O J!fce gailtj Qstsxtetn. ASTOBIA, OREGON: SATURDAY. ...MAT 26, 18S3 Truly Tluurirf al. The exposure of another de faulting bank official, "who was an active church and Sunday sohool worker," will revive all the old gibes on the inexpediency of "mingling piety and business, and will furnish the philosophers of the Ingersoll school 'with a fresh text for energetic observations poatie weakness and speedy failure kof Christianity.' Hasty generalization of this kind is al ways abundant, but the fact in .this case, asm-all similar cases, is that it was a loud-mouthed pre-r-tender and not a true Christian who has proved to be a rascal. A few years ago there were several exposures of this kind in New England which followed one an. other with st&rtlinff rapidity. In & thriving city of that region there dwells an eminent and jovial churchman and a bank president who is a Unitarian. The church man is fond of joking the president-on his general lack of relig ious convictions. One merning: a particularly bad defalcation was announced, in which a particular ly pious cashier figured conspicu ously . The churchman met the president on the street and said "Brown, when I read the account of that dreadful affair in F this morning, I thought of my little deposit down there in your bank, and thanked God that you made no pretensions lo moral goodness." Pointers. The Montgomery Advertiser and 2ail state that within the past three months six lynchings have occurred in Alabama, result ing'in the death by violence of seven or eight men, without the sanction of law. TheAdvertiser calls a halt on this, sort of summary 'execution and denounces its further continuance as a disgrace to the state. The late professor Henry, of the Smithsonian Institute, is de scribed as having a peculiar sym pathy for intoxicated men, al though he was a strictly abstemi 'I'Ottsman himself. It is related that one of the old regulars ap plied at his office for a half dollar. --'The clerk acquainted Mr. H enry with the fact and was directed to give the man the sum he asked. "But, sir, he is drunk," replied the clerk. "Then give him a dollar," aid the -Professor. The English have a peculiar way to enforce protection. It is well known that American cattle caa "be landed in England and sold at a much lower price than the Euglishman cares to take for his. Hence the American compe tion is one that is desirable to get rid of. It would not do for a noment to place a tariff on the American cow. So it is propoced to ret the tariff on it in a different xad more effective way. Bismarck having shown the English how to get rid of the American hog, Johnny Bull, acting upon the sug gestion, now proposes to prohibit the landing of American cattle be cause of the "terrible foot and mouth disease" prevailing among the same! The New York Sun's London e&blsgram says: "The general feeling seems to be that secret so cieties in Ireland have received their death blow through the suc cess of the crown in prosecuting tooTOpifacy cases. The entire pre of Ireland concurs in its ap Iroral of the result and express Vingnhehope that Irishmen will hereafter Toe deterred from the in- saee and criminal folly of joining wich organizations. They join . -witfcoat any idea of their purpose, and in every instance the moving 4?sttrits have been among the first to Detrav their dunes. The con victions have produced a profound feasatioa and there seems to be a revolution of feeling with regard to the trials and their significance. The adherents of Parnell are con s' J Meat that a more wholesome tone will be manifest in the public mind aad a greater disposition to abide bytJbe