The daily morning Astorian. (Astoria, Or.) 1883-1899, June 28, 1884, Image 3

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xThc flaiht 9tetorian. .
SATURDAY- "...1" )l Ni: -. lvM
iMoiidaj eeeptedl
AhTOKIAN lL'n.OIM,. - t .n VIRl'J'T
Ttrins ufSuliM riitioii.
Served In Carrier, per work
tenth inunlii .
one ear ....
Free of jio-d.i:a.' iiI-miiitn.
E49Advcrti.emeuts niseiied I iIi.-mmi at
tlierateof' pei iiiohI'i.' Irin
slent adverti-dm: !ift cent- jut sn::tiv. each
iVotioc To Ariwi'tiscrs.
1 ni: Antoimav guarantees to it;ul-
vertiser-. Ihe large-l eii"uIatio:i of an
newspaper published u tin Columbia
fieaenwl seals for Miss ('oursAifs eou
oert at Carl Adler's.
Mrs. Malcolm advertiser a uuu -.lock of
xiats, bonnets and millinery goods.
Mrs. Strong is down lrom The. Dalles
on a visit to her p irants, .Mr. and Aim. H.
C. Holden.
Thero will baa school meeting in dis
trict No. 8, at tho school house, at li)i)
o'clock this evening.
The work of connecting Uonevieve
street from the city hall to.lefTirson and
Court streets has begun.
A burning flue at Frank l'abie'rf caused
a fire alarm at half p-ist two xcsterdaj
afternoon. No damage.
The run of salmon is "about the same.'
No one "will make or lose a fortune this
season in the salmon business.
Prof. McDonald's lectures hae been
the feature of the week. Tie lectnreH
again to-night at Liberty hall.
B. S. "Worslcy sells a miscellaneous as
sortment of supplies at his auction rooms
at 1 o'clock this aft ernoon. See ad .
The Xora Haitians and Attn ystwtth
Castle vent to spa yestedaj. Two es
sels wero reported ofiisiih at 7 last t-vtn-ing.
Col. Hawkins will hold thela-t temptT
anoe meeting of the 8e ries at lhf M. 13.
Church at 8 o'clock this evening. All are
Eev. T. A. IJyland, foi man 3 ears
rector of Grace church, ill preach in
that church, ai tin morning service,
Astor Lodge K. ol P., advcrtiss a in
ward of S25 for the recoveiy of the body
of John V. Olsen, drowned' on .Monday
night, the 23d iust.
MissL. Powell announces that her nri-
vate school for small children, will open 1
Monday next, in the lcr tare room of the
Presbyterian church.
A campmeeting of tho l'di'itic associa
tion of Spiritualists will be held at II
waco, commencing Sepinibir 4lh and
closing September 1.1th.
Postmaster Chance got a letter fiom
Chicago yesterday saying that lob Tnger
5011 would start from that citv for this
coast about July 1st, and would !tvmiv
in Astoria.
"W. A. Bell, whodtf artibticwork ;t S.
B. Crow's potograph gallery has attract
ed so much attention, has sent for his
family, and will make t his city his im
manent residence.
Tom Jewett, our genial city clerk, hua
a type-writer in his office now, and the
"copy" that he furnishes is the delight of
the printers, who find it hard to read
writing after 12 o'clock at night.
The body of the man found on Sand
Island on Thursday proves to be that of
Andrew Anderson.'J. Olson's boat puller.
The funeral will take place fiom Coroner
Franklin's at three o'clock this utter
Domestio salmon shipments by iail and
ocean have been about equal su' tar this
seaBon, about 30,000 cases ha ing gone
overland this season, via the X. 1 It. H.,
and the same number via at-amei to San
The piles for the farnmis' wharf at 11
waoo are nearly all drhen. and cap
ping and laying'the floor is well under
way. Some difllculty hns bem occas
ioned by n dispute in 'inference to right
of way, which will probably be Ml led
satisfactorily br fore tin- wfiart is com
pleted. Yesterday afLeinoon was pnMUted the
unusual spectaclo of a rainstoi m coming
from the north. ( )n the Washington ter
ritory side all was dark pud the low-hung
storm clouds shut off the hills from vii-w
till, presently, tho droj)s came dancing
down, the shower passing oft to the
southwest. Coming fiom the direction it
did, 'tis probable this is tho last of the!
welcome snowers 01 .June.
