7 f'3j neanuipHQ ASTORIA, OREGON: SUNDAY IjAXrAUY IS 1881 ISSUED EVERY MORNING. (Monday excepted) J. P. HAL,L,ORAN & COMPANY, rimi.isnKRs and rjioritiKTOBs, ASTOUIAX BUILDING, - - CASS hTKEEl Terms of Subscription. Served by Carrier, per week ... locts. Sent l)y Mail, per month COcts. " f " onojear ?7.00 Free of postage to subscrllKTS. EST"Advcrtisempnts inserted by the year at tlie rate of 2 per square per month. Tran sient advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. IVotice To Advertisers. Tue ASTonrAX guarantees to its ad vertisers the largest circulation of any newspaper published on the Columbia river. The Queen sailed for San Francisco yes terday. The circuit court jnrj trials will close about "Wednesday next. Geo. P. Wheeler writes insurance poli cies in first-class companies. Chojce cakes and confectionery at F. B. Elborsou's Seaside bakery. For genuine English, cutlery, a good revolver, or a fine cigar, call on Win. Edgar. Frank Fabre's coffee reoominends it self. Ask for a pan roast and yon will fjo again. Two dimes and a live cent pieco pays the entire bill at Jeff's restaurant for a square meal. The handsome mirror raffled at Carl Adlcr's last evening was won by Mrs. H. G. Van Dusen. At Ed. Jackson's Astoria bakory yon can get bread of fine quality, and choico cakes and pastry. Everything thatGnstav Hansen sells is warranted to bo just as it is represent ed. It is genuine. H. C. Doyle, of H. C. Doylo fc Co., the loading twine and thread firm on this coast, is in the city. There is no discount on the clothes that D. A. Mcintosh turns out. They fit well and wear well. New wall paper makes a room look wonderfully well. See H. B. Franklin's stock before buying. For a Magee stove or range, something that will alwajs give satisfaction, go to John A. Montgomery. "Costly your clothing an your purse can buy;" fiuo clothing without being costlj at M. D. Kant's. "When you want tea that is tea go or send to Foard & Stokes and you will get something worth drinking. The Boss Bros, talk of having an ''ap ple match" at tho rink on the 31st inst., to bo followed.by a carnival. S. Elmore and family, and J. G. Mogler and wifo wero among tho outgoing pasi engers on tho Queen yesterday. Hoavy hardware, iron pipe and an ex tra large lino of stoves anil house fur nishing goods at M. C. Crosby's. llemomber that G. A. Stinson will al ways give you satisfaction in your block smithing or horseshoeing work. Mrs. Eva "Wallman is making tho Ger mania hotel a favorite resort for those who lovo comfort and good living. Bergman & Co. will furnish you with the choicest chops and tho juioiost steaks at prices as low as the lowest. A. V. Allen will supply you with minco meat, jellies, canned goods, sauces, and other seasonable goods at bottom figures. E. B. Hawes will do just as noat and quick a job of tinning or furnace fitting as oan be done in Astoria for the money. A box of fino cigars would be a nico Christmas present for a friend. "Wm. Loeb has a splendid stock from which to sell. Griffin & Reed at the City Book store are getting in a fine stock of holidav goods and merit a share of the publio patron age. "Whether you come np or down the river go to the Parker house upon arriv ing at Astoria. You will be made feel at home. Is there aiyouo across tho sea that you are going to send for? If so get their ticket at lowest rates from Bozorth & Johns. For gilt-edged butter and fresh eggs you need not go farther than Wilson fc Fisher's. They are sure to have juat what 3ou want. There will be a special meeting of the city council at half past seven to-morrow evening to discuss proposed amendments to the city chartor. A nice easy chair or a handsome desk is a luxury. At the price at which Chas. Heilborn sells his furniture it is a luxury within the reach of all. At Van Dusen's you will find a splen did assortment of hardware and ship chandlery, and oils of all kinds guaran teed as to brilliancy and safety. Aro you sending that paokage by ex press? If so take it to Sam Elmoro. Ho guarantees short route, quick time and low rates over the N. P. Express. For fancy erocerios, Frank Tj. Parker "takes the cake." Leave an order for one of those fine hams and be surprised at such fine quality for so low a price. 