". . , v! f. " X !.hu Sails Stetovian. AhTORIA, OltEGOX: -- ' XOYEJIBE1117, lS-IIl F1UDAT... rSSUHD EVERY MORNING. 'Monday EsccptoJ). J. F. HALLOBAN & COMPANY, ri:nLi?nni:s ajci riroi'itinroiis. Ajifitrtan Building, Cass tftred. Terms 0 Subscription : ervod by Carrior, rer w eok ....... j Cents j r.t by mail, four months........ .....S-1 00 cnt by mail, ono year.....-.................. iv froo of PoKttiEo to Subscribers. -Advertisements msertod by the year at ne rate cf SI 50 per square per month. Transient advortisinK. by the day or woefc, fty cents ror square for each insertion. The Astoria meets this evening. Literarv Societv yi Wheat is worth eighty cents a bushel at Salem and one dollar afloat at Astoria. Salem boys Hinder 20, found on the streets aftdr nine i m., are locked up in the city jail. The board of pilot commissioners meet in Portland to-day. Oapt. Gray went up yesterday. E. C. H olden advertises a lot of miscellaneous articles for sale at auc tion to-morrow morning. Oats will be shipped next heek from a farm near Albany through to the N. P. II. IX. front without break ing bulk. Lieut Schwatka lectures on "Ninirod in the iNorth," next Tues day in the Congregational church at Portland. The lifty-iirst annivcrsaiy of the birth of James A. GarGeld will be celebrated next Sunday evening in Portland. Portland is fast extending her street car facilities. Desirable routes arc eagerhy sought after by various companies. Capt. J. E. Denn' arrived down 3'esterday afternoon, lie take3 imme diate charge of the tug Pioneer, vice Capt. Pease. Rev. V. T. Chapman will hold divine service at the upper Astoria schoolhouse at half past three next Sunday afternoon. If you have any books, docu ments, or papers, etc., that you want bound, durable, and cheap, bring them to The Astokiax oflice and yon will be accommodated. - Chief of Police Lappeus, of Port land, who is on tho incoming steamer, brings with him Alfred Anderson and Bertha Nelson, who arc accused of murdering the latter's husband a few weeks ago. The Statesman says that arrange ments are being perfected by the post office department officials'for bringing tho mail for Walla Walla, and Wash ington territory in general, by the way of tho Northern Pacific. Tho indefatigable partners Schg it McCrea, the champion dead-wall decorators of the northwest,aro illumi nating the thoroughfares with gor geous pictorial delineations of clowns, harlequins and columbines. urn. an mmrae. vino was recently convicted of an attempt to murder his wife, was last Wednesday sentenced to ten years iu the peniten tiary. His friends quoted Pinafore and said "Damme, 'tis too bad.'' Tho Klickitat Sentinel editor has seen a potato that actually weighed three pounds. (Slow music). It the Sentinel states that "it was a blue mechanic." We've heard of Mcshannocks, but probably this is a new variety. Commissioner McFarland, in a recent decision, declares that when a person has failed to make entry to a tract of land through being misin formed of his rights by local oflicers, whon otherwise entitled to make entry, he will be protected by the department and lose nothing, unless required to do so by the actual demands of the law. We see by tho Portland papers that an individual named John Kine irho was in somo way implicated with another individual who shot a police officer in an attempt to steal some cigars from a saloon, was sentenced to a term of seven years in the peniten tiary for not getting away with the cigars? John evidently made a mis take. Had he come down to Astoria, deserted his wife and committed bigamy he could have got off before tho same judge, by paying a fine of $300, all same Lawrence. Heading Matter. Those long winter evenings you need reading matter, and now that, the close of tho year is coming on don't forget that at Carl Adler's you can subscribe for any periodical newspaper or maga zine published in the Lnited States or Europe, Harper's. Frank Leslie's, etc, at publishers prices. . New goods arriving at Carl Adler's finer and in greater variety than ever before seen here. Do you know who is going to be married ? Because if you do, and in tend baying a wedding present, Carl Adlercan suit yonr taste. A look at his elegant stock will convince you. Cards of every color, designs and styles wedding cards, new years, Caristwas. birthday cards, new designs a4 maeqwulea variety, at