Tho Oreyoniaii reports the disooery of
rich mines in lackauias county. Speci
mens, of rock are exhibited in "Portland
which go S2G0 lo tho ton in gold and
silver. The locality of tho discovery is
in the Cascade mountains, about eight
miles due south of Table rock, on a tribu
tary of the south fork of a slicam known
aB 'Henrj' creek, which makes into tho
main fork of the Molulla one mile above
Ogle creek. The discovery promises to
be the means of starting a mining boom
in Clackamns county.
The closing exeicisea of school district
No. 1, were held in the principal's room
yesterday afternoon and were attended
by a very largo numbei of parents and
friends. The room, which was too small
for the occasion was handsomely deco
rated, and the juvenile performers ac
quitted themselves very cieditably. At
tne close of the oxercises Mrs. V. E. Mar
tin was presented with a silver cike
basket by her appreciative pupils. The
E resent eflicient corps of teachers will
ave charge during the nexl term, which
will begin in September.
"Sunshine and Shadows of Matrimo
ny," are the subjects ProF. McDonald
will treat in his lecture this evening.
At the close he will mate peveral young
couples showing their matrimonial
adaptation in marriage. Old and
f-oung will enjoy witnessing thisphreno
ogical wedding. Tickets sold at reduced
Snces for all the lectures at Adler'.s
Irystal Palace, the New Vork Novelty
Store, and Postoftice. The professor can
be interviewed during the day, regarding
fhrenological examinations, at Liberty
Uentlon Oufunii)!
Tht old Podygard of the ancient and
raged order of Steigmirdenbuckolnauf
will meet on sundav afternoon at 3
o'clock next, at tho Hall of Alert Hook
and Ladder Co., for Organization, and
a jolly good time for our national Holly
day, 4th of July. All good citizens,
young and old, tail and small, will please
attend, by order ot
No Cash, Hard Times,
. "Scribe. Grossmogul.
.Baby Carriage
Of latest pattern and aston
prices, at Carl Adler'.s Crys
:tonishingl low
;.stfu Palace.
Miss Coursen's Songs.
"'Where Ts -Robin?" "Brown 12jed
Nell;'' "The Highland Maid's Lament,'
with accompanying music, at Cat 1 Ad
ler'.s Crystal Palace.
'The Blue Ribbon "War Songs"
For Band of Hope, at Carl Adler's Crys
tal Palacp.
Axvold sells Boots and Shoes cheapet
than any one else in town, because wo
buy for cash.
Afull'Hne of ladies' and children's
Shoes, latest styles, to be found cheap
at Arvold's, sign of the Golden Shoe.
STVTK XT TKKlilTOHI 11. F'rt'.
'1 he corner tAuaa of Ihe new Clackamas !
court house rn laid at Oregon. City hist
Thursday with impressive Masonic cere
monies Tr.,liri,, i ,, . , t r , , l
Joseph Drake, com leted of the murder!
1 of D.i id Swnrtz, was on the :iGth. nt Ha -
, 1cm, sentenced to he hanged on tin' i:i;h
day of August nos.1.
i Lemuel Scull has brought .suit in the
i slate circuit conit through his attorney,
f W. M. Oregon-, to recover from J. 1.
j Chapman, major of Portland, the m:iu of .