4T11 bo sure to find it at Cooper's," is what many a ono says or thinks after looking in vain for what they want else where. And that tells the wuolo storj'. "Wj'att & Thompson make a specialty of the Royal brand of flour, manu factured by the Oregon Milling Co. If yon get one sack you will order it right along. Tho Astoria Furniture company will sell a mirror or a bedroom set; a hand some sofa or an ctargo at a price that will make you wonder why you didn't get one before. L. DuPark, a tonsorial artist of ac knowledged skill and reputation has taken charge of the barber shop tinder tho Parker house. He guarantees satis faction to all. "Scotty" McDonald, who jwas shot in the abdomen by a man said to bo Charles Herbert, on the corner of Benton and Concomly streets on the night of tho 8th inst., died at St. Mary's hospital at fifteen minutes past seven last evening. Two dollars, or two dollars and a half, is not much to one, but where 2,000 peo ple each owe one party tho two dollars or two dollars and a half it counts np. The receipt of money due on subscriptions will materially aid The Abtobian in its contemplated improvements in '83. The Xeics learns from good authority that plans for the improvement of the Columbia river at Tho Dalles aro being prepared, and that the sane can be fin ished simultaneously with the looks at the Cascades. This will give an open river much sooner than has ever been anticipated. "Whether it is to be a boat or railway scheme is not known, but the project will in all probability be laid be fore congress at this session. CIRITIT COCHT TBOCEEDIXOS. Jan. 17, 18S5. Tatloe, J. Worden vs. "Worden. Continued for term. M.P. Madden vs. Isabella Madden. Continued for term. James Cook vs. Isabella Cook. Dis missed. A. "W. Berry, assignee, vs. A. M. Twomblcy. Dismissed. Adams A AVelty vs. Ah Lam. Dis missed. Fannie Cronk vs. Daniel Cronk. Re ferred to take testimony and report the facts. "Walter Bros. vs. Jno. W. Hume and William Hume. Until 2Gth inst. to an swer. Westport Mills Co. vs. A. V. Berrv. Continued for term. Peter Porrelta vs. William Oliver. Dismissed. H. B. Parker vs. C. H. Bain et al. Trial had. Sophia Baggett vs. Otto Landross. Motion for continuance; argued and sub mitted. H.J. Hansen vs. School Dist. No. 1. Same. Andrew Jonny vs. C. A. Anderson and S. D. Adair. Set for trial Tuesday next. THE RIDS. Shortly before Now Year's Charles F. Powell, captain of ongineors, U. S. A.. advertised in The Astobian' for proposals to build four stone barges, and also for construction of a wharf al Fort Stevens. The bids were opened in Portland last Friday. Following are tho bids for the barges: Paquet fc Smith. East Portland, $5,575 per harcu: Jno. F. Steffeu, Port land, $5Ci; Bulger & McKinuon, Port land, $,533: Jno. H. Butter, Astoria, 7,9i)0, Tho bids for construction of the wharf at Fort Stevens were five in number and in amount as follews: -Paquet & Smith, Portland, for wharf, .$1.8L", for trestle per foot, 7: N. J. Blager & Co., Port land, $2,000: trestle, por foot, $7; H. J. Hansen, .$3,990; L. W.Holt, 1,815: Supre nant fc Ferguson, $2,150. Tho bids for tho stone and piles will be ononed on the 30th inst. GOVKHSJIEXT BED TAPE. The Washington special published yes terday morning in rogard to tho returns from the electoral college of this stato was slightly inaccurate and placed tho responsibility for the mishap on tho wrong persons. The facts are as follews: Tho copy of tho returns to be sent by mail was sealed and directed to "Tho President of the United States senate, Washington." A postoffico clerk in glancing over the direction did not notice the word '"senate," and put tho package in tho mail of "Tho President of the United States." It was opened by one of his secretaries, who, seeing the mistako he had made handed the package to President Arthur, who at once sout it to Vice-President Edmunds, with a note ex plaining tho mistake. Now the law re quires that tho envelope must be oponed in presence of both honsc3 of congress. Vice-President Edmunds consulted with Senators Dolph and Slater in regard to tho matter, and it was concluded that thero was plenty of