.Ci) VOL. XX, NO. 42. ASTORIA, OREGON, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1883. PRICE, FIVE CENTS. PATHETIC MEMORIES OF THE PLOW. The Canadian Pacific liailroad. ft HOTELS AND RESTA U KANT. BUSINESS CARDS. I shall never forget the halcyon spring day that grandfather lold me to scour the old plow and get ready to learn the mysteries of rap shody. I took a brick and cleaned that old mould board tvilh the same eager delight and thorough faithful ness that Ben Butler bestowed on the burning up of the Massachusetts almshouse, what a thrill of ecstasy frolicked within me as I slipped the loop of the single line about my wrist, reached up to the handles and yaup ed "g'lang.'. Grandfather followed in silence. I felt as glorious as Pri vate Dalzell when he gets into the newspapers, and with unutterable feeling I chirped, "Dear grandpa, you necdn t never work any more. Til run the farm and you and grand ma can spend the money and "We were going down an incline, so when mv pride quicklv straightened the old plow shot out of the ground and jerked me clear over a-straddle of tho beam. The horses stopped and grandpa kindly remarked: "Ye musu't sit down to rest so airly in the morning, Lenny, if your going to ran the farm." I felt as bad as the tstar router who pleaded guilty to conspiracy, and had to take it back, plead not guilty and be discharged. Grandpa fondly sat down on a stump and watched me pull and tug to drag the old plow and two horses back ward to plow up the skip. After I pulled my arms out of socket, wrenched my back and was ready to start, grandpa wiped tho moisture from his eyes and cooed softly: "Ye kin save a good deal of time 'an gruntin1 by tnrnin' the horses an' inakin' them drag the plow rouu' for slips like that un." I felt so grateful I wanted to let him go the house for a jug of buttermilk. Wc came to a little swell in the grouud and the old plow started down deeper and deeper like an artesian well auger. "Bar down on th' haudles," yelled Old Business. The horses thought he meant them, and they just straighten ed out till their bellies kissed the ground; the plow started for China, and struck a root, the plow clevis busted, the horses shot forward audi rose over the plow at the end of the plow line, like Gilroy's kite. Grand pa picked me up tenderly, dusted mo off with a sprout, then sent me to the house for a clevis and a mattock to dig the old plow out. I started next time with humilia tion and an angry ancestor. The old plow seemed possessed. It tried as hard to evade the land as St Louis wet grocers do the Downing law. "Push th' handles from the land," shrieked my red-hot instructor, as the plow shot out again. The horses knew the misery wrapped up in that shriek, and supposing it referred to them they started on a trot with yours truly a-skipping and a-hopping and a-pulling, and bellowing "whoa-o-o-o," like a fog-horn. The plow found its affinity, an old slump, a crash followed, and I was thrown nearly out of the township. It bust ed the old stump, and dear grandpa arrived just in time to -greet the bees that swarmed out. It was awful the way the horses plunged and kicked, and. dear grandpa battling bees and trying to unhook tho traces. "Lem, Lem, ye young rascal, come liyarP' But I concluded to faint dead away first He got the team loose and they tore for the house, kicking like the Iowa Bepublican party at the third resolution. Dear old grandfather started for me just a-clawiug bees from his shirt and pants, jumping, yelling "murder," and spitting white, with enough prodding insects aroraid him to sting "the rascals out" Much as I loved dear old grandpa's society I concluded not to wait I came out of that faint and started down the homestretch like a modern office seeker. Grandpa was after me, slap ping