She gtoiUj Jlstoran ASTORIA, OREGON: O'lTHSDAY NOVEMBEU IS, 1SSS ISSUEDEVyIORNING. (Monday excepted) J. F. HALLO RAN & COMPANY, VUIiMSURKK AND l'KOl'ltlltTOKS, A8TOKIAX BUILDING. - - CASS STKKKT Term or Subscription. Served lv Carrier, per week lcts. Sent by Mail. er month Cftcls. " " one year .... . .S7.00 Free of postage to subscribers. SSfAdvertlsements inserted by the year at the rate of S2 per square per month. Tran Ment advertising fifty cents per square, each insertion. Around the City. Regular council meeting to-night. Two breweries are now talked of. one lit ench end of the city. Jas. Hover, agent of Jay Rial com bination troupe is in the city. The A. B. Field arrived from Tilla mook last Sunday afternoon. Chenamus street between Polk and Jackson streets, is being improved at last. C. "W. Fulton and wife returned from San Francisco on the Columbia yester day. Hiram Gray, who left here about a yenr ago for Gait, California, has re turned, and will make his future home in Astoria. Mrs. Miller, of Cook's slough, whose life was despaired of a few weeks ago. has much improved in health lately ami will probably recover. On the walls of the Occident hangs a handsomely framed specimen of penman ship, tho work of E. C. Clayton, the ac complised penman. Ship captains who liave been to Port land this season with their vessels do not complain of barnacles on the bottoms of i ueir several snips anu oarus. The day for the trial of Boyle vs. tho Astoria vigilantes, which was sot for Novomber J2d, has been chanced to Tues day, November 27th, m tho U. S. Circuit Court. Some large potatoes in Bozorlh & Johns' window attract attention. They are from the Nehnlem, and in size :uid quality show what Clatsop county soil is capable of. Rescue Jubiloe Troupe will give two elegant prizes at their entertainment on the 29th inst., for bast sustained lady and gentleman character. They are on ox hibition at Adlor's. Captain Crang A LAWYER IX TROUBLE. the niGHEST authority. MLOT OLSE.VS LICE5SE REVOKED. Consideration for His Client. Upon a Subject of Tltal Interest, Affecting the Welfare of All. A Story TL&t Ha Tiro Slues. (SPECIAL TO THE ASTORIA?. Tim following remarkable letter from A meeting of the Oregon board of pilot Postxand, Nov. 12. A peculiar story one Gf the leading and best known scien- MmmonOTwas Md attliekiTOiMm of fraud comos to-night from Olvmpia. tific writers of the present day is special- llfiSa of IffiSSrfii John P. Judflon,aNew Taconaa lawyer. y significant and should be of unusual R.H. Buddy, secretary, were present. . . i r r . . m 1 1 Z. r . : i lias oeen arrestou uvaumonivoi Vjuaries i i rt ii Tanrkra xrhr ix;irfi tn keon uuarees ummi; uwu ureierreu iiKiuubt Connor of San Francisco, special.cxam- tb the march of discoveries and ""fc aS,, LXV n iuor of the pension bureau, with ad- events: ant. the board proceeded with investiea- quartors at San Francisco, for having ilomnnd for reformation is tion and the evidence as presented bv' withheld pensions for three years from Ono of the most distinctive characteristics Captain Butman and Pilot Olseu was; one "Win. Ryan, a veteran of the Mexican 0f nineteenth century. The common taken. An official report of the meeting , war, aged 80 years. He gave bonds in people, as well as the more enlightened says: After having carefully examined FOil 0. H. COOPER, GENERAL SLERCHANDISE. A FULL LINE OF Fancy Groceries. WINES LIQUOKS me num kil tnm aim icinwcu. and relineu, Cry OOli WllU HO uuccruuu we cuucuw iutauicu uuu iue muui 1 There are three charges against him. voice to be emancipated from tho slavery guilty of gross incompetency, by reason First, for withholding pension