time to send the re turns back here and have them properly sealed and sent again to Washington. The packet was mailed at once and Hon. D. P. Thompson notified by telegraph of the fact. Hun. Warren Truitt, who had been chosen a special messenger to cirri' onejeopy of the returns to Washington as required by law, remained here two weeks awaiting tho arrival of tho packet mailed, but it was detained in the blockado on tho Short Lino aud he was obliged to leavo before its arrival in order to get to Washington in time with his copy. The package arrived hero and was re-sealed and re-addressed and re-sent off again on Wednesday, and will doubtless bo re ceived and re-opened and re-ad at the proper time and place. Oreyonian. 17. Before Justice Goodcll yesterday was a case where M. Sullivan sued" Captain Sember of tho Perthshire. Sullivan had hauled away some ballast from the ves sel and a diputo arose as to the amount of ballast. Tho jury found for the plain tiff in the sum of 120.90. Tho bill drafted by the chamber of commerce amending the city charter goes to Salem to-morrow. Tho chief provis ions have already been published. The principal change is in the clause requir ing a property qualification for voters in the city, tho division of tho city into three wards, the shortening of the terms of councilmen from three to two years, the making all city officers elective ex cept surveyor aud "attorney, and abolish ing the offices of city assessor and police judge. Thero was no end of fun at the skaiing rink last night, between 300 aud 400 peo ple being present. Potatoes were scat tered over tho floor and tho skaters who entered for the contest had to pick them up one by one and fling them into a keg with a small hole in tho cover as they skated past. Their efforts, successful and otherwise, afforded unbounded mirth to the spectators. Tho result was a tio betweon Ross Clinton aud Henrv Sher man, tho first named winning in the af tor match m a score of 11 to 10. Itolaml Gun CIul Sleeting. A meeting of the Clatsop Rod and Gun Club is hereby called to meet at the office of the Auditor and Clerk, on Tuesday evening' January 20th. 1885, at 8 o'clock p. v. All members having the welfare of the club at heart are earnestly request ed to be present, as business of import ance is to be transacted. By order of the president. T. S. Jewett, Sec'y. Social Parly To be given at Liberty Hall, Wednes day, Jan. 21st, 1883. Yourself and ladies axe cordially invited to attend. Committee on invitatien: O. Nelon, nenry Jones, Henry Matison aud Aug. Danielson. Committee on floer: J. C. Lidwell, O. Nelson and Henry Jones. Admission .?! For a Neat Fitting; Boot Or Shoe, go to P.J. Goodmans, on Che- nanius street, next door to l. w. case. All goods of the best make and guaran teed quality. A full stock; new goods constantly arriving. Custom work. Fresh, Eastern anil Shonlivater Bay Oy t era Constantly on hand, cooked to any style at Frank Fabre's. CROW Does not make any second-class Pic tures at his 2Jcw Gallerj', Xo. GlK, on the Roadway. SAL3I05 HATCIIKBY OX THE COLUMBIA. Livingston Stone rambles through six columns of fine type in the Oreyonian in an account of his explorations on tho up per Columbia in '83, looking for a suit able place to establish a salmon hatchery. Tho only placo ho found that was suitablo was tho mouth "of theLittlo Spokane riv er, which place appears to have every re quisite but ono for tho establishment of a hatchery. That ono element is the salmon. "I wish to add, however,' says Mr. Stone, "that if Washington territory and the state of Oregon, between which the lower Columbia flows, could agree upon a code of good protective laws for the salmon, the Clackamas river would again teem with salmon as before, and in that event perhaps the best point for a breed ing station would bo on that river where tho station of the Oregon and Washing ton Fish Propagating Company was built in 1877. Before the times of canneries and excessive netting of the salmon on the lower Columbia, tho Clackamas in Oregon was as good a salmon river as the McCloud in California, and if the salmon should CTer be allowed to reach it, it might bo again. There is no ground for the