his old hat wildly and whooping "Holy Moses," etc. For the first half mile we gained on the horses, but as we neared the house our wind began to fail. Grandma and the red-headed hired girl ran to meet us, and the hired girl outran grandma. I dodged her but grandpa ran right into her arms. When I got stopped grandpa was hugging the hifed girl, and grandma was broomsicking them both, and the trio was screaming and dodging and squashing bees. When the round dance broke up my dear grandpa was too overcome with exer tion and bee-stings to return to his professorship in our agricultural col lege out in the field. He sent me out alone, full of apprehensions and fresh buttermilk. Fascinating old plow! Memory runs through a clothes-wringer as thy skeleton outlines come ripping down the furrows of time. Thou wert ever a creature of impulse and idiosyn crasy. "Gee, gee therel Haw, now! haw! Consnort your old hides, Til maul the hay out of you." Then grandpa would spring from his am bush in the corner and fill me full of animation and pain. Ah, as the plow share of time encroached on the land of to-morrow's, turning the to-days into yesterdays, as tho furrows fall back into the broken past, my spirit is tired and wearied with the task of being, and longs to sink into the in visible arms of rest Fascinating old anatomy-wrecker! Thou art super seded by tho invention of the steam plow, just as I have been by the supe rior tactics of modern politicians. Let HB lie down in the furrow together, old playmate, and let the noiseless share of time cover us over with the fallowing of the years. Ifissoiwi lie publican. A Statement. Astoria Nov. 10th 1633. "We the undersigned hereby certify that we have examined the list of money collected by Mr. Fred Bar toldes for the purpose of building a jscow to be used as a ferry across the Walluski Biver. We also have ex amined the bills paid by the same for said scow, and wo further find that the -whole amount collected is S335,75. Amount of bills paid, $335,34. Bal ..a&ce on hand 41 cents. Johk Haiix, Wac-BotJK. Tg90IB CSXISTIAXE. There is a hitch in the Canadian Pacific Railroad enterprise. Some weeks ago it was announced that work would be discontinued in the mountains for the present The nest announcement is that the scheme to obtain a government guaranty of threener cent interest on 8100,000,000 of stock has failed. The speculators sought too much. They wanted a' guaranty on watered stock as welL and the Dominion government, could not indorse that proposition. It is not likely that the project of building the road will be abandoned, But the work will be prosecuted in a more re-! stneted way. The Canadian 1'aciuc has its initial point at Montreal andi its western terminus at Port iuoouy, on the Straits of Georgia, a few miles j from Victoria. The distance to he traversed is 2,800 miles. The syndicate which has under taken to complete this work has a i subsidy of S'2o,OUU,lK)U m casii, a land grant of 59,000,000 acres, and u gift of 125 miles of railroad in Brit ish Columbia. The eastern division of the road has already reached the base of the Bocky mountains at a point called Calgarry, a distance of about nine hundred miles from Mon treal. About ninety miles of new road have already been completed, along Frazer river. Putting these items together, it appears that nearly half the distance has been completed, although it is probable that much less than half the work has been done which will be required for lay ing the rails across the continent on this extreme northern route. The suspension of work at the base of the Bocky mountains is probably not so much owing to any lack of any funds as because of the great amount of snow which falls in the mountains. It is announced that irrirlr nn llmf cfrtt.?nn will lip. rft- sumed