can Acuers. Convict Labor. Goldsmith A: Lowenbcnr, wholesale! stove and tin dealers and manufactur- ers in this city, signed a contract with j the jrovcrnor and Minerinteiufctit of , the penitentiary, on Mond.13', for the . ' labor of convicts for the term of ten ; years, at forty cents per dav of ten hours. Tho state reserves the riht i to use as many inmates as are neces- sary to keep up the work about the j institution or do any other work that j Itlay ue "ceded. There are 132 pris- j oners now, and about 1-10 will be ( turned over ;o the contractors, who I will at once begin the construction of a -,... tnnnArv nmi ,vi1M1 ini0tP,i j, ...... .. . ...,,. .... they will transfer that portion of their business from Portland to the prison. Sinwhiril. The northern Pacific. 1 The track of the Northern Pacific was laid yesterday to the second cross ing of Clark's fork. 312 miles from Wallula junction and four miles be yond Belknap. Crossing will be made on false work by Saturday night. Tho advance force of graders are at the 325th mile, and the r:j."th mile will be completed about December 1st. Con tractor Dunn, working west from Missoula, is pushing west w ith vigor. Mud and snow interfere somewhat with operations on Clark's fork, but in the course of a month tho roughest places will have been passed and then the gap between the front and Mis soula will bo rapidly closed. -Urrwtii-iaii, J Gilt. Cape Hancock Record. Capk Hancock, Nov. HI 9 a. m Clear weather; bar moderate; wind easterly, fresh. Steamer Ona crossed out at 0 a. X. ; English ship oil" the bar, bound in; two steamers off the westward, also pilot schooner; Fanny ) Dutard in tho bay, expected to go out to-day. The Home Dramatic Socict3 arc making extensive effort to worthily produce their entertainment next Tuesday. Reserved seats are for sale at .1. E. Thomas' store. There is a raport from Shoalwater ' Bay that two young men Win. Par ker, brother of the captain of Gen. Canby, and Joe Jarvis, of llwaco started from Hcnniss' place, iu a fish ing boat, for Naselle. The boat has been picked up near the head of the bay, bottom up, on the 12th, and it is presumed that the men are lost. Tho Norwegian ship Pendragon, Morrish master, arrived in yesterday, eighty-six days from Sydney, with 900 tons of coal aboard, of which 500 is for Astoria. Tho Cumbrian, Co lumbia, and North Bend crossed out; the Penshaw has cleared; tho Helicon went up yesterday morning; the Josie Troop goes up to-day; the Wakefield will be down the bottom of the river permitting this afternoon. Tho company engaged in the con struction of the militar' telegraph line between here and Cape Hancock, have finished the land line to Fort Stevens; tho Washington Territory side next re ceives attention; the line is to be built from Chinook point westward, follow ing tho course of the bay, after which, the cable will bo laid, and Cape Han cock will bo in communication with all the world and the rest of man kind. Messi-3. Wadhams Elliott, of Portland, are building a steam saw mill on the Chehalis river, one-half milo west of Chehalis station. The main building will be 30x150 feet, containing one double circular saw of 54 inches diameter, a patent gang with stationary and six movable saws, planer, etc. Two tubular boilers, with 70 horse-power engines. Tho mill when completed w ill cost 20,000. The company have at present in the Xewaukum river over 1 ,500,000 feet of logs ready for driving when the fall min sets in. A L.1WY WANTS TO KMMV the latest Parisian style of dress and bonnet; a new way to arrange the hair. Millions are expended for artiGcial appliances which only mako conspicu ous the fact that emaciation, nervous debility, and female weakness exist. Dr. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription" is sold under a positive guarantee. If used as directed, W can bo dispensed with. It will overcome those diseases peculiar to females. By druggists. A girl wanted to go in the country and do housework. Inquire at Mrs. Malcolm's The ladies of the M. E. church will hold their Fair at Liberty Hall, Thurs day and Friday evenings, Xov. 2&1, and 24th. They will have a variety of tal leaux, each evening, together with re freshments of coffee, chocolate, and fresh oysters. The ladies will spare no pains to make it a grand success and to have it a pleasant time. All arc invited. Admission at the door, ten cents. A very complete assortment of blank books, all sizes, styles and prices at the City book store. Prof. J. F. Meyer wishes to inform the public and his pupils that he is now settled and intends remaining here. He is prepared to give music and also French lessons. Scholars practicing will find every convenience for study and impiovement, at his residence. His experience renders this an opportunity which it is worth while to any one to embrace. Shoalwater baj eysters: fresh every day. at Frank Fabrc's. Have you tried a stew or pan roast as Frank Fabre cooks it.' Order one and you'll thank us for the advice. "Wilhoit mineral water, fresh and sparkling, at F. IJ. Elbcrson's. Best couch eandvat Oerkwitz's on- j posite teu tower. logic from "Long Tom." Aroi:i, Nov. !.", JBS2. Et. A-jtokian: Your article this inornin;; was well nut. in answor to the article iu yester- day's Urcgonian, relating to the lAs- toria Baryc.' In fact, you have drawn the matter miidry. Let us eee how it was with the Astoria and I'atrician, both of whom have just now cleared, The Patrician took on 1,090 tons of wheat at Portland and 870 short tons ! were lightered down t-v her and put j in at Astoria. Let us see, then, what it cost her to go to Portland and get her load, and how much it would have cost her to have accepted the Astoria errors and indiscretions of youth, nerv m 1 i- . w Q:,;. ,. ous weakness, early deeay. los of man- Transportation company s proposition j hoo et( j wi se-ml a 1;.c- . .ha. wi1 in liav I11T ln.-ided at Asteria: and 1 how much her owners would have saved if she had loaded at Astoria. I do nt wish to compromise the captain j by giving these figures; they are not obtained from the captain, but suffi cintly near right to show that we are right in saying that vessels can load at Astoria cheaper than they cm by going to Portland. Now, here is tho estimate of the Patrician's expenses iu going to Pertland: Towaire ui and down -S."s) 00 Pilotage, Miy Lighterage. K70 tons at $l.i." Three days time to ship going up and hack .n; 00 1.0S7 ."o :wo 00 Total SOff; "'0 There are other little matters of ex pense we will not reckon in dollars and cents, such as danger of collision, tearing the copper from ship's bot tom, etc., for we find that the vessel has alread3T incurred an expense to her owners of something over 1 per ton on total cargo, in going to Portland. Now what would it have cost her to load at Astoria? She would have paid out just C2i cents per ton on her full cargo of 1,900 short tons or $1,225. Subtract this from the S2, 063.50, and you will see 'that tho Patrician would have saved tho sum of 8838 if she had loaded entirely at Astoria. Now for that beautiful ship the Astoria, named after our enterprising j city. 1 have often thought tlsat the owners ot that vessel probably in tended to load that vessel the first trip at Astoria. T am quite certain that the second loading will bo made at Astoria, if in the Columbia river. The Astoria brought down from Portland in the vessel 970 .short tons and had lightered to Astoria 9S9 short tons wheat. In all her full cargo was 1,959 short tons. The folly of sending her to Portland to load can easily be seen without going into details, since it will not bo disputed that it cost that vessel more to bring to her the lightered cargo than tho Astoria Transportation company would have charged to bring the whole cargo of that vessel down from Portland and put it in the vessel at Astoria. The Astoria barge company have proven that in carrying grain and flour at G21 cents per ton they can mako 20 to 25 els. per ton clear profit if they have work to do, and will bring shipping to Astoria. Is not tho river free so that it can be allowed to do it Yours, Len: Tom. Indies! Splendid ltarxninK! Mrs. Malcolm is closimr out her stock of embroideries at cost. A fine lot of ladies eloaks. ulsters, and Juiglish walking jackets will also be sold at cost. No iK'tter bargains can he got anywhere. Special Xotice. The Home Dramatic Society, under the nupiccs ot Astoria Lodge No. 41), I. 0.