. XT0y, w liich he alleges to be due him for '
prot--io!i;i service n microti
! On I'mlny hut the bridge mer tho
Slllll... liver nt iTiiv.-.r(1i. fvwfitifT .v. ..-I
$2,000,001) received its final touch from
the orkiuon. and tho structure was'
finally turned oor to the N. P. 1. H. Co.,
says the Walla Walla Journal. All the
construction nnchincrv was t-tored at
Tlio man llenrv, charged with other
with implichy in' the murder of David
slaughter before .Judge Boise of the third -
judicial district on the 26th. and was I
sentenced to imprisonment for life ,n the j
reuii mjiiu iwiiiicmiarv. 1 x, ... , , ... r
San has been begun in the Tinted there " a qualilj of the mind born of
States circuit court b Itolicrt Bragg of j resolution and decision, wherein this
San Pniucisco against the city of Port- ,,rj fe maintained; riml it is f.f sl in.
land to recover damages for the nifnngc-J . ... , , . , ,. j,.,,i
m,mt of a patent. llZ claims that he is 1 lrtancp it should b,- better unuerstood
the iuveutor and patentee of an improve- 'and cuuipreluwded: the. dia-' and
ment in gong attachments for cngiuo , weakness, first mental, next physical,
houses and also a device for releusiug i comes of losing the grip and that it is a
horses, operated b alarms, and that matter to be considered, both with rcfer-
tucsa mentions nave lecn applied in the (
engine houses of that city.
Printers' I'Jcalc
'J'he iriuter' picnic at Salem m the
4th in going to be a grand affair. Tho
firemen at tho state capital will .stand in
and have a tournament. In their hose
contest carts lo carrv 3.10 feet of hose.
! leeled in continuous line, all couplings to
be screwed up. linn COO feet to hydrant.
Lay ".'JO fe t of hose, uucounlo and screw
j on piie, and seem f water. Time to bo
iuhi'ii ntii witter iea(s ine npe.
Tehi mt-n, including foreman, to con
stitute the team. Free to all. First
prize, $.10; second prize, 2.1:, third prize,
kog or beer and box of cigars.
The list of premiums to bo ghen by
the printers is characteristic. First,
comes one to the tallest lady on tho
grounds, one can of tea.
To tho swiftest ladv compositor in tho
city, bronG image-of "Summei.'
lo the tallest gentleman 011 the
giouuds, a handsome cane.
For tho handsomest bouquet furnished
by a lady, one y ear's subscription to tho
Foi the best cake presented the com
mittee on prizes, Japanese tray.
To the winner of tho "go-as vou
pleace' mulch, bicycles and four-footed
animals barred out, one bottle wine.
To the piottieft Miss under K years of
ago; first prbe, ono fan; second prize,
one dozen cabinet pictures.
To the winner of tho 200-yard foot race
for boys nndcr 12yeaos of ago, pearl han
dle pocket-kuifo.
To the winner of the 100-yard tool race
for TesideiitR of Salem, "a handsome
bfldge and $10 in coin.
To the winner of the 200-yard foot
race, free to all; first pn?e. gold-lined
cup and 10 in coin; second pri7o, pair
running shoes.
ior the highest running jump, bottle
ot wine.
For tho highest standing jump, a ham.
For tho homeliest printer on the
grounds, General Odell and C. U. Moores
barred out, one butcher knife.
To tho handsomest young lady on the
grounds, silver flower vase.
To tho handsomest married lady on the
grounds, perfumery case.
To tho printer having the largest feet,
a china coffee cup.
The person on the grounds with the
b-ildest huul will bo presented with a
gear's subscription to the Willaontte
Ft 1 ruin.
The nicest looking elderly lady on tho
gruunils will be presented with ii bouquet
cako dish.
To the most popular old maid upon tho
grounds, a majolica flower pot.
To tho most popular bachelor uu the
ground, a whist case and cards.
To the widow with the largest family
of children, a loud of oak wood.
To the jouug lady most anxious to get
married, ii five-pound hot of candv.
To rue voung man most anxious to
become a licucdict. a rubber doll.
To the most exquisite dudo upusi the
grounds, a hand glass.
Jsitf I.ikf tlic .Mm.
A dozen small bo weie plaung in a
b.tckaid when one of them suddenly
"S.iv, fellows, let's ph nominating a
"All right!"
"Como on!"
"I'm agreed," chorused the ju enilcs.
Two names weie put in nomination
and a -vote was taken with the following
result: 1'ugsy, 'J, Xugsby. 10; and the
Xngsby supporters made "the air quher
with their hurrahs.
"Now, . on fellowrt hac nominated
your man," .sullenly a'lid the Pugsy ado
cates, "and you w'lll have to elect him,
too. We're not going to play, so there
V fvr Induct!-.
The HUttf oj California, among the
freight carried away bj her on Monday
morning, had 400 ships' knees. They
were hewn out oa the banks of the
Columbia, on tho Washington territory
side, from the roots of spruce trees. In
securing them the woodsmen had to dig
as well as chop. In consequenoe of this
they are rather cosily, and tho 400 knees
aie worth 3,000. Thev arc consigned
to W. J. Adams, of San Francisco. This
is a new and growing industry, but this
country can and will hae to supply ships'
knees for the whole Pacific coast shortly.
The timber in California is being cut
away so rapidly that even now it is a
difficult matter to obtain timber suitable
for this purpose. -Veils.
Tin 2iitt'U( JLami Filler.
The most useful household invention
or the age- Call and see it. AJso, extra
good Coal Oil forsale in quantities from
a pint to a barrel. Jordax te IJozortii.
To Our Patrous.
We do not claim to sell our goods at or
below cost -we sell with a living profit
and our prices aro lower than-the pro
tended cast of our competitors. Pilger's
Branch Leading Suit and Cloak House.
Frttit Jars.
All sizes Hi lowest maiket prices, at
Crockery Stoie of Jordan & IJozorth.
Slop That Cough
liv going to J. K. Thomas's and getting
a bottle of Leroj's Cough Ualsnin.
It wii 1. rritK voi
Furnished Rooms to Kent.
Inquire at Mrs. Campbell's, over Gem
Will ynii suffer with Pyspepaiu and
Liver Complaint V hhllnh's vitallzer is
guatnntepd to cure yon. Sold by Y. E.
A Xjisal Injector free with each
Iwltle of Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy
Price ."0 cents. Sold by W. K. Dement
Sleepless Nights made miserable
bv that ten ible couch. Shiloh's Cure Is
the remedy for you. Sold by W. E. De
ment 6c CO.
The Valor of Grip to a .StraceIiai; Mas.
It used to be said of u uiau in the
mines wneu uc uocamo aiscuura;;i.-u,
- - -
mines when uc become diBCOuragca,
1 downcast and disinclined to Moor, pinu
J or project and very much inclined to gel
arunk whenever he had a chance. "hcB
' ioSt his crip
seem a great deal of hidden
meaning f
phraes w
and force in many of Ihese
hich are. evolved, not out of
dictionaries or the closets of pedants, but
from the situations, necessities, enier-
gencias and results of everyday lite,
IWjiiisp si honaful and cuereretii' 111:111
1 .... f.,11 r f.t,.mri' and nlan.
r,' m'lJU , ,, c"tL," lu V"
Hakes a firmer hold or grip on life. oii
ma see it in their rosoluti walk and
riage, by the manner in which each foot-
htep is planted, and when thev shake
if lif.v meant wimething by it.
it seems to me that getting this "grip";
oll Ifo u et an uutauj.hl thnl '
cue to tho "here" and the hereafter.
T fhink n rvvvl tri-in" fin liffi will hnln
to cure almost nny failing and any dis
ease. Doctor will tell you and many of
us know of people who ought to have
died, according to all the rules of medi
cal science, long ago, but who wouldn't
die because thpy said they wouldn'tJind
they didn't. Ihey never let go their
"grip" 011 life.
It is wonderful what a strengthening
effect a word may have- 011 u pcr.ion'.s
mind us regards holding his ''grip.' You
Raj to yourself in time ot difficulty,
doubt and discouragement, '! will," "1
will,'' "I will,'' do thus mid so, and keep
on from time time repeating theo words,
and you neem to call into yourself nt last
a power a jower of will which helps to
remove the trouble. You laugh, of
course, at this and say, "that's all im
agination." Of cour. Imngh away.
It will do ou no good. Hut try the
Tecipe the next timo you want to climb
out of the dumps. Sa3 "I will climb
out of this mire." Keep on saying it.
Seo it it does not help you to climb.