in the spring, and will' be prosecuted with vigor. The re fusal of the Canadian government to , guarantee three per cent interest on railroad slock may interfere with some large speculative schemes in connection with tho building of the road: but it does not look, at this1 uisiance, as n, wnu tne large suusi- 1- ...II. II.. 1 1. dies available, the work would be hindered to any great extent The line of the road is not beyond tne wheat belt which, in the Bed river valley of the north, includes some of the best wheat land in the world. But at present the Northern Pacific rail road attracts the greater part of the immigration. If hereafter a strong current of immigration should set along tho line of the Canadian Pa cific, the 50,000,000 acres ought to go a great wav toward paying for the road. Wholesale 1'raud. Special Agent Bickford of the land office, now in Dakota, reports that there are many petty frauds, but the days of the land rings are ended. A few have been broken up tins year. One-half of the public lands are ir regularly token up annually. Actual settlers finally get them, but are obliged to pay "sweat-money. This retards settlement and puts a poor man at a disadvantage. In one town ship where the plat showed twelve actual settlers under the pre-emption laws there was not a single inhabi table house, and but one inhabitant, who was living in u tent. There is everywhere laxity m the perform ance of the conditions required of settlers. Tliis was largely duo to misinformation. Many townships hi Bismarck district, which, according to land office plats, are fully settled, have not to exceed fifteen actual set tlers each. This applies to lownships within railroad limits. In one town ship in which all the available land had been taken there wQre only four inhabitable houses. Under the pres ent system sixteen men have got con trol of all the valuable land in a township. The township thus re mains a wilderness until the original settlers are bought off. Most of the original settlers are mechanics, pro fessional men and bookkeepers, resi dents in neighboring towns, who never intend to live on their claims. In some places perjury is almost uni versal. In thirty-eight claims from the Bismarck land office, upon which final proofs were to be filed, Agent Bickford found only ten inhabitable houses. When the claimants discov ered that he was informed, twenty- two refused to tako the oath, and seven other claims were rejected by' the land office. Kot one claimant ap pealed to the commissioner. It is so throughout Bismarck district Land attorneys are mainly responsible. They instruct claimants that monthly visits to their claims constitute legal continuous residence. The John Jl. Kelley, said to bo the largest ship in the world, built for the California trade, will be in the Yan Vleck line. Her length over all is 280 feet: length of keel, 253 feet; beam, 46 feet; depth of hold, 28 feet. Site lias three decks. Tne end. of tne jibboom is 350 feot, or a little less than two city blocks away from the end of the sr anker boom, that hangs over the tafTraiL She measures 2364 tons and will carry 3500 tons dead weight Only two sailing ships have ever been built that measure more than this. Captain Kelley, the owner. is an old sailor himself His last ship was the Tacoma, Ho ran in the Webb line of steamers from San Francisco to Panama for a number of years. He is one of the best known sailors of the country. A man without courage and physical vigor, Though he be of superior intellect, 13 Like an old U. S. musket that's minus a trigger, All shotted and capped yet not ready for 'biz. "Tho sim is 15,000,000 years old, and -will last 15,000,000 years longer." This fact -will quito a ffreat deal o anxiety and alarm. An impression Las got abroad that the sun would