(5. T.. wish to announce to the public of Astoria, and vicinity, that they will render the interesting drama, entitled "Ten Xights in a Bar Uoom."at Liberty llali, Nov. L'lst, 1882. Iv order of committee. Ladle. Mr. Lilt reliable manufacturer, will soon be here with elegant Cloaks at .".o pei cent, less than can be bought. Important Xotlce. A full line of artist's materials eon si stiii!? of tube colors. jable brushes nictme varnishes, canvas. &c &o. Ev erything an artist wants at A. 31. .JOHXSOX vi,o. Furnished or unfurnished rooms for rent; the finest in the city and in a most desirable location. Inquire at As Toni.vv oflice. For the genuine J. II. Cutter old Bourbon, and the best ol wines, liquors and San Franeisco beer, call at the Gem opposite the bell tower, and see Cami bell. We learn from A. M. Johnson & Co. that their pure ground Java Coffee is a pronounced success and is meeting with large sales. Fancy soaps and perfumery of all kinds can be found at J. W. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident hotel. The Peruvian syrup has cured thou sands who were suffering from dyspep; sia, debility, liver complaint, boils, hu mors, female complaints, etc. Pamph lets free to any address. Seth W.FowI &5on- 'ioston. Mr. John Rogers of the Central Mar kct, has made arrangements to keep al he finest fresh lish, etc., in their season Hallo! Where arc you going V Why to Frank Fabrc's for a pan roast. Shipper & Ilybke. No. 11, Oak street Portland, are the bon ton tailors of the metropolis. Every lady should senilis cents to Straw-bridge & Clothier, Philadelphia, and receive their Fashion Quarterly for t months. 1000 Engravings and 4 pages new music each issue. For sweet and tender elk meat, go to Uawling's fruit store, Main street. P. J. Goodman. on'Chenamus street. has just received the latest and most fashionable style of gents and ladies lKots. shoes, etc. Agent in Astoria for the famous Morrow shoes. Physicians' prescriptions carefully compounded day or night at J. w. Conn's drug store, opposite Occident Hotel. articc f the Lartic. ) . - , Switches mado from combings or rut hair: uevr switches made to order' from the best imported hair, in any! shade de-sired. Old switches repaired. All work warranted. Hates reasonable. Call or address UlILEXHAKT & SCIIOKN 1 Occident Hair dressing saloon, Asto ria, Oregon. Heartily Recommended. Don't condemn a rood tlitnc because yon have been deceived bv worthless nostruma. Parker's Ginger Tonic no cneri many in mis wniou 01 hbi v , nm lisnrdfrR. :mrl vn lVrmnnipnn it i hcaalily to such sufferers .-Air.,. -..- A CAIII. To all who arc suffering fiom the cure you i'Ufcb Vb IHAlUir. Thl great "remedy was discovered by a mis , sionary in South America. .Semla.-elf 1 addressed envelope to the Uev. .Jonkph , T. I.vmax. Station D, New York City. ' Various CauPK Advancing years, care, irkiif. di-. appointment, and hereditary predisposi tion all operate to turn the hair gray. J and either of them inclines it to .-lu-d : prematurely. Ayhks IIaii: Vicei: will restore faded or gray, light or red hair j to a rich brow 11 or deep black, as ma I be. desired. It softens and elcaiw- the scalp, giving it a healthy action. It re-' moves and cures dandnitV and humor. By its um! falling hair is checked, and a new growth will be produced in all ' cases where the follicles aie not de- strocd or the glands decayed. Its of-! reels aie beautifullv shown on lirala.' weak, or sickly hair, on which a few np-: plications- will produce the gloss and freshness of youth. Harmless and .-ure in its operation, it is incomparable as a . .loiix l l i.assk.v. dressing,and especially valued for the soft lustre and richness or tone it im-1 Catarrh cured, health anil sweet parts. It contains neither oil nor dye. j bieath .secured by Miiloh's Catarrh Rem and will not soil or color white cambric ; cdy. Price ."0 cent.-. Masai Injector free, yet it lasts long on the hair, and keeps it t For .sale by W. K. Dement. fresh and vigorous. Fei: Saw: bv ai.t. Di:ai.i:i: Great linn. Tne pure Java Coffee sold by A. M. Johnson & Co. ojiZj, is having tho hug-J est sale of any brand of prepared coffee ' ever brought to this market. ' Success. i The sale of byrup of Figs is simply immesns. Everyone is taking it, and all ' admit that it is the best medicine ever; used. Children cry for it on account of its pleasant taste, and grown people who have used it once never take anv-l thingel.se. Unlike other remedies for! biliousness and con.stipation it never loo.ses its power to act. ami it always leaves the organs on which it acts stronger than bctore. JJesidcs, one feels fresh and bright and realizes that it i Nature's own true laxative. V. K. De ment druggist, is agent for Astoria. Hodge Davis & Co- Wholesale Agents, Portland Oregon. Mothers should Know It Fretful babies cannot help disturb- j ing everybody, and mothers should know how soothing Parker's Ginger! Tonic is. It stops babies pains, makes them healthy, relieves their own anxi ety and is safe to use. Journal. i TO The PBblir. 