objection that the Clackamas salmon are an inferior variety of fish, for it has been proved repeatedly and indisputably that the Clackamas salmon are the spring or Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus quin nal ), and of precisely the same variety as thoso which aro canned at the mouth of tho Columbia, and which aro hold to bo of tho highest value for canning. Nor is tho difficulty of obtaining water for the hatching house at this point a serious objection, for if an abundance of breed ers could bo obtained it would warrant tho incurring of sufficient expenses to overcome this difficulty. If, therefore, tho laws should ever protect tho salmon of the Columbia, so that they could reach the mouth of tho Clackamas, it might bo found the most feasible plan for obtain ing salmon eggs on a large scalo to re store tho old breeding establishment on this river." IT SHYER TAILS. They wanted a railroad from Grub town to Moneyville. That is, nobody had an idea that such a railroad was wanted until Colonel Do Hash of Grubtown sug gested it. Ho was actuated solely by patriotic motives, his motto being pro bono publico. He not only felt that tho railroad ought to bo built, but in his patriotic zeal ho btarted a subscription. More than that, he put himself down for $5,000. Then, further, he called meet ings, made speeches, helped to get a sur vey and the right of way, and tho day the train left Grubtown, Colonel Do Hash was called tho father of his country. Six months later there was an indignation meeting, and tho chairman flourished his long arms, and shook his clenched fists, and cried eut: "Some of us subscribed $100, and some of ns twice and thrice and four times that amount. Whar' aro we now? Who cwns our railroad? Who has plastered it with mortgages? Who has frozen us out? Who has monkeyed with our sacred rights?" And echo answered: "Frozo out!" Wall Sheet AView. SrottV, Kimilhion of I'ure Cod Liver OH, with IfypophohphiU'N. Is Especially Useful for Children's Diseases As it acts both as food and medicine. It not only gives flesh and strength by virtue of its own nutritious properties, but creates an appetite for food that builds up the wasted body. STKAJ1EB SCHEDULE. Following is a schedule of sailing dates for steamers between Astoria and San Francisce: raoM ASToniA. jraosi so veancisco. Jan! 10 a- m. Jan Queen. . . .-.Fri " lflColumbia.Mon" 19 Oregon... .Wed" 21Queeu Sat" 24 Co!unibin..Mon " 2COregon.Thurs " 29 Queen Sat " 31ColumbiaTuesFeb3 A Itiru on a Drnr Store. Never was such a rush made for any Drug Store as is now at W. E. Dement & CVs for a Trial Bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds. All persons affected with Asthma, Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Severe Coughs, or any affection of the Throat and Lungs, can get a Trial Bot tle of this great remedy free, by call ing at above Drug Store. Rcgluar size 1.00. At Salem tho Kews reports that tho dissension among the Republicans seoms to be on tho increase. Some of them freely express their dissatisfaction at tho action of Jndgo Boise and Senator Hare. There is not likely to bo any caucus held prior to tho commencement of balloting for senator. It is now thought by close observers thatBoiso will bo certain to securo tho senatorial prize by a solid Democratic voto. combined with bolting Republicans, unless tho dissensions in the Republican organization aro settled, and thoy decide on a man before the fight opens. Uuclilcn'.s Arnica Salrc. Tin; Bkst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores.Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by "W. E. Dement & Co. Is It Not True? There can be no argument as to the qualities essential to a perfect remedy for the ills arising from a disordered or inactive condition of the Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Everyone will admit that it should be perfectly safe for old and young of both sexes, at any and all times: that it should be acceptable both to the tasto and tho stomach; that it should never fail to act promptly and thoroughly.yct painlessly, and ft should give strength to those orcans. It is now well known that Syrup of Figs possess es those qualities in