three years ago.
Astonishing Sucre.
It is tho duty of every person who
has usod Hosciee's German Syrup to
let its wonderful qualities be known
to their friends in curing Consump
tion, severe Coughs, Croup, Asthma,
Pneumonia, aud in fact all throat
and lung diseases. No person can
use it without immediate relief. Three
doses will relievo any case, and we
consider it the duty of all Druggists
to recommend it to the poor, dying
consumptive, at least to try one bottle,
as 80,000 dozen bottles weio sold last
ear, and no one caso where it failed
was reported. Such a medicine as
the German Syrup cannot be too
widely known. Ask your druggist
about it. Sample bottles to try sold
at 10 cents. Regular size, 75 cents.
Sold by all Druggists and Dealers,
in tho United States and Canada.
Tin p-.u rant If True.
A physician maintains that one
person out of every five is insane.
The other four are cranks. Phila.
The Verdict Uxiuuiumis.
V. D. Suit, Druggist. Bippus. lnd.,
testifier: "I can recommend Electric
Bitters as. the very best remedy. Every
bottle sold has given relief in every case.
One man took six bottles, and was cured
of Rheumatism of 10 vears' standing."
Abraham Hare, driiggM, Bellville,
Onio. aflirms! 'Tlifthiet .(.utMrr ,nn,i;l
cine I have ever handled in mv 20 years'
experience, is Electric Bitters'" Thou-
fciums oi tuners nave auueu their testi-
mnnv. en tlmt: thn vnrrlinf Jo 1r.n.n,n..n
that Electric Bitters do cure diseases of
me i,ivcr, itiuneys or Blood. Only a
half dollar a bottle at Y. E. Dement &
Co.'s Drug Store.
Our boys' hose team has definitely
decided to participate in the fireman's
tonrnnment at Vancouver next month,
to which end they are training dailv.
Walla Walla Union, 23.
rtuieccssary Misery.
Probably as much misery comes
from habitual constinntinn no fmm
any derangement of the functions of
the body, and it is difficult to cure,
for the reason that nn nno Kl-nn
take the medicines usually pre-
scnueu. riAJuDUJ.tvj rnjca were
prepared to obviate this difficulty,
and thoy will bo found pleasant to
the taste of women and children. 25
cents. At all druggists. J. J. Mack
& Co., proprietors. S. F.
Private Rooms.
At Frank Fabre's for suppers, par
lies, eic. ine ueac cookcu io order.
Wlmt! Do You Think
Jeff of tho TJ. S. gives you a meal for
nothing and a glass of something to
drink V Not much; but he gives the
best meal and more of it than any other
restaurant in town. 25 cents.
United States Restaurant is the best
and cheapest in Astoria.
Any one having a small hickory
walkin? stick with the broken tush of a
hog for a handle and a silver ferrule
with the letters "S. P. to Jay T." will
please return the same to Dr. Jay Tat
tle and receive suitable reward besides
H ' all V -CN R
HH I IH f ft
rasHv v is 38 I ! II II 11 II im hi HHB ji
SPHV f"fc 1 1 il 1 1 II II I L Wm IzJ lH j
,Iffo Setter Sbirt in the World.
Manufactured by the Trojan Shirt and Collar Co., Troy, New York.
The Leading Dry Goods and Clothing House Of Astoria.
The. Bracker
Recommends to the public and to the
trade his stock of Clfiars, Tohacco, Smoker's
Articles. Flaying Cards, Cutlery, 6tc at
Portland prices. Chenamus street.
t Capt. Rogers old stand, corner oi Cass
and Court Streets. .
Ship and Cannery work, Horseshoeing.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
To Salmon Gaxmers.
I have lust received, direct from Josenh
Hodgers & Sons' Sheffield, a large lot of
Biucuer jvnires aim uteeis. ail sizes, io oe
sold at Lowest Cash Prices.
For Sale.
jl ing Kange, with Hot water Boiler and au
the necessary attachments, also Kitchen
TaWes, Gas Pipes, and fixtures. Water
ripe3, etc. rersons wismng io purcnase
will please eall on or see
Pioneer Restaurant.
Contains Not a Drop of Medicine,
Poison, Stimulant or Alcohol.
But is a simple sugar-cane like plant, grown near the Equator and
farther. south, was lately accidentally discovered by Lieut. Moxie, and
has proved itself to be the only harmless and effective nerve food
known that can recover brain and nervous exhaustion; loss of man
hood; imbecility and helplessness It has recovered paralysis, soft
ening of the brain, locomotor ataxia, and insanity when caused by
nervous exhaustion. It gives a durable, solid strength, and makes
you eat voraciously, takes away tired, sleepy, lifeless feeling like
magic, removes the fatigue from mental and physical overwork,- at
once, will not interfere with the action of vegetable medicines.
Dose. One Small TVIneglasMiul JEverj- Four Hours.
The loss of gas from the bottle does not weaken or injure the Moxie.
Look out for Counterfeits.
Price, 50 Cents a . Quart Bottle, or $5.00 per Dozen.
D. L Beck & Sons,
-a?JE3XBE33P3aC03S".'E3 3XTO. 7.
1300 MARKET 8T. - . - - SAN FRANCISCO.
Nerve Food.