You need so to climb, perhaps, for jour
heart is heavy, jour body weak, our"will
ditto, j'our appetite gone, the world a valo
of tears and life a burden. A ''heavy
heart" me:uis literally and physically a
heavj-and cast-down heart, for if jou
could examine that useful organ at such
times you might find it was below its
proper place; that it was not pumping
blood with its acenstonic-d energy and
that tho blood about it was more or less
congested and of sluggish motion, all of
which causes give that peculiar pain and
heaviness Imown as "heartache." Of
course if the heart does not work prop
erly neither will tho stomach, and if the
stomach does not work what will work
well inside of usV Oar organs Kro much
like a row of bricks upset one and the
rest follow suit.
It is very important that things do
work properly inside of us in order that
wc may properly work things outside.
What is grip? Call it will. What is
will? 1 do not know. It is a quality of
which each person has more or less. It
is a very desirable quality. - A person
having it in plenty nnd knowing it, and
knowing the necessity for its use, can do
a great deal in the world. Tho will is
put in as a power, and there is good rea
son to believo that it maj be increased
by cultivation, or by willing to have more
will. There is reason to believo that its
capacity for increaso is illimitable.
Whether it so grows inside of us, or
whether it i3 an element we draw to us
from the outside, I cannot sav and never
found anj body who could. Iiul if it can
be cultivated and increased by ho easjT
and simple a process as wishing for more
of it, asking for it, praying for it, de
manding it and saying '! will," it is a
very iniortaut thing for people to know.
Please do not be too ready to "dospiso
the day of small things.' We know
reallj'Vcry little of these thinking mys
teries we'call our minds. If j 011 declared
to another j-our belief thai a thought
vas a thing an invisible thing, to lie
sure, bur none the less a thing an ele
ment or combination of elements coming
out of your brain majbc, you would Le
met by a howl of derision. The iden
that thoughts are things are anything!
Thought, tho mind, pictures, plana, opin
ions, wishes, lies, half-lies and all tho
products of our minds are only myths
nothings of course. Wo can't see them
hence, thej' are nothings, or next to it.
So we reason in this matter.
Yot it is the thought that does it nil.
Yon plan you think out your undertak
ing, first, and then put it in practice
afterwards. You plan, first, every physi
cal act, even lo each step made in walk
ing. When you saj, "I will." or "I
won't." and put jour mental foot down
with energy and decision on this say
so" you do create something about j'ou
which seems to make more energy, decis
ion and resolution moro power to per
form the "I will," or "I won't."
Why, th6 lack of "grip"' will write
itself nil over people's forms and faces.
You know the man who has "lost his
grip" by the parting lips, the drooping
jaw, the downcast eye, the bent form,
tho slouohing shoulders, the irresolute,
halting, shambling gait no purpose, no
aim, no end in view only to live on and
endure life from daj- to "day and growl
and grumble. Surely thought, or tho
lock of it, has been hero an active agent
in accomplishing sad results. Prentice
Mulfonl in S. F. Chronicle.
For a IVcat Fitting Buot
Jr Shoe, go lo P. .1. Goodmans, on Cho
namus .street, next door to 1. W. Case.
All goods of this best make anil guaran
teed qualilj. A full stock; new goods
constantly arriving. Custom work.
Something; Fine.
Just received at T. G. Jiawlins 11
large stock of cigars, Cigarettes," and
the choicest brands of tobacco.
Just Received.
A large stock of soft and stifi Hats in
nil the latest styles, at Mcintosh': Fur
nishing store.
Whv will you cough when bhiloh's
Cure wfll giuMmmediate relief. Price
10 cts Zi) ets ami Si. Sold by V. K. De
ment. The most popular bitters in the mar
ket Is Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic.
"Hackmetack," a lasting and fra
grant perfume. Prlcea and CO cents.
Sold by W.K. Dement
Arvold will sell a large stock of Boots
and Shoes at cost, at the Leading boot
and shoe store.
Just received n new lot of Parasols, at
the unplro Store.
Buy jour Lime of Gray at Portland
Knscoe Dixon's new eating house
is now open. Everj thing has been fit
ted up m lirst-class style, and his well
known reputation as a caterer assures
all who like good things to'eat. that nl
his place they can Itc accommodated.