a pre-eminent degree. W.E. Dement & Co. are agents for Astoria. Oregon. what: Do You Think lliat JelT" of The Chop Honso Gives you a meal for nothing, and a glass of something to drink? "Not much V but he gives a better meal and more of it than any place in town for 25 cents. He buys by the "wholesale and pays cash. "That settles it" All the patent medicines advertised in this paper, together with the choicest Eerfumery, and toilet articles, etc-can e bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Oc.Mden hotel, Astoria. A SI50ULAK FACT. One evening a short time ago, as a re porter of the American found himself with a party of friends, tho conversation turned on the fact that this was leap year. A middle-aged gentleman in tho party re marked: "Thank goodness it is nearly over.' "Why," inquired the man of the pen cil. "Well, to rnnkfe a long story short, some years ago, in a leap year, a beautiful, well educated and altogether lovely young lady, asked mo to marry her in a jest. I said 'yes,' as I had long entertained a secret affection for h6r. She meant every word she said, and insisted that we should bo married at Christmas. I consented and wo were married. A better wife man never had. But, alas for my future pros pects, sho lived but ono short year, cud now sleeps in Mount Olivet. Here is where my aversion to leap year comes in I am afraid that some designing woman will proposo to me in some leap year, and that I will be compelled to accept, and, instead of getting a helpmate for life, I will get a vixen who will make my life a hell upon earth." "Then," said tho scribe, "you have to dread leap year for two reasons. The first you havo stated. Tho second is on accouut of the depression to business caused by leap year always being a presi dential year." "Thero you are mistaken. Every presi dential year is not a leap year. If 1 live till tho year 1900. as I have good pros pects of doing, I will seo n presidential year which is not a leap year, and still a year divisiblo by four." Tins set the reporter to studying, lie could not make out how it was. His in formant left him in tho dark, and he finally consulted the authorities, with tue following result, taken from Smith's "Il lustrated Astronomy:" "It has been found by observation that tho earth revolves on its axis 3G5i times nearly while it is making ono complete rovolution around tho sun, or while tho sun moves from either equinox to tho samo equinox again, consequently tho solar year, upon which tho seasons de pend, contains nearly 3C5K days. It will oc seen irom tnis mat tua uiuorence oo tweou a year of 3G5 days and the year as measured by the sun amounts to ono day in every four yenrs; so that in 120 years of 3U5 days tho seasons would fall back ono wholo month, and tho season for May would bo in Juno, etc. In 720 years tho longest day would nll back through tho twelve months, nnd would again cor respond to their present? arrangement, In order to keep the seasons to tho same months, and to make the solar and civil year correspond, one day moro is in cluded in l'cbruary every fourth year. This would always keep tho solar and civil year together if tho earth rovolved upon its axis exactly 365X times while it is revolving nround tho sun, or during tho solar year; but the earth revolves from equinox to tho same again in 365 days, 5 hours, 4S minutes and 49 seconds. which is 11 minutes and 11 seconds less than 3G5K days; consequently, allow ing one day in every four years is allow ing 44 minutes, 44 seconds too much, and in 132 years it would amount to 21 hours, 3G minutes, 6 seconds. Tho niodo of reck oning timo by making every fourth year a loap vear was adopted bv tho council of Nice in tho year of our Lord, 325, when tho longest day in tho year hap pened June 21st, and tho vernal equinox March 21st. This modo of reckoning was continued until 12, a period of 1,427 years, when it was found that the longest day was on Juue 10th aud the vernal equinox on March 10th, the vernal equinox having fallen back eleven days toward tho beginning of the year. To restore the equinoxes to tho same das of tho month in which they happened in tne year SJj, eleven days were ordered by tho British