money; Gf conservatism and superstition which of his conduct while in charge of the ves- Kecond, negotiating n draft without an"- uns held the masses in gross ignorance dur- sel when upon the outer Columbia river lhority, in other words, forging a signa- n jarfie portion of the world's history bar, and also bringing the vessel up in , ture: third, using the name and seal of 7i ;, the time of the -Dark Aces' came shoal water at Astoria. "We also fincf him HARDWARE AND Tionr r.niitmtin0 thn Inst plimmer of euiltv of cross neeliaence in leavinc the . suit nu Pnomntin insertions and blind deck, coin" below and tuminc in when ' Shin I ! h r n I Aurr against Judson to recover the money and empiricism are losing caste among all his presence was required upon the top-; WHAJJ vHctlAVAXvA j J. C. McFadden. a notary public ltvan lias aiso urougut a civu 883, 1884. Dogmatic assertions and blind deck, going below and turning in when ' real estate fraudnlentlv obtained by the inccaanf nil oonntries. People are be- callant forcastle to watch carefully the! ""j .mui.uu.. tj uunuu i ginning tO Llllllii lor lUtlUSCIra, uuu lu irasci nucu u a uiuiKum uai, u.u iici - . p ;i J w..l.ll,.. borne an excellent character, was in good recard authority much less than argu- anchor underfoot and sails set. We, rresn rrullS anQ Vegeiauies. lu Hume's New Building Dealer trj xxe pieaua m exieuiumiuii ui 4.110 cuaio 1 jjjents and opinions, xuey ciaim tue oy i. n.-nuuuy. vi-ryvmun u. ;if irtMrTC HDACIDV that he took it to keep Ryan from squan- ricllt to solve for themselves the great This matter does not end here as Olsen ilL AljlN U O V ' I 'HUoJj 1 . nering 11 iur -wuiM. questions ot mefiaay ;ana qemanutnai, .DOom , , nncri1 nn1 the general good of humanity shall be I "tj - - , , s-sript Verer. respected. As the result ot mis general -uc H"""1"" ia- This dred disease is icreang-we r , few ve UIDMJ. hear of it iu every direction. It seems sufferine tho most intense in the name of Bruant in sore need of a pilot. Olsen as if it was more virulent in its character duty, now realize the utter foolishness of went aboard, and the vessel, in tow of , than it was in veais past. At least it Mcha course. JjjmxfhfEdUhtyhicx went down from hero would seem condition Home other disease following J tions to become undermined, and finally j dispute arising respecting Olsen's claim, j niter. Jiie symptoms then vomiting and sore Fall and Winter! The Public of Astoria and surrounding districts are cordially invited to inspect my ammoth Stock ! ron Pipe and Fittings, 111 years put. ,.t leas 11 , fl of bjsoted nddsers allowed their subsequently, was finally sinchored in a , CTrrnT,,. , to leave lhepatjentiu bad b 10 depart; suffered their constitu- leaky condition off Devlin's cannery. A" 1 LIi MbEKfe aM) STEAM FITTLl uihciii- iuiiuwmn 1 i:oils to uecuiuu uuueruiuivu, uu unuiij i uispmu arising respecimjj wiscji ciauu, j , are, first a chill died as mi'rtyrs to a fidse system of treat- he libeled the vessel for salvng?. Hesays- GOOHS fiHu i OOlS, throat. A friend, meiif. There are millions of people fill-1 thnt. these chnmes which have bosn who has just carried two children through ing untimely graves who might have I f erred against him. and which have re- . 