Gray .sells Saekctt Bros.'
cedar shingles.
Al sawed
Shiloh's Cough anu Consumption
cure is sold by us on guarantee. It
cures consumption, sow by W.E.D&
Oregon and Transcontinental stock
down to 71.
Cholera id decimating the inhabi
tants oi soutuern .trance.
Thus far not a singlo bill affecting any
of tho territories has passed congresH.
though many have been presented.
A demonstration favoring the nomina
tion of General Uutler for the presidency
was held in Faneuil hall, lioston on
Thursday night. About 1.ZM persons
were present.
Tho river and harbor bill, as reported
to tho nenato, is greater bv ?UKS5,00(
than the house bill. The following aro
among the now items added: Improving
Coos bay, Oregon, $2.-1,000; Cumberland
river, aboo Nashville, .0,000: Cedar
mcr, Michigan. ;1,000; mouth of tho
Columbia river. Oregon and Washington
territory, $150,000; mouth of the Coquillc
river, Oregon, 10,000.
Ha Noi dispatches .state that rhe f!lii
ue3fl regulars, with artillery, have on
iion ,, l "Hf 1 :lttckcd the
f?ch forces on Monday, on tho inarch.
- '- ""3 Z ?S
Mcgroilt immediately Hot out with rein
forcements. Goneral Milot telegrnplw
that the French numbered 700 and jre
on tho wry to Ligoon. Though greatly I
outnumbered, thoy routed the Chinese. .
Bismarck, in the course of a speech in
Berlin on tho 2Cth inst., said: i4J" -would
remind the house that some time ago an
outbreak and second war with France
was generally expected, and that an in
clination therefor existed everywhere.
Nevertheless, our relations with Franco
are now as confidential and as amicable
as with anj other country. Thero exists j
rnmnln trust in recinroenl tTP.nfmpnt
and inour mutual order. I am. pleased I
at naving an opportunity lor mentioning
this fact."
xnemajoritj report. 01 tan committee
on publio lands in the house declares for-1
foiled certain landsornnied to thn Xnnti- t
Themniorit renort of tho oonimiLt 1
orn Pacific road, and is a lencthv docu
ment. The substance Is that congress
possesses the power to declare forfeiture
of lands, and sound public policy re-
quires it should be exorcised. Tho pro-
visions of the bill on which the report is
made, apply to that portion of the main
lino from Wallula, "Washington Terri-
tory, to i-prtianu, uregon, L'i-i miles, and
mat poniou 01 ino orancn line irom
Ainsworth to Pngel sound, 180 miles.
,. .
ku TuuE.
Ahull & Son's photographs ai c perfect
gems of the art. No second-class work
done at their gnllcrv, 29 Washington St.
fort land.
All kinds of Furniture madts and re
paired. Carpets sewed and laid and all
kinds of decora' ing done bj" D. P. Brad
ley and A. T.Naef. at D. P. Bradloj'.s,
in C'apt. llogers new building, oppo
site Model licstnurant. Jobbing a spe
cialt. WHAT! do you think that
jErF of the cnoi iielsj:
gives you a meal foruothingand :i glass
of something to drink? -Not much!"
hut he gives a better meal and more of
It than any place In town for i."i eenLs.
He bujs by the wholesale and pas
cash. "Thtit settles it.
At enormous ov-pense has jut seemed
the services of PnorEssou Ellis one
of the best white cooks in the state; and
Jeff proposes to excell any of his lor
mer effort- in the culinary art. Italian
and French dishes a specialtj .
Syrup oi'Fifcs.
Natute's own true Laxative. Pleas
ant to the palate, acceptable to the Stom
ach, haiinless in ILs nature, painless in
its action. Cures habitual Constipation.
Biliousness, Indigestion and kindred
ills. Cleanses tho bvstem, purifies the
Mood, regulates the Liver and acts on
the Bowels. Breaks hn Colds. Chills
aud Fever, ete. Strengthens the organs
on which it acts. Better than bitter,
nauseous Liver medicines, pills, salts
aud draughts. Sample bottles fre. and
laigc bottles for sale bv . K. Dement
A: Co., Astoria.