government and the United States, then British colonies, to bo strick en out of tho month of September, 1752, by calling the 3rd the 14th, and it was ordered that hereafter one leap year in 132 years, or three leap years in 400 years, should be omitted; that is, that the years 1700, 1S00 and 1900, which, by the old style, would havo been leap years, should bo common years of 385 days. This meth od gives 97 leap years in every 400 years. Thus, 400 multiplied by 3G5, plus 97 days divided by 400 years makes 305 days, 5 hours nnd 49 minutes, making a distance from tho true solar year of only 23 seconds a year, an error which amounts to only ono day in 3,86G years. Tho oven centu ries aro leap years only when cutting off tue two ci pliers you can divido the other two figures by four without a remainder. Thus 1900is not divisiblo by four with out a remainder, consequently it is not a leap year." Nashville American. Don't Gi-e Up Yet. It doesn't follow that a mtient will die because the doctors have "Riven mm up," or mat ne win recover oecause they promise to "null him through." It is never to late to try the jrreat virtues of Parker's Tonic. Mr. Michael Guil foy!e,of Binghainton.N.Y., was cured of Rheumatism by it after ten years of unspeakable suffering. Mr. IS. W. Moshcr, druggist, of same city, certifies that he has sold over a thousand bottles of Parker's Tonic through its reputa tion for this and other cures. At Franlc FabrcN. Board for 22.30 a month. The best in the city. Dinner from 5 to 7. Syrup of Figs. Nature's own true Laxative. Pleas ant to the palate, acceptable totheStom ach, harmless in its nature, painless in its action. Cures habitual Constipation. Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred ills. Cleanses tho system, purifies the blood, regulates the Liver and acts on the Bowels. Breaks up Colds, Chills and Fever, etc Strengthens tho organs on which it acts. Better than bitter, nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts and draughts. Sample Dottles free, and large bottles for sale by V. E. Dement & Co., Astoria. Mrs. Bryce would respectfully an nouce to the ladies of Astoria thatsho is prepared tb do dressmaking in all its branches at her rooms on Cass St., op posite Odd Fellows building. Gray sells Sackett Bros.' Al sawed cedar shingles A full 31 guaranteed in each bunch. For Dinner Parties to order, at short notice, go to Frank Fabre's. For larao Back, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porons Plaster, Price 25 eents. For sale by W. E. Dement. Will you suffer with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. ement. Catarrh cured, health aud sweet breath secured by Shiloh's Catarrh Rem edy. Price 50 cents, Masai Injector free. For sale by TV. E. Dement Test Your BaMng Poyfler To-Day ! Brands adTcrtlscd as absolutely para THE TEST: Place ft can top down on a hot etoro nnllt rested, then remove t ho coTcrandsmell. Achenv t trill not bo required to detect the presence of AsuBonitu DOES K0T CONTAIN AXMOXLi. ': ntilO&BCT lbs NEVER Oem Qcntloetd. In amillion homes for aqnartcrof a century it 3ias ttood the consumer's reliable test, THE TEST OF THE QVEH. Price Baking Powder Co., XXKZZSOT Dr. Price's Special Flavoring Extracts, Tho strongest, most delicious and natural flavor known, and 2)7. Price's Lupulin Yeas! Gems Xvr Light, Healthy Uread.The Bert Dry Hop Yeast In tho world. FOR SALE BY GROCERS, CH1CACO. - ST. LOUIS The neat dry hop yeast In the world. Bread raised by this yeast i9 Hght.whlta and wholeBomo like our grandmother's delicious bread. GROCERS SELL THEM. PRCPtREO OT THE Price Baking Powder Co., HanTrs or Br. Price's special HaYonnz Extracts, Chicago, 111 St. Louis, Mo For sa!c by Cuth-g.Mbri.e & Co., Agents Portland, Oregon AT LAST, AND Smites Ion Is Best Girl ! His Stylish Appearance Did it. Xo wender: he gets all hLs clothes made at M. D. KANT'S Clothing Emporium. There you can find the finest assortment of Cloth, Cassimeres and Tweeds. Also, the best stock of ready-made CLOTH ING, for Men. Youths and IJoys. FURNISHING GOODS in the grandest assortment. The best of BOOTS and SHOES. Hats and Caps, Trunks and Vallsca. Prices arc Dovn to Bedrock To suit the times. Call and see M. D. KANT, The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. Ship Captains can get their supplies here on very favorable terms l'OU.G HIES !