only last 14,000,000 years longer. The sun holds its age welL Oldest inhabi tants say it does not look a day older than it did sixty-five years ago. ill Iwai I fcfi-fcav-" 3 Brae . S Absolutely Pus-e, This powder never varies. A marvel o purl tv, strength and whalesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and I cannot be sold in comoeiition with the mul titude of low test snort weight, alum or phosphate powder. SoltUmtu in can. Roy al Hakixc Povdeu Co.. too Wall-sr. N. Y. STOSIACB 0$ There has novor been an instanco in which this sterling invirorant and anti-febril modi cino has failed to ward off tho complaint, when taken duly as a protection against malaria. Hundreds of physicians hare aban doned all tho officinal spcciCc3, and now pre scribo this barmlcs) vegetable tonic for cnilht and ferer, a well as dyspepsia and nervous affections. Hostcttcr's Bitters is tho speciGc you nocd. For sale by all DruRcisls and Dealers generally. Wilson & Fisher, SHIP CHANDLERS. IKA,l.KrtS IN Iron, Steel, Coal, Anchors, Chains, TAR, PITCH, OAKUM, NAILS AND SPIKES, Shelf Hardware, Paints and Oils STEAM PACKING, PSf?OY!S!OFi5, FfXKJK AitfD PEED. Agents for Salem Flouring Mills, and Capital Flour. FAIRBANKS STANDARD SCALES. All sizes, at Portland Trices, in h'toc. Ooniw CiVnnnius and Hamilton Street ASTORIA. OIIEGON. LOEB & CO. JOBllEliS IN WINES, LIQUOES, AND OIGAKS. AGENTS FOR TITK Best San Francisco Houses and Eastern Distilleries. Tumblers Decanters, and AH Kinds of Saloon Supplies. CST"A11 goods sold at San Francisco Prices. MAIN STREET. Oiicsite Parker House. Astoria, Oregon. WM. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. Leineiiweber & Co., a I.niNT.X1VEBEK. M. BROWN ESTABLISHED 1835. ASTORIA. OREGON, TAMERS MB GUESSES, Manufacturers and Importers of LL KINDS OF AOT) -FINDINGS Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. jorHtehest cash pries paid for ICdcs and 'xauow. ya Hsz- &m Yp4 -fee?, v Kva Wi m i 1 - yl t, i. 2 S ttS. I i tfOSTETTFRv jj CELEBRATED i ii i'i in n i n mi iawj. mtitn PARKER HOUSE, if, n. iAi:2j:rr. xroj... ASTORIA, - OHKWN K. P. PARKER. - .Uftmigerand A;e:it. AI.CROSRY. - - I)nyC5ork PiiH. BOWERS. - - Night Cler k. Ta. DUFFY lias the Bar and UUHurtl rrim. Pirst Clas3 in all Respects. FREE COACH TO THE HOUSE. IT IB A FACT THAT- JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ON Concomiy Street is the Best in Town. THAT Ut has Aiiruys on Hniul FRESH Shoal Water Buj ml TlnM em Oysters. THAT " JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT He litis been Proprietor of ilie "Aurora Uotcl" lu Knnppton cvcn jenr. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. A "New Departure. At Frank Faore's, is daily set a TABLE D'HOTE from 6 to 7:30 P M At which A ETNE FRENCn DINNER, With Half a Bottle Wine Will be furnlHlietl for .10 rentH. lloarrt by t!ic?.rontIj, - to SttO Lodging ean be procured by the day, week or mouth. My establishment is fitted newly thriujiliout. and everything main tained in the best stvle. A Good Cup of Coffee AND OYSTERS. MRS. rOWF.LT. HAS OPHNED AX OYS ter stand and Coffee House on Main street next to the Oregon Rakery. Every attention paid to imlrons. COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. 3CcatH 5 cents a;ttl upwards. . rtouiiAtti, 3I.II.1 STREET. Proprietor. - - .STOitlA. THE EEST Boarding and Lodging House. Chas. Walluiau has opened a boarding and lodging house south of o'Uricu'.s hotel, near the gas works. The table Is supplied with Ihc best the market affords : god fowl and clean beds will be furnished at the regular prices. Give me a call and satisfv vourselves, CHAS. WALLMAN. Astoria Restaurant EDWARD YOUNGr Announces to the public that he lias located in the rooms formerly miplcd by the City Rook Store, where he will kt-cp a Restaurant ani Chop House Furnishing meals to order at all hours. His patrons will find the tables supplied with ten or twelve of the best newspapers. HLs reputation as former proprietor of the New England Restaurant is a sufficient recommendation for Ills new house. alifornia Exchange The best of California and Foreign Wines and Liquors Kept Constantly on Hand Domestic- and Foreign Cigar of the best Itrnndn. NATIONAL BREWERY BEER. On Concomiy between Benton and Lafa yette streets. lm GEORGE GORLIER. S. ARNDT & EERCHEN, ASTORIA. - OREGON. The Pioneer Machine Shop BLACKSMITH AND Boiler Shop Ail kinds of ENGINE, CANNERY, AXD STEAMBOAT WORK Promptly attended to. A specialty made of repairing CANNERY DIES, FOOT OF LAFAYETTE STREET. i X2. THOMSON, Attorney and Counselor at Law. llooni No. C, over "White House, ASTOJUA, OREGON, XAT. 3IFDSO.V. rJ Attorney at 7aw, ami Xotary Public. Odd Fellows Buildiug, Astoria, Oregon, C. YC. KUI.TOX. a. C. FCtTOX. FUJLTOX BROTHERS. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Koom-t 5 ami C, Odd Fellows Building. j ..!. SIOVIjBY. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Uhenatutis tret. - - ASTORIA. OREGON O. Attorney at TaT. Room -i. White House. Q J. CURTIS, ATT'Y" AT LAW. Notary Public, Commissioner of Deeds for California, New York and Washington Ter ritory. Rooms 3 and 4. Odd Fellows Building, As toria. Oregon. N. R -Claims at Washington. I). C, and collections a specialty. Astoria Agent Hamburg-Magdeburg. and German-American FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES. jg HOI.XKN, NOTARY PUBLIC, AUCTIONEER, COMMISSION AN1 IN SURANCE AGENT. Q.Kt.O F. PAltKKK. SURVEYOR OF t'latftop Conuty.nnil City or Astoria Oluce :-Clienamu3 street, Y. M. C. A. hall Room No. 8. JQH. X. C KOATUIAK. Physician and Surgeon. Rooms 9 and 10. Odd FelloT3 Building, ASTORIA, OREGON. JAY TUTTIiC 31. I. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Okfu'k Rooms 1, 2, and 3. Pvthian Build ing. Residence Over J. E. Thomas' Drug Store. Jj P. 1IICRB, PENTIST, ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Rooms in Allen': building up stairs, corner of Cu's and Suemocqhc st ret . JQi:. J. K. Lal'OXtCE, IE.VriST, Room ii. Odd Ft Hows Building, Astoria, Or. Gas administered for painless extraction of teeth. MUSIC. PROF. T.F.MEYER. Graduate of Heidelberg University, yjano Teacher. GENEBAL STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Bills of Exchange on any Part oi Europe. AM AGENT FOR TIE FOLLOWING X well known and commodious steamship hies. STATE LINE. RED STAR. WHITE STAR. H.VMBURG-AMERICAN. DOMINION LINE, NATIONAL, and AMERICAN LINE. Prepaid tickets to or irom any European port. For full information as to rates of fare, sailing days, etc, apply to I. "W. CASE. GEO. P. AVHEELEIt. Notary Public. W. L. KOBB. WHEELER & ROBB. GENERAL Eeal Estate I Insurance Apis. "We have very desirable property in As toria and Upper Astoria for safe. Also, fine farms throughout the county. Accounts carefully adjusted and collec tions made. We represent the Koynl, Xor'n'icli Union and JLnnca Hhire Insurance Ce's., With a combined capital of 880,000,000. Travelers X.lfe and. Accident Insur ance Co , of Hartford, and the 3Iau hattan lilfe Insurance Co., of New York. We are acents for the Dally and Wuklu XorthicestXcics, and the Oregon Vidette. All business entrusted to our care will re ceive prompt attention. C. H. BAIN & CO. PKALERS IX Doors, Windows, Blinds, Transoms Turning, Bracket Work. SIiop w oris. A specialty, and all work guaranteed. Oak, Ash, Bay, and Walnut lumber ; Ore gon and Port Orford Cedar. All kinds of boat material on hand. c. a. BAIN & CO. TILL IKIY RETURN FROi SAN FRANCISCO The Following Prices lold Good: 5 Gents Each. Fireside Companion, N. Y. "Weekly Ledger, Saturday Night, Arm Chair, Family Story Paper. Boys of New York, Weeks Doings, Texas Sittings, S. F. Chronicle, Call, Oregonian, News and Astortan, etc., etc. 8 Cts.', 3 for 25 Gts., IS for $1.00. Police Gazette, Police News, Illustrated Times, Puck, "Wasp, and Judge, Harper's Bazaar and "Weekly, Leslie's "Weekly and Chimney Corner, Argonaut, and many others. I have printed tickets for those papers to make exact change. Back numbers always on hand. O K ft mi j- Leslie's Popular Monthly, &xj Jkj-L-o i Young Ladies Journal, etc. 30 CeiltS. Harper's Monthly, etc. Having made arrangements with all publishers T am enabled to give the public a benefit of the above named reductions 1 have also REDUCED the price for Subscriptions, which will be as follows: Harper's "Weeklv, per year 3.75 Hot $- 00 " Bazaar " 3.75 " 4.00 , Monthly ': ' 3.50 " 4.00 All three for 10.00 " 12.00 Leslie's "Weekly, per 3ear 3.75 " 4.00 Leslie's Chimney Corner, per vear 3.75 " 4.00 " Popular Monthly " 2.S5 " 3.00 Fireside Companion 2.75 t: 3.00 New York Ledger 2.75 " 3.00 Saturday Night 2.75 " 3.00 Family Story Paper 2.75 " 3.00 Arm Chair 2.75 " 3.00 S. F. Argonunt 3.75 " 4.00 Puck 4.50 " 5.00 And all others too numerous to mention at the same rates. Now is your time to subscribe for the coming year. Remember Carl Adler'a Subscription News Depot. ABLER mil HOUS THE Xaools at This I All tlte following Out' cloth bound Hooks gilt edee. lied Line edition, formerly $1.50 at 75 cents. FOKJIjs Bulwcr Lytton. Campbell, Spencer. Ilemans. Tennyson, Hood, Moore, Jean Ineelow, Craub. Pope, Shakespeare, (Sotilsmlth. Chaucer. Coleridge. Lucile, 13ryoen.Macaulay, Scott. Schiller. Milton. Keats; Kirk. White, Ooss. Tliompon,IIerbert. Ayton. Woodworth. Longf-dlow, Holmes, Bayard Tavlor, Shelby, flodgers, Bnnv?, Cooper, and many, many more. Fine line of Novels and Gift Books, richiv boinvi. formerly S1.50 now only 75 cents. Tom Brown's School Days, Touror the Worid.'The yurCounrry, Five "Weeks in a Balloon, Anderson's Fairy Tales, Arabian Nitrhts. Young Crusoe, Tales from Shakespeare, Don Quixote. Hems Household Stories, Dick ltodney. Aesops Fables, Last Days of Pompeii, Hobinson Crusoe. Bob 35ov. The Midshipman. Darius Dcds. Frencli Fancy Tales, The Prlvateersman, Young Forester, Peter the Whaler, and hundreds more. LOW PRICSS. Even article of mv new, fine selected stock will be soM at prices that will DEFY axij eoairETiTiox. Books, Stationery, and Motions in endless -ariety. A fine display of Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelry icodgcr Bro. Silverware, as Knives. Forks and Spoons, Castors, Cups, Tea Sets, etc., etc., will be sold cheitper than anywhere else. PIANOS AND OKGANS of the best maker? very Imtx for Casii, or on Easy Installments. MUSICAIj INSTRUMENTS of every description. Shoot Music and Music Instructors of the latest publications, loo new Music Books jtist received from the East. THVfi I The finest assortment of Toys, Wagons. Velocipedes, Baby Carriages, A J JL O I etc, etc., can only be found at Adlor's well known Crystal Palace. Enabled by many years of experience I succeeded in selecting a stock of ejoods which will suit young amlolu. I mean to do a square, honest business, giving fnit value for every dime received. Polite clerks will he found in attendance and no trouble to show goods. IttLILEHIJEK i Willi JVOT HE UXSEJRSOIil. Crystal Gari Adier, ASTORIA IRON WORKS. BEXTOJf STIIEET, NE.VK PAItKKIt HOUSE, ASTORIA. - OREGON. GENERAL MACHINISTS AND BOILER MAKERS. LAM MAMMIES BoilerWork, Steamboat Work and Cannery Work a spe cially. Of all Descriptions made to Order at Short Notice. A. D. Wass. President. J. G. HusTtEB, Secretary, .1. W. Casz, Treasurer. JonxFox.Superintendent. 'alscee. Proprietor. STOIIDWIDSOI COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Dealers In LUMBER, HAY,, GK.4