Dinner nt -J IFFS'C110P HOl'SK
everj day from 1 sui to k o'clock. The
best i."-oeiit meal in tewn: sum. fish.
seven kinds of meats. eiMnble--. uie.
pudding, ete. Tenor collee included.
All vtholmo tried him sav.leiris the
Dr. Henlej's Dandelion Tonic tickles
the palate and gladdens the henit.
The latest patterns and stvlcs of
Ginghams and Calicoes, at the F.nvpire
Don't pay ."0 cents elsewheie when
von can get the bect dinner in town at
JEFF'S lor 2T. cents.
A full line of Ladies Lace Mitts of all
descriptions, to be found al the Kinpire
Shiloh's Cri:n will iinmediatelj
telieve Croup, Whooping Cough, anil
Bronchitis. Sold by W. E. Dement & Co
Thai Hacking Cough can be so
quickly cm ed by Shilolf Cure. Wo
guarantee it. Sold tj" W.E. Dement.
All the patent medicines advertised
in this paper, together with the choicest
Cerfuincrx-, and toilet articles, etc can
e liought at the lowest pi ices, at-J. W.
Conn's drug stoie, opposite OcMden
hctel, Astoria.
Boston Baked Beans and Brown Bread
everv Sunday at Jeff's from .". a. m. to
2 t. m.
Shiloh.s YilalbuT is what jounced
for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz
ziness and all syinplonis of Dyspepsia.
Price 10 and " cents per bottle. Sold
by 1T. K. Dement.
Fishermen's Headquarters.
Tin: ui'xriNi:
SlflllTS, C.I'M P.OOTS, lire.
And a complete outlit. of Best Qiialltv. and
Hshment In t tie city.
Ha e opened a Xew Slot k. or At nods in the
store nevt toToard & Stokes, and
To all l'iMitmer.
Practical Plumbing in All Its
Stftam .and fia.s Fixtures,
A Complete Stn:-k of First -class Material.
All Work fiunrauteed.
Onice and Shop in Hnine's bulldlni;. rear
of wheeler x untn s. .vstnrla, Oregon.
At C'apt.
I'ogeis old Rtanil, corner of
:uid tJourt Streets.
Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing.
Wagons made and repaired. Good work
"Wholesale and Retail Dealer In
Tropical, Domestic, Green and Dried
mits. CANDii:s,Di:Tiai mkats, i-rrc.
l'inc Cigars anil Tobacco.
NYI hor to I., I. AnoldS. Squcnioriua St.
Ml LaiffMon.
Fruits, Notions, Cigars
Walrr St. hefttceu West
nad West Oth.
Tropical aud .Domestic J.'ndts per every
tcamer. Xuts, Candles etc.. at Lai;hton's.
l'. err thlnu Kresh and first-class.
.1. C. TJiULMNGER, - - - Proprietor.
All Kinds of Lumber,
il j,
v-J sell Lumber audUoxesatfollowinz rates:
Itciush Lumber, (only to snpclal
j "o. lVloonnj; and'iruVtitoniy-tospc-"
flffWMlnnnM Clfl nrt
. ia.. n?reemeut)...........,... &jj w
x,, ; ih"x: 1 dVxilnu'A'-
cial arecment) ' iv W
tnnMi.V ,r,;V""r.t-"VAT ..-.
IVh Kop-. nvi cents nt mllL Shook. 2
l "l" " '""'
flt 'PriO n11tAQ11
Anheuscr Busch Brewing AshVii of
c- 1 mile Mn
.. , , , , ,m0'
Celebrated .uihtyiser Beer
Pinckney's Sample Room.
CiK, Water Street, (or ttoadwa ).
This Deer is Tar sperior to anv iu'iported
lr0,n th East. Call and sample it.
For Sale Cheap.
One English Laundry Mangle,
In good working order : Also,
c feet deep and 1; feet diameter on top.
Enquire of K, C. IIOLDKN.