3 O r CT 1 CAn OTDID I CAP spvs. give a thorough cathartic unless lived to a green old age had their original United in the revoking of his branch, j ufitLl LCAU Oinlr LlASJ 2 is loownoHs 01 me uunui men 1 irouuies oeeu injit-u iu iuuc ui juu-iij 1 -were orougut boieiy 10 prejuuico uis case j se the child all over with lard; keep treated. There are thousands of people -which is still in process of adjudication. OF thore crease warm, and even after the fever has gone to-day, thoughtlessly enduring the first it was stated that the bark when hove aire mu?t ne uiaeu or iaere win iu re-1 symptoms or some btnuun mm-1 aown at x'ortianu snoweu a large portion lanse. If a cold is taken there willbelndv and without the slightest cf her connerSsheetinc torn awav. and it danger of dropsy or something clsp. realization of the danger that is before is charged that thnt was due to" derelic There is danger for weeks after the pa- them. They have occasional headaches; tion on the part of the pilot. Olsen tient is apparently well; the least expos- a Jock of appetite one day and a raven- claims to be able to provo that in her tire may be fatal. It is very hard to keep I Qus one the next, or an unaccountable voyage from Hong Kong tho C. I). children in the houHe. especially when j feeling of weariness, sometimes acsom- Jiryant ran on a reef off tho Loo Choo tue motner nas many cares 01 uouseuoiu 1 pained by nausea, ana aunouie au mese 1 islands. affairs and cannot watch. In our own tronbles to the old idea of "a slioht cold" I Olspn lias had hia own sharo of iron observation there has been more fatality or malaria. It is high time that people hie this year. First came the fire of July from exposure than from the diseasejt- woke to a knowledge of the seriousness o, which burned up nearly all his fumt- sen. more s great uauger 01 conuigiou 0j these matters anu emancipatcu iuem- ture and personal euects; then the J. V. in this fever. A lady in Salem lost two selves from the professional bigotry Cousins, of which ho was part owner, was children about three years ago from scar- whieh controls them. "When this is done lost, and with her went the rest of his lot fever. She laid aside tho clothing and when all classes of physicians be- clothing, papers, etc., and now a maior- with the tender feeling of every loving come liberal enough to exclude all dog- ity of the hoard of pilot commissioners mflioi- "11c cnmmiil- t III lit II nnp. 1 mr . 41int- ,c t hmr ltlfTT In I 15AI .1 SHEET IROK TIN AND COPPER, Caieri aBOMerms Sopjlie Fi ami Inter Ifflportattons ! During the present week I will display on my centre counters the largest and most elegant line of goods ever of the EOiUi was fever has left the mother. This summer tho little one, that save that it is their duty to had now grown largo enough to enro disease as quickly, and wear his clothing, had the disease and jyj safely as possible; to main came near death from wearing these tain no other position than that of truth same Garments that had been laia aside honpstlv ascertained, and to endorse and lor tuese inree years pasu Aiier uio recommend any remedy tnai uaa oeeu in Portland declare that his license shall be revoked. Notice. bere is a sort of peeling fonnd useful, no matter w! down on Sunday evening.. His boat is off of tho outer cuticle or skin. The there will be more quarreling among the mcaf in town; soup, Gsh, seven kinds of buisy towing barges loaded witn lunmcr ubci tumiii" i aocieis, wmxe luurc m ue meats, vegeiauies, pie, piuiaing, etc a fromJ. R. Montgomery's mills at Ska- time, and groat care should be used that ing throughout the world. I glass of S. F. Reer, French Claret, tea or Dinner atM EFFJSMCI10P HOUSE what its origin, every day at 5 o'clock. The best2r. cent Stoves, Tin Ware and House Furnishing Goods. JOBBING IN SHEET IRON, TIN. COP PER PLUMBING and STEAM FITTINC Done with neatness and dispatch. None but tlrst class workmen employed. A large assortment of; SCALE? Constantly on baud there be no cont.ict with others, it seems hard not "to be neighborly in sick