1 take great pleasure in informing the traveling public that I have moved into my new hotel on Jefferson and Hamil ton streets, and will endeavor to keep as respectable a house and set as good a ta ble as any hotel in the northwest. 1 also lake this method of publicly thank ing the Hansen Bros., architects and contractois and builders of my hotel for the masterly and workmanlike man ner in which they did their work, and for upright and manly dealings with me in our business transactions. TiiKoneni: 15kok.mm:i:. CvMtorM! Oysters!! At Frank Fabrc's; iu every Fresh from the beds every day. st vie. Window NhatleM. lVall Paper. The finest assortment of wail paper and window shades ever brought to Astoria at M. Olsen's furniture store. Newest styles and lowest prices. A. 31. .TohHMon A. V.'. Only penuine Horax Miap. will do more washing than inie oar 1 mr other 1 soap in the market, and will do better and easier. Try it. it far I I an incurable lung diaeaeorconMimi- tion. IJrown's 1 Jronehial troches do not disorder the stomach like cough .syrups mill hftlsnins. hut ant tlirertlv on the in- ilsanis. but act direct! v on the in- I parts, allaying irritation, give in asthma, bronchitis, cou-hs, li, and the throat troubles which HiniPiI nnrts. allavincr irritation, "ive relief catarrh ....i....... ...... '. " " - "-; t singers ana puunc .speakers are suniecti to. oniony yean troches have been ears Brown's bronchial recommended by physicians, ami always give perfect satisfaction. Having been tested by' wide and constant use for nearly an en-1 tire generation, they have attained well merited rank among the few staple remedies of the age. Sold at 2." cents a oox everywhere. I Pink gums and mouth and daz.liug teeth 1 And breath of balm and lips of nM ; Are. not found in this world beneath With young or old. save only those Who ever wisely while they may, Use SOZODOXT by night and day. ; .Sleepless Nights, made mi.serablf j by that terrible cough. Shiloh's Cure is the remedy tor you. .oia by u tene ment That Hacking Cough can be o quickly cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee, it. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Vitalizer is what you need for Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diz ziness and ail symptoms ot uyspepsia. I'nce 10 and 7j cents per by W. E. Dement. bottle. Sold Will you suffer with Dispepsia and Liver Complaint V Shiloh's Vitalizer is guaranteed to cure you. Sold by W. E. Dement - Fresh Squash pies, mince pies, fruit caKc, etc.. at the beaside bakery All flip nntiMif tiit'dipini"; :iilvrtisiil ! in this paper, together with the choicest nerfumerv. and toilet articles, etc can be bought at the lowest prices, at J. W. ' Conns drug store, opposite ficcidon hrtcl. Astoria. Croup, Whooping Cough and Uron chitis immediately relieved by Shiloh's Curp. Sold by W. E. Dement. Shiloh's Cough and Consumption Cure is sold by us on guarantee. It cures consumption. Sold by W. E. De ment. Gkav hairs often causo annoyance, which Parker's Hair Balsam prevents by restoring the youthful color. For lamu Uack, Side or Chest use Shiloh's Porous Plaster, Price '23 cents. For sale by W. E. Dement. J. E. Thomas has opened his Phar macy, in Kinney's Building, and is now prepared to fill all prescriptions. He has a well assorted line of fresh Drugs and Chemicals, and a complete stock of Fancy and Toilet articles. Call and see his elegant store. Boston ice cream at Frank Pabre's. GR AND OPENING ! ! On Saturday. November 18,1 Tn Cloth. Clothinffl 15111(1 Til Til 1 R 1 1 n P O'flftf S o TJ,, (jonc "RnnfQ - - j r -7 land- Shoes, at now Store of m M. D. KANT, the nlii-k "R ro e Afmrli 1 11 f lllC DOSS lVL(3LCllcUll rri i -rni v Tai Q Qll I lRVe IS Dock, SOAP. Try our llorax .Soap made expressly for us and guaranteed of superior qual ity, ('mi lie used for any purpose, and will not injure the most delicate fabric. A tine toilet oap. A- M. Joii.v.sox & Co. To tun Public- I wi.h to inform the public that my establishment is the