principles of the Irish f J 2ariWtary; parry." It has been discovered that -Geerre Waatungtou is indebted to theo6Tntry of which he is al leged to be the father in the sura of $181,319. This news will be received with exceeding great joy fioiak who cite the alleged iiiTtifinrr if oikers in pallia- of tketr owa delinquencies. Temferance cannot bo ad vanced by blending it with poli tics. The underlying reason for this may be that the reform strikes at a habit from which no power outside of the individual can bo held responsible. Primarily, the question of drinking is settled within the province of privato judgment, and external politics cannot enter there except by in fringing on n domain where its presence exoites enmity and re sentment. When u community attempts to control individual choices through the suffrage those advocating this procedure are sure in all large communities to find themselves in a small minority The formal opening of the great bridge between New York and Brooklyn, took place last Thurs day. Nothing was wanting that could lend impressiveness or in sure success. It is the grandest work of engineering on the conti nent, will be used by 40,000,000 people annually, was thirteen years buirding, and cost $15,500,000. Gkxekal McClellax, the hero of Autietam, has been wasting ad vice on the Texan air. He tells the Democracy they should -"come out squarely for a tariff for reve nue only." He will be remem bered as the man who was beaten for president nearly a fifth of a century ago. NEW TO-DAY Net Lost. OX THE NIGHT OF MONDAY. THE 21bt Inst., oir Sand Island, about .10 or 00 fathoms 4S mesh net ; corks marked H. O. P. A. P. Co. Aqone leaUng infuimation lead ing ro the recoveiy of same at the ofllce of the Point Adams 1'kg Co., Upper Astoria, Mill he suitably reuanlea. JO-3t EXCURSION! Will lo.no Graj'.s Dock, Saturday, May 27, 1883. 10 A.M. For Fort Canl.v, a"l Hwaco. Fare for the Round Trip, - - Sl.OO J. II. D. CRAY, Agent, Girl Wanted TO DO nOUSEWORK IN SMALL ly. Steadv work and good wages quire at this office. Notice. A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLDERS or the P. L. &B. Association will be held In Liberty Hall on Wednesday ecnlng, the 3Jth day of May. 1BS3. at 7 o'clock. WL. McE WAN, Secy. Astoria, May 25, lB83,-25-Ct Net Found. ON FORT STEVENS BEACH, ABOUT 40 fathoms ; corks marked W. Loser can bae It by paying expenses. Auplv to LAU1 KEiSCI.CKANE. 25-St FortStesens.Or. Attention Knights! MEMBERS 01 ASTORIA LODGE. NO. C, K. of 1. are hereby notified that the election of officers for the ensuing term will take place at the not convention, May So, 1883. A full attendance is desired. By order C, C. lw k W. L. ROBB. K. of R. aud S. To Contractors and Builders. Lime and Cement. Of best quality constantly on hand Sand Furnished on Short Notice J. H. D. GRAY. From the Boston Evening Journal, of May 5, '83 ONE OF THE LEADING FIRMS. OF that city Cobb. Bate $. A. Yerxa. speak ing of The Fishermen '.s Brand of Columbia Kier halinoii. .say Our sale of this brand alone. hae been oer fi.OOT doz, the present season. It is the finest fish tucked in I the 17. S..and is to-day worth .USO nor doz. at wholesale." Notice. milESUM OF $2.i. WILL BE PAH) BY JL the Astoria Longshoremen's Union for the recocry of the body of B. Enckhon, drow nod on the Republic spit csterday. P. HUGE. Pros. A. MALTMAN.Secj. Astoria, May 23d, 1S83. 4t SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LiVEK: Iioss of Appetite, Bowels costive, Pain in the Head, -with a dull sen sation in the back part, Pain under the Shoulder blade, fullness after eating', xnth. a disinclination to ex ertion of body or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirits, with a feel insr of navinc neglected some duty, "Weariness, Dirziness, Fluttering at the heart, Dots before the eyes, Yel low Skin, Headache generally over the right eye, Hestlessness, with fit ful dreams, iugrhly colored Urine, and CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'S PIXiXiS are esrerlally nilapted to such, cages, one loie er fects mch a cbanue or feelliis as to astonish the sufferer the body to Take oa Iflesli. thus tho vs tcm Is nourished, and br their Tonic Action on the llpesUve Orsrann, Itec ular Stools ero produced. Viice25ceuu. 3JWHnrravt.. IV. Y. J Quit Hate oa TVotsjcers chan&a to a Gloss? Biu.ce by a single application of thUDrs. It impnrlsonaturalcolor. Acts Instantaneous .y. Sold bjrDruortsts, or sent by express on receipt of.. .Sl.OO. OFFICE. 35 MtHTOAX ST., W. Y. ( Dr. TTrrS SIXTH. of TtlsablMaronctlloa and Wul d lUttlpU m U aalUd FUCK ob p jUU.. J HEADQUARTERS Foster's Emporium. Most Complete Stock In Astoria J ovelties of all Kinds rruitKlieth Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors Of Superior Brand. FOSTER'S CORNER, 0 E &N1MKJK -.'j Mb (z i'sacsHomu i3i soot BUTT'S PILLS LIBERTY HALL ! Friday, May 25, 1883, AXT Saturday, May 26, 1883. RAYH0ND HOLIffES, (Late Eastcrbrook In Esmeralda Co.) Supported by a powerful company of talented ladles and gentlemen In tho Musical Burlesque Comedy ft whims: Whims Is similar to Pop. Hobbles Photo's and the Yokes. "Oh, but she Is a daisy.' It Is chuck full of laughter and lots of fine sinking. "The door was open and the wind blew it In." This Is not a melodrama; it Is not a farce, but a conglomeiatlon of pleasure, and will warrant you say so after you have seen Some of the company you are ac quainted with, as tkey visited your city with the Esmeralda Company. The others are all first class artists. Reserved seats can be secured without extra charge at Strauss' New York Novelty Store. All under the management of .1. H. LOVE. Skating, Bicycling. BY REQUEST OF MANY CITIZENS .M K. Wm. warren, the amateur Biccllt, iw sisted by Mr. Oscar Wilson 1 as leased the Occidental Ilall lor Fridav andbatuidj) e filings, May 25th and 26th, Admission free, bkatlng for gents 25 cents. Music will be had if it can be obtained. 2?td Fifty Dollars Reward. BEAVER LODGE NO. 35, 1. 0. 0. F.. WILL pay a reward of fifty dollars for the re covery of the body of Walter Fohl, who was drowned on Columbia bar on the morning of the 2lst Inst. For Sale. LOT 7, BLOCK S9 ; LOT 1. BLOCK 103 ; lot 8, blk 103: lot 6. blk 120: lot C, blk 132 ; lot 4, blk 147 : lot 5. blk 84. Olnej 's. Lots 1 and 2 in blk 113, Shlvelv's. Also 150 acres directly back of Alderbrook at $150 per acre. Also 22u acres farm and timber land near John Da 's ri er at $10 per acre. CHAS. H. WILLIAMSON & CO., Real Estate and Commission Brokers. Notice. I II AVE THIS DAY BOUGHT THE 1N terestof J. A. McCrea In the bill board and posting business in the citj of Astoria. Astoria, May 22, 83. -lw k L. E. SELIO. Notice. A NY AND ALL PERSONS ARE FOR ix. bidden to trespass on Block No. S3, UI ney addition to Astoria, and any one found on said Block within my fence, without my consent, will be prosecuted to the full extent Of the law. J. II. D. GRAY. Musical. I HAVE THE AGENCY OF THE BEATTY Organs and Pianos, and will sell the same v ery low for cash, or on time with the proper security, reraons aesiriugto purcnase an organ for either church or family use will find it greatly to their Interest to call at my residence and ascertain prices. Five 5 ears guarantee giv en It desired. C.H.BAIN. . Ice Delivered to Order. FRANK FABRE IS PREPARED TO DELIVER THE BEST quality of Ice at 2Vi cents per pound. In quantities from ten pounds up. to Hotels. Saloons. Restaurants, or Families, leaving tu!r orders with him. Large quantities of Ice constantly on hand. tf Ice Creaia Frcali Every Day. City Auditor's Notice. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE City Assessment Roll of the City or As toria, in Clatsop county. Oregon, as returned by the City Assessor, for tne jear 1833,1s now on file hi the office of the Auditor and Clerk of said city, where it will remain open for inspection until the 1st day of June, 1&S3. All applications for corrections or revisions of the .same must be filed with the Auditor and Clerk, prior to said first day of June, 18S3. T. S. JEWETT. Auditor and Clerk. Astoria, May icth. 188X County Treasurer's Notice. THERE IS MONEY IN THE COUNTY Treasury to pay all County Orders pre sented prior to August 31, 1832. All such or ders will cease to draw interest after this date. CHAS. HEILBOKN. April 20, 18S.1. Treas. Clatsop Co. Sheriffs Sale. BY VIRTUE OF AN EXECUTION is sued out of the Hon. Circuit Court of tho State of Oregon, for Clatsop county, on the van uay or iuay, ires, ana to me airecieu on a decree for the foreclosure of certain niortcaxc llcru wherein the Astoria Packinc Company, plaintiff, recovered judgement an J decree of foreclosure against J.T. Bor chers, defendant, tor tho sum of six hundred dollars (fCOO.) with Interest thereon from the 12th day of October. 1SS2, at ten percent, per annum, together with costs and disburse ments taxed at $24.63, also for the costs and accruing costs and expenses. I ha e thLs 17th day of May. 1883. levied upon and sell at public auction on the 19th day of June, 1SSJ, at t! o'clock v. M. of said day, at tho Court house door, in Astoria. Clatsop county, Ore gon, for cash iti hand, at time of :ale. all right, title, interest, and estate of the said J. T. Borchersin and to a certain two story buIldimrsltuateduDontne north west cor ner of lot No. two in Block No. nine, in the town, now city, of Astoria as laid out and recorded by John McClure. In Clatsop coun ty, Oregon, together with all the Interest de fendant had in and to the west half of lot 2 in Block 9. on the 12th day of October, 1882. or any time thereafter. A.M.TWOMBLY. Sheriff. Astoria. Oregon, May 17, 18SS. FOR TILLAMOOK. The new Steamer fx:e2Xj:d. BABBAGK, Master. Will sail for TIIXAMOOK, Saturday, Hay 26th, at 6 A. M. FOR SAILING DATES AND PARTICU lars apply to J. G. HUSTLER, Mam street Wharf, Astoria : ALLEN c LEWIS, Portland ; J. L. bTOEY, Tillamoek. THE ASTORIA- STEAMtAUNDRY Is now ready for business. YOTJB PATEQNAGE. Is most respectfully solicited. ALL WORK DONE IN A SATISPAC tory manner at living rates. All reasonable repairs made free of charge. Garraeuts of all kinds will be repaired at fair prices, If so requested, Wm. MCCORMICK. W. E. DEMENT & CO. ASTORIA, - - - OREGON Carry in Stock, DRUGS, CHEMICALS, TOILET and FANCY ARTICLES. Prescriptions cartfolly Compounded HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS. PARKER HOUSE. H. B. PARKER. Prop.. ABTORIA, - - - OREGON. FIRST CLASS HOTEL. ALL MODERN IMPROVEMENTS. HOT A;TD COXl BATHS. Good Billiard Table, and First Class Sa loon stocked with Fine Liquors. sarFREE COACH TO THE HOCSE.-W THE OCCIDENT HOTEL First-class in every respect. M EGLER fc WRIGHT, Proprietor. Astoria, Oregon. IT is A FACT THAT JEFF'S CHOP HOUSE ox Concomly Street is the Best in Town. THAT He has Always on Hand FRESH Shoal Water Bay and East ern Oystors. THAT- "JEFF" IS THE BOSS CATERER. THAT lie km brea Froprlelor of the "Aurora Hotel" la Kaapptoa set rnj ears. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. ROSCOE'S FIRST CLASS Oyster Saloon, J CHENAMUS STREET, ASTORIA. milE UNDERSIGNED IS PLEASED TO JL announce to the public that be has op ened a FIRST CLASS Efttl-ng Eonse , And furnishes in first-class style OYSTERS, HOT COFFEE TEA, ETC AT THE Ladies' and Gent's Oyster Saloon, I CHENAMUS STREET. Please K've me a calL ROSCOE DIXON, Proprietor COSMOPOLITAN Chop House and Restaurant. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Meals US cents and upwards. A. I.EDO88E JL lu WIIiBBON, Proprietor. MAIN STREET. ASTOEI.i. CENTRAL HOTEL. CIIAS. WALUIAN. - Proprietor. I HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THIS TOP ular Hotel and can guarantee satisfaction Permanent and Transient Boarders The choicest brands of "Wine, Liquors, and Cigars, at the Bar. Opposite O. R. N. Dock, Astoria, Oregon ASTORIA SAIL LOFT. A. M. JOHNSON & CO., PROPR'S, HAVING CONSIDERABLY INCREASED our facilities for meeting the demand of Increase in boats this jear te would re spectfully call the attention of CANNERY MEN And all others needing .salLs, to this fact. Prices Same as Las! Year, WORK STILL BETTER. Drilling and Best Quality of Rope on Hand. Our Worlt lias Given Satisfaction for Eight Years, And shall be made to do so while we are in the business. G. A. STINS0N & CO., BLACKSMiTHING, At Cspt. itogers old stand, comer of Cass and Court Street. Ship and Cannery work. Horseshoeing. Wagons made and repaired. Good v.ork guaranteed. F0AED & STOKES, FX2TE GROCERIES -AND- PROVISIONS. ANCH0ES. E0PE AND CORDAGE. HARNESS AT SAH FRANCISCO PRICES. A Full Line of House Furnishing Goods. o AT THE O. R. &. X. DOCK. For Sale. LOTS, BLOCK 101; LOT 8. BLOCK 108; Lot 3, Blk 146; Lot 1. Blk SO; Lots 3&4, Blk 37 ; Lot 2. Blk 100 : Lot 8 Blk 131 ; Lot 3, Blk 134 ; Lots 5 & 6. Blk Hi'. Lot 7, Blk 147 ; Lots 5 & 6, Blk 151 ; McClures. 1Ots 7 & 8, Blk 80, and Lot 3. Blk 90. Blk 91, Shivelys, and part of Blk 6, Hustler & Aiken's add. And dlrers lots In other parts of the city, besides outside lands in Oregon and Washington Territory. Lease to sell or building to rentlngooi bualaeas location, tt BOZORTH& JOHNS. , BANKING ANDJNSliRANGE. BROKER, BAHKER A'I INSURANCE AGENT. ASTORIA, --- OREGON OFFICE HOUKS: FROM, 9 O'CLOCK A. M. UNTIL 3 O'CLOCK P. M. Hone Mutual taw Co., Or CALIFORNIA. J. F. llOUQHTOX Chas. R. Stort..., Geo. L. STOEr Projl.-lr.r iZLJZZsww.xry ...M..ASI- AV. ' U ( Capital paid up in U. h. goldj . coin s 2U0 000 isO I. "W. OASi:. Agent, J Chenaaius street. Astoria. Oregon. I 61,000,000 CAPITAL. LIVERPOOL AKD LOON AND GLOBE. NORTH BRITISH AND MEKCAN TILE OF LONDON AND . EDINBURGH. OLD CONNECTICUT OF HART FORD, AND COMMERCIAL OF CALIFORNIA FIRE INSURANCE COMPANIES Representing a capital of SC7.00O.O0O. A. VAN DUSEX. Aitent W2I. EDGAR, Dealer in Cigars, Tobacco and Cigarettes Meerschaum and Brier Pipes, GENUINE ENGLISH CUTLERY Revolvers and Cartridges. F1KST GrKAND i Clearance SALE! AT EMPIRE STOKE PRIOR TO STOCK TAKING. We offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in our line of Dress Goods, Silks, Velvets, Plushes, Cashmeres and Armures. Laces. Hosiery, Corsets, Cloaks, Dolmans, Etc., etc A FINE ASSOItTMENT OK FLANNEL COMFORTERS, Blankets, Etc. Stock Complete in Every Branch. Fraei Brothers. Notice of Co-partnership. THE UNDERSIGNED II AVE THIS DAY entered Into a partnership under the Arm name and style of Jordan & Bozorth for the transaction of a general crockery and glassnare business in Astoria. Oregon, and respectf ullv solicit the patronage of the pub lic. F.T..TOKDAN. SCOTT BOZORTH. ANNOUNCEMENT I We beg leave to announce that we , on or about June oth next, open a cotni leto stock of Croctery ant Glassware And all goods pertaining to that Hue at their NEW STORE, Cor. Ctamns I Generafe Sis, Parties contemplating purchasing any thing in tliat line will consult their own in terest by waiting till our goods arrh e. We pa cash for our goods and and will be able to sell as cheap as any house in Oregon Portland not excepted. JORDAN & BOZORTH. G ERMANIA BEER HALL AND BOTTLE BEER DEPOT. Chevimcs Stskrt. .Astobu. The Best of Lager 5 Cts. a Glass Orders for the CeleWei Columbia Brewery ''- B"s T. Left at this place will be promptly attend ed to. gyXo cheap San Francisco Beer sold at this place WM. BOCK, Proprietor. nature's remedy. Liver. Kidney, and Skin Diseases- Malaria, Dyspepsia, Biliousness. I Pains in the Sack and Loins, J Pimples and Blotches on the Skin, ! Whether Hereditary. Or Caused b Vcnkuts, or Excese, Can Only be Cured by the Use of Largest Sale and Most Satisfaction Of an Metlic.ne oa the Coast. 0 ,., . " . . .,,,, , . Sold by all Druggists and Medicine lieaiers $1.00 per EoJIIc 6, for $5.00. BITTERS ! Wilmerding & Co., San Francisco. Loeb & Co,, Agenis, Astoria, -ASK FOU- TFnion India Bubber Co's Pure Para Gum CRACK PROOF RUBBER BOOTS. UEWAKK OF IMITATIOS! !. sure the Boot? art' stamped CRACK PROOF on the heels, and hae the PURE GUM SPRINGS on the foot -and instep, which prevent their cracking or breaking. We ate now maKmc them with RUDDER AXD ASDESTOS Soles which will make tliemlast more than twice as long as any Hublx r boots made. FOli SALE BY ALL DEALERS. ALL KINDS KUBBEi: BELTING. PACK ING, HOSE. SPRINGS. CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES. Etc. COODYEAR RUBBER CO. K. 11. PEASE. Jr. i Agents. S. M. P.Ul'ON, f San Urancisco. GRAM CLEARANCE SALE! io make room for more Hardware aii Sliip ClMlery A. VAN DUSEN & GO. Will sell at cost their entire stock of HATS AND GAPS1 AX BOOTS AND SHOES. These goods must be disposed of as we are soou to receive another large lot of Hardware and Ship Chandlery And must have room to itoru it. I Drugs and Chemicals J iiJ.E.THOHAS) '"5 DRUGGIST AM V v? 'i Pharmacist. rrs AblUKlA.? AMnia .7.7 t, Ircscriptions carefirily compounded Daj or Night. Harliare aai Slip Cliailery. A. VAN DUSEN & CO.. onainiy Hardware and Ship Chandlery, Pure Oil, Bright Varnish, Binnacle Oil, Cotton Canvas, Hemp Sail Twine, Cotton Sail Twine. Lard Oil, Wrought Iron Spikes, Galvanized Cut Nails. Agricultural Implements, Sewing Machines, Faints and. OiI, Groceries, etc. . O. I? J&IEZZZ'EZ'FZt It KAX.FI& 13f Hay, Oats, Straw. Lime, Brick, Cement and Sand IVooil Delivered to Order. Draying, Teaming and Express Business. Horses ana Carriages for Hire, DEAXKRIX WINES, LIQUORS AND.CICARS. F1SHT CIiASX - t jglilllll 'oiTY.BOOI STORE. We hae to-day finished opening and putting in order the lnxme2ise Sto& f Goods Bought in ban Francisco by B. F. STEYENS. P. MOFF1T will be found behind the counter. His long established repu tation as a good and reliable salesman is all that need be said. You Wiil Find Prices Lower than the Lowest. B. F. STEVENS & CO. JIm JL iHLTCESOR TO JACKF5S & 5IOXTGOMEEY.) lAN'S PLU&1B1MG, GAS FITTING, AND CANNERY WORK Attended io Promptly on Reasonable Terms. CIIKAA.1ICS STREET, Xe-vt to C. J. Parker's Store. THE NEWMODET -JT2L - .- JL TUIiIi STOCK m nL. .tr.dea. vw xia, Tnn doors east of Occident Hotel. CHAS. HEILBORN, MAKUFACTURER OF FUBNITUR.E Sa BEDDIlSTG AND DEALER IN Carpets, Oil Cloth, Wall Paper, Mirrors, Window Shades, Lace Curtains, Picture Frames and Mouldings "WINDOW CORNICES AND CURTAIN POLES Complete in every branch. MARTIN OLSEN DEALER IN BSjy FUEJSTITURE S BEDDING. Corner Main and Nqueaioqna Streets. Astoria, Oresea. WINDOW SHADES AHD TRIMMINGS; WALL PAPER ETC A Complete Stock. PRICES AS CHEAP AS QUALITY WILL AFFORD. Ail- KZXDS OF rUITIT17RE KEPAIKEI AIO TARIMSOED. FOR LIVERPOOL DIRECT! British Iron B irquo "RYEYALE," 100A1. WILLIAMS, .... Master. millS FINE EaSEL Ma VTNG HER CAR- JL ko fuliv cnfrail will have QUICK DEM'ATCll. ami will he followed by the British Iron Barqne "ULL0CK," 100 Al. SALMON in cases will be taken in lots to suit slilppors, at reasonable rate". i"ov rates of l-'rclchfcand Insurance Apply to M EYER, WILSON & CO.. or to SII1SON, CHURCH & CO.. tf Portland. Oregon. SOLID GOLD J JLu W mj J-J Xb X , Scarf Pins, Chains, Watches, Of every description. Tlie finest stock of.Tewelri' in Astoria. E57A11 t;oods warrantedasreprcsented GUSTAV HANSEN, JEWELER. have you mm 'inesE:3833aiS!igaas33asass23a3Sd2aB:2SszMai OUR SPLENDID STOCK nt3Zi:nssisaa:aaseaz:si3za3ssascsuzG2Eia:i OF j CARPETS, j j UPHOLSTERY, j WALL PAPER, : AD Newest Styles in Fujruiturc? ED. D. CURTIS & CO. 01. W. Gallfck's Old Stand.) Have some elegant designs in the above mentioned goods which they will be pleased to show the public. Everything new and tasteful, RUDDOCK & LEVAKE, PRACTICAL PLUMBERS, ;as and iStoom Fitters. Have constantly on hand a general assort ment of goods in our line. Jobbing prompt ly attended to. Estimates given. N. B. Wa guarantse our work. Shop seaily oppwIUO. 2. & N. Co's doek. &$ &$.&&.& jr 9 DEALER IK Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. A General Assortment of HOUSEHOLD GOODS. Agents for Magee Stores and JJanges The Best In the market. 1'iurablng goods of all kinds on hand. Job work done In a workmanlike manner. 1 ItANGE CAN BE HAD TN AS TORIA ONLY Of B, R. HAWBt, AGENT CALL AND EXAMINE IT, YOU WILL BE PLEASED. K. K. HAWES U also agent fop the And other first-class stoves. Furnaco Work, Steam Tit rinEs. oto. a. peclalty. ALWAYS ON HAND. ASTORIA, OREGON. V-VUJO J. H. JL. GRAY, Wholesale and retail dealer la. GROCERIES, FLOUR, AND FEED, Hay, Oats, Straw, Wood, Etc. LIME, SAND, AND CEMENT. Geaeral storage and Wharfage on reason able 'terms, i oot of Benton street. Astoria Oregon. Plumbing. and Gas Fitting. tO U YEA BROS. j Plumbers, Gas, and Steam Fitters. JoLbiug Promptly Attended to. A Full Supply of GAS FIXTURES, COCKS, STEAM FIT TINGS, ETC., ALWAYS ON HAND. Cannery, and Steamboat Work a Specialty. Chenamus street, opposite Dement'sDrus Store, Astoria, Oregon. Leinenweber & Co., C. LK1XKXWEBEE. H, BBOWX. ESTABUSHKD 1865. ASTORIA, OREGON, TAMERS AHD CDBBBKS, Manufacturers and Importers of A LL KINDS OF AND FINDINGS .Wholesale Dealers In OIL AND TALLOW. fiSrHigbest cash price paid for Hides and Tallow. Notice of Application to PHxehase Timber Iiands. LAND OFFICE AT VANCOUVER, W.T.. April 9th, 1833. Notice Is hereby given that In compliance with the provisions of tho Act of Congress approved Juno 3, 1878, entitled "An act for the sale of limber Lands in the States of California, Oregon, Nevada, and in Wash- I county, Wash. ler. has this day filed in this ofllce his application to purchase the North. I East Hot Section 20, Township 10 North of nange9West,ofthe Willamette Meridian. Testimony in the above case will be taken eeiore tne uierK et tne District court, at Oysterville, Wash. Ter., on Monday, the 18th day of June. 1883. Any and all persons having adverse claims to the above described lands, or any portion thereof, are hereby required to file their claims In this office within sixty (60) days from date hereof. FB1D. W. SPAELING, da 60ds Foster. - .'fV 1 -4. .--! 1J!. i-yj Lti- -t ttt !. .Jt-V. ,-j. v j H