ness, bat cverv mother should avoid go- T am well awaro of tho censure that .ofTon itiplnrfotl. All who lmv triod will be meted out to me lor writing tins i,i,n sav Jeff is the "BOSS." letter, but I feel that 1 cannot ne true E. W. Tallant's residence on Concomlv 3D5 to nsaist m siciaiess it ner cuuurcn to my honest convictions unless x ex- Notice to ihc IlieM. hf Ti,n Hmmit raR nmmntlv "ro vouuS- Ve o".0 -WUU tend a helping uand and en . endorse all that Switches made from combings or cut new switches made to order from xaokawa, to Portland. A fire alarm at f:20 Sunday after noon was caused bv a burning Hue in ,.l a rrn . T I 1 .I..I uiU on hand hut iStelv tlWen aieSL cas where scarlet fever has been fow to be good. The extended publi- ' wreuotVeouired 3 carriad just by attending a funeral-by cations for the past few years, and r, ne were not; required. aunnu- u-nn t n -m,. Umi lvn 1p.hI t.:- .3 nr ,i;ffc-nnf tliarnfui I the The Gen. Miles arrived in harbor Sunday evcuingwith ber of passengers, mostly men fmm flio rjmtinr?f in Hint viMtiifv tire closing down for tho season. She fmxst then be taken least tho chil- largely experimental and many of their Occident hair dressing saloon. Astoria also brought 183 cases of salmon from 4irMi ik.. cold. The children had better nP,ia imvo AU-A vchWn hev were cast- Uregon. tho Neptune and "Washingtouianpack'ng Tinf. on t, fWnl ni all if t hern ho nnv L ni,.f r.r mmndr (a imm ihem. companies. cases jn the neichborhood. One thought- ..i ;s now over two vears since my at- At the Empire Store An application was made last Saturday less mother who sends her child to school tention was first called to tho use of a j You will find the finest laces ami em iu me case oi iapt. riavei Ouecn of ihc Pan fie. iu the Circuit "Court , for ntj order per cGiit paid bv shippers or the goods on board the vessel at the time I be careful for the sake of ot Iters as well cures effected by it, but like many others she giounded, bo placed for the present as their own. Willumcile Farmer. I hesitated to recommend its use. Aper- I i r .t ? c i : ec ai. vis. me i wmie iuu hum ih jioi v uu -cjuu. i most wonacriui preparation m iuo irem-1 uiuiufiiui, ui ticucm. iiiuiut. United Statas will be resnonsible for the sickness or ,nnt of "Rrinht's disease of the kidneys. , that the 20 death of many more. This has been Patients had frequently asked mo about Oysters in Every Style, i the valuo of I proved in our own city. So each should Ulm I heard of remarkable .i f ai r in tin! custody of the court. It has been takon under ad-issment by Judge Deady. Givhn SEConrrv. The agents of the Khip Amuna, libeled by the Portland Alon the Ilorts. sonal friend of mine had been m poor Skates, Skates, SIcntes: health for somo time, and his application Club skates, clipper skates, all sizes; for insurance on his Jito had lowest prices. Jsew lork ovelty A small army of men are busy on tho 0.2L&N. dock. The Star of Erin is been rejected 13rinht"s disease. on account Chemical and of Store. mi- 'IWhnnl. Kimmtir for Rnrvifws rMitlfirfnl : .1 .1 ,1.. J "ri""' c All the Patent OiedlCinCS advertised tho ship Nelo be onging to the same " lelL iu lhis PaPer t0Kether wlt,h the choicest ONvners: yesterday gave security in the finishing 3nst belo;v. Ine Ice Kmy, a albumen and aRnmt0ffit! X" perfumery, and toilet articles, etc- can sum of S20.000 for apneuraucand the fine vessel, lies inside. Another fine ves- confirmed tho Mjneffl ot tne owr ()e hc at lh(. ,0.ve5t , Rl L w : 7 - : 1 ' - 1 TiofziK. Aiifjr irvini' 1111 uuai icuimuuat x n t - r t . ? Amana was released from custody.