-JlEAJ 'XIHS. TnK Voltaic Belt Co., of Marshall, Mich., offer to send their celebrated Elec-tko-Voltaic Belt and other Electric Appliances on trial for thirty days, to men (young or old) afflicted with nervous debility, loss of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Also for rheumatism, neuralgia, paralysis, and many other dis eases. Complete restoration to "health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. So risk is in curred as thirty days trial Is allowed. "Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free That Hacking Cough can be so quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Sold by W.E. Dement Sleepless Nights made miserable by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy for j'ou. Sold by W. E. De ment & Co Shiloh's Cough ana Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W.E. De ment Shiloh's "Vitalizer is "what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and all symptoms of Dyspepsia. Price 10 and 75 cents per bottle. Sold by W.B.Demeat llBHTjHLTHY BREAD, Aramanna Says Tes Mr-Si C. H. COOPER'S, iBiiuiiiiitiiiiiaitin tc !3ass:s:sxrsBu:iii3i 1 OQC &ffjj&j"iifflMLi iitfP zJf,ljmliiH THE LEADING Dry Goofls ana Glothiiiff House of Astoria. The increase of my business in 1884 over former years allows me to an nounce for 1885 that I shall carry larger stocks of first-class goods in the differ ent lines, -which can be relied upon as represented, and will be sold at the lowest prices for the quality offered. s III tie Dry ai Fancy Ms Will oe found the Latest and Most Stylish Novelties. Ill CMs ai tops Will be found garments in Style, Cut, In Mens ai Boys Clotli Will always be found New and first-class fitting goods, from a fine, satin lined Prince Albert Dress Suit, down to a Serviceable Business Suit, for the office, shop, or farm, to fit all shapes or weights, from 50 to 300 pounds. In Gent's Furnishing Goods Will be found a large assortment in all grades and styles. In Hats and Caps Will be found the best makes, the latest styles, and best values. In Boots Will be found a lar?e variety of hand order by the best eastern factories, rely upon tne goods Ii Oil ClotMi, Bite Goods, Trinto, Valises, ai Umbrellas, Will be found goods at prices that defy all competition. Sole agent for Buttenck Pattern's. Pythian Building, CITY BOOK STORE ASet3for : HE AD aUAETEES i Agents for KRANICII; For Fine Stationery, School Books, Blank Books, TABERand BACH, Sheet Mnilr. Mnslral Goods. AndGeoSteokij Subscriptions recelred for any Periodical published at : fottmra Ttut.ni.. ! nnkii.i.... u.t... r UUU.WJ lilbkic uijub g puuijaui'iA iiibcii a PIANOS.; Setr Stock GRIFFIN $67,000,000 Capital ! Liverpool and London and Globe. North British and Mercantile Of London and Edinburgh. Old Connecticut of Hartford, ATJ COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA Fire Insurance Companies, Representing a Capital of $67,000 OOO. B. VAN DUSEN. Asent. d. a. Mcintosh Keeps constantly on hand a full stock of the best made READY-MADE CLOTHING ji Business Suits and Dress Suits. Also tho largest stock and the newest patterns in French, and American Cassimeres, "Worsteds, Cloths, Scotch and English Tweeds. Which will bo made up to order in the very latest styles and at the Iovc.st prices. FIT GTTABANTEED. HATS in ail the Latest and Standard Shapes. A. complete line of Gents' !Fu3?nisIiing Croods. ID. ,&. McZCTTOSS, The Leading Clothier, Hatter and Gents' Fnrnisher. IHIHHZaiMUIUUlll 1885 iHsuuucsnamnaii and Finish to suit the taste and purse of all and Shoes and machine sewed, made ext to which enables us to recommend and as to merit anu value. Astoria, Oregon. In.itniinfnt. Yarfatr Etc. Etc. ! Western ArrlTlneJ)alIy. j ORG ANS. GERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLED BEEE DEPOT, Ghenamus Street, Astoria. The Best of Lager 5 Cis. a Glass. Orders for trie Celebrated Colombia Brewery Beer Left at this place will he promptly attended to ftaNo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place. Wk. BOCK, Proprlator. & REED.