Carry In Stock,
lresLripii(ius earefulfcy t'ompo'unded
DELoc3.TXO toxi Z
MUS. A. II. JKWETT witl ?U her stock of
MlLLtAWil aaM K.tXCi" OlH)bS
at a Reduction of
Twenty per dent.
tm Foriner irices 'lhi- K;zi xaie chance
fortlio Indies to .secure harpthwr.
Astoria. dlilieSlst, I!4.
Al'. DAXIF.triX.
ktetiuilt and. ltetttted TJi rHxuii t
The Best of
For a Good CIar. call for one of
"Danielson's Best."
Corner WstMh and WnterStreets. Astoria.
French and American Candies
reslx 33rotc3L
Every rooming, from the
Boat Building.
l'onnerlj orer Aradt & Ferchea'n Maehlae Shr
the shop foi merry occupied by 31. John
son on Concomly street, one block west of
Hansen Bros' Still. Model, Material and
Lowest Prices,
NOT GIVEN AWAY, but made at lone-it
LIVING FIHCES. All work done at my Sail
Loft GUAltAXTKKD to give perfect satis
faction. SAIL LOFT
On riieuoiiiuv Street, next door to Astoila
Xjl to Weston Hotel.
JL tho SLsters of. Chanty. W now ready Tot
1 no reception 01 uaiients.
l'rhate rooms fur tint Ui-eonimodattou ol
unvdeslrlun ttn-rn.
Patients admitted at nil ornlght.
No phvsteiau has exclusive right, evert
patient Is Ireo- To and has the privilege ol
employing any physician thuy prefer.
United Mtatct Marine
Seamen who pay Hospital Dues, are Bt
tied to Free euro and attendance at this li ca
pital during sleknesa. Permits must be ob
tained for United State Marine at the tfns
tom House.
Sister op CnAau'Tv
Healer lu
Ciyars, Tobacco and Cigarttttij
Meerschaum and Brier Pipes,
Revolvers and Cartridge. 'I
3 iliilf HIHHflH
Leading Dry Goods
Silks! Silks! Silks!
We are now shpwing the largest and choicest assort
ment of BLACK and COLORED SILKS ever shown in
Ladies in need of such goods and want to get the
genuine'afticle would do well to give us a call.
Bonnet's famous Black Silks in all numbers. Rich
Brocaded Silks, Rhadames, Moires and Cet Colored Gros
Grain Silks. Latest Shades. Taney Brocaded Silks, New
Designs. Evening Silks, in all the latest tints. Summer
Silks in checks and stripes.
Pythian Building.
Bakery! Confectionery
Coflee nnd Ice Cream I'urloiN.
Oil K "" AltlUS NTIC RET.
Bread and Cakes
Weildliig..aud l'arties supplied ,ttietly
o-Frencli.anti Anierioan-o '
Manufactured, Whpiesal?.and Ketail. ,
Jordan & Bozorth
The Only Exclusive
XL. Hate Sole ICllit i the
Parent Xdimp Filler.
jNewGuods for Spring and Summer!
Direct from the Manufacturers. Retailed at
BelUK In the Manufacturing Business I am prepared to mH Clothing that will fth e
TimwwrrHvnRVArrrfrwiinth in viTnmi niTr.TTVnf rrnniK
perfect Fiuin Aiutc Shirts. lesiium iki rmc t:
T0Hdcvwear. Newest Styles in Scarl and Tic.
d. a. Mcintosh,
and Clothing House
ii wFi tti C3gi iep ''cag.
S 5i "i L i
- Astoria, Oregon.
A-TOuiA fton.v AVonic. Aneiits, Asturia.Or
J. H. D. GHAY.
Wholesale and retail dealer lit.
Hay. Oats. Straw. Wood, Etc.
(eiivral Moniue .nut Wharfaue on reuaou-
able terms. Foot of ISenton street, Astoria,
Royal Brand Flour
Manufactured by the
Is id Superior Quality, and b Endorsed
by all who use It.
Of Superior ltlsing Quality.
'Guaranteed to Give Satisfaction.
Hple AeisnU for AMtorla.
j?f. 'Hl