- j. the Reaver, was lowed down yester- nwmeA him to nsa the nronaration and r0".. . r.? l,m P1'"" ui -uu-n I m.l mil nrnlisliW pmu nnt tiwlnv I ji Un. o I HCiei. i-SlOH.U Oreyonian, 11. "ji i""" . ' . . . t; V I wua iireuiiv iu uukhv " ?sp1s are reccivmc iood disnaicn tuis 1 rj imnmitif mtlun fnnr months. . no 1 n t 1 KrnT.v-MnxTATiT. Tn Snndnv's issiie Mno vMinPtim Wi. f?m. Ki. rL: 1" j TJi u tU unara and protect your neaito, mention was made of the J. 11". Ecennan I punda, Martaban, Banffshire and S. time there was present onlyatrnce of make use ot that true aud efficient built at Wilmington, in 1855, as being tne first iron vessel built in this country. O. T. Henry states that the U. S. iron man-of-war, Michigan, ran from Buffalo to Chicago as early as 18-13, and that a schooner-rigged, three-masted revenue .cutter was at Cleveland. Ohio, about the .same time. Dnv Docks. A company has been Lucie wont to sea. Tho kapunda and albumen, and ho felt, as he exressed it, tonic medicine, Itrowns Iron Bitters. fiery truss umveu irum mia ikiil uu iuu i neifectly well, andautnrougn tue m- 2dof last month, the jsaiijjsiiire on tue fiuenC9 0f Warner's Safe Cure, tho Why will you cougn when bhiloh's 5th. and the JUarlaUanon tue L'lSt. rrmlv he used. Cur, will riv.. relief. Price The Columbia arrived m yesterday "After this I prescribed the modicuie io ctsCO cts andSl. Soid by W. E. I)e- With OO-1 'iir npv'j l.TniTin Rppp Tnvic Im rairfrii iirnvpn in rtuuunv. iuu jni .n.f inno irnm nmi imr cmn in nnmnpr . . - i : , , . ; ,7 , . 1 ,,ni I CKl iouuun , ; i liiirib bireimiii iu uouy uuu uiiuu. iti "-"Ji 7. 1 nor uabuiy iuiiuv. iuci cueuu ui nthc r. or drnirtrists. iw, iimvwi iu )e.iH?j niiumuuu i several months and cmuraceu a large Vr.T,w.r.4lA "XT C AVr ..tli 1 Pi I "1 4nno rtf I - , 1 1 luuiuiii!; iiuiu onu i inunoi-u iuiu iuiuh 11, jnii UOSCS in OOIU &CUU3 UUU a light load; the British bark Mallsgate, nenhritis. rBricht's disease! and 10W, 173 days from Iiiverpool. with gen- tu6 luOSt satisfactory results, ily shown in Oregon. if (Ms in Every Department! LARGEST STOCK ! FINEST GOODS ! and LOWEST PRICES ! L. K. Gr. SMITH, Importer and wholesale dealer iu Clznrs nn:I Tobacco.-, SHiolicrs Articles, I'liiyiuz taruit. tHticry, aia tloacrv. Etc ThP lanrcst and finest stock ot MEER- SCIlAlTM and AMUER GOODS in the city. rartlcular attention p:Ud to oruers irom lilt; count r". Tn r.o. BUACKER, Manager. Clionajniw Street, Astoria. Oregon. THE ZiK&DHTC Dry XtOoIs and. ClotMi House of Astoria. C. H, C00PEE. IXL 2k NOTICE. To Hunters, Fishermen, Ranchers. i TF YOU WANT THE HIGHEST MAK- L ket price for your produce, go to JEFF'S, Tires lew Lis ! JEFF Steamer TOM MORRIS. THIS XEW and Favorite ISoat TS NOW READY FOR BUSINESS AND 1 can he chartered Tor excursions, special parties. et, at reasonable rates. A general steamboatms business transactea. V. I10ELL1NG, Master. OP THE CHOP HOUSE Can prove by his books that he Is doing the Digsest Dusmess oi any EESTATTRAKT In the city, and he will guarantee to give the best meal for cash. SOLID GOLD FIRST QUALITY LUMBER. THE WESTPORT MILL COMPANY IS IN THE FIELD AND PEOPOSES TO remain. We will take orders for lumber from 100 to MX) 21., at the mill or delivered. We also manufacture lath and shingles of Al quality. Flooring a Specialty . Address all orders WESTPORT 3 FILL CO. S. C, Bkkneb, Supt. FOR TILLAMOOK. JEWELRY (Weather permitting.) The new Steamer is. ipijsxid. Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, N. P. JOHANSEN, - - Will leave for TILLAMOOK, on Master. ITlOi: SAILING DATES AND rARTICU- lars apply to .!. G. HUSTLER. Main street Wharf. Astoria : ALLEN & LEWIS, I'ortland ; J. L. STORY Tillamook. lorraed in San Francisco which intends Newcastle, N. S. W., vith 1C0J tons of nunlber of cases which have proved so Vnenp r)xms m.w ,.ni?,r i. io ro into the husiuoss of dry doclw on a coal for Capt. Plnvel. The Blcnyfcllimd. satisfactory to my mind, that I would . -0f u,! ' j f ij.1!"? " laro scale. Two will be built at San I Isle Francisco tins winter: one 41K) feet lone, were the other 200 feet louo. It is intended to day afternoon. build two of the Bamc dimensions here one at aeattle, one at aacoina, one at Lirrrnool Salmon 3IarVct. .11UIUUU1UI. ilUU UUU UL VyUUH JJilX , OU5C fnA; Vi oinr e imuuri caterer assnrcs ?uuiYUBUk .iMnffl Twa 7h who like Rood things to cat. that at blood is obvioVin arhealthrstate, his ,ace ca" accomiiiodalwi. aspecially where glandular engorgements Sbiloirs Catarrh Itemed' a posi I nmmo(fm- omnlinno ivriict itlllfvd I ..... i V, 1. !..!? i t... r..,...x. 'n, ihe market tor salmon is "i nout i wfifiv ff 4iirtc inmcx fif ohTnic indis I xf......t. i.. Mn...nni n-rz l.nvn n 4rfinf in cfnrr. fnr ihnm in rr"V" A"' ':Z ..7. 1 POSltlOn in WniCU tUCre IS UU eviueucc Ul .....w ..wlv w.w.w -w. .Mwu. . .mv UTirKH f 1 1 I jOlIlIHDlIL 1 1 CI .lit! V 4Jtr I - . t i 1. nAnnMl . , , , i -i onianic miscmui. uut uciu iu utuam nnnearance next Monday and Tuesday comma smaller, yet the supplies are like-1 ; .iii t,n fn cni ,p 7-. rv.'i. .i.i'i n r . ,. t" I j i" x i. i:l il. T. 1 -til.. DRESSMAKING. TTH. HltYOK RFSPECTFOLLY IN- Iia f.miwtho Iulies of Astoria, that her business Ls carried on as formerly at her rooms on Casn street opposite uui teuows nniirtiinr. sim returns thanks for their nat- ronage in the past, and solicits a continu ance oi the same. Suits made, from S13.00. All Work Warranted. Astoria. Nov. 1st, 1SSS. Of every description. Tlie finest stock of Jewelry hi Astoria. SfAU goods warrantedasrepresented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. Reafly for B The Portland and Astoria STEVEDOEE COMPANY Is prepared to contract with masters and consignees of vessels for the Loading and Unloading of Vessels AT EITHER PORT, Promptness and satisfaction guaranteed In all cases. RCOATS ! ! FURNISHED ROOMS TO. LET lly tlic Xlcht. Ijiy. Week or Hontli, WITH OR WITHOUT HOARD, heath is depleted, the face sallow, the Kor the genuine .1. II. Cutter old; With use otTarlor. Library and all the com y v.viwv.w mu. w. j --v. ! nnnp. miorwi. constituting tue cuumwuu i iiouroou. anu me u:i i'i wiiu--. i.M'Hir "wwnibmntxonin thesnwfiUpla seasons paclang, which is expectea to in wllicn the patient is said to be 'hUli- and San Francisco b.t.eal! .:! tin' iU -in of "Taken from Life. ' and -ricket of take place in about a month hence. ous tho advantage gained by the use of opposite the bell tmwr. and -e C:nui- Leave Man.' They have played to Irom the peculiar position of the market reniedv is remarkable. In Bright's bell. crowded houses all along tho line and are few cases having been sold to arrive r,.ma in not no n cnlvpnt of nl- eventmng great interest is aiiacueu 10 me w.ffi" humen: to soothe and heal the inflamed the "Wjcraic, as on tue D membranesjto wash out the epithelial weakness of merchants when the goods t.:. i.ii.0 t.,i.i; a troupe that nlwaj's perform that is auvertisetl Are vou made, miseralilu by Indi gestion, Constipation, Dizziness. Loss of itt. Fnii.... m-: i ci.:i..i.s vni Fbosi SouiheuK Iiakds. Robert Lowe ?rc ou lbe quay xnamly depends the rul- lf . d 0 prevent destructive meta- ieV is a positive cure. For sale bv W. i. k i i i , .i ti.. f.. me price for the coming season. An- l,,,, -c Tu,:,f ACU1CUU who lias been absent from the city for "ft "rf t thiiitaaof the inorphosis of tissue." E.D ...... . other report says that at tins time ot tue iinn(l;nr -,q t do ly.t Lrnnch of the some considerable time was a return- year give special attention to the nr(SS5 giaT beSera that no one Jnrr unRRPTirrnr nti vps! rdnv ctpjimor. t.,. .1 fJZ;t ,.t, A n nnKro prOteSSlOn mat OClieves iujil uu uul , iae comes irom iue iar-on province oi mnntrr flpmnnfl for snlmon lias some- r,rl""iLi. r j: j "'1,m.i ...jv. ...... ... Q.,T,r. tvt: ,.r , -'TZ ti.i i recartunc me ireauneui w uueuse, ouu oivnniir vis osniLOirs imxsiimptios Guatemala line. "With him came a hand- S&r. Pood mdepenaent enougn m , sejeci .any Cui:K. Sold by W.-E. Dement it- i j- .i . . .. n . , , - . TmT!fvrv tnnL reiiBve mv tniuuuis. some wuiKmg suck cut irom tue umo oi dfiilv sltis are made. aL'crcatinc miiv r, J i" t ; a coffee tree for his friend, county clerk fa wSte imy PiraoS sales of the pntnout reieren ce to tuo wurw .irom Spedden.. The Colonel wiil .havit ap- JJaiffi We 9eTd? wpart N1"1!" !?fcS'?..afc nmnnnln v l"lT-nicllnrl nm t linmr en I -i i 111. .1 : XT 1 I VULC tliiu itjuiwcuu nu uiw... " auorneo. Liverpool Corr. London Grocer. Taken Cut of Bed. I remedv thus frankly. itespeottuuy yours. It. A. UUKX, M. JJ. Bescue Jubilee Tjioute. This popu Inr hnnlfi orrrnniyjif ion trill mvo Ji mnc. ouerade ball at tho skatinc rink on r. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, Sow Thaukscivine eve. the 29th inst.. beine York. : Sir I have to thank you tho fifth annual entertainment of the j for the great relief received fami 3Tour jontu J-iie pleasant cuaracter ot pre- 'Favorite Prescription." JVly sick 22" Si2r "e ncss had lasted seven years, one of li.UUI3 UUU IUU OUUXUlUUUUcUl UllUUIUl- ... . ... .... . 1 W nttpndprl thorn, is inclirvifirA of ilinlWlllCh 1 Wa3 in UeU. Atter taKingl .rv. f1ri honcAxrorlr in A small ball to be given by the troupe on the one uottle I was able to be about tho j private family: no children. Address REMOVAL. The Astoria Passenger Line Dean and Professor of Surgery, United vmLL AFTER THIS DATE HAVE ITS States Medical College of Kew York; Y headquarters at its Staoles next to 15. r, ,.v .1 t .i tt a i l-1 RTAVofflee. First-class Liverv service. Carts uimBe..if: horse furnished, for one dollar ner u "jk" v-.v., noun carriages on application etc.. etc. Girl Wanted. Tim ictnrl. Pdccaimup T .Inn TfnMre will leave for Upper Astona from the stables. Horses taKen to uoaru. MRS.T.O'I!RIEN. forts of a home, Apply to Terms reasonable. JI1W.E.C.HOLDEN. Cor. Main and Jefferson Sts. DAIRY FARMJFOR SALE. 954 ACRES ON CLATSOP PLAINS KNOWN AS THE P. G EARIIAUT FAIlJl together with thirty cows, seventeen head of young cattle, one horse, one wagon and other farmlmr implements. This is a rare cnance tor anyone to secure a gootl dairy or stock iarm. For particulars Inquire of d-wtf J. W. GEARILVRT Men's, Youth's, and Boys ! ! Winter Clothing ! For Rent. rciHE STORE LATELY OCCUPIED Bl A. i M. Johnson & Co. Apply at the store of Trael Ilros.. or to C. S. uundeksu.v Of &-ery ascription Just opened at the Occident Store Styles !o Suit all ! Quality to Suit all ! Prices to Suit all ! D. A. McINTOSH, Th.e Leading iSth inst. JFurther particulars will bo house. given in uue season. Respectfully, Amanda ICEk nis, Pulton, Slich. Astorian office. Fine Ircss Goods. Food Fishes. It is now a matter of fact that there are in tho Columbia be side the lordly salmon a number of other food fishes, any one of which would make the reputation of a river as a depot for supply. It is considered certain that in hin;in v to uuitu iiu i.ia4 w ot av& may also be added to the list. They have been on the coast but two years, yet al ready some fine, specimens have been causnt at Monterey and elsewhere. Should a few specimens of that fish be placed in the river and let alone, they would doubtless add to tho already large number of different hsh f in a few years, will make Bet Custom Work, Coots and Sbocn, mr T nTJ Trt C iTTT JL 40 acre tract in S. Stevens U. C. Can be had at I. J. Arvold's, next to laTs inmdre at office oI.uBaynu City Book Store. Ladles and gentlemen Hall ; or on the premises of 0. 1). Young. FOR SALE. FROM 5 ACRES TO W. corner of Chas. Title perfect. For particu- monu, uty A splendid line ofladles dress goods is "l,e A0L" being displayed at the Empirestore. shoes and lowest prices. Perfect fit ...... ......v Astoria, Nov. 3d, 1883. Notice. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE undersigned has been appointed the as shniec of the Ann of A. M.Johnson and Co. nmi nil npKniN h.ivinir claims acamst said firm are notified to present the same duly verified to me at my office In Astoria. Ore gon, within three months from this date, ucioDer liiii, jooo. d-6w A. W. BERRY, CLOTHIER, MERCHANT TAILOR, AND HATTER. For Sale. FIVE HUNDRED CORDS DRY IIEM lock Wood, which I will deliver at the imiuv of customers for S4 a cord. Draylnz or all kinds done at reasonable rates. iw iaiuu Hosiery, Hosiery, Hosicr3' I The latest novelties m ladies and B. F. Slevoiis & Co Are offerini: extra inducenients to any one in need or a 1'iano, or urgan. Corsets and Uudcnrcar. All the latest makes and styles of cor sets and ladies underwear at I'raei Bros.' Empire store. I'ftC mininltt'rt Couch UaKam t " 1 C...n4- Cnrlnmi XTn writes: "My mother has had bronchial and pulmonary affection for forty years the finest fish river on the continent . nl. . , , . . t. I UUU IIIUI11U1I.11 .lUttlU'll lui 11".' JIU1 i already ;o ci, at,a comfort, at Trank l- abre s, antl n tIiafc t iuie iias tried almost every tV,o finmbK al nis 0,a stami ig but never foun(l anytlnnB to give the Columbia . j li(?f DimmHt-s Cough Balsam Tor The 33asqHcrntIr. Masquerade suits rented at reasonable rates in largest vanetv by " M. D. Kant. Wliexx You Conic to Astoria and want a nice nan roast, go to Frank i Fabre s, at Ins old stand. has." At W. E. Dement & Co.'s. Frnulc FaTrc?.s Ilotci. Vranlr Knlire has the finest accommo- A Jnicr Bccrtcalx dnf inns for lodgers to be found in as- cooked to perfection is what you can toria, over Ins restaurant in Jvinseys get at Frank Fabre's. building. Everything is neat and clean and the beds are new, sou ana comion .For a Neat Fltlinir Boot able. If you wancgoou ooaru aim mug OrShoe, go to P. J. Goodmans, on Che- '"K u t"-L1,w"v """' namus.strcet, next door to i. w. case. I'sc DliMHiltt's Ceash BalMta. W. W. Batterton. Columbia, Mo., says : ' "I cannot say too much for Dimmitt's rvtiirrii ltnisnm. tor it aiwavs cures mv rnildren of croun andmvself.and family of coughs and colds." At Y. E. De ment & Co.'s. Foi DvsneDsiaandLiver Complaint vou have a nrinted guarantee on every bottle of Shlloh's Vitalizer. It never fails to cure. Sold by W. is. Dement. Furnished or unfurnished front teed quality. A full stock: new goods at the Astoria Oyster depot; a stew, rooms at Mr. Campbell's, oTertheGem constantly nmving uusiom worn. i xry, pan ru.oi, ui m j- u. mhu. jjpBjp-t a Cold Day when the Boss Gets Left ! He still takes the lead iu FINE CLOTHING AND Merchant Tailoring A fair, square deal to all who . buy their - FALL CLOTHING OF The Boss Merchant Tailor and Clothier. it I -g 11 W - ' Ed. D. Curtis & Co. Carrt Upolstery UNSURPASSED IN STYLE AND FINISH. NEW FURNITURE, A COMPLETE STOCK. S. B. CROW, PHOTOGRAPHER, Corner Benton and Squemoqua 8 treats. East of the Court House. Aster I a, .-fx