oxi.v ti.ack in Astoria tnat makes caudv; I make the finest fre.sh c.nid j every day, and this is more than anj one el.seean .say here, Patronize home manufacture. Elegant Second-Hand Furniture. Sliphtly ii-p1, Bed-Room Set, Kitchen Furniture, Handsomo Secretary, Carpets, etc.. Will be -.old to advantage at niate fnmiirc at this office. sale, iw A J3L THOMAS, DRUOIilST AND- PHARMACIST. Kiiinej'N r.iiiMintr. opposite I. K. Wancn's ASTORIA, OREGON. Drugs and Chemicals. A FIXE LINK OF HOMEOPATHIC REME0YS. Toi et and Fancy Articles. l rreMTiitu!is carefully couiimhuuIviI i at all hours. -ASK FOR Union India Rubljer Company's j km run Para (111111 Crack Proof RUBBER BOOTS. IJEWAKK OK IMITATIONS! h-tf si'IilXcs u the foot ami instep, j uhk-u prevent ihrircracKIuj: or breaking, j W are now making them with IiUBliFM A YD ASBESTOS Soles which will make .AM) ASiiKros snira winch will ma ' ,a?.' ,"0,rPBVian nuw:,s ,nI,as a '" f ' ";. ,,,,.,, ,: SAU- ,: ALL DhALhHS. !!''. l?t more than twice as Ismgas any all kinds ui'iti'.KU UELTIXG, l'ACK- l.NU, HOSE, SIMMXCS. CLOTH IXtt. DOOTS AXD SHOES, etc. GOODYtUR K17BRER CO. It. II. TEASE. Jr.. ..,. S. M. KUXYOX. J AS'tN San Lranct.sco. lm A. V. Allen, (St'CCKS-SOll TO CAKE it AM. EX.) Whiiic-sdennil reiail dealer In Groceries, Provision, GrQektry. Glass and Plated Ware, TKOHCAL AXD DOMESTIC! FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. Together with iWinLioKTokcolCiirars Barbour's No. 40 I2-Ply SALMON TWINE! CORK Mil LEAD LINES, SEINE TWINES- A Full Stock Now on Hand. HENRY DOYLE & CO., Sll Market Street, 8a Fraaelsc Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast. C. H. COOPER, GENERAL MERCHANDISE. TIHiE ;i THE LEADING Dry Goods Clothing House OF ASTORIA. mew and memm attjiacmn i Every Department Pitied i$ Overflowiagt DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. In this department will be found the Latest Styles with Trimmings to match, cotnprisiii"; recent importations of new and decided novelties, NOT OBTAINABLE ELSEWHERE. Among the many colors in our extensive line of fall materials may be mentioned Terra Cotta. Hussar. Jumbo. Plum. Garnet. 31yrtle, DOMESTIC BEPARTMBiXT -tJOMPLETE LINE OF Blankets, Flannels, Comforters; Bed Spreads. Sheetings, Napkins. Table Linen, Towels, Etc., Etc. Hosiery and Underwear Department. We are showing complete lines iu Ladies and Children's Hosiery f Underwear CLOAK DEPARTMENT. In our Clo.ik room will be found Pompadours, Circulars, Ulsters, Dolmans, Jackets, Wraps, etc. While directing attention to this department we feel confident in asserting that our styles are not only the newest, but our prices are cxccedinglj moderate. II !i (KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS BUILDING.) Astouia, November 3, 1SS2. FALL IMPORTATIONS ! -AT We are receiving by every .steamer new additions to our stock of Dry Goods. Notions, Ladies' and Children's Shoes, Suitable for the season. Flannels Waierpo 0 fa, Hosiery? Bteskeis, Ete. Our stock of Dress Goods, Silks, Satins, Velvets, Plushes, etc., show a large variety. Also an elegant line or Ladies' and Children's CLOAKS, ULSTERS, RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, WALKING JACKETS, DOLMANS, ETC. Our tables are covered with the nicest selection of Fichus, Ties, Collarettes and Fancy Goods too numerous to mention. OXXR. MOTTO; QUICK SALES AND SMALL PH0FIT9. AV' SI inly lIva.e. IdgTSampIes sent free to any address on application. Agents for the celebrated Springfield Sewing ac? Machine. D. A. McINTOSH, TAILOR AND CLOTHIER, OCCIDENT BLOCK. - - - ASTORIA. OREGON. AM. KIM) Ol Men's Furnishing Goods, White i Scarlet Underwear, all wool. Fine Selection of Neck-wear, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. C LOT H I N G I Overcoats, Ulsters, Business Suits, The largest ami inot complete toefc r CLOTHS. WORSTEDS. CASSIMERES. ETC.. ETC. ?irSuits inaU' to onlerat !wrt notice. Ke.t Workmanship and fit guaranteed.-Wi For Sale. QAU ACHES TTMBEIt JJlSD in T. a X, OUO It. 7 West. Title good ; price rea sonable ; terms casn. J. O. BOZORTir, Keal Estate Ageu IIXIL Cadet Blue, Bronze, Wine, Seal, Navy, Brique. OOFI1I TDE- PRAEL BROTHERS. Ifcxt Ioor to Pytkiam Hall. THIS PAPER may be found on file at Geo. I. Rounxi. & Co's Krw.spaptT Advertising sing Bar Bureau (10 Sprue S:rcft),vherc nil cr tUIngeontracUway he mado for It In NEWYORK. f ikj -.V -4.' -;S: